Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

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Ahab Pavlishchev

Location: Minsk

Interaction: None

A tall figure was scurrying around a messy laboratory, the figure stopping at a table and picking up a vial. “Igor, could please me that beaker.” His large green finger pointing to a beaker filled with a blue liquid. Igor the lab assistant quickly moved to grab a beaker, Igor handing Ahab the beaker. Ahab thanks Igor before slowly putting the blue liquid into the vial. Mixing the two liquids together, causes it to turn into a soft reddish colour. Igor was a hunchback human that was helping him with creating subsidence to bring back people from the dead. A dead possum laying on the table in the middle of the room, After mixing some fluids he placed it into a large syringe. Walking over to the corpse, slowly plunging the red fluid into the possum. Waiting for a moment while holding a clipboard in his hand, watching the possum starting to twitch. It’s eye’s moving around, darting back and forth. Ahab wrote some notes on what was going on. The possum’s head starts to move left and right, spit and blood shooting out of its mouth. An unsteeling scream comes out of its mouth, “Intersting.” He muttered jotting down some more notes. Igor meanwhile was brewing up some more fluids to jab into the possum’s body. The possum soon stopped moving, filling the room with dead silence.

Taking the syringe from Igor’s hands, flicking the tip of the syringe making some of the fluids squirt onto the ground. “And you said this was 30 CCs of the reagent?” Igor nodded to his question. Ahab stopped for a moment watching the possum corpse, “Perhaps we will need a more recently deceased corpse for testing?” Placed the syringe down on the table. “Shall we find another fresh animal corpse?” Igor asked with a raised brow. Ahab shook his head, “No, I think we should refine the formula before testing on another subject.” Ahab walked over to his table, starting to work on the reagent. Ordering Igor to bring him the proper material, using his computer to calculate the formula.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The half-elf walked over next to Madeleine and the computer, seeing that she was looking at an email. The text appeared German, but an older form that Avi was not familiar with. It was at this moment that he had taken that class on medieval European languages back when he was in university.

But the demoness seemed to understand it as she read through several more emails. She then confirmed that it was medieval German, and that some kind of lodge was conversing in that archaic tongue. Madeleine then closed the laptop and began to stand, before noticing a piece of paper sticking out on the table. She decided to read it, a look of surprise taking over her face.

She then handed the note to Morgana as she said that they could almost wrap up the Friedrich Raimund case. This surprised Avi as so far all he had seen was that they had deduced that runes were worthless and that a Roggenwolf had been loose in the penthouse. So whatever was in those emails or even that note, was really pertinent information.

“So what is this lodge?” Avi asked Madeleine as Morgana read the note, “I’m afraid I was having trouble reading that medieval German. What exactly was Mr. Raimund getting involved with? Also, shouldn’t we alert the office that there may be a corn demon wolf running around Frankfurt?”

But then Avi was surprised when Morgana stated that her mother might be involved with Mr. X. The half-elf assumed that whatever was in that note had implicated Morgana’s family in this whole affair. Immediately suspicion rose in Avi’s mind as a key member of the investigation was related to a suspect. Had Morgana been a plant? Avi could not remove the thought from his mind. In a few seconds, he abandoned his team focused attitude, and reverted to his suspicious mentality of when he worked undercover.

Morgana then said that she would understand if she would be needed to leave the investigation. Avi had wanted to say something at this point, but instead looked at Madeleine. He hoped that she could understand the look in his eyes. Morgana had proved useful to this investigation several times now, and if she was indeed dirty, it might be beneficial to keep her close.

If the Faith family were key players in this whole confusion, then having access to one of them could be an advantage. While Avi wasn’t proud to admit it, in the past he had manipulated those around him for the sake of the mission. If keeping Morgana close to himself could help reveal the truth, then he would do that. He just hoped that Madeleine would not fire her on the spot.

@Kumbaris @King Cosmos
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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@Martian@King Cosmos

Madeleine has seen how investigations like this can be... complicated by the fact that people can have familial relationships with the suspect, but then again, this is quite the special case on her hand. Morgana has a... very frayed relationship with her family, with she herself not really liking the traditional way the Faith family has conducted themselves, and vice versa for the matron of the Faith family as well. She knew what she must do, and she can practically guess the outcome at this point.

The OMR has a special case when it comes to situations such as this, a simple piece of paper that she must write as a field agent in order to ensure the investigation's effectiveness, and run it up with the regional head of the OMR in the country. She knew the head personally, and she knows that he will most likely approve it.

She just needed to run Morgana to it.

"Alright, so Morgana, here's the deal. There's a lil piece of paper that you needed signing, to keep things short? I'll explain why you won't be an interference for the investigation, list the various reasons why you wouldn't, which should be pretty easy, and I'll run it with the OMR head in Germany. The guy who, conveniently enough, works at the Frankfurt office. So uhh, yeah? I hope you've seen him or something. Guy's very famous in legend so he tries to keep a low profile while working. Knowing him, he'll most likely approve of your continued presence in Amanda's investigation. That ok with you?"

"Also, one final thing. I can get that piece of paper anytime, but I have to run it to both of you. Do you want to go to England, hunt this wolf, or to the lodge first? I personally prefer hunting this Corn Wolf spirit, we need to put him back to the spirit world where he belongs. I've seen spirits enter the modern world, and if they're not adjusted well enough. It could be... ugly, to say the least."


The gunmen were apparently as deadly as what their outfits make out. As soon as the two persons were downed, and after the initial chaos following Scarlet's attack. The killteam quickly regrouped and started spraying about concentrated fire onto the target, wendigo included. The sounds of chaos quickly reigned over the forest, as bullets whizzed all over the place. The intense firefight between Scarlet and her team, and the killteam sent to kill Amanda and her group quickly drowning out whatever sounds of wildlife is present in the forest.

And it seems that the killteam was about to win to. They are well trained, exercised good small squad tactics, and quickly started to make work on Scarlet's veritable arsenal of weapons. The chances where Scarlet can return fire became fewer and fewer, forcing the homunculi to take cover more often in fear of her life, while the Wendigo, Manobozho and Whiskeyjack, all wearing the face of various horrors, was quickly drowned out in the fighting. The white knuckled fear the operatives felt when seeing these spirits quickly drowned by adrenalin and the bullets whizzing from Scarlet.

It seems hopeless for the trio, their killers are closing in, Scarlet's pinned down, Micheal can only do close range combat, and Faye is knocked out. But it was then that the veritable cavalry arrived. A gigantic axe crashed onto one of the killers' heads. Slicing it in two and spraying blood all over the forest, while the rest of the killteam was quickly dispatched by focused fire coming from their behind.

"Scarlet, Mikey!" Amanda screamed. "Get going! I've got the car parked near the gas station. Don't you dare leave Faye behind too!!" She continued spraying bullets and grabbing the gigantic axe that flew back to her left hand. The operatives quickly switched tactics, pulling back while taking potshots at the Android, But she was built different, and the various bullets these operatives pumped out bounced off of Amanda's alloy skin, while the bullets she brought with her sliced through the operatives like nothing.

Soon enough, the group regrouped at the car. An old, but definitely not slow BMW. Amanda wore her seatbelts while the axe collapsed into it's compact form. The android tossing the axe into the shotgun seat like some common refuse, tact and gracefulness is not in high demand right now.

And like a bat out of hell, she took off, not a care in the world for whatever happened to the operatives left in the forest. "We should be within the office in 10 minutes. Scarlet, I need you to watch our backsides for a little bit ok. It's very likely these guys have other cars that'll chase after us. Pump lead on their asses alright?"

And sure enough, Amanda's predictions came true. She saw on her rear mirror three large black SUV's closing in on her. No doubt carrying malicious intent, she can just hope that Scarlet and that mysterious pocket dimension in a bag of hers have enough weapons to pump enough lead to blow up all those darn cars to high heaven. It's the only thing she can count on right now.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

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Morgana Faith

Morgana let out a snort of a laugh. It was that simple? All she would need to do was sign a piece of paper and her loyalties to this case over her family would be assured? Well, in the eyes of the OMR itself that was likely enough, but whether or not the individuals on the case believed the same they would have to see. “Sure. Should I sign it in blood or would ink suffice?”

She was joking of course; no self-respecting witch would ever willingly give another person access to their blood, even if making such a pact would surely prove her ties beyond a doubt.

“If I have a say in the matter then I suggest the lodge. The spirit sounds more like a job for the local authorities than this team and returning to England, by which I assume you mean to investigate the actions of my family would be… unwise without the proper preparations.” One did not merely request an audience with someone as influential as Angela Faith after all, not even the OMR, and trying to assault the demesne of a centuries old coven of witches without taking significant precautious would be... costly.

It would be wise for her to begin arrangements for such an eventuality once the paperwork was dealt with. There were things that she could prepare alone but they would require resources that she likely wouldn’t be able to acquire herself and for others it might be better to talk to others involved with the investigation and find out what they were capable of.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Micheal Crane Running on empty but not out yet!

Micheal blew out another burst of smoke. Grinning as smoke trailed up out past his grinning lips and teeth. Looking almost feral. He didn't look to Red as his partners in crime. Because let's face it he pretends to resent them but the Three Trickster Gods and the Shaman are like a quartet of brothers. Micheal just happens to be the older, wiser jaded brother. Too three young, quick, smart and prankster brothers.

It all works out.

And the gods play their parts fantastically. The times they have helped their respective homelands combat the very images they wear is testament to how well they play them. Skinwalker "Raven" darts and snarls. Deadly black ichor dripping claws flashing then he darts back and away. Whitiko "Whiskeyjack" jangles his many totemic fetishes on his spear, and swings wildly, dark magic welling in the wake of the spear. And Windigo "Manabozho" stalking on all fours, long spindly arms reaching. Stories of those arms grabbing people and tugging them to devour their hearts darting through the operatives minds. So many dark and horrible horror stories welling up for a time.

Until Red's first strike. And then their training took over and they began to fire on Red and the disguised Gods. And they still played their part. As the ghastly dark trickster demons and entities they played darted in and out. They may be thought of as the "Good" gods. But they are not strangers to taking lives. Each of the gods actually claims one of the kill teams numbers each. Helping in their way. Until they have to break contact. Gods can feel pain. Even though they like to say they can't.

And then. As they watch Red fall. Micheal grits his teeth and is about to stand, maybe make a last stand. He's raising his tomahawk to draw runes and then rush to get in close.

Amanda to the rescue! Praise Manitou!

Micheal instead reaches down and again utilizing that toned up rather muscular body of his throws Faye's body over his shoulder, and runs for Red grabbing her and trying to scoop her to her feet before pulling her along, "Come on Hot Stuff! Get up and get moving!" And the Shaman takes off running. His companions the gods melting back into the shadows and are soon nipping along at Red, Faye's and Micheal'ss heels back in their true forms. Looking a little worse for ware though.

Micheal sprints hard. HARD! For the car. Dragging or carrying as he needs too. New Adrenaline making him forget that damn sprain or hyper extension or whatever in his arm. Forget it. He shoulder slams into the car with a puff of exertion. "I'm filing a complaint with OMR HQ...Team building needs to be better thought out." He pulls open the door and the gods pile in, and make room for Red, Faye and Micheal.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Ahab Pavlishchev

Location: Minsk

Interaction: @Kumbaris

Ahab turned his attention to Igor and the experiment, focusing on refining the chemical compound of the formula. Walking over to the set of beakers and vials on the other side of the room, checking the reaction when he mixed one chemical with the other. “Fascinating.” Ahab had to change the current formula, but it was minor incontinence. Igor meanwhile was handing Ahab some vials filled with chemicals. Mixing some chemicals caused a large puff of white smoke to come out of the vial. “Mmm perhaps we shouldn’t do that again, could you grab me those vials filled with the americium and gadolinium?” Igor took a moment to collect himself, wiping off some of the smoke from his safety goggles. “Yes master.” He nodded running over to grab the vials. “For the last time Igor, you do not need to call me master. We are both equals.” The large orc shook his head, grabbing the vial of americium from Igor. His train of thought was soon broken by the sound of gunfire going off, at first he didn’t think much of it. Assuming that it was children playing with fireworks, but soon noticed bullets flying passed the window.

His large hand grabbed Igor by the shoulder and threw him onto the ground. Keeping Igor down on the group while laying down with him. “Keep your head down Igor.” He could hear some bullets flying into the room, breaking windows and glass vials. Ahab hoped the firing would soon die down, but he assumed there was a war going on. His blood was starting to boil with anger, whoever was participating in this skirmish would soon feel his wrath. His eyes peered over towards Igor, who didn’t look hurt which was a huge relief to the orc. Ahab wondered if there were OMR operatives taking care of this situation.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Amanda @Kumbaris, Micheal Crane @BigPapaBelial, Scarlet @AWACS

The following hour or so passed for Faye as a mere blur, hazy images, sensations and sounds from the brief moments she opened her eyes before being drowned in the sea of unconscioussness again, thanks to the high fever caused by the extreme magical overload in her body. The scene around her changed radically every time she opened her eyes. In one moment she was inside a car, being shot by all sides before she teleported everyone, the other she was laying down below a tree, with no gunshots or sounds of fighting. Faye had no idea of how much time had passed between the times she opened her eyes, how many times she heard gunshots and fighting before it stopped and began again, never being able to keep her eyes open past a few seconds.

It was only after a good time Faye was able to wake up for good. Once again, the scene had completely changed once more and she was laying on the back of an old BMW with the rest of the team. While still dizzy, a single glance was all it took for Faye to realize that they were all in a bad state. Wounded, exhausted and tired.

"...Ugh... What is happening...?" Faye said slowly, grunting a bit due to the state her body was as she looked around.

"Agh! I... don't think I can move myself that well yet... Let alone use my magic..." Faye said as she tried to move, only to be surprised by a sharp wave of pain going through her body, both from the bruises and impact from falling to the ground and the high fever, caused by the magic overload.

"How long was I sleep for? Are we still being hunted? I'm sorry for not being able to help that much..." Faye said with a forced smile as she looked to Scarlet, who had a big bullet wound on her arm.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by BogeyDope
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Scarlet Rubashka as Punished "Venom Bean"


Scarlet was used to being pinned down. Several deployments across the world gave her the experience of having her back against a wall surrounded by enemy fire. She was also used to being shot. Taking multiple bullets to her limbs and one to her gut was enough to give her an aversion to experiencing that feeling again. Healing magic has come a long way. Thanks to it, wounds that would've been fatal took only hours to fully recover from. The very next day, she was out in the field with her coworkers, on the clock again as none of it ever happened. Five times out of ten, she'd end up finding the bastard responsible before the next weekend. In all of her last deployments, she was in larger and more combat-capable groups. They had access to armored vehicles and stronger firepower. They were often part of an encrypted communications network that also allowed access to medevacs and air support. The threats she faced were various, but whatever they were, she and her coworkers reasonably dealt with them.

This was different.

Scarlet was hit in the shoulder and pinned down by two assailants, both of them experienced paramilitaries. She was the most combat capable in her team. The 5.56 bullpup in her right hand was the strongest firepower her team had access to. Thanks to the threat of a potential mole tapping the OMR communications network, Scarlet and her team had no access to any form of support, nor could they communicate with their commanding officer. In between the suppressed shots of AKs, she heard and understood the voices that were shouting. They were regrouping, moving and flanking. Despite the four she neutralized, there seemed to be more that were arriving from elsewhere. Scarlet gulped as her heart beat from her chest, her breaths quick, blood oozing out from the hole in her shoulder. It was starting to sink into her mind that she was going to die here. She's had several close calls before in her last deployments, but there was always a chance, and always a way out. Not this time. This was different. She had no chance, and she had no escape. Scarlet swallowed and closed her eyes, her mind tuning out the battle around her. Her mind ran through thousands of thoughts, but she couldn't find real attachment to any of them. No recollection of family or loved ones to anchor her. This is where her story was going to end, to be executed in the woods with nothing but a whimper. A failure.

"Scarlet!" Aside from hearing her name, she also heard the distinct *THUMP* of a standing humanoid body falling to the ground. She looked to the source, and just beyond the rock, the woman who shot Scarlet earlier lay there dead on the ground. Scarlet gulped, her brain processing the rest of the familiar voice that shouted in her direction. "Get going! I've got the car parked near the gas station. Don't you dare leave Faye behind too!" Holy shit, that was Amanda! Scarlet turned back to Amanda, who was busy plugging their foes left and right. Before she could think to stand up, Mike ran straight towards her with Faye over his shoulders. He grabbed her by her healthy shoulder and easily lifted the homunculus to her feet. "Come on Hot Stuff! Get up and get moving!" Holy shit. Color returned to Scarlet's face as she got up on her feet. AUG still clutched in her right hand, energy returned to her legs as she started running. It took a few moments, but her mind came out of that dark place and back into the land of the living. She still had a job to do, a contract to fulfill. Teammates to protect. She continued to run, hopping over a few branches. The part of her that thought clearly and tactically finally booted back up, and Scarlet immediately knew what to do.

Scarlet stopped and turned around. The adrenaline that pumped from her heart numbed the pain in her left shoulder a little bit, allowing her to hold her rifle properly again. She fired a few quiet bursts into the forest beyond in an attempt to suppress some of the shooters out there. A lot of them revealed themselves to Scarlet by shooting at Amanda, making themselves easy targets. However, in the strange cacophony of battle, Scarlet didn't know how many she downed, all she knew was that she made a few of them stop shooting, and it was enough to allow Mike and his friends to safely get to the car. It wasn't long before she fell back to the car herself, getting in from the other side. Once she got in the back, she put her rifle down and held her arms out to help Michael set Faye down in the middle seat. "Over here." Scarlet said softly, and once Faye was seated, she wrapped the seat belt around her and fastened it. "I'm filing a complaint with OMR HQ. Team building needs to be better thought out." As Michael climbed in, Scarlet removed the suppressor from her rifle and put it away. "Yeah, no kidding." She panted and winced in pain, her wound still bleeding. As Amanda climbed in the car and took off, Scarlet turned to Michael, still panting. "What a few days, huh?" Scarlet quipped with a weak smile.

Just seconds later, she hears orders from her commanding officer. "Scarlet, I need you to watch our backsides for a little bit ok. It's very likely these guys have other cars that'll chase after us. Pump lead on their asses alright?" Scarlet smiled a little. "Aye-aye. Give me just a second." With her right hand, she reached into her tactical bag of holding and pulled out a syringe of some kind. After popping off the cap, she stuck it right into her wounded shoulder and groaned. "Motherfuck..." Scarlet groaned in pain as the sting of the needle spread throughout her wound. The bleeding slowed and then stopped, and the sharp pain dulled to a minor soreness. The healing solution she just injected wasn't enough to completely heal her wound in the slightest, but stopping the pain and the bleeding was enough to bring Scarlet back into the game. Scarlet grunted as she pulled the empty syringe out, put the cap back on it and shoved it away. "Alright, should be good to go now. Ow." She moved her blood-soaked shoulder around. "Good thing that bullet went clean through, shit."

After giving herself a rough checkup, Scarlet picked up her AUG and removed the magazine from it. After putting the subsonic ammo away, she took out a full 40-round magazine complete with standard cheap ball ammunition. She figured that if she was going to firing at moving vehicles, she'd be missing most of the shots anyway, so she may as well use the rounds that wouldn't cut too hard into her checkbook. She loaded her rifle and gave the magazine a good tap on the bottom. She checked behind them, and so far the coast was clear. She sighed a little as she searched for hostile vehicles, thinking about what Mike called her earlier. If she heard him right, he called her Hot Stuff. Thinking about it made her blush a little. As flattering as it was, she decided not to bring it up just yet. Moments later, she heard another familiar voice. Scarlet turned to Faye and her eyes lit up. "Holy shit, Faye!" She almost laughed in relief, gently grabbing Faye's shoulder and shaking her a little bit excitedly. "Welcome back-Oooh, oh shit my bad, sorry." Once Faye cried out in pain, Scarlet immediately removed her hand and winced a little. "I... don't think I can move myself that well yet... Let alone use my magic..." Scarlet winced. "Ah, yeah, didn't think about that. My bad. Still, glad to have you back with us."

Scarlet took another look around. Not sign of hostiles yet. "How long was I sleep for? Are we still being hunted? I'm sorry for not being able to help that much..." Scarlet turned to Faye, seeing her forced smile. Scarlet returned with a small, weak smile of her own. "Uh... yeah... it's a bit of a long story, but I think it's been a few hours, maybe more. Sure as shit felt much longer than that, though." Scarlet said. "And we're still on the run. No tails just yet, though, but we barely made it out of the woods with our lives." Scarlet sighed before turning to Amanda. "Speaking of, thanks for saving our asses. A few more seconds and I would've been fucking gone." Scarlet said before turning back to Faye. "And don't sweat it. Things got hairy and you got us out of a really bad situation. That alone is commendable."

Scarlet checked once more. "Oh no." Scarlet blinked, getting a good look at the trio of black SUVs that approached them. "Alright, I'm gonna need you guys to do me a favor. We've got three black SUVs that are about to tailgate us. If you can, try to keep your heads down. And Faye? If you can't use magic right now, that's fine, don't feel the need to do so." Scarlet turned to Mike. "Same goes for you. But any help would be much appreciated." She cranked down the window and unbuckled her seat belt. She leaned out the window to get a good look at the SUVs. No shooters yet, but they were definitely being driven by hostile forces.

"Yep, they're bad guys. Cover your ears, kids!" Scarlet shouted before leaning completely out of the window with her rifle out, taking aim at the SUVs behind them. However, she wasn't aiming for the driver. They didn't start shooting yet, so the best course of action was to prevent them from being able to do so. So she aimed for the tires. POPOPOPOW! A short, loud four round burst was squeezed from the trigger, sending hot lead towards the lead SUV. PPFFT The front driver's side tire exploded and got tossed to the side of the road, and the SUV swerved to the side, cutting off the second one trailing behind it. After evading the two that fell behind, the third SUV quickly caught up. "Step on up, fuckers!" Scarlet shouted before firing another burst at the approaching SUV, taking out the driver's side tire on that one too. However, the swerve that it experienced caused it to run off the road and fall straight into a ditch. That's one down. "How long 'till we're there, boss? Any minute now, they're gonna start getting some ideas!"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The half-elf stared intently at Morgana, many thoughts about her trustworthiness rushing through his head. Avi had a nature of being suspicious, his time undercover cementing that fact. But he also recognized how useful she was to the investigation. Avi wanted to keep her close as he knew little about the Faith family, and having one nearby might prove a boon.

As Avi looked back at Madeleine to see what she was going to do, the demoness approached the English mage. She offered Morgana the option of signing a form that would state that she was good for the investigation. Avi was aware of this form, as when he worked undercover he had to have his handler sign such a form every few months to state that Avi hadn’t gone dirty or compromised his investigation.

It was fortunate that the official that would need to approve such a form was here in Frankfurt. Morgana then agreed to sign the form, making a joke about signing it in blood. Avi was slightly annoyed at how glib she was being, but he did recognize that this was a very awkward situation to be in, and that humor could just be for coping with it.

Madeleine then asked which of the three possible options of what to do next that they should pick. Avi agreed with the demoness about the potential threat of the Roggenwolf running about Frankfurt. Clearly that was the most pressing issue. But then Morgana said the wolf was a job for the local authorities. Avi immediately disagreed.

“While the lodge is important, I would say the Roggenwolf is more important,” stated Avi, “The local police are not equipped to deal with a powerful spirit. Also like Madeleine said, most spirits would be bewildered by the modern world. This could cause the Roggenwolf to revert to its basic instincts, which is eating children.”

Avi hoped that he had expressed how much danger this wolf spirit posed. They were a thing of medieval ages, not of this modern world. Especially not a city, as corn spirits were usually the realm of small druidic groups in the countryside. It still perplexed Avi as to why such a spirit had been here in the heart of Frankfurt. But that didn’t really matter right now, capturing the Roggenwolf was the priority.

“Look we can probably start a tracking spell, as from what I recall, corn spirits leave a mystic trail,” explained Avi, “We could use that to find it within hours, provided it doesn’t make a big scene itself by attacking someone. But once we capture the Roggenwolf, we can then focus on the lodge.”

Avi’s words were true, as he was interested in the lodge very much so, but so was his worry for the public if there was a large wolf spirit running amok. Since his days as an RCMP officer, Avi had always held protecting civilians in high status, something to work toward embodying it. This need to save people was only heightened as Avi continued to look around the penthouse, blood and claw marks everywhere.

@Kumbaris @King Cosmos
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Member Seen 17 days ago


Amanda is having not a good day. Firstly she arrived in Minsk expecting a welcome, but certainly nothing like this. Secondly, she had to ensure the survival of her team and make sure that the fuckers who did this pay for what they did. And thirdly, she had to drive a definitely not bulletproof car, swerving from traffic, and making issuing orders to ensure that her team won't die this time around.

Overall, Amanda's processor unit is registering a foul mood, and it is reflected visibly in her driving. Sudden swerves are becoming more commonplace, the temperature of her core unit is rising, and her face is not amused at everything.

Amanda did not forget about Scarlett's question at all, with her processor unit registering 5 more minutes. "5 more minutes!!" She shouted. Taking another turn before the OMR office is visible for all to see. She couldn't even respond to Faye's weakened statement's when a bullet barely whizzes past her. Almost knocking into her head. "If anyone here can't fight, then stay down!! Now!!" The female android shouted yet again. Now completely shifting the car into it's highest gear before bracing herself for what's about to come.

The OMR office in Minsk is significantly less imposing than the Frankfurt one. Just a regular compound centered around an old, baroque house. But it does have it's various defenses. Metal gates, a raised platform that can block cars, and of course, posted guards.

Posted guards that definitely know something's up.

Amanda's orders to stay down couldn't come any sooner. As the guards noticed the incoming vehicular firefight headed in their direction. Aimed their rifles, and promptly started lighting up everyone in the general vicinity. From the SUV's to the BMW Amanda's driving. The gate was about to be raised when Amanda's BMW fortunately crashed into the gate first. The BMW, already battered and bruised, eventually sputtered out on the interior of the office.

The various OMR agents approached Amanda's car, before Amanda quickly showed up her OMR ID Card. Mandatory for all employees working at the Agency, and promptly went out of the car as fast as she can, her hand still showing her ID.

"Sorry for the lil bit of chaos, but-" Amanda's words were cut short when a bullet hit her. Knocking into her head and pissing her off. "Alright, we've got aggressors down there! Kill them! Scarlett, Mikey. If you can help, then help!"

Even a dent was not visible on her head. A testament to how tough Amanda's body is.

@Martian@King Cosmos

Hmmm. So we have Morgana advocating that we go to the lodge, and Xaviron advocating going to the Roggenwolf. Quite an intriguing set of options indeed.

But she has the final say, and the final say goes to Xaviron for the moment. She does have the address for the lodge, but

"Xaviron, run that tracking spell while we run back to the office and get Morgana to sign that piece of paperwork." Madeleine ordered. Grabbing Friedrich's computer as evidence. "I have a feeling that the Roggenwolf might be very much nearby, and we couldn't let such a feral spirit go without supervision like that."

Hopefully the location of the Roggenwolf and the lodge would be one and the same, but that would be such a convenient coincidence Madeleine couldn't even consider it in good faith.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

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Ahab Pavlishchev

Location: Minsk

Interaction: @Kumbaris

Ahab looked over at Igor who was underneath his large hand. “Are you okay? Did any bullets hit your body?” This question was responded to by Igor shaking his head with a small smile on his face. “I do not know how long this will go on, but it would be best if you stayed here. I will go downstairs and resolve this issue.” His intentions of going out there in the middle of a firefight scared Igor greatly. “Master you cannot go, you will be shot.” His voice reasonably sounded quite worried for Ahab. “As long as I use my summoning computer, I should be okay.” Ahab crawled towards the desk at the other end of the room, crawling like a worm which would be quite a comical sight.

Raising his hand to grab the summoning computer sitting on the desk at the other end of the room. Signalling for Igor to keep low to the ground, “I will be back Igor, do not stand up or get near the window until i come back.” The large Orc ran out of the room and towards the elevator. Impatiently tapping his foot while waiting for the elevator to arrive. As the doors opened he stood in the middle of the elevator, hunching forward as his head was hitting the ceiling. This has always been an issue while moving in and out of the elevator.

Quickly racing out of the elevator once it hit the ground floor. Running towards the armed security, noticed a strange looking woman with a dent in her head. “I apologize for not arriving sooner, but I am here to help.” This would seem like a ridiculous statement, but Ahab showed the two his summoning computer on his wrist. “This computer can summon demons from another dimension. I believe this should help you with dealing with those hooligans.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Amanda @Kumbaris, Micheal Crane @BigPapaBelial, Scarlet @AWACS, Ahab @Eviledd1984

Faye smiled at Scarlet as she heard her happy voice, cheering the fact that she had woken up again and shaking her shoulder with excitement, something which made Faye dizzy and a bit disorientated, due to the state her body was.

"Don't worry. I just got a bit dizzy." Faye said, with a smile as Scarlet apologized.

"I'm still not one hundred percent recovered. My body feels weak, heavy and it feels like an elephant is stepping on my head." Faye said with a chuckle.

Scarlet continued then to give Faye a brief resume of what happened on the few hours she was unconscious, mentioning that they were still running away and how they were barely able to escape with their lives from the forest. Whoever they were, it was quite obvious that they wanted to kill them at any costs, judging how after everything, they were still chasing them.

The gunshots began once more as Scarlet began firing at them. With every shot, Faye felt a sharp wave of pain on her head. While it wasn't as bad as the pain she felt while she was unconscious, it was still painful. Still, she knew there was nothing that could be done on that situation and instead, she simply lowered herself as much as she could and gritted her teeth.

"Why are they so persistent?! Who are these people?!" Faye shouted over the gunfire, looking behind them as she saw the black SUVs chasing them, just as a bulled missed her by a few centimeters and went on to almost hit Amanda as well, making Faye quickly lower her head.

Only a few minutes passed when Faye felt the impact of the BMW hitting the metal gate of the Minsk's OMR Office as the car crashed inside the OMR Office. Faye, who was already a bit dizzy and disorientated, felt like the world was spinning around her as Amanda identified herself to the OMR agents that were approaching their car.
It didn't take too much until the shots started again, as their pursuers began shooting at them and the other OMR agents, with them returning fire shortly after.

Crawling out of the car and doing her best not to fall down, Faye did her best to find a place where she could take cover from the shots.

"I... I don't think I will... be of much help as I am... right now, but I'm fine. Just... focus on dealing with them first!" Faye said, shouting over the gunfight as she tried to ignore how weak she felt and the strong headaches that were made only worse with the loud noises and she hurried to the back of the office, hiding herself behind anything that seemed to be sturdy enough to put her out of harms' way.

While she did feel guilty that she couldnt help them, she knew the best she could do right now was not to be a hindrance to them, especially since they now had backup from the other OMR agents from Minsk and even a strange Orc scientist, which seemed to be able to summon demons from other dimensions by using a weird gadget.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The half-elf was glad that Madeleine agreed with him. It only made sense to him to track down the feral spirit that was somewhere in the city running amok. So the demoness entrusted him with the duty of casting a tracking spell, Avi being in charge of finding the Roggenwolf. Madeleine also said that she would take Morgana back to the office to sign that form, also grabbing Friedrich’s computer.

“You can count on me,” stated Avi, “I’ll perform the ritual here, while you guys head to the office. I’ll phone you if I get something.”

Avi then sat down on the floor in the middle of the penthouse, making sure not to step in the blood. Positioning himself in a meditative pose, Avi took out his wand and held it in front of his chest. His gaze was locked on the wand, all his mental intent focused on it as well. Within a few seconds, all that existed to Avi was the wand.

As Avi looked at the wand, he telepathically told it what he wanted. He wanted the sight, the ability to follow a spiritual trail. And after a minute the wand responded. Leaving Avi’s hands, the wand began to float in front of him, spinning ever so slightly. Then everything went dark for Avi as his eyes glowed a bright purple.

Avi’s vision was now in a dark abyss, the occasional blob of color floating by. He was unsure of how long he stood there before he was able to move his feet. The black ground rippled slightly as Avi walked, almost as if he was walking on water. Avi took a few exploratory steps before breaking into a jog.

But the abyss around him didn’t change as he continued to move through it. This perplexed Avi, who decided to stop moving. Seeing that this was getting him nowhere, Avi took a moment to think. He knew that right now his consciousness was within the spell, his wand connecting him to the spirit layer that existed just beneath the physical one. Truth be told Avi had only ever been here once before, on a different assignment involving hunting a spirit.

But that time the spirit’s tracks were more fresh, meaning he could find it immediately. However with the Roggenwolf, he had waited too long and now he couldn’t see any tracks. But Avi wouldn’t accept that, so, figuring that since he was in a spell, he tried to control the spell.

Focusing his mental intent on finding the path, Avi stood still, staring into the abyss. He lost track of time again as he focused on the darkness, but his effort was worth it as wisps of a golden trail appeared. Smiling, Avi ran toward the golden wisps, as he did so more revealed themselves.

Avi quickly found himself in front of a golden mirror. Within it he could see the Roggenwolf. The spirit appeared to be in some kind of greenhouse, filled with both domestic and exotic plants. Avi did his best to memorize all he saw as the Roggenwolf moved around whatever this place was. In the distance Avi could see a large communications tower.

Knowing that he shouldn’t linger in the spirit realm for too long, Avi decided that he had seen enough. Once again he focused his intent, this time on returning to the material plane. And after a few seconds, Avi found himself back in the bloody apartment, his wand lying on the ground in front of him.

Checking his watch, Avi saw that nearly an hour had elapsed since he started the spell. Wanting to figure out where the Roggenwolf was while his memories were still fresh, Avi pulled a cellular phone out of his pocket, a Motorola 8200. Avi immediately dialed the OMR office.

“Hello, this is the OMR office Frankfurt. How may I help you?” asked the receptionist. It sounded like the same Dwarf in the turtleneck that Avi kept running into.

“This is Agent Mosley,” replied Avi, “And was wondering if you could help decipher a location.”

Avi then began to explain what he had seen in the spirit realm. He mentioned the exotic greenhouses, the wide fields, and the gigantic tower. After about a minute of explaining, the receptionist cut the half-elf.

“Was the tower gigantic? Because it’s probably the Europaturm. Some people call it the Tower of Europe,” explained the receptionist, “It’s not too far from Frankfurt, and there is a large botanical garden nearby, the Palm Garden, which could explain the greenhouses.”

“So the Palm Garden, huh,” responded Avi, “I’ll head over there now. If you could direct Agents Disir and Faith to meet me there that would be great.”

Avi then hung up the phone and exited the apartment crime scene. The police standing out in the hallway gave Avi a strange look, probably wondering why he was alone in there for so long by himself. But Avi didn’t notice as he was singularly focused on finding the Roggenwolf. To that end, Avi hailed a cab outside, telling the Orc driver in German to take him to the Palm Garden.

@Kumbaris @King Cosmos
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


The Shaman just won't stop!

Micheal grits his teeth then outta no where grabs Faye in a hug, "You're awake! Thank Manitou! We were getting worried!" He squeezes her briefly then lets her go.

He perked up and groaned, "OMR admin can charge me later." He grabbed up his tomahawk and carved a rune into the seat.

Simply put, "Fire" he smashed it with the handle of his tomahawk and then well it looks like he throws the hand axe out the back window, though the real thing remains in his hand, while a flaming handaxe whirls through the air, barely missing the vehicles following them. "How do you like that!"

And then the demons came, "Who's this guy? And where is he spawning demons from? Who calls up demons! We're going to have to burn out those portals later so they can't all pour through! Ahhh this job is nuts." He summoned up another flaming axe and threw it.

But it's clear by how slow he's summoning them up that Micheal is near tapped out, "Keep going darn it! Red? how are you doing? Faye? Boss Girl Bot? This has been a helluva a couple of days!" He called forth fire again then fell backward grabbing his arm, and gasping in pain, his whole forearm smoking, "Ahhh rune backlash! I think I'm out for now!" He lay on his back and held his arm painfully, the gods trying to sooth the mean looking magical burn slowly forming on Micheal's forearm.

Manabozho carefully pulling the tomahawk out of his grasp and setting it aside, the metal head of the tool smoking from overuse.

Mikey called up, "Red! Faye! Be careful girls!"

Still laying in the back seat of the car he chuckles, "This is what I get for going so hard of late. So many rituals and castings. No surprise this happens huh?" He laughs softly at his own misfortune.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by BogeyDope
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Scarlet Rubashka as Punished "Venom Bean"


"Five more minutes!" was Amanda's reply to Scarlet's earlier question. "Shit." Was Scarlet's only reaction. Another black SUV approached the BMW from behind, to which Scarlet responded with some more automatic fire. Those ten rounds only wounded the vehicle a bit, but it continued charging forward towards the car. The vehicle got closer, and the moment its window rolled down, gunfire sprayed from it in Scarlet's direction. Scarlet said nothing as she immediately took cover, getting back inside as the bullets flew past them. Holes popped up all around the interior of the car as it was doused in automatic gunfire. In the break, Scarlet popped out and returned fire, getting a glimpse of the orc responsible. A small burst was all it took, the orc slumping over back into his seat after several bloody holes manifested in his neck and chest. The driver of the SUV pulled out his pistol and started firing, but like his passenger, his shots went wide. Scarlet had enough time to take aim, and with one shot, the driver's forehead exploded and the SUV soon left the road to disappear into the brush. "Scratch one Land Rover!" Scarlet called out.

"Red? how are you doing?" She heard Michael ask. "Surprisingly enough, I think I'm fine!" Scarlet replied as another vehicle approached them. "Why are they so persistent?! Who are these people?!" Scarlet heard Faye shout as the enemy vehicle fired at them. "Fuck if I know, but they're well armed and very skilled. Whoever's pulling their strings must have a lot of resources at their disposal." Scarlet replied after the gunfire stopped. Michael threw some runes at the pursuing vehicle, making it swerve to evade, buying Scarlet some time to take aim. In the break, she popped back out and returned fire. She emptied the rest of her magazine into the engine block of the pursuing Land Rover, causing it to fail. The SUV fell behind and pulled over to the side. "Hostile vehicle down!" She turned to Mike, who seemed to suffer some backlash from his runes. "Shit, stay with us, buddy. Don't want you to end up like Faye did." She looked around. She saw a long break in pursuing vehicles, and was about to sieze the opportunity to tend to Michael's wounds, but his god buddies seemed to have him covered. She instead decided to share some info that may or may not be important to the rest of the group. "I managed to get a good look of the gear they got when they approached us in the woods. The shit they have ain't cheap. You'd think they'd go with the NATO stuff if they had that kind of money." She looked at her AUG. Lord knows I did. She reloaded her AUG, pulling back the charging handle and pushing a fresh magazine in. "But the paramilitaries are all carrying heavily modified Soviet stuff instead. I'm talking AK-74s with optics and synthetic furniture. They spoke Russian too. I don't know if any of that matters, but I figured y'all should know." *CHACK!* She slapped the charging handle in classic Hollywood fashion and took aim outside again. Scarlet sighed, seeing more hostile vehicles approach from the distance.

Before the vehicles could get into range, Scarlet heard gunfire coming from in front of them. It only took a split second for Scarlet to notice that they were heading straight into a compound of some sort, where its guards were already firing at them. "Sweet mother of-" Scarlet barely had the chance to curse when she threw herself back into the vehicle to cover herself from friendly fire. She felt the impact of the BMW against the gate as the vehicle slid into the office grounds. Scarlet grunted as she was pressed up against the front seat, her body almost crushed from the force of the crash. She groaned as she sat back up, only getting a glimpse of the uniformed OMR officers that surrounded the vehicle. Amanda was quick to defuse the situation, buying Scarlet time to regain her bearings. "A little bit of a heads up would've been nice, ugh..." Scarlet cradled her head for a bit.

It wasn't long before Amanda's orders came to Scarlet again. "Alright, we've got aggressors down there! Kill them! Scarlett, Mikey. If you can help, then help!" What, they were still pursuing them? How much are these operatives getting paid!? No amount of money would convince Scarlet to assault an OMR office, but now wasn't the time to question the enemy's motives. Now was the time to fight. Scarlet climbed out of the car towards the office, catching a glimpse of Faye as she took cover away from the fight. She looked to Mike. "Mike, I'm gonna need you to get to cover. I gotta go start shooting people again. Can you do that for me, big guy?" Scarlet asked quietly, patting Mike on the shoulder. She heard OMR agents shout things like "Hostile contacts at the gate!", signifying to Scarlet that the enemy has already arrived in force. Scarlet got up and got a read on the situation. The walls, gates, fences and vehicles provided enough ample cover for Scarlet and her OMR allies, while the hostile paramilitaries would have to funnel in through the gate in the front. Even with all of their new gear, the enemy was facing off against an equally skilled and equally equipped foe, who has a much bigger advantage in terms of terrain, cover and numbers. And if Scarlet was going to be honest with herself, it felt good.

Scarlet immediately took cover behind the wrecked BMW, using the engine block to protect her from incoming fire. Scarlet brought her rifle to bear, seeing the enemy arrive in multiple black Land Rover SUVs. More operatives equipped with the latest Soviet-bloc gear, already opening fire upon the officers. The officers returned fire with their handguns and rifles, making the operatives scatter. Scarlet used this opportunity to gun down one of the hostile paramilitaries, a quick burst of five bringing him down onto the asphalt below. Thirty-five rounds left. "Moving!" An OMR guard shouted. "Covering!" Scarlet replied, switching to semi-auto mode and firing in the general direction of the operatives, suppressing them and buying the OMR guard some time to move to cover.

*FFTTCH!!* One of the OMR took a hit straight to the chest, making the half-elf fall to the ground. "Man down!" Scarlet called out. In the cacophony of battle, Scarlet reached into her tactical bag of holding, pulling out a flashbang. "Throwing flashbang!" Scarlet shouted, pulling the pin and throwing it right beyond the gate. She turned around, and after a BANG!, she stood up and fired wildly towards the gate. "Moving!" Scarlet cried out as she sprinted to the wounded OMR officer. "Covering!" She heard a friendly shout as she made her sprint. "C'mon buddy, stay with me." She said to the officer as she grabbed him by his armpits. She dragged him away from the fight as quickly as she could, bringing him back behind a wall. Once she confirmed that the wounded officer was safe, she called out to the friendlies in the back. "Medic!" She stood up and fired towards the gate. Given that most of the enemy was also in cover, she wasn't really hitting anything, but the bullets she was sending should be enough to buy her allies some time to do what they need to do. However, there was one small problem.

*Click.* Son of a shit-eating-

*FFTT!!* After what felt like having a bowling ball getting throwing at her chest by an orc, Scarlet was forced onto the ground behind the BMW. She was aware of this feeling, taking a rifle round straight into one of her ballistic plates. It hurt like hell, but at least nothing got through this time. She had a wound in her shoulder that needed addressing, but the adrenaline rush that she has been experiencing for the last ten minutes had pretty much made her forget about it, despite the blood that was all over it. She groaned as she crawled behind the engine block, laying up against the tire. "Guh... fucker!" She groaned, slowly trying to get herself back into the fight.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Member Seen 17 days ago


Amanda looked stunned at the rapid response from the Minsk office agents. Especially that one Orc scientist, claiming that his computer summons demons that he can control, while Amanda may not be familiar with the inner workings of a demon summoning computer, she will take all the help she can get at this point.

“All right, Ahab right?” Amanda inferred from his nametag. “Do whatever you need to take down these fuckers. We’ll cover you!”

It eventually resulted in all the hostile agents either retreating, injured, or dead on the street. The commotion near the OMR office forming a small crowd and necessitating those agents to form a cordon to ward off the crowds as medical specialists stream out of the office, taking the dead bodies for further examination.

More than sufficient time for Amanda to wheel the entire team into the confines of the Minsk office, before she took a nonexistent breather before the whole team. “Alright, all of you except for Faye and Scarlet, take a rest for the day. I was planning on hitting up the place when we arrived, but I don’t think that’s possible right now. Faye, you follow me to the infirmary. We need you to get checked. You’re still having those migraines right now, right? Yeah, we can’t have that.”

And so the Android brought Faye towards the Infirmary. When a certain lady with a black themed outfit was doing some computer work, she noticed the two female figures approaching her, and delayed finishing her computer work to greet them. “Greetings. you are miss Amanda and… Faye correct?”

“Yes. And your name is?”

“Ah, where are my manners? My name is Alexeya Yagayevich. I am the head doctor of this quaint little facility in Minsk. How can I help you?”

“Well, can you check Miss Faye here for any potential injuries? I’m sure that you’ve heard of her right? Little girl wonders if she has a strong connection with the Magical world of the Fairies, she’d probably used a bit too much magical power and is suffering migraines, can you check that out?”

“Hmm? Ah, of course! Miss Faye Hayward from Britain. Yes, yes. Let me prepare my equipment for a moment alright? if she’s suffering from migraines then we’d probably need some stronger stuff right now. Please wait a short while alright?”

As the woman walked towards the back of the infirmary, seemingly preparing some stuff. Amanda looked at Faye, her eyes having full intent on making sure that she’s okay. “Faye. I’m not leaving you with that woman alone okay? If you feel some discomfort then tell me. I’ll be right by your side.”

"As for you Scarlet. Do you need me to bandage up your wounds?" Amanda asked. Grabbing the nearest First aid box and revealing it's contents. "Just so you know I am trained in first aid, kind of a requirement if you're a senior agent."

@Martian@King Cosmos

“Sooo. How was he?”

Madeleine certainly didn’t expect Morgana to meet him. In truth, Madeleine’s encounter with him didn’t originally start on the best of terms. Some villagers were reporting to him of a certain ‘Demon infestation’ during the days of old, and he and her came to blows. Her magic against his Sword Mastery.

In truth, Madeleine didn’t even think that the both of them would be good friends after that. But, as the old adage goes. Time heals all wounds. He learned of the true nature of Demons, and his demeanor changed greatly as the years went by.

It was Madeleine who proposed to him and his wife that they probably should play a more active role in Germany after the country’s destruction in World War 2, even teaming up with him and the rest of the big figures of Germany in forming that little coal and steel project, and moving it forward into its current form today.

“I told you Siegfried’s a fun guy right? Sure he looks big and burly and all, but he’s mellowed out a lot as the centuries go by. Now, I’ve just got news from agent Mosley that he knows where the Roggenwolf is located. It’s near the Europaturm, we can talk about my exploits with him on the way. Siegfried and Kriemhild are the two power couples of Germany. There are tons of stories involving both of them.”

And sure enough, Madeleine blabbered about the legend and his wife’s story throughout German history, regaling Morgana about tales of adventures long in the past. Her tone sounds incredibly jovial, not like the more demure and calm manner Madeleine usually takes on. Morgana can easily tell that she and Siegfried have a long history with each other.

Eventually the duo arrived at the Palm Garden. Meeting Xaviron who is waiting beside his car. “Hey Xaviron. Just introduced Siegfried to Morgana here. Let me tell you, the face of Morgana when she realized who she’s meeting with is PRICELESS, PRICELESS I TELL YOU. Seriously Morgana, are you that shocked by Siegfried’s presence? Like, I know deities have a strong presence magically, but I never thought someone as knowledgeable as you could be so… ‘awed’ by his presence. Heaven and Hell above.”

The Demonic woman then coughed a little bit, returning to her more mature expression, knowing what the task requires of her right now. “Anyway, Xaviron. Brief me on this Roggenwolf. I assume that the wolf’s inside this garden right? What else do we need to know?”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Amanda @Kumbaris, Micheal Crane @BigPapaBelial, Scarlet @AWACS, Ahab @Eviledd1984

The chaos continued as the demons summoned by the strange orc scientist called Ahab began helping Michael, Scarlet and Amanda fight against their pursuers. With bullets and all kinds of harmful magic flying everywhere, Faye could do little but to take cover and do her best to not being hit by any stray bullet. The amount of magic used wasn't doing any good in improving her situation either, since she was still feeling the effects of pushing herself too much when using her magic.

Slowly but surely, the other members of the group were also hitting their limits. Michael, after using too many runes, suffered a big magic burn into his arm, making him gasping in pain with entire forearm erupting in smoke and Scarlet, despite having seemingly an endless supply of ammo to fire, had already been hit twice, although one bullet seemed to have stopped on her armor.

"Micheal, Scarlet! Are you two okay?" Faye asked, still taking cover as she looked over to them.

"I still can't... use my magic! All this magic being thrown around... It's really not helping, at all!" Faye said, feeling the headaches flare up once again, with her body getting hotter due to all the magic around.

"I'm sorry guys... I can hold on... Just don't worry about me and do what you need to do to drive these guys away!" Faye said, gritting her teeth as she tried her best to resist.

The gunfight continued for a while, until the allied OMR agents were able to organize themselves and start pushing the hostile agents back, until they had to finally retreat after many being wounded or dead.

"Is it... over?" Faye asked, slowly raising her head and looking around.

After a cordon was formed by the OMR agents, who started securing the area and cleaning up the mess, Amanda came up to Faye, asking her to follow her to the infirmary to have her magical overload treated.

"Yes... It worsened now after this combat... Too much magic being used..." Faye said, wobbling a bit as she got up.

The moment Faye arrived on the infirmary, before she was able to even properly see the woman wearing a black outfit, she could feel a characteristic, distinct magic coming from her. The moment she approached the infirmary, despite her weakened state, she could immediately feel the powerful, old magic. Unlike modern types of magic, the magic that mysterious woman used, despite being fierce and primal, was still somewhat comforting to Faye, since it was much closer to the nature and to the magic many fairies used than other types of modern magic. It was the ancestral magic of the deep, dark woods. The magic of earth and roots, of herbs and flowers, of blood and bones.

She didn't know exactly who she was, but Faye instinctively knew that the woman that had just stood up to greet them was someone who should be both respected, feared and revered. It definitely wasn't someone Faye or anyone could afford to offend lightly.

It took a few moments for Faye to realize that the woman was talking to her, still a bit shocked. Both for Amanda, Scarlet and even Alexeya herself, it was clear that Faye had seen or felt something different that made her change her posture and even her tone of voice.

"M-Madam A-Alexeya...? Ye-Yes... I'm Faye Hayward." Faye said, doing her best to treat the woman in a polite way, despite how weak she was feeling as Alexeya mentioned her name, saying for her and Amanda to wait a bit.

Once Alexeya went to get the materials she needed to treat her and Amanda mentioned that she wouldn't leave her alone, Faye nodded to Amanda, silently thanking her as she let out a smile.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by King Cosmos
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King Cosmos

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Morgana Faith

Morgana was quiet as they left the OMR office, letting Madeleine ramble about whatever topics she wanted to as they drove to meet back up with Xaviron. Not having to carry one half of the conversation gave her more time to think and to plot how to subvert the defences around her family’s estate; she was still no closer to an answer by the time they reached the Europaturm, but if it was that simple then there wouldn’t be much need to plot at all.

They reached their destination and as she stepped out of the car she heard the demon telling Xaviron about their meeting with Siegfried, only now realised that the other woman had become somewhat mistaken about her impression of the man.

Awed? Yes, she supposed that was one word for it. As soon as she had stepped into those office almost every ward woven around her person flared and buzzed in warning at the deity’s mere presence. Considering that they were only supposed to do that were they detected hostile or malicious energies she had been a little taken aback.

And more than a little concerned that a god was about to wipe her off the face of the earth.

It was a false alarm, fortunately. She had never been able to test how her wards and defences responded to a living deity after all and after the panic subsided and she had a few moments to examine what they were complaining about she realised it had more to do with that accursed sword of his than the man himself. It was an artefact after all, and not an insignificant one at that.

“If you could tell me what manner of spirit it is as well, I could begin devising a suitable sealing circle for it; its nature and its affinities.” She still believed this hunt to be a waste of their time, unrelated to their case other than the fact that a victim of their target had brought it onto this plane. Still, they might as well handle this properly if they were going to handle it at all.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Our Shaman who art not in Heaven

The fight had finally ebbed off. And people were beginning to pick up the pieces. Slowly of course.

The other OMR agents were tending to the bodies.

And here Micheal sat in the lee of a concrete divider, gathered around him looking annoyed are his three godly friends. Manabozho looking around to make sure nothing else is coming. Whiskeyjack sitting there bemoaning the fact one of those bullets had torn right through his jacket. And Raven is carefully applying some ointment to the rune burn on Micheal's arm. The flat thin tin of ointment is being applyed sparsely though as there isn't much there. Probably only meant for small burns but this one trails up and down Micheal's left forearm like a maze of blue flaming cracks. But the medicine seems to be helping.

He calls over to Scarlet, "Hey Red, how you doing? Boss Bot? Faye?" He sighs, and jumps when a medic kneels beside him and starts to look over his arm. Saying something about, "Stupid Rune users over doing it." A spray ointment being applied. Micheal just grinning, Raven blowing out a breath of relief.

Micheal winces as the burns is being tended too. He shakes his head slowly, "This motley bunch, I swear, wouldn't want to work with anyone else though."

He's an outside observer as the Doctor walks up to Madeline, Scarlet and Faye. The burly First Nations man glad they are getting tended too. He winces and shuffles as the medic looking him over pokes at the burn and sprays somemore healing ointment, "This is going to take abit to heal, no more rune usage for atleast the next day. Unless you want it to get worse." Mikey nods, "Sure sure. you're the boss." The medic glares at him and his gods begins to babble telling him they'll force him to comply. Mike just turns his head to look over at the other three members of the squad near by, "I'll keep it in mind, as long as we're all okay."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BogeyDope
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Scarlet Rubashka as Punished "Venom Bean"


Pain throbbed hard in her chest with every heartbeat. Numbed slightly from the rush of adrenaline that coursed through her veins, the homunculus struggled to stand back up. "Guhh..." She groaned as the pain from her relatively healed gunshot wound bled in from her shoulder. She cursed all kinds of things to herself as she managed to bring herself back up onto her feet, standing at a crouched position to remain in cover behind the commandeered BMW. Scarlet heard Faye shout to her as the fight continued. "Micheal, Scarlet! Are you two okay?" Scarlet looked over to Faye and winced a bit in pain. "Fuck... no!" She replied in between pained breaths. "But for the sake of this conversation, uh... yeah! I'm alive! I think!" She flashed a light smirk to Faye before wincing again. She looked over to Michael, checking in on him. He seemed to be fine, taking cover with his friends. Good. "I'm sorry guys... I can hold on... Just don't worry about me and do what you need to do to drive these guys away!" Scarlet winced again as she brought her rifle back up to shoulder. "You're fine, just- Ow... Fuck." She grunted as she reloaded her empty rifle, slapping down the charging handle to seat another round. "Just stay down! I'll cover both of you!" Scarlet turned and brought her rifle over the hood of the old BMW. POPOPOW! POPOPOW! Anyone that happened to be firing in Faye and Michael's direction got Scarlet's short bursts of automatic rifle fire in return, the firepower enough to suppress the bad guys once again.

The gunfire and spellcasting died down a bit as Scarlet got back up onto feet, and by the time she was able to stand up again, all surviving enemy contacts have been routed, fleeing into the streets and back into the shadows. Several friendly vehicles followed in hot pursuit, they too disappearing into the city beyond. Within moments, medical personnel and other noncombat staff were dispatched from the building to bring in the wounded and dead from both sides of the fight. Thankfully, almost all of the OMR involved in the fight were still kicking. Through all of the intense pain she was experiencing at the moment, Scarlet felt a light glimmer of pride for keeping a few of these agents alive in the fight, even if quite a few of them got wounded pretty bad. A part of her hoped that at least one of them would buy her a drink after all of this is over, but a simple thank you always does the job for her.

She looked over to Faye and Michael, who were immediately tended to by some of the medically trained staff. "Hey Red, how are you doing?" Scarlet sighed. "As well as I can be after taking a rifle round straight to the chest." One of the uniformed OMR guards approached her, patting her down. She winced in pain when her chest and her shoulder were patted, but everything else checked out. "Yeah, just those two over there." She said to the agent, before patting him down. She winced again when she crouched down. "You're good." She said, giving him a final pat on the back. "This motley bunch, I swear, wouldn't want to work with anyone else though." Scarlet smiled weakly, nodding in agreement. As the agent guided her into the building, she gave a pat on Michael's shoulder and followed the others inside.

Normally it be a little odd to see a woman in a ballcap, a plate carrier and a bloodied t-shirt carry an assault rifle into a large office building such as this, but given what had just happened, she was the least interesting sight around the HQ. The agent she just patted down helped her into the building and brought her into the infirmary with the others, all of them following Amanda there. Once they arrived, Scarlet thanked the agent and focused her attention on her commanding officer as the agent took his leave. The two of them appeared to be talking to Alexeya Yagayevich, a woman wearing a dark outfit that stood out in a building full of uniforms and formal dress. Despite her lack of magical sensitivity, Scarlet could tell that there was something to this woman, especially with the way Faye acted around her. “Faye. I’m not leaving you with that woman alone okay? If you feel some discomfort then tell me. I’ll be right by your side.” Amanda said. Scarlet looked into Faye's eyes and gave a single, slow nod. A look of understanding that said "I got your back."

Scarlet looked back to Amanda. "As for you Scarlet. Do you need me to bandage up your wounds?" Scarlet thought for a second. "Uh..." Her response probably prompted Amanda to add "Just so you know I am trained in first aid, kind of a requirement if you're a senior agent." Scarlet replied with a weak smile. "Same here. Comes with the territory of being a combat lifesaver and all." After a moment of silence, Scarlet realized that she had yet to provide an answer. "Oh shit, yes. Please." The homunculus immediately enlisted the help of the android, getting her to help her take off her plate carrier. "Ow, fuck." Scarlet winced as she raised her hands above her head. "Other than your... ow... standard wounding profile from a 5.56 Soviet round on my shoulder, I think I might also have two crushed boobs and a broken rib." She gently sat her AUG down on the table on top of her ballistic vest. With some pain, she pulled up her sleeve to reveal the ugly (but somewhat healed) gunshot wound on her shoulder. It had a small entrance and an exit twice its size, indicating that the bullet went clean through, taking some of Scarlet with it. She pulled down her bloodied t-shirt's neckline, tearing it a little to reveal the massive bruise that's forming on her chest, a wound expected from a hard impact of an enchanted ballistic plate. Nothing a bit of slow healing magic and some bandages won't fix.

However, the whole wound wasn't visible, as pulling down her shirt was revealing enough. Any further, she'd risk voiding her contract. "I might have to get that plate replaced before I go out again." Scarlet said, gesturing to the ballistic vest she just took off. "And probably get that cleaned too." She sighed, wincing again as some of the slightest movements of her chest would put her in pain. "Fuck, can't even breathe without getting it. That fucker hit me hard." She looked back up to Amanda. After some silence, she spoke again. "Not going to lie, that's one of the toughest fights I've been in. If it weren't for you, or anyone else on the team, well... let's just say that my fucked up soul would probably be in a different realm by now." Scarlet's eyes met Amanda's, sincerity in her own. "So, uhm... Thank you, boss. I mean it."

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