Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Knight Solaire
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Knight Solaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Solar Winds

A Sci-Fi Nation Roleplay

Welcome to my interest check, I hope this RP sounds interesting to some of you.
Discord: discord.gg/3sU2FUk9


Solar Winds is a sci-fi nation roleplay set in Andaluzia, an old double ring galaxy. This roleplay will attempt to adhere to science and realism whenever possible while remaining “playable” to the nations and characters. I have devised a number of interesting mechanics that should aid in protecting the realism while not taking away from the enjoyment of the RP experience. As a GM I will not be playing a nation, instead I will be shaping the background atmosphere, controlling NPC’s and other matters outside of players control. Space is volatile, confusing, and unforgiving so expect the conditions you meet in Andaluzia to be the same.

- Be courteous, no insults, slurs, assholdry or over-edginess. I will ban you
- Communicate in the discord, I would implore you to discuss plot lines and other story devices amongst yourselves
- No god-modding, be balanced, be fun to fight, be fun to interact with. I will balance you and your nation if I feel like it is too much
- No magic, Psyonics, tech-psyonics or other fantasy. Nothing against it, I love the fantasy, just not what I was thinking about with this RP.

- Keep up with your posts

o 1.5 weeks without a post, I will give you a slight reminder
o 3.0 weeks without a post , I will move the plot/battle along
o 1.0 month without a post, your nation will be liquidated and under NPC control

- Stay based in science and realism. Im no astrophysicist and I am no expert on the science, but I would expect nation tech, weapons, travel, etc… to be somewhat plausible. I will accept scientific handwavium if it could be possible.

The Plot

The year is 239 of the 63rd millennium, space is no longer the final frontier and life flourishes amongst the stars. Thousands of Civilizations have come and gone through the galaxy of Andaluzia. Some civilizations naturally died out, failing the test of survival for their species. Others destroyed themselves, burning hot as stars for a moment before wiping themselves out.
Andaluzia has seen few exceptions to this rule, some civilizations have endured throughout the ages to permanently change Andaluzia for the better. The current inhabitants of Andaluzia have many legends for those who came before them, but one name is common amongst them all, The Solis Ecclesia.
The Solis Ecclesia started humbly, like most of the civilizations of Andaluzia. Growth was rapid and the civilization soon met other civilizations with similar goals. Some cooperated, some fought, others conspired against one another in the great game of survival. In the end however, one nation remained, the Solis Ecclesia. Having dominated the galaxy and not destroyed themselves in the process, the people of the Solis Ecclesia could grow without resistance. All manner of beings lived in harmony under the banner of the Ecclesia. Science flourished and it seemed that utopia could be reached as the power of galaxies could finally be harnessed.
The wild tides of the universe cannot be tamed however, and doom soon came to Andaluzia. Its sister galaxy Fomonka, on a collision course for millennia, finally collided with Andaluzia. Once prosperous worlds collided with stars and other worlds. Some unfortunate worlds were flung far from the warmth of their parent stars and died out, becoming cold rouge planets. Others had their surfaces ravaged by debris as chaos gripped the galaxy. This would be the death of the Solis Ecclesia, their people scattered and isolated, cut off from the power and stability that they once enjoyed. Time continued however and as Andaluzia healed, so did those who inhabit it.
In the current age, Andaluzia has formed itself into a double ring galaxy. The Inner ring, is made up of old ancient stars that are the orginal inhabitants of Andaluzia. Old and powerful civilizations make up this inner core. This inner core is isolated themselves however, as a great void exists between them and the civilizations of the outer ring. The outer rings is made up of newer stars and systems, thousands of younger civilizations call this great ring home.

This is where our story begins, a tale as old as the galaxy itself. Will these civilizations fizzle out slowly, burn away in a quick blaze or fury or stand the test of time to brave the dangers of an endless universe. The choice is up to them……or is it.


I want to try something different with this RP and incorporate a number a “gameplay” mechanics that ( in my opinion) will make player interaction a little smoother.

- Maps

o I want to incorporate the use of maps for things like battles, travel, etc….
o I have found that this helps balance FTL travel and battles while providing a physical representation for progress and distance.

o This will also help keep track of campaign/exploration progress

FTL Travel limits

o FTL travel will be timed

- Short jumps between. Solar systems and within your local area do not require a cool down post. Jumps under 1000 light years are considered short

- It takes a month of in game time for fast, regular and slow vessels to reach their maximum range.

- Players can make two back-to-back FTL travel posts, but must make a short FTL drive cooldown post after two jumps.

o I am adding three classifications of FTL travel, each with their own ranges and cooldown times.

- Slow FTL travel

• Vessels are classified as slow if they are old/relics or are overly heavy in terms of armament, cargo and/or armor. Slow vessels can jump up to a maximum of 10000 light years in one jump or 5000 light years split between two jumps with a short cooldown post in between

• Modern vessels and ships of normal weight, armament, cargo and armor are considered normal speed FTL. These vessels can jump up to 16000 Light years in one jump and 8000 split up into two jumps

• Vessels are classified as fast if they are dedicated recon ships. Smaller vessels like destroyers, corvettes, mine layers, etc. These. Vessels can travel up to 20000 light years in one jump and 10000 split between two jumps. Vessels. Capable of fast. FTL travel have the option of overcharging their drive to achieve 30000 light years in one jump, but must suffer a double cooldown penalty due to an overheated drive.

- Character death and Nation losses

o This is a RP of nations, not necessarily characters. If you continuously put your characters in harms way, expect them to be harmed.

o Characters will die as a result of battles, assassinations, accidents, etc.

o I will be keeping track of nation losses in battles, societal attrition, etc. This is to keep army and population sizes in check as well as the progress of military campaigns.

- Nation Size

o Nations will be classified into three sizes at the start of the RP

- Large nations, most likely civilizations that barely survived the merging of galaxies or were established shortly thereafter. Large nations control between 10 and 20 systems and can field moderately sized expeditionary forces without huge societal change. Energy and food production match population growth ( approx pop: 70,000,000,000 - 140,000,000,000 souls)

- Medium Nations, established sometime after the merging of galaxies. Control between 5-9 systems with the energy and food production to maintain population growth over time. Can field small expeditionary armies without huge societal change. ( approx. pop. 35,000,000,000 – 68,000,000,000 souls)

- Small Nations, young nations recently established. Small nations control between 1-4 systems. Can field small expeditionary raiding groups over relatively short distances. ( 7,000,000,000- 28,000,000,000)

[indent][indent][indent]o Nations can be split into a few different specialties:
• Balanced: Balanced energy and food production
o Pros: Unspecialized, energy and food production sustain normal population growth

• Agri-nation: More energy and food production
o Pros: Rapid population growth

o Cons: Overpopulation, pollution, low tech growth

• City State: High tech, slow populations growth
o Pros: High tech growth, high base tech, high energy

o Cons: Slow population growth, low food production

• Pirate haven: Lawless regions of space with a random assortment of tech, martial strength and societal growth
o Pros: Can have degraded high tech ships and weapons and societies

o Cons: Little to no population growth, food or energy production.

- Military Size, Strength and Composition

o Military size will depend on a few factors, such as culture, population size, tech level and energy production capability.

- Large nations cannot have more than 10% of their population in the military without loosing population growth, production and societal morale

- Medium nations cannot have more than 5% of their population in the military without loosing population growth, production and societal morale

- Small Nations cannot have more than 2% of their population in the military without loosing population growth, production and societal morale

o Nations have the choice of being militaristic

- Militaristic nations can have up to 40% of their total population in the military

- This would be the equivalent of having every able man, woman and child over the age of 16 in the military

- Militaristic nations slowly lose any culture they had, turning more towards a martial culture ( Think: The Imperium of Man)

- Militaristic nations suffer stagnation in tech growth, food and energy production.

- Population, Tech and production growth can only occur by conquest

- Creating your nation

o Players can make three choices in Andaluiza:

- There are slots for 5 large nations

• Large Nations must reside in the inner ring

- There are unlimited slots for small and medium nations

• Small and medium nations start within the outer ring

- Small and medium nations start with no knowledge of other nations, unless planned beforehand by those players

- Large nations have established diplomatic ties with one another, but no knowledge of smaller civilizations

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by DX3214
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DX3214 God-like Cyborg

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

You actualy used my map for the examples oh gods.

Edit: well actually a bad edit of mine.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

You know what, I'll throw my hat into this since I have two idea for it.

1. Extra dimensional, formerly immortal beings who lived in a timeless, abstract dimension of hypergeometry. When the two galaxies crashed into one another, it caused something to happen in their dimension, a disastrous breach into their dimension, possibly from some long lost secret research project of a lost empire, spread something entirely unnatural to them: time. After untold thousands of cycles, the breach only continues to grow and infect their dimension forcing them to enter into our dimension and the Andaluzia galaxy because of:

A) They are only a portion of their race desperately hoping to try and find a "cure" in this dimension to save their own
B) They are the last survivors of their dimension, forced to flee into this dimension or suffer a "true" death

2: A terrifying race of living weapons, their monstrous existence once justified by the massive wars they were made to fight in. Their names are infamous and feared as stories and myths of the carnage, terror and bloody destruction they caused as they consumed worlds in fire and gore. Once they were thought to have all died out, along side with whatever force originally created them and remembered only in legends and ancient history. But they have returned, nightmares made reality once more. However this time, something is off about them. They are still monstrous killing machines bread for a terror war, yet they don't act like it, or at least they try to. For whatever reason, this last group of living weapons is trying to find some kind of redemption, perhaps as an apology for what their kind once did, or maybe for their very existence.

Basically, imagine the first one being driven by desperation and panic. They're strong by their extra-dimensional nature but they're also very confused. One idea I had is that they have some ability in manipulating temporal flow, a hold over from their once timeless realm, but I honestly don't expect that to make the cut. The second is your typical forgotten living weapon with a society built entirely for war but they're trying to redeem or change their ways. Could be interest to see them fighting their very nature monster-within-style (dramatic I know) or what they would be like if they were forced into dipping back into the savagery that made their species so infamous to begin with because of some major conflict.

Edit: Will there be other or more specializations?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Knight Solaire
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Knight Solaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@ClocktowerEchos Sure, if you can come up with a specialty that I approve, im all game.

As for the nation ideas, I like the idea of #1 but minus the inter-dimensional timey-wimey stuff. Sorry, if that takes away from the nation. I support the idea of another existential crisis that you need to solve in normal space though. #2 sounds good if your nation wasn't trying to fight their nature. The idea of living weapons brings Tyranids to mind which would be so very cool to havee.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Online

The idea of living weapons brings Tyranids to mind which would be so very cool to havee.

Zog da bugz! Da orkz iz da best! An' before dis RP's dun, I'z gonna prove it! WAAAGH!
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Knight Solaire
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Knight Solaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I dont mind something ork like, make a sheet.@rush99999

Just keep in mind the militarism "penalty' or lifestyle rather
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Knight Solaire I'll admit, #1 without the dimensional stuff definitely takes the oomph out of them. As for #2, I really, really hate playing as just "genocidal exterminators"/"all devouring swarm". I find it boring because the only to do is either build up or fight; I would be completely left out of the RP at large unless someone needed something to fight because who is going to try to do diplomacy or anything interesting with people who just do not do diplomacy and only live to fight and feed?
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Knight Solaire
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Knight Solaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@ClocktowerEchos I am open to other nation ideas as well. Im just trying to keep the unexplainable phenomenon to tech and science, so I apologize.

I feel like #2 would work if these weren't living weapons in the literal sense. Maybe I misunderstood living weapons, I am fine with a society that wants to change from a militaristic culture. Beings that have evolved to the point of being living weapons (ie. completely changed, hands are scythes, bio weapons, etc...) have no place in anything peaceful.

to put it in 40k terms, im ok with Astartes trying to be peaceful, but not Tyranids

catch my drift?

Also, there is a discord discord.gg/3sU2FUk9
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Knight Solaire Yeah, in my mind I wasn't thinking "living weapons" like Tyranids or Zerg but more like Orks (or technically Kroks) or Cravers from Endless Space.

To refine the idea, imagine you have this planet of large, sometimes savage sometimes not primitives, around a bronze or iron age of technology and civilization. Another much more advance species see these primitives and thinks "hey we could make some good soldiers out of them". So they did exactly that, using their advance tech, gene modding and weaponry and turned these iron age primitives into cybernetic space age monsters they threw into battle, using them to conquer other species and planets and thus preserving their creations into the mythic memories of the species and empires that still exist. When the evil empire was finally destroyed, their cybernetic ex-tribals were also destroyed as sort of revenge for the terrible and horrible things they did to other planets.

Now in the "modern" age, these cybernetic monster-soldiers have returned except they are no longer out to kill and eat everyone like they once were. What they are doing now is trying to build a society and civilization of their own and to make their own future, because the evil empire basically stole their future and their chance to developing into a more advanced civilization because of forcing them into military servitude for god knows how long. Of course, they still have all of the changes and modifications "gifted" to them which is what puts them on a hair trigger with several made specifically to ensure they couldn't organize in a way to challenge their masters (ie the foundations of making a functioning independent society.) They still have to look like their original terrifying forms because they can't actually live without cybernetics.

This is their rebellion against their masters; a final "fuck you" to the aliens who stole their future from them and turned them into monsters, to try and prove that they are more than just the mindless slaughterers their masters and everyone they fought thought and still think they are and that there is some part of themselves that is still pure and untouched by everything their masters did to them.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Knight Solaire
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Knight Solaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@ClocktowerEchos Sounds good, I like the idea of it. Particularly where you start in the timeline of your nation.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by John F Kennedy
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John F Kennedy The New Blood

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Knight Solaire

I love the open-endedness of your concept and the creative wiggle room. Looking at some of @ClocktowerEchos 's stuff I couldn't help but get in an endless universe mindset, so I was thinking about creating a city-state nation based off of the Cult of the Eternal End from Endless Legend. The basic premise would be that they were androids made to serve an old empire prior to the collision, but the organic race they served died due to their home world becoming a rogue planet devoid of sunlight. After the crisis the machines slowly developed consciousness as they survived on the world, creating a religions surrounding around their old masters.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Knight Solaire
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Knight Solaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sounds like a good concept Mr. President, you would be the second machine species in Andaluzia so far.

Make a sheet, id love to see how it evolves.

and discord: discord.gg/3sU2FUk9
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by John F Kennedy
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John F Kennedy The New Blood

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

o Nation name: The Lost Souls of the Anekhessu
o Systems controlled: Sitra’s Rebirth, Herhut’s Pilgrimage, the Citadel of Pelkaht.
o Government Type: Fanatic and Thalassocratic Theocracy
- Nation Size: Small
- Nation Specialty: City State

o Culture: fanatically religious and collectivized. The civilian population lives within efficient, yet not exactly appealing housing. All effort for the arts and architecture go to the state, where they are spent on social projects and the construction of monuments to the masters, largely consisting of obelisks and cathedral vessels.
The admiralty is also highly respected within this society. Each vessel is led by a captain who is subordinate to the admiral and the admirals’ right-hand man, religious figures known as the Eye of Anekh, who connects to all the vessels within a given fleet in a computational manner. The admiralty is a prestigious role to be given by the Great Source, and all who earn it form a general council that helps to lead military and industrial operations.
- Notable civilian tech: The Xylem – the name for the advanced system of intercommunication between civilians within the empire through the Great Source.

o Economy: The Essu do not use any system of currency for themselves, as their collectivized society does not use a complete system of exchange. But they are willing to trade and barter primarily with goods and information with other civilizations should they contact them. They are never willing to be paid in credits.
- Trade Craft: Military vessels that are no longer in commission due to becoming obsolete and no longer being worth upgrading are torn apart and made into small trade crafts, which are then given to civilians chosen to act as transporters and traders.

o Military
- Size/Organization
- Land Forces: Overall lacking, the military prefers a policy of orbital bombardment instead of direct land encounters, especially since most models of Essu are relatively frail and cannot be made otherwise in accordance with the ecumenical laws.
- Naval Forces: relatively large for the size of the nation. Highly advanced and with a well-trained admiralty.
- Notable military tech: advanced computing systems that are easily adaptable to changing situations, good at predicting trajectories and outcomes, and excellent at predicting the odds of given encounters.

o Territory Maps: I will find a better place to add them.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 1 mo ago

I have an idea for a medium sized nation. Already started writing for 8 or 9 planets, including five races. A Confederation.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Knight Solaire
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Knight Solaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Gunther go fer it.

Im looking forward to seeing it

and remember the discord: discord.gg/3sU2FUk9
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Oh, I have been writing for quite some to time. Loads of detail. I have little tolerance for those who seek to "win." I am writing a story. Our NS is merely a database, a framework for change and expansion.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by ParotKyveria
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ParotKyveria Parot,the Emperor

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Andarzantia Interstellar Republic
o Systems controlled: 20
o Government Type: Vanguardist Federal Republic
- Nation Size: Large

"Camaradas! This galaxy is facing chaos and treachery,together,we will unite"

- Nation Specialty: Balanced(for now)

o Species: Humans(also known as the Isterfardi)they are mostly collective/individual species,they are the majority species of the nation,living in every planet and system,their main homeworld and origin is in the planet of Isterfardia in the Soratma System.

Erkasovians, despite the term used to describe the races that originated from Erkasovian colonies, are the most largest minority of the entire nation.despite their humanoid characteristics similar to the Isterfardi,their cultures and traditions are completely different from the Isterfardi,they are also known to have the most affluent and powerful politicians and and wealthier ultra class,their main homeworld is in Iz'ko in the Er-Hadim System. Their subspecies are:

LuHadim(Dark Elves)
Isterastia(Humanoid Aliens)
Lenorfardi(Monster Humanoids)

o Culture: Standard Isterfardian Cultures, Standard Erkasovianic Cultures

Economy: The nation's economic system,despite the Worker Co-ops and tons of State Corporations,the Vanguardist Trade Union,and many social democratic policies,the Republic is still Capitalist,over 55 megacorporations contribute to the nation's economy as a whole,many notable corporations such as Ares-Meji Defense,Murillo Tech,Keith Industries and Auensyn. Its currency is called the Peso Solar
- Trade Craft: Many Andarzantian trading vessels are either old and decommissioned military vessels or manufactured by megacorps

o Military
- Size/Organization: Over 14 billion people are conscripted in the Andarzantian Interstellar Armed Forces,making up 10% of the overall population of the nation.

- Land Forces: The Andarzantian Land Defense are the most well trained and well-balanced ground military force of the nation,they are mostly trained in simulated environments and can train different kinds of techniques of their own to their new recruits to develop a strategy.

- Naval Forces: The Andarzantian Republic Navy(ARN for short) is one of the most prestigious and advanced navies of the nation, most of the Armed forces personnel work in that sector,and the training they receive mostly differs from that of the ALD, due to how complex some careers are in the ARN for an average citizen.

- Notable military tech: The nation recently developed an armored, known as the ANVADIMA (Andazanitian Advanced High Impact Armor),a well-known power armor that could be easily be detached and could be easily worn by any high ranking soldier/officer,as long as the soldier is trained and physically and mentally stable to be biologically and cybernetically enhanced to the suit.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by fusagi
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Do you accept newbies? This looks really interesting but I've never played an NRP before.

P.S. tried to join the Discord server but it says the invite is invalid.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Knight Solaire
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Knight Solaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Sounds good
Make a sheet, wed love to have you

Also neew discord link; discord.gg/zsUA4cva
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Knight Solaire
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Knight Solaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

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