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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by phi
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phi local fumo

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marisa Kirisame ~ CODE:ENCHANTER

This whole situation was... pretty new, to be honest.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm up, I'm up."

The newly awakened girl was a few inches shorter then her apparent companion, with wavey blonde hair tied into a messy bun, and a black cap over top. In terms of attitude, it was easy to tell at a glance the two were about as close to 'opposite' as you could reasonably get. The girl rubbed her eyes as she got up off of the ground, and looked over to the sign that denoted their location.

"...Yeah, no kiddin'. Sure as hell doesn't look like anythin' familiar, an' neither does everyone else here."

Marisa looked over to Reimu, and then over to everyone else, trying to make out any familiar faces.

"Guessin' its' just us for now... Doesn't look like we're gonna be seein' the others here." The blonde said as she'd turned on her heel over to the crowd of semi-conscious bodies, hoisting the massive artillery off of the ground as though it were a tenth of the weight its monstrous appearance would suggest. No weapon had any right being that massive - let alone one being wielded by what seemed to be by all intents and purposes, a teenage girl.

"Call me Enchanter! Me n' Shaman here," Marisa pointed her thumb at Reimu casually as to denote her. "we're gonna help you guys outta this mess; not to brag or anythin', but we're pretty good at handlin' this kinda stuff."

...As good as you could get while under siege from the Lunar Capital, mind you. But to Marisa, it was just details. Details that'd get them nowhere and only serve to slow them down. They needed action, and with Enchanter and Shaman both on the scene, they'd sure as hell be getting it.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by megar
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megar megar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Reimu Hakurei ~ CODE:SHAMAN

"Are we...?" Reimu murmurs under her breath as she straightens back up.

Well, it's not worth overthinking, and she's not about to start an argument in front of... well, a bunch of people who would probably be grateful for the help. And if they're stuck here for now... She bites her tongue -- at least only metaphorically -- to stop herself from making any particularly snippy comments on the situation at hand.

"...She does mean to brag, though that's hardly the point..."

That much, however, she couldn't resist.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lazaro1505
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Lazaro1505 Birb-With-Gun

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The Chosen Hunter

Well… with no other way to go on from here, the Hunter decided to join the others within the aircraft. After all, he doesn’t have any of these ‘comic book’ flight or whatever the hell is causing some of the individuals here to fly around without any use of an airship. Ah… looks like there is gonna be a lot of ‘things’ to keep him entertained away from home… after all, what else could he ask for? Getting sent to another world, outside the reach of those crippled psionic junkies who think highly of themselves, free to hunt he he wanted, lots of potential targets, and especially the main goal of this current hunt, some superpowered man who clearly needed a bully shot between their skull. Reminded him a bit of himself, especially during those resistance haven raids he performs on the daily. Oh well, not like he was gonna out himself out as someone who does murder for fun.

While taking his seat within the aircraft and now spending the time inspecting his rifle, mostly as a pastime to distract himself as they attempted to chase after that super powered junkie… his head rose in attention at the announcement. Aww… he was just getting excited over bagging something as powerful as that man, what a shame, oh well, it’s not as if he needed the sleep anyway… he often stays awake far longer than regular human beings need to. But he didn’t get to think more as the alarms blared within the aircraft. Well, it looks like the entertainment was coming right to them.

Now, he wasn’t afraid of whether or not things was gonna crash… he had survived far worse, although he just whistled a bit louder now over the sound of the alarms and continued to check his rifle. It was when the aircraft started to soar downwards, that the Hunter was a bit grateful he put on his seatbelt as he would have been sent flying across the cockpit of the aircraft. Oh well, may as well brace for impact… as the Hunter cradled the rifle in his hand, keeping it close to him as to ensure it wouldn’t fall out of his grasp when the aircraft lands.

And that’s when he woke up… and well, it appears like everything was fine for the most part. Got a couple cuts and bruises, but those can heal rather quickly with little problem due to his regeneration. And so, removing his seatbelt, the 9 feet tall blue skinned man merely exited the aircraft, looking around his newfound environment. Looks like the circus is in town, let’s say whoever the one who sent those missiles as also the one who owns this place… or they landed nearby to an abandoned carnival. Eh, not the first time he landed somewhere he didn’t intend to. And so, placing the rifle onto his back, he was actually rather calm for the most part. I’m fact, he was excited at such a thing. More opportunities to bag some kills after all… and the great part is that no one will care! Who cares about some life of a twobit thug after all. Merely turning to Joel, he said “Been through far worse than this… now, you reckon we go to the obvious trap in front of us or does someone here have any other ideas.” the Hunter mentioned, his wounds already gone as he took a more closer look around his surroundings.

What did catch his attention was a pair of two stranger girls nearby, one of them asking for an explanation. Only giving a chuckle, he approached the two and said “Well… we were supposed to be returning back to Lex’s place to crash for the night after failing to hunt some superpowered freak going around and destroying everything, but then some clown decided to send missiles to shoot down our aircraft and land us right in front of some circus reject. As the Hunter pointed behind him towards the aircraft… then continuing “Although, I haven’t seen you in the aircraft before… so my guess is as good as yours as to how you got here specifically… maybe you got unlucky, heh.

Although he did take notice of the other individual, mostly taking a look at their weapon, and responding with a whistle, he said “A rather large gun you have there… shouldn’t little girls like you not be carrying around that kind of fire power? Not like I’m complaining… as for ‘help’, well, we are capable of handling ourselves, thank you so much. Maybe you guys should let the professionals handle this… he said in a joking manner, mostly to respond in turn with banter.

@megar @phi [@Thatguyinthestore]
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Second2Last
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Second2Last You're cringe, debate over.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lilith and Shantae

Location: Joker's Funland

Time flew by and Lilith could be found writing in some sort of book, maybe to take her mind off everything happening at the moment. She looked rather contemplative as she wrote in this book and didn't notice Shantae until she spoke up. "What are you doing?" She asked curiously, that caused Lilith to freak out and yelp from the shook which also startled Shentae a bit. "Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't know what you were writing was private!" Lilith gave her an annoyed look but forgiven her anyways. "I-It's fine, I just...don't want you looking, or anyone for that matter." She put the book away and this led Shantae to believe that it was some sort of diary, but Lilith wouldn't want her to expect that as she was correct with that assumption, and that she didn't want to dump any more personal information on her.

At this point trying to find Superman was a lost cause as there wasn't a trace of him in the vacant cloudy night sky so Lex suggests that they should head back to Lexcorp. Admittedly, Shantae and Lilith where starting to cater more trust on him but they still had some suspicions, however a loud high-pitched static noise would interrupt everyone's peace. Most resorted to covering their ears as Shantae let out an annoyed groan. "Agh, What's going on!?" Lilith responded. "I don't know, I assume the intercoms must be highjacked?" She says raising her voice a bit so she could hear more clearly. Luckily the static would be drowned out by another more tolerable noise, it sounded like upbeat carnival music and was accompanied by a new voice with a similar mood. He lets out a hardy laugh as the gang quickly realize that a missile was heading their way, not to mention that it was also spraying outward from it and caused everyone outside the plane to choke and drop down, this wasn't looking good.

With the missiles hitting one of the wings the jet was sent spiraling down, there was seemingly no hope left for our heroes and the jet had crash landed, but surprisingly enough everyone got up unharmed. Lilith quickly got up and rushed to Shantae who was still half-unconscious, she was the most concerned for her. "Sh-Shantae, are you okay!?" She exclaimed worryingly, she picked herself off the ground, even with a few bruises and a small cut on her arm she was seemingly fine. "Y-yeah, just...injured." She said starting to regain a little more of her senses. Lilith let out a sigh of relief and gave her a hug, although still scared for her, she was at least glad that her friend was still alive along with everyone else of course.

"Okay, let's see if we can get someone to hel..." Lilith stopped herself as the crew found themselves in some sort of abandoned fun fair. Joel was also fairly stable and asked if everyone was fine, Lilith nodded, not giving much of an answer as she was taken aback by the scenery and that she was still focused on Shantae. However Happy Chaos and Nahobino seemed to have completely disappeared for some reason, what's up with that? A few new faces were introduced to so someone would have to say something. "Um...hi." Lilith greeted with a nervous smile, Shantae just kind of looked at her with a confused expression.

Interactions: @Thatguyinastore (Joel), literally anyone else
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by WhoTao
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nagito Komaeda

"That sure was a nice rest." A voice would say, waking up from his slumber almost as if he had been sleeping at his home. Abit too casual for someone in this strange situation, but he just seemed to be like that. Using his cybernetic arm as support, Nagito returned to his feet, before glancing around this strange looking place.

"Hmm... interesting looking decorations they have here." The ultimate lucky student commented out loud, as if talking for himself which... he kind of where. Just one of his many list of quirks. Regardless, the point still stood, this was a bizarre looking place. 'Joker's Funland'... Komaeda has his doubts about it.

No other boy from the male would come whatsoever, as he decided to disregard the others who still were waking up from now and stand by himself separated from the group. People were complicated and if he wanted to know what's going on, he probably should wait until everyone was up.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by udonoodles
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udonoodles One thousand lonely stars

Member Seen 9 days ago

Fingers pushed tight together, Gyro Zeppeli held his right hand horizontally aloft, aligning the sun along the edge of his pointer.
Uno, due, tre, quattro…Five o’clock in the evening.”

Musing to hhimself, he idly stroked Valkyrie’s neck to soothe him. “If sunset is six, then it must be five. Only one hour…” lowering his hand, he placed both upon his hips and held his head high.

“..One hour to make it to that flying machine, before nightfall. One hour to salvage what I can and take off.”

“One hour…”


“Is much too generous for a travelling man such as Gyro Zeppeli!”
Turning back, he reached for his hat and doffed his cap, his toothy grin relaxing into a humble smile. “Much love, oh Lady Luck.”
Placing his hat upon his head, Gyro reached to grab Valkyrie’s reins and arched down low. His smile slacked into a smirk, and he squinted ahead to the smoke trail drifting over the horizon.

“I’ll follow your gifts to reach the ‘right path’—wherever it takes me.”
Kicking his heels, he spurred his steed forward, into the unknown—into the flow, and towards the calamity.

. . .

To the group ahead, Gyro’s approach was heralded by the distant sound of hooves clopping against the ground. Over the horizon he came, peering up from beneath the brim of his hat as he neared the site of the crash.
Evidently, he pondered with a furrowed brow, it seemed he had conspired to plunder an empty tomb.

He said nothing to Luthor’s posse as they picked themselves up, stirring into consciousness or already up and inspecting their surroundings. Offering naught but a glare to the side, he brought Valkyrie down to a measured trot, steering him to pace around the fallen jet—just what was this strange contraption, able to fly and fall so far? Da Vinci created the Aerial Screw, yet it never left the ground—though with the Spin, Gyro had theorised, perhaps it would indeed be possible. Yet this looked nothing like the sketches he had seen from his studies: Winged instead of propelled; this was a sleeker, metallic vessel, like a fancy carriage, or one of Benz’s horseless automobiles.
Feh. Like those things would ever catch on.

Indeed, there seemed to be no way for this craft to utilise the Spin—and even a man with such worldly wisdom as Gyro hadn’t a clue how it could fly otherwise.
But regardless, he didn’t think it was going anywhere now, with that bullet lodged through its wing.

And if he could hardly comprehend the nature of this strange vehicle, then the decor of its crash site was something he found well and truly bizarre: Who in Mother Mary’s name decorated this infernal cuckooland? The pantomime’s Pierrot?
It almost resembled a children’s playhouse, yet it was in a dismal state indeed: The sized up, soiled statues of toy soldiers crept into a valley of uncanniness—from the corner of his eye, they almost appeared to be real people, lurking in the shadows to strike out at him.
He couldn’t help but to steer Valkyrie away from them, and towards the group that had gathered.

He really should be leaving. That felt like the obvious path to take: He wasn’t going to be salvaging anything if whatever he salvaged still had a living owner—or owners. But the obvious, easy path rarely seemed to be the right one—the detour, he found, was often the shortest path. Why else would that vessel fall from the heavens if not to guide him to this place?
There was a path being set for him. It was his choice to follow it.

“It’d be stupid to go anywhere so soon,” he spoke aloud, to no one in particular. He kicked back out from his horse’s stirrups, unhooking his feet and swinging his right leg over to the left. “We might be safe right now, but…” With a twist, he undid the clasp on his right-hand leather pouch, reaching for his hip to unholster his trusty instrument.

“The Chinese have a weapon called the “Huo Long Chu Shui”: That’s “fire dragon out of the water”.” Gyro crouched down to the ground, brushing aside any dirt or debris to create a flat surface upon which he rested his Steel Ball. He held onto it still, observing the surrounding area. “It’s a long thick tube, propelled by gunpowder and packed full of arrows. And you’ve got one stuck in the armour of your flying machine.”
He looked up from his work to meet the gaze of anyone listening, looking straight at their eye—not into, as if to make contact, but at, as if to study.
“There you are,” he mouthed silently, lowering down from his crouch to lay belly down upon the floor.
“Someone’s after you. Which means they'll be after me now, too.”
He concentrated on the Steel Ball, raising his shoulder and arching his elbow. He gripped the sphere tightly, turning his head, and subtle sparks of gold flashed between his forearm and fingers until he flicked his wrist and…
The Ball began to spin. Spinning, spinning…endlessly, perfectly—very nearly, almost perfectly.
“Let’s see if we can find them…”

Pushing himself forward with his elbows and knees, Gyro placed his ear beside the Steel Ball.
His brow furrowed. His vision cleared and focused, unburdened by peripheral distractions. He placed his hand out, flat upon the ground, and felt it: The vibrations of the Golden Spin, echoing through the ground.

“Bats have perfectly fine eyesight, you know. It’s just a myth that they’re blind—their eyes are just meant for seeing in the dark. To help them, though, they use something called ‘echolocation’...Sound waves, vibrating through the air, allow them to detect movement. This…”
Momentarily he broke his focus, casting a glance to Ball.
“...Is much the same. Let us see…”

Okay, the crowd off to his right was there. He didn’t need to echolocate them—who else? Who was lurking about, perhaps to pick off the stragglers? Or perhaps their crash was calculated—perhaps someone was waiting for them here, or further into the steel mill?
He had once detected nearly a dozen men approaching from a distance further than his naked eye could see: If anyone was indeed nearby, he could easily detect their presence.

@Thatguyinastore (GM Post RE: Echolocation), Open interaction
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kagebaka
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Kagebaka The Potato God

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

--Sougo Tokiwa || Penny Polendina--
Interaction: @Thatguyinastore @WhoTao

Sougo was still in his Fourze Armor trailing behind the Jet when all this happened. The jet was struck by a missile seemingly out of nowhere, which caused the jet to spiral out of control. Before Sougo could even try and move out of it, however, he was hit by the jet wing that was blasted off, causing the Rider to detransform as everyone fell to the deaths.

However, in a stroke of luck, it seems everyone mostly survive. Albeit a tad wounded. Cuts and bruises, though strangely enough, no broken limbs. Yet.

"Ugh...Y-yeah, barely..." Sougo nodded, groggily standing up, rubbing his head. Combined with the strain of detransforming mid-air, it seems that Sougo's having a hard time standing up, wobbling as he checks his surroundings. They seem to be in some sort of amusement park. Well, not exactly an amusement park, but rather, an old factory sloppily renovated as one? The bumper cars are one sign. However, there's no sign of any debris from the plane crash..."Oh god, did I drink the tea again?"

Penny's systems booted up moments after the others had woken up. Running diagnostics, everything seems to be in order. Except for the fact that her left forearm is missing.

"Oh dear." The brown haired robot girl gulped, proceeding to hide the clearly robot-like detached arm stump behind her back, looking around for her missing arm.

Meanwhile, somewhere near the hooded white haired boy, the young teen would find what seems to be a severed arm on his feet. Well, not exactly a flesh arm, but rather, a robotic arm--made to be eerily human. One could even see wires poking out of where the elbow would be. Who could this belong to?

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by phi
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phi local fumo

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marisa Kirisame ~ CODE:ENCHANTER

"Oi, I think just a bit of braggin' is in order! I mean, you and I know damn well it's true either way, so really, there's no harm done, eh?"

Marisa casually stated in response to her companion in red, the girl then lifting the cannon over her shoulder, holding it casually with one arm as though it were, again, much much lighter then its appearance would suggest. As the hunter spoke, Marisa listened in keenly, nudging Reimu as to do the same. As much as they could play it by ear, they weren't exactly what they'd been before. Any info they could get would be helpful right now - especially in such unfamiliar territory.

"Lex? Super-powered? Clowns? An' here I thought this'd be a bit tamer. Still, I'd say 'are you sure it was a clown', but looks like we're already right in the middle of the damn circus, so I ain't exactly gonna question it right now."

Enchanter piped in in response to The Chosen Hunter, before responding into his own inquiry as to their rather sudden appearance.

"Bein' honest here, your guess is 'bout as good as ours. No clue how the hell we ended up here, considerin' where we were before we woke up was pretty far from any kinda scenery like this. But y'know, now that we're here, may as well make the most of it, eh?"

As the Hunter commented on the Hakkero Cannon, Marisa flourished her long, black coat and pointed at herself before giving a small, clearly rehearsed line.

"It ain't warfare if it ain't flashy! In the Enchanter School of thought, it's all about the firepower!"

The proud enchanter shifted her weight, wearing a cocky grin that'd otherwise have her punched in the jaw if it wasn't exceeding obvious she was more then willing to back up her claims. Despite all appearances, Enchanter - and by extension, Shaman, didn't look the least bit inexperienced despite their comparative youth. The way that Enchanter carried herself was confident, but not to a foolish extreme. Someone who'd seen and dealt with shit like this before.

"Yeah Yeah, 'course you can! Buuut, you oughta let me an' Shaman handle this. After all, don't want you slowin' us down, y'know? Ah, but you're all probably fine enough to bring along, may as well show you all the ropes, yeah?"

The magician bantered back to the strange-looking individual teasing The Chosen Hunter as though she'd known him beforehand - despite the fact it was obvious she hadn't. Seems more like her sheer force of personality kinda just dragged people around it to be friends with her.

@megar @Lazaro1505 [@thatguyinthestore] (i think)
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by WhoTao
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nagito Komaeda

As the ultimate lucky student went to do his own biding, he stopped after almost stepping over something on the ground. A severed looking arm close to his feet. Normally in this type of situations, humans would be scared or scream or anything of the sort. After seeing the world so much with his own eyes, Komaeda didn't have that luxury anymore. He collected the body piece, before noticing that despite it being somewhat looking human, it was an actual fully robotic arm. And a rather advanced one at that. Nagito could only ponder the reason to which why he was able to find it. Perhaps it was his luck giving him an upgrade to face whatever was in this rather odd fashion place. Well, that lasted until he noticed the several wires that came from it... almost as if it was snatched from something. Or someone.

With the amount of people still waking up, Komaeda had two major possibilities coming in his head regarding it: either the remains of a victim of this place or something that belonged to one of them. Now, to find someone with a missing arm... it shouldn't be too hard, even in the middle of such a colorful group of character's.

So where to start.... "Hey there, looking for an hand?" Nagito addressed himself to the girl that clearly was looking for something, lightly touching her head with the robotic hand he had found. Knowing his luck finding the true reason he had found this arm wouldn't take too long, so why not see what the problem of this girl was while at it?

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by megar
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megar megar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Reimu Hakurei ~ CODE:SHAMAN

"Whole lot of words for something I made about zero sense of..."

Reimu shakes her head. She's listening, alright -- not that she needed the cue to do so -- but that hardly meant anything to her. Definitely not any of the Lunar Capital's work, at least... But again, if they're stuck, they're stuck. Trying to struggle against that would be wasted effort, and even now she's absolutely not about that. So, she'll take in what she can get. These days, taking things at least a little seriously comes easier. "Circus is a word for it, alright. Can't say I'm expecting a good show, though." This whole thing feels like being dragged into a many-sided conflict that's far from her business.

"As she says, anyway... on all fronts." Reimu takes her handgun from her side and idly twirls it around a finger. Far less flashy both a motion and weapon it might be in comparison to the Hakkero Cannon, the gesture shows both the same confidence and experience in equal measure. "She might be short, but don't let it fool you. On a good day... hm, she can almost beat me, I think that's a good compromise." She gives an easy smile. "Take that as a cue not to underestimate me either. Consider yourself blessed with a front row seat to a real show. How's that for a good deal?"

Her own brand of conversation is far and away more of a snark, but she takes to it with the same familiar ease her companion does; uncaring of the caution a situation like this might normally be due. She has every reason to be confident, after all.

@phi @Lazaro1505 [idk anyone else who wants to get involved]
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by marc122
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Unbeknownst to everyone, a set of footsteps had followed the group onto the plane.

Sure, they could hear a few footsteps from time to time, but a lot of it was lost between footsteps from those they could see, the plane's engine, and the various conversations taking place. It was only when a missile hit that any other sound than just those footprints were made. Yet, nobody still could see them. They were none the wiser about it, at least so it seemed, even as they were recovering and getting back up, finding themselves at a strange...carnival.

Just when the group thought they were just with each other, a pair of figures began to form from the top to the bottom out of pink, glass-like particles. At first, a head with orange hair and a bowler hat appeared. Then as the rest of his body formed, revealing his white coat and black gloves in the process, another figure formed next to him. That figure had brown, pink, and white hair, patterned like a scoop of Neapolitan ice cream, alongside a white-and-pink high-crop jacket, a brown corset, brown pants, and then heeled boots, as the reappearance revealed.

Both of them stood behind Joel. The man in the bowler hat in particular lightly tapped him on the shoulder with his cane with a devious smirk.

Roman Torchwick / Neopolitan

"Miss us?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SomeMekBoy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Immediately upon their oh-so-ride intrusion onto the plane, Otto flicked his head towards Roman and Neopolitan. He didn’t even need the Spidey sense (he was even starting to use Peter’s word for it now, much to the doctor’s chagrin) to know that they were coming, nor his intellect to realize that they were far from familiar faces. Considering what had just happened, that also made them threats.

And threats needed to be handled.

In a flash the web spinners of the superhero aimed at the arriving duo. “Who are you, why are you here, and can you leave the people attempting to save the world alone if you mean us ill. If you don’t answe those first two willingly, know that we are all open to coercing the truth.”

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Thatguyinastore
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Thatguyinastore Just a Store Guy

Member Seen 11 days ago

Well, everyone seemed to be alright, so that was good. A sigh escaped Joel - a weary, tired sigh. Things had gone from shit to more shit to most shit this whole fuckin' day. He'd been reunited with Sarah... only to have her snatched from her. Forced to fight some damn flying monster he knew nothing about - one who was hundreds (if not thousands) of times stronger than the average man, had powers Joel had only seen in Ellie's comic books, and was resistant to basically anything the group could throw at him.

His thoughts flickered to Sarah. He hoped she was okay. If that bald fuck or his cronies even laid a finger on her, then Joel would make sure there was hell to pay. Even if it killed him.

He closed his eyes, then, thinking of Ellie as well. He hoped she was alright, wherever she was. She probably was, but Joel couldn't escape that nagging feeling that she wasn't regardless. Maybe when this was all over, he'd introduce her to-

His thoughts were interrupted when he felt someone tap his shoulder. Joel turned, then, furrowing his brows as his gaze met the fancy looking man in the bowler had. And his... assistant? Joel hoped it was his assistant, because he didn't wanna think about what she may have been otherwise. Regardless, Joel sighed and shook his head before he brought his hands down to his hips and their gazes met.

"I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you just woke up here." The man said, his tone dry and - more importantly, tired. And then the guy in the spider costume seemed to intervene. Okay then. Joel slowly backed away and pursed his lips as he watched the interaction play out from here. Ain't no way he was gonna be caught in the middle of whatever the hell was about to go down between those two.

@marc122 @SomeMekBoy
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Thatguyinastore
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Thatguyinastore Just a Store Guy

Member Seen 11 days ago

Gyro's echolocation would indeed yield some results. Well, a result, to be more specific. Behind some rubble in the corner of the area, there seemed to be an unconscious woman. She was just... lying there, so it could be assumed that she was unconscious.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Thatguyinastore
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Thatguyinastore Just a Store Guy

Member Seen 11 days ago

As those two rather mouthy little girls made their debut, Negan found his attention on them first and foremost. There were a lotta questions that ran through his head as he saw them - apparently having just woken up, and already acting high and mighty. That hunter lady had already taken up conversation with them as well, and they were already showing her the ropes of whatever it was they thought they could do. How cute. Kind of reminded him of Carl... only much, much younger.

Time to go shut 'em up, though. Last thing he needed was some overzealous little girls getting themselves killed, after all.

"Now, are my ears gettin' stuffy in my old age..." Negan said with his trademark smirk as he approached both Reimu and Marisa. His brows furrowed a bit as he looked them over. Did one of them have a... gun? And not just any gun, either. Some real fancy lookin' shit. Far bigger and balsier than the shit he had back in his own universe. At least the other one just seemed to be playing with a stick or something. Still, though, the smirk was indeed maintained, as was that usual air of smug confidence that he always radiated.

"Or do I hear the sound of two little girls who are in WAY over their heads?" Lucille was given a good twirl as he reached the two girls. Negan stood well over them, staring down at them with that same damn smirk. His brows lifted, clearly not taking them seriously despite the blonde one's massive gun. Instead, all he did was plant his beloved bat's business end right on the ground, right in front of his feet. And then Negan leaned forward on her in the most condescending manner possible, staring down at them all the while.

" 'Cuz I hate to break it to ya, but this ain't exactly kickball on the playground."

@megar @phi @Lazaro1505
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lazaro1505
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Lazaro1505 Birb-With-Gun

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The Chosen Hunter

The rather tall blue skinned man could only shrug at the very mentioning of the individual who done this being a clown… in all honesty, he thought it would fit, considering that if the one who shot them down owned the circus in town nearby, they may as well be a clown. Or a clown figuratively… who cares what they are. At least the one who did it was gonna provide ‘plenty’ of entertainment for the time being they are here until ole Lex comes back. And he clearly wanted to do something instead of staying here bored out of his mind… maybe he could find some way to entertain himself during the wait if they do stay.

But at least they have some sense of humor, mostly giving a smirk at what Reimu had said. Off to a good start already… and mighty confident judging by the way they are speaking. Let’s see if they had the skill to backup those claims, they already look ‘prepared’ at the very least with the way they were carrying themselves. Only putting one of his hands towards his chin as he stared at the weapon, he responded with “Flashy, eh? Can certainly say that Gun is a far bigger weapon than any of those cannons I’ve seen Grenadiers wield before… although, not my style. Much rather prefer taking things from afar… makes it so much worth it seeing the look of shock my opponent’s have as one of their comrade’s heads suddenly disappear. But there is no harm with going in loud with a big boom. the Chosen Hunter finished… mostly poking at the very fact of his preferred style of combat, but they’ll come in handy as acting as ‘distractions’ for him so that he could snipe from afar in safety.

Although the next line said by the cannon wielder did make him laugh and put his arms down. They are certainly far better than any of the Elder’s forces, considering the others weren’t one for conversation and banter. At least they made good target practice every once in a while. He did enjoy a good challenge, and with the large cannon wielding girl talking about ‘showing them the ropes’ along with the pistol wielding girl responding in kind, well, why not give them a little challenge. Merely raising one of his left arms… a purple sort of aura seemed to glow from it, as the Hunter said “A free show on the house? How tempting, but I can’t let you hog all the fun when there is clearly enough to pass around the room. We do have our own neat tricks after all. But how about this… a little competition you will, something you will find far within your capabilities. A game of numbers of you will… who can bag the most eliminations coming up soon. the Hunter said, the energy dissipating from his hand as he went ahead to remove his magnetic sniper rifle, Darklance, from his back. “Regular thugs are worth 1 point… big stronger ones are 3, and if one manages to get the one running the show here, 10 points! Sound easy enough to follow? and now the Hunter has given his challenge, a smirk forming on his face as he went ahead to see if they would accept the challenge. What’s wrong with a little competitive actions between the three of them… it makes the whole thing more fun when there is a clear goal in mind!

But turning to face the new voice that joined the conversation, the Hunter raised a brow at the man with a bat who got shocked earlier within that glass cage walking up towards them. Awww, he wanted to be the big boy and joke around too? How adorable. Merely chuckling out loud as he approached the bat wielding Negan, crouching down a few feet away as to be face to face with him (considering his height of 9 feet… it was a rather great distance to travel) and decided to play along with his sentences. ”Whats wrong bat-jack, afraid they will get all the targets before you can even touch a single one with that bat of yours? After all, k don’t think a little stick with some metal bite sticking out of it makes a good option if someone is more than 5 feet away from you. But if you like, how about you join in the little competition as well, just to see if you can beat these two and prove your point.” the Man finished as he maintained his crouching, awaiting an response from Negan mostly.

@megar @phi @Thatguyinastore
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by marc122
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Roman Torchwick / Neopolitan

Joel was correct; Roman had just woken up a moment ago. After all, everyone had been knocked out in the chaos and only now were they regaining consciousness. However, between his unwavering stance and ever-so-pristine swagger, it may as well been a wild guess. The only give was his slight wobbliness, but even then, he made up for that rather quickly.

Before he could answer him, a man in a Spider-Man suit showed up to confront him. He didn't even have to wait; the man jumped straight to the point to accuse them of possibly intending something upon everyone around here.

To which he said: "Gee, already with the assumptions?" Then he chuckled.

"I almost thought we'd make it to a minute!"

Neopolitan, meanwhile, tilted her head, her smile facing the rest of the group, as she then turned to face Otto. And as Roman had noticed, more people appeared to be giving the same doubtful looks as Otto -- starting with Joel.

"Ah, who am I kidding." Roman shook his head, then turned to face the rest of the crowd -- including Otto. He planted Melodic Cudgel on the ground, then leaned on it.

"The name's Roman -- in case you didn't know. This little helper over here is our friend, Neo."

Neo waved to the crowd. As Roman observed further, he noticed a few familiar faces: Hershel. Schezo. Sephiroth. Grey.


Upon seeing Negan, Roman had been reminded by just how much fun he had as Bardock. The unprecedented amount of power he had access to, the degree of control he has had that otherwise might've been unthinkable outside of an Atlesian Paladin... If he could do it all over again, he would.

He wasn't the focus, though. Soon enough, his focus was on the group in general once again.

"We've met before, huh?" Roman continued, his right eyebrow briefly raising. "If so, nice seeing you again."

He stood back up and scrunched up his face, pushing up his cheeks with his free hand and putting up a stereotypical "sockpuppet" voice as if to mock those questioning him.

"'But Ruh-min! Why are you here?!'" He then put his hand back down, returning to his regular voice. "...Good question! We, just like every one of you, want to come back home. After all, we've been there before, eh?"

Roman raised his free hand.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by darkred
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darkred Friendly blue eyed woman

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Director Thomas "Pincer" Sinclair


[center] After finding the group after a short talk with a woman in armor named Samus and various others, Sinclair grunted, and sat inside Lux Luthor's jet. Seems he was a little late but at least he grabbed a seat. Lex's speech was cut off as something hit the jet's wing sending everyone falling straight down to Earth.

A little while later, Sinclair woke up with a wicked headache and dusted himself off "What in the hell just happ-"

He would get his answer of where he was as he stared at a small sign that said "Joker's Funland"

He took a while to pull himself up as he walked slowly toward a few others "You guys going to be alright?"

@thatguyinastore others

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kagebaka
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Kagebaka The Potato God

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

--Sougo Tokwa||Penny Polendina--
Interaction: @thatguyinastore@WhoTao@marc122

"Eep!" Penny shuddered as she felt a familiar hand brush through her hair, prompting her to turn around to see a white haired teen clad in casual green hood and a white shirt. He looks out of place, although there's something about him that stands out to Penny. Well, aside for her arm he's holding. "Oh! Thank you!" Penny thanked the young man, reaching towards her severed arm to take it from the teen as she stared at the man's somewhat dead eyes. "That's strange. I don't remember seeing you on the plane before we were hit... Are you perhaps from around here?" She asked, tilting her head in curiosity.

Sougo meanwhile, approached the newly awoken dapper looking man and girl. If he had to guess, those two were partners. Listening to the man introducing himself and his partner as Roman and Neo, he declared that like them, they seem to be trying to find a way home.

"Well, I guess if you're trying to get back home, then Luthor-san brought you two here, too." Sougo guessed, extending his hand to both Neo and Roman. "I'm Sougo. Tokiwa Sougo. Wanna work together for the time being?" He introduced himself to the mute girl, though Sougo himself didn't know that.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FactionGuerilla
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FactionGuerilla Yeah! Yeah, huh. Hit me in the head again!

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Condition: Healthy
Status: Contemplating
Inventory: Mysterious Watch
Interactions: Nahobino @MorgueofCrowz, Cloud @ratKing, Gyro @udonoodles
Mentions: Sephiroth @TheRealMonaMona, Red Riding Hood @BoltBeam, Reimu @megar, Marisa @phi, Nagito @WhoTao, Penny @Kagebaka Roman Torchwick and Neopolitan @marc122, Otto @SomeMekBoy, GM @Thatguyinastore


Thankfully- whether people had listened to Cole or not- everyone had gotten out of the way as the Precision Bolt hit Firefly, followed up with a hailstorm of Megawatt Hammers to his dome. While the dust was still settling, the Demon of Empire City jumped down, using his Static Thrusters near the ground to slow his descent. He would've just ended it all with a Thunder Drop from far above had it not been for the fact that idiot Negan hadn't waltzed over to the flying criminal, but perhaps that was for the best- as a fate far worse followed Firefly.

Superman himself- or at least, it looked like it- had come along to finish the job, and did exactly that. After frying the arsonist criminal, the rogue hero turned to face everyone, prompting Cole to raise an electrified hand despite being absolutely drained yet again. Thankfully (or perhaps not, depending on how one looked at it), Superman flew off without a single word to the group, causing MacGrath to lower his palm and sigh. He'd already started walking off to a nearby light pole when Lex announced that the group needed to go after Superman, only sparing the jet a singular glance before beginning to drain it for a new charge of electricity.

"This was a hell of a welcoming party for you to make for us, Luthor." The Conduit sarcastically remarked aloud, before finishing his recharging process and walking on board. By some miracle, he'd ended up right next to both Nahobino and Cloud on the jet, both of whom had already demonstrated they had electrical abilities of their own that Cole could very well use in a pinch. Either way, they were also beginning to strike it up of sorts, with Cloud muttering that something wasn't right and Nahobino approaching the former. Regardless, Cole nodded at the latter before taking a seat nearby the two, glancing outside the window idly and watching those who were able to fly prep up.

"You're right. When we were grilling a two-bit crook, he mentioned that Superman and Lex Luthor weren't exactly best friends. Luthor's had some 'nefarious schemes' in the past." Whether Luthor could hear Cole shittalking him didn't really matter to him; freedom of speech was something America loved to tote around, after all, and he was just stating the facts. He glanced back to the duo, giving both of them a small nod as if to say they were all right in his books.

"When we get a moment, we need to talk." Obviously, Cole meant Not around Luthor, which he hoped the other two would pick up on- partially about Lex, partially about Cloud's psychotic, long-haired obsessor. Whether they acknowledged this or not wasn't too important, since the next few hours passed by quite rapidly- filled with idle conversation to determine each other's strengths and weaknesses or utter silence, it didn't matter.

What did matter was the interruption at nighttime. Luthor's orders to head back were cut off by a shrill voice, and a euphemism thinly masking the fact there was a missile that had been launched right at the ship. The first people to go were outside the ship, presumably from the puke-green gas following behind the crude rocket. Cole didn't even have the ability to Shockwave the projectile, since the doors were- for some dumb reason- locked tight.

"Oh, you've gotta be shitting me-"

And then the rocket hit dead-on, causing the jet to spin out. The last thing he remembered was the seat right in front of him approaching his face, and fast.

Voices. The first thing that entered his groggy mind was voices. Everyone's sentences were garbled together, forming a cacophany that felt like it was pounding his head with every syllable not unlike a migraine. The next thing that he could... "feel" was a blue glow. Well, sort of see, sort of feel. He'd only faintly gotten his eyelids open, so he could make out the aura that surrounded him for a moment and gave him the strength to finally shake off the headache and general grogginess. With this lent strength, the Conduit pulled himself up to his feet, and got a good look at the gang's situation.

And boy, it was not looking good.

Whatever the case was, there were three new arrivals- two girls that were already being harassed by two of the gang's whack jobs, and a boy who'd found an arm... which apparently belonged to Penny.

Well, at least that was at the beginning. Three more people showed up- one, a horse rider with a garb that certainly made him stand out. Cole was most interested in this guy than anything else, since he didn't seem like he was there to finish the others off. In fact, the guy blatantly said "they"- probably that nut job who blew the jet up- would now be after him, just by association. At this, MacGrath just raised an eyebrow. He doubted the rocketeers would know this guy personally- all he needed to do was just ride his horse away, and nobody would know any better as long as he didn't get spotted. The large group couldn't do that themselves, due to the sheer numbers they had. So then..?

"Why are you helping us out, if you're putting your neck out just by being here?" Whatever the case, the guy fiddled around with a sphere, prompting it to spin around before mentioning something about echolocation. Didn't take long for Cole to put two and two together and realize he was probably trying to look around for others. At least, so it seemed.

"...Thanks, I guess. If you find anyone lying around, lemme know." That second bit was in part due to the fact that Nahobino was missing. Granted, that blue-haired warrior could summon a dragon and a snowman-demon, so Cole wasn't that worried about their safety, but it was good to keep tabs on his potential allies.

Speaking of which, Cole'd noticed Cloud on the ground. Still not up yet, apparently- at least, so it looked upon first glance. Walking over, the Conduit knelt down before shaking the "SOLDIER" slightly, attempting to wake him up.

"Hey. Stay with us, you hear me?" While still knelt down, he only gave Roman Torchwick and Neopolitan as passing glance, as both were being interrogated by Otto. Instead, his thoughts wandered back to the plane. How it got hit, and nobody could get out.

Did that idiot lock us in so we had to fulfill the mission and not run off? Granted, the party probably wouldn't have ditched, since Luthor supposedly had the only way back to everyone's home worlds, but the fact the asshole had locked everyone in meant he didn't trust the gang of misfits. But why? What else was he hiding, besides the fact he had a grudge against Superman?

Not to mention how easily that rocket hit... You'd think the jet would have some sort of countermeasure for rockets, what with how fancy the technology was. They weren't set up, right?
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