@King Cosmos@13org@AWACS@BigPapaBelial@Martian
With most of the group opting to go towards Minsk. Amanda had to stop Xaviron from voicing his opinion in the first place. "Xaviron, if you want to say that you want to go to Minsk. I have to stop and override that. I cannot just leave Amanda and Madeleine just like that, so I need you to stay with Amanda in Frankfurt and do the rather mundane job of sifting through the paperwork. So I'm sorry. If you choose to stay in Frankfurt though, then... sorry for interjecting you right there, but I was kinda fearing the worst."
In truth, she legitimately didn't expect to have so many individuals wanting to go with her to Minsk. Sure, it might be fun and all, busting down criminal hideouts and kicking ass, but the job assigned to the Frankfurt team is also very important, finding out the details of the various documents seized, tracking down the paper trail and all that. It might lead to the discovery of something very important in Germany that relates to this Mister X, and why he's funneling all these weapons and whatnot.
That being said. Amanda knew that she needs to rush to the Frankfurt airport at any moment. She has a flight to catch and with that being said. She turned towards the Minsk group and ushers them to the Black Mercedes, the same Black Mercedes that she was driving yesterday. "I hope you packed your bags for a 3 day vacation, because we're going right now."
She hopes that this is just a 3 day vacation, but a part of her is telling that the Minsk job might take a lil bit longer than just 3 days.
Androids are built to last. They are originally designed to be nigh indestructible due to the nature of their initial duties. An Android, if nothing else, is walking, intelligent, and very dangerous tank for anyone that incurs it's wrath. This is nothing new for Amanda, she knows that, sans magic, she is easily a member of one of the most powerful 'species' on this planet. A creation of humanity that is, assuming no magic, is physically, and in some measures, mentally, superior compared to humans.
She knows this, she noticed it during her early duties as a junior agent within the OMR. How... surprisingly brittle and weak humans are should they not know magic, and to an extent Dwarves, Elves, and the other Humanoids are as well. But that recognition of their common weakness also awakened something within her. A sense of care and empathy that she carefully nurtured and develop, to be a bit crass, it's like seeing a small creature being happy after you've pet them and feed them. It brings an emotional reaction within her Processing Unit that feels... nice.
And it really hurts her when she has to take drastic measures to kill humans should they try to hurt other Human/ Humanoid beings. She didn't show it during that fight against the bikers near that house, but after the dinner. Amanda felt... sad for some reason, no she didn't cry, she can't if she even wanted to, but a part of her laments the death of those bikers. Maybe they would've had a more fruitful life after their deaths. She certainly hoped so at least.
But it also angers her to see people that she cared for, people that she has spent a lot of time being alongside with, die to other creatures' malicious intentions. The pain she felt when she saw Android after Android be forcefully deactivated by the Abomination as the battle rages fills her with rage, a tinge of sadness for sure, but an overwhelming amount of rage. As the Space Battle develops and further develops, Amanda felt her evolution more and more into just some malicious intelligence, plotting about missile trajectories and maneuver corrections for her spaceships, all with the supreme intention of bringing about the demise of the abomination, rather than an intelligent, sapient being.
And it is these two emotions that clashes inside Amanda's Processing Unit as she surveys that wrecked car, she didn't know that their ride towards the OMR office in Minsk had somehow been noticed by Mister X's agents, but the black car that welcomed them as they exit the Airport Gates looked eerily similar to the various vehicles she drove around in official capacity. When these 'agents' bring their luggages into the trunk, they conducted themselves in a manner similar to practically every OMR agent she has encountered. Professional, Courtly, Polite.
But the moment the windows of the black car was rolled down, and two other black vehicles, one in the left and one in the right, rolled down their windows, and what came out were two people carrying some pretty heavy duty Soviet Magic rifles. She knew that they've been set up.
Acting quickly, she forcefully grabbed the wheel of the driver. Effectively crushing his hand, and swerved the car to the left, crashing into the leftward gunman and misfiring his shot. She then shouted out orders for Scarlett to prepare some sort of weapon, while she, her left hand still grabbing the steering wheel and crashing the man's hand, punched the other man's face relentlessly, ensuring he failed to grab his gun, before opening the door, unbuckling his seatbelt, making sure to punch him one more time, and then pushing him out the car.
Scarlett then somehow managed to unfurl a sort of Pistol from her magical pocket thingy, and started shooting the rightside vehicle, keeping them busy, while Faye and Micheal was busy trying to make sure the gunman on the leftside car wouldn't be able to fire his weapon properly. A chaotic whirl of magical portals Faye conjured up and Micheal, practically using his toned body to ensure his aim would consistently be off. Always knocking the gun sideways and punching the gunman.
It's already pretty chaotic. But it was turned to 11 as the Android noticed that the car would be running into a lightpole. Acting quickly, she decided to use her one free hand to punch the driver, her other hand still crushing his other hand, before knocking his head into the steering wheel, taking out the guy for the moment. She then told Faye to blink everyone out of here. But, it seems that in the chaos of the fight. Faye failed to blink Amanda herself to safety.
She somehow managed to keep the car from crashing into the lightpole. But had to jump out of the car as it was quickly heading into a brick wall instead. Tumbling about, the Android managed to regain her footing after a couple seconds in the ground. She surveyed the area, and then somehow managing to find the group, in the sidewalk, with Micheal and Scarlett looking a bit worse for wear, and Faye...
The Android quickly rushed to the group. "Scarlett. I need you to be on overwatch, I'm going to make sure Faye's alright, can you do that?" Not patient enough to hear a 'yes', she then switched to ordering Micheal as well. "Can you and your gods look for the other two vehicles as well? I'm not sure what sort of spells you might have but one that can enhance one's vision would be extremely useful right now."
Both hate and sadness are swirling in Amanda's mind as she quickly tended to Faye. "Hey... Hey Faye, are you alright?" She asked, her voice signaling visible concern as Amanda's hand lightly tapped the Magical Woman's cheeks. "C'mon, don't get knocked out just like that. I know that you're tougher than that."
She hopes for the best, but in case of a worst case situation. She has to go for a beeline straight towards the Minsk office, no matter what.

@Martian@King Cosmos
The Demonic woman quickly handed over Morgana and Xaviron a bunch of paperwork. "Alright, so, I've just scanned a bunch of these paperwork, and it kinda indicates that there might still be operations within the local region in Frankfurt. We're still not sure of what these operations are, or even if they're even affiliated with Mister X at all. But should you find something, like say, maybe some cult operating in the forests near here, or some individual within the German countryside being some Abomination worshipper or some wacky stuff like that. Just give me a ring okay? I'm personally going to analyze a bunch of boring accounting documents, finding accounting irregularities tend to lead to some interesting discoveries. But that's just me talking."
Madeleine isn't expecting today's work to be particularly rambunctious, unlike most of yesterday, but after the lunchbreak. She does plan on bringing both Morgana and Xaviron to interview that one person that gave Amanda such a hard time fighting against. He seems to be very much uncooperative if the other agents are to be believed. And she believes that Morgana and Xaviron working together might be able to solve things once and for all.
Or it can just turn out into some slow grind where information is eked out inch by inch, bah! No pessimistic thoughts to start the day, she thought to herself. Let's try to get the day off in a good mood, and reserve the madness for later.