Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Member Seen 17 days ago

@King Cosmos@13org@AWACS@BigPapaBelial@Martian

With most of the group opting to go towards Minsk. Amanda had to stop Xaviron from voicing his opinion in the first place. "Xaviron, if you want to say that you want to go to Minsk. I have to stop and override that. I cannot just leave Amanda and Madeleine just like that, so I need you to stay with Amanda in Frankfurt and do the rather mundane job of sifting through the paperwork. So I'm sorry. If you choose to stay in Frankfurt though, then... sorry for interjecting you right there, but I was kinda fearing the worst."

In truth, she legitimately didn't expect to have so many individuals wanting to go with her to Minsk. Sure, it might be fun and all, busting down criminal hideouts and kicking ass, but the job assigned to the Frankfurt team is also very important, finding out the details of the various documents seized, tracking down the paper trail and all that. It might lead to the discovery of something very important in Germany that relates to this Mister X, and why he's funneling all these weapons and whatnot.

That being said. Amanda knew that she needs to rush to the Frankfurt airport at any moment. She has a flight to catch and with that being said. She turned towards the Minsk group and ushers them to the Black Mercedes, the same Black Mercedes that she was driving yesterday. "I hope you packed your bags for a 3 day vacation, because we're going right now."

She hopes that this is just a 3 day vacation, but a part of her is telling that the Minsk job might take a lil bit longer than just 3 days.

Androids are built to last. They are originally designed to be nigh indestructible due to the nature of their initial duties. An Android, if nothing else, is walking, intelligent, and very dangerous tank for anyone that incurs it's wrath. This is nothing new for Amanda, she knows that, sans magic, she is easily a member of one of the most powerful 'species' on this planet. A creation of humanity that is, assuming no magic, is physically, and in some measures, mentally, superior compared to humans.

She knows this, she noticed it during her early duties as a junior agent within the OMR. How... surprisingly brittle and weak humans are should they not know magic, and to an extent Dwarves, Elves, and the other Humanoids are as well. But that recognition of their common weakness also awakened something within her. A sense of care and empathy that she carefully nurtured and develop, to be a bit crass, it's like seeing a small creature being happy after you've pet them and feed them. It brings an emotional reaction within her Processing Unit that feels... nice.

And it really hurts her when she has to take drastic measures to kill humans should they try to hurt other Human/ Humanoid beings. She didn't show it during that fight against the bikers near that house, but after the dinner. Amanda felt... sad for some reason, no she didn't cry, she can't if she even wanted to, but a part of her laments the death of those bikers. Maybe they would've had a more fruitful life after their deaths. She certainly hoped so at least.

But it also angers her to see people that she cared for, people that she has spent a lot of time being alongside with, die to other creatures' malicious intentions. The pain she felt when she saw Android after Android be forcefully deactivated by the Abomination as the battle rages fills her with rage, a tinge of sadness for sure, but an overwhelming amount of rage. As the Space Battle develops and further develops, Amanda felt her evolution more and more into just some malicious intelligence, plotting about missile trajectories and maneuver corrections for her spaceships, all with the supreme intention of bringing about the demise of the abomination, rather than an intelligent, sapient being.

And it is these two emotions that clashes inside Amanda's Processing Unit as she surveys that wrecked car, she didn't know that their ride towards the OMR office in Minsk had somehow been noticed by Mister X's agents, but the black car that welcomed them as they exit the Airport Gates looked eerily similar to the various vehicles she drove around in official capacity. When these 'agents' bring their luggages into the trunk, they conducted themselves in a manner similar to practically every OMR agent she has encountered. Professional, Courtly, Polite.

But the moment the windows of the black car was rolled down, and two other black vehicles, one in the left and one in the right, rolled down their windows, and what came out were two people carrying some pretty heavy duty Soviet Magic rifles. She knew that they've been set up.

Acting quickly, she forcefully grabbed the wheel of the driver. Effectively crushing his hand, and swerved the car to the left, crashing into the leftward gunman and misfiring his shot. She then shouted out orders for Scarlett to prepare some sort of weapon, while she, her left hand still grabbing the steering wheel and crashing the man's hand, punched the other man's face relentlessly, ensuring he failed to grab his gun, before opening the door, unbuckling his seatbelt, making sure to punch him one more time, and then pushing him out the car.

Scarlett then somehow managed to unfurl a sort of Pistol from her magical pocket thingy, and started shooting the rightside vehicle, keeping them busy, while Faye and Micheal was busy trying to make sure the gunman on the leftside car wouldn't be able to fire his weapon properly. A chaotic whirl of magical portals Faye conjured up and Micheal, practically using his toned body to ensure his aim would consistently be off. Always knocking the gun sideways and punching the gunman.

It's already pretty chaotic. But it was turned to 11 as the Android noticed that the car would be running into a lightpole. Acting quickly, she decided to use her one free hand to punch the driver, her other hand still crushing his other hand, before knocking his head into the steering wheel, taking out the guy for the moment. She then told Faye to blink everyone out of here. But, it seems that in the chaos of the fight. Faye failed to blink Amanda herself to safety.

She somehow managed to keep the car from crashing into the lightpole. But had to jump out of the car as it was quickly heading into a brick wall instead. Tumbling about, the Android managed to regain her footing after a couple seconds in the ground. She surveyed the area, and then somehow managing to find the group, in the sidewalk, with Micheal and Scarlett looking a bit worse for wear, and Faye...

The Android quickly rushed to the group. "Scarlett. I need you to be on overwatch, I'm going to make sure Faye's alright, can you do that?" Not patient enough to hear a 'yes', she then switched to ordering Micheal as well. "Can you and your gods look for the other two vehicles as well? I'm not sure what sort of spells you might have but one that can enhance one's vision would be extremely useful right now."

Both hate and sadness are swirling in Amanda's mind as she quickly tended to Faye. "Hey... Hey Faye, are you alright?" She asked, her voice signaling visible concern as Amanda's hand lightly tapped the Magical Woman's cheeks. "C'mon, don't get knocked out just like that. I know that you're tougher than that."

She hopes for the best, but in case of a worst case situation. She has to go for a beeline straight towards the Minsk office, no matter what.

@Martian@King Cosmos

The Demonic woman quickly handed over Morgana and Xaviron a bunch of paperwork. "Alright, so, I've just scanned a bunch of these paperwork, and it kinda indicates that there might still be operations within the local region in Frankfurt. We're still not sure of what these operations are, or even if they're even affiliated with Mister X at all. But should you find something, like say, maybe some cult operating in the forests near here, or some individual within the German countryside being some Abomination worshipper or some wacky stuff like that. Just give me a ring okay? I'm personally going to analyze a bunch of boring accounting documents, finding accounting irregularities tend to lead to some interesting discoveries. But that's just me talking."

Madeleine isn't expecting today's work to be particularly rambunctious, unlike most of yesterday, but after the lunchbreak. She does plan on bringing both Morgana and Xaviron to interview that one person that gave Amanda such a hard time fighting against. He seems to be very much uncooperative if the other agents are to be believed. And she believes that Morgana and Xaviron working together might be able to solve things once and for all.

Or it can just turn out into some slow grind where information is eked out inch by inch, bah! No pessimistic thoughts to start the day, she thought to herself. Let's try to get the day off in a good mood, and reserve the madness for later.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BogeyDope
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Scarlet Rubashka as Punished "Venom Bean"


There was a reason why Scarlet kept all of her travel stuff in her tactical bag of holding, and why she kept it close to her at all times. The bag always remained strapped to her clothing, and when she slept she kept it underneath her pillow. Not only did it contain her weapons, armor and other tactical gear, it also contained her clothes, documents and travel goods. Passports, weapon licenses, toothpaste, sanitizer, bug spray, Game Boy, and just about everything else she needed to go wherever she needed to go. All of her stuff was carried in that one bag, for the very simple reason that she would have to be on the move at any given moment. War zones shifted, and so did her duties. One minute, Scarlet could be chilling out at a hotel room enjoying a nice evening with the TV tuned to Skinemax. The very next, she would have to be in full gear, mission-ready and on high alert. Scarlet got herself one of the good bags too, one that was resistant to most types of damage and had a warranty rune that would transfer its contents to another bag if this one was destroyed. Scarlet did spent a lot of money on it, but the investment has paid itself off in many instances.

The moment Amanda said that they were Oscar Mike was the latest of them.

The trip to Belarus was thankfully quite short. Being with the OMR had its perks. Scarlet mainly passed the time by reading books and playing on her Game Boy, listening to her mix tapes on her own while she entertained herself. She would've enjoyed some quiet conversation with Amanda, Michael or Faye, but for the most part nothing of substance was said and the homunculus mostly kept to herself. Every now and then she would think about how short her time would be with this group, and how she should enjoy their company while she could. Even if she did join the OMR, once the investigation was over, they'd all have to go their separate ways. Such was the life of a contractor.

The plane landed, and Scarlet walked with the others through the airport. She was able to understand what everyone was saying thanks to the translation device she wore, but she still couldn't read most of the signs. Regardless, she stayed close to the group while they made their way to their car. As per usual, Scarlet was in 'work mode' as she moved through the airport, keeping an eye out for threats and other suspicious activity. She did notice a few sketchy individuals, the kind with dark clothes that stared at the group and talked on mobile phones. But they didn't stare for long. It was likely that their group just stood out to some people here.

In regards to the 'agents' that took them to their car, Scarlet didn't pay them much mind. The black sedan parked ahead of them was very similar to the official OMR vehicles she rode in before, and she figured that the OMR's fleet of black sedans was just slightly different in this part of Europe. It wasn't that long ago that the Soviet Union just crumbled to dust, after all. Scarlet thanked the polite 'agents' as she got in the car, taking up the right side of the backseat and relaxing with the others. Scarlet continued to look for any signs of trouble. A few minutes into the journey, two other black sedans approached them. The moment she saw them, Scarlet got a little nervous. The windows to all three vehicles rolled down, and Scarlet managed to get a good view of the Kalashnikov that was aimed straight at them.

"Get down!" Scarlet shouted, pulling herself and whoever was next to her down below the windows.

All Scarlet could hear was gunfire, screeching tires and the driver shouting in pain as the vehicle swerved about. She felt the impact of the crash when the left vehicle was shunted, and heard the impact of Amanda's fists against the driver's face. Amanda ordered Scarlet to get her weapon out, to which Scarlet obeyed and immediately went to work. She put her hand into the bag's void, and in an instant, she pulled out her custom Glock 21. She peered over the window to get a good view of the shooter from her side, and once she saw them, she brought her handgun up and began firing. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! While the screeching of the tires was loud, her .45 was louder. She continued firing at the vehicle to their right, hoping to either nail the driver or the shooter. The vehicle kept chugging along, but it seems that she managed to either hit or suppress the shooter. Either way, the shooter stopped firing at them.

Amanda shouted something to Faye, and in the chaos, Scarlet barely comprehended it. She turned to see what was going on, and only got a flash of the struggle before the car disappeared. Scarlet yelped once she made contact with the ground, the momentum dragging her down the sidewalk and forcing her into a painful tumble. "Ow, fuck!" Scarlet groaned once her body came to rest. After a few seconds, Scarlet groaned in pain and attempted to stand up. The homunculus sustained a few scrapes and bruises in the process of phasing out of a moving vehicle, but thanks to the jeans she wore, the damage to her legs was minimized. She let go of her pistol earlier when she fell, but thankfully it landed a few feet away from her. Michael and Faye weren't far behind it.

It took a few moments, but Scarlet managed to stand up. As she walked over to retrieve her gun, she looked to both of her partners. Michael was on his feet too, but Faye was flat on the ground. Scarlet's heart raced, and so did her mind. "Oh no..." Before she could say anything else, she heard a loud crash behind her, and immediately turned around to aim her gun at the source. In the distance, a black sedan smashed itself hard against a building. Standing next to the wreck was Amanda, and upon seeing her, Scarlet lowered her gun. Amanda then made her way towards the group, and Scarlet immediately stood aside so the android could tend to Faye. Scarlet's look of intense focus only gave a slight hint to her worry.

Amanda took quick control of the situation, and once Amanda ordered Scarlet to provide overwatch, Scarlet nodded somberly to her. "Aye aye." Scarlet took a moment to put her armor on, donning the tactical vest she wore to the biker hideout, as well as the kneepads. She then changed out her pistol for her AUG assault rifle. After checking to see that the magazine was full, Scarlet performed her usual 'HK slap' to chamber a round and brought her rifle to shoulder. She walked to the position that would give the others the most protection she could offer, interposing herself in between the OMR and the road. She crouched, taking a knee to give herself a better defensive firing position, as well as a moment to rest. As she surveyed the area, Scarlet thought about what happened, and what led up to these events. Who the hell were these people? This whole setup didn't fit the profile of the biker gang they encountered in Germany. How did the enemy know where they were headed, and prepare this well ahead of time? The only people who would know about their sudden move to Minsk would be the OMR, and those with decent security clearance at that. Someone on the inside must've leaked this. Scarlet thought to herself. She looked over her shoulder towards Amanda for a moment, but considering that there were more pressing matters at hand, she decided to save that thought for another time.

Scarlet's gaze shifted to Michael. He looked as bad as she felt at the moment, but at least he was standing. Still, it wouldn't hurt to check in on him. "Hey Mikey, you alright?" Scarlet asked quietly. She got in another good look of their surroundings as Amanda tended to Faye. Scarlet glanced over her shoulder to Faye, worry creeping into her focused expression.

Please be okay...
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Amanda @Kumbaris, Micheal Crane @BigPapaBelial, Scarlet @AWACS

While Faye knew they would be on a rather dangerous mission once they arrived and started searching through the city, she was expecting the trip to be just that. A calm, fun little trip. While the warning that Amanda gave them regarding their immediate departure was rather sudden, thanks to Faye's abilities, she didn't really need to pack that many things, so it was quite easy for her to just get a few important items on a small backpack and get ready. Mainly consisting of a few sweets and snacks for the trip, a headphone to help her with the inevitable boredom that would come after she got inside the plane. one or two change of clothes, soap, shampoo, conditioner and a few other skin care products.

After the plane landed and Faye saw herself finally free from that boring steel cage, Faye and the rest of the group were received by a group of OMR agents, whom would apparently be their escort to the OMR headquarters on Minsk. Just like the rest of the group, Faye didn't really pay much attention to the agents as she got inside the car with Amanda and the rest of the group. They didn't look or acted differently from the other agents she had saw until now, so she didn't really have any reason to doubt them.

"Wow, I'm really thankful I came together with you guys. I can't read or speak a single world of Russian. I'm definitely sure I would get hopelessly lost if I came here by myself." Faye said with a giggle as she entered the car with the rest.

"Do you think we'll have some time after the mission to stop to get to know the- Huh? What's happening?" Faye began saying, stopping as she looked to the windows, confused as they suddenly began rolling down and revealed two other black cars that besides theirs, one on each side.

Before Faye could even register what was happening, a loud shout from Scarlet scared her, before she was pulled down by Scarlet, away from the windows in the exact moment that the other black cars began rolling down their windows, revealing the soviet-made magic rifles that they had pointed at them.

"What is happening?!" Faye asked, panicking as the magic bullets flew over her head.

Unlike Faye, both Amanda and Scarlet were quick to act, with the former immediately taking control of the vehicle, crushing the driver's hand, disarming and quickly getting rid of him. Scarlet also was quick to act upon being ordered by Amanda, immediately pulling a gun and starting to return fire upon their shooters.
It took a brief moment, due to how stunned Faye still was with how chaotic the situation became in such a quick manner, but along with Micheal, Faye was doing everything she could to ensure the shooters on the other side wouldn't be able to hit them. Opening and closing a multitude of small portals one after another, Faye focused on trying to redirect the magic bullets that were shot at them. Due to how quickly she had to open and close them, Faye didn't have enough time to think about where the bullet would go, instead simply making them go anywhere but towards their car.

"I can't hold them forever! If I stop making portals for a second to try and take one of them out, the others will definitely be able to hit us!!" Faye shouted, still trying to do her best to keep her friends safe in the middle of such a chaotic scene.

Faye could barely register the fact that the car was heading towards a lightpole among such chaos. Fortunately, Amanda gave her a loud and clear order to blink everyone outside of the car before it crashed. While Faye knew it would be dangerous to just blink them outside, both due to the speed the car was moving and for Faye herself, since blinking all of them would put great stress into her body and mind, she had no time to think.

As she blinked the group, she could feel an intense pain going through her head and running through her body almost as if it was a strong pulse of electricity. She could feel her eyes, her veins and her entire body burning. Faye had always used her ability in a very unrestrained manner, but it was the first time she had ever felt something like that. Unable to handle the recoil, Faye got unconscious even before her body hit the ground, after blinking the group outside of the car.

The moment Amanda went to Faye's unconscious body, she would realize that while there were bruises caused by the fall, they wouldn't be enough for Faye to get unconscious. Instead, what was alarming about Faye's condition was that both her body was hot to the touch and blood continued to drip out of her nose. While the nosebleed could be caused to the fall, maybe a result of her hitting her head after she blinked out of the car, her bodily temperature was definitely related to her powers, as it was the only explanation for a human body to be able to get so hot in such a short amount of time.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Micheal, in the Car, with the Gods and the Team

The team bound for Minsk loaded up. The gods piling in and before long seeming to disappear. Though there were sounds of clinking and clapping from the trunk some how. At one point Micheal had managed to lever down the center console of the back seat and peered back to see the three gods gathered around a table playing poker. He'd sighed and just put the console back into place. He didn't want to really worry about them for now. He sat back in his seat and kind of dozed for the first part of the trip. He woke quickly though when things seemed to go slightly sideways.

He peered out one side of the car, then looked over to see another car like the one to his left. He narrowed his eyes, "What the f..." Then all hell broke loose. Their car swerved. Faye starts slinging portals. He can see Red over there pulling out weapons. And he's close enough. He does it without thinking. He sticks his whole upper body out of the car as they grind on the other. HE grabs the one gunner. His old back alley brawl days behind The Hideaway coming back easy. He caught the pistol whip the guy tried to pull, and wrenches him forward. He shouts, "Muscle mages cast Fist!" And rammed his balled up fist into the mans throat, then his left eye and finally right under his arm. The man reeling.

A pair of hands grabbing his several actually as he's pulled back into the car by the Gods. And then they're outside the car. He hits the ground rolling. Between one moment and the next he slams his tomahawk into the ground to slow his progress. He coughs softly laying on his side.

moments later his gods land beside him as well having been pulled along they just took a little longer to land. He grits his teeth, opening his eyes and lifting his arm holding his spell focus, "Ahh...balls...yeah...yeah Red...I'm no I'm not good but I'm okay...how about you Red? you doing okay? How's Faye? And boss bot? Ah hell..." He gulps and pushes himself up one armed but immediately falls back down, "Fuck I think I cranked something. Just let me lay here a second or a hundred." He catches his breath waving off his godly partners, "Just chill guys..."

He grits his teeth hearing Amanda's orders, "Yeah sure boss...just give me a second or so more." He gulps, and rolls over onto his front and gets to his knees. Digging his axe blade into the ground, carving some Cree Syllabic runes then smashes his into it, a blast of light, like a military flare lighting up, he batted it off to one side, another forming he bats that one off to one side, he does this 4 more times giving them light to see by some what. He waves to Whiskeyjack, Raven and Manabozho, "Boys...serious time. Look around. See if you can find the other cars." He tries to and manages to get to his feet, finally standing, "What in the honest actually hell was that? Did we just get ambushed? Who were all those guys?" He held his left arm to his side, his elbow looking a little off, his right hand holding his tomahawk, "Is Faye okay? A mass teleport? That's what that felt like." He groans as he shuffles towards Scarlet to make sure she's okay, "Hey Red...feelin' okay?" He tries to smile. And looks over as Raven is waving and shouting about finding one of the cars. He nods and waves back. A little while later he spots Whiskeyjack running over, "Mike! Another of the cars is back that way. It's burning though."

Micheal shakes his head, "Let it burn then. I could careless about their welfare at the moment. Just keep a watch boys." He looks at Scarlet, "Think the OMR will pay for our laundry after this?"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Member Seen 17 days ago

@Martian@King Cosmos

This is looking like a normal day at the office for this one Madeleine Disir. She was looking at the paperwork assigned to her. Nothing out of the ordinary, just orders of weapons, and the groups these weapons are being delivered to, all of these groups the OMR know about and practically all of these groups the OMR has some sort of investigation on.

Just as this search was about to turn fruitless though. Something caught Madeleine's eye. A throw-away line, but a line that brought about a wave of uncertainty from her.

"Bring about the end we sought to bring. The lodge in the forest shall guide the way."

She might not know about the lodge in the forest, but bringing about the end. That is one line she is deeply familiar about. This was the line used by the various cults in Europe during the last couple of years when the Abomination was about to make Earthfall. A veritable line that distinguishes the various people that has been brainwashed by the Abomination. They are essentially the Abomination's emissaries. Conducting numerous terrorist attacks, mass suicides, and all other manner of gruesome things that has kept the OMR in Europe on edge.

From what she reasoned, this lodge in the forest seems like a great place for a cult. Thing is... there's a lot of forests in Germany. Assuming this cult is even located in Germany.

And she's not sure where to start.

"Hey Morgana? Xaviron?" Madeleine summoned the two. "Are you aware of any potential cults in-"

Morgana didn't even managed to finish that sentence when a crashing sound was visibly heard. Capturing everyone's attention. Madeleine quickly wandered off to the nearest window, and she saw a crashed car. It seems to have crashed at the front gates of the OMR office, with two police cars approaching the vehicle.

A black BMW by the looks of it. And from the smoking wreck of the vehicle, out comes a man. Wearing nothing but a t-shirt and shorts. And wielding two pistols. Shooting erratically at the police officers. "Xaviron! Morgana!" Madeleine called the both of them. "Hostiles at the gates of the facility! I'm going to check out the situation. But if you want to accompany me, then I need your help right now!"

Once the group reaches the front of the facility. A small group of agents were also present there, some of them wielding wands and staffs, and some of them wielding pistols as well. Madeleine can see some visible marks all across the person. Magical tattoos by the looks of it, unknown design as well.

"Morgana?" Madeleine summoned. "Do you know what those tattoo patterns look like? It seems to be some sort of enhancement. Although I'm not sure if he's-"

And yet again. Madeleine's inquiry was thrown out as the man suddenly charged at the police officers. Who proceeded to fire their guns at their assailant. The OMR agents promptly doing the same. His rampage seemed to come to an end after that, as the man suddenly dropped. Bullets riddling his body.

As agents and Police Officers slowly closed in (Madeleine included), the Demoness managed to get a closer detail of what these tattoos look like. "Uhh Morgana? You might wanna see this."


Amanda was way, way too busy watching the situation and making sure everyone's safe to respond to Micheal. But the one thing she did, just as she looked at Faye's condition. Is to rummage around her stomach and bringing an Ice Packet, putting it on Faye's head. "That should cool her down." Amanda talked to herself. Before she pulls some duct tape, from the same place she has her ice packet on, and taped the ice packet on Faye's forehead.

This seems like a typical case of mana overcharge. Amanda reasoned. Not fatal, but definitely would need to bring her to the office for further treatment.

She then looked again. Trying to triangulate the group's position, some local landmarks should be enough for her database to figure out where the group's located, and from there, a dash to the OMR office is most recommended. It took a while, but it seems that the group's quite a ways away from the OMR office. They are 10km's east of where they should be, and they have to go west ASAP.

"Alright, listen up!" She said. Her voice quite a bit more tense than usual. "We have to bring Faye to the OMR office. She seems to have suffered from Mana Overcharge, and while that ain't fatal. She wouldn't be with us for a while, so check your surroundings. We move NOW!"

"Scarlett." Amanda yelled. Grabbing amanda and carrying her on her back. "Take point. We need to go west, 10 clicks from here. We can go to that underpass, or through that alleyway, both seemed like a bad proposition. But We have to push through regardless. Make your choice. I'll try to back up as best I can, but I don't think I can be much use bringing Faye with me right now. If you see a building with a shield logo and some Magic wands on it, let me know. That's the Minsk office."

"Micheal. Can you and your gods do something for protection? Some sort of chanting or something?"

She proceeded to unlock the sealing codes for her forearm guns. And also kicked the briefcase holding her axe to the ground. Making it float, some magical spell being activated by the robotic woman's kick. "Alright. Tracking mode active for the briefcase. Let's move, now!"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 45 min ago

Morgana Faith

As it turned out, when you weren’t being shot at or battling abomination-afflicted cultists, the life of an investigator was terminally boring.

Reading through the confiscated paperwork from the warehouse and the biker gang’s safe house was progressing at a slow pace which was mostly due to the fact that roughly ninety per cent of it was useless. Case in point, Morgana seemed to have picked a pile that was taken from the latter and it was mostly filled with the kind of things you would expect any average household to hoard in their cupboards; old bills, junk mail that was never thrown away, receipts, even a few old photos. Madeleine seemed to be having better luck with her pile, either that or she found this kind of thing more interesting than was sane, and called out to the two of them to ask a question. Before the demon could get to finish her query however, all hell broke loose.


A quick glance out of the window showed that a car had crashed into the front gates of the OMR building. Any thought that it might simply be a normal car accident was quickly washed away when someone stepped out of the car and began firing on the guards and officers outside. Madeleine was quick to respond, heading for the door, but Morgana stayed where she was; researcher, not fighter. She followed regardless, but at a slower pace, and by the time she was outside the fighting was already over. The demon saw her exit and called her over to examine the body, or more specifically the tattoos covering his body.

She stepped forward and knelt by the body dutifully, though she only had to glance at the markings on the attacker’s body to recognise them. Her nose wrinkled in disgust. “It’s not an enhancement; not unless you consider a complete disregard for your own safety an improvement. He was bewitched, mind-controlled.”

Morgana pointed towards the markings on the deceased man’s chest, fingertip tracing the lines from his pectorals up to his shoulder and across his collarbone. The pattern resembled a magic circle; or half of one at least. If she rolled him over she imagined she would find the other half similarly tattooed on his back. “Designs like these are used in ceremonies meant to rob men of their faculties, overriding their will and replacing it with obedience to another. Usually the effect is only temporary, requiring regular upkeep through the use of potions; the control also tends to fade quickly should the subject be separated from the caster. They need to be reminded who their master is, I suppose; reinforce the idea in their minds. In other words it’s far too much work to be practical, unless you only intended to use it for short term goals in the first place; or if you’re particularly attached to the idea of owning someone body, mind and soul.”

Standing up, she stepped away from the corpse and placing a finger to her lips in thought. “I’ve never seen it used in this way before; the components for the spell tattooed directly on to the subjects body. I suppose if you imbued the ink with enough magical energy prior, you could have the effect persist for longer than normal; the tattoos would simply reapply the control whenever it began to fade for as long as the ink had power. You wouldn’t be able to give further commands however; only the one, the first, before sending them on their way. Like an order to attack this building, with no thought given to whether they lived or died.”

She sneered. “How very… innovative. I didn’t think the old crones were capable of new ideas.” Morgana recognised these designs, or at least the basis behind them. How could she not, when she had been taught to draw them in chalk on stone floors as part of her education. She schooled her features into something more passive and turned to Madeleine. “This is witchcraft. English in origin.”

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by BogeyDope
Avatar of BogeyDope


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Scarlet Rubashka as Punished "Venom Bean"


"Hey Mikey, you alright?" The homunculus asked. Mike had a hard time standing up, but he was at least able to answer her. His strained voice only confirmed her suspicion that while he had a rough landing, he was still able to make it. Once the shaman asked about Scarlet and the others, Scarlet glanced to the surrounding areas. "I'm a bit sore, but I'm alright otherwise." Scarlet stretched a little, feeling the dull sore pain spread across her right knee and left shoulder, eliciting a strained groan. "Ow, yep. I can definitely feel it." She got in another good look of their surroundings as Amanda tended to Faye. Scarlet glanced over her shoulder to Faye, worry creeping into her focused expression. Please be okay...

Scarlet's worried gaze only lasted for a moment, as her duties required her to be vigilant for additional threats. She could hear some noises behind her, and from that she could only assume that Michael was working his magic. Michael instructed his god friends to keep a lookout for other hostile vehicles, which Scarlet personally thought was a good idea. Michael then asked what the hell was going on and who could these guys be, questions Scarlet still had herself. "I don't know. They sure as shit don't fit the profile of that biker gang we encountered." Scarlet replied. "Any of you are free to call bullshit, but I think someone on the inside must've tipped the bad guys off. I can't think of any other explanation as to how these assholes knew where we'd be going and when." Scarlet aimed her rifle down a quiet alleyway. "A trap like that, complete with convincing uniforms and similar fleet vehicles, must've taken some time and money to set up." She turned to Mike with a serious expression on her face. "I don't think we're dealing with average thugs anymore."

Michael asked another important question, which pertained to Faye's well-being. It seemed that the question was aimed towards Amanda, as Scarlet didn't have enough information to give a good answer. A mass teleport? That's what that felt like. Scarlet kind of had a feeling that was what happened, it made the most sense to her. A quick glance revealed that Amanda was in the process of putting an ice pack on Faye's head. Judging by Amanda's calm attitude, and the fact that Faye was still breathing, it looked like Faye might pull through. Scarlet sighed just a little in relief. Her peripheral vision was occupied by Mike, who slowly approached her and checked in on her. Scarlet looked up to Mike, meeting his eyes. She saw his smile, to which she returned with a soft nervous smirk of her own. "As okay as I can be, really. I survived worse." She rolled her shoulders a little. "Ow, shit. Yeah. Still sore." Once Whiskeyjack returned to Mike with a report, Scarlet kept her attention to where he came from. Scarlet tuned the two out, hoping to hear or at least see any incoming hostiles, but so far, no luck. Think the OMR will pay for our laundry after this? Michael asked, to which Scarlet answered with a chortle. "They better."

"Truth be told, I'm honestly a little scared." Scarlet said softly, her eyes still ahead. "With what just happened and the implications it carries... it makes me wonder what we're really up against, and what my chances really are. I'm just hoping that I won't meet God too soon. I still haven't figured out what I'd say to them yet." Her somber frown cracked a small smile. "Nowhere in my contract did it say that I was supposed to experience a spy-action flick." She chortled. She took a deep breath and sighed. "Don't worry, I'll get over it."

Scarlet immediately turned to Amanda the moment she called out to them. She listened carefully, and Amanda confirmed what she had figured out. It seems that Faye will pull through, it was just that the feat she just pulled was taxing to the point that it knocked her out. Once Amanda called her by name, Scarlet stood up and snapped to attention. Scarlet listened, and her face betrayed the fear that she mentioned. 10 klicks? On foot!? Scarlet thought to herself. A 10 kilometer march west would take about an hour at the very least, which is more than enough time for a hostile response force to find them. The two areas that Amanda proposed, the alleyway and the underpass, would leave them exposed to any number of ambushes. The powerful android might be able to make that kind of journey, and so might Mike's companions, but Scarlet, Mike and Faye would be shredded meat that point.

Scarlet looked to Amanda after she gave her orders to Mike. "Boss, uh, how do I say this... hm... I don't really think that's a good idea." Scarlet cleared her throat. "As of now, we know absolutely nothing about the hostile force we just tangled with, especially what they are capable of. We don't know what areas they would have control over, and what kind of assets they have at their disposal." Scarlet lowered her rifle, using her left hand to point to the areas Amanda mentioned earlier. "Those two areas are practically killzones. The underpass over there would make it easy for a hostile QRF to fire upon us from two vantage points with automatics and snipers, all while making ourselves easy targets on the open road. That alleyway would provide hostiles enough places to set up ambush points behind walls, vehicles and windows. Back in Germany, we came out on top because we had cover and terrain, and the bikers stood out in the open. Now the situation is reversed, and there are seven of us, with me being the only one with capable firepower. We will not survive contact with the enemy like this."

Scarlet sighed and looked around. She takes a few seconds, before spotting a gas station off to the side of the road that's surrounded by a lot of wooded wilderness. The vegetation there was quite thick, and while there weren't many hills or other sources of good cover, there was plenty of concealment to be had. "Over there. I have a radio and a cell phone that we can use to call the OMR for support and an evac, and that gas station over there would make it easier for them to come find us. We can hide in the wooded areas behind it, using the tall vegetation to conceal ourselves. The trees there should provide enough cover in the unlikely event that a firefight breaks out. The bad guys would literally have to step on us in order to find us there." Scarlet said. "Managed to evade Serbian death squads that way in my last deployment." Scarlet gulped and turned to Amanda. "Just a suggestion, boss. I'm not keen on dying just yet, but my contract states that I gotta follow your orders."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

After the little bonding meal with the team, Avi headed straight to his hotel room. The hotel itself was only a few blocks from the OMR office, easy walking distance. The room that the OMR had booked was pretty nice, nothing overly fancy. But Avi wouldn’t mind even if it was a dive, as he had slept in some pretty rough places as part of his undercover work. This proved true as he fell asleep a few minutes after lying down in bed.

The next morning Avi made sure that he woke up early, setting the alarm clock next to his bed. Avi didn’t want to arrive late for a meeting again, so he got ready quick, having a quick shower and a meal. Once he was ready he realized that he still had two hours till he was due at the office.

Avi considered the notion of doing some sight seeing, but decided against it as he wasn’t much of a tourist. Instead Avi wasted sometime watching the local news on the big box television that was sat across from his bed. Avi watched the German language news for about a half hour, finding that most of the stories were mundane. In truth he was only checking if his team’s actions had made it to the public. As Avi watched the news reports it did seem that the OMR had done a good job of keeping the incidents hushed. Avi was glad about this as public attention would only complicate his assignment. But he also knew that there was little chance that it wouldn’t eventually be revealed to the public.

Satisfied that there was nothing more of interest on the news, Avi exited the hotel and made the short walk to the OMR office. As he reached the front of the building, Avi checked his watch and saw that he was still a good deal early. When he entered the office, Avi was greeted by the same Dwarf receptionist from the day before.

“A little bit early aren’t you Mister Mosley?” the Dwarf chucked.

“I decided to get an early start on some paperwork,” Avi replied, “I assume that I’m allowed access to the documents room?”

“Right, you are. It’s just down the hall.”

Avi raised his hand to thank the Dwarf, before going over to the documents room. Avi was surprised at just how much paperwork had been recovered as he dived head first into it. However, he hadn’t gotten too far when he saw on his watch that the meeting was almost up. Sighing, Avi put down the paperwork and went to the meeting room.

Amanda was already there, with pretty much everyone entering soon after. The only one who was actually late was Faye who teleported in and gave a simple excuse. The Android team leader then announced that she was going to Minsk to follow up a lead. Surprisingly to Avi, almost everyone elected to go with her. Only Morgana said that she would stay in Frankfurt and follow up on what they discovered. Before Avi could give his opinion, Amanda requested that he stay here and assist Morgana.

This was fine for Avi has he already planned on continuing with his analysis of the documents. The majority of the team then left, heading to the airport. With only two team members remaining here at the office, Avi decided to forgo interaction and instead head silently back to the documents room.

Avi immediately dived back into what he had been reading. It was mostly order forms on guns and other illicit goods, with only the occasional magical item. Avi’s concentration was broken when Madeline, his Demon senior officer, began to ask about cults. But she didn’t get to finish her sentence as there was a massive bang. Avi followed Madeline to the nearest window where he saw a car wreck, pressed up against the office’s front door.

A man then emerged from the wreck, guns in hand. Avi’s right hand instinctively went to his wand, grasping the magical focus tightly. He followed Madeline to the front of the building where police and other OMR agents were raising their weapons at the mysterious man. The man then surprised Avi by charging at the police, who promptly unloaded a whole clip of ammunition into him. The man immediately slumped to the ground.

Avi approached the dead body, now noticing the intricate tattoos that covered his body. Morgana immediately began to analyze the shapes, a skill that Avi lacked. Apparently the man had been bewitched and given a simple command. This made sense to Avi as the man had seemed to have a blank stare and stiff movement.

Morgana then deduced that this was English witchcraft. Unfortunately this was not a realm that was he was knowledgeable about, having spent his academic years learning about ancient civilizations and illusions. So Avi figured that he would take Morgana’s word for it.

“But why send the bewitched on a suicide mission?” Avi asked, “Surely the enchanter knew that it would take more than one man with a gun to overtake the office. Maybe they just wanted to cause a scene or make a statement?”

Even though the man was dead, Avi was still weary with his wand at the ready. Whoever had enough magical power to control the man was serious business. This attack could easily be the first in a rapid assault on the OMR office. But Avi did take some comfort in the sheer number of police and agents gathered at the offices, most of them quite deadly with either a gun or staff.

@King Cosmos @Kumbaris
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Member Seen 17 days ago

@Martian@King Cosmos

“Mind controlled by a spell of English origin… Most peculiar indeed.” Madeleine commented. “So a sort of slave spell? Hmm, I might need further information on this one.”

Turning towards Xaviron. Madeleine also nodded with Xaviron’s assessment. “Indeed. It wouldn’t make sense for some bewitched man to just go out of his way on some suicide attack. Unless… What if it wasn’t an attack? Perhaps more like… some spell gone wrong? A man waking up on the wrong side of the bed? Or perhaps a cry for help from someone on the inside? Getting a bit too caught up in Mr X’s plot that he/she wants out?”

She then walked towards the police officers. Now taking pictures of the body alongside the OMR agents. “Excuse me, but do you know who this man is?”

“Oh, him? Yeah. We know. Friedrich Raimund.” One of the officers replied. “He works in some big bank in downtown Frankfurt. Was responsible for the bank’s German and Dutch operations.”

“Does he have a criminal history before this?”

Both officers shake their heads. “No, not really. In fact, we just got the call on an apparent shooter in his penthouse just this morning, acting all crazy and stuff. When we arrived, he immediately got into his car. A couple minutes of chasing later, and, well, here we are.”

“Is this your first time encountering him?”

“Well, uhh, yeah.”

“Then how did you know his name?”

“Oh, well. Because the caller mentioned his name when he called emergency services. We did a little back and forth with the Police HQ after he died.”


So a person imbued with a slave spell, suddenly starting to shoot up the place, has no criminal history, and is pretty well known in the banking world. Madeleine has several theories, but before going forward, she has to do something first.

“Gentlemen.” She greeted the Police Officers again. “Are you okay if we go to mister Friedrich’s apartment and search the place up? This reeks of some sort of magical crime, and I would be grateful if the police were to let us OMR types to search the place.”

“Oh, oh yeah. Just go ahead. I already called the chief and he permitted it. Just drive to the apt and give your credentials. Here.” One of the officers pulled out a piece of paper and started writing on it. “The address.”

She grabbed the piece of paper while thanking them. Returning to Morgana and Xaviron. Good news in hand. “Alright, so do you want to come with me for a little adventure in some rich man’s penthouse, or do you want to go do some paperwork again? Your choice really.”


Amanda knows what Scarlett is saying. She knows those two areas are death traps should they attempt to march through there, but Scarlett’s suggestion to hunker down sounds like a potential death wish too. Holding down the fort and calling for help, not really sure if the potential mole has heard of the distress call, is a good way to get even more bad guys onto you.

But Scarlett’s suggestion gave Amanda an idea. And it might just be crazy enough to work, Amanda is no stranger to crazy plans, being one of the few androids that managed to survive the assault against the Abomination after all.

“Yeah. Scarlett, let’s go to the gas station.” Amanda agreed. “You and Mikey hold up in the forest and tend to Faye, while I’ll try and search for a car, are you ok with that? I don’t wanna tip off the potential mole inside the Minsk office of our presence, so I don’t wanna make any calls to that office just yet.”

Her plan is brutally simple. Procure a car, make a beeline to the Minsk office, and then hope that the chaos from their chase and firefight is sufficient to make the Minsk office unable to ignore their plight for any longer. The potential mole would find it impossible to delay aid any longer, since the whole office would be on high alert.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 45 min ago

Morgana Faith

Having identified the origins of the magic that had bewitched the attacker, Morgana had been about to return to the office when the discussion of ‘why’ began. “There’s no way to tell what kind of commands he was given once the spell was in place I’m afraid; the tattoo is just there to make the man suggestible, the give no hint beyond that. Commands would be verbal.” It was a glorified love potion, the dream of any hormonal teenaged witch with a person they liked; all it did was make the subject devoted enough to listen to whatever they said.

“This is a large investment simply to throw the man to the wolves like this.” Conventional tattoos of this size already took a considerable amount of time to make; add in the need for it to function as a base for a ritual and the absolute precision that would require and the time needed would only increase. Not to mention the fact that this ‘Mr X’ was giving them far too much insight into what his organisation were capable of.

Apparently the man was a banker, which already brought to mind any number of reasons why someone would want to bewitch and control this individual; money being the most obvious, but information and connections were another. Not the kind of asset you would simply throw away like this. “An implanted command perhaps? A safety measure to ensure the man would self-destruct should he ever regain enough of his senses to report his bewitchment to the authorities?”

Normally that would be impossible, as the control fading would also mean that the safety measure would no longer have any effect. The tattoo would fix that however, maintaining the implanted command to some degree even after the man regained his faculties for as long as the ink held power. A nasty little trap. “Penthouse yes. I can’t bear to look at another piece of paper.”

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BogeyDope
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Scarlet Rubashka as Punished "Venom Bean"


Scarlet spoke her mind to Amanda, and then promptly listened to her response. Scarlet's heartrate didn't even have enough time to raise before Amanda quickly replied with "Yeah. Scarlet, let’s go to the gas station." She sighed a little in relief now that her chances of walking straight into a hail of gunfire dropped significantly. However, Amanda's order modified Scarlet's plan a bit. There will be no calls made to the OMR on phone or on radio, and Amanda herself will be searching for a vehicle to commandeer so they can do the evac themselves. The android had a point, the mole could be tipped off to their exact location and the bad guys could probably muster a kill squad faster than the OMR could rescue them. Scarlet took a moment to look at the wooded area behind the gas station once more. Even with a lot of concealment and some cover offered by the trees, they won't be able to withstand a full-scale assault. She turned back to Amanda and nodded solemnly.

"Aye aye." Scarlet said as she brought her gun back to shoulder. "I'll take point."

- - -

It was pretty much a straight shot to the gas station. Crossing the street and getting there wasn't difficult, as there was hardly much traffic in this part of town. Whoever planned this assassination attempt was at least smart enough to keep their witnesses to a minimum by driving through here. The gas station itself was almost entirely unoccupied, save for its outdated equipment and a bored, inattentive cashier that had his eyes glued to a women's fashion magazine. It also had security cameras, but not too many. Scarlet was able to spot them on their approach, and adjusted their path so they wouldn't be in their field of vision. After all, their destination was the forest behind it.

The woods themselves were as dense as it appeared from a distance. The grass, ferns and other plants that separated the gas station from the treeline was waist high, and even higher in some parts. Most of the foliage got smaller past the tree line, as the trees themselves allowed for little sun to reach the ground. There were plenty of ferns and other plants on the ground, but they were knee-high at best. Plenty of birds and other woodland animals made themselves at home here, including a few of the magical variety. The forest itself was pretty generic and unassuming, though a few things that couldn't be spotted from the distance, like fallen trees and large rocks, made for good places to rest.

As Scarlet quietly marched through the woods, she spotted a large uprooted tree, one that wasn't too far away from a large rock. She walked over to both, standing up next to the tree. She examined the tree, pressing against it, and knocking her rifle on it. Scarlet nodded to herself, and kicked some twigs and rocks away to clear some space for her friends, leaving behind a patch of soft dirt and leaves. She pointed over to the space she cleared. "Set Faye down over here." She then gestured to the tree with her rifle. "The tree's solid, and thick enough to act as concealment and cover. Should stop most Soviet rounds. As long as we all stay low, we should be alright." She unzipped her tactical bag of holding, pulled out some repellent and sprayed herself down. Once she was finished, she set the can down next to the uprooted tree. "This stuff should keep most bugs and animals away. The odor itself only lasts about ten minutes, but it's good for three hours."

Once everyone started setting up camp, Scarlet brought over a few large branches with leaves to help make that space more concealable. Most of the camouflage she set up faced in the direction of the gas station and the road passing it. After covering up their tracks, she placed herself prone behind the bottom end of the tree. "We should be fine here. The tree's shadows and the tall grass ahead of us should make us invisible to any passing vehicle." Scarlet said as she unloaded her rifle, pulling the bolt back. From her bag of holding, she pulls out a smaller 30-round magazine and an enchanted suppressor. "Anyone approaching this place on foot would have to look really hard to find us." With a CLICK!, the suppressor was firmly attached at the end of the barrel. The magazine, full of subsonic ammo, was loaded. "I'll make sure that they won't." She slaps the bolt, chambering a round. Scarlet brought her rifle back to shoulder, bringing the barrel of her AUG between the roots. Her scope aimed squarely at the spaces surrounding the gas station ahead. Her finger danced along the trigger guard.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The half-elf nodded as Madeline gave her thoughts on the reason for this apparent suicide attack. If this attack wasn’t intended but was instead a magical mishap, then why did they specifically come to the OMR office? Was this man fighting against the enchantment to get some help, and had come to the OMR for help?

Speaking of the dead man, the police identified him as one Friedrich Raimund, a senior member of a local bank. That did track with him being an ideal target of mind control, as there was the obvious money angle. But the police also mentioned that he was in charge of German and Dutch operations, meaning that he probably had contacts throughout Europe. Perhaps he was being involved in using these connections to smuggle things. If that was the case, then this whole attack on the office could be a way of getting rid of the accomplice.

But if that was the case, why didn’t they just have him commit suicide with one of the guns at his apartment? Unless, Avi thought, the reason he did it at the OMR was to send a message. Was this Mr. X trying to tell the agents that they weren’t safe anywhere? Avi’s mind spiraled into a deep hole of theories and connections as he considered all the clues they had uncovered.

Avi’s thoughts on what went on at his apartment naturally led to him wanting to inspect it. Luckily for him, Madeline received permission from the police to search it and was given an address. The demoness then turned to Avi and Morgana and offered them a chance to inspect the penthouse with her. Morgana immediately agreed before Avi could say anything.

“I will also come. I’ll admit this incident has me a little riled up and I don’t think I’d be able to sit and read more documents,” Avi answered.

What the half-elf said was the truth, as he still held his wand with a firm grip. Avi was also rattled by the idea of the man’s magical tattoos and how they controlled him. Something about a lose of control was deeply disturbing to the half-elf. But it was his job to deal with such things and he realized that he needed to suck it up and continue with his investigation.

@Kumbaris @King Cosmos
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Member Seen 17 days ago

@Martian@King Cosmos

“Mein Gott.”

Madeleine Disir is a very old woman, she admitted it herself, she has seen the start and end of many a conflict during her long life. She has seen the rise of Prussia, World War 1, the rise and fall of Nazism, and the fall of the Berlin Wall. She knows just to what depths Humanity (and Humanoids) are capable of when sufficient desperation and resources are fed to them. She has seen the best and the worst of them. From eloquent arguments and artistry, to the worst of war-crimes and brutality.

And yet, she didn’t expect such carnage when the group entered the Penthouse of Friedrich. It is not unusual that there is such carnage, but what makes this especially… unique for Madeleine is the fact that this carnage happened in these times. In 1995 out of all times to happen.

Blood splatters are everywhere, seemingly drawn up to look like runes but Madeleine couldn’t figure out what runes they are from. Candles arranged in a circle and what looks like a Satanic star in the centre, destroyed furniture, visible claw marks being seen in all the pieces of furniture, and perhaps, most importantly, a computer that doesn’t seem to be much touched at all.

She noticed a lot of stuff for Morgana to study on. Even more runes to dissect, some satanic ritualistic magic stuff to be analyzed, and she thinks that the shelf over there would be very useful assuming Morgana needs a source for where these spells originate from. For Xaviron, Madeleine plans on assigning him on covering the Claw-Marks, this could be just some random act of violence, but she believes Xaviron, being Canadian and all, would prolly figure out if this was some cryptid or something, and she herself will study the computer.

Honestly? This scene doesn’t seem to be connected to Mr X, or whoever’s in that lodge at all. Seems haphazard by the looks of it. Or perhaps, that is the purpose? Make it seem haphazard to screw up investigations of this certain Friedrich Raimund?

Only one way to find out.

“Xaviron. Can you investigate those claw marks? It seems like some cryptid or beast is probably responsible for such things, I don’t know how or why there’s such a beast in this penthouse, but I want you to investigate it, report to me of your findings.”

“Morgana. I know what you want, and you’re gonna get it. Can you investigate all of these runes? They look like a mixture of English spellcraft combined with magecraft from various cultures. Can you find out what they’re for? Perhaps some binding ritual for the tattoo? The drawings of an increasingly erratic Friedrich? And also, what about that Satanic ritual doing over there? Seems disconnected from everything really. Can you figure that out as well?”

“I’ll personally trawl the computer over there, figure out what’s happening.”

“Oh, and also.” She brought over a box, opened it, and put a piece of latex material over her hands. Handing the box over to both Xaviron and Morgana respectively. “You might wanna handle this scene with care. Police might also be investigating the site as well, so keep it sterile ok?”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


Micheal Crane in a ditch

Micheal looked at Amanda, as5onishment on the First Nation's man's face. "Boss I don't think that's safe. We have one group member down. I'm hurt, we're not 100 percent. And even if I could get a shielding chant going, moving while doing so renders the ritual unstable." With a grimace Mike looked around. He took a deep breath and worked to will away what felt like a sprain in his off arm.

Then the word of logic. Thank God for military types. He sucked in a breath nodding, "I think Red has a good idea. We hide out. Nurse ourselves abit. Wait until we can get Faye back on her feet even. And I could use a pain killer." He sucked in another breath then called to his Dieific companions, "Boys see if you can locate any water, food or medical supplies. Just like that crash we had to help tend too."

At that tje gods zipped about. Not wanting mess around in such a situation. Micheal started to move carrying Faye I his as as they moved. The gods moving along in flanking positions keeping watch around and behind them.

Finally they arrived at rheir hiding spot. Micheal setting Fayde down by the tree then almost yanked the big painkiller pill Raven offers him from a first aid pack they found. Forget about water, Mike swallowd that think dry. "Alright. Now to wait for the cavalry. What a few days huh?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 45 min ago

Morgana Faith

The crime scene, for it could not be mistaken for anything else, was a grizzly sight.

Morgana had seen blood rituals before, she had seen satanic rites and diabolism and other ‘dark’ magics; some researchers would not go as far as to study such topics but she had, to understand them and to be able to ward against them and because, frankly, there were things to be learned even in the darkest of places. This was not that, despite what a cursory glance might tell you. This was something else.

Rituals and rites, even the distasteful kind, had a method to them, a pattern and an order. This was a man’s descent into madness writ across a room in his own blood.

The witch paced into the room once Madeleine invited her to do so; she declined the gloves, raising her hands and waggling his leather clad fingers at the demon in way of excuse. She would leave no fingerprints here and the rituals she had bound to her gloves would be useful to her investigation here. Turning her attention to the walls first she scanned the runes and symbols and words written there, but found little of interest. There were runes from at least four different languages she could recognise, from Nordic and Icelandic to Celtic and something she suspected was altogether older; she had never learned the Nordic runes beyond those still used in modern craft, but the ones she could recognise she knew held power in some circumstances. The Celtic she was more familiar with, but that only made it more obvious that there was nothing of worth to be found; just someone writing magic words on the wall and hoping for some effect. They may as well have been writing ‘abracadabra’ for all it would achieve; though ironically that word had been a true incantation at one point. The symbols were similar, being a mixture of occultist and religious iconography including Icelandic magic staves, sun crosses and the seal of Solomon.

From the way those symbols were discoloured and faded to a dirty brown she could tell that those were the oldest. Others were a little brighter, a little newer, a little more red compared to the rest and those ones trended more towards the satanic in nature; pentacles and sigils of Baphomet, alchemical symbols for brimstone and sulphur and even a Black Sun. It suggested a trend. A progression.

Lastly were the words. Sentences, rambling and incoherent in a mixture of English and German; pleas for help and talk of voices or a loss of memory, where she could understand what was being said at all. Where runes and symbols had achieved no effect it seemed he had simply begun to beg instead.

That led her to the candles and the circle.

“Amateurish.” A blunt assessment but an accurate one. Whoever had drawn this had not been a practitioner, not someone who knew what they were doing; it was the fumbling of someone first dipping their toes into the water, a simply pentacle inside a circle with lit candles. Like a teenager playing around with an Ouija board or something of the like; it was impossible that it would do anything if the person had no magic to draw on and highly unlikely even if they did. A glance at the shelf and its scant offering of books suggested as much; books on occultism and Satanism bought from common retailers.

There was a story here. Morgana was no investigator but she could see the shape of it. The man who lived here had been bewitched, his mind ensnared by magic as a ritual tattoo was forcibly applied to his body that made sure the effect would last. But perhaps its control had not been perfect, or perhaps it was only meant to allow the caster to snatch back control at a moment’s notice. Either way Mr Friedrich Raimund had been slipping in and out of his bewitchment and feeling like he was losing his mind the whole while. Perhaps he had understood that magic was to blame or perhaps he had simply been desperate, but he had turned to magic of his own to try and retake control of his life. Except he wasn’t a practitioner. He didn’t have the knowledge, the means or the power to fight it.

Most likely he was a man who had never even considered using magic before, until a witch broken into his apartment and broke into his mind and made him do her bidding. He tried runes, he tried occult symbols, he tried anything he could find. When that didn’t work he took more drastic measures, turning to darker avenues as so many men had before him. In seemed in his desperation it seemed Mr Raimund had turned to a higher power for answers.

Or a lower one, as the case may be.

Diabolism had always been a favourite in this country. She blamed Faust.

The satanic ritual drawn on the floor was… a call of sorts; it would be generous to call it a summoning circle but those would be more targeted, while this was just a shout into the dark in the hopes that something would answer. Anything. Normally a diabolist would pair it with a binding ritual, to ensnare whatever came through and bind it in a pact to the practitioner; the circle itself was small, so whatever came through would be small as well, limiting the chances of the diabolist simply being slain by whatever demon came through. A handy way to bind a few imps or lesser demons to your service.

Morgana raised a hand to her face and formed a circle with her fingers, a ritual of her own activating on the back of her glove that allowed her to view the residual magic in the air. Surprisingly enough there was something to see, a few lingering traces of power in the air over the satanic circle.

Something had come through.

It shouldn’t have worked, not when drawn by a person with no magical aptitude. And yet it did, because the circle too had been drawn in Friedrich’s own blood, freely offered, and that was enough. There was a reason blood was so often used as a reagent in rituals after all, not just in what most people would term ‘blood rituals’ but in other places too; it was one of the oldest forms of magic, right there alongside asking the spirits for assistance and usually the two went hand in hand. Because it had power. Because it had meaning. Because it was symbolic in more ways than one. It was your lifeblood, yes, and that was not insignificant especially for one with magic flowing through their veins, but more than that it represented a payment. To shed blood showed a certain dedication from the practitioner, either as an offering or as a sacrifice; blood freely given or taken by force. Either one carried a weight to it that was hard to ignore. There had even been decade’s worth of debate on whether the offering or the sacrifice was more potent, or if blood was even needed at all or if some other cost would suffice. She’d written a paper on it.

Whatever the answer, this much spilled blood was likely to have been enough to get something’s attention. Looking around the room at the smashed furniture and the grooves on the wall, she suspected that something may have come through as well.

“I think I’ve seen enough. There’s nothing noteworthy here; just some amateur diabolism and the ravings of a man going insane.” Morgana made to leave, or at least to go and stand by or just outside the door while the others did their work. The smell of iron in the room was starting to get to her. As she walked past Madeleine she averted her eyes from the demon and also from the parts of the room where the oldest drawings were located; where the blood had aged into a dark brown that was almost black. It was there that Madeleine had spotted the English witchcraft and pointed it out to Morgana, likely from Friedrich’s first dabbling with magic as he copied the patterns of his tattoo onto the wall. The line work was sloppy and was often upside down or backwards, as if drawn by someone copying from a mirror image. It was as disjointed and meaningless as the rest of the writing in the room; even more so, since it was only parts of a greater work separated from the rest.

It was gibberish. Indecipherable had Morgana not already seen the completed work.

But in the middle of it all was a familiar family crest.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The half-elf was not prepared for the room before entering it. As soon as the door to the penthouse opened, the color red was clearly prevalent. The main room was coated in red blood, with various shades caused by the varying age of the blood splatter. It took Avi a few seconds to realize that most of the blood had been used to create runes on the wall. Avi recognized a few of the runes as old Norse, having taken a class on runes in university. However, he had only taken the one class and as such was far from an expert. Instead he would defer to Morgana.

But of more interest to Avi was the claw marks that were all along the furniture. At first glance they all seemed to be from a large animal, but as Avi looked at them, he could sense the faint trace of magic. Whatever had tore up this apartment was no basic animal, but rather a mythological creature. Avi immediately wondered if it was a Norse creature as that would line up with what he knew about the runes on the wall.

Madeleine seemed to notice his interest as she asked him to investigate the claw marks while Morgana looked over the various rituals strewn across the room. Avi was glad that he hadn’t been assigned to look over the pentagram in the centre of the room as he really hated dealing with Satanic powers. Ever since he began studying magic, Avi was steered away from the dark arts, coming to fear them slightly.

Instead he had focused on the academics of magic, something that would probably help identify the marks. Before going any farther into the room, Avi took the gloves Madeleine offered as he didn’t want to spoil the crime scene. The half-elf then went over to the nearest piece of furniture, a large blue couch placed in front of an abstract painting.

Immediately, Avi could declare that these were marks caused by the claws of a predator. As he gave it a closer look at the marks, they now appeared to be caused by a canine species, probably a large dog or wolf. But that didn’t help narrow down what this creature was, as there were countless breeds of magical dogs and wolfs from all over the world.

While Avi knew that he could probably get these claw marks analyzed by a scientist to figure out what this creature was, he also knew that would take several weeks at least. Instead he decided to rely on magic, Avi pressing his wand up against one of the marks. Using the wand as a magical focus, Avi put all of his attention into the claw mark, closing his eyes as he communed with the lingering magic.

With all of his mind on scanning the remaining magic, Avi started to feel something. He could tell that this had to do with nature, visions of wide open fields filling Avi’s mind. In his mind, Avi walked through the field, seeing something glowing golden in the distance. As Avi continued to pour his concentration through the wand, he got closer and closer to the golden thing. Eventually he could see what it truly was, a stalk of golden corn.

It took Avi a minute to make the connection between corn and the creature, but then he remembered another one of his university classes, this one on European folklore. In the text book was a section on Feldgeister, also known as field spirits or corn demons. They were nature spirits native to Germany, living in the wild and coming in many forms. And one of these types of field spirit did have the form of a large wolf.

“Roggenwolf,” Avi said quietly before speaking up, “I believe that this is a Roggenwolf, a wolf like nature spirit from here in Germany. While they are known to be dangerous, they usually target children, kidnapping them and then eating them. But if they are pressed into a corner, they could be quite violent to anyone.”

Looking at the Satanic circle in the centre of the room, Avi wondered if Friedrich had attempted to summon the nature spirit. But Morgana shot down that theory when she said that none of the symbols really amounted to anything, saying they were the ravings of a mad man. While insanity could explain the various symbols and blood, it did not explain what a Roggenwolf was doing in the penthouse. And more importantly, where had it gone.

The thought of a wolf spirit running amok in Frankfurt was a troubling one, especially since the claw marks on the furniture revealed that it was quite a large wolf. A chill ran down Avi’s spine as he walked away from the couch. Seeing that both Morgana and he had done their analysis, the half-elf walked over to the computer and Madeleine, wanting to see if she had any leads.

@Kumbaris @King Cosmos
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Member Seen 17 days ago


Amanda’s face must be sweating something fierce right now if she was a human. After making sure that Scarlet and Mikey have locked down their area, Amanda made sure that her sneaking didn't alert any potential enemies. Making sure that her steps are light, her eyes are looking all over the place, and her hand gripping her suitcase as hard as possible. Making sure that she does not lose her melee option should the need require.

Walking out of the forest, making sure to keep her presence as small as possible. She searched the local area, a bit more rural than the city proper. The female Android noticed a vehicle being parked, she didn't have to say anything more, just one short look at it and she knew this vehicle would take them to the office fast.

Breaking the windows, Amanda quickly got to work. Using her own internal electric circuits to jump-start the vehicle. Car on hand, Amanda sighed a little, making a mental note to repay the stranger who ‘lent’ her the car in some manner.

A group of operators approached the forest. Not minding the sleepy gas attendant. They quickly approached the forest where the magicians were last seen. All of them looked professional, able to react in an instant to a sudden threat.

These are no ordinary thugs, they’re trained operators, pretty much designed to kill a designated target quickly and efficiently. Nobody knows if they’re PMC, Former Soldiers turned rogue, or perhaps everything in-between, but just a casual look at their movements, the squad leaders’ hand signs and deliberate steps. A high level of training pretty much oozes out of them.

2 of them approached the group, not knowing where they were specifically, but definitely staking out the scene, while another 2 operatives, 2 on the left and 2 on the right, approached from the flanks. Their Soviet Era assault rifles and the various modifications made to them making deadly weapons to anyone that knows how to use it.

It appears that Scarlet and Mikey would have to ensure the safety of Faye for the moment, in the face of such odds.

@Martian@King Cosmos

Madeleine isn’t necessarily a person known to be able to blend in. Her visual appearances aside, she has lived some 500 odd years, and some manner of ancient speech patterns does tend to bleed out into her speech from time to time. She is aware of this, and sometimes she tries to curtail that behavior lest she risked not being understood by her colleagues, but sometimes, on a few nights when she drank too much. Her old speech patterns usually come out.

And while she doesn’t usually remember it, her colleagues usually made sure to remind her of how… crass she was when she’s on the bottle. Making swear words and acting significantly more wild than her typical, restrained self. They’d also made remarks about how sometimes she breaks into long speeches in some unrecognizable language, they think it is German. But it is quite unlike any German language she’d ever heard.

So it came much to her surprise when she encountered that same German, the German that she learned from her youth, the same German she saw the Kings and Queens of those old kingdoms from the 16th and 17th century make declarations, talk, and socialize with. On an Email chain out of all places.

And the contents are not pretty.

Discussions about Human Sacrifices, transactions from Mr Friedrich’s personal bank accounts to a series of bank accounts in multiple countries for some unknown purpose, discussions between ‘the lodge’ and himself, most typically with the lodge making threatening remarks about how his parents and grandparents will be cursed, tortured, or even worse should he resist, mentions about other people he socializes with. And finally, a long rambling madness of a letter, touched many times with expletives and curse words Madeleine didn’t even think one would use nowadays, abruptly ending with no response whatsoever from the lodge, or anyone really. "Well, so apparently this lodge speaks in Medieval German, or whatever the scholars call that German anyway." Madeleine remarked, mulling a bit over her newly discovered findings.

All in all. Quite an enlightening read.

The conversation with this ‘lodge’ also yielded a very important detail. She noted a particular address during one of their Email chains, perhaps the location where this ‘lodge’ is located? Hmm, intriguing.

She was about to wrap up the investigation. Perhaps go to the lodge with Xaviron and Morgana. But just as she folded the laptop up, right at the edge of her eyesight, a piece of paper, with a peculiar seal stamped on it, opened. Curiosity overtaking her. She grabbed the letter and… well, she was very much surprised.

Mr Raimund

Do not bother us anymore, I have had it with your constant visits in our Newcastle manor. I will never confirm nor deny our involvement in whatever witchcraft you might suspect I am in, but I can assure you that any spell patterns we may have sold to our clients are completely and totally inert and harmless.

I suggest you take this up to the overly smart people in the OMR office in Frankfurt, surely they may have a solution to your problem.

With much casternation.

Angelica Faith.

“Uhh, Morgana.” Madeleine summoned the English witch. “You may want to read this.” She handed the letter over to her. “Once you’re finished, I think we’re ready to go further, we have enough evidence to potentially wrap Friedrich Raimund’s case up. Strangely enough.”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


Micheal Crane...wait...what!?


Or well for now really. Who really knows?

Micheal can feel what is likely a hyper-extended shoulder and elbow dulling from painful to achey. He relaxed, hidden amidst the undergrowth. He's not exactly a combat mage so maybe he can be excused for letting his guard down? He's relaxing, and it's only a soft nudge and a gesture from Manbozho that gets his attention back. He opens his eyes and he looks at Scarlet, or Red as he's been calling her in his head. Likes the idea. Sounds more sexy. Anyway he looks at her and can see her kinda straightening.

The Shaman turns and spots the agents climbing down into the area. He narrow shis eyes and watches as they spread out. He shuffled carefully to Scarlet, and in a mouse quiet voice whispers, "They can't know we're actually here right? Just running some kinda search right?" His eyes follows the agents as they check the cars, then starts towards their little hiding place. Micheals eyes going wide then still in th at mouse quiet voice, "If I provide a few distractions, can you try and take them down? Me and the boys might be able to pull something out of our butts. But I'm not made for shooting spells like I did back with the abomination." He swallows thickly, "But I can cast illusions and hard ritual forms. Really well." He looks at Scarlet, then shifts over again grabbing out of the gear the gods grabbed for him luckily some of his instruments of his work. His pipe, and tomahawk.

He sat crosslegged and peered through a gap in the cover they hid within. Packed a bowl of ritual tobacco, lit up and smoked. blowing out smoke into the leaves to hide it from view. Muttering softly under his breath. Then looking at Raven. The god nodded, and in a burst of shadow vanished. Yes gods can teleport short ranges. Micheals eyes lit up with softly glowing blue light, The Sight, it's called amongst some magic users. Seeing things beyond the mortal sight. Mikey is really pulling out some stops here. He takes another puff blowing out the smoke again, nodding to Whiskeyjack who darts away through the shadows. Another puff and Shaman Crane looks to Manabozho, who wears the most evil grin yet any of the three tricksters has worn since they got here.

Micheal lets out a low chuckle. And he's wearing a grin that almost matches the evil grin his godly companion was just wearing. He lifts his pipe and takes another pull letting out a slow cloud of smoke, "Aawos, you are not welcome here." He whispers in his chest spoken guttural mother tongue of Plains Cree, "Aawos, or face the fears, that all men feel." Another burst of smoke.

Across the field there's a sound of someone crying. Joined by another from the left flank of the operatives, and then joined by a howl from the right. Rising from the rear, skin hanging from it's form. A Skinwalker, but to Scarlet, it's Raven. The Skinwalker letting out a angry hissing cry at the operatives. From the left, Whiskeyjack stands. But to the operatives. Whitiko stands there. The 10 pointer deer horns atop it's head, coat of ravaged hides and might stone spear held in it's hands. And finally from their right, Wendigo, or Manabozho creeps forward. Wild ethereal horrors. Shrouded by ritual spells to look like horrors. The three gods step forth. The Three gods looking like they are really enjoying wearing the look of the Horrors of their homelands.

And Micheal whispers to Scarlet, "While they are watching them, see what you can do."
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by BogeyDope
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Scarlet Rubashka as Punished "Venom Bean"


Even with the wind rushing through the trees, and the soft chirps and cries of the local wildlife, the quieter noises still made themselves present. Twigs snapping, bushes rustling, the like. The noises she was hearing now didn't alert Scarlet in the slightest, they simply gave her a mental image as to where her companions were at. The quiet footsteps of their commanding officer who went off to find a vehicle, the soft shuffling from Mike as he set Faye down, the subtle rustling and crunching from the steps Mike's friends took, and the uncomfortable swallow Mike made when taking his pill dry. However, Scarlet herself was still and quiet. Her breaths were slow and controlled, and her muscles all relaxed to rest comfortably still. With her rifle braced against the roots, its movements were also deliberate. Slowly moving from side to side, Scarlet had to act as a one-woman sniper/spotter team. Not an easy feat, but these aren't easy times.

Her focus almost required her to ignore what Mike said to her, but seeing as there were no threats, she figured she can lend an ear for a moment. "Hm?" Her eyes remained glued to the scope. Her brain took a minute to dial-up and process the words that were just spoken to her, but in a few moments she comprehended them. Alright. Now to wait for the cavalry. What a few days huh? "Oh, yeah." Scarlet almost whispered, a small smile creeping into her focused expression. "No kidding. Normally it would take a week or two for me to see this much action." She swayed her rifle slowly back in one direction, sweeping the area. "How are you holding-"

Scarlet stopped herself midsentence as her heart skipped a beat. Out from the sides of the gas station appeared to be gunmen of some kind. Scratch that, five gunmen and one gunwoman. Shit. Scarlet held up a hand to silence everyone present, looking through the scope to confirm what she is currently seeing. "Contact twelve o' clock." Scarlet said quietly, looking through the scope. She turned an additional nob on it, turning the assault rifle sight into a long-ranged scope to get a better look at them. As they slowly got closer, she could see more details of them, and get an accurate number of them. The operators dressed in a very similar fashion to how Scarlet did when she was on-duty. Tactical vests, ballcaps, aviators, practical clothing and heavily modified rifles. They also appear to share the same playbook as Scarlet herself, and the people she worked with. Scarlet's heartbeat raised with fear as she got a look at their rifles. Definitely those Soviet weapons the OMR have been talking about, except that they're kitted out with sights, suppressors and synthetic furniture. "Six infantry with AK-74 rifles and plate carriers. Paramilitaries." Scarlet noted quietly, gulping. "They're fanning out in pairs. Two to approaching our ten-o-clock, and two approaching our two-o-clock. They know what they're doing."

They can't know we're actually here right? Just running some kinda search right? Scarlet heard Mike ask, to which Scarlet replied with a slightly shaky breath. "They know that we're here in a general sense, but not our exact location. That's a six-man search-and-destroy pattern." Ignoring the uncanny feeling of looking at her operations method right in the mirror, Scarlet racked her brain for ideas. If she started firing now, even with her enchanted suppressor, the others would eventually figure out where the shots are coming from and return fire. With the two pairs flanking their position, the OMR agents would quickly get caught in a killzone and get lit up. In Bosnia, she managed to evade Serbian death squads with her coworkers and clients in situations like this, but back then, she had the advantage of time and camouflage. With what she was wearing now, they'll spot her in notime and send her packing to the afterlife. The best option she could think of was to toss a few smoke grenades, pick off a few of them, and repeat until all hostiles are down. But even that's too risky, and judging by how the operators carry themselves, they'll probably figure out what she's doing, adapt, and kill her. Scarlet gulped again, feeling her heart pound through her chest. Is this how it will end? With a quiet whimper in the woods, near some nowhere gas station, a failure to her squad?

Then Michael brought something up. Distractions. Scarlet blinked, and listened intently. He said that while he wasn't necessarily combat capable, he was pretty good with illusions and hard ritual forms. Scarlet nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, please. I'll do what I can." She said, before bringing her sights back down upon the operators. "They're still far away. You got time." Scarlet said. She thought of some more ways to take them down, now that illusions and rituals were added to the equation. Looks like Mikey will save the day again. The thought of it brings a small grin to Scarlet's lips. As Michael speaks and performs his rituals, Scarlet keeps an eye on the hostiles. Their movements were still slow and methodical. Aawos, you are not welcome here. She slowly zoomed her scope back out, turning it back into the illusory red-dot the AUG came with. Aawos, or face the fears, that all men feel. Scarlet swallowed, remaining as still as she could.

Even if the sounds came from friendlies, they still brought a tinge of fear into Scarlet's heart. As Michael's companions, shrouded in the terrifying visages of their homeland horrors, approached the operatives, Scarlet did exactly as Michael asked and thought of ways to take down the enemy. With their attention turned away, Scarlet would have a chance to move and fire from a more advantageous angle. Once she thought of a plan, Scarlet spoke quickly and quietly. "Okay..." She gulped as she reached into her bag of holding, pulling out the Glock she was using earlier today. "Whatever you do, don't look at the twelve-o-clocks until after you hear a bang. I'm gonna toss a flash at them to buy me some time to take down the 10-o-clocks." She unloaded the Glock's magazine and pulled back the slide, emptying the chamber. "I'm gonna have to run over to that rock over there before I start firing. It'll provide some decent cover and draw fire away from you guys." After putting the magazine and ejected round away, she produced two new magazines, the bullets themselves having a sharper and meaner appearance. She loaded one of them into her Glock, released the slide, and handed the gun and extra magazine to Mike. "The .45 has a bit of a kick to it, and I'm gonna want it back after this is all over. Gave you the expensive armor-piercing rounds too, so don't use 'em if you don't have to." She whispered. She looked solemnly down her scope and after taking a few deep breaths, she swallows. "If I go down, don't rescue me. Keep yourself and Faye hidden." She pats Mike on the shoulder and nods to him. "Until next time."

Scarlet immediately stood up. She got a good look at the operatives, who were still focused on the horrors. The horrors seemed to be herding them a little closer together, bringing them into an easier killzone. She moved as quietly as she could to the rock she noted earlier. It being to her right, and thus closer to the 2-o-clocks, it should draw the soon-to-be firefight away from her friends. She got behind the rock, and once there, she pulled out a stun grenade from her bag of holding. With a pull of the pin, she threw the grenade right at the feet of the two 12-o-clocks. The homunculus ducked away, and after one of them shouted "Granata!", there was a loud BANG!!! The 10-o-clocks and 2-o-clocks scattered, attempting to retreat from both the horrors and the explosion they heard. CLICK! went the AUG's safety from SAFE to SEMI. From behind the rock, Scarlet stood up, and brought the red dot ahead the two 10-o-clocks, who were trying to run to cover and away from Whitiko. She squeezed the trigger. FWIP-FWIP! One 10-o-clock went down, taking one shot to his armor and one to his head. FWIP-FWIP! Another double-tap brought the second one down, taking a bullet to one of his armor plates and to his right bicep. He fell down and screamed in pain.

Scarlet immediately rotated to face the two 12-o-clocks, who were still dazed and stunned from the flashbang she threw at them. She took aim at the easy prey. One of the 12-o-clocks, an orc, managed to shake off the effects a little easier than his human compatriot. She squeezed the trigger once. FWIP! Mundane suppressors still had a loud sound profile, only making guns hearing safe at best. But thanks to the expensive enchantments on this suppressor and the subsonic ammo she loaded, the suppressor here functioned just like the ones in Hollywood did in making her rifle very quiet. The only sound the other 12-o-clock heard was the sickening noise of his partner's forehead exploding. The large bearded man beside the orc looked between the skinwalker that approached him and the direction the gunshot came from. He shouted to the others, running and taking cover behind a tree to put some distance between himself and the skinwalker. "Blyat!" He shouted before returning fire to Scarlet's position in a vain attempt to suppress her. The shots went wide, hitting nothing but dirt and trees. The suppressors on the AKs were quite good too, but their noise profile was a little louder, allowing Scarlet and her OMR friends to get a decent idea of where they're firing from. Scarlet flipped her safety to AUTO, and took aim at the crouched human. Six rounds of hot lead soared at him, peppering his body and his armor in hollow-point 5.56s. He shouted in pain, falling onto his back with large crimson holes in his legs.

Due to Scarlet's position, as well as the flashbang and gunshots that happened earlier, it didn't take long for the 2-o-clocks to find her. "<I've got visual!>" One of the 2-o-clocks shouted, the only woman of the group bringing her Kalashnikov to shoulder and taking a few shots at Scarlet. As Scarlet turned to return fire, two rounds hit the rock and one went straight through Scarlet's left shoulder. Blood splattered all over the tree behind her as Scarlet fell down onto her back. "Gah! Motherfucker!" Scarlet shouted, clutching the painful, bleeding wound on her shoulder. "<You whore!>" Scarlet shouted back in Russian. Portions of the rock exploded as the two continued firing sporadically at her with precise semi-automatic shots, moving about to stay clear of the scary Wendigo that approached them. Portions of the tree exploded in front of her as Scarlet pressed her back against the rock, holding her rifle with one hand, her left arm limp. "Fuck me..." She groaned in pain, her heart racing again. She looked over to where Michael and Faye were, and seeing that they were still far away from the fight, she smiled weakly and clutched her AUG.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 45 min ago

Morgana Faith

It was very rarely the case that such an ominous phrase would be followed by something pleasant and as Morgana leaned over Madeleine’s shoulder to read what she had found she saw that this time was not an exception. “Well, it seems my attempts at being coy were useless.”

Her family did this. Maybe not directly, but they had a hand in the unpleasantness that surrounded them, providing the knowledge needed to create the bewitching ritual at the very least and perhaps the resources and the man power as well. She had suspected as much when she had seen the tattoo but didn’t want to jump to conclusions; a few aspects of the ritual had been more than just familiar, but her family were hardly the only witches in England or the only ones to use such techniques. That her family’s crest, the one she had not worn in years, would appear on the wall of a murdered man’s apartments drawn in his own blood was a little harder to excuse however. “Yes, it seems that my family, and in particular my mother, are involved with this Mr X in some capacity.”

To what end and to what extent she didn’t know. She had intended to find out, on her own time and by her own methods, which was why she had not said anything at first; that was no longer possible now though and likely never had been. Still, she had wanted to keep these matters separate from the investigation; she had joined the OMR after breaking from her family and would prefer to keep the two from ever meeting.

Lest the latter become tainted.

“I would hope that this does not make me a suspect, seeing as how I rather publicly broke ties with the rest of the Faith family years ago. I would understand if this would lead you to request my removal from this investigation, however; seeing as how I am no longer… impartial in these matters.”

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