OK here's my villain app.
"As I strike, I strike with the strength of my Legion."
Name: Horus Lupercal
Nicknames/Titles: Warmaster, the Favored Son, the Wolf of Luna
Age: Roughly 200
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Heroic Villain
Personality: Famed for his charisma and leadership skill, Horus is as mighty an ally as he is feared an enemy. At once ruthless, pragmatic, intelligent, and discerning. While he can project an appearance of stony stoicism, a cauldron of burning rage boils underneath the surface. While he pays homage to the savage warrior culture of his adopted homeworld, he comes off as a cultured diplomat of his father's new Imperium. Despite his trappings, Horus is a warlord above all else: a fearless genius of command, unconquerable on the battlefield. Despite all this, he is eaten away at the inside. His ambition to prove himself to his father and amongst his brothers creates a terrible self-inflicted pressure. Horus is riddled with insecurities and doubts, and finds his new position puts him under tremendous strain.
Biography: In the grim, dark future of mankind, there is only war, and the stars echo with the laughter of thirsting gods. The newly crowned and self-proclaimed Emperor of Mankind staked his claim on the birthplace of mankind, Terra, and prepared his forces to conquer the stars under his banner. To that end, he bent his psychic might and mastery of arcane genetic science to craft twenty perfect sons from his own godlike genetic material. However, the malevolent forces of Chaos swept his demigod children away, scattering them across the galaxy. To recover them, the Emperor embarked on his Great Crusade, following psychic guidance to recover his lost sons.
Horus was the first to be recovered of his brothers, on a near-Terra world called Cthonia. He spent his youth there, fighting for survival amongst the gangs and tribes of that ruined world. For thirty years he alone stood at the Emperor's side, where Horus learned and grew much, and they became great friends. As more of the Emperor's sons rejoined them and assumed command of the legions crafted for them, Horus remained first among equals, the Emperor's most trusted companion. It was little wonder then, that among all of the Emperor's sons, Horus was chosen to become Warmaster and lead the Great Crusade in his father's stead. Now that the Emperor has retired to Terra to pursue his experiments in the Imperial Dungeon, Horus has been left with the tremendous burden of conquering the galaxy in his name.
Powers/Skills: Horus is foremost a Primarch, one of twenty genetically-engineered demigods created by the Emperor of Mankind, the species's foremost expert on human genetic enhancement. Furthermore, they have been imbued with raw psycho-divine power through the Emperor's psychic might and dealings with terrible beings beyond the veil. The result is a truly superhuman being: massive and brutal in stature, titanic in strength and endurance, with an undying body. Primarchs carry the divine spark of the Emperor, giving them some portion of his psychic genius, typically expressed through supernatural charisma.
Known by some as "the god of battle," Horus has a genius strategic intellect, as well as a savage mastery of combat itself. These are honed by centuries of warfare and combat experience. It was not for nothing that Horus was considered foremost among his superhuman kind. Just as legendary as his power and skills are his armaments. Horus is clad in the Serpent Scales, his intimidating suit of black terminator armor. A unique prototype, the personal project of the Fabricator-General of Mars, this massive suit of armor boasts numerous tactical and life support systems, and is proof against attacks both mundane and esoteric in nature. Horus fights with two weapons at once, a combat style that is part unbridled fury, part measured cruelty. In his right hand he wields the Talon of Horus, a lightning-charged claw rumored to be an ancient piece of forbidden technology, with a mounted belt-fed storm-bolt cannon firing heliothermic bolt rounds. His left hand carries Worldbreaker, a monstrous power-maul said to have been crafted by the Emperor himself.
Other: Do I need to do this again?

"As I strike, I strike with the strength of my Legion."
Name: Horus Lupercal
Nicknames/Titles: Warmaster, the Favored Son, the Wolf of Luna
Age: Roughly 200
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Heroic Villain
Personality: Famed for his charisma and leadership skill, Horus is as mighty an ally as he is feared an enemy. At once ruthless, pragmatic, intelligent, and discerning. While he can project an appearance of stony stoicism, a cauldron of burning rage boils underneath the surface. While he pays homage to the savage warrior culture of his adopted homeworld, he comes off as a cultured diplomat of his father's new Imperium. Despite his trappings, Horus is a warlord above all else: a fearless genius of command, unconquerable on the battlefield. Despite all this, he is eaten away at the inside. His ambition to prove himself to his father and amongst his brothers creates a terrible self-inflicted pressure. Horus is riddled with insecurities and doubts, and finds his new position puts him under tremendous strain.
Biography: In the grim, dark future of mankind, there is only war, and the stars echo with the laughter of thirsting gods. The newly crowned and self-proclaimed Emperor of Mankind staked his claim on the birthplace of mankind, Terra, and prepared his forces to conquer the stars under his banner. To that end, he bent his psychic might and mastery of arcane genetic science to craft twenty perfect sons from his own godlike genetic material. However, the malevolent forces of Chaos swept his demigod children away, scattering them across the galaxy. To recover them, the Emperor embarked on his Great Crusade, following psychic guidance to recover his lost sons.
Horus was the first to be recovered of his brothers, on a near-Terra world called Cthonia. He spent his youth there, fighting for survival amongst the gangs and tribes of that ruined world. For thirty years he alone stood at the Emperor's side, where Horus learned and grew much, and they became great friends. As more of the Emperor's sons rejoined them and assumed command of the legions crafted for them, Horus remained first among equals, the Emperor's most trusted companion. It was little wonder then, that among all of the Emperor's sons, Horus was chosen to become Warmaster and lead the Great Crusade in his father's stead. Now that the Emperor has retired to Terra to pursue his experiments in the Imperial Dungeon, Horus has been left with the tremendous burden of conquering the galaxy in his name.
Powers/Skills: Horus is foremost a Primarch, one of twenty genetically-engineered demigods created by the Emperor of Mankind, the species's foremost expert on human genetic enhancement. Furthermore, they have been imbued with raw psycho-divine power through the Emperor's psychic might and dealings with terrible beings beyond the veil. The result is a truly superhuman being: massive and brutal in stature, titanic in strength and endurance, with an undying body. Primarchs carry the divine spark of the Emperor, giving them some portion of his psychic genius, typically expressed through supernatural charisma.
Known by some as "the god of battle," Horus has a genius strategic intellect, as well as a savage mastery of combat itself. These are honed by centuries of warfare and combat experience. It was not for nothing that Horus was considered foremost among his superhuman kind. Just as legendary as his power and skills are his armaments. Horus is clad in the Serpent Scales, his intimidating suit of black terminator armor. A unique prototype, the personal project of the Fabricator-General of Mars, this massive suit of armor boasts numerous tactical and life support systems, and is proof against attacks both mundane and esoteric in nature. Horus fights with two weapons at once, a combat style that is part unbridled fury, part measured cruelty. In his right hand he wields the Talon of Horus, a lightning-charged claw rumored to be an ancient piece of forbidden technology, with a mounted belt-fed storm-bolt cannon firing heliothermic bolt rounds. His left hand carries Worldbreaker, a monstrous power-maul said to have been crafted by the Emperor himself.
Other: Do I need to do this again?