"Just my luck, getting to babysit some super-brats...It'll be interesting, at least."
Name: Atsushi Fukuda
Alias: N/A....?
Nicknames: Director, Fukuda-San (by some of his staff he's more personal with)
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Personality: Atsushi has the kind of personality that rubs higher-ups the wrong way; where they would prefer secrecy and subtlety, he prefers being upfront and brutally honest, in a business where, truth be told, deceptions are the norm. Not to say he won't, because he's also a smart enough man to recognize some necessity in the system...But he doesn't budge when he can afford not to, and won't hesitate to handle things his way when given the chance. He fully believes all the bureaucratic bullshit is nothing more than that. Bullshit. Sadly, it's the kinda bullshit you can't just wipe off clean and good as new. Something had to change....But for now, this status quo would need to stick.
Beyond the business aspects of things, Fukuda prefers to be as amicable as possible with those he interacts with. Not always because he actually likes or appreciates these individuals; in fact, more often than not, that certainly isn't the case. However, he finds it easier to play nice and not start shit when he can help it. This even extends to violent situations, where he'd rather turn to his words over full-blown combat...And for some reason, you can get the sense from him that it isn't because he can't hold his own. It's a courtesy.
Overall, Fukuda-San might not be the kindest authority figure, but he knows how to extend an olive branch, and he wants to. You'd be surprised how rare that can be amongst those in power...And ultimately, while he might snark or groan, he has high hopes for The Wards Initiative. After all, he's the one that pitched it. Though he can't claim he fully anticipated being the one to head it...
Appearance: Atsushi tries to keep his look professional, even if his attitude usually isn't. He wears a sleek black suit, on which he typically keeps a PRT badge pinned on the side, and underneath that is a crisp white dress shirt, long-sleeved and perfectly ironed. His dark red tie, a bit out of shape from years of use, is a token from his days back in Japan, and he wears it anywhere he goes. His pants are a matching shade of black to his suit, and he normally wears field-ready brown boots. Perhaps in the hopes he can get out of the office work from time to time...
During colder days, he opts for a fairly puffy black coat and a pair of snow boots; wintertime gets pretty awful down in Redline, truth be told.
Physically speaking, Fukuda appears to be a fairly unassuming Japanese man, standing at roughly 5'9 and weighing barely 140 lbs., he doesn't look the most intimidating or tough. Kind of a string bean, almost, but those who can catch details can tell that in spite of first appearances, he's well-trained and tougher than he looks. Beyond that, he has a mess of brown hair that he clearly doesn't put too much thought or effort into, and steely grey eyes that can come off as equal parts intimidating and unassuming. His skin tone's gotten a bit pale, but that's to be expected being stuck behind a desk for nearly two years.
Biography: Atsushi Fukuda's life story...Isn't what you're getting here. What you need to know is that he's a man whose been through plenty of shit and come out on top or at least alive in order to be here. While his attitude might give you the wrong impression, he's a man whose earned a lot of respect for his work, even if most of it is widely unknown by the public, prior to him becoming the Director of Redline's PRT. And after becoming the Director, he's got a lot of big plans in mind, both for the PRT at large, Redline, and even Capes in general, if he can get his way without crashing and burning.
Thus, The Wards Initiative.
The quantity, not even mentioning quality, of Hero Capes has slowly been going down, while villains keep digging their way from the woodworks. Something had to change....And Fukuda offered an answer. It's common for most Capes to have their Trigger Events when they're younger, and without proper guidance or watch, they're bound to strike off on their own and eventually end up on the wrong side of the law. This Initiative could change that; take young Capes and help mold them into the upstanding figures they could become! Or at the very least, get some vigilantes and...Vaguely reasonable youthful super-crooks under wraps. 'Course, when he made the pitch, Fukuda didn't count on being the guy having to manage all these munchkins...But sometimes, ya deal with the hand you're dealt. This is one of those times.
Now, let's see if he can get these brats into fighting shape...
- Atsushi has experience in spades, both as a field combatant and an off-field director.
- In spite of his build, he's well-trained in a few forms of martial arts and quite physically capable.
- Fukuda seems to possess a natural mind for stratagem and foreseeing potential outcomes. No doubt some of the qualities that landed him this position.
- His marksmanship is top-notch, even if he rarely has reason to put that into practice.
- Fukuda-San is very skilled with reading individuals; perhaps the main reason they chose him to head this Initiative.
Other: Atsushi has a hobby of buying guns, and appreciates being able to take them apart and admire the craftsmanship before putting it back together, sometimes with his own little touches. Not a Tinker by far though, just something he does for fun.
Andrew Bennett
Hope Manipulation
"He's a strange one, that's certain enough. Shows up out of the blue wanting to join the Initiative, but all we have on record is that he's some orphan from down near the shipyard. Nothing that would've indicated any gifts, or incidents to trigger said gifts. Not even gonna mention how weird that power is. But the kid seems sincere enough. More than I can say for some of the others..."
"What a cutie! You'd be lucky to meet a guy as wholesome as little Andy, even among other Heroes. I think he'll be a great addition to The Wards! Fukuda's just being a bit paranoid. Suppose it's in the job description..."
Sean Evens
Scaling Superhuman Feats
"I can't ask for much better, honestly. While he has his attitude, and he certainly chaffs under the PRT, he's got his heart in the right place, and his ability is nothing short of impressive; speedster, muscle and brick wall, all in one? What's not to like?"
"He's the 'rough around the edges' sort if I ever saw one. But if his old vigilante work was anything to go off of, I think it's hiding a sweet center! I just hope he can drop that guard of his down a bit among The Wards."
Gray Man
Wilbur Levin
Unnatural Believability
"Ugh...I know we offered some kids with shaky track records a chance to set things straight, but this guy? A Master who compulsively tells believable lies? Christ...Well, beyond his grating personality and seeming desire for attention, at the very least, I'd be remiss to deny the fact of how useful someone like him could be in the long run. I just hope we make it that long to appreciate it..."
"Woof. I'm not one to be too negative, but Will here looks to be a handful. I mean, he got to visit for one day. One day. And now we have 'The Coffee Incident'! Well...I'm sure he has his reasons, and maybe being among some peers will do him good! I hope..."
Beverly Hillshire
Randomly-Generated Tinkertech
"Sheesh...I mean, yay, Tinker, but really? When I heard the rumors of 'The Shipyard Tinker', I...Expected more. Instead, we get a girl whose a veritable grab bag of soon-to-be war crimes or party favors; pick your poison. Oh well, at least she's polite."
"What. A. Sweetheart! It's great to have someone around who gets it, you know? Er, not to say the lovely folks who test all the Tinkertech don't get it...Ehehe...Well, what I'm saying is, it's nice to not be the only one around here! It helps that she's sweeter than a shortcake, too! Speaking of, I think something she left here has been making shortcakes ad nauseum with no way to stop it..."
Jane Rosner
Human-Compatible/Heavy-Machinery Tinkertech
"We're not positive where this young lady's from, exactly, and when the PRT can't figure something out, it turns some heads. Needless to say, similarly to Hope, Scraprig's a wild card; one we'll be keeping a close eye on. She also comes off as a touch unhinged. Eh, that's Tinkers for you though. Just hope she can hold herself together when they have to meet the others....Is that insensitive given the arm?"
"Aww, poor girl looks like she thinks something's gonna come at her any minute...Wish I could do something. Hopefully the other Wards can help her out of it, hate seeing someone like that, you know?...
On an entirely unrelated note, from Tinker to Tinker, I'm very impressed with her handiwork. Eh? Get it? Heh....I-I'm done for now."
On an entirely unrelated note, from Tinker to Tinker, I'm very impressed with her handiwork. Eh? Get it? Heh....I-I'm done for now."
Edwin Charles
Preservative Teleportation
"Now I'm not sure how useful Eddy here'll be on the field...But the point is, he has to be on it. Something's gotta change with this kid so that he doesn't just keep getting others injured; or worse. This path's gonna be pretty thorny for all parties involved...But it just might work. If he can get a grip on himself, he might actually make a halfway decent Ward."
"Oh goodness...While I hope he can come into his own and learn more about his ability among The Wards, I'm a bit concerned how much danger he could place the others in...Well, I trust Fukuda's judgement, and I think we can both agree that seeing this young man blossom would be a sight to see!"
Carmen Foster
Object Replication [Blaster 6/Shaker 6 (Tinker)]
"Honestly, just ignoring the little lady herself for a second...Her Power was hard as shit to classify, ugh. Eventually everyone just threw their hands up and decided on this. It's....Close enough. The girl in question, though? No complaints. She's pretty cheery (which is welcome given most the applicants) and smart to boot. She's a bit awkward, but she definitely can't be any worse than a few of the others. Scared shitless of that mother though...."
"She's great! That power of hers is something else, and I'm not just saying that because she cost a few of our interns a week of sleep trying to figure it out! It's creative as all get-out, and really applicable if she puts her mind to it, which I'm certain she can! She's the youngest of the bunch, but I think I speak for most of us when I say we've got high hopes for her."
Aaliyah Zaire
Connecting Portals [Mover 6 (Blaster)]
"I'll be damned; we got our own Gatecrasher. Alright, I might be overselling her a bit, but this kinda ability is a 1 in 100 lottery ticket as far as teams go. Even if she might not be on the same level as the old 'Crasher, transport of any sort is incredibly useful, and exceptionally powerful in almost any scenario. As for Aaliyah? Well, she's polite enough, if a bit bull-headed (though perhaps not as bull-headed as another Mover we have around...). Nothing we can't manage. Seems like the pleasant sort, and she has a Power most would beg for, so she's great in my books. Real talk, though? The hell is a Gress?"
"First of all, I really need to thank her for the costume she put out! Definitely far from my comfort zone, but that just made it more interesting! Had to get some help from...Tech Wizard, but it's all fine and good. Oh, wait, gotta talk about her beyond the whole suit thing....Well, she's great! We've got plenty of nice people, but she seems to go the extra mile, and, well...Let's just say I can relate to her wanting things to be just right. I think she'll fit right in! Oh, and I understood the meaning behind your Cape name, unlike a certain someone...Very clever!"
Morgan Reine
Duplicating Assimilator [Master 2/Stranger 2/Striker/Changer (Brute, Mover) 5+]
"I'll admit, even some of the best Cape teams don't have the luxury of someone who can fix your bones or get you an arm back, and Memento fills that role. That alone makes her invaluable. Now, the methods behind it, and frankly her Power in general, are a bit...Concerning, but part of this program is keeping an eye on potential trouble just as much as it is trying to make them the next generation of Heroes. Beyond that though, she's a great addition with the possibilities she opens up Power-wise. Oh, and the girl herself is fine enough. Maybe a bit of a developing martyr complex there...But, as far as The Wards go, perfectly manageable. Thank God."
"I have to admit, when me and Fukuda were showing her around with the tour, she came off as a bit icy...At first, at least. Looks like she's quick to guard, but just as quick to drop it! She's a sweet girl, but I'm worried about her being too hard on herself...Something to work on. And I happen to agree with Fukuda, her ability is something else! I think if we got Cryogenesis to lend us one of his Cryo-Lab set-ups, we might help her contain the duplicates in a more preferable way. How exciting~!"
Caiden Mckay
Kinetic Blades [Blaster 6/Shaker]
"Marking down as the third ne'er-do-well kid we nabbed up for this program, Caiden's got his own problems, but at least he doesn't come with Will's power issues, or Jane's complete lack of social graces. Anger problems are the main thing I'd point out, but luckily, those are manageable...If he's willing. I've got some hope for him. Helps that he's the only proper Blaster candidate we got..."
"I have to agree with Fukuda on the anger point, especially given how he got caught up in all this...Still, if he's able to put that behind him and make an honest effort, I'm certain he'll make a great Ward! Just hoping he doesn't butt heads with anyone..."
Kari Simmons
Precision Forcefields [Shaker 5/Thinker 0]
"Apparently a recent addition to The Guardians, got carted off here to help oversee The Wards Initiative along with the rest of our 'Redline Guardians'. Talk about out of the frying pan and into the fire...Well anyhow, her Power might not rank high statistically, but overall it's pretty impressive. Not Guardian by any stretch, but still welcome to have around. And the woman behind the ability seems competent enough, though with a confidence I wouldn't expect from such a newcomer..."
"I haven't personally met Kari yet, but she sounds lovely! I'm hoping she can serve as a good example to The Wards alongside the rest of the Redline Guardians...Except maybe Trump Card. Not a fan, truth be told. Er, anyhoo, yeah! I'm positive Presidio can make a difference in the city, and with any luck, allow us a bit more freedom with training the newcomers!"
Jason West
Regenerative Strengthening [Brute 8 (Changer)]
"Risen's a damn powerhouse, truth be told; rumor has it people have seen the guy regenerate from barely a third of his body staying intact, and while it isn't instant, it's far from slow either. He's probably getting pretty damn close to being on-par with Amazon, which is a feat in and of itself. As for Jason himself? Extreme Martyr Complex, probably stemming from his Power. Beyond that? Pretty nice guy. Had smoothies with him once."
"His Power is a bit too...Visceral for me, but as of late he's rarely even been injured. Fukuda saying he isn't far off from Amazon herself isn't so far-fetched...But as for the man behind the mask (metaphor, he doesn't actually wear a mask though), Jason's a sweet guy, and you can tell he really cares for other people, and this city. Perhaps to a detrimental extent, but if anyone were to put their life on the line, I suppose it's best to be the one who'll still be standing afterwards."
Trump Card
Richter Vandenhoff
Inversed Power Duplication [Trump 5]
"I'll be blunt; Richter's an ass. A charming ass, but an ass. In front of a camera, he's all smooth moves and suave vibes, but put him outside that lens and I daresay he's as much a degenerate as some of the people we try to put behind bars, the only difference being he works for us. Obnoxious to a fault, arrogant beyond compare (especially for his contrived as shit Power), and having a certain...Attitude towards the fairer sex, it's no wonder they tossed his sorry ass down here. Maybe they're hoping Redline'll whip him in shape. If any place could...."
"I mirror the Director's sentiments, and for my own minor addition...I hope to never meet him again. Eugh. It's no small miracle he hasn't had his membership stripped away...I wouldn't be surprised if someone in the PRT or otherwise has been pulling strings for him."
Mitchell McConway
Energy-Based Firearms [Tinker 6 (Blaster, Shaker)]
"I've gotta say, for all the Tinkers I've met in my life (even looking at you, Rachel), Mitch has got his shit put together. Not only one of the youngest Guardians I've met (guy's barely 20), but he's polite, has a bit of 'friendly neighborhood' kinda charisma to him, and enough cheek to make a splash with the youth. Plus, I mean, half his weapons look like they could've come from XCOM, and that has to count for something."
"Mitchell is great! Brings some of the youthful energy that The Guardians have been lacking a bit nowadays, so he's a pleasant change of pace for Redline as well. And, well, this might be some Power bias here, but he certainly knows what he's doing with those guns, even though he's only been active for the better half of this year. A rising star if I ever saw one!"
Valerie Jakobs
Monster-Wolf Transformation [Changer 4/Brute 6]
"Valerie, or Val as she prefers, is an...Interesting case. Not too long ago, she actually went by the villain name of Fang, with her partner Claw; she turns into a giant fucking wolf Monster, and he had claws that possessed some weird Breaker bullshit effect, could cut through space or some such. Point is, after the incident with the Seven in New York left her as a solo act, she came crawling to the PRT. I'd almost feel bad if it weren't for the kinda shit she pulled before...Regardless, she's trying to turn a new leaf. Clearly hard for her, but she's making an effort, and her ability isn't anything to scoff at. A welcome addition to the Redline Guardians' motley crew."
"Fukuda might be cold, but I can honestly feel for her. The New York attack from The Seven was an awful tragedy, and that she lost her love during it fighting those Monsters makes the both of them heroes in my book. She has some reparations to make, but there's an honest effort there. I'm really hoping for the best for her..."
Illusory Gentleman
Illusion [Stranger 6; potential unknown Master Hybrid abilities]
"He's a new kid on the block, and I hate him already. You'd be surprised just how often 'fake it 'till you make it' is applicable to superpowered crime. Apparently, according to some eyewitness accounts from our field ops (assuming this smug bastard's actually ever been on the field, and it hasn't been more elaborate illusionary hoax crap), he's capable of creating illusions up to a few blocks away from his position, and they can be shocking in-depth; he can create visual, auditory, and even sensory illusion work, not to mention the fact that on occasion, it seems like his illusions hold up to physical inspection as well. For all we fucking know, he's actually just making matter out of thin air instead of faking our minds. Hate being so out of the loop..."
The individual known as Illusory Gentleman is a young Caucasian male of roughly 16-18 years of age, with shoulder-length platinum-blonde hair, assuming there is no illusions at work here as well. He has been cited as coming off as arrogant, and has a desire to flaunt his ability. He is also known to 'play up' his crimes with illusion work, making things more grandiose than they really are. Judging from this and his current record, he seems to appreciate playing the villain more than being one. He has been known to occasionally assist in the capture of other criminal elements, though this is not cause to trust him. Safely assume at all times that Gentleman is always making moves in his own interest.
As is the case with all 5+ Strangers, it is highly recommended to maintain constant communication between team members, and implement passwords to identify one another to ensure no foul play is afoot. Additionally, due to his unknown Master-potential at play, it is recommended that, if line-of-sight is established, to take down with extreme, though non-lethal, prejudice before more complications arise. Otherwise, make cautious moves and try to identify more factors to his Powers.
Current knowledge implies he is not working for any of the known organizations or gangs running amok in Redline. If information that contradicts this is discovered, you are to alert a superior at once.
As is the case with all 5+ Strangers, it is highly recommended to maintain constant communication between team members, and implement passwords to identify one another to ensure no foul play is afoot. Additionally, due to his unknown Master-potential at play, it is recommended that, if line-of-sight is established, to take down with extreme, though non-lethal, prejudice before more complications arise. Otherwise, make cautious moves and try to identify more factors to his Powers.
Current knowledge implies he is not working for any of the known organizations or gangs running amok in Redline. If information that contradicts this is discovered, you are to alert a superior at once.
Mineral-Based Armor [Brute 5+/Changer 2 (presumed Blaster/Shaker rating of minimum 5 until rumor of Terrakinesis is disproven)]
"Stone's been a pain in the PRT's side ever since he started The Mutants. God only knows what his problem is with us...I mean, I could think of a few, but that was rhetorical. Point is, he makes it his goal to make us look like a bunch of laughing, joking numbnuts. And I'm loathe to admit it...But as of late, he's been managing pretty well. His power might not sound like much, but you'll change that tune when you see the guy terraform a street to make the equivalent of a stone mecha. He's managed to go toe-to-toe with the Redline Guardians on a few occasions...Hell, truth be told, The Elementals had an easier time contending with him. But regardless, he might as well be priority Number One on our list of shitheels to get into custody. Needless to say, he hasn't made that easy."
The individual known as Stone has not been identified fully, but in one altercation where only his exposed skin and head were encased in rock at the beginning, it gave us a picture as to the kind of man he is. Above-average build, roughly standing 6'2 and likely weighing nearly 200 lbs. All muscle. A distinct build, that of a bodybuilder; a very dedicated one. His personality is one of forwardness. He does not dance around problems or play verbal spars. He will tell you what he thinks, and afterwards, he'll likely try to kill you. There is something to be said about a man of few words...
In the case of an attack, it is to be presumed standard munitions will not pierce his armor, so lethal munitions and truck emplacements are authorized. Property damage is to be expected from a Brute of his level, and especially so given the nature of his ability; ideally, lead any combat with him to an open area, with as little metal or stone in the area as possible. A tall order for this city, but it is requested nonetheless. It is recommended those who do not possess a Brute rating equal or higher than his (which can fluctuate depending on the mass accrued for his armor) do not engage in direct combat. He will be large, dangerous, and faster than you expect.
He is the leader of a quickly spreading gang known as The Mutants, and he rules alongside a small contingent of other Powered individuals, some of which we possess no data of at this moment in time. It is safe to assume any fight with him could involve any number of henchmen or lieutenants. Be advised.
In the case of an attack, it is to be presumed standard munitions will not pierce his armor, so lethal munitions and truck emplacements are authorized. Property damage is to be expected from a Brute of his level, and especially so given the nature of his ability; ideally, lead any combat with him to an open area, with as little metal or stone in the area as possible. A tall order for this city, but it is requested nonetheless. It is recommended those who do not possess a Brute rating equal or higher than his (which can fluctuate depending on the mass accrued for his armor) do not engage in direct combat. He will be large, dangerous, and faster than you expect.
He is the leader of a quickly spreading gang known as The Mutants, and he rules alongside a small contingent of other Powered individuals, some of which we possess no data of at this moment in time. It is safe to assume any fight with him could involve any number of henchmen or lieutenants. Be advised.
Temporal Siphoning [Striker 6/Mover 2+ (Brute)]
"One of the few members of The Mutants we have a bead on currently, Slo-Mo might be some gutter trash...But he's gutter trash with a damn annoying ability. If he makes contact with you, you start slowing down; all of you. How fast your thoughts move, your bodily processes, and of course, your physical speed. That alone is enough, but he also converts your lost speed into his own. In other words, his power can cripple his opposition and turn him into a speeding bullet; not fun to manage. And the process only ends when he wants it to, if he gets knocked out, or the person gets so slowed down that their body just sorta...Quits. They don't die, but it isn't a fun nap to wake up from."
The one known as Slo-Mo is a 21-year old young man of mixed descent, likely Japanese-American. He has matted black hair slick with grease, and a generally unfit appearance. He is known for being just as blunt as his boss, though far more talkative, vile, and rude. He seems to take particular pride in harassing and taunting victims of his abilities before he takes them down.
As with any Striker, though especially for one of his talents, you are expected to create distance between you and the target, and find indirect ways to confront them. Keep Brutes and physically-based Movers at a distance, since his Power will turn their speed against them. In our confrontations on file, he has been noted to use his power on innocents or henchmen prior to conflicts to gain increased mobility; it can be expected that in any engagement of Slo-Mo, he is roughly a Mover 3 at bare minimum.
As he grows faster, it seems as a method to protect him from the newfound speed, his ability grants him greatly increased resistances while he's in motion, granting him a Sub-Classification of Brute. However, when not in motion, he is just as vulnerable as any individual of his age and build would be, regardless of the amount of speed he is siphoning.
Slo-Mo seems to be a fairly long-stayed member of The Mutants, though he seems to have gained little respect for his actions or abilities. It seems possible that Stone distances himself from the young man due to his vulgar behavior, or perhaps a fear of his ability. Regardless, it is rare to encounter the two together, and he appears to operate solo amongst the Parahumans of The Mutants. This could likely be changed if Stone deemed it necessary. As such, Slo-Mo is a high-priority target before any large moves are to be made on Stone himself.
As with any Striker, though especially for one of his talents, you are expected to create distance between you and the target, and find indirect ways to confront them. Keep Brutes and physically-based Movers at a distance, since his Power will turn their speed against them. In our confrontations on file, he has been noted to use his power on innocents or henchmen prior to conflicts to gain increased mobility; it can be expected that in any engagement of Slo-Mo, he is roughly a Mover 3 at bare minimum.
As he grows faster, it seems as a method to protect him from the newfound speed, his ability grants him greatly increased resistances while he's in motion, granting him a Sub-Classification of Brute. However, when not in motion, he is just as vulnerable as any individual of his age and build would be, regardless of the amount of speed he is siphoning.
Slo-Mo seems to be a fairly long-stayed member of The Mutants, though he seems to have gained little respect for his actions or abilities. It seems possible that Stone distances himself from the young man due to his vulgar behavior, or perhaps a fear of his ability. Regardless, it is rare to encounter the two together, and he appears to operate solo amongst the Parahumans of The Mutants. This could likely be changed if Stone deemed it necessary. As such, Slo-Mo is a high-priority target before any large moves are to be made on Stone himself.
Hide & Seek
Tara & Terrance (unknown if these are their real first names; last names still unknown)
Concealment & Perfect Senses[Stranger 8 & Thinker 5/Brute 2]
"These two are a strange pair. We think they're siblings, maybe even twins. One's able to make something as large as a small room completely imperceivable even to scanners and the like, and the other has superior hearing, sight, smell...You name it, he's doing it better than you, not to mention a small dose of Brute-like strength and durability. When they work together, that's how you get Hide & Seek; a game where you never find them, they always find you, and you're getting your ass beat by an unseen super soldier. We've been lucky so far that they seem to have no interest in other parties, but if that changes..."
Tara and Terrance, otherwise known as Hide and Seek respectively possess a relationship not unlike other siblings; they seem to bicker and be at odds with each other more often than not, but they seamlessly work together under pressure, and have prove to be very competent in spite of their youth, given that Tara is likely no older than 14, with Terrance likely only being a year or so ahead.
In terms of power, as mentioned by the Director, they are particularly troublesome. Hide is able to create pockets of her ability, roughly to the size of a small room. Inside these pockets, no visual, auditory, olfactory, and even extrasensory effects can reach the objects and entities within, making them the perfect hiding places. While she can only have one of these pockets up at a time, she can maintain it for an extended period, and also place the pocket on an object or person(s), allowing it to travel with them. She causes tracking to become...Complicated.
Pairing this with Seek, you get a very problematic scenario. He possesses superhuman levels of sensory capabilities, which effectively also grants him near perfect reaction times and a vague form of combative precognizance, because he can read the opposition to an extraordinary degree, and effectively cannot be surprised by those without notable Stranger capabilities, like his counterpart Hide. His keen eyesight also allows him to utilize his lightly increased strength to full capacity, targeting weak points and exposing their defenses, making him a shockingly skilled hand-to-hand combatant.
Standard procedure for Strangers and Thinkers should be carried out in the event Hide & Seek are encountered. If the two can be separated, or Hide's ability can be weakened or nullified, that will offer the best chance. As of late, they have been keeping low on the radar and have still not been observed interacting with the other powers in Redline, such as Knight Aspirant and The Mutants. If evidence to the contrary is discovered, you are to alert the Director as soon as capable.
In terms of power, as mentioned by the Director, they are particularly troublesome. Hide is able to create pockets of her ability, roughly to the size of a small room. Inside these pockets, no visual, auditory, olfactory, and even extrasensory effects can reach the objects and entities within, making them the perfect hiding places. While she can only have one of these pockets up at a time, she can maintain it for an extended period, and also place the pocket on an object or person(s), allowing it to travel with them. She causes tracking to become...Complicated.
Pairing this with Seek, you get a very problematic scenario. He possesses superhuman levels of sensory capabilities, which effectively also grants him near perfect reaction times and a vague form of combative precognizance, because he can read the opposition to an extraordinary degree, and effectively cannot be surprised by those without notable Stranger capabilities, like his counterpart Hide. His keen eyesight also allows him to utilize his lightly increased strength to full capacity, targeting weak points and exposing their defenses, making him a shockingly skilled hand-to-hand combatant.
Standard procedure for Strangers and Thinkers should be carried out in the event Hide & Seek are encountered. If the two can be separated, or Hide's ability can be weakened or nullified, that will offer the best chance. As of late, they have been keeping low on the radar and have still not been observed interacting with the other powers in Redline, such as Knight Aspirant and The Mutants. If evidence to the contrary is discovered, you are to alert the Director as soon as capable.