Chinami Nadakai
A darkened sky and intensifying downpour concealed her approach towards the structure, as Chinami vaulted across rooftops, propelled at least in part by a spectral gasp of her own making. Were it not for that same spectral hold, currently enveloping her whole body, she'd have been soaked to the bone by the rain, but as it was, the pale spectral figure that moved in unison with herself, overlapping her body and hair with its own equivalent shed the droplets from heaven off her form like water on a duck's back.
As she landed overhead and peeked over the lip of the adjacent rooftop, two sets of eyes -the azure one far more powerful than her crimson- scanned the grounds warily and found nothing of note... at least on a surface level. The downpour couldn't have been timed better for her purposes. She didn't know enough about the clinic to know if it had armed security patrolling outside, but if it did, they weren't present right now, nor was -for that matter- pretty much anyone else. The streets were remarkably bare aside from the occasional commuter with an umbrella and at least one unfortunate soul without.
One of those commuter's caught her eye, in large part because they were about to enter the clinic.
Blonde. Ostentatiously dressed. About her age at a glance.
Probably a student. Could be a noble. Even odds on both really. She didn't recognize them, so she (he? Chinami's second set of far sharper eyes caught sight of the jawline and what might have been an Adam's apple from this angle; that fucking pink twink had certainly sharpened her identification skills) wasn't from Kiburi's. He stood out rather too significantly to escape her memory, even accounting for her general apathy towards her fellow students.
Chinami's jaw clenched at the sight in consideration. If this clinic was screwing with people's minds... there was a lot of potential there. Unruly nobles could be pacified. Loyalties could be usurped. Frankly, it was easy to see that the religious fervor with which people referred to this institution indicated an unusual attachment -even loyalty- to the proprietors therein. She already knew that this damned clinic could inconvenience the Four Great Academies (or at least browbeat Kiburi's), so who was to say they didn't have ties to corruption in the government?
Assuming they were actually screwing with minds to begin with, of course, but Chinami was uncomfortably willing to bet the answer was, "yes".
Chinami shook her head free of such speculation. In the end, she didn't really know anything for absolute certain yet. All she had was perhaps well-placed suspicions, and what she needed was proof to back them up... Proof she could hopefully obtain before anyone else fell prey to the schemes within.
And if she actually found what she was looking for... or even something close enough? Well, she'd cross that bridge when she came to it.
However, one thing was certain: by the end of today, this clinic would no longer be Kiburi's -and more importantly,
her- problem any longer... One way or another, her quiet life would be back on track, even if she had to reduce this place to rubble.
She waited until a rumbling peal of thunder sounded out, before leaping once more, clearing the space between rooftops along with the fence surrounding the destination. As soon as she landed, her pearly-white spectral palms splashed wetly onto the gravelly roof, and her vision
Before her eyes, an almost translucent kaleidoscope of rooftops bloomed all around her, the vast majority of which looked the same. There were outliers, some of wood and stone, others of steel and lightning, but she shoved these to the side in favor of the duplicates... or so one might assume at first glance. Though it was outside her current line of sight, as interconnected as it was, Chinami knew from experience that what she was seeing was not merely different versions of the rooftop, but the entire clinic, and she wanted a few in particular.
"Looped cameras." Underneath her spectral fingers, hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands, even
millions of options were cast into the void, not that she was particularly counting as her options narrowed to those where the cameras would loop a whole two hours' worth of footage. In truth, what she physically saw was typically only ever what was "closest to reality", the "alternate presents" that had been most nearly avoided for the current. Honestly, the well she dipped into with this ability was so deep that she'd never dared to try and perceive the bottom, certain that she might go mad if she did. In fact, were it not for her interactions with the Pink One, she might not even be able to look as deeply as she did now. The way her powers had absolutely spazzed out daily at the merest sight of the Pink One had -of all things- actually
exercised them in a way, flexed the "muscle" of her power in a way it hadn't been before. It was the equivalent of looking into the void and, miraculously, not having it stare back just long enough for you to look away, recover... and then stare again for even longer each subsequent time.
"Security record malfunction." An even larger portion of the options were stripped away, as she doubled down. As the security systems were surely plugged in, they were intrinsically connected enough to her original target -the clinic itself- to spread her power there. With this in place, even if the cameras miraculously returned to functionality, nothing they observed would be properly recorded. And then, once the transformation automatically faded away in about three to four hours, there would be no evidence, even if
somehow both problems were solved, since the recording would fade away into the aether when being replaced by the return of the building's original form.
She could specify more, but she didn't want to commit too hard at this stage. Too much power and too many changes might gather attention before she was ready to exfiltrate. So, these alone would have to do.
"Otherwise unchanged." Closing her eyes, Chinami brushed away the remainder and took hold of her selection,
pressing it down against reality. In much the same way her spectral second body currently overlayed her form, so too now did her choice begin to sink into the clinic with a light, barely perceptible vibration, the kind that only a dog might whimper at. Her power pressed into the building with it over the course of the next couple minutes, imposing the alternate present into taking its new rightful place.
A vein lightly bulging in her forehead from the effort, Chinami breathed deeply for several long moments afterwards, catching her second wind from the size of change. Honestly, she hadn't even been trying for much, but that had still almost felt like a gut punch. Overall, however, it should be worth it to keep anything that happened here from coming back to haunt her... hopefully.
Standing up, a thought occurred that might save some time. Striding over to the stairwell, she briefly tried the door.
Giving a long-suffering exhale, Chinami's second body stepped away, and her primary near-immediately became soaked by rainwater in the wake of the lifted protections. Grumbling at the black hoodie and hair now clinging to her form, the Goth observed through her extended soul's eyes, as the pearly-white and electric-blue golem-like being phased through the door to the roof. On the other side, a short stairwell stood silently, as expected of a mere two-story building. Glancing around, her Spirit sighted the doors to both the second and first floors proper, searching for... an apparently absent directory of the premises. Instead, they were quite unhelpfully labeled "first floor" and "second floor".
"Wonderful," she drawled. It was strange. What was the point of even labeling something so obvious?
She retracted her Spirit back out into the rain with a frown, brows furrowed, before firming her shoulders and beginning to slowly walk a large ring around the center of rooftop. With a flex of will, the currently soaking girl's Spirit abruptly turned near-entirely invisible, as its selective tangibility rendered all but its glowing blue eyes capable of contacting light. Appropriately concealed, the projection of her soul slipped silently down into the roof as she walked, poking its eyes out to glance at the rooms below.
Soft beige and blue colors appropriate to the building's claimed purpose greeted her. The floors were tiled in the general walking areas along with what appeared to be some sort of customer service area... currently unstaffed. Frowning deeper, Chinami's stride took her over the areas with doors, offices. There were surprisingly few for the size of the building...
shockingly few -only about four- for an operation that supposedly had the sway to push around the Great Four Academies. These too appeared to be barren of life, not a single doctor or patient in sight, nor so much as a janitor cleaning up whatever might have assumedly spilled to clear everyone out.
Assuming there was a spill... and assuming there were ever doctors and other staff to begin with. She couldn't speculate for certain on where everyone had gone or what might have happened to them... if, indeed, there had been anyone for something to happen to at all, but this area clearly wasn't well equipped for receiving patients. If whoever was responsible for this trap wanted to maintain even a thin veneer of legitimacy, they must have been keeping patients limited to the bottom floor. But...
The sound, even to her Spirit's vastly enhanced hearing, even with the low drone of the rain overhead and rushing in her first body's ears...
It was... quiet...
"Too quiet," Chinami murmured.
And almost too convenient. A barren empty floor with empty offices? This smelled so much like a trap that it felt like ants were crawling up her spine. Would she even be able to find anything of incriminating value up here at all? If there were no doctors... Or rather, if the likely fake doctors all kept their offices on the lower floor, then she might just be wasting precious time unlocking and searching empty filing cabinets. Speaking of which...
Irregardless of how few of them there were, several filing cabinets and drawers could be found in those few offices that did appear functional. Whether they were stocked at all, she couldn't say from her current position, but better she not waste the possibility that she'd strike paydirt.
Bringing her Spirit to a standing position atop the roof, Chinami walked into its space, rolling her shoulders in satisfaction, as the rainwater was all but
leeched off of her body, sloshing into the large puddle on the rooftop. Settling for one of the offices that faced away from the main road outside, Chinami stepped over to the side of the roof, glancing around briefly for potential witnesses, none of which seemed to be forthcoming in this weather.
With a grunt, her fingers took purchase on the chain-link fence circling the roof and bore her upward. In a smooth, practiced motion, she hefted both legs over the top one at a time and clambered down till her feet found footing on the lip of the roof. Crouching, she took hold of the lowest rings of the fence and began lowering her legs, before switching her hand grip to merely the lip of the roof entirely. Glancing down unworried at the two-story drop that frankly paled in comparison to a fair few she'd faced in ruins so long ago, Chinami released her grip, going into free-fall for the split second it took her enhanced hands to snag the windowsill below.
Huffing, she held herself steady, as her Spirit relinquished its protection of her left arm to phase through the window and unlock it from the inside, before reaching down to smoothly slide it open and lift away the closed blinds. Chinami promptly hefted herself up, ducking, as she hooked one leg up and sat in the opening.
Crimson eyes narrowed warily, as she paused briefly, waiting to see if crossing the threshold triggered any sort of alarm or perhaps magical ward. After a long few moments, when none seemed forthcoming, she rolled her jaw and entered fully, her Spirit phasing the water from her once more soaked arm. She briefly considered closing the window behind her but decided it probably mattered little, given the circumstances. That said, she still closed it halfway and replaced the blinds to keep the rain from simply spilling in blatantly.
Striding over to the door, Chinami phased her Spirit's eyes through, making a final cautious glance around for any sign of incoming unwanted company. Seeing none, she closed her eyes and took a steadying breath, eying the filing cabinets and drawers in the room.
The more she saw, the more her unease grew. Some small part of her had actually thought she might be acting paranoid, that she was spitefully rejecting genuine -if misguided- good will from a concerned citizen... Well, that part of her was well and truly silent by this point. Cracking her knuckles, she stepped towards the cabinets, her Spirit preparing to phase any pesky lock tumblers into their rightful place.
@KillamriX88 @Letter Bee @Dezuel