Except it wasn't really just one more. Nijira's courageous little pup Komi of course sprang into action to protect his master, shifting his form to be a double of the unconscious boy. 'So that's the Beast Mimicry of his clan...' Admittedly this posed a problem. The lesson being taught to the students was useless on such a loyal beast. A creature who's life was, even to itself, nothing in comparison to his master's. And on top of that, it was not a lesson that a beast needed to learn. Humans were the ones who developed pretentious notions of scoffing at death. This animal already knew that, and would willingly accept it to save Nijira. 'I've got to take care of him fast.'
Komi charged at Takuma with surprising speed and force, tearing through the trees to get at him. Even from a distance Koji could feel the wind force and change in pressure in the air. Quickly Koji readied a few of his kunai, but hesitated. With how the pup was spinning, it was impossible to aim at a specific part of the body. There were general locations, and the head, but that was far too risky. Instead, he got another idea, and reeled his arm back far and quickly started channeling chakra to his fingers. Another Supersonic through. The force of the projectile could interfere with Komi's rotation, blowing him out of the air to be vulnerable. Takuma inhaled for the throw, and went to lurch forward, and a sharp pain echoed through his upper body discharging the chakra. One of Naruko's hits to his side landed more solidly than he'd thought, bruising right in one of his middle ribs. It wouldn't be a further problem now that he knew the pain was there, but Komi was rapidly approaching, nearly upon him.
Splinters and hard clumps of dirt rained down on Koji as he swiftly moved back, doing all he could to avoid the pup's drilling chase that tore through the ground and trees. The jounin was simply running away from the onslaught, looking overwhelmed, as it was all he could do. His only option. Through the forest he led the pup in circles, always returning to one spot that he planted his hand on the ground briefly, until finally by the third time he stopped and suddenly and put his fingers together, activating the tags he'd placed just as Komi was jumping at him once more.
The gravity in that spot suddenly multiplied many, many times, over, and anything in it immediately crashed to the ground with crushing force. It was intended to stop the drilling pup, but instead, after a substitution jutsu... the demeanor of the target caught in the trap suddenly switched to a desperate owner trying to protect their beloved friend. Nijira slammed flat into the ground, his weight pressing him downwards so hard it was difficult to breath, and his bones felt ready to break. Looking over to where Komi had landed, Takuma swiftly charged him, was up to him before he could recover, and slammed the pup with his palm, leaving a mark that began draining the remainder of his spent chakra. Komi was restrained until the drain left him unable to move more, reverted back to his small canine form, before Jira heard the footsteps return to him. "You... Failed to do anything at all. And after you're dead you won't be able to protect anything. Especially not that pup of yours over there who's chakra will seep out until his heart stops. You can't even complain about it." Koji gave the boy little time to argue, climbing onto his back at the same time as disabling the tags. A kunai went right to his throat and cut it, while the sting in his back made him arch and cause the blood to spurt out faster until his vision faded once more.
Footsteps approached the whimpering Komi, as the man laid his hand on him and removed the seal. "I'm sorry little pup. But don't fear... he's fine. Come here." Gently, Koji lifted up Komi who didn't have much strength left to bite, but if he did the man simply let him, as he carried him over to the three students. All of them were leaned up against a large tree, side by side, with most of their wounds bandaged and kunai removed. A thick, viscous ointment had been spread over the cuts on their necks, with much of the blood having been wiped away. Komi found himself placed into Jira's lap, before the man pulled out a packet of some sort. Giving it a shake, he tore off the top of it, and waved it underneath the noses of the students for a couple of seconds, making sure to hold it a bit further away from Jira's more sensitive senses. The intense odor from the packet would wake them up in a daze, likely leaving them queasy for at least a moment.
"The test is over! We're no longer fighting!" Takuma said to his students in a loud, authoritative voice, but as soon as he'd said that, he spoke again, much quieter. His voice somber, as if he were... regretful. "You have just now... experienced what it is like to die. Whatever you felt, thought, wanted... It ended right there. That was your last moment. My goal as your sensei is to make it so you will never experience that again." |