Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 1 hr ago

James Kingston

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Omega Level Healing

The chaos of the scene faded into muted background noise as Harry’s clones surrounded them, reducing the imminent threat of attack. James chewed on his lip as he considered how to best do this but he wasn’t a medical expert so there was only one thing to do. James gave a muttered apology as he firmly gripped the stake and pulled, getting Andy free of it. The blood flowed faster as the dam broke and James swore to himself as he tried to settle into the familiar sense of healing but between the chaos of the night, the exhaustion creeping in after a night of little rest, and the lingering frustration of having his memories erased, he struggled. The wound worsened briefly despite his efforts but it eventually sealed itself, as awful as it was, she would live.

Of course, that wasn’t the end of it. Max somehow managed to lose a fucking hand dealing with the newest threat. James already had one person’s blood on him, what was a little more. James grabbed his arm just under the wounded stump and focused. It healed quickly, the blood slowing as the stump grew flesh over the wound. “I never thought I’d say this but please stick to setting things on fire when you fuck up.” James said once he finished, “You two should take it a little slow for a second. I patched you up but I can’t replace lost blood.”

James turned his attention to the apparition his boyfriend brought about. He hadn’t been particularly close to her but she was still part of the team and losing one was never easy. They’d lost two now, Waverly and her, and James grimly concluded it was probably only going to get worse if the two near misses were anything to go by. “I’m sorry for your death and for those you left behind.” James offered apologetically before he turned his attention to Casper, gently massaging one of his glowing hands.

“Are you sure you’re okay to be doing this already? You just had a really bad episode and I don’t really understand how this works but I don’t want you to hurt yourself by pushing so soon after that.” James said softly.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Miranda looked away when Magneto started talking again. There were a million reasons why she didn't tell him, mainly since she had more or less caused his death, something personally she didn't want to remember, and very much wanted to forget. Most everything about the reality that Wanda had created, she didn't want to remember, since certain aspects of it in her mind had gone a bit too far with the way things were. Of course, how could she even begin to explain everything and her reasonings for not saying anything or explaining things? It was hard, and she wasn't exactly the best either wording things at all either.

"I-I-I'm sorry..." she finally managed to say, but by then he was already walking away from her. There wasn't much else she could say at the moment. The others knew she wasn't a fighter of any sorts, her powers were defensive after all. Not to mention, she was also not the most confrontational person in the world, so she wasn't going to argue or try to say anything to Magneto as he really left. She started twisting her hair a bit unsure of what to do at this point, she glanced over at Elixir, and she more or less sort of shrugged a bit with regards to his comment, "I suppose so," she responded, a bit nervously.

Jack wasn't too sure what to do at the moment with regards to the whole situation with the cyborg lady or whatever. Currently, he was a little more focused on what had happened with Kris, and what had happened with Waverly. The thought crossed his mind about them seeing about asking his father with regards to what exactly had happened with him, and he guessed it was kind of an instance of Jack feeling a bit guilty with the fact that he was still alive when he really shouldn't be, and those two were both dead and gone. Maybe he should say something to her? Then again, they might end up in debt to Sinister, which wasn't exactly a great idea in the first place really. But he'd leave the choice up to her.

"Veil," Jack said walking up to her and keeping his voice down, considering he didn't want the others to really know about the whole situation, "You can talk to him and see if he'll be able to do something, just... Keep me out of it if you can please, I've been avoiding the guy for a reason... If you need me or whatever, then fine, just try not to involve me if you don't have to... I really don't want to talk to him..." he continued. Jack kept things fairly vague as to who exactly he was referring to, since he didn't want to spell out to everyone else what exactly had happened with him. "Your choice or something too..." he added, before he went to go find the group with the cyborg, and eventually he managed to find the group and saw the chaos that was going on near her.

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Hacking, Computer Systems, Computer Programming

Well this was an interesting fight currently to say the least, considering what the cyborg was saying. "I mean yeah, he's my grandpa, and my dad is Asgardian," she said with a bit of shrug as she dodged out of the way of the laser attack. Of course, next thing she knew, she was no longer as lone in the room, as others had come to join her in dealing with the cyborg and attacking her. Then they discovered something that was annoying, that being that there was now a shield or something surrounding her, making it a bit more difficult. Zari smiled a bit, getting an idea as she reached into her pocket and pulled out as phone of sorts, "My powers might not be working right now, but was ho says I need them in order to deal with not very nice tech? I've got this."

Tapping away rather er r quickly, it only took a few moments for her to hack into the cyborg's system. "Huh, not Earth stuff, more like the sort of stuff I'd find at home, Asgardian or hyperspace sort of tech," she mused to herself as she kept tapping away. Rather easily, she managed to shut down the shield surrounding the cyborg, and in addition to that, she managed to take out another 88 percent of their systems. She smirked slightly upon seeing the fact that the cyborg was having issues moving its arms, and its head was locked in place even though its eyes and mouth could move. Almost like s puppet with its strings cut. "Tada!" she said rather happily.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Callie looked towards Elixir for a moment opting out to staying topside which she didnt really blame him, though she wasnt sure if there were more of these people here and she didnt want him to be left alone. "I'm not sure if there are more of these people coming over here, but I suggest maybe joining us if you want to thats up to you." Callie said towards Elixir as she quickly started to head down the stairs joining just about everyone else who had gone down there following the blood trail. Callie paused as she stared at Kristina's lifeless body on the ground and a large human sized hole in the wall nearby as well, a bunch of Harry clones surrounding whoever that was there she couldnt see. Callie didnt even need to use her powers on those in the room to know what they all were feeling, and felt bad for the new woman as well to.

Callie started head forward to attack the cyborg woman only for her to get teleported away by Max on accident losing his hand in the process. Callie went to follow the others where the cyborg woman had gone to, but stopped and paused when she heard a buzzing sound and something flying into her ear. Callie didnt really tell anyone this but she was deathly afraid of bugs bees to be exact and she started to freak out.

Maria Novikova

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Power Absorption

Maria was grieving more or less, as she stared at her sister's body clenching her fists when the cyborg woman was teleported away, and Max loosing his hand in the process as well to. "I'm going to kill that mother fucker and make her suffer." Maria said as she started to storm past them all, Maria was still seeing red as Maria caught up with those in the hallway and there was her sister's murderer. She clenched her fists.

Zarina was getting attacked by the woman and got knocked back, overhearing what they were saying as Zari managed to take down whatever protection that the cyborg woman had. She immediately took off her glove and looked at Magneto who seemed to be struggling with using his powers against her. "I'm going to borrow some of your power." Maria said as she grabbed Magneto's hand whether he liked it or not she was going to use his power on her sister's killer.

Kristina Smith

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Kristina was standing around in complete darkness as she looked around, she was completely alone and she couldn't see anyone at all when she started to see a light in the distance. The last thing she remembered was going down the hallway and then getting shot by some sort of laser and then darkness. Whatever the light was she felt drawn to it and started to make her way towards it, when she heard Casper's voice which made her pause. "Hello?" Kris called out, when Casper called her again she could feel a pull this time, and then the third time she was completely yanked back to the mortal plane again.

She was back in the hallway taking a moment she looked down to see her body laying on the ground, seeing that she was in fact dead, Kris started to freak out and turned to Casper seeing that he was channeling her. "Am I dead?" Kris asked, even though she knew that she was seeing her own body was on the floor she was doing her best to keep herself together, she couldnt imagine what her sister was feeling right now either.

2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (passive), Electrokinsis

Andy was thankful for the guy who had removed the chunk of wood from her gut and healed her. She felt a little bad she didn't even know his name. Though she figured if she asked it would look rather suspicious if she asked. The one who spoke Latin made it difficult. "Thank you." She told the healer before he moved on. He was now healing the wizard's arm.

She didn't have a horse in this race so to speak, so she hung back. Considering the situation. The cyborg had been teleported away but the group was chasing after her. Andy frowned. Was the cyborg a distraction for something else? Andy turned and started down the hall that the cyborg had originally appeared from.

Down the hallway, she found a door. It was solid vibranium or something by the looks. It also appeared that someone had tried to get through it by brute force. Now, what was beyond such a door? What deserved to be protected so intently. She reached out mentally trying to feel electrical energy beyond the door. There was something small and flickering. Andy couldn't get a lock on it so she couldn't determine exactly what it was.

Deciding to try to get the door open, but in a subtler way, Andy looked around and saw that there was a locking panel. She pressed her hand against it and let out a small charge of electricity hoping to short the system and get it to open. Nothing happened. She sighed and tried again. This time the door clicked open. She smiled.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit

Watching his wound begin to heal was both wonderful and disgusting all at once. Seeing the flesh crawl and wrap itself around the massive wound as James tried his best to help fix his mistake. Max let out a small sigh of both relief and annoyance as Zari ran towards trouble. "Thanks." He had tried to give them time, to recuperate and plan but here they were, a group of mutants running towards their death as if two of their own hadn't just had a run in with it. Max put on a brave face, taking in a deep breath, and letting it out. "I think I'll be fine James." Max took one step forward, wishing to join the fight, and the room began to spin all around him. His head became light as he gripped onto the wall and allowed himself to slide down it gently.

He'd lost a lot of blood in a short amount of time. Between the fight against the silver psychic, the evil squidward, and now the loss of his hand, Max was losing consciousness quickly. He weakly moved his hand, a spark of magic barely managing to fizzle out of him as a small box of half a dozen sugar cookies appeared. There was a weak chuckle, taking one of the cookies out as he stared at it before taking a bite. "Just like the blood banks. Lose a little blood, get a bit of cookie. Hey, hey Andy. Cookies! You should try one" Max leaned his head against the wall as he nibbled at the sugar cookie. He wasn't really sure why they always had them at the blood banks, but clearly it was supposed to help.


Location: Hellfire Manor

Harry couldn't do more than watch helplessly as James worked his powers. Watching as he pulled out the massive steak from Andy's stomach, the amount of blood that came forth before finally being sealed up and healed. Harry gave a nod towards his clones, to go find the intruder and help dispatch them. They ran down the hall, listening for the sounds of fighting and managed to grab Zari speaking as well as Magento. As they bounded around the corner Barry was able to spot Max's hand laying next to the still cyborg. It felt like a risk, but he figured his old roommate may want it back. Barry bolted forward, grabbing the lifeless limb. "Gross gross gross gross gross gross" Barry went past the cyborg unsure of what to do.

The others saw the opportunity and took it. From what little they could gather, Zari had done some sort of hacking thing to stop the enemy. How? He had no idea. He saw no wires, no computers near-by, the only thing he really knew about hacking was that sometimes it was a Unix system and that meant a small girl could easily hack it with the click of a few mouse buttons. Granted Zari fit that description, so perhaps the cyborg did run on a Unix system. Larry decided to shake the thoughts out of his head as the rest of the clones had already advanced towards the sleeping cyborg and began to attack her.
Harry on the other hand, was a little concerned with how quickly Andy had gotten up and off. She'd just been grievously injured and yet she acted as if she were fine. So Harry set off behind her following close-by to ensure no mutant was left alone while all this was going on.

Hider=Held Roll]
Gonna have a clone punch the cyborg
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 6:40 AM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Mediumship

First Floor...

Elixir felt incredibly awkward, seeing how clearly Miranda didn't want to really talk with him about any of this. He looked around the room, as if wishing for a pack of injured children to come, but it was silent - eerily so. It was just him and Magneto's girlfriend. He didn't know anything about Moneta really. She wasn't the most outgoing of people. But he also knew that, despite Callie's suggestion, going down into whatever battle was going on wasn't necessarily the best idea - he was a medic, not a brawler. And they'd need him in one piece.

But at the same time, standing with Moneta was incredibly awkward. "I think I'm... I'm going to go after them," he said. He awkwardly paused, before realizing he didn't know where they had all gone. He was sure that he'd figure it out, right?

Instead, he got hopelessly lost (1 on a d20).

Veil nodded slightly, listening to what Jack was saying. She understood that he didn't want to talk to his father about all of this - she didn't even want to talk to Mister Sinister. However, she was alive and breathing air - Kris, Feedback, Cayden, Sapphire... They weren't here. She owed it to them to at least try. They would do the same thing for her, she was certain of it. And there were other mutants in the world who had died, ones she didn't know, if they could bring them back... Veil didn't know how many they could, but she knew that she had to try.

She just didn't know what the cost would be - what Sinister would demand in payment. He had brought his own son back. He didn't seem like the type who would do anyone else for free, without asking for something horrible in return. She didn't have money to bribe him with. The only thing she had of value was her mutant gift. "I'll leave you out of it," she said quietly to him.

"Spark Plug... What's wrong?" Veil asked, noticing her friend start to freak out. She saw the ghostly specter of Kristina in front of them and tears began pouring from Veil's eyes again, but she couldn't focus on just Kris - not when Callie was clearly having some sort of a crisis.

"Are you... okay?" Pixie asked Kristina's ghost. "It doesn't hurt still, right?" Pixie's eyes weren't like normal eyes - they looked like solid black spheres, with a little shining spot of white indicating where her pupils were focusing on.

"I... I know," Casper told James, his voice trembling. "But... I'm tired of being scared... and losing people," he admitted. For someone who was always talking, he wasn't always the best when it came to emotional vulnerability. The really deep feelings often times were kept back, with just the surface thoughts being blurted out. He turned his attention to Kris, still channeling her, wishing that her sister was still in the room with them - so that way those two could talk.

"Yeah, you... You fucking died," Casper admitted. "Some toaster just... just fucking killed you and I'm so sorry. If... If you want to hang around, that's cool, Ben's good company... wherever he is... but there's also ghost Hawaii or whatever if you want to... you know, move on..." He didn't know what Kris wanted - he didn't know her enough to really know that. He didn't know if she believed in an afterlife or what she wanted done with her body now that she was dead.

"Can we... put her back in her body?" Pixie then asked, looking at Casper and James. She knew James was a healer - could he heal Kris' broken body and then bring her back?

"I don't think so?" Casper said, his voice squeaking slightly as honestly, he didn't know. He'd never had someone try to heal a corpse before.

Meanwhile, at the end of this hallway, Andy zapped the lock and fried it, allowing the door to unlock. Polaris came up behind her and snapped her fingers, the door creaking open. Behind it, Reeva was leaning up against the wall in a seated position, covered in blood, a gigantic gun in her hand. She fired reflexively and Polaris stopped the bullet, the bullet dropping harmlessly to the ground.

"Oh thank god it's you," Reeva said, breathing out through her nose. "We need a medic quickly, Sophie and Phoebe have lost a lot of blood, but they're going to pull through. They're amazing telepaths, Emma would be so proud of them, they're a credit to her legacy."

Polaris' eyes drifted over to the other side of the small panic room. The Three-in-One were sitting there, only one of them breathing. The other two were clearly dead, covered in blood, their hands limply covering the fatal wounds. Polaris didn't have the emotional strength to comfort anyone right now. Her own hands were shaking and each minute, she gravitated wildly between numbness, uncontrollable anger, and incomprehensible grief. "Sure, we'll get them a medic," Polaris said.

"They're going to be okay. Girls, we're getting you help, just hang in there," Reeva said to the Three in One - now just the One. Just Esme. Poor Esme was unconscious, unaware that her sisters were gone.

Basement - A Few Hallways Over ...

Maria grabbed onto Magneto with her bare hand, aiming to absorb powers from the Master of Magnetism. She absorbed a fraction of his power, but more than a fraction of his life force, sending the elderly Holocaust survivor down to his knees. But for all that power, Maria wasn't as skilled at using it as she perhaps should have been (as her dear wife could also control metal), only managing to cause some dents in the cyborg. "If you steal my vitality from me again, it will be your last act," Magneto warned Maria, practically growling.

Echo's clones had some difficulty as well - even though the cyborg was largely disabled and immobilized, the material the cyborg was composed of hurt to punch and kick. The clones ended up with hands and feet that would sting greatly and most likely bruise pretty badly, and not much damage was done to the cyborg.

"al'anzima δυσλειτουργία," the cyborg said, their voice sounding like nails dragging on a chalkboard. "Siostaman オフライン. Trusler saptanmış." They weren't speaking in one language - it was more a mismash, constantly bouncing from one to the other. Zari must've disabled something to do with language output.

"What's she saying?" Sunshine asked, looking at Zarina. "You speak iPod, right?" she then asked. She didn't see much of a point in continuing to attack the cyborg, as it seemed to be out of commission, but she also would fully support everyone hitting it like a pinata in order to avenge Kris. Her eyes were already getting a little red and puffy from crying. Marrow had a bone spike in each hand, ready to go stab the cyborg once the clones were done surrounding it.

"Oh, she's saying that her systems are malfunctioning," Selene translated. "Well done, Valkyrie. Perhaps later you can help me with my OnlyFans - the interface is a bit perplexing."

"You have an OnlyFans? Aren't you a little old?" Marrow asked. Selene looked at least 45 to her, if not older. But then again, Selene seemed a little cooky with all the witch stuff anyways - and the things that came out of her mouth.

"...What's an OnlyFans?" Sunshine whispered to Marrow.

"I'll tell you when you're older, wifey," Marrow whispered back.

"Selvdestruksjon i loko ntlanu, katër, trei, два, एक..."

"She's activating her self destruct," Selene translated, before springing into action. "Since time immemorial, I have been able to manipulate inorganic matter - including the bomb concealed in this woman's body," she explained, before rapidly rotating her wrists. The cyborg's body began to come apart piece by piece, and Selene pulled out the bomb inside of the cyborg. The bomb exploded and Selene pushed her hands together, containing the explosion by pure force of will.

She then walked forward, her heels clicking on the ground, and Selene tilted her head. "Such a tragedy, they made your heart into the bomb," Selene said, before shrinking the exploding down further and then popping it into her mouth like it was a piece of popcorn chicken, and swallowing. Her skin took on a luminous property and Selene smiled, licking her lips ever so slightly.

"... That was hot..." Sunshine whispered.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Callie really wasnt happy at all, as she heard that really loud buzzing in her ear, as the bee moved around in her ear she turned her head towards Veil staying as still as possible. "There's a fucking bee in my ear.." Callie said, she hated bugs in general but the insect that she hated the most were bees after getting stung by a few whenever she was little.

She was a little bit embarrassed that she was freaking out in front of everyone else about it. "Can you get it out please?" Callie asked, she was surprised that the thing didnt sting her ear yet either as Callie turned to see Kris' spectral form talking still with the others. Feeling bad that she wasnt down there sooner to maybe prevent her from dying the way that she did.

Maria Novikova

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: (Magneto's Magnetism)

Maria turned to look at Magneto as he knelt down feeling a fraction of his power going through her as she tried to use his power to try and destroy the cyborg. Only getting a few small dents into it which was really annoying she wanted to kill it for killing her sister, she stared at Magneto warning her. It was a side effect of her powers something that she couldnt really turn off sometimes as she shook her head slightly. "Sorry, but it's something that I can't really control. I'd give it back if I could though." Maria said as heard the cyborg speaking in different languages.

Selene started to take the robot apart and saw it's heart as it was going to go into self destruct mode and Selene managed to contain the explosion and quickly ate it. Feeling really irritated that she wasnt the one to kill it Maria started to clench her fist before closing her eyes and sighed. "We should clear the rest of the area for anyone else." Maria suggested she shook her head slightly at the mentioning of an OnlyFans for Selene.

Kristina Smith

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Kristina turned towards Pixie and shook her head slightly. "At being dead? No not really." Kris said as she went over and sat down next to her body and shook her head at Pixie. "I don't feel any pain right now it's hard to explain." Kristina answered as she listened to Casper asking what she wanted, she didnt want to move on she wanted to also be able to see her niece being born to. "I'll stay around if you want me to be around you guys if you want." Kris said as she looked at James and Casper as Pixie suggested maybe trying to bring her back, she wasnt sure if it would work or not really either.

"Elixir should be upstairs still maybe he could help somehow to. Maybe some weird witchy woo stuff to." Kristina said, he was able to heal her broken leg and she knew that James could heal easily as well to. "Thats if you want to give it a try anyway." Kristina said as she stood up slightly.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 1 hr ago

James Kingston

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Omega Level Healing

Resurrection was on the table again it seemed. The first time the subject had been broached, James wasn’t present for the actual conversation but Max told him about the offer he made Waverly. It seemed like so long ago now. James rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he considered it. “Max has some plans for this sort of thing already. He offered to bring back Waverly’s mom just before he left the Hellfire Club for us.” James admitted hesitantly. He wanted her to have this chance but the consequences of it were… above his pay grade and maybe it would help Casper after all this tragedy to feel like he has a little bit of control over things again. “My ability only enhances what the body can already do naturally but if they can restart your vitals, of course I’m more than happy to help get you back on your feet, Kris. In the meantime, we need to find something to carry people out on. Max is on his last legs and Andy really shouldn’t be moving around after being impaled plus Kris’ body and whatever else we’re going to find down here.”

James whipped around at the sound of the gun at the end of the hall. Andy and Polaris didn’t seem to be freaking out so whatever happened must have been fine. Still, he broke into a light jog as he headed their way, poking his head into the open doorway. The sight was grim, blood and injuries everywhere he looked as he gave them a quick glance. Reeva seemed to be stable and cognizant so he focused on the Three-in-One first. He knelt next to Esme, the worst of her wounds sealing shut as he felt the weak pulse of her heart. He checked the other two despite the obvious signs and let out a sigh as he stood. His heart hurt for Esme, always in connection with her sisters and now having to wake alone. He only hoped that she had others she was close enough with to find solace in their presence.

“Your turn now, Reeva. Let’s get you patched up. These Vault guys are vicious.” James talked as he approached her, a little wary of the gun and how badly her nerves were probably frayed. He laid his hands on her shoulder, sinking into the familiar sensation of syncing hearts and knitting flesh. It was comforting after all the death and devastation to feel someone alive and well so closely.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Jack hadn't really expected to see Casper actually deciding to use his powers because he felt like it, but now he saw the reason why he likely did. That being that it looked like Kristina had ended up dead from the whole endeavor that had happened. Uh oh, this was just getting beyond a bit twisted and messed up. They had just lost another person because of the attack on the island, then again, a lot of people had died in this attack on Genosha, but he figured that if they wanted to, Veil if he had to guess likely was going to potentially talk to Sinister or whatever about Kris too.

There was a difference that he noticed right off the bat, first of all, they more or less asked her if she wanted to be brought back from the dead, so at least Kris had sort of a say or a choice in the matter, while unfortunately he didn't and more or less was a sort of lab rat in his opinion for figuring out if that sort of thing was possible. No one had more or less asked him, and honestly he's not entirely sure what he would have decided in that sort of moment. Though there was one reason he was sort of avoiding his father, and that being that he sort of felt like he owed something for being brought back, since he knew his father never typically did anything without there being a catch, so a part of him wondered what that sort of catch was.

Miranda wasn't too sure if she should go downstairs to sort of see what all was going on. She just sort of nodded her head when Elixer said that he was going to head downstairs after everyone else, which sort of just left her with her own sort of thoughts, but she was starting to realize that might not be the best thing in the world, since her thoughts could be a bit dangerous if she was left by herself. Her mind was racing along a little bit, but she thought nothing else of it, as she tried to knock the thoughts about everything that had happened out of her brain.

Walking downstairs, she finally ended up joining the others in the basement as she glanced around to see where everyone really was or what seemed to be going on. The thing that stood out a bit was that there seemed to be someone else dead, and who was currently being projected as a ghost. This group just kept losing people, and she couldn't help but think a bit that they were dropping like flies a little bit. Miranda said nothing though as she just sort of watched to see what all was going on, though she was glad that Magneto wasn't in the area currently, since that was still not a conversation that she really wanted to have.

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Zari was rather happy that she more or less had managed to deal with the cyborg, even without her powers, and she slipped her small phone back into her pocket, thinking nothing of it. Did people seriously not think she was capable of much aside from talking to a floating eyeball and robotic head or something? Seriously, she thought it would have been obvious that she had at least some background in programming, considering the fact that she has stated that she's helped build and program her robots. Well, with Mr. Eyeball it was with the help of her mom, but she was setting up Mr. Jaws all by herself, but she could accomplish things on her own, despite her age.

The cyborg's body sort of intrigued her a bit, and truthfully, Zari did have a bit of a morbid sense of curiosity. No one was really messing with the body now after the bomb was destroyed or gotten rid of or whatever (she kind of was tuning out most of the conversations around her) so she did the thing that anyone interested in technology would do. And that was that she walked right up to the body and started poking a bit at it. It was super cool to look at, but personally, she decided that she kind of wanted to see how this worked, since it looked to be a combination of technology and biological parts, which was intriguing. So what did she do?

She ripped it's head off of course!

Well, only partially really, it took her a minute to get it even partially removed, and what looked like blood and oil start pooling around a bit on the ground by her as she sort of looked at the part that was exposed. Some wire and bits of technology were poking out from the hole in the neck, as was what looked like bits of muscles and maybe a small section of the lungs were also visible. "Ooooooh this is so cool! So that's kind of how things worked, huh," she said happily, just sort of looking around a bit.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
Avatar of Kirah

Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (passive)

Well it seemed, that was that. People had dealt with basically everything and the only thing the door had really revealed was people that belonged here. None of the 'Vault' people. She didn't get it. If the attackers came from a 'vault' what did they want with this place? Didn't they have a place of their own? She shrugged and looked up at the healer as he took care of the two that had still been alive on the other side of the door. That at least made sense with what she had sensed beyond the door. A couple of people struggling to stay alive.

"Thank you again." She told him. She still didn't know his name. It was too odd to be in a place where she knew no one, but they all seemed to know her. And the one person who she did know didn't seem to know who she was. She wanted to ask but knew it would be best to maintain something resembling a cover. If everyone believed she belonged here they wouldn't ask her questions she couldn't answer. "Did everything get taken care of?" She asked no one in particular, uncertain of what everything even entailed.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit

Max watched with a hint of disappointment as Andy had ignored his call for sweets. Taking another bite of the cookie as he continued to watch everything that was unfolding before him. Casper was glowing blue once again as he channeled the ghost of Kris. He felt a tinge of sadness, but it didn't delve much further than that. He chalked it up to having hardly known the girl, wishing that witnessing so much death wasn't hardening his soul in any way. He continued to nibble at the edges of the treat when suddenly he stopped. Pixie had said something that caused his ears to perk up and his eyes to widen.

Max shifted slightly in his seat, straightening his back for a moment as he held out his arm and waved the cookie towards Pixie. "I knew I liked you for a reason. See? I said the saaaaame thing. Got it all planned out for the most part. Just need a few people is all and then boom resurrection complete!" Max threw his arms up into the air as if to accentuate his point. His arms slowly came back down as his shoulders slumped and he looked down the hallway. "I think Maria really needs you Kris, I wouldn't mind trying to bring you back. I'm sure it'll be fiiine."


Location: Hellfire Manor

Most of the clones now had bloody knuckles and bruised toes, but it felt good to get some of the stress of the day out on an immovable agent from the cursed Vault. They didn't dare use their powers for fear of what might happen. At times they were useful and capable of dealing with the foes at hand, but other times they lead to unknown consequences like what happened with Ben. Every hit and kick against the cyborg was full of purpose. For every injured mutant, every fallen comrade, all the innocent blood that had been spilt in the name of the Vault. By the time the cyborg began to malfunction the clones had freely stepped aside to let those who may know how to handle it do so. Watching as Selene ate the bomb like a werthers original. Terry caught Zari messing with the head out of the corner of his eye, Barry being too preoccupied trying to figure out how to hold a dismembered hand appropriately, while Larry and Jerry had begun to inspect their wounds. Terry's voice echoed in the now silent hall towards Zari as he saw the pool of darkened red liquid oozing out of the partially decapitated neck. "Hey watch it kid. My buddy Rosco got splattered by that hydraulic stuff and he had a rash for a week! So...maybe put some gloves on or something? I don't know." Barry turned to see the mess and immediately turned back around "Ok. I'm out, the amount of blood or blood looking things we've seen in less than an hour has been more than enough for a lifetime. Hell's we have a whole upper floor full of dead bodies to deal with now and there's still the matter of..." The other three clones looked at him as if cautioning him not to speak further, afraid Harry might somehow overhear and be reminded of Waverlys passing.

As the gunshot went off Harry couldn't help but to try and spin I'm front of Andy. It was all pure instinct as if the bullet couldn't somehow go through him and into her. But as long as he could cushion the blow to save a child...But that moment never came. Eyes closed, pressed tight and hands clenched, Harry waited for an impact that never came. Polaris had stopped the projectile and immediately he looked up, opening his eyes as he saw past everyone and saw his sister from afar. It felt almost selfish, putting himself between death and life and teetering the notion of leaving his twin alone in the world with another soul lost. He stood there shaking for a while, until Andy spoke up and he tried to place a calm hand on her shoulder. "Yeah kid, I think it's over for now. We should all regroup and rest. Clean-up will surely come soon"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 6:50 AM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Mediumship


"... What?" Veil said, endlessly confused as to how Callie had gotten a bee in her ear. It was such a bizarre yet simultaneously mundane problem - Veil couldn't remember the last time they had had one of those. It felt so long since they had had to struggle to survive, hiding in abandoned buildings, picking themselves up each day and trying to save mutants in trouble while barely able to even save themselves. A sense of shame then trickled inside of Veil. Were they like the X-Men now, too caught up in the big picture to help mutants?

"Hold still," Veil said, thinking through what she was going to do before she did it. She concentrated and made a miniature force field inside of Spark Plug's ear, encapsulating the bee. And then slowly, Veil pulled the force field out, the bubble-bee harmlessly leaving Spark Plug's ear. Veil then released the force field and the bee, clearly angry and scared at the entire experience, buzzed off. "Better?" Veil asked. Her eyes felt tired and dry. At least this had been a little problem she could solve - something she could fix...

She knew that she'd have to go speak to Sinister - to bring them back...

Meanwhile, Pixie didn't understand how Kristina was being so... calm? "Don't you want to be alive?" Pixie asked her, her eyes darting around as she tried to figure out what was going on with Kristina. Why wasn't she upset or angry - why was she so peaceful? Where had all her energy gone? Her wings fluttered a little faster, thinking on about what James said - that they just needed a way to jumpstart Kristina's body... She was happy to know that Max apparently had a plan.

"Who do you need for this?" Casper asked Max, still successfully channeling Kristina's spirit. "Is this one of your secret meetings with Doctor Strange? We all know he's your sugar daddy, you don't need to pretend it's only magic lessons he's been giving you!" Casper pointed out. He knew it was possible to bring back the dead, a lot of his stupid father's students tended to come back from the dead like the afterlife was a revolving door, but Casper had never paid enough attention to really know how.

Inside the panic room, Reeva let out a bitter laugh at James' comment. "I thought I had taken care of them, when we handled their scout... Desiree... But they don't stop..." There were tears in Reeva's eyes. "This is my fault, James..." Even though he had healed her, the weight of the grief and guilt was crushing - she was tired. They had founded a mutant homeland, only for the Children of the Vault to come try to destroy it.

Esme opened her eyes. As the realization dawned on her, as everything clicked into place, her body began to shake. She closed her eyes again. "We... we lost 198" Esme Frost said. "Sophie and Phoebe, they made it - they're up here," she then tapped the side of her head. "With Mum and Celeste and Mindee." She was one person with five other minds inside of her.

"198?!" Polaris exclaimed, her grief roaring into anger. Anger at the loss of her child. Anger at the Children of the Vault. Anger at herself for not being enough. And above all else, the horrific realization of what had transpired.

"I'm so sorry, Esme..." Reeva said quietly. She didn't know what to do in this somber moment. She hadn't planned for this. No one had.

Basement - A Few Hallways Over ...

"You can control your hands, can you not?" Magneto reminded Maria sharply. He was clearly incredibly angry with her, having not consented to her stealing his powers and some of his life force. He would've been angry even if she had only sampled his control over magnetism.

Selene cackled, seeing Valkyrie rip the head off of the cyborg. "Oh, I see why you like her, darling," Selene said, purposefully using English, but not being clear as to who she was talking to. "That's positively wicked."

"... You disturb me, Selene," Magneto muttered. "I do not know, child. But I intend to find out." Magneto swooshed his cloak behind him as he headed back the way they had come from, intending to go seek out the others and see if Reeva and the Three-in-One had been located. His helmet prevented any telepaths from reaching him, so the Three-in-One couldn't have reached him anyways.

"... What the fuck..." Sunshine muttered, staring at Zarina. The girl had been a little odd, a little funny, but this? That was downright barbaric - and whatever the cyborg had been, she had been the one who killed Kristina and was part of the invaders who massacred their island. But even that was a bridge too far for Sunshine. She grabbed Marrow's hand and headed in the same direction as Magneto.

"Don't listen to them, I think it's artistry," Selene said again to Zarina.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 1 hr ago

James Kingston

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Omega Level Healing

James bowed his head at the announcement of the death toll. 198 died because even here, in a land meant for mutants to be safe from bigotry and persecution, someone else thought they were superior. It was the same fucking thing, just a different shape. Was anywhere safe for any of them or were they going to be forced to hide and run every time they thought they’d found something worthwhile? He supposed right now, in the aftermath of all the violence, it didn’t particularly matter. Right now, everyone outside of these halls needed help understanding what happened, needed to put a reason to why their loved ones were cut down and slaughtered like animals in the dead of night, needed direction amidst chaos in the aftermath of the attack.

“It’s not your fault, Reeva. It’s not anyone’s fault but theirs. They decided to attack and if they were sending scouts, they probably would have done so no matter what you put in their way. They murdered our friends and family and we can’t let ourselves carry the responsibility of their actions. Blood is on their hands, not ours.” James denied. It wouldn’t do any of them any good blaming themselves for a tragedy. “Mourn later. Just because the Children are dead doesn’t mean this is over. 198 dead means plenty more alive, injured, and confused and they need you and the rest of the Council to help them through it. Now is the time for living.”

James knew it was indelicate to push them to get moving after what they’d been through but it didn’t make it any less true. It felt strange, the familiarity in the aftermath of the attack. The Mutant Underground had been nothing but the aftermath of one catastrophic event after another and while the past bit of relaxation was nice, James knew even more now that it could never last for them. He took his leave of this room, no more emergencies for him to deal with and headed for the others who had given chase to the cyborg.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Callie felt a little bit embarrassed in front of everyone as Veil looked at her confused at what was going on with her ear, Veil started to use her powers. She could feel a slight bit of pressure inside of her ear as a small forcefield was inside of her ear containing the bee, she was glad that it hadnt stung the inside of her ear. She wasnt even sure what would have happened if it did decide to sting her ear, her hearing was slightly muffled until Veil finally removed the forcefield, getting a good look at the bumblebee that made it's home inside of her ear was finally released and quickly flew away.

"Thank you Veil for getting that thing out." Callie said as she went over and gave Veil a slight hug, she was glad that it was now gone turning her attention towards Moneta as she came down the stairs and gave her a slight wave. She listened to Esme as she gave a death count of how many mutants that they had lost during the fighting and looked down for a moment, and then over towards Kristina she was one of the victims as well as Waverly to.

Maria Novikova

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: (Magneto's Magnetism)

Maria stared at Magneto for a moment giving him a slightly annoyed look, she was really angry after witnessing her sister dying in front of her and wanted her revenge on the cyborg for killing Kris. He was the one in the House of M reality to throw a metal shard into her stomach last time she saw him and thought about saying something about it but shook her head slightly. Maria turned towards Zarina as she approached the cyborg, and proceeded to dissect the thing in front of everyone. Seeing the weird mixture of blood and oil like substance coming out of the neck made her visibly cringe. She had seen a lot of things while working with SHIELD but this was by far probably the weirdest and disturbing thing she had seen.

"I'm going to go see the others." Maria said, and started to follow shortly behind Magneto, Sunshine and Marrow back down the hallway towards the way they all had came. She rounded the corner looking at everyone who was there seeing Kristina's body there, as her eyes wandered up to see her sister's spirit standing there and she started to breakdown seeing Kristina's spirit.

Kristina Smith

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Kristina turned towards Pixie whipping a few tears away, of course she really did want to be alive again and nodded towards her. "I do want to be a live again, it's just really hard to process being dead and all.." Kris said as she turned towards Esme hearing how many they all had lost together her being among the number of mutants who were lost today. She turned towards Max and some of the others she was getting really hopeful if there was a way to bring her back she'd do just about anything. She wanted to be able to see her niece being born as well to and see her grow up.

"If there is a way to bring me back I would like that a lot and I want to be able to see my niece being born as well to." Kristina said whipping away a few more tears. Kristina paused for a moment as her sister rounded the corner and quickly made her way over towards Maria and hugged her, she looked over towards Casper she was happy that he was able to channel her and actually make contact with Maria.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (passive)

Andy gave a confused look to the guy who had put his hand on her shoulder. And stepped out and away from that hand. She bit a snap comment about touching her. Instead, she told him, "I'm going back outside." She turned around and headed back the way they had come. The others were gathered around the torn apart cyber person and she raised an eyebrow at the mess that the green-haired girl sat in seemingly oblivious to it. The mess didn't bother her, so much as the idea of being covered in the bloody muck.

She glanced at Selene, hoping now she could get some answers. Two names had been added to her mental tally of these people who knew her here. "I'm going back outside." She announced. She wanted air. She wished she could ask, wished she could find out who she was supposed to be. Andy was certain she probably had already stepped out of that, but if pressed she could argue that the fight had caused the difference in personality. But it wouldn't explain how she didn't feel sadness for the death of someone that might have been a friend. Someone she didn't know the name of. Maybe her frustration and desire to get 'fresh air' could be read as that sadness.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit

Max stood slightly, brushing off some of the crumbs that gathered on his lap as he used his staff for support. "Well, I neeed you. That part is obvious. Someone who can channel and interact with the souls. James, to fix the body in its entirety so that it's in working condition. Callie to help jump-start the electrical pulses in the body and give the brain a good Ole bzzt. And then someone with magic to bind the sound back into its form and allow the being back to life. Normally I'd say me but perhaps Pixie could help out too? She knows soooo much, I can talk to my sugar daddy if that's what you wanna call it, and see if he has any books on binding or something. Should be fun!"

Not long after Max had explained it all to Casper and Kristina, Maria rounded the corner. He was hopeful that he could pay back her kindness with the gift of life and try to bring back Kris. "May need a drop of blood from Maria. I dunno, but in the event I do its best to have that basis covered." Max's head felt light, though parts of his body seemed to weigh more than ever. His eyes felt heavy, as well as his nose, and lower lip. He was visibly trying to cling to the staff with his lost hand as well, the phantom limb taking a hold over his already weakened state.


Location: Hellfire Manor

Barry bounded around the corner as he headed back towards Harry, James, and the others. Andy was noticeably missing, but Harry simply shook his head towards him. Barry pulled the hand out from behind his back, pointing at it, and then James, and then past them all to indicate Max. Harry rolled his eyes, and motioned with them towards the inside of the room. Barry finally decided to read the room and realised perhaps now wasn't the best moment to be vying for Jame's attention. There was a moment of silence between the pair, a beat of sadness as they heard the number of mutants lost to this ridiculous crusade. Would nowhere truly be safe for them?

Harry listened intently to what James had to say. Every word was filled with experience. Someone who'd lived it time and time again. He'd only joined recently and even he saw how quickly a paradise could crumble. He thought about the light in Max's eyes as he tried to make the Underground a home with his magic, the sweat that was put in by Cayden and James in patching the electricals so they had light, every member poured their heart into a home and it was all taken in a single day. He knew they moved around, but seeing how forcefully it happened helped him understand. For a moment, Harry wondered if the Hellfire Club had ever had to handle such changes. To have that form of opposition to your ideals that your world can flip in a single day. As Magneto came towards them Harry knew that if anyone understood it would be him. The pain he must be feeling at this moment.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 7:00 AM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Mediumship


"Don't mention it," Veil replied, returning Callie's hug. It occurred to her that they had been awake for hours now, having been roused early in the morning to defend their homeland. She wasn't just emotionally exhausted - she was physically drained. The moment she sat down, Veil was convinced that she'd fall asleep and perhaps wake up a week later, just to find some new tragedy. She had started to believe that they could live in Genosha safely, apart from the human world, but it didn't seem to be true. They would always be hated and feared, no matter what.

She was tired of just standing around and taking it - of the collective trauma mutants had to face. She didn't know if she could even return to the human world after all of this. If it hadn't been clear to her when she ran the Mutant Underground, then it was now - there would be no peaceful assimilation. They would always be treated as the other. Veil walked with Callie down the hall until they stood outside of the panic room of sorts that Reeva, Esme, and Polaris were in.

Reeva nodded at James' words, truly appreciating what he was saying, even as her spirits were so low. She knew that he was right. Those still alive on Genosha needed her - no, they needed the Council. Magneto, Esme, Selene, and herself were the leaders of Genosha. But James and the others, they were the heroes of Genosha. "Thank you, James," Reeva said softly, her eyes following him as he left the room.

"He's right. Veil, Spark Plug, Polaris," Reeva said, getting those three's attention. "If you three are able, I'm sure there are mutants on the island who need our help still. Esme, can you coordinate?"

Esme nodded, blinking to try to stop the tears from welling up in her eyes. She placed a single finger against her head, digging in deep with her telepathy, doing the best that she could. Her range was limited without the aid of her sisters. "Green Lagoon - about ten people are trapped," Esme then said, her eyes opening up again.

"Let's go," Polaris said, her eyes flaring.

Outside of the panic room, down the hall....

Pixie felt horrible for Kristina - she couldn't help but start to cry a little bit in sympathy as well. Max's idea seemed promising to her though. She didn't know anything about resurrection magic and the only person she knew who had come back from the dead... it hadn't gone well. Of course, a demon had brought them back to life, so maybe it would be different this time - maybe Max could pull it off. "It'll be okay, Max knows what he's doing," Pixie said, trying to cheer up Kristina.

Meanwhile, as Max listed off the people to participate in his mutant circuit, his mystical intuition would tell him that he was missing a vital component. The more he would think about it, the more a singular word would pop into his mind - Hope.

"Have you, like, ever done soul magic before?" Casper asked Max. He wasn't really sure what Max's powers were - he had only ever seen Max just sorta make things appear. Casper wasn't a detail oriented sort of person. If someone had said that Max had the same powers as the Scarlet Witch, he probably would've believed them - and if they had said that Max's magic worked via clown blood rituals, he also would've believed them. "Since I know you can make things appear but... Is that the same thing? Do you need like a special class for that?"

Magneto stared at the ghostly apparition. His shoulders slumped ever so slightly. He wasn't a religious man - he had given up on religion long ago. No, his soul was aching for the loss of mutant life. He had given his word to protect the children of Genosha and there, floating right in front of him, was proof of his failure. He hadn't been strong enough - he hadn't built a society that could protect the weak and defenseless. "I'm sorry, child... You did not deserve this," he said, using his powers to remove his helmet from his head so that way Kris could see his piercing blue eyes, filled with sadness.

James would struggle to heal Sunshine, his powers spent for the moment (1 on a d20).

Sunshine leaned on Marrow slightly, her wife wrapping a strong and secure arm around her. "It's fucked up," she sniffled. She had lost both of her best friends that day - Kristina and Feedback. Both of them were supposed to have grown old on Genosha. They were supposed to fall in love with some of Sunshine and Marrow's friends and then they'd all build a treehouse or something to live in together, having fun queer domestic island bliss, away from the problems that humanity brought.

Basement - A Few Hallways Over ...

"Have fun, dear," Selene said, waving Andy off nonchalantly. "And do be careful not to get wet - water has a purifying effect and tends to displace unwanted spirits." Selene then gave Andy a not so subtle wink. She looked like Andy's wicked evil fairy godmother in that moment, as if she were warning Andy that she might turn into a pumpkin if she wasn't careful.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

The conversation that was going on about bringing people back from the dead didn't really sit well with Jack, despite what he had told Veil about being alright if she got his father to bring Kris back from the dead, it still didn't sit all too well with him. Truthfully it made him more then a bit uneasy. They had no idea that he had been brought back from the dead, and not in some weird sort of situation that they were going on about. Actually, if anyone paid attention it would be a little bit obvious that this conversation was bugging him.

Though Jack knew that if Kris wanted to be brought back, that changed the entire situation entirely from what had happened with him, and that was something he hadn't yet even really come to terms with. Though maybe he truthfully should potentially talk to someone else about it. Though the person he might have contemplated telling was Casper, the problem with that was that Casper also was likely a bit of a blabbermouth in several different ways, which was the main reason he hadn't talked to him about what had happened. Of course, Jack also typically wasn't one to shy away from conversations regarding death or ghosts or something, at least before anyway, unlike Casper. Though he was choosing to rather stay out of this entire thing.

Miranda was a bit saddened to see fully what had happened and that Kristina had ended up losing her life. At least it seemed that Casper was starting to get a bit more used to actively using his powers. From what she knew about him, he very much tended to avoid using them to summon ghosts aside from his best friend or whatever who tended to hang around and pop up on occasion in fights. Of course, that's about the limits that she knew with regards to everything. Though she wasn't too sure what all she could say at the moment to maybe make everything better.

The thing that stood out, was that they were talking about literally resurrecting the dead, and that was something she knew practically nothing about. "Before you attempt anything, you need to fully make sure you know what you're doing, any sort of instance where you don't know what you are doing could end badly. No matter how capable a person is, if they aren't fully aware of what they are doing could cause even more problems..." Miranda commented somewhat to Max, though she was quiet again after saying her few words.

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Zari never had really thought that she was a bit strange, she thought she was just a normal person in general. However, seeing the reactions that others had to what it was that she was doing made her rethink what she was doing, or what was going through her mind. The thing is, she typically found things interesting, where she could easily put together things, or figure out how something really worked. Take the cyborg for instance, she hadn't known at the time that it was a partial combination of organic material and technology, so she had thought it was interesting.

The group and their reactions (aside from Selene) made her feel a bit sad, and she just tossed what she had been holding and stood up off the ground. Typically if Zari saw any sort of technology, she could sit there poking at it for hours, even if it was bloodied or something, that was just how her mind worked. She didn't say anything though, kind of looking at the ground a bit as the group started to head back down the way where everyone else was. Zari just sort of stayed behind, not really heading off after the others too much in general.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 1 hr ago

James Kingston

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

James clicked his tongue in frustration as the exhaustion of the night finally caught up with him. With how much trouble he’d encountered with Andy, he should have figured he was running on fumes but he’d hoped he could pull off a little more. “Shit, I’m sorry Sunshine. It’s been a rough fucking night. I’ll try again in a little bit.” James sighd a apology, rubbing at his face in some half hearted attempt to wake himself up a little more. They were nasty but they didn’t seem to be life threatening and he’d rather not take the risk of exacerbating her injuries any further right now. Maybe it would be worthwhile trying to hunt down coffee if he wanted to be of any serious use to the medical teams.

“Don’t forget his special talent for setting things on fire.” James teased as he entered the conversation, pressing a kiss to his boyfriend’s cheek instead of audibly worrying about how long he’s had Kris manifested. He gave a critical look over the group around the apparition, still in the process of goodbyes and conversation, and clicked his tongue again. “We’ll figure it out at another time. Barely anyone is in any condition to do anything more than rest for now so let’s make sure everyone is back on track to recovering.” James guided Max to tuck his staff under his arm and support one end with his forearm as James coaxed Max’s good arm over his shoulders to act as a sturdier support.

“We’ve got our hands full again it looks like. I’m going to head out and see if people are starting to show up now that things have calmed down and the Manor is still in one piece.” James addressed the group as he started guiding Max out. ”If you need medical attention, stick around and relax before you throw yourself into something dangerous please.”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Callie was quiet for the most part, she was just glad that the bee in her ear was finally gone her eyes wondered over towards the two sisters feeling bad for the both of them. She listened to Max as he started to mention the people that he might need to try and get Kris back. Callie knew that the human body did have small bits of electrical current through their bodies and she had restarted a human heart before once or twice with her powers. But supplying a constant current low enough to start the body was tough and something she had never done before. Callie looked towards Jack she didnt want to bring up that Jack was brought back by Mr. Sinister, and she had promised to keep that a secret from the others.

Callie's attention quickly turned towards Reeva, Polaris and Esme as she addressed her and Veil, James was right there were still a lot more mutants either trapped or in danger still around the island and turned towards Max who looked a little bit weak still. "I'll help where I can, but the others around the island still need help right now. You should get some rest and maybe consult with some more people before attempting it though." Callie suggested agreeing with Moneta, before turning around and started to head outside as well to.

Maria Novikova

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Maria looked down at her sister as she took a few deep breathes as she started to calm herself down somewhat as she held onto the ghostly form of her sister. Her attention turned towards Max as he asked her for a sample of her blood, and looked down at Kristina's body for a moment and then over towards James for a moment who could heal others. "I don't mind giving some blood, I'll help however I can." Maria said as she listened to some of the others as they spoke taking a moment and looked at Moneta she did want her sister back as soon as possible for sure.

But she did also want to make sure that the attempt would work as well, and Kris would come back like herself and nothing bad happened, though that was ultimately up to Kristina on what she wanted to do. Magneto approached her sister and even removing his helmet, was a bit surprising to her. Though she didnt really like him, Maria knew that he genuinely did care for mutants in general, though a bit extreme at times.

Kristina Smith

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Kristina whipped away a few tears while looking over at Pixie seeing her cry a little bit, she felt bad for not really knowing her when she was alive when she initially got to the island itself as well to. "If this works we should hangout." Kristina said towards her as she watched Magneto approaching her and using his powers to remove his helmet and gave him a sad smile. "My death wasnt your fault or anyone else's." Kris said trying to cheer him up somewhat as she looked towards Max listening to his plan, and nodded towards him she hoped that it would work.

There were still others on the island who needed help as Kristina listened to James and nodded, the people who are still alive should come first anyway. "As much as i'd like to come back right now, you should help those right now who are still alive. It's not like i'm going anywhere anytime soon either. I can keep Casper company in the meantime to if he wants me around." Kris said whipping away a few more tears. Seeing that Mx was a little bit out of it by the looks of it, she wasnt sure what kind of preparations would actually be needed.
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