City Streets
Thalia was just sort of keeping a bit of an eye out. Currently, she wasn't seeing anything that might potentially be useful, but then again, that didn't necessarily mean anything at all. There could be just about anything that could make things worse in general. There could be things hiding that she might not necessarily be able to see, and considering the fact that she was trying to limit her flying a bit so she didn't draw attention didn't help at all.
The group that Ed and Guin were spying on seemed to just sort of be chatting, though the obvious thing was that they weren't really moving from the area that they were in. A few did start wandering away a bit and the total in the area was now down to 5, so at least if something bad were to say happen, they wouldn't be too outnumbered right? Well, after a few moments, the group seemed to suddenly get quiet, one of them was hushing the others, as if trying to listen for something or someone.
"What exactly are we listening for?" one of them said, before get hushed by the others.
"I heard voices nearby..." another one whispered, as they were listening, and a few of them started heading directly towards where Ed and Guin were. Thalia was still up above and noticed what seemed to be going on, and just sort of jumped buildings, and was keeping an eye on the situation now, in order to potentially aid them if needed.
Meanwhile over with Cass and Jade, nothing seems to be going on too much. As Jade mentioned, this area doesn't seem to have too many people around, so if they wanted to try and move in closer and more into the area there wasn't anyone stopping them. The few people who were around, didn't seem to even notice the pair at all, so they seemed to have more or less free reign to wander in closer if they wanted to.
City Hall
Lance was flipping through a few different filing cabinets in order to try and find something. Though when that did really work out, he started looking through a few of the boxes of stuff on the floor. "Nothing so far, aside from some of the cabinets have holes and there looks to be some water damage on some of the papers and all in them. Reminder to be somewhat careful, because who knows how solid the papers we are messing with actually are."
"Yeah yeah yeah, I know I know, honestly," Pietro responded with a bit of an eye roll. He instantly started zipping around, seemingly sort of ignoring the whole "be careful" thing that Lance had said, opening up drawers and papers were sort of flying just about everywhere as he ran around the area.
"Do you ever listen?" Lance muttered, before stopping for a moment, listening. He could have sworn that he heard footsteps upstairs, but it was really hard to tell with Pietro racing around without much of a care in the world. "Mind stopping for a second?" Lance asked Pietro.
The speedster stopped for a moment, "What?" he asked, looking through a cabinet, but not at super speed anymore.
"I thought I heard something, but I might have imagined it... We are kind of in a creepy abandoned building after all..."
"Eh, maybe."