@BrokenPromise Thanks, you don't have to if you don't want to tho.
Don't tell me what to do, nerd.
Anyway, haven't played much Black Desert. Between my RPing habits, Lost Ark, and my other hobbies, I'm probably not going to take this one too seriously for a while. The interfaces take a bit of getting use to, but it's nothing that people who play a lot of MMOs won't adapt to quickly. I can't really say much about combat, but the few hours I spent playing the game were fun. But the character creator is still the best part.
So just for fun, I decided to see if I could take an anime face claim and make it into a character.

I liked my first attempt. The eyes are almost spot on, but I do need to play around with the hair color to get it looking a little closer to the reference image. Unsure if I'm going to go for the cat ears or not. It is possible to get cat ears, but this is a miqo'te from FF14, and their ears are angled strangely. If you're curious about cat/fox girls, someone made an Ahri inspired character from League of legends.

This is actually the same class. You have quite a bit of control over what the hair does, but there are some limitations when you try to do crazy stuff with it. It's kind of hard to explain.
But maybe you're not into cat girls or anime, in which case I'm both appalled at your lack of taste, but glad I've met someone who doesn't have the same mental disease I do. Someone else did one based on Keanu Reeves, and by that I mean John Wick.

Kinda meh, I know.