"Well if you seem to think you are so much better then everyone else, go ahead, get out of here and go "deal with it yourself" then why don't you, since you clearly think you can handle everything yourself. Oh wait? Is it because you actually can't? Feel free to go off and get yourself killed within 5 minutes alone if you entered that area. Or do you just clearly expect them to just ignore your entire existence or something?" Mary snapped at Jade, since she was really getting on her nerves. How the hell could the other two who were with her even stand to be within 5 feet of her?
Lance decided that it was probably a better solution to ignore Jade, as fighting seemed to just make things worse and continue to sort of engage in the arguing and fighting, so he turned his attention entirely towards Ed when he asked what people could do. "I can control light, and stuff like that... Though I typically use it to craft shields and for healing, as opposed to actively using them for combat..." he explained with a shrug. He wasn't a fighter, he didn't even know what to do in a fight. His powers were more sporadic, and not exactly the best. He had come up with way more ways to use his powers for support or defensive purposes, even though he probably could create just about anything that he wanted to.
"Things are just hectic. My powers are a bit obvious, most people at this point know what I do. And seriously doubt many people outside of this city trust me. Doubt too many really trust me in the city either. But eh, whatever," Pietro responded with a bit of an eye roll in general. Of course, he knew that the Brotherhood and that group didn't trust him because he left the Brotherhood for the X-Men in the first place, and he knew others didn't trust him because he had switched once before, what was stopping him from doing it again?
Mary turned her attention away from Jade and looked at Ed now, "I control plant life, all aspects of it, down to a cellular level. Learned a few other tricks I didn't even think about, but that's all I'll say on it. What the hell are you all able to do?" she then asked in turn, since it wasn't exactly plainly obvious (aside from Ed being able to heal people) he fact that Jade was obviously a human and didn't even really have super powers of her own, so the question was more for him and Thalia.
Thalia was sort of glad at the moment that Jade seemed to more or less be removing herself from the situation and going to go call Jakobsen. If she hadn't, Thalia likely would have suggested it in the first place anyway. Since it was plainly obvious that Jade was not going to get along well with everyone else. And despite how Jade seemed to be acting at times, they really really did need the help. The more help they had, the better. "...I can do a few different things... One of the things is kind of the dragon wings that I can have sprout from my back. Claws, and breathing fire and all included..." she commented. There were a few other things that likely would be useful to mention, but one of them was something that she wasn't too sure about mentioning. That being her ability to control time, or at least, in a minor way. She at most has been able to have things go backwards an hour or two, but that was about it. It wasn't super powerful, and going back that far tended to give her a major headache or something.
Having calmed down a little bit from the existence that was Jade, Mary was able to fully pay attention to what others had said, including Cass' question towards her. "...I can, probably rather easily. The difficulty would be making enough of that sort of plant life in order to cover the entire area. And there is no guarantee that whatever sort of spores I created would enter the actual building itself. But that sort of thing shouldn't be too difficult. Just might take a little bit to find something that easily would be strong enough to effect everyone in the area."
Another thought did cross her mind about it though that she didn't state out loud, and that was to just poison everyone in that area. They wouldn't have to deal with them getting back up (as most likely would end up dead) aside from those with a healing factor, and it would be so much simpler to just release an extremely large dose of a deadly poison into the area, as opposed to a knock out gas or spore. Plus she felt like it might make her feel a little better, since it would decimate a lot of Magneto's forces, and make it easier for them to potentially kill him. Yup, that was a lovely thought that crossed her mind, and she likely was going to end up doing it like that anyway.