Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 1 day ago

Suzuya Kuzunoha

Suzuya hadn't expected Tesni of all people to approach her after their disaster of a first patrol together offering an ice cream cone of all things to her. She stared with no small degree of uncertainty before gingerly taking the offered treat, her own magical heat dimming as she felt the wrapped confection soften at just her touch. As much as the loud, boisterous, and spontaneously violent girl seemed anethma to her reserved sensibilities, her waiting for Oliva had given her time to consider her fellow Magical Girls more.

And for the life of her, she couldn't find anything to hold against the Monkey. Just thinking of those giggling clown girls made her consider the swinging of the world's largest measuring stick rather appropriate.

So she quietly if amicably enjoyed ice cream with her tea, only later coming to regret the combination as her stomach went into open revolt over something besides the heavy greases in local foods. But that was after meeting her roommate once more, only for her planned tea time to be swept away with explosions and concerns that had them trotting off back into the school to investigate.

Suzuya was concerned this school was turning out to be more Yankee by the day.

The concerns over American influence prooved unfounded, as the pair of German Magical Girls would attest if one was not serving as an educator and sentencing them to spending their evening in some manner of training room. It was amusing to think that if one looked past the flagrant use of magic, the room she now stood in with mixed wonder and concern was the only peculiarity for a school of Merrywell's stated mission seperating it from any other school.

Her concern was entirely typical for her, a low level aversion to the new and dangerous that her Grimoire wanted to strangle out of her, but the awe was keeping it contented for the moment as her eyes roamed the scraps of robots past. Robots. Robots! If there was every a Magical Girl to fabricate mecha, Suzuya was starting to believe it was the one with arms that could shoot firewords, and her tentative hope was turning into a wildfire even without her transforming.

She found herself turning to her roommate, that same determination to get on better terms after her patrol still firm in her chest, and asked Olivia the first thing that sought to escape her mind. "Do you think sensei does commisions?"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Ponn
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Member Seen 4 days ago

As Olivia ran towards where the recent detonation had taken place, her mind raced with possibilities as to what might have caused it. In particular, if it was the work of a Pageless, however unlikely that might have been, the azure-clad maiden couldn’t help but wonder what said hypothetical Pageless might look like. However, upon reaching the source of the explosion, the blonde beauty was somewhat surprised and maybe a little disappointed to hear that it was simply a student’s mistake gone a bit overboard. She was also fascinated by the metal-armed girl standing in front of the ruined classroom alongside Charlotte, a girl who promptly introduced herself as Valeria Weizenbaum, apparently a substitute defense class teacher.

E-Exploded? Olivia wondered when the German girl noted the reason for their original defense teacher’s absence. She wouldn’t have long to dwell on that, though, as Valeria wasted no time in using her mechanical arms to arrange the gathered crowd of students into orderly rows, before transforming the limbs into cannons, from which blasted a volley of fireworks. “Goodness! Those arms of hers certainly are fascinating!” the blonde beauty marveled. “Don’t you think so, darling?!” she asked with an excited smile, while turning to look up at Xolys, who was now standing to attention behind her.

“Indeed, I do, my sweet,” the Master of Xhar’doth replied. “Miss Weizenbaum must be the bearer of a most intriguing Grimoire to possess abilities such as those.”

Meanwhile, the young woman in question was telling the assembled students how they were drastically lacking as combatants, a sentiment Olivia found to be somewhat harsh, especially since some of them, herself included, had only just arrived at Marrywell less than three short days ago. She was about to say as much, when the metal-armed maiden began her little “inspection”, and while she was soon standing face to face with the annoyed-looking German, the cold intensity of the girl’s judgmental gaze left the azure-clad beauty utterly speechless. Indeed, all she could do was stand at attention and hope she wouldn’t be found wanting in the eyes of the senior Magical Girl. Giving voice to a relived sigh when Valeria moved on to her next victim, Olivia continued to stand in uneasy silence until the inspection was complete, at which point Valeria announced that they would begin combat practice immediately. Unsurprisingly, the blonde beauty’s eyes widened in shock at this revelation. She and her team had just returned from a lengthy patrol, had just fought an Apex-level Pageless, and now, after less than fifteen minutes of rest, they were expected to go right back into battle? Thankfully, saner heads prevailed, and after a few words from Charlotte, Valeria reluctantly conceded to reschedule the impending exercise for the coming evening…

So it was, that at the appointed hour, Olivia and Xolys found themselves standing in Training Facility B’s vast central chamber, along with quite a few familiar faces. In particular, Suzuya had tentatively approached her and asked if she thought Valeria might possibly do commission work. “Oh, gosh, I don’t really know,” the azure-clad maiden conceded. “But it would certainly be wonderful if she did! I mean, after seeing her various constructions so far, I imagine there’s no limit to what she could create! Although…” the blonde beauty added with a slight frown. “If her previously displayed demeanor is anything to go by, she may not be particularly amenable to taking requests…”

“Perhaps if one gave an exceptionally skilled performance in the upcoming exercise, Miss Weizenbaum might be more agreeable to accepting any potential request such an individual might wish to make,” Xolys mused from where he stood a good distance behind Olivia, so as not to unnerve Suzuya, or the other gathered students, any more than necessary.

“Oh, wow! I didn’t think of that, darling!” Olivia exclaimed with a hopeful smile. “In that case, we’ll just have to do our best together, right Suzuya?!”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Bonnie was taking a little time alone after the excitement of yesterday, cozied up in a large cushy chair with a book to read. Sure, there was technically several dozen other girls in the library, but it was a library so they were being quiet.

"Oh, the training seems lively today." Bonnie commented at the sound of part of the building being extravagantly destroyed as all the others in the Library glanced up. It seemed the two year magical girl wasn't overly surprised at seeing massive property damage accompany the acts of magic they were wont to perform. She didn't feel the instinct to run towards this disaster, as she figured you know, probably just someone getting a little excited. With how Camelot said experienced magical girls could sense the Pageless, she figured there was no way for a bad guy to sneak up on the Academy.

So, she enjoyed her quiet time even more as some of the other girls in the library left to find out what was going on.


Bonnie had considered not showing up for the training. She was a magical girl, what exactly where they gonna do if she played hooky? But on the other hand, she did want to keep a decent impression with the new team... such as it was. So she showed up anyway. Spying Charlotte on the way in, Bonnie gave a little wave and a smile but then looked back to the task at hand. And, huh, why was Camelot still steaming?

"Hey Camelot, why are you doing the steam thing still? I thought you and Burning Heart were just doing that to keep the rain off you." Bonnie seemed to have genuinely misunderstood the situation once again.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 10 days ago

"Thanks for the help," Eins said after being rescued from her predicament by none other than the (in)famous Charlotte. "I thought I was a goner for a second," she added as she patted the dust and ash off her outfit.

"I don't think I'm gonna be that much help in combat training. I just came here to see if anyone needed some tuning to their grimoires. After all, I heard the new blood got into a pretty fierce battle not long ago and I thought I could useful somehow," Eins said, however before she finished her explanation, Charlotte had disappeared into the ether yet again, leaving everyone around in the care of a certain military lunatic and her Serial-Numbers-Filed-Off Danger Room.

"Oh well, I suppose, stretching my legs every now and then won't break them. Plus, I might be able to see what those new girls are capable of first hand," Eins —or better, Magical Girl Drossel, the one holding the grimoire of the so beloved tale of the Nutcracker and the Mouse King— said in a resigned voice as she followed into the battleground, staying a couple steps behind the newcomers, checking them out with a keen look in her eyes.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ShadowSunRisen
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ShadowSunRisen Final Prophet

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Everyone had arrived to a junkyard instead of a traditional classroom. Scrap metal, old cars, airplane parts. The various machines that kept London going had to go somewhere when they ceased to function, and this their graveyard. Giant floodlights hung over the corners to give sports stadium lighting across the entire area for best visibility during the night. Valeria would take in that lovely air of oil and rust, breathing it in like a fine perfume.

"This is where the real magic happens!" She'd throw out her arm and introduce the majestic heap of trash and scrap. With a quick jump she's landed on top of a heap, using it as a podium to better speak to the gathered students below.

"So from what I've read of you all. You have an assortment of dazzling powers, some of the most impressive I've seen in generations! You should know, all the power in you won't matter unless you can work as a team."

As Valeria is speaking, her arms are moving akin to a composer to create a composition of junk into forms and bodies. They'd take the shape of a large metal Pageless. The scrap formed together into armored plate, brandishing a heart of metal gears churning inside and powering the great beast to life. A giant drill hung below it, attached by tubing to complete the design. A mechanical battle hornet, complete with bear like claws on its fists.

"And that is the goal of this exercise. Zusammenarbeit! Or...what's the word for it in english...Interplay! Playing together!"

Valeria had a little machine hover over to her shoulder carrying an english dictionary. She'd quickly scan over it.

"Bah. Stupid language anyways." She'd shoo the machine away.

"This machine is unique, understand? It requires an attack together from you all as a team! You must cooperate and use your powers in conjunction with one another. I've calibrated its armor to each of your Grimoires will coordinate to the seal inside of its chest. It's all a lot of complicated pseudo science and magic techno babble blah blah...hit the big glowie thing in the center all at once? Ja? Ja. You are all smart little kinder."

The walls of the scrapyard come to a close, creating a protective barrier so the magical girls can use their full power without risk of causing collateral damage to the city or academy. Valeria would reposition herself on top of the iron gate, where she could best observe from behind the students and also make sure no one isn't sneaking off from the challenge ahead of them.

"Oh and by the way! I might be shooting some explosive rounds every now and then to really spice things up! I wouldn't worry much about it. Now...onward! Attacke! Do not be afraid! I will not let it go too far!"

She'd fire off a around from her hand cannon which sent a flare into the sky, exploding into a dazzling array of sparks. At this, the machine would let out a loud mechanical yell and pump into high gear. It'd move fast and immediately charge for the gathered group of girls with it's drill revved up at full spin. It'd drag across the ground, belching dirt up into the air as it aimed to tear apart every girl involved.

Off to the side, a robotic voice was reading off the rights and legal immunities the Grand Ministry had for whatever may happen to its students and were not legally responsible for loss of life and limb.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

The evening training session began with a crack and a notion for flare. It was just like Valeria to show off like that and in some ways, she never did change from all those years. Charlotte found it amusing but she was far too used to the German Magical Girl’s antics; so much so she could practically predict what she’d do next. That’s why her attention was affixed not to the class below but to the resonating pool of heat and magic that was Chinami beside her. She gave the other girl a small smile as she approached, neither callous nor judging, only as cool as the brisk air.

“Mhrn. It could have gone worse,” she pointed out. She had no doubt the earlier display took a hit on the Magical Girl’s pride, especially when she carried around Arthur’s Grimoire. She was further unphased by Chinami’s glance and the bitterness in her tone. If anything, it invoked a soft sigh from Charlotte and she leaned further back against the platform railing. “Hey now, don’t be like that. You of all people should know if the Grand Minister doesn’t want anyone around, they don’t have a chance of getting an audience with her. Cut me some slack here.”

Charlotte flicked her sight on the arena as Valeria’s voice announced the start of their training along with the harsh mechanical whirs of her summon. It proved a fine distraction to gather her own thoughts. “Besides, what’s done is done. The teams are getting moved around now that Lucette's placed on an extended mission.” That must have been news for Chinami; indeed, it was sudden for the redhead too, but she had long since learned not to read too much into strange events.

“It’s funny. It’s almost like you’re being pushed to step up,” Charlotte mused. She turned her front half around and mirrored Chinami’s posture. “If it were up to me, I’d probably say you’re better off solo. Not everyone is cut out for being on a team; but we’re stronger in numbers. The Grand Minister is thinking it over, but I put in a good word for you in making the teams….more tolerable.” There was pretense in the air, super charged with physical heat just as much as the magic leaking off Chinami. Charlotte never broke her gaze from the arena below.

“So. That all aside, let’s get to the real question for tonight. How long are you going to pretend your magic isn’t bothering you?”

As if invoking her words into reality, Bonnie appeared before the two girls and commented on the fact. “Hey hey Bonnie. Came to watch the fun?” Charlotte asked with an easy chuckle. “Don’t mind Chinami here, she’s just had a trip from the school sauna is all.” Her smile grew wider from the third girl’s appearance, a different notion from her expression just moments ago.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 1 day ago

Suzuya Kuzunoha

Desperate times called for desperate measures but did the battle maniac of a substitue really expect a group like theirs to have spontaneous and perfect team work? Just when Suzuya was managing a short conversation with Oliva and Xolys she was left slackjawed at the giant mechanical hornet with bear hands that they had to kill. She barely had an inkling what half the girls present could do based on one night out together!

Even her Grimoire was taking umbrage with the tiny robot reading off a liability waver she did NOT sign at any point, and somehow her vague idea Merrywell was a place of darwinian savagery was growing firmer as it rooted itself in uncaring reality. If that stranger from her homeland wasn't so insidious looking she'd begin to join Camelot in considering alternatives, but imminent robot attack leaves very little time for long term plans.

Instead she sinks herself into the girding embrace of her Grimoire and turns a critical eye to Xolys as a great bow emerges from her tail. It was a foot longer then she was tall and the following arrow looked more apt for a ballista then a human hand. Because it entirely was, but magical girl strength made the idea of conventional weaponry far looser to define.

"Excuse me for asking this, but might I trouble you for a ride? I'm somewhat...diminished, on my own feet." Burning Heart admitted, furtively looking between the wasp and the pair of Beauty and Beast. "I would not mean to intrude but seeing as this foe flies and scrap heaps are not known for their stable footing...."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Bonnie took Ozma's words at face value, smiling as things were explained. "Oh, good to hear. Bet that felt refreshing! See you on the battlefield, Cammy!" She waved before rushing forward. Ok, things seemed okay so far! She hadn't been too clingy about Burning Heart, had checked in with Camelot, had managed to not catch Dynasty Queen's attention, everything seemed great! Bonnie's eyes glanced over to Suzuya. No, no! Focus.

Giant flying robot... She didn't fly... But plenty of junk to pull off some clever shenanigans with! Bonnie's eyes glanced over the scrapyard, looking for something, and with glee, she found it. And failed to yank it out of the heap of junk as she tugged on it. "Nnnnrg, lot harder... than I thought... Without the transformation.. " She stopped pulling for a moment to shift, stamping down a foot to pull harder. "Come loose you stupid... This is gonna be so cool!"

Finally, she pulled forth her target... Springs? Oh dear.

A velvet darkness enshrouds Bonnie, as if curtains were drawn closed over the act on a stage. But more was still yet to come, heralded by a trio of spotlights swirling around her covered form. "Lilac Shimmer bounces into battle, Springheel Mode!" Lilac Shimmer spiraled into the sky, the darkness enshrouding her becoming a dramatic cape to be swirled around, then tossed to the side as she reached the apex of her jump, exploding into rosy petals. Then, the new element of her costume was revealed as she turned in midair, slamming her feet against the top of the protective barrier. She was now augmented with bouncy spring heels for even more dramatic flights and maneuvers than Lilac was usually keen to partake in.

A moment of build up and pressure, before Lilac shot forth at the mechanical Pageless. No ranged weapons had she, so if they were meant to all strike it together, she'd need to get in close no matter what else the plan was!
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FrogRFlowR
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FrogRFlowR Elder Frog

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It had been days since Maria left her villa back in southern France. For years now, Maria had been doing her work solo, mostly, and it had been working out rather well. For a time... for a long time, she managed to keep her area cleaned and secured. She preferred it this way, as her powers were hard to control and risky to use and she could never be sure of when, if ever, the day would come where she failed and unleashed something she'd rather not think about. Because of this, she felt as if relationships - magical girls or otherwise - was simply an added risk she had to do without. However, this was no longer an option.

Maria had received a letter, or rather an order, directly from the Grand Ministry that strongly suggested she should relocate herself at the Marrywell Academy, in London. It would seem she had little say in the matter and the Ministry being what they are and holding the sway they did, Maria had to agree with their suggestion. And so, no later than a few days later, she was in London.

Amongst the many reasons cited and half-hidden strong-arming arguments in the letter was an explanation that they believed that Maria needed to stop being solo, and she...kind of agreed, in a way. Working alone was never her wish, but a self imposed restriction for fear of her Grimoire - and it took it's toll. Loneliness could only be endured so long, and Maria's career approached a century now. She felt that isolation was almost as big a risk to her mental state than risking it with others and mixed with the Ministry orders - here she was.

All of this was going through her mind while the silver-haired woman walked through the Academy's paths, eventually arriving where she was heading. Maria had been told to reach the Training Facility B, where she'd meet fellow magical girls. More accurately, she was asked by the Ministry to be a team leader, of all things, and to come here to watch the girls which might become her team members. She tried to do so without catching too much attention, but...

It turned out the viewing space she went up to was already inhabited by a pair of girls; one red haired one and another taller with a gothic appearance, both seemed around Maria's physical age. They themselves would notice Maria was wearing a long black dress that clashed with modern times, her pale blonde hair neatly tied at the back and she was walking with regal appearances, hands joint at the front. She walked up close to them, until she could also see the girls on the training field, then addressed them.

"Hello." she said, keeping her stare blank for now, but bearing a smile as best she could. "You must be Charlotte. My name is Maria de Borbón, freshly arrived here in London. Pleasure to meet you, miss Clementine..." she said with a slight polite bow that, again, betrayed her advanced age and upbringing.

"...as I am you, miss...?" she said, trying to remain as polite as can be.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Ponn
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Member Seen 4 days ago

So, going by Valeria’s pre-exercise speech, they’d all have to work together and perfectly coordinate their attacks if they wanted to defeat their opponent. It was certainly a good way to encourage teamwork, Olivia reflected, but she was a little unsure of how such a sizable number of girls could all hit one single spot simultaneously, especially on a foe that could fly. And speaking of…

“Oh my goodness!” Olivia gushed, her eyes seeming to sparkle at the sight of the mechanical monstrosity Valeria had conjured. “How incredibly fascinating! I just love the drill it has for a stinger! And the claws on its hands look very menacing as well! You know, I almost feel bad about having to destroy it…”

The blonde beauty was so enthralled by the sight of the insectoid war machine that she completely failed to hear their instructor note that she might be firing on them at various points of the exercise, not to mention her robot aid’s little denial of liabilities… It was the sound of Suzuya’s inquiring voice that ultimately broke Olivia out of her awestruck musings, and she turned to the fox-tailed maiden with a brilliant smile.

“Oh, of course!” Olivia told her. “That’s a wonderful idea, isn’t it darling?!”

“It is indeed, my sweet,” Xolys agreed. “And it would be my great honor and pleasure to provide you with a suitable firing position, Miss Suzuya,” the eldritch beast added as he lowered himself for ease of access, a series of steps and handholds forming themselves on his back. Upon ensuring Burning Heart was firmly secure, the Master of Xhar’doth would gently scoop up his azure-clad consort and charge toward their mechanical foe, a mighty beam of unreality charging in the center of his lamprey-like maw…
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by McFazzer
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Dynasty Queen

“Am I supposed to go to this?” The slip of paper forced into her hand, drafting her into the mechanical gladiatorial arena for the girls who got back from patrol. Suppressing the sigh, Tesni hastily finished her ice-cream before drifting into the arena the new teacher had seemingly designed for the purpose of boring her, until the fun training dummy of the mechanical hornet materialised itself. Even as Valeria stood tall on the makeshift podium spouting off about what they all really needed, the most cursed and evil thing Tesni could imagine… teamwork.
Not that she had anything against the concept, really. It’s just that teamwork kinda relied on all parties involved performing at a somewhat equal level with synergistic powers of some description. And it’s hard to synergise with the comparatively mundane and not very magical fighting style of ‘hit things with a big stick’. She was about flow, forcing her flow into the battle, making the enemy fight at her pace and her pace tended to be a bit too impulsive for others to follow and adapt to. And most Pageless tended to stop if you smacked them hard enough in the right spot, regardless of how many people are there to do the hitting. Still… maybe she could still take hold of the flow of this battle, she’ll just be generous and let it flow towards the others.

“I’m not really sure if I’m meant to be here, but I have a ticket and I suppose I should at least try and be a better ‘teammate’. Stupid tin can, hollow and noisy. Let me play with you for the sake of others, okay? ‘The divine root conceives, its source revealed; Mind and nature nurtured, the Great Dao is born.’ A flash and she was once again in her battle attire, her golden staff stabbed into the ground next to her, it ringing out in a clear note.

“Now since I’m unsure if me being here is ‘cheating’, but I was given an invitation so I suppose I might as well give some advice. Everyone should at least have a method for dealing with flying enemies. Either go up to their level…” Holding the upper end of her staff she had it lengthen, carrying her up until she was at ‘eye level’ with where the mechanical Pageless’ eyes probably should be.
“Or do what I prefer and… bring it down to your level where you can smash it!” She watched Bonnie launch herself at the flying bug, seemingly having intuited the same method she had in mind.

C’mon Bonbon, spike it with me!” Tesni kicked her staff backwards out from under herself and swung it up and around in an overhead chop, aiming to bring her full strength down upon the Hornet to force it to the ground.

“Fliers with wings tend to be weak to getting smashed from above!”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sonnambula
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Sonnambula Stealer of Girls

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The look that Valeria had given Nessie earlier during her assessment of the patrol teams had not gone over the girl's head, and though she wasn't sure what the exact nature of that look had been, being herself she'd taken it as a challenge to be prepared for the evening to come. And so, though she'd been intending to take a long break after the long patrol of the night before, after a couple of hours of napping the Scot rose with fire from her bed, an energy which she carried over once she reached the Training Facility.

It seemed a slightly odd place to Nessie, filled with junk, scrap and debris, not exactly what you'd call well kept. From the central arena she could just about make out a few faces up in the viewing stalls, including Ozma and her trademark red hair, as well as a couple of others- both familiar and unfamiliar. The majority of those in the room were stood at her side however, various members from the two patrol groups. Almost everyone, if not everyone, had shown up it seemed. Mind you, given what she'd seen of Valeria earlier, she wouldn't want to be caught skiving off her class.

With Valeria's arrival to address the students from on top of a scrap heap, it now quickly became clear why exactly they were gathered in what essentially seemed to be a glorified junkyard. There was surprise, wonderment and anticipation in Nessie's eyes as the stern yet odd German Magical Girl sculpted a foe with her powers, creating complicated mechanisms from the junk strewn about the chamber to create a large metal foe. A fusion between a hornet and some kind of bear towered over the group, a mechanical monster that seemed to mimic a Pageless in its nature and build. And, like with many activities Nessie had partaken in so far during her time in the world of Magical Girls, the key was teamwork.

Once Valeria's explanation was over, as the walls of the scrapyard rose up to keep the battle as contained as possible, Nessie brought out her Grimoire, her uniform glowing before morphing into her witch attire. The Lady of the Lake was ready, and though the mention of explosive rounds added to the mix was a surprise for her, she at least had her broom to help with her mobility. And lucky she did as well, the metal Pageless' first attack coming fast right out of the gate, dirt and debris tossed hazardously around as the deadly drill bore its way towards the girls.

"Shit!" The Scot exclaimed her surprise in the way that came most naturally to her, hastily hopping onto her broom before zipping off in the nick of time, swerving around to the mechanical beast's side. Separated from the others in the party as she was, Nessie was fairly confident she could pull this off with them, just so long as she paid attention to when they all were attacki-

"Fuck, they're attacking!" Nessie's colourful language came out once again in a panicked spurt as she realised, a little late, that the rest of the group had already sent their attacks towards that vulnerable glowing core Valeria had referenced before. It was ok though, there was still time to send her own attack into the fray, especially with how quick her water spells usually travelled. Hurriedly she focussed her energy, pulling her hands back before forcefully thrusting them forward, and...!

Nothing, well, barely anything. A small spurt that you might see from a dodgy garden hose spluttered out towards the junkyard amalgamation, pattering uselessly against its armoured shell. What Nessie hadn't realised nor taken into account was that, as opposed to the environment she'd been in only hours before during the storm, there was no water in the training facility she could use to aide or boost her attacks. Her fight with the wraith Pageless had made her cocky; if she wanted to produce anything close to as powerful as she'd conjured up then, she'd need time and focus.

"You have got to be taking the pi-"

For now though, all she was getting was a sharp impact with the large pile of scrap Valeria had used as a standing podium, her lack of attention to her surroundings after her surprisingly disappointing display coming back to whack her across the face, quite literally. Her broom flung to the side, a small bruised lump quickly began to form on Nessie's forehead after she'd acquainted herself with a now slightly dented steel bar, leaving her temporarily vulnerable to attack.

"Uh, guys, I need a wee bit of help!"

Nessie scrambled nervously in place, afraid to move in case she fell off the scrapheap, but afraid to stand still like a sitting duck for the mechanical beast to take its drill to.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 5 mos ago


"C’mon Bonbon, spike it with me!” Dynasty Queen's shout got Lilac to look behind her, and see the massive weapon swinging down towards the foe she intended to land on. Okay change of plans. No time for hesitation. Just act!

Lilac reoriented herself and caught the pillar with both hands. Or rather than 'caught', she pushed herself away from the weapon, then, with adept 'handwork' swung herself around it until she was on top, and kicked it as hard as she could towards the mecha-hornet. How much she was actually adding compared to Dynasty Queen's might? Hard to say, but it was a combo attack of at least two, in spirit, if not in practicality. And what were magical girls but creatures of Spirit? At least in Lilac Shimmer's eyes.

Lilac as an equal and opposite reaction, was sent soaring into the sky even further than she had originally intended. Welp, she had some time to wait until she was on the ground and ready to act again. Might as well take in the scenery. She waved to Olvia, Xolxys, and Burning Heart as they passed. Looking more, it seemed like Nessie was having a bit of trouble? Hmm, perhaps she should render assistance. Lilac angled her fall using whatever inscrutable power Magical Girls possessed to land beside her.

Lilac appeared in beside Nessie for the briefest of moments, touching down with ethereal petals of light gracing them, and offering a hand to help her up. "Don't be afraid, as a magical girl you'reohfuckIforgotthesprings!" Lilac forgot she had attached springs to her feet, and after landing from such a height, had stored an incredible amount of power in them, launching her skywards once again before she could finish encouraging or helping Nessie up.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Charlotte was all smiles and waves towards Bonnie. Admittedly, she didn’t expect the girl to participate in the night class when she was a good deal older and more experienced than some of these fresh girls. Her roommate certainly seemed not to need it given her role as a spectator. Still, it never hurt to practice teamwork and coordination, especially with what she saw today. Charlotte made no comment on that when Chinami spoke the better half of it for them. As Bonnie departed and joined the mayhem down below, Charlotte felt another presence.

Ah. Now there was a Grimoire she hadn’t sensed in quite a long time. She had a good idea who it was that was approaching the observatory area and indeed those thoughts were confirmed with Maria’s appearance. Charlotte turned a cool gaze towards her. “Maria huh. I do believe this is the first time we’ve met face to face. Must be shocking coming from girls as old as us,” Charlotte joked with a hand offered and a skittish grin. “Soooo, lemme guess. You must be Lucette’s replacement, right? Well, lemme tell you, these girls are quite the handful this year.”

A resounding explosion of magic and the scraping of metal echoed down below them as if emanating her point. Charlotte casually glanced behind at the arena to note the girls were already mobilizing. At least they knew enough to act when an enemy was in front of them. The display made Charlotte chuckle. “What do you think of them? Despite being crude, they’re rather resilient at least hm?” The question was aimed at both Maria and Chinami and she waited for an answer by the both of them. After all, she had nothing better to do but watch and gossip.

“Though, I take it, you’re also here because of the Pageless activity, no?” Charlotte added for Maria. It was no surprise and to be expected. Although the Grand Ministry didn’t make quite as big of a deal of it as she expected, it was still a point of contention and the reason why foreign girls like Valeria and Maria were called back to the Ministry’s soil. It was almost as if the Grand Minister felt she was preparing for….something unseen.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by ShadowSunRisen
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ShadowSunRisen Final Prophet

Member Seen 7 mos ago

And so the attacks to the raging metal hornet are delivered. Lilac’s last minute save of Nessie to turn her fumble around into a successful strike. The combined powers of the gathered girls work in conjunction to create a powerful arrow like projectile that pierces directly into the black heart of the created machine. The hornet beast hadn’t had the time to even make a successful retaliatory strike before crumbling into pieces bit by bit. Bolts and screws would litter the floor as the machine crumpled apart and disintegrated into a heap. A giant drill rested above the scrap metal as the last reminder of its previous state. Lilac’s

“Very well done! Well done! Bravo!” Valeria would clap her metal hands together, which sounded like metal pipes clanging against one another.

“A little sloppy here and there but you grasped the concept immediately and nicely! Even some creativity with Lilac there. Vehr gut!”

Then Valeria’s expression changed into a serious scowl. “But did you not notice some of the members of your team are without ranged attacks? You may have harmed them with your spells as they were coming into battle. And your positioning was hmm…questionable. You ought to organize yourselves with melee focused casters in ze front and the ranged in the back to provide support. Coordination between you and your teammates is key. Those ranged arrow attacks from Suzuya could’ve easily hit Lilac and Tensi. Not to put you on the spot or anything..ohoho~”

She’d come to the pile of rubble with her arms raised out from her sides. Small glowing vortex discs of magic would begin to pull the remains of the hornet piece by piece. Gears, screws, bolts, and bits of metal all began to float around in a line circling around the center of the pile. Valeria waved her arms in a rhythmic fashion, composing a silent song to herself as she repaired the former hornet into a nice long Volkswagen limo, complete with the insignia pin hanging up from the hood.

Valeria hopped on the hood and kicked her legs up.

“I suggest to you all to find yourself a team leader. Someone you trust to coordinate yourselves and make attacks that make the most out of each of your abilities. You all show great promise, but you need organization.”

“So that is why you are being placed into teams of two! And you will have to come up with a team name, and an attack from both of you that utilizes both of your skills properly! You will have to chose the leader of the team, and who you will be partnered with yourselves. I will judge it and see how well you performed. Then you will be given one more examination to see if you are truly combat capable, fighting against myself!” She'd place her hand over her chest and brandish a very big smile, excited by the prospect of waging war on her own students. Truly the only reasons he ever took up this job offer in the first place.

She’d honk the car horn, blasting it loudly to signify a class bell.

“Class dismissed! Auf Wiedersehen! Oh and ja if you have any questions you can speak me with me any time!”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by FrogRFlowR
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FrogRFlowR Elder Frog

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Maria watched on as the girls in the training area kept going at it. She could not hear what they said, but actions are worth more than words - or so it said. She saw the conjured metal enemy and how the girls took care of it. There was some slip ups, but...

"It is too early to judge." she simply answered to Charlotte's question about the girls' training. "I had hoped I was no one's replacement. I feel like it could make this task that I was given slightly harder if I am seen as the replacement." she calmly said about Lucette. She was sent here to take care of this group of girls and make them work together...despite the fact that Maria herself was a loner when it came to magical girls business. Now, she was being told that on top of all the already apparent struggles there would be, she might be an outsider too. The thought was not reassuring. Charlotte, at least, did not seem to think so herself. Maybe others would too.

“Though, I take it, you’re also here because of the Pageless activity, no?”

She nodded, hands still joined together at her front, looking down to the training area while she spoke; "It would seem like it. It was far from the first time that the Ministry attempted to have me." she turned to Charlotte. "However, this was the first time that they were not asking. I felt and sensed the Pageless restlessness myself, as I am sure you did."

She turned back to the group of girls below. It seemed that the other foreigner, this Valeria, was doing a decent job at teaching the others. Even if it was all - as Charlotte said - a little crude. "No matter." she added to Charlotte.

"I am here of my own accord. I had reasons of my own to accept to come, after all."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 10 days ago

"Acting as a team, huh?" Eins, or rather Drossel, said to herself as she looked at the other girls scrambling into action. "It's not like I'm a part of that. In fact, I probably shouldn't even be mixed with them. But, since I'm here... I might as well try to have some fun. It's been a while since I got to stretch my legs, after all," she thought as she stood on the sidelines while the rest of the girls formed their plans, gave pep talks, and even tried to use some of the junk spread through the arena to their advantage.


And just before she could do anything, the exercise ended because the other girls were incapable of proper coordination. Or at least that's what Valeria seemed to think. Eins wasn't built for fighting, but even she felt a little bummed that the only chance she had in a while was cut down so shortly.

"Anyway, I guess it's time to peddle my wares." Eins dusted off her coat and approached the newby magical girls right after Valeria dismissed their class before they could truly scatter around. "Excuse me, please. I know you want to have some debriefing with the girls, but I hope you don't mind if I at introduce myself before that. Right, Miss Valeria... erm, Val... Ma'am?" Eins tried to find the best way to get around Valeria's spiky shell as she kind of interrupted the post-class activities to peddle her wares.

"It's kind of a bummer what happened, right? Getting the exercise cut just when you were trying to figure it out," she said as she circled around the group. "By the way, I guess I should introduce myself, right?" She added with a sheepish smile on her thin lips.

"I'm Eins Reinhardt, but I guess you can call me Magical Girl Drossel, the Tuner." Eins introduced herself with a gracious curtsy, while the nutcracker soldier that followed her raised his gun in a salute. "It would be my pleasure to help you girls get a little more in touch with your grimoires. If you wish, of course," she added with a beaming smile on her lips.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

The stands were filled with chatter. Magical girls exchanging information, offering services, and commenting on the class. With all of their banter, it was unlikely many would hear the sound of a young woman dragging her feet behind herself. Her eyes were at half mast, her arms hung at her sides, but her outfit looked sharp and formal for the occasion. That was because Silvia wasn't really exhausted, she was just lethargic by nature. At least when it came to walking from place to place.

After her initial appearance, the Grand Ministry had accepted Stripes's request to go on an operation by herself. She was the wielder of a fable, but they decided to grant her request so long as she made frequent updates about her progress and wasn't too reckless. Didn't hurt that they had something relatively simple for Stripes to look into on hand. Fable or not, they were not totally ignorant of her greater power set when working alone. Stripes managed to foil a few attacks set up by the pageless, but didn't encounter anything that really tested her skill. Nor was she able to confirm anything the Grand Ministry didn't already know. The Pageless were growing in number, and becoming more organized.

As annoying as it was, Stripes did need help. She wasn't going to become any more skilled fighting such weak opponents, nor were the Grand Ministry going to take note of her prowess for clearing out a few Pageless gatherings. She needed to further her studies if she wanted to gain the renown she was seeking. While Stripes was an astute student, it was hard to do much book learning when you were traveling all over England to stomp out Pageless.

Silvia looked out at the students who had attended class. She made it a habit to keep her distance from people, but noticed Nessie instantly. It was hard to forget the girl. She still remembered carrying that foul mouthed brat across the construction site, where she later got her grimoire. At the time she was a little disappointed that her thunder had been stolen by the pink haired lass, but thinking back on it, Stripes probably looked pretty cool there for a second. Protecting some innocent girl from some Pageless and allowing her to find her grimoire. It was almost enough to make her smile!




No, she was still filled with apathy.

There was also some talk about an exercise that involved teaming up with someone. Stripes was unsure if she would be included in that, but she sincerely hoped that if she was, that the number of students would be uneven. That way, she could be on a team by herself and let her power really shine. Otherwise, well, working with just one other magical girl shouldn't cut her power by too much. Though it didn't really interest her.

Though "Magical Girl Drossel, the Tuner" did. Not because of her pointlessly long title (Weren't they all magical girls?) But getting more in touch with her grimoire was exactly what she needed. Especially as a fable, she'd need all the help she could get if she was going to punch above her weight class and challenge the system!

Silvia cracked open her book, at which point she was turned into Stripes, or more specifically, a giant tiger striped tabby. It was really easier to call her a tiger at this point though. She bolted out of the stands and tore her way towards the tuner. But as she got closer to the other classmates, her allies, her transformation wore off. Stripes stumbled forward a few steps, but regained her balance with ease.

"I'm interested." Stripes locked eyes with Magical Girl Drossel, the Tuner, Formerly Known as Eins Reinhardt. Despite the intensity of her arrival, the tone of her voice didn't make it sound like she was that enthusiastic. "Though I would, of course, like to know a bit more of what that entails." She scratched her hip.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 1 day ago

Suzuya Kuzunoha

Burning Heart was not lacking for confidence and mounted Xolys with firm steps bolstered by the use of his convenient tendrils and spines. It was the farthest from riding a horse once could imagine, but he made for an excellent steed all the same as she stood upon his shoulders, a corona of alien color firing on the periphery of her vision as she took wind and blasted the wasp. The rush of the wind enveloped her, flaming tails flickering like candles while her ears fluffed up visibly under the whirlwind of aerial motion.

And Suzuya had yet to feel more connected with her Tome then that moment, flaming ballista launched in tandem of blasts of unreality while Olivia played the role of charming princess cheering them on in Xolys arms. Truly Tomoe Gozen was an unmatched warrior in the saddle, and though it wasn't quite right, it was a far sight better then taking to the field on her feet.

A shame then that their coordination didn't extend beyond the three of them, the wasp falling more to random chance then true cohesion in the group of admitted strangers, and the substitute was more then prepared to level her critique upon them. The rush of combat dimmed to a pleasant after glow and she settled on Xolys shoulder, one hand against his lamprey like head while the other idly stroked an errant tendril, finding it was rather dry and smooth to the touch.

It was here that an associate of the Substitute approached and offered a service that made the unflappable Burning Heart drop her jaw and nearly fall from her perch if she didn't envelop Xolys neck with her tails like a fluffy, heated scarf as she choked on her tongue.

"The Ministry has someone who can permeantently enhance Grimoires and this is the first we hear of it? Does it cost our first born children?" Burning Heart exclaimed with no small measure of incredulity, staring at Drossel before turning to Olivia. "I suppose Good Hope does the same in the short term, but this seems odd to only hear of now. Though I suppose I could do with growing closer to my Grimoire. Hmm, I do wonder how you two could grow closer. Perhaps Xolys can learn to sing in harmony with you and bolster our spirits with the beauty of your love?"

It sounded corny to Burning Hearts own ear, but the Grimoire was ever the romantic and looking down at Olivia curled tenderly to Xolys chest made her chest ache for the same.

The warm and prickly moment would have to pass, as the explosive German did in fact leave them with an ultimatum even the prospect of further attuning with her Grimoire couldn't overshadow for long. She glowered instead at the rampant battle mania as she pushed them into the prospect of a tag team battle against her, and required them to just up and form partnerships based on a few days of associations in some cases. Or less, for those like herself and that scottish lass.

"Hmm, we shall see, sensei." The fox said with an intent glare, crossing her arms before turning away to consider what would undoubtedly be another poorly conceived and life threatening attempt at forcing cooperation. Maybe that Bhakti girl was on to something...

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Ponn
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Safely ensconced within Xolys’s protective embrace, Olivia watched in awe as the gathered Magical Girls unleashed their various attacks upon the metallic hornet/bear, her eyes seeming to glitter with delight as eldritch beams, flaming ballista bolts, a comically large staff, and even a spring-loaded kick assailed the construct from all angles. To the azure-clad beauty’s surprise, and slight disappointment, their foe had been destroyed before she’d even realized it, the fascinating construct’s composite form swiftly crumbling to pieces.

What a shame… Olivia sighed. I would have liked to observe it in action for at least a short while longer…

However, the blonde beauty’s attention was soon redirected towards Valeria, who was now addressing the gathered students. Although she commended them on their success, the metallic-limbed instructor noted that their teamwork could still use some improvement. Thus, they were instructed to form teams of two, with one member serving as the leader. This brought a slight frown to Olivia’s otherwise lovely visage, as she was at something of a loss as to how such a leader could be chosen. They were all fairly inexperienced, and although Suzuya was clearly a perfect choice for a teammate, the fairest of maidens viewed her fox-tailed roommate as a partner, an equal, not a superior. Then again, perhaps Xolys could take that role? After all, he was always so very insightful, Olivia reflected as her mouth curled into a smile. Yes, there was certainly much to think about, but that could be saved for later. Right now, there were more immediate matters to tend to.

A new Magical Girl, who introduced herself as Drossel, the Tuner, was asking the gathered students if they’d like her to help them “get more in touch”, as she put it, with their Grimoires, an offer Olivia found quite intriguing. As it happened, Suzuya also seemed to be fascinated by the idea, musing upon how such a thing might improve Olivia’s own relationship with Xolys.

“Oh my goodness!” the azure-clad maiden gushed, her eyes glittering with glee. “That sounds absolutely wonderful! Doesn’t it, darling?!” she added, clasping her hands around one of the imposing beast’s smaller limbs and smiling up at his eldritch visage.

Xolys, on the other hand, didn’t seem nearly as enamored with the idea. “Although it would please me greatly to join with you in harmonious song, my sweet, I fear that the sound of my singing may have an exceedingly detrimental effect upon anyone else who may happen to be in the vicinity,” the Master of Xhar’doth replied gently. “Yet, I am indeed curious as to how Miss Drossel might augment our effectiveness in battle. As you yourself so astutely observed, Miss Suzuya, we may not always have the services of Captain Goodhope near at hand, and I believe it may prove most beneficial to possess, for instance, the means to achieve full flight, even when absent of her assistance.”

However, before the trio could approach Drossel for answers, a vastly more eager young woman beat them to the punch, assuming the form of a tiger, and leaping from the stands to speak with the Tuner.

“Good heavens!” Olivia exclaimed. “That is certainly one way to get someone’s attention!” the blonde beauty observed with a melodious laugh. “And we would also be very interested in receiving your help as well, Miss Drossel,” she added, giving the silver-haired girl a brilliant smile.
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