✖ ‖ N a m e
✖ ‖ A g e / B i r t h d a y
✖ ‖ G e n d e r
✖ ‖ B o d y T y p e
✖ ‖ V i l l a g e
✖ ‖ C l a n
✖ ‖ F a m i l y
✖ ‖ R a n k
✖ ‖ T i t l e s / N i c k n a m e s
✖ ‖ P e r s o n a l i t y
✖ ‖ L i k e s
✖ ‖ D i s l i k e s
✖ ‖ N i n d o
✖ ‖ B i o g r a p h y
✖ ‖ K e k k e i G e n k a i
✖ ‖ N a t u r e s
✖ ‖ T a l e n t s
✖ ‖ J u t s u
✖ ‖ W e a p o n s A n d T o o l s
✖ ‖ F i g h t i n g S t y l e
✖ ‖ T h e m e S o n g
✖ ‖ P l a y e d B y
Mizuraki Senju
✖ ‖ A g e / B i r t h d a y
27/ October 25th
✖ ‖ G e n d e r
✖ ‖ B o d y T y p e
✖ ‖ V i l l a g e
✖ ‖ C l a n
Senju: One of the founding clans of Konoha and a formidable clan in its own right, their Kekkei Genkai is the art of Wood Release. The Senju clan are also known for their numerous abilities, often regarded as a jack of all trades.
✖ ‖ F a m i l y
Father: Getama Senju
Mother: Shinon Senju (Deceased)
Siblings: None to speak of.
Mother: Shinon Senju (Deceased)
Siblings: None to speak of.
✖ ‖ R a n k
✖ ‖ T i t l e s / N i c k n a m e s
Mizu, Fox-Catcher, Slug Whisperer
✖ ‖ P e r s o n a l i t y
Mizuraki is a woman who is hiding a great amount of pain and memories in equal measure. Despite this her attitude can be described as rather casual and surprisingly carefree, though she has only taken that carefree attitude on due to recent events in her life. Mizuraki rarely uses honorifics unless it’s with someone who has earned her unyielding respect and loyalty. When Mizuraki is focused on something however, it is as if she becomes an entirely different person, her focus becomes razor sharp, her demeanor, serious and rather abrasive at times. It’s clear that she cares greatly for her pursuits and her duty in equal measure. She does become rather enthusiastic, almost childishly so when it comes to seeing something completely new and becomes fixated on learning how and why it works.
✖ ‖ L i k e s
✖ - Alcohol
✖ - Learning new things
✖ - Ramen
✖ - Meditation
✖ - Reading
✖ - Learning new things
✖ - Ramen
✖ - Meditation
✖ - Reading
✖ ‖ D i s l i k e s
✖ - War
✖ - Death
✖ - Failure
✖ - Destruction
✖ - Foxes
✖ - Death
✖ - Failure
✖ - Destruction
✖ - Foxes
✖ ‖ N i n d o
”No one is going to die on my watch. Ever again!”
✖ ‖ B i o g r a p h y
Mizuraki’s childhood was challenging at times. Her mother: a medical nin and her father: an advisor to the current head of the clan itself. Mizuraki had a carefree childhood where very little responsibilities were placed upon her, no burden of expectation. However it also meant that while her parents loved her very much, they were not around very much and Mizuraki often had to spend a few days alone due to her parents’ busy schedules. Perhaps in response to the loneliness or maybe it was simply a desire that was always waiting to surface, Mizuraki’s passion for learning began to surface as she started to pour through her mother’s medical notes and observations. The more of her notes that Mizuraki read the more curious she became about her mother’s work...A part of her thought that maybe if she learned the same arts as her mother, that maybe she could be closer to her? It was certainly worth a shot. Mizuraki spent many days reading her mother’s writings and attempting to mimic her treatments and various medical ninjutsu that she had listed. Mizuraki’s attempts at mimicking her mother’s jutsu were of course ill-advised and difficult, however what began as an attempt to simply be closer to her mother, awakened something within her, a genuine desire to use her mother’s techniques to help people just as she had done.
Her parents eventually found out what their child was up to and rather than admonishing her for attempting to learn such techniques with no supervision, they were proud of their daughter’s initiative. Mizuraki was enrolled into the ninja academy the next day and she eagerly took to her lessons in an attempt to learn all she could about the Ninja world. She took well to the training and became incredibly efficient in chakra control. Her graduation was celebrated by her parents and not long after her graduation, thanks to her memory, she was able to finally utilize the healing palm technique...A technique that it turned out she would need very soon. A few years after her graduation to Genin level, a terrible tragedy had occurred: The third great Shinobi war.
The war was long and gruesome, many ninja died on every single side and Mizuraki along with many other genin were drafted into the war. Mizuraki had been assigned to a squadron as a field medic and was told to do everything in her power to keep her comrades alive. The battles were bloody and violent, the poor child had witnessed so much death, so much pain and agony. Mizuraki did her very best to keep her teammates alive, but even with her talent for chakra control and her growing mastery of the healing palm, there was only so much the young child could do...Many Ninja that depended upon her for healing died, and they were replaced as casually as one would change their clothing, and the vicious cycle continued for years and years as more and more bodies piled up. There were also times where healing simply wasn’t enough, she couldn’t afford to be a helpless target so while reluctant, she did train her offensive jutsu’s as well and as a result took many lives herself.
Finally after years of heated conflict, the great shinobi war came to an end and those who survived were given honors for their service. Mizuraki’s honor came as a promotion to the rank of Chuunin. Her father was absolutely beaming with pride but her mother? Her mother was nowhere to be found, another casualty of the Shinobi war that had already taken so much from her. Mizuraki was unable to bear the guilt of all the lives she had taken and the lives she had failed...She sought a way to break the cycle of war and death, a power that would give her the strength to stop war, but also heal and save anyone from ever becoming a casualty again. After hearing rumors of a strange but powerful man who held secret knowledge about medical techniques, Mizuraki’s mind was made up. The young Chuunin left Konoha behind with nothing but her burning will to sustain her on the journey to find this man atop his mountain and learn his secrets.
The journey was a long one, it took a few years to even find this man, and along the way presented many challenges such as rogue ninja, bandits or other opportunistic types. Over the course of her journey though she never once strayed from her goal. As she continued on she eventually found a slug deep within a forested area...Quite the large slug at that, Mizu was initially terrified but upon seeing that the slug was clearly in pain and discomfort, Mizuraki’s instincts kicked in and she immediately used her medical ninjutsu to heal the large creature and ease its suffering. The creature thanked her profusely...Actually speaking legible english the slug introduced itself as Katsuyu and as the two conversed, the two actually began to bond over their mutual desires to help as many people as they could. Katsuyu offered to help Mizuraki in her quest and Mizuraki eagerly accepted. A contract was formed between the two of them and Katsuyu bestowed her power upon Mizuraki.
The chuunin and her slug companion continued her search for the elusive medical and martial arts master. Finally after another long year of searching for him, she finally found the man known as: Lu. Lu and Mizuraki’s relationship started off as quite rocky. Lu was reluctant to teach his techniques for fear of misuse but no amount of denial would deter her, she remained obstinate and adamant to be taught so eventually a deal was struck: Lu would assist her with even further chakra control if Mizu was willing to work for it, which she accepted without hesitation. Eventually true lessons and abilities were taught to Mizuraki by Lu and despite their very rocky start the two bonded over the course of the several year long stay upon his mountain and eventually shared a tight and nigh unbreakable bond as Master and Student.
Finally with the increase in strength, knowledge and techniques, Mizuraki finally made her way back home to Konoha to put herself to use. Upon her return home however...Disaster had struck again. The nine tailed fox had begun its rampage and started to devastate the entire village. Mizuraki immediately sought to help as best as she could, but she soon realized that even if she managed to heal or save people in the streets, this beast was walking through every single offense being thrown toward it...So in a split second decision. Mizuraki summoned Katsuyu within Konoha and joined the effort to stop Kurama in his tracks, Katsuyu did her best to offer a large target for Kurama to focus upon. Mizuraki alongside Seiji Hyuuga, began to push the beast back and eventually through her training with Lu, she was able to entwine Kurama within strong and thick branches of wood and began to absorb the beast’s chakra and eventually? The beast was sealed thanks to their efforts.
The event was a wake up call to her, she realized that while her goal of healing people as a medical nin was a noble thing to do, it was on the front lines that she belonged, just like in the shinobi war so long ago...With her newfound strength and techniques she would not only be able to save people’s lives but also stop threats herself. Mizuraki was promoted to Jounin rank after the rampage of Kurama and she decided to stay and assist the new Hokage.
Her parents eventually found out what their child was up to and rather than admonishing her for attempting to learn such techniques with no supervision, they were proud of their daughter’s initiative. Mizuraki was enrolled into the ninja academy the next day and she eagerly took to her lessons in an attempt to learn all she could about the Ninja world. She took well to the training and became incredibly efficient in chakra control. Her graduation was celebrated by her parents and not long after her graduation, thanks to her memory, she was able to finally utilize the healing palm technique...A technique that it turned out she would need very soon. A few years after her graduation to Genin level, a terrible tragedy had occurred: The third great Shinobi war.
The war was long and gruesome, many ninja died on every single side and Mizuraki along with many other genin were drafted into the war. Mizuraki had been assigned to a squadron as a field medic and was told to do everything in her power to keep her comrades alive. The battles were bloody and violent, the poor child had witnessed so much death, so much pain and agony. Mizuraki did her very best to keep her teammates alive, but even with her talent for chakra control and her growing mastery of the healing palm, there was only so much the young child could do...Many Ninja that depended upon her for healing died, and they were replaced as casually as one would change their clothing, and the vicious cycle continued for years and years as more and more bodies piled up. There were also times where healing simply wasn’t enough, she couldn’t afford to be a helpless target so while reluctant, she did train her offensive jutsu’s as well and as a result took many lives herself.
Finally after years of heated conflict, the great shinobi war came to an end and those who survived were given honors for their service. Mizuraki’s honor came as a promotion to the rank of Chuunin. Her father was absolutely beaming with pride but her mother? Her mother was nowhere to be found, another casualty of the Shinobi war that had already taken so much from her. Mizuraki was unable to bear the guilt of all the lives she had taken and the lives she had failed...She sought a way to break the cycle of war and death, a power that would give her the strength to stop war, but also heal and save anyone from ever becoming a casualty again. After hearing rumors of a strange but powerful man who held secret knowledge about medical techniques, Mizuraki’s mind was made up. The young Chuunin left Konoha behind with nothing but her burning will to sustain her on the journey to find this man atop his mountain and learn his secrets.
The journey was a long one, it took a few years to even find this man, and along the way presented many challenges such as rogue ninja, bandits or other opportunistic types. Over the course of her journey though she never once strayed from her goal. As she continued on she eventually found a slug deep within a forested area...Quite the large slug at that, Mizu was initially terrified but upon seeing that the slug was clearly in pain and discomfort, Mizuraki’s instincts kicked in and she immediately used her medical ninjutsu to heal the large creature and ease its suffering. The creature thanked her profusely...Actually speaking legible english the slug introduced itself as Katsuyu and as the two conversed, the two actually began to bond over their mutual desires to help as many people as they could. Katsuyu offered to help Mizuraki in her quest and Mizuraki eagerly accepted. A contract was formed between the two of them and Katsuyu bestowed her power upon Mizuraki.
The chuunin and her slug companion continued her search for the elusive medical and martial arts master. Finally after another long year of searching for him, she finally found the man known as: Lu. Lu and Mizuraki’s relationship started off as quite rocky. Lu was reluctant to teach his techniques for fear of misuse but no amount of denial would deter her, she remained obstinate and adamant to be taught so eventually a deal was struck: Lu would assist her with even further chakra control if Mizu was willing to work for it, which she accepted without hesitation. Eventually true lessons and abilities were taught to Mizuraki by Lu and despite their very rocky start the two bonded over the course of the several year long stay upon his mountain and eventually shared a tight and nigh unbreakable bond as Master and Student.
Finally with the increase in strength, knowledge and techniques, Mizuraki finally made her way back home to Konoha to put herself to use. Upon her return home however...Disaster had struck again. The nine tailed fox had begun its rampage and started to devastate the entire village. Mizuraki immediately sought to help as best as she could, but she soon realized that even if she managed to heal or save people in the streets, this beast was walking through every single offense being thrown toward it...So in a split second decision. Mizuraki summoned Katsuyu within Konoha and joined the effort to stop Kurama in his tracks, Katsuyu did her best to offer a large target for Kurama to focus upon. Mizuraki alongside Seiji Hyuuga, began to push the beast back and eventually through her training with Lu, she was able to entwine Kurama within strong and thick branches of wood and began to absorb the beast’s chakra and eventually? The beast was sealed thanks to their efforts.
The event was a wake up call to her, she realized that while her goal of healing people as a medical nin was a noble thing to do, it was on the front lines that she belonged, just like in the shinobi war so long ago...With her newfound strength and techniques she would not only be able to save people’s lives but also stop threats herself. Mizuraki was promoted to Jounin rank after the rampage of Kurama and she decided to stay and assist the new Hokage.
✖ ‖ K e k k e i G e n k a i
Wood Release
✖ ‖ N a t u r e s
✖ ‖ T a l e n t s
Mizuraki has an eidetic memory, it’s very useful when she is researching treatment methods or notes scribed by herself or others. She’s also quite a heavyweight when it comes to drinking, almost able to drink her master Lu under the table...Emphasis on almost. Her chakra control capabilities are practically unrivaled.
✖ ‖ J u t s u
Body Flicker Technique: By focusing the chakra in one’s body the user is able to move at a surprisingly high speed that would normally not be possible.
Summoning Jutsu: Mizuraki formed a contract with the great slug of Shikkotsu forest: Katsuyu. By utilizing her own blood and the contract they formed with one another, Mizuraki is able to summon a portion of Katsuyu from the forest to fight by her side in battle.
Strength of a Hundred Seal: A feat of incredible chakra control as well as a gift bestowed upon her by her friend Katsuyu. The seal placed upon Mizuraki’s forehead allows her to continually store chakra inside of it and to ensure no chakra is wasted when performing techniques. The chakra reserves stored inside the seal is also linked to Katsuyu, determining the power of the Slug’s own techniques.
Seal Release: The act of releasing the diamond seal upon Mizuraki’s forehead causes the seal to spread out across her face and body and envelop her. When the seal is released Mizuraki gains access to all of the chakra ever stored inside of it, amplifying her power and chakra reserves to extraordinary heights and allowing the use of further techniques.
Chakra Absorption: An ability learned while training under Lu. Through contact or through a controlled medium (Such as branches created from Mizuraki’s wood release) she is able to drain the chakra from an opponent until they are too weak to move. This is her preferred method of dealing with conflicts.
Medical Ninjutsu:
Mystical Palm technique: Chakra is focused into the hands and channeled through the patient’s body, accelerating the body’s natural healing process. This technique is difficult to master as it requires precise chakra control so as not to overload the patient’s body, however Mizuraki has all but mastered this technique through repeated uses.
Chakra Scalpel: The user coats their hands with chakra and forms the chakra into small blades upon their hands. The technique is used for surgical purposes, able to make incisions and cuts without damaging the tissue of the body from the outside. It IS possible to use it offensively but Mizuraki refuses to do so.
Chakra Cleansing: An art taught to her by Lu. The art of cleansing a person’s very chakra. It is a time consuming process but with enough time and chakra Mizuraki is able to temporarily soothe the spirits of anyone whose chakra she cleanses, from a temporary reprieve from mental trauma to the suppression of a person’s more darker tendencies.
Chakra Tainting: The opposite of the prior technique. Chakra tainting is the process of altering the spirit in a negative way, inducing darker tendencies in the individual, changing their thought patterns or even temporarily rendering body parts useless. It is equally as time consuming as the cleansing art, and while it is POSSIBLE to use this in combat it is certainly not easy.
Creation Rebirth: The ultimate regeneration technique. By unleashing a great amount of chakra at once, the body’s cell division is forcibly stimulated. During this state any injury that Mizuraki endures, no matter how severe, will be instantly healed in mere moments in this state Mizuraki cannot be killed. The technique comes with a terrible drawback however...Old cells are not repaired. New cells are created and divide rapidly to regenerate any damage that is inflicted and since the body can only create so many cells in one lifetime...To use this technique means to sacrifice your own lifespan.
Wood Release:
Wood Clone Technique: Mizuraki creates multiple clones of herself. Up to five. These clones are capable of moving independently, are able to conceal themselves among plants and trees as well as communicate with the host. Wood clones are powerful among clone techniques as they are able to take damage before being dispelled as well as use jutsu on their own.
Great Forest: A technique that allows the user to form their arm into multiple tree trunks. The tree trunks are capable of wrapping around enemies to bind them, or being turned into sharpened weapons capable of puncturing and stabbing into opponents with ease.
Great Tree shield: Large branches of wood are summoned straight from the earth itself and embrace either the host or the chosen target in a tight but nigh impenetrable shield of chakra enhanced wood.
Winding Tree Prison: Mizuraki channels chakra into the earth itself and similar to the great tree shield, she summons tree trunks from the earth...However she summons far more in number and far more resilient, the wood erupts from the ground and completely ensnare the target no matter the size. This is the technique that she used in order to help Seiji Hyuuga seal the nine tailed fox. The prison binds harder and tighter the more the target struggles and is capable of absorbing the target’s chakra. With a command the Prison can collapse and tighten to the point of killing the target if necessary.
Great Wood Wall: An incredible amount of branches are summoned forth from the ground and intertwine with one another on a massive scale, eventually creating a massive wall. Effective in creating a barrier or preventing someone from retreating into a certain direction.
Sea of Trees: A technique that is capable of growing trees from where Mizuraki is currently positioned. The vegetation is stimulated due to the chakra being funnelled into the ground and in a few moments several trees will sprout in even the most harsh of climate, immediately turning the battlefield into a forest.
Gorilla’s Palm: A powerful palm strike that is leveled towards the opponent’s chest. Meant to incapacitate the enemy through sheer shock and force of the blow.
Shatterstrike: Mizuraki reels her arm back and then flings it forward with a devastating amount of force. Her shatterstrike is able to punch through just about any defense with her natural strength and is enough to send her opponent flying through the air.
Spinning Heel: Mizuraki rushes towards the opponent before jumping high into the air, as she descends she begins to spin through the air to build up her momentum before slamming her heel directly onto the opponent’s head. The strike is strong enough that it creates a massive shockwave across the field of battle.
Panther Rush: A combination attack utilizing her martial arts training with Lu. Namely the Panther style. Mizuraki rushes forward and attacks with two quick jabs to the chest, before unleashing a flurry of fast jabs upon the opponent. Finally the rush with a double palm strike directly to the opponent’s chest, forcing them back.
Wood Release: Panther Rush: A variation on her Panther Rush. Mizuraki strikes the opponent and begins her flurry of quick jabs but instead of the double palm strike to finish the combination she utilizes her great forest technique to shift her arm into a wooden pillar and slams it directly into the opponent.
Summoning Jutsu: Mizuraki formed a contract with the great slug of Shikkotsu forest: Katsuyu. By utilizing her own blood and the contract they formed with one another, Mizuraki is able to summon a portion of Katsuyu from the forest to fight by her side in battle.
Strength of a Hundred Seal: A feat of incredible chakra control as well as a gift bestowed upon her by her friend Katsuyu. The seal placed upon Mizuraki’s forehead allows her to continually store chakra inside of it and to ensure no chakra is wasted when performing techniques. The chakra reserves stored inside the seal is also linked to Katsuyu, determining the power of the Slug’s own techniques.
Seal Release: The act of releasing the diamond seal upon Mizuraki’s forehead causes the seal to spread out across her face and body and envelop her. When the seal is released Mizuraki gains access to all of the chakra ever stored inside of it, amplifying her power and chakra reserves to extraordinary heights and allowing the use of further techniques.
Chakra Absorption: An ability learned while training under Lu. Through contact or through a controlled medium (Such as branches created from Mizuraki’s wood release) she is able to drain the chakra from an opponent until they are too weak to move. This is her preferred method of dealing with conflicts.
Medical Ninjutsu:
Mystical Palm technique: Chakra is focused into the hands and channeled through the patient’s body, accelerating the body’s natural healing process. This technique is difficult to master as it requires precise chakra control so as not to overload the patient’s body, however Mizuraki has all but mastered this technique through repeated uses.
Chakra Scalpel: The user coats their hands with chakra and forms the chakra into small blades upon their hands. The technique is used for surgical purposes, able to make incisions and cuts without damaging the tissue of the body from the outside. It IS possible to use it offensively but Mizuraki refuses to do so.
Chakra Cleansing: An art taught to her by Lu. The art of cleansing a person’s very chakra. It is a time consuming process but with enough time and chakra Mizuraki is able to temporarily soothe the spirits of anyone whose chakra she cleanses, from a temporary reprieve from mental trauma to the suppression of a person’s more darker tendencies.
Chakra Tainting: The opposite of the prior technique. Chakra tainting is the process of altering the spirit in a negative way, inducing darker tendencies in the individual, changing their thought patterns or even temporarily rendering body parts useless. It is equally as time consuming as the cleansing art, and while it is POSSIBLE to use this in combat it is certainly not easy.
Creation Rebirth: The ultimate regeneration technique. By unleashing a great amount of chakra at once, the body’s cell division is forcibly stimulated. During this state any injury that Mizuraki endures, no matter how severe, will be instantly healed in mere moments in this state Mizuraki cannot be killed. The technique comes with a terrible drawback however...Old cells are not repaired. New cells are created and divide rapidly to regenerate any damage that is inflicted and since the body can only create so many cells in one lifetime...To use this technique means to sacrifice your own lifespan.
Wood Release:
Wood Clone Technique: Mizuraki creates multiple clones of herself. Up to five. These clones are capable of moving independently, are able to conceal themselves among plants and trees as well as communicate with the host. Wood clones are powerful among clone techniques as they are able to take damage before being dispelled as well as use jutsu on their own.
Great Forest: A technique that allows the user to form their arm into multiple tree trunks. The tree trunks are capable of wrapping around enemies to bind them, or being turned into sharpened weapons capable of puncturing and stabbing into opponents with ease.
Great Tree shield: Large branches of wood are summoned straight from the earth itself and embrace either the host or the chosen target in a tight but nigh impenetrable shield of chakra enhanced wood.
Winding Tree Prison: Mizuraki channels chakra into the earth itself and similar to the great tree shield, she summons tree trunks from the earth...However she summons far more in number and far more resilient, the wood erupts from the ground and completely ensnare the target no matter the size. This is the technique that she used in order to help Seiji Hyuuga seal the nine tailed fox. The prison binds harder and tighter the more the target struggles and is capable of absorbing the target’s chakra. With a command the Prison can collapse and tighten to the point of killing the target if necessary.
Great Wood Wall: An incredible amount of branches are summoned forth from the ground and intertwine with one another on a massive scale, eventually creating a massive wall. Effective in creating a barrier or preventing someone from retreating into a certain direction.
Sea of Trees: A technique that is capable of growing trees from where Mizuraki is currently positioned. The vegetation is stimulated due to the chakra being funnelled into the ground and in a few moments several trees will sprout in even the most harsh of climate, immediately turning the battlefield into a forest.
Gorilla’s Palm: A powerful palm strike that is leveled towards the opponent’s chest. Meant to incapacitate the enemy through sheer shock and force of the blow.
Shatterstrike: Mizuraki reels her arm back and then flings it forward with a devastating amount of force. Her shatterstrike is able to punch through just about any defense with her natural strength and is enough to send her opponent flying through the air.
Spinning Heel: Mizuraki rushes towards the opponent before jumping high into the air, as she descends she begins to spin through the air to build up her momentum before slamming her heel directly onto the opponent’s head. The strike is strong enough that it creates a massive shockwave across the field of battle.
Panther Rush: A combination attack utilizing her martial arts training with Lu. Namely the Panther style. Mizuraki rushes forward and attacks with two quick jabs to the chest, before unleashing a flurry of fast jabs upon the opponent. Finally the rush with a double palm strike directly to the opponent’s chest, forcing them back.
Wood Release: Panther Rush: A variation on her Panther Rush. Mizuraki strikes the opponent and begins her flurry of quick jabs but instead of the double palm strike to finish the combination she utilizes her great forest technique to shift her arm into a wooden pillar and slams it directly into the opponent.
✖ ‖ W e a p o n s A n d T o o l s
First-Aid kit.
✖ ‖ F i g h t i n g S t y l e
Mizuraki’s fighting style is that of a brawler, she quite often utilizes her honed strength to end fights quickly and with as little time wasted as possible. In addition to her great offensive capabilities she also uses her intellect to her advantage and often finds ways to turn the battle in her favor. Whether it’s through bluffing or using her Wood Release jutsus to alter the battlefield or to restrain them, she is quite adept at controlling a battlefield. She’s rarely reckless...Unless an ally is at risk of injury or death, in which case, she will abandon her more sensible tactics to ensure that her ally is safe.
✖ ‖ T h e m e S o n g
✖ ‖ P l a y e d B y
Dr Insano12