Character Roster
Residents of Dawn

The affable and kind older leader of Dawn. He's been in the position for nearly forty years now, taking the position after his grandfather died. Truthfully, he wasn't originally cut out for the leadership position, but after seeing the drive of a young adventurer passing through he took it upon himself to lead Dawn to a brighter future. A gentle, but firm soul who will do what he must to assure Dawn's continued survival.
He lives in a longhouse near the northern edge of the village. Its been converted into a small library, and he can often be found either pouring over the various scrolls or about in the town seeing how the residents are doing.

A Dwarf that moved into Dawn with his baby daughter, Raelzeth some odd seventeen years ago to free himself of the strict caste systems of Azurumnal. A skilled smith that makes most of the hunters weapons in Dawn, along with generally helping with the construction of new houses and other things. He doesn't talk about his wife, or his life in Azurumnal much but he's generally a friendly dwarf.

The daughter of Asvar, a Shadow Elf carrying Dwarvish. Unlike Asvar, she has no interest in helping at the forge even if she spends most days there helping her dad. A bit of a trouble maker, prefers spending time practicing her magical abilities rather than swinging a sword. Tends to do whatever she wants, and if something doesn't interest her she'll often give them a fairly blank look before picking their pockets and running off cackling like a gremlin.
She doesn't usually get very far.

A hardy man who's lived in Dawn all his life. A general craftsman who helps make...well just about anything. Butcher animals? He's your guy. Need a canoe carved? Him and his boys can help. Need a house built? Him and his boys are who you call. Was a hunter in his youth though after taking an injury from the Kyrnith he's settled on this simple, though as he puts, fulfilling life. Has been friends with Enli for a good portion of his life.

A priestess who adheres to the Moon Goddess teachings. Carries a completely empty book with blank pages. She says occasionally the goddess reveals parts of her divine book to her, though none can ever seem to verify this. She spends most of her time in the old temple, where she attends to the sick and injured, doing her best to heal through the power of the Moon Goddess blessings.

A curious little Chiralta, who despite her unusual appearance insists she is completely normal. She came to the village quite awhile ago, and seems to have been here just as long or even longer than Enli. She typically keeps to herself, living in the catacombs beneath the church where the residents of Dawn are sometimes interred if not cast into the sea for a sea burial. A friendly sort, though her odd behavior can sometimes be a bit off-putting. Her foreign style of dresses seem a bit out of place, as most Chiralta prefer lighter garb.
She seems to avoid Calra whenever possible.

Runs both a small library, potion and fabrics shop, and will read your fortune for the low low price of you telling her she's cute. Despite her smaller size, she is a fully grown Chiralta, and also possesses the strength of her species though has decided to pursue more scholarly aspects instead thanks to her mom. Her reasons for leaving the Caravan aren't exactly clear, but she says she just feels as though this is where she belongs.
Her dress, not of typical Chiralta fashion, was made by herself after seeing Achels.

A young girl that has been in Dawn...well, its hard for anyone to remember. She's always just sorta been there? No one can remember her not being there. Her parents died in a fishing accident when she was young, and Enli helped raise her. Has been friends with Akanda since then, being of similar ages. A curious girl who spends time shirking any work and often instead going into the forest by herself, bringing no end of concern to Akando and the others who are certain she'll end up hurt...doesn't help she purposefully tries to lose them if they try following.

A quiet huntress who lives by herself some distance into the village. A little older than Lazhira. Quiet, shy, but silent and deadly with a bow. Has a wolf pet she's named rather simply Tallen. Doesn't speak to others much, and often keeps to herself. Still, she's a skilled huntress and survivalist and has bailed many a hunter out of a fairly dangerous situation within the forest with an uncanny ability to find those in danger or in need of help. Despite being roughly the same age as Lazhira, Akando, and Soyala, she's rarely interacted with any of her peers beyond this.

A bit of a serious, goal oriented woman who seems to find some form of enjoyment in hunting dangerous beasts. A bit of a severe woman who takes what she wants and gets what she wants without regard for what others want. Not very popular, but an effective and skilled hunter. Rumors say she worships - or at least has her hands in a cult that does - the Illuminator.

A young man who many consider to be the best hunter in the village. Strong of body, mind, and with a strong arm and spear he only desires Dawn to survive no matter the cost. This can lead to him coming off as fairly unfriendly and standoffish, but he treat those he's close to with a kindness most wouldn't. A stalwart and loyal friend, and should you break that trust and loyalty you will find him exacting some form of revenge in the manner he deems suitable.
Otherwise, he's one of the best friends you could have asked for.
-Local Map-

Dawn: What was once the largest village of human civilization north of the Sky Reach mountains, has been drastically reduced to the size of a small village in the wake of a terrible blizzard brought on by the migration path of Azral Suralng. With only a population of barely one hundred left, the village will continue to survive as it always has, despite this.
Goddess Spear: An ancient obelisk made of jet black stone shoved into the earth upon the edge of a cliff over looking the western sea. No one remembers quite how it got there, but legends say the goddess planted a spear here to seal something. Ruins of what was once a grand building of some sort rest here.
Towren Coast: The seas off the shores of dawn. Constantly cold and its not odd to see an iceberg or two floating past. A few boats from the village can often be seen out in the distance, fishing in the shallower waters with large nets, bringing them back to shore. A main staple for the villages diet.
Icewind River: A freshwater river that starts near the foothills of Skys reach, flows through the Kyr's forest and then out to the Towren sea. A favorite grazing spot for many forest animals and where the village gets a good fair bit of its fresh water from. Safe enough to travel as long as one doesn't go in too deep.
Kyr Forest: The forest of the Kyrnith. A place normally fairly hostile to humans and mortals that travel here. Normally only hunters or a few brave villagers decide to ever step foot here. While the forests bounty is good, its dangers aren't to be laughed at, especially if one runs into the Elder Beast Kyrnith. A powerful forest guardian of wind.
Kyrnith's Grove: Situated close to the southwester edge of the forest, is a silent grove where the blue furred deer that belong to the Kyrnith call home and graze from the lush grasses that are allowed to grow within its influence. Normally, going here is a death sentence for most people. The Kyrnith does not allow anyone to step here without reason...yet if one were to look, they would find a small shrine with fresh offerings.
Deep Kyr Forest: A place not even the hunters go, out of the influence of the Kyrnith even. Dangerous beasts and creatures lurk here, allowed to grow strong due to the safety the forest provided. Dangerous and odd rumors abound. Strange lights, a horrific two-legged humanoid monster with a deer skull for a head. Laughter from the trees, and a gloom that hangs over it even during the day.
Sages Lake: An odd, crystal clear lake that exists deep within the forest. Supposedly the Sage Urumna cleaned their body here after they became the Moon Goddess' Lover, freeing her from her prison. They say that on days of a new moon, on clear nights where stars are visible...the Sage may still be found here occasionally.
Origin Fields: An expanse of snow and wind that stretches from the Kyr Forest all the way to the Sky Reach mountains. Supposedly this field is where humans first stepped out into the new world from the Moonless Era. Ruins are scattered liberally through the land. Perhaps some remains of a once prosperous civilization. Snow-wraiths and similar monsters make their homes here. Occasionally vagrants and vagabonds looking for trouble will camp in the ruins...rare an ice Giant strolls down from Sky's Reach.
Northern Territories: To the North of Dawn, lays another expansive snow field. Though usually of pleasant weather, the rolling hills of snow and sun can often give the impression of a desert due to very little precipitation. Crossing the field is easy enough, if one can avoid the monsters that inhabit the area. Eventually one will find themselves coming to a place where the world almost drops off, a steep cliff as though someone had simply sheared part of the world off...the Krysa and Yaga call this place home.
Eastern Territories: A mostly unexplored inland area - it is also where the Elder Beast Azral Suralng migrated too. As a result, a thick wall of impenetrable ice and wind has coated and covered the area beyond the Kyrnith's forest. Whatever could exist there is likely being buried...and the Elder Beast does not look as though it will be moving for the foreseeable future.
Sky's Reach: The mountainous region that one could say splits the land of Lyreneth in half. A tall, dangerous region where the Elder Beast Steineter resides and causes the earth to tremble from its presence. Dwarves and Shadow Elves make the place their home, though as isolationist as they are, they rarely interact with residents of Dawn...though perhaps that could change in the near future.