Name: Daniela Mirabel Demartinez
Alias: Just Dani or Danny
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Personality: Daniela is most well known for being cynical, snarky and the one with common sense between the twins. She shares her opinion in things whether or not you want to hear it. Resistance will be met with sarcasm and stealth-insults. Despite that, she is just a kid who is still traumatized and reacting to the sudden supernatural, superpowered and confusing world with a raised brow.
Weapons: Despite Mommy Dearest being a cop and having combat training (that proved her wrong that one time) Dani is usually dependent on the good ol taser! And also a stun gun her mom gave her.
Biting sarcasm and wit, if it counts as a weapon. Tends to irritate people real fast.
Powers: Telekinesis as in the ability to move objects with a single thought! Basic, yes I know but this power has a lot of untapped potential! She can move and levitate objects using kinetic energy aka movement energy. Thing is, it’s pretty much tied to both her emotions and thr good ol power of science! She can’t carry things five times heavier than her,obviously and needs to keep her emotions in check or she might accidentally fling the TV out the window during a really intense soccer game and can’t telekinectic-ize living people.
Lie Detector which is also another simple, Just Right There thing. Daniela can detect lies. However, it just quite literally does that, make her know someone is lying but not exactly what part of what they say is a lie. Half-lies count as lies to her power. Paradoxes will make the power very confused so please no ‘All New Yorkers Are Liars’ stuffs please!
Abilities: What can Dani Do, other than the powers? Well..
Filming and Camerawork: She had always been interested in filming and taking pictures since she was very young and always has a camera around. Her house films are nothing to sneeze at either.
Skating: If it got wheels, she can ride! That just goes for bikes, skateboards and rollerskates but Daniela is like Mad Max on wheels.
Cooking: Due to her dad running a diner and her just being Daddy’s Twin, Daniela is practically his sous chef! It runs in the family (Or atleast one side of it)
Combat abilities: While she’s no Karate Kid, what her mom taught her makes her able to hold her own, atleast for a beat before she’s inevitably beat up.
Common Sense:For some reason, people seem unable to think the obvious solution. Well, the rather grounded Danny is here to help! She’s already quick-thinking and has experience with dealing with people who usually go Leeroy Jenkins before anything.
Marvel Power Grid
Strength: 2 | Around 3 telekinectically
Speed: 2
Fighting: 2
Intelligence: 3
Weaknesses: Daniela is, afterall, a teenager which despite combat training, still makes her physically weaker than most people. She is emotionally vurnerable and will deal with everything as a teen would. She also has this huge thing of not doing like she’s told but that’s just a universal kid thing, maybe she’ll outgrow. She is also still a human and can die of human injuries that will kill her. No healing factor here!
Appearance: Daniela is a brown-skinned Hispanic girl of average height, standing at 5'5. Her black hair remains short and wavy, occasionally under a beanie or a cap. She has a mole under her right eye, nose and ear piercings and the expression of someone who is done with other people's shit. She wears dark clothes, often with a hoodie and always has a camera dangling on her chest.
Other: Snark Shark right here, people
On October 12th, twins Daniela and Dolores were born to Anastasia, a cop and Ernesto, head chef the family diner. They had a rather normal childhood, with Dolores being interested in her mother's police work while Daniela preferred to recording things, skate and cook, helping around in her dad's restaurant. Dolores was the most reckless of the two with a strong sense of justice and occasionally dragged her twin to pursue justice while Daniela made sure they didn't get into any trouble or did anything stupid, which they often still did anyways.
Things stopped being normal at age 9, when during dinner, Daniela's twin and parents disappeared into dust. The Snap changed Daniela and made her more cynical and pessimistic. She and many other children orphaned by the Snap remained under the care of other families or people willing to take them in. She was taken in by a family friend the weirdly secretive but nerdy cop Steve Grey who was besties with her mom and Daniela grew close with. Sometime during one of these years, Daniela was skating around an abandoned warehouse, just practicing some tricks and recording them when she saw a car park nearby amd out two people who carried someone into the warehouse. Following them, she found out that this was...
Just a kidnapping attempt by two people who didn’t know what they were doing.
They forgot the chloroform, kept getting kicked in the leg and nuts while tying up their victim and kept arguing over the next step. Daniela was going to do the only thing she could do as the only witness of this dastardly as she just happened to be the kid of an overprotective cop who gave her kids combat lessons and taught them gun control; record everything and call the cops, of course! But that ‘call the cops’ part of the plan was quickly thrown out the window when Steve called and Live Your Life blasted all across the warehouse at a high volume, giving away her position.
Dani found herself in a not so ideal situation but she tried to look at it through Dolores’s usual mindset; She knew how to fight! She had a skateboard! She could handle these two slightly older guys in their late teens! If she did that, she would be a hero! Not sure if that’s exactly what she wanted to be but it’s whatever. The kidnapped person looked upon this 14 year old girl with not hope but a lot of skepticism. And they were right to do so because, although she was zippy and quick on her feet, she was still promptly beaten up by these older guys. Trying to karate-chop someone while in pain didn’t work either as she got shot by a..Tranq gun? She came to tied up right beside the other very unimpressed but very concerned hostage and the two kidnappers all over her face, both literally and figuratively. Daniela did the best next thing she could do; freak the hell out. The rest was pretty much a blur. She heard things fall, she smelled dust and smoke, she tasted blood which might have been hers and saw Steve pointing a glowing finger at someone (No, not the middle finger) before passing out again.
Daniela stayed a few days at the hospital with constant Steve and Victim 1 (Who later introduced themselves as Ryder) visits and when she got checked out, she immediately asked what was going on. Steve said the kidnappers were arrested and she got shot by not an experimental, top-secret drug made by, not the police or government or some basement-dwelling science nerd desperate to have powers. Just normal tranq dart. Oh yeah and Steve was an alien disguised as a human. He and her mom had met when he crashed on Earth and they both did a bit of crime fighting together and busted their share of evil crime plans and drug rings and stuff. And he had gone a tiny bit overboard when fighting the kidnappers and might have accidentally made the warehouse collapse on her? It was okay though because he used his cosmic energy to save her life! Even though he hadn’t used his powers in forever.
The result was the couch floating.
In a world where alien attacks and huge multimillionaire evil organizations were the norm, Daniela didn’t want that kind of attention and so she kept her powers from everyone that wasn’t Steve and Ryder, who she had become friends with and had seen Steve cosmically blast their kidnappers, and secretly practiced her powers under Steve, when he could when he wasn’t constantly apologizing for almost killing her.
One year after the Snap was undone and her family returned, things were..Awkward. Atleast with her parents right after they found out she had powers. That was a whole can of worms since Papa thought her mom had cheated on him with her alien buddy but things got cleared up quickly. Dolores was he same as ever and lived up to her name and causing people head pains. The Snap had changed her dream career from being a cop to being a superhero like the people who quite literally saved half of humanity and it all started with using her twin sister’s powers. And Daniela, who had always gone along with her older(younger??) twin’s ideas, after all this character development..Still did so, because she wanted to make up for those five years they had missed. Even if it was playing superheroes.
Things stopped being normal at age 9, when during dinner, Daniela's twin and parents disappeared into dust. The Snap changed Daniela and made her more cynical and pessimistic. She and many other children orphaned by the Snap remained under the care of other families or people willing to take them in. She was taken in by a family friend the weirdly secretive but nerdy cop Steve Grey who was besties with her mom and Daniela grew close with. Sometime during one of these years, Daniela was skating around an abandoned warehouse, just practicing some tricks and recording them when she saw a car park nearby amd out two people who carried someone into the warehouse. Following them, she found out that this was...
Just a kidnapping attempt by two people who didn’t know what they were doing.
They forgot the chloroform, kept getting kicked in the leg and nuts while tying up their victim and kept arguing over the next step. Daniela was going to do the only thing she could do as the only witness of this dastardly as she just happened to be the kid of an overprotective cop who gave her kids combat lessons and taught them gun control; record everything and call the cops, of course! But that ‘call the cops’ part of the plan was quickly thrown out the window when Steve called and Live Your Life blasted all across the warehouse at a high volume, giving away her position.
Dani found herself in a not so ideal situation but she tried to look at it through Dolores’s usual mindset; She knew how to fight! She had a skateboard! She could handle these two slightly older guys in their late teens! If she did that, she would be a hero! Not sure if that’s exactly what she wanted to be but it’s whatever. The kidnapped person looked upon this 14 year old girl with not hope but a lot of skepticism. And they were right to do so because, although she was zippy and quick on her feet, she was still promptly beaten up by these older guys. Trying to karate-chop someone while in pain didn’t work either as she got shot by a..Tranq gun? She came to tied up right beside the other very unimpressed but very concerned hostage and the two kidnappers all over her face, both literally and figuratively. Daniela did the best next thing she could do; freak the hell out. The rest was pretty much a blur. She heard things fall, she smelled dust and smoke, she tasted blood which might have been hers and saw Steve pointing a glowing finger at someone (No, not the middle finger) before passing out again.
Daniela stayed a few days at the hospital with constant Steve and Victim 1 (Who later introduced themselves as Ryder) visits and when she got checked out, she immediately asked what was going on. Steve said the kidnappers were arrested and she got shot by not an experimental, top-secret drug made by, not the police or government or some basement-dwelling science nerd desperate to have powers. Just normal tranq dart. Oh yeah and Steve was an alien disguised as a human. He and her mom had met when he crashed on Earth and they both did a bit of crime fighting together and busted their share of evil crime plans and drug rings and stuff. And he had gone a tiny bit overboard when fighting the kidnappers and might have accidentally made the warehouse collapse on her? It was okay though because he used his cosmic energy to save her life! Even though he hadn’t used his powers in forever.
The result was the couch floating.
In a world where alien attacks and huge multimillionaire evil organizations were the norm, Daniela didn’t want that kind of attention and so she kept her powers from everyone that wasn’t Steve and Ryder, who she had become friends with and had seen Steve cosmically blast their kidnappers, and secretly practiced her powers under Steve, when he could when he wasn’t constantly apologizing for almost killing her.
One year after the Snap was undone and her family returned, things were..Awkward. Atleast with her parents right after they found out she had powers. That was a whole can of worms since Papa thought her mom had cheated on him with her alien buddy but things got cleared up quickly. Dolores was he same as ever and lived up to her name and causing people head pains. The Snap had changed her dream career from being a cop to being a superhero like the people who quite literally saved half of humanity and it all started with using her twin sister’s powers. And Daniela, who had always gone along with her older(younger??) twin’s ideas, after all this character development..Still did so, because she wanted to make up for those five years they had missed. Even if it was playing superheroes.
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