Name: Raphael, prefers "Raph" Alias: Archangel Species: Enhanced human / "Artificial Angel" Age: 26ish? Birthday: Technically he was never born Gender: Male Sexuality: The first person to show him love and affection Position: Vigilante Affiliation: The High Order (formerly) Current Residence: He's been living on the streets of New York for the last four years, rummaging in restaurant dumpsters for his next meal.
Personality: Raph is...difficult. One can hardly blame him; he's the 26 year champion of the Shittiest Life Ever award. He doesn't seem to know how to interact with other people very well. He thinks they'll either use him, turn on him, or even worse, abandon him. He desperately wants to be able to trust someone, but at the same time, he's built a solid wall around himself because he can't get over his past. People are scary, and exposing himself is scary, and emotional availability is scary, and sometimes it's just easier to be a lonely street urchin.
Appearance: As far as street urchins go, Raph is 🤌
He's genetically predisposed to be a supermodel, he can't help it. He's got the arms, the abs, and yes, the ass. The big ol' bird wings are there too. Raphael has white, feathered wings that jut out of his back. Fully expanded, they're about 12 feet wide, while Raph himself is 6 foot even. They can fold up tightly against his back to fit under shirts and in a bulky jacket, he can pull off normal for a little while. But it certainly isn't comfortable.
His hair is dark brown and has a feathery texture. His eyes are hazel.
As a form of punishment when he got too rebellious, the High Order would brand him with symbols related to their organization. Fortunately, this only happened twice. He has an eye with rays shining off of it on his torso, over his left shoulder. He also has "si audieritis vos comedetis bona terrae" painfully and meticulously branded down his left thigh. This one took some time and there's definitely some sloppiness from his struggling.
Raph can fly, of course. Those wings aren't just for looks. He's also way stronger than an average human, faster, more agile, and has advanced healing and heightened senses. He was created to be a synthetic devine being, so he's gotta have something to show for it.
As far as weaknesses go, Raph is very sensitive to smoke and fumes. He can easily choke and pass out, or even die, if he's exposed to too much. Basically walking through a Lush or Bath and Body Works is hell.
Raph requires almost three times the nutritional intake of an average human to sustain flight, advanced healing, and mass. He eats a lot. This can work against him because one too many skipped meals could easily make him past tense.
+Flight up to 150 MPH, sprinting. 60 MPH speed sustainable for 5 straight hours with no rest. (But not recommended) +Enhanced vision +Internal Compass. He can tell directions just by existing and rarely ever gets lost in a place he's been to at least once. +Advanced healing. Can heal from most broken bones in a few days, in the right conditions. +Level 2 Normal Intelligence +Level 4 Superhuman Strength +Slightly above normal running speed +Level 3 Enhanced Durability +Level 4 Experienced Fighter
-Sensitivity to smoke/fumes, leading to weakness, suffocation, potentially death
-Extremely high nutritional needs. Lack of food could lead to weakness and loss of consciousness within hours, depending on exertion levels, and starvation in mere days.
Weapons: Dem guns 💪
Likes: Sleeping, hot food, self soothing via violence (don't worry, it's only directed at the bad guys)
Dislikes: Swimming, water in general, feeling vulnerable, talking about his ✨ feelings ✨
Special skills: Angst World Champ 5 years in a row
Backstory: Oh boy here we go.
Raph was more or less a cabbage patch baby as far as he knows. He's never known parents or family. He was "created" in a facility run by scientists with...interesting ideas. They were a cult is what I'm saying.
This strange mixture of religion and science resulted in a combination of eugenics and DNA bullshit in an attempt to create a devine being. Raphael was the result. While he's certainly attractive, he's not exactly holy.
This science cult, The High Order, as they called themselves, raised Raph as both something to be worshipped and something to be controlled. As you can imagine, this led to some serious inner turmoil.
He was paraded by the high clergy as a god, then beaten when he put a toe out of line. He was told he was holy and sacred, then branded with the symbols and images of the order. He was chained, praised, starved, lavished, and finally, he was fed up.
Raphael made his daring escape four years ago. He left a warpath in his wake. He thought he was finally free, until he learned that the High Order was no small organization; they had cells all across New York city. And they planned to make more angels.
He's been very busy wrecking their shit ever since. But as it turns out, making artificial angels was just a lil side hobby. The High Order also deals in human trafficking, bioweapons, drug trade, political corruption, and oh boy does he have his work cut out for him.
Name Sullivan O'Toole as Picture Perfect "They call him Mister Worldwide. They call him Mister Clean. They call him the Street Sweeper. They call him Romeo of Montague. They call him the face that launched a thousand tweets. They call him the representative of Queens. They call him Superhero.
His name? His name is Picture Perfect!" -Pinned Tweet on Picture Perfect's twitter account, made by a local fan.
Age 24
Gender Male
Sexuality Bisexual
Flash Mob "You ever feel like the world revolves around you? Well for me that ain't just a feeling, it's a truth. When I stop moving so does everyone else. The whole world waits to see what I do next. Isn't that amazing?"
Picture Perfect possesses the strange power to spontaneously make people and things around him 'freeze' at will. Time does not stop, nor do bodily functions, but for some inexplicable reason whenever Picture Perfect chooses to stand still so does the world around him. He has some measure of control over this effect at a distance, but the closer he is to the individual or object the more total the effect can be and the more powerfully he can exert it.
One on One he can easily completely freeze an individual seemingly indefinitely if they're within arm's reach so long as he doesn't move either. In terms of limits, he struggles with moderate groups of people or objects such as cars and the effect he can exert on these things is very short lived.
"Alright guys, this video was taken in Corona. I got permission from everyone involved to upload it here so my fans could see me in action, so shoutout to those individuals whose privacy will be respected! Here you go, and enjoy."
The video starts slow, depicting a corner store in operation at 2 AM. Few people milling about in what is clearly a smalltime and local shop. Suddenly a trio of armed and masked individuals rushes into the building and brandishes pistols at the inhabitants of this unfortunate store.
Typical things happen, but nothing that wouldn't be appropriate for a Youtube experience; people are ushered around, corralled into an aisle, made to hand over their phones. One of the masked individuals then focuses on the store operator and the register. Only, when he raises the gun, he suddenly stands stock-still and the cashier seems bewildered. The two other robbers do not appear to notice this yet.
Suddenly the robber shuffles in place, apparently able to use their feet- and onto the camera comes the recognizable appearance of Picture Perfect walking calmly up to the side of the robber, the rest of his body held perfectly still. Once within the building, Picture Perfect calmly looks around and takes stock of the situation. As soon as he's noticed by the other two would-be-bandits, they too freeze in place and Picture Perfect seems to speak.
the civilians all shuffle out of the building, taking their possessions back in the process, as they hastily exit the hostile environment. Picture Perfect then leaps into action.
Keeping his right arm locked in place so as to deny the robbers the use of their firearms, he suddenly pulls the adjacent gunman into a headlock and whirls him to the ground and holds still.
One robber was midstep towards the door to run away and topples to the ground, the other was turning his body to level his pistol towards Picture Perfect in a clumsy attempt to use the firearm without the use of his arm. The third, naturally, was now trapped incapable of escaping the headlock. After a few minutes of calmly surveying the scene, Picture Perfect released the now unconscious robber and sprinted aside, delivering a clean but efficient kick across the side of the prone robber's head then planted his feet and remained still once again. He slowly swiveled his head back to look over his shoulder, where the still standing bandit was panicking and trying to bring his gun up against the Superhero.
Picture Perfect slowly began to back towards the man. In his terror, the robber hastily backed away from Picture Perfect now that his legs were working again. Eventually the Superhero had the offending law breaker backed into a corner. Slowly, Picture Perfect produced a cellphone with his offhand. He raised it up steadily, and the flash of the camera can be seen as he takes a selfie with the masked robber. The next burst of movement from Picture Perfect disarmed the man, then sent him reeling to the ground.
Placing a foot on the individual to stop him from rising, Picture Perfect then turned his head up towards the camera and hit it with a million dollar smile and a thumbs up. A clean sweep.
The end of the video becomes a slideshow of selfies that Picture Perfect had taken with the masked robbers after the fact, as well as the one he took during the video, and finally a picture of him shaking hands with a police officer as they took the robbers into custody.
To avoid lengthy descriptors for this one, his eyes possess all the capabilities of an extremely high end camera system. He can zoom his vision very far, focus on scenes and situations despite the distance, determine individual faces from a crowd or distracting background, change filters and observe the world in everything from Sepia to Monochrome, and even see through sudden glares and through low light situations with perfect clarity.
Very useful for someone going around at night trying to beat up ne'er-do-wells.
Using the Marvel Power Grid, Sullivan O'Toole would have a 2 in all categories save strength and combat which would each be a 3; he is an utterly mundane and normal human being, if at the peak of physical form, in excellent shape, and possessing some basic combat training that appears to be a combination of simple martial arts maneuvers and boxing.
Weaknesses Picture Perfect's weaknesses are mundane and simple. He is only human, for one. This means when he gets hurt, it takes time and medical attention to heal. In a more specific sense, he is a thrill seeker, showoff, and has a soft spot for damsels in distress. This is to say that he's easy to bait, goad, taunt, or otherwise manipulate. Being a generally trusting individual, so long as someone possesses at least a modicum of charisma he will be inclined to hear them out rather than punch first. Oh, and flattery will get you everywhere.
Appearance "You like my drip? It can be yours too; my merch ships all over the world, check it out. Every dollar you spend on my webstore goes towards a charity of your choosing at checkout, and also keeps me on the streets keeping you safe." -Picture Perfect, himself
Picture Perfect is a handsome man of Irish-Welsh genes. Average height and build, he has done everything possible to stand out; peak physical form, distinct and manicured appearance, an aesthetic of modern street techwear, and a smile worth a million dollars has turned him into an easy to remember individual. He stands out.
Red hair flows down to his shoulders, availing itself to many distinctive styles and choices to suit the occasion. Depending on the outfit, the traditional tattoos of Celtic/Irish nature on his body may be visible; the most outstanding of which is the full arm sleeve on his right arm depicting Irish Tribal imagery in a pattern from wrist to shoulder.
Other He really does think he's the whole damn meal and the soda too. Someone please help him stay humble.
"There's a void now; it must be filled. The people are too spoiled by the true events of our modern world- they won't be satisfied by computer generated imitations and controlled explosions anymore. We need something more. Something deeper. Something that taps into the primal aspect of our consumer base and draws it to the surface. We need a new level of media. We need to raise the stakes."
The man speaking was by all appearances a young man; wealth and healthcare had taken decades off his physical age and left him with a vigor rivalling that of a man half his age. He was addressing a dark room; a conference table; his peers.
"It is fact..."
A slight trail off for dramatic effect.
"With all this news and consumption of Avengers level content, of global politics and of the end-times, it is without a doubt fact that the people have had some time to adjust to a certain level of excitement in their world. When's the last time any of you read a newspaper or checked a newsletter without hoping to hear something of a Superhero, or another world ending event? These topics have become an integral part of our culture and the collective subconscious of our society. Go ask children what they want to be when they grow up- when we were youths, the answers were 'President', 'Firefighter', 'Astronaut', 'Doctor'- and now kids everywhere just dream of being mutants like the X-men, or going out into the world armed with antique weapons, or hoping they discover some rare metal and can make a suit out of it! They dream of being Superheroes and saving the world! How can we hope to supply media for those dreams when the real world already has it all?"
A pause here, a dignified sip of water.
"This next slide is a statistical analysis of movie theater viewership, television ratings, social media clicks- you get the idea, I'll spare you the minutiae. The short end of the issue is the reason we're all gathered here today; Viewership is declining. It's noticeable. It's tangible. We all feel it. We're losing our grip on the way of things and it's all because of some costumed action stars with international contracts and no respect for the media. So we know the problem and we know the end goal- get the people back in front of the screens, get them back to having dreams that they need us to follow."
The man clicks a button on his handheld, the next slide appears depicting the city of New York.
"I believe I have a solution to our problem. We'll start small, use a control group. We'll use New York, and if in a decade the results seem to be adequate we'll expand the project to the rest of the continental states and go from there. What I am offering you, gentle men and women, is a way to get public opinion back on our side."
He smiled. He knew he had them.
"What I'm offering you, is Project Mastermind."
The camera pans outwards, leaving the conference room behind and escaping out the window. The tall skyscraper appears quite ominous in this lighting. Perhaps there's even a flash of lightning in the ba- yes, there's the roll of thunder now. At this point the camera gives a lingering and foreshadowing nod to the company logo; The New York Media Group (NYMG). Ah, subtlety.
The camera continues its strange obsession with going outwards and skywards until the audience is left staring at the familiar expression of New York City from above. Well, familiar to most; some people haven't seen movies. Oh, would you look at that, now a vicious day/night cycle is being emulated to render an effect as if a great deal of time were passing.
The camera now moves with a great deal of purpose, moving around the city. We witness many employees in jumpsuits and vests, clipboards and electrical tools, working around the city. This one is working on a Transformer. This one climbs a radio tower. That one is making some very important seeming phone calls and circling things on his clipboard. That woman seems important, the camera is lingering on her in the back of a limousine for quite some time isn't it? We should probably try to remember her. She had purple hair, it stood out quit a bit after all, and the camera did its best to give her an air of malice as well. Oh goodie, that one is even tinkering with the cellphone towers. Just what are they up to?
Enter: Sullivan O'Toole.
A young man. Scrappy. Hungry. Looking for a chance to take his shot; yearning to be the diamond in the rough; the one in a million; the Next Big Thing. The world was primed for it, he felt; all the excitement over superheroes and the hole in everyone's hearts with the dissolvement of the Avengers? It was a market ripe for Branding and rife with detritus...
All he needed to do was build his Brand.
A man with big dreams- but no knowledge of the steps needed to realize them. A man in his position does one thing; takes shortcuts. Sullivan O'Toole was a minor internet sensation. A daredevil to be precise, operating on sensationalism and a personality that was approachable and networkable. His earliest videos are of basejumping, skydiving, deep sea snorkeling, extreme paintball combat scenarios, and even some experimental cooking vlogs. He was scraping by to achieve these goals, putting his all into building an identity of social presence.
One fateful day his career had a turning point; his long time girlfriend, who had been prominent in his skydiving videos as the owner and pilot of the plane he used, broke up with him. The reason was, allegedly, she felt he was wasting his potential with this personal endeavor instead of pursuing a...
"Real Career."
His videos began to take a bit of a reckless edge, and some vlog posts included him talking about how things were hard these days but he wasn't giving up on the dream or on his fans. He'd prove her wrong with success instead of holding onto the event as an excuse for vindictive behavior and let it tear him down from what he'd built so far.
The next video to go up was titled 'The Day I Almost Died'
Sullivan was climbing a cellphone tower. A new one, recently installed for the new generation of phone networks. He was wearing a GoPro camera and every so often he looked down to check his progress, which revealed he was climbing this tower A) Freehand and B) on the roof of an already quite tall building. The same kinds of stunts he'd been pulling for years. When he reaches the apex of the tower, he crosses his legs into the railings and holds onto the antenna array as he leans out and extends a Selfie-Stick outwards from his person. The video has a rather unique perspective on the Neighborhood in Queens he was surveilling, and the crispness and clarity of the video was impressive. He was quite good at this.
But suddenly the camera goes fuzzy. The image becomes blurry. Distortion lines warp the image. Sullivan can be heard;
"What the he-"
Then the world spins. The camera falling. The next cut is back to the GoPro, which is also spinning. Heavy distortion and interference in the video revealing that Sullivan was falling and tumbling down the structure. Intermittent contact and scrabbling grabs with metal beams interrupted what otherwise would have been a plummet to the rooftop below. His landing was hard. He wasn't moving. the camera feed distorts totally at this point, its unblinking gaze upwards rendering the cellphone tower a strange and bending thing before the distortion lessens and soon the video returns to normal.
The video was almost hypnotic.
This is where the video ends; other voices crying out in concern for Sullivan.
Sullivan's next few days were a blur. His ex girlfriend, whose name was Sally, came to visit him in the hospital and dictated a standard-issue 'I Told You So' as well as a bouquet of get well flowers. He has a hazy memory of some strange men and women in suits coming to question him about the tower, claiming they were checking into damages with its structure. Eventually his belligerent responses and unhelpful demeanor warranted the suit-wearing-schmucks to pass the problem up their chain of command.
Sullivan has hazy memories of the visit, he can barely remember what happened, but he knows that a woman with purple hair came to visit him on behalf of the Suits. He only remembers three things concretely;
1) Damn she fine.
2) She was satisfied by his answers and concluded that his skull was thick, but not thick enough to have damaged the tower in any way.
3) When it was time to leave the hospital, his bills were miraculously already paid.
Some people just get all the luck.
This incident turned out to be the defining point in Sullivan O'Toole's life. Upon leaving the hospital the world just looked... Different. Everything had a glossy appeal to it. Everything was...Filtered. Edited. Photoshopped. He could see its potential at a glance. He could shift those filters and see the world in a new lens. He could stop the movie and inspect the frame.
He could make sure that everything turned out Picture Perfect.
At first this fledgling power was used scarcely, to ensure quality footage and whatnot, but eventually as his body fully recovered and his health returned so did that daredevil's edge and that hungry ambition to do more. He could up his game; take the Brand to the next level. He could fill the void. He could be a Superhero.
Name: Daniela Mirabel Demartinez Alias: Just Dani or Danny Age: 16 Gender: Female Sexuality: Lesbian
Personality: Daniela is most well known for being cynical, snarky and the one with common sense between the twins. She shares her opinion in things whether or not you want to hear it. Resistance will be met with sarcasm and stealth-insults. Despite that, she is just a kid who is still traumatized and reacting to the sudden supernatural, superpowered and confusing world with a raised brow.
Weapons: Despite Mommy Dearest being a cop and having combat training (that proved her wrong that one time) Dani is usually dependent on the good ol taser! And also a stun gun her mom gave her.
Biting sarcasm and wit, if it counts as a weapon. Tends to irritate people real fast.
Powers:Telekinesis as in the ability to move objects with a single thought! Basic, yes I know but this power has a lot of untapped potential! She can move and levitate objects using kinetic energy aka movement energy. Thing is, it’s pretty much tied to both her emotions and thr good ol power of science! She can’t carry things five times heavier than her,obviously and needs to keep her emotions in check or she might accidentally fling the TV out the window during a really intense soccer game and can’t telekinectic-ize living people.
Lie Detector which is also another simple, Just Right There thing. Daniela can detect lies. However, it just quite literally does that, make her know someone is lying but not exactly what part of what they say is a lie. Half-lies count as lies to her power. Paradoxes will make the power very confused so please no ‘All New Yorkers Are Liars’ stuffs please!
Abilities: What can Dani Do, other than the powers? Well..
Filming and Camerawork: She had always been interested in filming and taking pictures since she was very young and always has a camera around. Her house films are nothing to sneeze at either.
Skating: If it got wheels, she can ride! That just goes for bikes, skateboards and rollerskates but Daniela is like Mad Max on wheels.
Cooking: Due to her dad running a diner and her just being Daddy’s Twin, Daniela is practically his sous chef! It runs in the family (Or atleast one side of it)
Combat abilities: While she’s no Karate Kid, what her mom taught her makes her able to hold her own, atleast for a beat before she’s inevitably beat up.
Common Sense:For some reason, people seem unable to think the obvious solution. Well, the rather grounded Danny is here to help! She’s already quick-thinking and has experience with dealing with people who usually go Leeroy Jenkins before anything.
Weaknesses: Daniela is, afterall, a teenager which despite combat training, still makes her physically weaker than most people. She is emotionally vurnerable and will deal with everything as a teen would. She also has this huge thing of not doing like she’s told but that’s just a universal kid thing, maybe she’ll outgrow. She is also still a human and can die of human injuries that will kill her. No healing factor here!
Appearance: Daniela is a brown-skinned Hispanic girl of average height, standing at 5'5. Her black hair remains short and wavy, occasionally under a beanie or a cap. She has a mole under her right eye, nose and ear piercings and the expression of someone who is done with other people's shit. She wears dark clothes, often with a hoodie and always has a camera dangling on her chest.
Other: Snark Shark right here, people
On October 12th, twins Daniela and Dolores were born to Anastasia, a cop and Ernesto, head chef the family diner. They had a rather normal childhood, with Dolores being interested in her mother's police work while Daniela preferred to recording things, skate and cook, helping around in her dad's restaurant. Dolores was the most reckless of the two with a strong sense of justice and occasionally dragged her twin to pursue justice while Daniela made sure they didn't get into any trouble or did anything stupid, which they often still did anyways.
Things stopped being normal at age 9, when during dinner, Daniela's twin and parents disappeared into dust. The Snap changed Daniela and made her more cynical and pessimistic. She and many other children orphaned by the Snap remained under the care of other families or people willing to take them in. She was taken in by a family friend the weirdly secretive but nerdy cop Steve Grey who was besties with her mom and Daniela grew close with. Sometime during one of these years, Daniela was skating around an abandoned warehouse, just practicing some tricks and recording them when she saw a car park nearby amd out two people who carried someone into the warehouse. Following them, she found out that this was...
Just a kidnapping attempt by two people who didn’t know what they were doing.
They forgot the chloroform, kept getting kicked in the leg and nuts while tying up their victim and kept arguing over the next step. Daniela was going to do the only thing she could do as the only witness of this dastardly as she just happened to be the kid of an overprotective cop who gave her kids combat lessons and taught them gun control; record everything and call the cops, of course! But that ‘call the cops’ part of the plan was quickly thrown out the window when Steve called and Live Your Life blasted all across the warehouse at a high volume, giving away her position.
Dani found herself in a not so ideal situation but she tried to look at it through Dolores’s usual mindset; She knew how to fight! She had a skateboard! She could handle these two slightly older guys in their late teens! If she did that, she would be a hero! Not sure if that’s exactly what she wanted to be but it’s whatever. The kidnapped person looked upon this 14 year old girl with not hope but a lot of skepticism. And they were right to do so because, although she was zippy and quick on her feet, she was still promptly beaten up by these older guys. Trying to karate-chop someone while in pain didn’t work either as she got shot by a..Tranq gun? She came to tied up right beside the other very unimpressed but very concerned hostage and the two kidnappers all over her face, both literally and figuratively. Daniela did the best next thing she could do; freak the hell out. The rest was pretty much a blur. She heard things fall, she smelled dust and smoke, she tasted blood which might have been hers and saw Steve pointing a glowing finger at someone (No, not the middle finger) before passing out again.
Daniela stayed a few days at the hospital with constant Steve and Victim 1 (Who later introduced themselves as Ryder) visits and when she got checked out, she immediately asked what was going on. Steve said the kidnappers were arrested and she got shot by not an experimental, top-secret drug made by, not the police or government or some basement-dwelling science nerd desperate to have powers. Just normal tranq dart. Oh yeah and Steve was an alien disguised as a human. He and her mom had met when he crashed on Earth and they both did a bit of crime fighting together and busted their share of evil crime plans and drug rings and stuff. And he had gone a tiny bit overboard when fighting the kidnappers and might have accidentally made the warehouse collapse on her? It was okay though because he used his cosmic energy to save her life! Even though he hadn’t used his powers in forever.
The result was the couch floating.
In a world where alien attacks and huge multimillionaire evil organizations were the norm, Daniela didn’t want that kind of attention and so she kept her powers from everyone that wasn’t Steve and Ryder, who she had become friends with and had seen Steve cosmically blast their kidnappers, and secretly practiced her powers under Steve, when he could when he wasn’t constantly apologizing for almost killing her.
One year after the Snap was undone and her family returned, things were..Awkward. Atleast with her parents right after they found out she had powers. That was a whole can of worms since Papa thought her mom had cheated on him with her alien buddy but things got cleared up quickly. Dolores was he same as ever and lived up to her name and causing people head pains. The Snap had changed her dream career from being a cop to being a superhero like the people who quite literally saved half of humanity and it all started with using her twin sister’s powers. And Daniela, who had always gone along with her older(younger??) twin’s ideas, after all this character development..Still did so, because she wanted to make up for those five years they had missed. Even if it was playing superheroes.
Species: Human Age: 34 Birthday: June 20th Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Relationship Status: Married Work: Christian Pastor & Vigilante Affiliation: H&C Logistics Current Residence: A nice home in the Bronx area of New York
Christopher is a kind and jovial Soul. He loves to have fun and do as he wishes, yet that doesn't mean he can't be serious and even wrathful. Yet to most he comes off as jovial and a bit of a prankster. He loves to put smiles on others through just small things to get people to loosen up. He is a very confident man and many can see it, yet he never really flaunts it. Yet he is not without fault, when you cross him, he'll come back twice as hard. As often people found when you cross an agent of god, you find out how even the kindest of Angels can battle Satan.
Even with his mean streak, Christopher is quite a compassionate and caring man. He has done many questionable things to help others. He has risked life and limb on countless occasions even to the point where he had nearly been killed on multiple occasions to do what he needed. He has high respect for those who will do what has to be done for their ideals and goals, yet will not allow those who abuse the weak to be let off.
Christopher will often go and follow his instincts and his whims, and many times he will very often not stray from his feelings as he believes they are correct. Sometimes they have led to good fortune, other times they can lead to sometimes dangerous situations, but every time he follows his instincts as they are the few things he can trust when faced with a horde of ninjas and ghosts.
Standing at 6'3 and weighing 230 pounds this man is a brick house of a man who has very dense muscles and a strong frame. He is a very handsome man and always dresses well, he grooms himself often, well more his wife does but that is a different matter. He has many scars across his body, with some of the most prominent ones being the large scar spanning his entire back that came from the grenade explosion, multiple smaller bullet wounds across his body and arms, and 2 large stab wounds from when he first encountered The Hand.
Intelligence- Well educated as he had gotten through high school, has a college degree when he became a Christian Pastor and a good bit of life experience. On the Marvel power grid, he'd be a 3.
Cunning- This is much more where Christopher excels in his smarts, he is quite a wise and cunning man, he has natural instincts that allow him to best deploy strategies without much hesitation.
Strength- That of a man at his peak, being as large as he is, he is quite powerful in strength as he can lift well over double his body weight and can throw hits able to kill normal men. On the Marvel power grid, he'd be a 3.
Speed- Being mostly normal, Christopher has no enhancements to his speed, yet he is quite quick and nimble on his feet, and very fit as he is able to clock a 4-minute mile, even at his age. On the Marvel power grid, he'd be a 2.
Durability- Christopher is a tough bastard, he has put himself through some hellish things, he has thrown himself onto grenades, into gunfights, and has been put through the wringer countless times, yet he keeps getting back up. Yet this doesn't come from any supernatural powers, just his unstoppable willpower. On the Marvel power grid, he'd be a 2.
Fighting Skills- Christopher is not only gifted in the art of 'beat shit up', but he is also an excellent marksman, has fantastic instincts, has been trained in multiple forms of martial arts for different engagements, and has used these skills for almost decades now. He has been trained in many different weapons and forms of fighting, however, his most trademark styles of fighting are Boxing and a little something he picked up: The movie art of Gunkata, which is a form of firearm and martial arts combat that focuses on close-range gunfighting with a mixture of martial arts grapples and strikes for effectiveness in most forms of close to mid-range gun-fights.On the Marvel power grid, he'd be a 5 with mastery of firearm combat and a great deal of experience in other forms.
As far as weaknesses go, Christopher is a normal human, sure he is a beast of a man, however, he has nothing really else going for him. Wounds take long times to heal, getting a broken bone is a detriment for multiple months, and he doesn't have magical powers to fight with. He is no super genius fighter with god-given talent, he's just good at what he does and determined to do it.
Christopher is a man who has much experience with most forms of weapons and the money to purchase most of them, so the question is not weapons does he have, but it's about what weapons does he decide to wield at the moment. He does however have a few favorites:
Handguns, he has a set of suppressed M1911's he always adores to use, he will often use subsonic rounds to make sure the guns are as quiet as can be.
Shotguns, he has familiarised himself with close-range combat, and shotguns can sometimes put even the most brutish or being down in a shot.
Rifles, often Christopher's go-to for dealing with Assassinations, he has had multiple commendations for his marksmanship and shooting. As even going so far as saying, if he didn't go in as a Small Arms repairman, a Marine Sniper was an obvious choice.
His fists, Christopher's favorite nonlethal option, he has metal gauntlets from his mentor which allow them to hit incorporeal entities like ghosts, spirits, and demons.
Whips, it took him some time to learn his mentor's favorite weapon, he is nowhere near a master, but he can fight with it and do some cool tricks. He has his mentor's whip which is similar to his gauntlets, but when it comes into contact with 'evil' incorporeal entities it will burn them.
Knives, one of the first weapons he has learned how to hone, he has excellent knife handling and has often fought people who are 'masters' of with them and held his own.
Short Blades, ranging from Machete's to actual short swords he has dabbled with many short blades with decent effect, he is nowhere near a master but he can use one with decent proficiency.
This is Christopher's 'hero-ing' attire, as he doesn't really want to be found out by the public. This isn't just for keeping his face hidden, it has many neat things:
-The suit is made of a light bullet-proof material that can take most forms of small arms fire, leaving at most just bruises. -The suit regulates his temperature so he doesn't get overheated while wearing it. -The cloak is not just for show, it is made of the same bullet-proof material, but also is made of an energy absorbant material that can protect from fire and electricity for a bit, maybe a few seconds of constant output before it starts getting ignited itself.
Now finally for the most useful piece of the whole outfit:
-A high-impact ballistic full-face helmet that can take multiple forms of gunfire before breaking. It also has many different and unique features. -A voice modulator that changes the pitch of his voice and distorts it. -A visual display for the wearer to actually see through the mask. - The electronics in the mask are highly resistant to emp interference, where it requires great amounts of energy to actually screw with the visuals to become unusable.
Christopher was born into a hard life, his father left his mother before Christopher was even born, and his mother died due to complications. Leaving him alone, no other family took him in so he was passed off to an orphanage to be raised. There he was raised to the age of 7, when finally he was adopted. He was not adopted until then as Ismael wished to stay and take care of the kids around him, as he saw himself as that of a Brother figure, yet a pair of parents wanted him because of that very nature.
After his adoption, Christopher lived a normal life, a loving mother and father in a middle-class family. He went to school, played sports, and did normal things. He did well enough in school, he wasn't the smartest person, he had the knowledge and the wisdom to learn. Yet the thing that followed him was a smile and laughter that people found. His jokes were goofy, and his demeanor was that of a kind giant. As these years were normal and simple, as when he became old enough he enlisted into the Marine. Corps as a Small Arms repairman. He had a wish to serve his country, he always seemed to look at it as an honor.
During his time in the Military, Christopher had made many friends, he took care of people around him as a brother, and quite often he sent money back to the Orphanage that raised him, as a way of thanks to them. During his time, his work was simple, fixing guns and making sure vehicle weapons were in order. Yet things changed when wars kicked up, when he went to re-enlist, most Marines 'switched' over to Rifleman, by mistake, yet this occurred as they were expecting some real action. And soon, Christopher was thrust into battles, where he showed great skill as a soldier and as a squad leader. He had thrown his life into the line of fire to save fellow Marines, Civilians, and anyone in between. Just one of these days, God decided to call his number as a grenade fell out and landed next to Christopher. As within the moment of seeing it, he threw himself on it, throwing his bag and back onto it and saying his goodbyes and prayers to god.
Christopher woke up a month later from a coma, as he found he survived the explosion. The grenade had left him badly scarred on his back. Large shrapnel scars covered his back and the sides of his body. The doctors called it a miracle that he survived, if it was a normal person, they would have been dead, let alone alive. Christopher was released a few months later after rehabilitation and therapy. He found his world slightly changed, he had missed a few friends passing, his honorable discharge was handed down, yet the war he was in is still raging. But something strange happened, an old war buddy called him up, asking if he wanted to join a company he was now running.
Christopher joined the H&C logistic incorporated. Here he met some old buddies from before his Re-enlistment, they all joined this company under a strange woman. She was a shrewd woman and she dealt in all forms of War, yet her most lucrative business is she was a Weapons Dealer. She sells anything from low-cost Firearms, all the way to stationary artillery weapons. If war is what you want, the H&C logistics incorporated can provide you with weapons to fight it.
Christopher spent the next years in this company, getting closer to the many people within, as they all follow this near insatiable goal the leader of this Company has. Not many knew what she wanted, money? Power? No one knew, but everyone rallied with her as she had this strange charisma that was too hard to move away from. Christopher spent multiple years in this company, not knowing what much to do otherwise, he realized, it was nice here. It was simple and he had many freedoms. They traveled a lot, they did as they pleased, and Christopher was given more money than he knew what to do with. So, he sent it back to his family and the Orphanage, he did keep a bit to himself in a bank account.
He wasn't just a bodyguard to this woman though. He was also a weapon she used quite often, everyone was used in the same way. They didn't only protect her, they did what she wanted them to do, so if she wanted someone dead, they would do it. But this didn't come from her being their employer, this came from their loyalty to her. Everyone here was family, they would bleed, sweat, and die for each other. Christopher had shown this on multiple occasions as he had taken many bullets for those around him, he had gotten into fights for them, and he has killed for them.
Yet this was where his life took an unexpected turn and sent him down this slippery slope he has found himself on, as one job sent them to something much worst than anything. As they were to deliver some heavy ordinance to some third-world country, yet when they made it to the base where they were going to make the pass off, they were met with some unknown force. A group of strange people cladded in red skintight outfits, as they had taken over the base. At first, everything was calm, until hell broke loose as the motorcade was attacked by these people as they wielded very classical weapons: Swords, knives, chain blades, and etc. As they began their attack, everyone here was a skilled fighter, many had seen real combat and survived a tour or 2 in actual military time, yet they were overwhelmed quickly.
As Christopher watched people die around him, he fought with all he could, until he himself was stabbed in the stomach and chest, after which this 5'5 man picked him up and threw him to the ground. What happened next was like a blur to Christopher, however, what he saw was the woman he had been employed by for years, the same woman who he has never seen get into these fights, let alone lift a weight, start fighting. As once she killed the assailant nearby, she tried to lift Christopher, yet all she could do was drag him into the car and drove as fast as she could. Christopher was dozing in and out of consciousness as finally, he passed out. He woke up a few days later in the care of a Priest, an older man who was in his mid to late 40's. He seemed to have cared for Christopher's wounds and had housed them, as Christopher learned this man had been here as a missionary.
Yet that night he learned that this must have been a cover, as those same red cladded ninjas appeared and seemed like they were here to finish the job. But the Father seemed to have been armed and able, as he fought with a strength and grace unlike what Christopher expected. This was when he learned the name of those who had set them on this path, The Hand. That night, they fought as their lives depended on it, as when the sun finally rose the onslaught was over. This was when the priest spoke of his intentions here, The Hand was doing unspeakable work in the Occult and he was there to stop them. The Priest asked for their aid as it seemed they were far stronger than he first anticipates, as this was the point that sent Christopher down his new path.
For the next half-decade, he had spent a good portion of his life fighting The Hand, in hopes to get revenge on those he had lost to them. During this time he had gotten close to the woman he has been working for, as eventually, they started going 'steady', fighting and being together. As eventually they decided to leave the fight against The Hand and wanted something different. This is where Christopher had decided to try another call, becoming a pastor. In the midst of the fighting, he had watched the Reverend not only as a fighter but as a teacher and a spiritual guide, someone to help others when they find themselves at their lowest.
Christopher spent the next few years learning and taking oaths in a Christian school whereupon gaining his bachelor's degree he had become a Pastor as once he had finally hit the age of 32, and took to making a church in his hometown. However, first, he needed to marry the woman who had been with him since the start of his 'adventures'. After the Honeymoon, he and his wife had now moved to New York in the Bronx area, where he had set out to make a church. He was much more of a man who wanted to live small, but his wife had other ideas, she was the owner of an international Arms Dealing enterprise, so money was not much of an object to her. She made preparations beforehand to make the living there quite enjoyable, a large nice home already made, a nice spot for Christopher's Church, it was the best she could ask for and provide. Christopher didn't mind, well he did a little as the church was a little much, the church was big and quite well decorated, so that took a bit of the need to set up away.
During his time as a Pastor for his new church, Christopher had spent much of his doing things for the neighborhood. Fundraisers for different events for the community, helping the homeless, assisting in many projects around the community such as helping when homes are ravaged by the cold or rain, fixing cars that break down, and all sort of other things. Also on his off time fighting a whole new war he was not expecting, as he found people slowly disappearing now and again without a trace, he wanted to know what was going on. As this was when he ran into a new threat: High Order.
As of now, it seemed he was back in the game again, this time a little smaller scale than it was with The Hand, but dangerous all the same. Christopher called up his old mentor and asked for some assistance, yet what came in the mail shocked him. It was his mentor's old weapon, his whip, and a letter telling him that he had left that behind him, and now it was time for Christopher to make his own. Christopher thought for a bit of time, but he knew this was the right thing to do. So he had set out on a crusade against the very crimes that plague his community, suited up in some of his old gear, and armed with some sick-ass boondock saints quotes. He's fought in the dead of night, always away from where others may tread, after all, those who deal in the dark stay there.
During his time he has met countless people, many have some very sad backstories, others just enjoyed the thrill. There were a few times he had to work alongside these many different individuals, often stopping small crimes, or going more higher scale when High Order started to make moves again. Christopher had spent these next few years living the life as both a Pastor, leading those in his community to salvation, while also living as the Paladin, leading those who stand against him to their damnation.
Name: Corvus Rodin Helstrom Alias: Arclight Age: 27 Gender: A MAN Sexuality: Heterosexual
Powers: Energy Infusion: Corvus demonstrates the ability to infuse energy into weaponry that he is wielding. This infusion will manifest as a golden glow on the object, which then acts to enhance destructive capabilities. Usually, bullets will have enhanced penetration, with rifles being capable of penetrating an armored personnel carrier at higher levels of energy consumption and blades will become sharper to the point of carving through solid sheets of steel.
The drawback of this ability is that it applies only to one or two things at a time. The moment Corvus loses physical contact with the weapon that he had enhanced, he has to pick it up again and charge it in order to apply the same effects. Using it constantly, especially at a heightened level, consumes stamina, so it requires careful spending.
Enhanced Reflexes and Senses: It would seem that Corvus can react to stimuli faster than a mundane human, at about twice as quick. He also has enhanced sight with a measure of 20/10 and far more pronounced hearing.
Weaknesses: Having enhanced senses is a double edged sword; Corvus is unwilling to go to places with a lot of loud noises/sounds, such as raves and metal concerts. It goes without saying that putting a variety of extremely loud sounds will invariably disrupt his focus, and weaken his control over his abilities. Highly enhanced bullets also act as tracer rounds, which would allow more competent enemies to single out his position once he has fired the first shot.
Corvus is a rather short man at 5’5” and a rather average physique. He has gray eyes and chestnut colored hair, as well as a marked preference for black clothing. Overall, Corvus doesn’t really stand out in a crowd; after all, he wouldn’t want to.
Other: He has a crow sitting on his shoulder almost all the time, and they often talk. Why? No one knows.
History: The individual that would one day be known as the 'Arclight' was born on August 26, 1995, in the city of Norfolk, England. Corvus was his name, as his mother's favorite animal was the raven, and even kept one as a house pet. His father, Ericson, was initially less than enthusiastic after naming their son with the Latin name of a certain black feathered bird, but he was eventually convinced right before the birth pains began...
Corvus was an only child, as all the children that his parents had right before him were unfortunately lost to miscarriages; as such, he was treasured, and sometimes spoiled rotten. However, since his parents were far flung individuals that often had to go distant places to pursue their business deals, Corvus spent more time with his maternal grandparents beginning from when he turned 10. From then on, he would be taught the simpler things that any other rich person would usually never bother with. Matthias went on to graduate as a major in information technology. He was often taught how to shoot, though.
When Corvus turned 15, they moved to the United States, specifically to New York. It was here hediscovered his own abilities at the age of 20, manifesting when he was practicing firing a rifle in a free range. The rifle began to glow with an iridescent golden glow, and the bullet that it fired cleanly blasted a hole through the rock that the target was behind, which also had a bullet hole in it. The weapon glowed with a golden light, as if it were possessed by a magical spell of some kind. At first, he didn’t want to do much with it, as he already had a stable job in the tech sector.
On 2016, though, everything changed. Hordes of aliens, lead by the disgraced Asgardian prince, Loki, attacked the city of New York. Corvus himself got into a dangerously close encounter with a Chitauri attack glider in his penthouse, managing to kill it by charging an old bolt action rifle to be able to penetrate its armor and kill the aliens that rode it. It took him a few precious moments to recall how to infuse guns with this mutant power, and he truly thought that he would be dead. It was not his time, however, and he watched as the Avengers removed the aliens from New York… and was inspired. He will actually use this power for something.
And so, the Arclight was born; over the coming years, he would hone his marksmanship, combining it with his power to become one of the most daunting superpowered vigilantes in the city. Woe be to those who commit evil in the dark; they will be lit up by weapons of golden light soon enough. His parents were kindly supportive, and they added funds when he needed them. Not that he needed much...
Name: Quasar Age: Old but gold Gender Technically none but he/him works Sexuality Asexual
Personality: Despite his predicament of being stuck on Earth until the planet implodes and frees him, Quasar is surprisingly chipper. After all, what's a millenia or two to an immortal being? He'll have those powers back in no time.
While he's here, he's decided that he may as well invest in these funny primates that rule this dump. He adores watching over humans and learning their behaviors. He also enjoys taking up a role as a protector. With his former power, obliterating any who dare cross his path would have been as simple as a meer thought, but now, with his newfound weakness, it's actually a challenge. Isn't that so much fun? Like a jigsaw puzzle, or sudoku, or maybe a word search.
Powers: Once a being of magnificent power, Quasar easily vanquished any foe in the vast, empty void of space. But upon his arrival to Earth, he has found that the unique atmosphere significantly reduces his power to a meer shadow of what it would be in the freedom of outer space.
What he's left with is:
-Light manipulation: He can produce and manipulate light. He can create bright balls of light that can stun or even blind enemies. He can curve photons around an object to make it appear invisible. He can make pretty light shows. He can affect color perception. Honestly, most of his powers aren't very useful.
-Laser light: He can produce a small, intense beam of light that acts as a laser. It can reach enough intensity to cut through steel if he focuses hard enough. It's not easy to do, though.
-Invulnerability: This is the big one. As an intangible being of pure energy, he can't die, be poisoned, drowned, hit, irradiated, starved, or any other pathetic human perishable.
-Light speed: He can move at the speed of light. Which is effectively teleportation.
-Veri smort: He's been around for a long time and he's learned a few things. Don't let him talk about physics, it's very boring.
Stats based on Marvel's power grid
+Level 5 intelligence: Genius +Level 1 Strength: cannot lift own body weight +Level 6 speed: Really fucking fast +Level 7 Durability: Literally can't die +Level 1 Fighting skills: Literally can't touch you
Weaknesses: Here we go
-He can't touch things. That's right, the whole "intangible being" thing doesn't have an off switch. That means he can't hit, hold a weapon, throw, kick, or eat a sandwich. He can totally flip you off, though, so there's that.
-His presence screws with electronics within a close radius. So even if he could pick up a phone, he couldn't use it.
-High energy blasts to his form can temporarily scatter his photons and cause disorientation and uselessness until he reforms.
-Oh, and now that he's trapped within the Earth's atmosphere, leaving it would be the closest thing to a death sentence he could face. His photons would scatter and no longer be able to hold his shape. He'd still exist and technically be alive, but it would really, really suck.
Appearance: Like if a galaxy took a vaguely human form. He's semi translucent with a dark swirling blue and purple inside his shape, and stars of light that shine through it. His eyes are two solid, glowy orbs that have no pupil. You could totally reach right through him, but it's not recommended because first, rude, and second, the inside of his form is extremely cold.
Other: He has no idea what pain feels like, but it seems unpleasant.
Coffee seems nice and he'd love to try it some day if he ever got his physical form back.
He doesn't technically need sleep, but he does enjoy doing it.
In his free time, he shoots the breeze with an astrophysicist that works at one of the research facilities that he wandered into because who's gonna fucking stop him.
Beings like Quasar are not born, but brought into existence by a dying star and the formation of a black hole. They are exceptionally rare, and perhaps this is a good thing, because they are extremely powerful in the right conditions.
Quasar was once such a powerful being. He traveled the voids of space, occasionally smiting wrong doers for funsies. But it was never really all that fun; it was too easy. Like a god smooshing an ant. But then, one day, he heard news of a certain mad Titan that planned to end half of life in the universe. Finally, Quasar saw a potentially challenging foe.
It took him a while to find this podunk planet called Earth that the Titan had made his base of operation. And by the time he did, the Snap happened. In all reasonableness, Quasar should not have been affected by the Snap. But the Infinity Stones weren't reasonable, and he was.
When five years passed and the Avengers undid the snap, Quasar found himself stuck on Earth, weak and a shell of his former self. It took a while to pull himself together and find a new purpose. But he did. Suddenly, fighting bad guys was actually a challenge.
Name: Sadie Erran Alias: Moonjumper Age: 27 (March 3rd, 1993) POB: Brooklyn, New York City, New York Gender: Female Sexuality: Pansexual
Powers: Anti-gravity. Sadie was born with the ability to make herself weightless and untether herself from gravity. This allows her to float, though she cannot propel herself midair without some kind of physical boost. She is able to run faster and leap great distances while her power is activated. She has also discovered that she hits faster and harder when weightless, able to enhance her strikes while fighting. She has become skilled in turning her power on and off quickly over the years, making her quite the impressive street fighter, only exerting energy when it's necessary. She also seems to have a slightly heightened durability and strength.
Weaknesses: As far as her powers go, they take energy to use. Though she has been using them all her life and has excellent control over them, in part thanks to her time at Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, the ability can still drain her energy if she isn't careful or keeps them activated for too long at once.
Sadie may be a mutant, but is also still a human. She is capable of taking a beating, but broken bones still take time to heal, and guns and blades are deadly.
Intelligence: 2. Her brains are nothing special, but she also isn't an idiot. She does have a good bit of wit though.
Strength: Lower end of 3. She's definitely above average, but when it comes to lifting, she maxes out at double her body weight, 260 pounds.
Speed: Without powers, she's a high end 2, but with powers, a very low end 3. She can run steadily at about 50-60 miles per hour with her power activated. 60 is a full on sprint and she can't hold it for long
Durability: 3. She is an expert at taking a hit, and seems to have a bit of a mutant durability.
Energy Projection: 0
Fighting Skills: 4. She's been getting into scuffs her whole life and definitely knows how to handle herself. She hasn't trained a specific style, but has taken some tips from several martial arts into her street fighting.
Appearance: Sadie is an androgynous woman with short brown hair that sticks up in a sort of messy grunge style on the top of her head. She has light grey eyes, an infectious smile, and an obviously previously broken nose that sits a little crooked between the bridge and the tip. She has ear cuffs on the top of both ears, as well as a small piercing on the right lobe. Sadie has a slim body and well toned muscles, a clear indication of her love to fight. She is 5 feet and 8 inches tall, and weighs 130 pounds.
Personality: To Sadie, the perfect night is turning on some anime, playing a fighting game, drinking a couple sodas, then heading out to knock the crap out of some criminal assholes. She has a love for action, and has since she was a child. She is a bit of a smartass, and likes to joke around. She is still a nice person, and has a decent sense of justice. She hates seeing weaker people get picked on, and will always jump in to help if she sees it happening. She uses sarcasm regularly. She is a decent hard worker, and does work out 3 times a week, hey, being a mutant has its perks, and one of them is that it doesn't take much for her to stay in shape. She currently works an annoying retail job and works out the usual frustrations of the job on the baddies crawling all over New York.
History: Sadie's parents discovered that she was a mutant shortly after she learned to crawl. Her mother left her in her play-pen for just a minute while she checked on dinner. When she returned, Sadie was no longer in the pen. She panicked, like any mother would and began searching all around the house, anywhere a baby could have gotten to. She came back to the living room, a bundle of stress and looked up as she tried to think of the next step to take to find her baby girl. When she did however, she saw Sadie crawling on the ceiling, upside down. Growing up was strange for Sadie, as she didn't make an effort to hide her abilities, despite her parents' pleas. She lived comfortably enough, both of her parents worked respectable jobs, and she never went hungry or without toys, or when she was older, the latest game console.
In first grade, she got her first real taste of the discrimination and hate that mutants would face. She had begged her parents to let her on a softball team, and they finally relented. She was playing second base when a pretty skilled batter of a kid got on the plate. They smacked the ball, and it was easily going deep center field, that is until Sadie leapt into the air 12 feet and floated there, catching the ball mid-flight. She threw the ball to the pitcher, who was staring in awe at the floating 7 year old a story above him. The ball landed next to him as he was stunned in place. Parents in the bleachers gasped and glared at the innocent girl who was now floating back down to the ground. From this point onward, she faced bullying at school, but it didn't take her long to start fighting back. She thought of Sailor Moon, and how she'd never stand for this kind of injustice and became something of a playground vigilante. This however ended with several trips to the principal's office.
By the time middle school rolled around, she had taken an interest in fighting for fun. She started to notice she was good at it, and would pick fights frequently. She didn't win them all, and ended up with a broken nose at one point. It was around 8th grade when her parents were contacted by Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. They sent her there, hoping to protect her, and hoping that she'd learn some discipline. Their hopes were answered as she really fit in at the school. She learned how to control her powers, and attended as a boarder until she graduated high school.
She returned home at 17, happy to be back in Brooklyn. She was still the same girl in many ways, though less impulsive. Her parents were proud of her success at the school, and despite a few scares when the school was seemingly attacked by rebel mutants, it was a pretty positive experience. She got a job at the supermarket that her father ran. She moved out the next year, but continued working for her father. She spent the years working and fighting thugs in the streets, leaving them for the police to pick up. However, when she was 25 in 2018 when the Snap occurred, she was one of the many victims. She was carrying a box of canned vegetables when she suddenly turned to dust, leaving the box to drop with a heavy thud to the floor. Her parents grieved and spent 5 years believing they'd never see their daughter again, until 2023 when the Tony Stark sacrificed himself to right the world. Unfortunately, her girlfriend whom she had at the time she turned to dust had moved on, leaving her once again single. Since then, she's been fighting the good fight on the streets like always, taking down muggers, robbers, and other criminal scum.
"Y'know, being a living lightningrod can give you quite the buzz. Eh? Eh?.....I'll see myself out."
After an incident involving Jenna's own self-designed technology, she gained the ability to absorb and manipulate electricity and electromagnetic waves (though she's a fair bit worse at the latter part). Put simply, when she makes contact with something that has some form of electricity running through it (which could include the human brain, but she'd rather not think about that), or when she's directly hit by electricity (bad idea), she can suck it into herself, storing it for later use. Usually frying baddies.
She's uncertain how much charge she can handle, but so far she's estimated herself being capable of holding several million watts of electricity without issue. Not that she's ever had that much of a charge...
Due to her ability to also manipulate electromagnetic waves, if she focuses hard enough, she can disrupt and usually shut down most forms of machinery remotely. In theory, this part of her talents could also her to do many other things as well, like magnetize metals, fly on electromagnetic waves, or more. In theory....She's, uh, trying the 'in practice' part, for what it's worth.
This ability can also be used to charge things up, though she's admittedly quite terrible at controlling her output levels when it comes to doing this. She usually cooks said machine more often than not.
Shocking Metamorphosis
"You probably think of me as the blaster type, but trust me; when I charge up, people go down."
Her powers have also affected her physical capabilities in a surprising manner. Passively, it seems whatever caused these powers to manifest also caused a change in how her brain functions. Jenna didn't get smarter per se, but she now quite literally thinks faster than the average person, aiding her reaction time as well as most mental tasks. Though, it's when she's not up to anything she has issues....
Regardless, that's the tip of the iceberg. Her body also seems to react positively to being charged up; Jenna can use stored electricity to grant her brief bursts of superhuman agility and strength (though moreso the former). She's....Not certain about the science behind it, but she's working that out! Point is, she's far from helpless in close range as well, being able to move in bursts of speed that would practically seem like teleportation to the untrained eye, and then sending a goon throttling into a wall with a punch that felt more like a Jeep slammed into them.
She's also theorized that, given enough energy, she could convert her body to pure electricity! Completely hypothetical, but definitely exciting! But she's also theorized that such a change would likely be quite temporary. At least, she hopes it is, if she ever pulls it off.
Intelligence: Jenna is definitely borderlining Level 6, Super-Genius, though this is primarily due to the new way her brain functions after the incident. Able to think and process information on a different level than others will certainly make you at least seem like a Super-Genius. But even regardless of her new thought processing, she was always an excellent student and ingenious inventor; I mean, she's sorta the one who invented her new Super-Genius status!...Sorta.
Strength: Under normal circumstances? Definitely a 1 on the Strength Grid. She's no Captain America or anything, and she doesn't even work out (her new power does wonders with caloric intake though). Heck, sometimes she struggles with her groceries. However, with the use of her Power, she can jump this to anywhere from a Level 2, with a quick jolt of extra muscle strength, to a staggering Level 4, cracking stone, throwing cars, the whole super-ripped shebang. But, of course, these changes through her Powers are pretty temporary, only able to hold them for a few minutes, and that's assuming she has energy to spare, of course.
Speed: Jenna's always been pretty sprightly, and while she's no Usain Bolt, she was quick enough for an average gal, easily averaging a Level 2. But with her Powers in the mix, things got fun! While she hasn't tried the upper-limits of how fast she could move, her preliminary tests (AKA beating up baddies all across the Big Apple) have proven her to be able to travel in short stints of up to 500 MPH, or up to nearly 700 with a bit more charge, putting her in the highest echelons of Level 3 Speed.
Durability: Can't have it all, right? Yeah, Jenna's as squishy as most normal folks; arguably even more than most normal folks. She doesn't take a hit very well, and she's learned that lesson the hard way in her early months as Hi-Volt. She probably barely makes it into Level 2 Durability, not quite inhumanely frail, but closer to that than she'd like to admit.
Energy Projection: Aw yeah, the bread and butter! Being able to absorb and mess with electricity is cool and all, but what's more cool than that? Dishing it out, of course! While still a bit uncontrolled, Jenna is able to unleash several thousand watts of electricity at any given time, and it can go quite the distance too, if necessary. She certainly earns her Level 4 spot here.
Fighting Skills: Okay, so, sure, she's a college student who didn't throw a punch in her life until last March, but...Well, actually, fair enough. Yeah, her combat skills are pretty bad in comparison to most hero-types running the streets. She's still playing catch-up to most of y'all, alright? I'd probably place her as a low-tier Level 2; not a complete novice to fighting (anymore), but definitely not skilled at it.
Weaknesses: Oh boy, where to start? Well, as mentioned in the Power Grid's Fighting Skills section, she's pretty new to, y'know, the fighting part. If it weren't for her Power, anyone remotely more skilled than her could put her down, and even with her Power, being this green to things isn't helping her case.
Secondly, her Power itself, and its flaws. She struggles controlling the output of her discharges, and usually wastes more energy than she intends to with her moves. Also, her charge itself; while she can hold an impressive amount of energy, she can also burn it out quickly over the course of a night of crime-fighting, and without any energy, she's just a normal girl who can't throw a punch to save her life. Not to mention that, in theory, she could be overcharged. It's never happened to her before, but she imagines it could go very poorly. Honestly, one of the best case scenarios there that she's thought of is her simply exploding. Not fun!
Last but not least, her, uhm, mental state...Yeah, she can process thoughts and information at a rapid pace, but it also means her attention span has become shot to hell. If she can't focus on a single thing, she becomes easily frazzled and disorientated. Not to mention when she's focused, she loses sight of...Pretty much everything else. Not the best trait for crime-fighting, but she's managed. It makes it a massive pain in the ass to sleep though.
.....Oh, and I guess this is an important one; still just a flesh-person. Doesn't take bullets well! She's theorized that her Power could speed up her body's natural healing, but she isn't eager to test that theorum...
Appearance: Jenna Beltran is a young 5'6 woman of Native descent, weighing only a little over 110 lbs. Her physical form is exactly that of what you'd expect of a college student eating microwave ramen every other night; wiry and ill-defined muscles are the name of the game, though she's looking better than she did prior to the hero gig; running around New York at 500 MPH does wonders for your thighs! Still though, she's about as physically capable as she looks. Evidently, she doesn't put too much effort in her appearance (mostly because make-up and the like would get fried off by her Power anyway; talk about inconvenient!), but she still somehow rocks it! Er, besides the bags under her eyes. Please ignore those!
The only reason Jenna stands out is her hair; you don't find that shade of minty green just anywhere! Though, uh, it was just a side effect of the incident. She's normally just got black hair....And as far as clothing goes? Psh. She's living on cup noodles and hot pockets and working on three different degrees while hammering away at an internship at one of the biggest companies on the planet. She could not give less of a damn what she's caught wearing, as long as it actually covers her. Baggy t-shirts and sweatpants are the name of the game typically.
Hi-Volt, however, is a different story. They're a Hero, they gotta look the part, after all! She spared no expense and definitely didn't steal any of this from STARK Industries. Nearly her whole body is covered in a skin-tight black nanoweave designed to protect her squishy bits as well as help conduct her electricity towards her arms, as the nanoweave is effectively shock-proof, forcing the flow of energy to her arms. Over the topside of this nanoweave is a mostly-orange snap-on vest....Mostly there because she finds it comfy, but also because she finds the neck piece to look cool. Around both her wrists are an invention of her own design, the Chargeband (name pending). Their purpose will be described later, but in appearance they look like slightly hefty, black metal bands. Beyond this, she wears....Completely normal gloves and shoes. What? Not everything is cool tech-stuff (until Jenna has her way with things, at least). Granted, she splurged for some fancy top-of-the-line shoes that snap on without any laces or anything, because she can't be bothered in the slightest.
Of course though, she's got to protect her identity; thus, she wears a helmet that looks suspiciously similar to some older Super Sentai stuff, with a white and orange coloration and a dope visor to boot, of her own design, and last but not least, a metal mask for her mouth, covering up nearly the last of her face, and it also doubles as a voice modulator. She doesn't use it to change her voice too drastically, just enough to go undetected.
Equipment: I've already gone over the nanoweave, as well as her voice modulator both of which totally weren't stolen from STARK Industries, but let's go over some of her own inventions this time. The Chargeband acts like a Swiss Army Knife for the modern world; it's capable of both siphoning electricity off of objects (and, yes, Jenna herself, when she needs to) as well as charging electronic devices, and can be changed into Combat Mode where it can function as an extraordinarily high-power close-range taser. Jenna mainly uses them to store spare energy for her to take in case of emergency, but their other functions serve their purpose as well.
There's also her Smarthelm, which was initially designed in mind for electricians. Namely because the visor isn't for show; it contains a heads-up display that is able to point out sources of electricity within one's field of vision, and alerts the wearer to electrical hazards like live wires and the sort. This is extremely helpful for when Jenna needs to find some mid-mission charge, or when looking for some high-priority electronics. It wasn't always so.....Power Rangers-esque though.
"I wasn't always 'that girl who shocks drug dealers'. More of a recent development, really."
Jenna Beltran is a Brooklyn girl, born and raised. Her family made it big in New York as a part of STARK Industries, back when the man himself was still running the show, with their revolutionary ideas involving the energy crisis that, even to this day, the world is struggling with. Of course, 'made it big' in New York mainly means 'able to stay off the street, and afford some fancy family dinners every few months'. Still, she wouldn't have changed it for the world.
Growing up, she aspired to be like her parents; the forerunners of the future, paving the way for exciting new innovations that could change the very world they live in. She fully believed in this dream, and to this day, still believes in it as well. It drove her not to simply meet the mark, but to excel. Jenna always put her best foot forward in everything she did, not a genius by birth, but by hard, painstaking effort, pushing her way to that brighter tomorrow she believes in.
This came to a spearhead rather recently, when she graduated from Brooklyn Technical High School as Valedictorian of her class and moved on to bigger and brighter things, getting accepted into the prestigious Empire State University, as well as getting into an internship at STARK Industries. Granted, this was all after the whole snap thing. She was one of the lucky ones; both herself and her immediately family went untouched, though the world did not. Everything was still shaken up, and with the incredible Iron Man gone, people were concerned about the future of STARK Industries.
She didn't share the concerns.
For a time, things were...Well, great would be an overstatement. Beyond some care packages from her mom every now and again, she was pretty much eating out of a microwave; no time to cook. Or time to learn to cook, either. Not to mention, even for her, the stress was piling on. A couple all-nighters in a row'll do that to you. So, she can hardly be blamed for what happened that faithful September day.
For once, Jenna wasn't all that busy, so of course she chose to....Work on one of her projects. What? You expected her to rest when she finally had time for herself? C'mon! She was beginning work on her newest project, the Smarthelm, after her Chargeband went over quite well in STARK Industries (though she held off getting it mass-produced and sold just yet; still some bugs to iron out, and she wanted to be out of college before then). However, in her exhausted state working, she made a fatal error; while trying on the helmet, she was accidentally holding onto the Chargeband she had used to power it on....
In an instant, she realized the mistake, but it was too late. The Chargeband created a loop; both siphoning and giving energy to the Smarthelm all while it was on her head, running thousands of volts of electricity straight through her skull. By the time her college roomie found her, she'd been like that for hours, on a loop of getting electrocuted without rest.
Five months in a hospital bed.
That's how long she was in a coma for after the incident, and most people thought she had become a lost cause, except for her parents. They believed their daughter would come back; they had to...This went on for months on end, her parents fighting tooth and nail, refusing to let her go. And then, on February 8th, a miracle occurred. Her father accidentally left his phone in her room at the hospital, and by chance, it dropped. It grazed her finger for only a second.
A second was all she needed.
Like a jolt straight to her heart, Jenna awoke that day, to the shock of her loved ones as well as the medical community; by all rights, there was no way she should've recovered. And yet she did. Of course, she still had to go through some rehab to make sure there was no lasting damages (which, again, to the confusion of the medical community, she suffered very little in the form of lasting damage), but by the butt-end of February, she was getting back to the grindstone, doing catch-up work on both her internship and her college work.
....But things were never really the same. Because she was different now.
She had noticed it during her rehab, but it didn't fully dawn on her until she was finally back home for the first time and months, and when she picked up her phone, she accidentally drained its battery for all it was worth. Most people would've been confused, maybe even horrified....But in this day and age? After the Snap? No. All she could do was grin.
This was exciting!
For the rest of February and partway into March, she practiced her new capabilities, testing them for the name of science....And fun. Eventually, she came to a conclusion; the best way to study her Powers were in action, and what better action in New York was there than crime-fighting? So, fixing herself up a new identity and a suit to match (after maybe taking a few essentials from STARK Industries....), she began hitting the streets as Hi-Volt! Now, for the better half of six months, she's been doing this vigilante gig on top of her laundry list of other tasks, and loving every second of it!
"Ah. English is not first language. But punches are...Universal, no?"
Name: Katiya Sokolov, also referred to as Quadra. She, uh....Doesn't know how to feel about that name.
Age: 25 (January 8th, 2000)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight (granted, she's never been romantically involved with anyone...)
Double The Woman
"My power is not complicated. Extra arms. Extra tall. Extra strong. Da?"
She isn't lying. As far as Mutants go, Katiya is pretty cut and dry; whatcha see is whatcha get. She's got quite the superhuman physique, which most can judge from her impressive musculature....And the fact she's nearly 11 feet tall. Stronger, faster, tougher; you name it, she's probably got it over any average schmuck. Not to mention her extra set of arms, which is helpful both in combat and more mundane tasks (you should see her cook; it's a sight to behold). The only thing you wouldn't be able to guess just from seeing her is a more...Internal oddity. Likely due to her physiology, she actually has two hearts to compensate.
Intelligence: Katiya isn't an idiot, but she is slow to grasp concepts. I mean, to this day, she still muddles up her English from time to time. Still, she's able to put her mind to something and figure it out when push comes to shove, and she is a graduate of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Definitely only places a 2 on the Grid, but she's far from dull.
Strength: Now this is where she excels! Sure, she's superhumanly strong, but double up on that with an extra pair of arms, and she can really show off. If using all her arms in tandem, she can mark onto Tier 5 of the Power Grid's Strength category, but even her general strength can be placed rather solidly in the mid-to-high Tier 4. Needless to say, pretty damn strong. Still, she rarely has to show off that much excessive strength with the kind of people she fights.
Speed: She might not be able to move hundreds of miles an hour or something silly like that, but make no mistake, this gal is fast for her size. Kat is certainly more agile than the average human, and combining that with her height and additional limbs, she has excellent mobility...In open areas. When things get cramped, it really sucks for her. So overall, she places in Tier 3, AKA Superhuman Speed, just....Very low on that list.
Durability: Kat ain't invincible, but she can definitely take more punishment than most. Her skin's thick enough to shrug off most forms of blades, bludgeons, etc, and can even stop some lower-caliber bullets. But even when something breaks her skin, it'll find it hard to break through her dense muscle, and even harder to shatter through her rigid bones. So while she isn't no Luke Cage, you'll find her hard to keep down. This places her around the higher-tier of 3 for Durability.
Fighting Skills: If you were worried about her raw strength before, you're probably scared to realize it's backed by some impressive skill as well. Xavier's place is quite varied in its lessons, after all...She isn't quite some combat wizard or anything, but she's well trained, has experienced proper combat, and is well-learned in the martial arts of Krav Maga and Russian Sambo. She certainly places well into Tier 4 of Fighting Skills.
Weaknesses: While Katiya is quite skilled, it is not to an insane degree; there are many others who could outmatch her in skill, and it could grant them an advantage, no matter how slight. Additionally, her power can be watered down to 'superhuman physiology', and all the weaknesses that can apply to something so simplistic. She has no ranged options (beyond chucking things at people, which, to be fair, she can do pretty well), isn't tough enough to withstand heavy forms of assault, like explosives, without sustaining serious injury, and....Well, I hate to bring it up, but she is a bit slow. Some trickery and underhanded moves might take you a long way against her.
Appearance: The first thing you'll notice about her is probably the height, then the abs, and then her actual face. That's what happens when you stand at a staggering 10'8 ft. of height and are built like a chiseled statue of a Goddess. She clearly keeps herself in shape, judging from her...Ahem...Impressive physique. Her hair and eyes are both naturally a shade of dark red, and Kat's hair cascades down to her waist. Which, given her height, is a lotta hair. Her hair appears unkempt, though it has a sort of untouched natural beauty to it.
Clothing-wise, Katiya likes to keep things simple. If it's not too cold (and trust me, she can take a lotta cold), she's usually wearing a red tracksuit, underneath which is nothing but a black crop top, showing off her lower abdomen. Beyond that, she wears red shorts, and usually a pair of black and red running shoes. If things get too nippy for her, she'll change out the tracksuit for a grey coat and red scarf, and the shorts for a pair of fur-cuffed black jeans. You can bet your ass Kat's still wearing that crop top though.
Other: In spite of her many years in the states adjusting to English, she still has a very clear Russian accent. She also occasionally jumbles the two languages together when she can't remember the word for something or other.
"It was not in my plans to be streetsweeping heroine. But things get complicated. Professor Xavier warned me of this..."
Katiya Sokolov was born and raised in Novi Grad, Sokovia, though her upbringing was anything but smooth, given that she was born as a small giantess with an extra set of arms. Unbeknownst to her or her family at the time, Kaitya was a Mutant. What they did know at the time was that she had to be hidden away from the world; in her parents' minds, there was no way she could reasonably grow up in society as she was, and even beyond that, there were no doubts that there were people who would seek out individuals such as herself...They didn't want that for their daughter.
So, most of Katiya's early life was spent in her home, being schooled by her parents when they were available, and learning to adapt to her....Unique condition. By the time she was 15, she was nearly eight feet tall, so you can imagine how awkward things were for her in a small Sokovian homestead.
Things changed when Ultron attacked. The family had to flee; they know they did. But having to expose their daughter like this was their worst nightmare. But Katiya took it in stride. She had always been raised knowing that one day she'd have to 'face the music', as it were, and in her mind, there was no better time than this. Thus, the 15-year-old Katiya Sokolov strode out to the streets of Novi Grad for the first time, and did only what her upbringing demanded of her; she saved lives.
Her physique, while not extraordinarily superhuman, was super enough, as she darted through the streets with her family, saving stragglers as they avoided the onslaught of the metal menace. Before long, they found themselves on the Helicarrier with thousands of other refugees, who were thankfully not in the mood for questions, given the situation.
Afterwards, she was approached by S.H.I.E.L.D., who offered to take her under their wing, since she showed promise with her actions on this day. However, she refused; while she was all too happy to do a good deed, she had little interest in becoming absorbed by heroics. She just wanted to live her life, preferably in peace.
Thus, her family, once all was said and done, moved to New York as a fresh start to their lives. Of course, though, her actions in Novi Grad followed her here. Though, thankfully, for the better. She was eventually reached out to by a member of an institute known as Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. While her family was skeptical, they eventually budged; there, she could receive a proper education, and perhaps learn more about herself.
And that she did. Katiya's time at the school was nothing less of amazing, learning about what she was, learning things her parents could never teach her, it was incredible, and she loved every second of it. Things got quite hectic halfway through her time there once the snap occurred, with half the student body disappearing in front of everyone's eyes....Thankfully, though, Professor Xavier was spared this, and managed to bring an uneasy peace to the student body, in spite of everything.
However, by the time Katiya had left the School for Gifted Youngsters behind with her graduation in 2020, she came to a rude awakening upon coming home; her mother and father were gone. She didn't take it well, but eventually pulled herself up. They would want her to keep going, no matter what, and she was determined to do so. At first she tried some odd jobs, but Kat began her first job that stuck in a grocery store nearby her parents' small apartment (after having to play catch-up with a lot of rent). The atmosphere of the place was quite stifled, what with the fact the owner's daughter had apparently been dusted....Still, it was good work (at least in Kat's humble opinion, given this was her first job ever, and stocking shelves when you have four arms is easy as pie), and it kept her going, working there for a little over a year. Truth be told, she would've probably considered a new job, if not for the fact she had no idea what else to do, and it paid the bills. She couldn't argue.
But here was when things truly began; 2023, the year when the Avenger Tony Stark, otherwise known as Iron Man, made the sacrifice play for the whole world, reversing the Snap of 2018. So many people came back. It should've been happy...But so much soured the experience. Over those five years, the world had moved on without these people, and confusion took hold. However, it was a far more personal matter for Katiya, because when she went back to the apartment expecting her parents....They were nowhere to be found.
Confused, sad, and without anywhere to search for answers, Kat took a leap of logic; if there were people who would know about disappearances, it would be those who skulked the shadows of New York. Thus, she took to the streets as a vigilante, hoping to find the answers she needs.
....And helping people never hurt anyone except wicked men.
"Now is the part where I hit you very hard, and you give up."
Name: Moroshkin Aleksandr (Sasha) Vasilievich Alias: Alexander Barton. Sasha. Alex (really does not like being called this). Alec. Zander. Thomas Simons. Craig Sharpe. Stephen Locke. Age: 26 Gender: Male Sexuality: Bisexual
Powers: Aleksandr Vasilievich is the son of Charles Barton and a Black Widow. Though his mother delved into the arcane room solve the issue of her sterility, Aleksandr does not appear to have inherited any mystical abilities as of yet. He however did seem to inherit some of the variant super soldier serum from the Red Room. Making him strong enough to lift small cars and bend metal, fast enough to move at/beyond the speed of automobiles, durable enough to withstand being thrown off tall buildings. Though Aleksandr’s crime fighting doesn’t just stem from his enhanced condition, but more rather his upbringing. Being raised by a world class assassin and thief, Aleksandr spent most of his childhood training under his parents. Making him a very skilled marksman and hand to hand combatant.
Weaknesses: While he may be stronger and faster than the average man, guns truely are the great equaliser. If he were to Farah a stray bullet, it would be devastating. On top of that, Aleksandr’s confidence in his skills has gotten in him trouble on multiple occasions. With his criminal past, and often lethal brand of justice has made him wanted by the police and often branded a menace.
Appearance: Aleksandr Vasilievich is a 6’2 athletically built Russian man. Black hair and blue eyes, his is conveniently attractive. He is heavily tattooed, with each tattoo owing to a story in his past. From faces of important people he has killed to runes that helped his mother conceive him. From places he has visited to weapons he has used.
Aleksandr’s weapon of choice is an advanced dual stage sniper rifle that was developed by HAMMER Industries. By using a lessened powder load, and the addition of electromagnetic rail system, the specialised marksman rifle has a greater stealth profile than most other market available snipers. The experimental rail system allows the use of specialised bullets, and can fire them at much faster, with less muzzle flash and quieter operation.
History: Much of his history is shrouded in mystery. Moroshkin Kristina (Tina) Olegovna was a black widow trained by the Red Room. After a botched mission in Latveria, the mind control was broken, and Kristina decided she wanted to start a family. So she begun her journey of exploring different surgical, chemical and mystical options. She never truely said how she reversed what was done to her, but I her travels, she fell for a charismatic archer. The two fell in love, and became a power couple in the criminal underworld. When they had a son, Aleksandr, he was inducted into that world. Training with one parent while the other was on a job, and swapping when they got back. Aleksandr killed his first person when he was 12. By the time he was eighteen he was set to be the next big things in the global criminal empire. The next few years were good. The family doing jobs for the highest bidder. Until a few years later. They were on a job in New York for the big man, when halfway through the job, his parents disappeared alongside half the global population. The mission was a failure. Kingpin put a bounty on Aleksandr’s head. Five years passed and it seems that the Kingpin has forgotten about Aleksandr. Spending most of his resources on rebuilding his empire as opposed to hunting some kid. Aleksandr built his empire himself too. Inspired by the Ronin. He was told by the FBI that his Father, Charles Barton, was actually a deep cover agent. So, he spent the five years of the blip settling in New York. Creating new identities for himself. Preparing to dismantle organised crime.
Weaknesses: The source of MJ’s powers are also his weakness. The powers he gains are only temporary. Usually 6 hours or so depending how much MGH he took. In order to have powers at all, MJ has to keep taking MGH. MGH is highly addictive in humans, and he experiences withdrawal symptoms when he doesn’t take them for long periods of time. Additionally, MGH has a side effect of making him more aggressive while he’s on it.
MJ is an attractive dude (at least in my opinion.) He totally believes his own hype. He is confident and proud of his looks. He has fine facial features, and has been described as a pretty boy. He stands at six feet tall, and has a fit build, but not overly muscular. He also has vibrant red hair, and green eyes. He has a perfectly white smile on his face
History: Matthew James Watson was born to Phillip and Madeleine Watson in Queens New York. Their marriage was not a happy one. When MJ was six, Madeleine walked out on her husband and son, and was never seen again. MJ and his dad moved to Queens, and Phillip turned to alcohol to drown his sorrows. As MJ would soon find out, Phillip was a violent angry drunk. He physically and verbally took out his frustrations on his son. MJ felt conflicted about the whole thing. His dad was an ass, but he was still his family…
While in school, and away from his dad in general, he put on a party boy persona. He acted cheery and bubbly, and was always out. He found any excuse he could to not be home. His dream was to be an actor. He became a social media influencer, constantly posting pictures of himself, as well as videos of the parties he went to, and whatever else he thought people would find interesting. He hoped to leverage this into an acting career.
MJ developed a large online following, and naturally was quite popular at school. He dated a lot of people, both girls and boys. There was one boy in particular. His name was Danny Davis. The Watsons and the Davises were next door neighbors. MJ knew good and well Danny had a view of his bedroom from his own window… Danny wasn’t the type of guy he normally went out with, but he was really sweet. The guy was bullied a lot, and MJ felt bad for the poor kid. He may have said some things… It was just harmless flirting, it didn’t mean anything…
Untill Danny asked him out to Prom. MJ was shocked. Did Danny get the wrong idea? He was a sweet guy but… he wasn’t into him like that. Prom was serious, and quite frankly MJ wasn’t ready to be tied down like that. MJ rejected Danny’s invitation, and hoped they could still be friends… Danny seemed to take it well…
Then the next day, MJ received the news that Danny had been killed. Internally, he was racked with guilt. If he had taken Danny to Prom he would probably still be alive today… But externally, he blamed that sister of his. She was with him, she could have done something? Why wasn’t she killed? Danny was innocent, and did not deserve to die.
MJ started partying harder, and got into drugs to ease his guilt. His drug of choice, Mutant Growth Hormone. It made him strong, tough, and gave him the ability to fly. He loved the power MHG gave him. He donned a costume, and took the name Jackpot, and beat up bad guys with his newfound strength.
MJ has since moved out of his father’s place, and into his own apartment in Queens. He works as a waiter, while also maintaining his social media following, going to auditions trying to make it on broadway, and brutally beats up drug and other criminals to vent out his frustrations and gets his hands on MGH however he can.
Name: Konstantin Salazar Alias: The Wanderer Age: 31 Gender: A dude Sexuality: Heterosexual
Portal Creation: This man can create portals to places that he can see or remember, at least within a range of 10 miles. This can also be facilitated through up to date pictures and live video feed The amount of focus and energy required to tear open these cracks in the fabric of space itself allows for only one to be active at any given time, and the more distant the target location, the more strain it will bring to his mind.
Hardlight Energy Shielding: The energy Konstantin uses can also be redirected into forming barriers and shields of solidified psychic energy. These shields can withstand blows from at least one magazine's worth of small arms ammunition, but will instantly give way to things such as explosives.
Weaknesses: All his supernatural abilities stem from a necklace studded with a magical gemstone. Take that away, and he's only an ordinary person.
Konstantin is 5'9" tall, with tanned skin and a glamorous man bun on his head. He's usually sporting Adidas products, it seems.
Other: He's blind in his left eye since birth.
History: Konstantin Salazar was born to a simple, if not a rather difficult life. As the first born child of a family of rural peasants in the province of Cagayan, located in the northern agricultural heartland of the Philippines, his destiny was initially simple: toil the fields, maybe get to complete elementary school before the lack of funds forced him to stop all formal studies. That is what they all had to live with, he was told. That's just how life was: a cycle, an unending wheel of repeating patterns.
And so, that is just what he did. Or rather, that is what Konstantin's circumstances forced him into. He wasn't the best student in any field (other than perhaps the rice field), so it wasn't like some foundation was going to suddenly take notice of any 'gifts' and give him a scholarship. His family just had enough for them to live through everyday… and that's just how it is.
One day, though, everything changed. Konstantin had an… experience, one might say. During an incursion in the woods, he heard a voice. A voice called out to him, speaking his name from underneath the ground. Not sure what it all really meant, he began digging. Instinct screamed at him to simply leave, that this was a total waste of time. However, it kept calling… and soon enough, Konstantin unearthed it.
An artifact of some kind? He was not sure at the time, but it came in the form of a necklace from inside a wooden chest that was, strangely enough, unlocked. The necklace itself glimmered with purple light, almost as if it was magic…
Without hesitation, Konstantin put on the magical artifact, and it immediately filled his mind with visions, no, memories of its past wielder. Most of it were vague glimpses, flashes of a life whose footsteps had long vanished from the world. The one thing that was clear, however, was the gift that it granted to whoever wore it: the freedom to travel through portals that cut through the fabric of space. Seeing a way to finally remedy the problems of his family, and most of all himself, he would participate in some… bank heists down in the capital region, taking just enough to raise the Salazars from their station of near poverty to one of relative comfort. Konstantin's parents and siblings didn't dare ask where all that money came from, but they've had their own… theories. They didn't know he had become a portal evoking, shield-creating sorcerer, if wielding the powered artifact of a sorcerer counted as being one.
With their greatly enriched position, Konstantin and his siblings got their degrees and then occupations one by one, ending the cycle that had permeated in their family for many generations. His parents soon succumbed to old age after that, leaving his siblings and himself. They were well prepared for those moments, though, and took it rather well.
There wasn't going to be a lot more to that, if it weren't for the Snap. At that time, they had emigrated to the United States a year after the Chitauri invaded New York, and had well established themselves in a new country. Konstantin, along with two of his three siblings, were snapped away, leaving only the youngest sister. Distraught with grief, she committed suicide, leading to all their properties being sold off to the highest bidders. When the Avengers reversed that catastrophe, Konstantin and his two brothers returned to a world where everything that they had built disappeared, and their sister truly dead. They had, thankfully, managed to keep a secret stash of money, and so managed to stay afloat in the turbulent months that followed the reversal.
Now, Konstantin feels rather guilty about the methods he had used to bring his family out of poverty, especially now that it had mostly fizzled away due to their disappearance. Perhaps as a way of making up for those pasts heists back in Manila, he had turned to becoming a vigilante in New York City. Sometimes he gets compensated by grateful citizens, sometimes not. At other times fearmongers say he's a public menace. At the end of the day, he's helping.
Taking his Shadow Wraith form, Shi’loh can move through shadows. His face is hidden to protect the souls of those who encounter him. In his Shadow Wraith form, he can release a wail that causes damage to any caught in the radial wave. The wail can also be used as a concussive sound blast that can cause explosive damage. This can also be used to negate projectiles. His Shadow Wraith form releases a toxic miasma that, if inhaled, damages the spirit and disorients causing severe flu-like symptoms that last from 30 minutes to weeks depending on how much of the miasma is inhaled. If too much miasma is inhaled, it can lead to death. It takes a great amount to cause the body's organs to shut down.
Shi’loh is skilled in dispatching of those he is assigned to. He is an assassin and the right-hand man of one of the most powerful men in the city, and as such he is very lethal in hand-to-hand combat. He uses a spirit bow that allows him to damage the spirit whenever the spirit arrows strike. By damaging the spirit, the victim will feel drained of energy, and unable to focus. The nervous system takes damage and the victim feels great pain. The spirit arrows can shackle the spirit in place or tether objects in place. He can form weapons out of the toxic miasma that flows from his form or nearby shadow that have the strength of the actual weapon.
Weaknesses: Shi’loh shell can be damaged just like a human. Although he isn’t afflicted with human diseases, he can die from life-threatening wounds; however, only his shell would crumble. His spirit would continue to exist. Shi’loh shell doesn’t have superhuman strength or bulletproof skin. He is extremely flammable and stays away from fire.
Other: Shi’loh is a being trapped between realms. He is a spirit, a wraith, a Phantom, but with a mortal shell. His true age is unknown, but the shell he currently resides in just celebrated his 28th birthday. His blood is toxic and can be used as a sedative that will knock even the strongest of creatures unconscious for at least 30 minutes depending on the dosage.
History: Shi'a doesn't have much to tell. He has always existed, though, with each mortal shell incarnation, his life begins anew. He remembers only those memories and skills that are passed down through the various incarnations. Now in a new shell, Shi'a has found what he feels is home. He was adopted by the very man he works for. The Crime Boss taught him everything, from running the business to ordering hits on various officials. Shi'a did all that he was told to do, and never questioned it throughout the entirety of his mortal life. Now 28, Shi'a lives alone, but is still fulfilling the wishes of his boss.
Name: Oscar Helgrem Species: Human Age: 21 Birthday: August 21st Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Relationship Status: Single Work: College Student & Vigilante Affiliation: Empire State University wrestling team & Mac's Boxing Gym Current Residence: ESU college dorm
Intelligence- Oscar is an extremely smart man, he's perceptive, and a genius when it comes to languages, on the Marvel power Grid he is a 4.
Polygot- He is also a Language genius knowing 6 languages fluently: German, Spanish, English, French, Latin, and Tagalog.
Insight- Oscar has a great insight that can normally help him read deeper into a situation or into someone. Paired with his skills he is able to pick up many different things now, to the point of being able to even read an opponent's moves within moments of them thinking of the action. Giving him a unique skill that has manifested, Skill Mimicry.
Skill Mimicry- His skills and body are incredibly honed, to the point where he is able to pick out little details in anything he is looking at. This includes how people move, to the point where he has the ability to memorize how to replicate the motions they make, and with his own insight and his control over his body from his powers he is even able to steal their skills. He might not be perfect in the steal, as his body might not be suited for it. Yet with his very deep understanding of how skills and fighting works, he is able to morph anything someone does, may they be bigger or smaller than him, and use it in a way most fitting, and if he likes what he takes, he might just keep it.
Oscar is able to use his great insight and his body control to enhance his vision to analyze and steal his opponent's techniques, then he improves by using his skills. He is able to grasp most styles or techniques after some time of watching them and moments later being able to use them, this skill isn't limited to just fighting styles. This includes any movements, acrobatics, or techniques he is able to see and understand. He's unable to perform magic and other things like that without understanding the principles, so watching someone shoot a fireball will not give him the ability to do so, nor watching someone use mystical punches will somehow give him the power to do the mystical parts of the punch.
Strength- That of a man at his peak, Oscar is quite confident in his strength yet he isn't some monster without his power. When he isn't using his power he'd be a 2 on the Marvel power grid, but when he is using his power to lift his limits on himself he'd be a 3 and if he goes further a 4, but at that much, he will break himself under his own strength.
Speed- Without his powers, Oscar is quite quick and nimble on his feet, and very fit as he is able to clock a 4-minute mile, yet with his power, he is able to move faster halving his time in a mile from a 4-minute to a 2-minute mile, but it can tire him out pretty quickly doing this. On the Marvel power grid, he'd be a very low-end 3 high-end 2.
Durability- Oscar is a tough man, he has fought people with broken bones, has run himself ragged through training, boxing matches, and then went to fight crime on the street. The only thing that really keeps him going is that his power allows him to control his body's functions to have his muscles push out the lactic acid quickly and to ignore his pain and tiredness. On the Marvel power grid, he's a 2 yet with his powers he can become a pseudo 3 by making himself not bleed out or not feel the pain.
Fighting Skills- Oscar is a natural fighter, but he is also trained in boxing and is a wrestling star. Yet with his power and natural abilities, he is able to mimic the skills he watches for enough time, as after a bit of time he is able to perform different skills, like attacks, movements, and acrobatics with great accuracy to what he's watched. His skills right now on the Marvel power grid are of a 4.
Wrestling King- He was a high school/college level wrestler and a good one at that, he even used wrestling as a way to get through college, as he has won National Wrestling Championships.
Boxing Genius- He trained as a boxer, and even became professional after moving to New York and has been in multiple matches. He has not lost a match yet, he hasn't been planning on going for the title, even though many wish for him to try.
Longsword novice- Oscar had never trained with a 2 handed weapon, nor does he have the time to try now, but he is picking up what he needs, but he is nowhere near dueling ready.
Natural Fighter- His knack for fighting is a thing to behold as he has a great fighting spirit and great instincts.
As far as weaknesses go, Oscar is pretty normal and decently close to a normal person. Sure he has powers, however, his powers only partially make him more 'durable' than a normal person. He can stop himself from bleeding out of some wounds, this doesn't mean he can just not worry about someone shooting him, and a large wound means he can slow the bleeding rather than just stop the bleeding. His increased strength can only go so far, as it is just hysterical strength rather than a strength increase. The more he uses his power to increase his strength, the more he is risking breaking his bones. And his power doesn't give him more stamina, it just makes it where he can ignore his body, the exhaustion will still catch up with him no matter how much he tries.
Spirit Sword-
Oscar is able to summon a 2 handed longsword to his hand, this sword has many strange features. If an object/person was not the intended target, then the blade will pass through the object or person and leave no harm done.
- If the target was intended yet the intention is not to kill then the blade will pass through them and deal pain through their nervous system, rather than physical pain they will have mental pain, like ghost pains.
- An intended target can be any person or object, so if he focused, he would be able to make the intended target a blade he would come into contact with, so he can block with it still.
- The sword can pass through most things, but energy fields and energy based protections seems to be able block the blade.
- The blade seems to be created of some form of psychic energy, yet Oscar has no real understanding of his actual sword, nor it's composition, as often when he tries to change it's form it always stays it's same shape.
No other object seems able to stop the blade when it is not the target, not even steel or lead. The only real obstacle seems to be the length of the blade and where his hand is placed. Other than that the blade can pass through and hit the intended target. Yet the target must be known to be there or it will just pass through them as well. Such as if someone is behind a wall and he doesn't know of them, it will just pass through them, even if they are an enemy to him.
Other than these strange features the blade seems to have no other effects or abilities other than being a sharp blade and Oscar seems unable to throw the sword, almost as if it glues itself to one of his hands at all times.
Full Body Control-
This is a very strange ability in comparison to his other power, yet is a helpful one. This power gives him control over his body, may it be how much power his muscles put out, how the blood flows, or even what things about his body prioritize as essential. This gives him a unique ability to even decide if he needs to see color and start prioritizing his kinetic vision and reaction speed to allow him more perceived time to dodge faster attacks.
This skill gives him the ability to increase his own healing speed by upping his metabolism, stop himself from bleeding out by controlling how the blood flows, and even increasing his power by bypassing his bodies natural limiters and using much more of his own strength, but this can be a detriment as he would then risk injury by breaking his own body by having his muscles go beyond what they are naturally meant to and even break bones from the stress he can put them under.
However, doing any of this takes quite a bit of concentration, as it can often strain his mind when he tries to do too much all at once, so often times he will prioritize certain things like if he is bleeding, he won't try to control the muscles in the area because it would require greater control and concentration to make the blood flow to other placed while concentrating on the power output of his muscles, which would often divert his concentration in a fight. But once he prioritizes something like his kinetic vision over colors, it is a one-time thing that will stay until he goes and switches it back, oftentimes he can forget to do this based on how long he keeps it on.
His ability can be detected through 2 different methods, the first is through psychic energy, as his power is partially using his psychic energy to enact his will, and perform his feat. The second way is through a chemical screening/scanning, as when he uses his power, his body will oftentimes create different chemicals for his body to respond to, telling which muscles to do what and how hard, ignoring pain receptors in certain areas, how his blood will flow to certain areas, and many other things. If someone was to concoct a chemical that was able to counteract these chemicals, he would be unable to perform most of his abilities with his Full Body Control, leaving mostly the things he is able to do in his head, which would be changing his perception and eyesight, ignoring all feeling by turning off all his receptors, and lifting his restraint of his all of his muscles, but being unable to control them, so they would fire off at 100% power, which can easily break his bones.
Personality: He is actually a really nice and genuine guy as he is quite Jovial and happy. He always tries to put a smile on others' faces and tries to help in any way he can as he loves to watch people be happy. He can't be described as a social butterfly, yet he can definitely work his way through conversations and can be charismatic when needed. But, he normally is just an average guy who is slightly goofy and awkward, and just wants to help people.
Likes: Literature, Mythology, and Meat.
Dislikes: Those who go against his ideals, Sweets, and Deep Water.
Fears: Him being unable to achieve his dreams, and others getting hurt because of him.
Standing at 6'1 and weighing 186 pounds Oscar has a muscular and lean frame. He has a cute face and a bright smile, yet has a body that looks like a chiseled sculpture. He has scars here and there but nothing major, anything that would have left scar came later in life when he had his power, at which point he was more able to control how it healed, and made sure it was mostly unnoticeable.
His left arm will often cramp and start getting some pain, and it is bad when it rains, but he will normally push through it and if he is able to use his power, he will often enact more control over his arm to better make it more, stop the cramping, or turn of his sense in the arm to ignore the pain if he needs more focus.
Oscar was born in America to a Filipino Mother, Michelle Carter, who was born on a US Air Force base and was moved to America, and an American Soldier, Joseph Helgrem, who met her while on leave in the States. They conceived Oscar quickly and once his father became more stable he was able to be with his family more often. Allowing Oscar to have a great and caring family around him. Oscar always watched on as his father talked of Super-Heroes with reverence and honor as if they were a great part of our society rather than them menacing. This built and molded an ingrained wish in Oscar: "I want to be just like them!"
After years of schooling, being a good student and an athlete he wanted to try his best to get into a good college and start a career path to becoming a politician. As in his mind, if he can't become a hero, he should at least make sure they aren't being treated as a menace. So his career path was set in front of him and he had a dream. He wanted to get into the best school he could, and one of his best ways to distinguish himself was to do what he was good at Wrestling. As he went and showed off his skills in state championships, and was invited to participate in the national championship. He knew this was his chance to show off his skills, as he went with determination, yet this year had some pretty strong competition, many different people came this year, many well known in their careers as well, so the competition was going to be tough.
Yet again and again Oscar showed his fantastic skills until he was met with the person everyone was calling, the monster. He was a 6 foot even man who didn't seem much bigger than Oscar at the time, but something was off, Oscar could tell something was strange about him, but went in anyway. As the Wrestling match began, Oscar realized why they called him, the monster, his strength was incredible, to the point where it became apparent to Oscar he was far beyond normal as when Oscar used a quick lock, it felt as the man bruised Oscar by simply grabbing his arm and gripping it. Oscar called the refs to check him, as that's when it was found the kid was a mutant who went under the radar, and no one called him out until now. The kid was disqualified for hiding such an important thing, giving Oscar the win as he went on and became the National Champion.
Later that night, Oscar found out why most people never spoke up against him, as he had a track record that followed, many people tried to bring something up, but were found that night mutilated and shoved into trash cans. As Oscar was walking back to his hotel room to prepare to go home from the convention, as he was cornered in an alleyway by the kid who got disqualified because Oscar brought up his wicked strength. As the kid came at Oscar like a lightning bolt and punched Oscar hard enough to make him go flying. Oscar, had no time to try anything other than block, as that punch felt like it shattered his arm. Oscar felt his body go into a panic, his fight or flight response kicked in as he felt his blood boil. He didn't know what to do, he couldn't run, but fighting would get him killed for sure. Oscar knew the only way out was to fight, yet how was he going to beat him?
Oscar thought back to his training in boxing, as he remembered a combo, something taught to him as a real finisher, yet required perfect timing. Oscar was in pain, he felt exhausted because of his matches today, so he knew this was his best shot, but he knew he wasn't in the best state to do it. He wished the pain in his arm would go away, as at that moment the pain felt as if it stopped, it felt as if all feeling in his arm stopped. Oscar looked at it as he thought he just lost his arm, but it was still there, he lifted it up and saw it was moveable. Oscar had no clue what was going on, but he knew something was happening, so he thought up a plan and started talking to the man, in a scared and panicked voice, maybe he can get him to monologue. As in that moment, Oscar's prayer was answered as the kid started monologuing, giving Oscar time to try and think, he knew he needed to think and think fast. His first thought went to hoping he could focus himself on his reactions, hoping to heighten them, as he felt everything slow slightly everything was maybe a fraction of a second slower, but everything seemed brighter. Oscar started getting a headache, as he realized his power might have been something to do with his body, as he thought of the colors dimming, and well, all the colors disappeared, leaving only black and white, and all of the shades in-between.
Oscar's head felt okay again, as the kid started his advance, about to come in for a rush, but that's the moment Oscar was told to aim for, so he rushed forward and shifted slightly to the side, enough to get out of the way of the first hit, as he just put all the force he could into a hook aiming right for the boy's chin. Once that hit landed, the boy's head wobbled slightly, as Oscar shifted his feet and swung from the other side with his broken arm, and hit him on the chin again, as once the kid looked as if he was about to take a step back, Oscar stepped forward and sent a final straight, aiming right for the boy's chin once more. Doing all of this to rattle his brain and hopefully knock him out. As the boy looked like he was wobbling and churning, as he tried to take a step forward, but all that happened was that he threw up and fell over. Oscar fell over as he felt his body start tiring as he looked at the boy, as he felt relief over come him, until he saw the boy getting up.
Oscar saw this and began to panic, he was already running on fumes because of everything, but now the boy is able to still stand. Oscar got up, as he looked at him and took in breaths trying to focus, he needed a way to hurt the boy, however his body is far too strong to do it without killing him. Until he felt some energy well up within him, as he felt an energy in his chest, at first he thought it was his body getting ready for a fight, until he started seeing a light emanating from his chest, as Oscar grabbed at his chest, as a blade seems to slowly form in his hand. Oscar wasn't aware of it at the time, because of his vision, but the sword shone with a bright gold as he took it and prepared to fight. As the boy rushed Oscar, Oscar took a preemptive strike to cut at the boys arm, but the boy went to grab the blade. Little did either of them know, the blade would pass through the boys arm, yet it felt like to the boy that his arm was just cut in half.
Oscar didn't know what happened, yet he continued and attack the boy a few more times, each slash passing through, yet each one landing and sending waves of intense pain through the boy. As the fighting became much more like a flurry of slashes that send pain through both of them, as every swing Oscar did shifted the shattered bones in his arm and got passed his want for his body to ignore it, yet he needed to do this. If he stopped he was dead, he knew that now, so he fought. Until finally the boy standing infront of him fell over, as did Oscar.
This was Oscar's first experience with his powers. He woke up the next day as he was in the hospital, as it was on the news of what happened.
After that Oscar had finished his high school career, getting more into boxing and starting to get really good. As now his goals are a little different, now having powers, Oscar felt maybe he could be a bit of a hero while getting into politics. As Oscar had the choice of where he wanted to go, he thought the best place to go would be somewhere out of his comfort zone, so he decided to go somewhere he knew was going to be different, but now being a mutant was a bit of an issue as some of his prospects seemed to dislike the fact he now was a mutant. Many wished to discredit his Champion status for him being a mutant and 'hiding it', yet it seemed others were on his side, often speaking out to his character and some of the dreams he has always held.
Oscar did have somewhere in mind to go to, after all, him being an open mutant made the choice easy, Empire State University. There he went and started his college life, he went in for Political Science and Mythology. He had been interested in Mythology and wanted to major in it, why? Because of the interest in mythology and how powers mimic the many details we find in the past of myths. Leading to one of his ideas that these powers could have come from much earlier than what many people even think. Like having powers like that of a Pheonix is not something people made up, but his ideas have not held much ground as of yet, after all, some people just find it to be coincident, he thinks this could lead to a much bigger thing, like this being a mutation that constantly occurs, but dies off, probably because of strife and or thought of them being different, like what happened with the witch trials.
Yet besides that his life started, well, he did do a few other things, he went onto the boxing scene, where he had to sign many different things about him not using his powers, after all, after disclosing his powers, it was easy to say he was able to fight, as with monitoring he would be able to be found if he uses his powers as it leaves a very noticeable trace as his body will release certain chemicals to enact his power. As here he proved not only the strength of his character to have never cheated, even on accident, but also his skill as a boxer. He has also started doing the same thing in Wrestling, as he had often used his skills to show off his abilities in Wrestling, to also disprove those who wished to discredit his National Championship in Highschool, he went on to continually win.
Now he fights crime, goes to school, is a wrestling star, a boxing legend in the making, and trying to become a politician, this man has his work cut out for him. For his fighting crime, he actually spends his time doing research into crime movements. He often spends his time getting information on movements on criminals, then uses his skills to find someone to 'tag' and pays attention to their movements. After following them he goes and busts deals and stuff that happened when his tagged target leaves, or feeds information to those he knows will be interested. He does this so it is easier to keep getting information from the same person, and will eventually find someone of more interest and 'tag' them. How he tags them, he'll often look at everything they have, what they wear, where they go, what they eat, and eventually profiles them with the info he has and tails them when he finds them, slowly building a more detailed profile on the person. He makes these detailed profiles to either use them or give them to people who are interested or the authorities to apprehend them.