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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud đź’€Vibin' beyond the Veilđź’€

Member Seen 31 min ago


A chuckle escaped the half-elf's mouth, indeed he had forgotten to properly introduce himself upon their first rather abrupt meeting thus Gabriel laughed a bit at his lack of manners "My apologies Jub, my name is Gabriel." he still chuckled slightly finding some amusement in his own obliviousness, smiling at the two goblinoids as the they weaved their way through the carnival in the evening light "I'm afraid I never caught your name though my furred fellow." he said addressing Brutrumukk.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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"My name's Brutrumukk." The bugbear introduced himself to Gabriel. "I'm also known 'round these parts as the Spirt o' the Snorin' Stone. The people from the village call me a Fork 'Ero or somethin'. Can't exactly remember what the first word is all the time. But I do know they say I'm a good sort. They come to me whenever they 'ave problem what no one else can 'elp with, an' then they pay me to solve that problem fer 'em."

After the introductions were done, Brutrumukk looked around and scratched his head as they walked through the carnival once more. "So we gotta make people 'appy then." Brutrumukk said. "Any ideas fer where we should start lookin'?"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jub the Peculiar

"Oh, that's right... one of the others had the map," Jub said. He gave a sigh, uncovering his mouth once more, and began surveying the surrounding attractions, looking for any that might have the most amount of people. "How abouuuut... there?" He pointed towards the Pixie Kingdom, though he himself didn't know that that was what that was. All he could tell from here was that it wasn't a ride, so they had more opportunity to run across anyone in need of aid.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud đź’€Vibin' beyond the Veilđź’€

Member Seen 31 min ago


Glancing towards the direction that Jub pointed towards, Gabriel squinted momentarily before simply offering the two a shrug "If you say so my friend, let's be off." straightening his vest the duelist brushed an errant strand of white hair from his eyes, then with a curt nod he set a relaxed pace for his companions to follow as Gabe walked in the direction towards the Pixie Kingdom "Oh by the by Jub, how'd you end up finding your way to the carnival?" curious to hear the short fellows tale Gabe decided to let his curiosity get the better of him.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jub the Peculiar

"Me?" Jub said, pointing to himself as he did so. He seemed surprised at the question. "Oh, I travel all over the place, never settle down in one city for too long." Beneath his hood, his smile became a little strained. "I tend to, erm, attract trouble, you see." He gave a nervous laugh. "Might even have made some enemies, some people, err, can't appreciate a joke... or the occassional theft, but that's not important!" He shook his head quickly. "Anyway, heard about this place during my travels. Thought it would be a good place to set up business." He lowered his voice and leaned slightly so he was close enough for Gabriel to hear, "I really needed some cash, you see. Business hasn't been too good." He then cleared his throat and started speaking normally again. "And I also feel like I was being drawn here. This place seemed really familiar, and now I know why."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Tsak Vlos, Aurora, & Miizel
Ft. The Dungeon Master

Aurora, Miizel, and Tsak make their way to the Hall of Illusions to see that not much has changed in this area. Candlefoot is back at his post of punching tickets for the attraction, and he waves in greeting to the three of them in greeting.

Aurora waved back to Candlefoot while walking up to him. "Hello Candlefoot, glad to see you in goods spirts. Has anything weird been happening around here? I've heard there have been disappearances around here. I seem to remember seeing a little girl in tattered cloths wearing a pig mask in here but couldn't find her. She was talking to the halfling that had proposed to his girlfriend earlier." She knew she was being pretty blunt and straight forward about the matter, however time was of the essence. The sooner they could resolve the disappearances the sooner they may be able to get more information from the owners.

Tsak was following Aurora, both curious as to what the hell she was talking about, and keeping caution on the homicidal gnome. Using her wings, she would quickly catch up, moving beside Candlefoot to briefly help stamp tickets as she awaits for his response.

Miizel walks up and presents his ticket as well. “To build off of what she said, Feathreen mentioned that Hurly was last seen over here.” He said, glancing inside the Hall of Illusions.

Candlefoot answered Aurora's question, "I'm afraid I haven't seen anyone disappear. But, then again...I do often try to stay away from the Hall. We all try to give this place a wide berth. Something about the Hall hasn't felt...right. Hurly's disappearance certainly confirmed it,"

“Is that so?” Miizel asks with a raised brow. “Well, I’ve certainly felt something strange while inside. I was drawn to a particular mirror but upon closer inspection there wasn’t really anything different about it. I’ve even tried touching to see if it was a portal or gateway but nothing.”

"Has it always had an odd feeling or is it a more recent thing?" Aurora paused remembering the halflings emotional state when the girl was seen. "Do you know if Hurly was sad or had any regrets?"

Tsak frowned deeply at her fellow Fey before adding her bit, "Ever since the Mr's became... stricter, about the tickets, its had this... odd, even unnerving feeling about it...". She would look down, focusing on the punching for a but, "I've never liked in there, got lost as a little girl and was too scared to go back. Luckily goblins are willing to do most anything for a little coin or ink..."

"How long ago did they become stricter about the tickets?" Aurora looked towards Tsak curiously.

"Hmmm...." Tsak thought on it for a bit before replying, "As far back as I can remember to be honest. I have heard that the big shift happened when I was a little girl... twenty or so years maybe?".

“Getting lost in the Hall…” Miizel’s eyes glaze over as he seems to recall an event from the past. It was just for a moment because soon after he blinks and his eyes refocus. Turning back to Tsak and Candlefoot he asks. “Who’s the oldest member of the Carnival? Maybe we could ask them about it after we’re done inspecting the hall.”

Aurora noted Miizel's lost in thought expression when Tsak mentioned getting lost in the Hall. She made a mental note to try to learn more about what happened to him later. It may even have some to do with his initial aggression towards the carnival owners earlier.

His follow up question about the oldest member of the carnival would possibly be a good lead to follow later. "Besides both the Misters of course." She thought it would be a good idea to clarify a Candlefoot most lilt didn't know about the meeting with the owners earlier. "Also any knowledge of Hurly's behavior or mental state before he disappeared. I know I have already asked about if he had any regrets, but I think a person's emotional state may have some to do with this mystery."

Candlefoot seemed to be thinking things over when it came to the question. He answered Aurora first, his tone saddened, "Hurly...Life at the Carnival wasn't easy for him. He was brusque and short-tempered, but I can't blame him. The poor guy keeps trying out to perform at the Big Top, but...his auditions keep falling short. So, Mr. Witch and Mr. Light give him menial tasks for his job at the Carnival. Still...I just can't fathom him leaving his brother behind..."

He then looks to Miizel, and answered "The oldest members of the carnival would have to be...Dirlagraun, I think?"

Miizel scratches his beard as he listened to Candlefoot’s explanation. “What if he didn’t leave but was instead taken?” He mumbles absentmindedly. “How old is Dirlagraun? If she’s over a 100 she might be of help.”

"I'm not sure. It's rude to ask her age, you know? But I have heard that she used to serve a high elf family in the Summer Court as a nanny," Candlefoot answered Miizel.

Aurora nods to Candlefoot. "Thank you for your help." she turns to Tsak and Miizel. "Shall we head into the hall to where I saw the girl?"

Tsak would frown towards the older Fey before looking to Aurora and nods, "I'm ready to move on".

Miizel would look at his companions and motion with his hand. “Lead the way.”

Aurora leads the other two into the hall, after getting her ticket punched again if necessary, heading for where she had seen the girl talking to the halfling. As the entered the general area she turned to the gnome."We should be getting close. Is this area familiar to you?"

Stroking his beard, Miizel looked around the area and thought for a moment. “I’m going to be honest. It may sound strange but this entire place, the Hall of Illusions, is very familiar to me but I just can’t put a finger on it. If you’d like I could take you the place where I went to earlier. It had an eerie feeling to it. Like it was hiding something.”

He pauses and looks at the elven woman. “I don’t think we’ve actually introduced ourselves, my name is Miizel.” He gives a slight bow as a greeting.

"I'm Rory." She looked around the hall but seeing anything. "Well this was fruitless. Maybe I was just seeing things" Aurora frowned deeply remembering how her older sister would chide her for ridiculous stories she would tell. Most of the stories were true and came from Rory roaming the halls of their home, following visitors as well as servants. She shook her head to clear the thought from her head. "I suppose we can try multiple mirrors and see if we can get something to happen. That or we can head off to try to earn the monarch crown."

Tsak was extremely hesitant, almost anxiety ridden, when she approached the hall. She never came here, usually preferring to give a free tattooing to some goblin or pixie then come close to this place. It took a moment after the other two entered for the Fey to collect herself before reigning herself and stepping into the hall of mirrors. "Well... seems empty... we should go elsewhere..." The Tattooist would reach into her pant pocket, pulling out her needle and gently tapped the tip as she continued, "No creepy pig girl here..."

“Well, I could always take you to that mirror which gave me a strange vibe.” Miizel suggested. “Perhaps you could take a closer look at it, maybe find out what I haven’t been able to.” His tone was hopeful. He had learned not to expect much but maybe these folk could figure out what he couldn’t and put a pin on the thing that he was feeling.

"Though if you all prefer to go somewhere else then I won't force you."

Aurora noticed how nervous Tsak was about being in the hall. "I would be ok with going to see the mirror, Tsak if you want you can go wait by Candlefoot. It's pretty plain this place makes you nervous. My main concern right now however is if this is just some wild fantasy we are chasing."

When Tsak nodded her approval, Miizel began to lead through the halls. Thankfully his feet still remembered the way there so it didn’t take too much trouble to reach the mirror. Once they arrived, he turned around to face them. “Well, this is it.” He said, shivering involuntarily. “The moment I stepped into this place earlier, I was drawn to this specific mirror. Couldn’t figure out why exactly but maybe you would be able to gleam something from it.”

Aurora took a small vial out of one of her pockets and downed the contents before searching the mirror that Miizel pointed out. The mirror seemed like a normal mirror as she touched it. Even pushing on it did nothing. "This seems like any other mirror here...." She says while a frown crosses her face. "Are there spells that can reveal if something is magical or not?"

Upon hearing Rory ask if using magic was possible, Miizel couldn’t help but groan and slap his forehead. “I’m so stupid. How could I forget.” He turns to look towards the two with him. “Give me 10 minutes.”

He closes his eyes and begins reciting incantations under his breath. After 10 minutes he says one final word and opens his eyes to reveal that mirror in front of him, as well as every other one around them was lit up. Nodding his head he says. “Right, so all the mirrors around us are magical in nature. I’m gonna try something else. Give me 10 more.”

Without waiting for a reply, his hands begin to move in front of the mirror he was drawn to. Another 10 minutes pass and once he says the last word and does one more hand motion, information about the mirror floods his mind. He involuntarily takes a step back, eyes wide. “Holy shit.” He turns towards his companions, his tone becoming more excited. “Sorry for taking so long but, this mirror is different. All of the ones around us including this one is enchanted with illusion but the thing that makes this different,” He points at the one he just identified. “Is that it’s also a portal. I don’t know where it leads to but we need a password or a passphrase in order to make it work.”

"I wonder if the owners know about the portal. Whatever exists on the other side may be responsible for the disappearances. Hurly having been turned down for a performance in the big top, and being given menial tasks probably made him feel not wanted. Maybe that's part of the what the entity is drawn to. Not just sadness but a feeling of not being wanted. I don't think we'll be able to draw it out but at least we know where to look if another disappearance happens."

Aurora knew to some degree how Hurly felt. Nothing she did was quite enough for her parents or sister. Xander however was the one family member who seemed to take Rory as she was, though even he still left. Granted it was to pursue his own path as he insisted that she should.

She shook her head to refocuse on the matter at hand. "Tsak do you think anyone else may know about this portal?"

Tsak blinked, now intrigued with what they found. She would move up to the mirror, running a hand over the frame. "Prismeer..." she would look up at Aurora with shock and amazement on her face, "the Mr.s should know... Do you... do you think it's one way?"

Aurora shook her head Tsak. "I don't have much experience with portals . It could be one way though I do not think it likely. We likely won't know unless we know how to activate it anyway. Miizel says it requires a password and I doubt it is something easily guessed."

As he stares at the mirror and tries to think of what the password could possibly be, he suddenly remembers something. When he had first visited the carnival he had gotten caught and the one of the owners said a phrase. It was likely to fail but he had to try. Leaning in he whispered. “The carnival goes round and round, the multiverse is our playground. Nothing's free and nothing's lost. Every visit has its cost.”

To no one’s surprise, nothing happened. Well it was worth a shot. He turned around and asked. “I suppose, it’s best not to waste any more time. Where do you guys want to go next? We could go ask Dirlagraun for some advice or go around and,” He raises his hands and wags his index and middle finger. “Spread some cheer.”

With an agreement murmured amongst the trio, they leave the Hall of Illusions. As the group leaves, Aurora thought she saw something in the corner of her eye.

A shadowy figure...with a crescent moon?

When she looks towards that figure, it's not there.

...Was it just her imagination?
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Fading Memory
Avatar of Fading Memory

Fading Memory The Final Flame of a Fiery Bird

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


& The Dungeon Master

A procession of wooden unicorns stands motionless on a circular wooden platform. Fairgoers clamber onto the unicorns' backs, and a female centaur sets the ride in motion. The unicorns shake their manes and creak to life, cantering around the carousel to the delight of their riders.

The centaur greets Zavakri with a soft smile and voice, "Hello. Welcome to the Carousel. A ride costs only one ticket punch,"

Zavakri's eyes widen upon approach; A carousel was delightfully mundane and wondrously mathematical to her mind. These things were a joy; Let X equal radius, let Y equal acceleration...

Oh, how it gave her mind something to chew on! She was only a mite distracted as she approached the centaur and offered up her ticket;

"Mmm....How fast does it go on the innermost radii?" She asks offhandedly. "Difficult to tell at a glance. My name is Zavakri, how do you do?"

She looked up at the Centaur and blinked, then paused. She'd heard...Many stories about the centaurs of the far eastern steppe. Stories of their raids and their pillages and their conquests and their wildness and the things they did for money and women and power- but for each of those stories, she'd also heard of their pride and their connection to the land and their compassion. This meant she truly didn't know what to think, and this woman seemed pleasant enough.

This damned carnival and the way it's forcing her to face her preconceived notions!

The centaur answers Zavakri's introduction politely and kindly, "It's nice to meet you, Zavakri. I'm Diana Cloppington. I'm doing well this night, how are you?" Zavakri that while the mood around the carnival is joyful, and the centaur seems to be happy herself, there's still a sort of sadness in her eyes.

"Oh, well, I'm quite frantic to be honest. I've got a rather dreadful headache from all the sound- though I did sign up for it!- and I must admit to a rather curious purpose for even being here. Care for a bit of gossip?" She prompted sociably, if awkwardly.

Diana tilted her head in confusion before she answered Zavakri, "...Oh, you mean you want to just talk? Sure, I wouldn't mind a discussion,"

"I'll take the direct stance then; Have you noticed anything odd lately? Folks around here don't seem terribly chipper- least, not you worker types. You have my sympathies if it's the working conditions, but I've gotten some strange feelings by the hall of illusions, and I've also heard some unsavory rumors about people and things disappearing." She says honestly. "It all started with my own sister- and I was wondering if you had any insight into this. I might be able to figure it out... Balance the equation. I'm doing it for me and myself as much as I am for the people who've talked to me, and if you feel put upon just say 'I'm not interested in talking about this' and I'll hop right on my way to ride the carousel. So, what'll it be?"

She produces her ticket.

"Punching my ticket, or talking heart to heart, friend?"

Diana blinked at Zavakri's words. She did a silent gasp in realization that Zavakri is investigating. The woman speaks sympathetically,

"...It's not that I'm not interested in talking, dear. I want to help, truly. But...I can't,"

She then starts "It's--" before she starts coughing violently, practically coughing out...tree sap (?) onto the ground.

She stops coughing after a bit, and she gestures to it while saying, "See? Every time I try, this happens,"

She thinks for a moment, and she speaks, her voice hushed "There is something I can do, though. Listen, you'll need to speak with the unicorns," She nods towards the carousel horses when she says 'unicorns'.

She grabs a paintbrush and a pot of gold paint, as she continues, "I can close the carousel for necessary repairs. Once you help the unicorns, they can talk to you. Can you help?"

She hands the pot and brush to Zavakri

Zavakri's eyes widen at the sap-producing cough; this reeked of fairies and chaos and all things unnatural but torturously tolerated by the Balance. Capital B. She sighed softly; not an unhappy or dreadful sigh, merely the sigh of one about to be put to task.

"This I can do!" She said cheerfully, putting on a smile. She takes the pot and the brush and looks at them directly.

"Sure thing, I'll get right to it!"

Diana gives a small smile and a nod in return. She moves, closes the carousel, and allows Zavakri to get to work.

As soon as Zavakri steps onto the carousel with the pot of gold paint, and brush, in hand, she would see what needs to be done. She would see the unicorns' bridles have names on them, but half of those unicorns' names are faded out and unreadable.

She sees that there are four pairs of unicorns, situated side by side.

For the first pair of unicorns, the left unicorn is clearly named 'Fortune', while the right unicorn's name is faded out except for the first letter: B.

For the second pair of unicorns, Zavakri would be able to read the right unicorn's name as 'Fall'. The left unicorn's name is faded out, except for the first two letters: PR

For the third pair of unicorns, the left unicorn's name is 'Stone'. The right unicorn's name is faded out except for the first and last letters: M, S.

For the last pair of unicorns, the left unicorn is shown to be named 'Stitch', while the right unicorn's name is faded out except for one of the middle letters: N.

Zavakri easily picks up that she is supposed to repaint the faded out names...

Zavakri approaches each Unicorn in order, taking her time and reading and studying each piece of information carefully. She delicately touches over the Unicorns, carefully observes their poses and postures, then takes a few seconds to calculate the approximate word length on each of the bridles based on font sizes and available numbers. Once she has her groundwork established, she carefully and cautiously begins repairing the Unicorns with deft hands and graceful paint strokes.

"Let's see...Rirvudd always says Fortune favors the..." Bold "...Though I think 'Brave' would be much more fitting, I'd rather a brave husband than a bold one...Bold just sounds like trouble with extra steps!"

"Fall...Fall...That's so ambiguous, really; It could be Autumn or it could be 'plunging' or it could be 'tripping', or any other synonyms really...Well, I did stop by the Temple of Tyr once, trying to discuss wedding venues, and that woman had rather strong opinions on..." Pride "...And things falling based on that. I'm not sure how I'd feel having it as a name, and if you'd prefer 'Prince' I'm sure I could adjust the font to make it fit just dandy!"

"As for you...Hmm...Stone...There's lots of things to think about when it comes to stones. My mother used to always say that a Rolling Stone Gathers No..." Moss "...But to be honest, that just sounds downright lonely in this context. Now that I think about it, mother may have also been lonely. She may have felt trapped and her saying it might have been a hint into that facet of her life. I'll be honest, I never had a good relationship with my mother, but I know that settling down and getting married wasn't what she wanted for her life at the time. She wasn't a bad mum, she just had to settle. I'll need to write her more when I get home. For you guys, I prefer to think of it as 'The Happy Stone Collects Moss'. That's much less lonely and makes you guys a happier pair."

"I suppose this is truly the one I have to thank mum for; she was a wiz seamstress. Absolutely dab hand with the needle and thread, some folk even teased she was a witch with needlecraft- which only earned a proper slap from the woman, mind you... This lesson in particular has stuck with me though; A Stitch In Time Saves..." Nine "...Which, as far as names go, are good enough...Stitch saves Nine...Oh, to be Nine!" She laughs gaily. "But I'm out here having to do my own rescuing, eh?"

She finishes up repairing and painting the unicorns, seemingly pleased and fulfilled even if her answers turn out to be wrong. The task itself was simple and earnest, and just doing something helpful for Diana was nice.

As Zavakri paints the names onto the bridles, she would see that the missing letters fit perfectly! Once she finished, Diana calls to her, “Oh! If you’re finished, feel free to ride the carousel. It’s on the house as thanks!”

After Zavakri picks a horse, the ride would begin, with the unicorns coming to life. As the gallop along the circular track, Zavakri would hear words clearly in her mind.

Zavakri smiles to Diana, putting the paint and her ticket away. She laughs softly, shaking herself a bit as she considers the Unicorns. At last, she decided upon Stone as her chosen mount. You knew where you stood with a good stone underfoot. As she rode, her eyes shut and her mind listened. For once on this unfathomable night, she seemed to enjoy herself and relax. Alas, the ride must come to an end at some point, and when it does she steps off the unicorn and softly caresses its head.

"Thank you, friend, you've been very helpful. I now know this errand of ours is most foolish indeed; we are sabotaging ourselves, to be true." She said to it. She pulled herself away and strided to Diana again, more confident and comfortable than before.

"You've been a wonder all in your own right; what brings sorrow to your eye, friend? How can I help Diana, as I helped the Unicorns?"

Diana answers Zavakri, "Oh, don't worry about me. Thank you. I...simply made a bad deal in the past and I'm living with it now," She then tells Zavakri, "Please enjoy the carnival,"

Taking the woman's words as simple honesty, Zavakri curtsies to the centaur. "I can understand that. My Rirvudd has made many 'bad deals', but in our circumstances that's just finances. You have my sympathies, Diana." She offers a kind smile, before rising up and shutting her eyes. "...Well damn, I've a better shot at winning the competition myself than of convincing the others this task is futile!"

She stamps a foot suddenly, her eyes opening, and looks up to Diana.

"I have a set of spare tickets and just learned I don't need them; give them to some little boy or girl who looks like they don't have one for me, would you?" She offers up the children's tickets to Diana, unpunched and fresh, before suddenly turning and breaking into a, for her, reckless pace of 'mild jogging' to the Ticket Booth.

Zavakri easily reaches the booth, pays for tickets for any late comers to the carnival, and heads to her next destination...
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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Brutrumukk, Gabriel, & Jub the Peculiar

Ft. The Dungeon Master

As the three approach the Pixie Kingdom attraction, they see a copse of oak trees sheltering a miniaturized fairground. At its heart, a hamster runs inside a tiny Ferris wheel, encircled by minuscule wagons and candy stalls. A pixie sits cross-legged in the hollow of a tree at the entrance to this realm.

Upon seeing Gabriel, Brutrumukk, and Jub approach, he takes flight and greets them, "Hello, Hello! Welcome to the best attraction in the Witchlight Carnival! My name is Jeremy Plum, and I will be helping you into the Kingdom today! Entry only costs one ticket punch,"

"Right then. One ticket comin' right up." Brutrumukk said before producing his ticket and offering it to Jeremy. Once everyone had presented their respective tickets, Brutrumukk spoke again. "So 'ow d'ya plan on 'elpin' us into this Kingdom then?" Brutrumukk asked. "You got a shrinkin' spell or somethin'?"

"Should be in one of these pockets..." the half-elf held his index finger up to the pixie, after a moment of fishing through his vest pockets Gabriel procured his ticket stub promptly handing it to Jeremy "I really must work on organizing my belongings." he added with a sigh.

Jub fished his own ticket out of his pocket and handed it to the pixie. "Well, there is indeed a spell for that," he responded to Brutrumukk's question. "But from what I understand, it would only make you two about..." He took a moment to calculate it in his head. "My height, more or less? Probably a bit taller in your case, Brutrumukk. It, err, scales based on your original height from what I recall."

Jeremy doesn't waste any time punching the tickets as soon as they are presented. He answers Jub first, "We've got something better than the Reduce spell, Friend! Hang on just a second," Jeremy then proceeds to fly above the trio and sprinkle pixie dust on them. He then flies to each of them and hands them a tiny vial of a potion.

He informs them, "Drink this, and you can enter the Pixie Kingdom!"

He then tells them, "Before you enter, we encourage you to adopt pixie names! When in Waterdeep, do as the Waterdhavians do, right?"

Brutrumukk took the potion offered by Jeremy and examined it as the pixie continued to speak. "What does this stuff do?" Brutrumukk asked once Jeremy finished speaking. "An' what sort o' names do pixies 'ave?"

Jub scrutinized the vial Jeremy handed them and, not for the first time, wished he had access to the Identify spell. "You said your name was Jeremy Plum, did you not?" he said to the pixie. "So names kind of like that?"

"Must be some draught eh?" the bard said shaking the vial in his hand slightly, before simply shrugging "Ah, the hell with it. Look out stomach, here she come." throwing caution to the wind Gabriel downs the liquid in the vial with a gulp.

Before Jeremy could answer Brutrumukk's question regarding the potion, Gabriel drank it. For Gabriel, his mind grows woozy and there is a sudden rush, as he body rapidly shrinks down in size. Now, Brutrumukk and Jub tower over the miniature bard.

Jeremy answers Brutrumukk gesturing to Gabriel, "As you can see, the potion allows you to enter the Pixie Kingdom. Also, since I sprinkled Pixie Dust on you, you'll be able to fly in the Pixie Kingdom as well,"

He then continues to address the Pixie names, "As for names, yes there are names like mine. I can give you some ideas for names you can adopt,"

He studies each of the trio and he points to Gabriel saying, "I can see him as 'Panache'"

He then flies up to Jub and thinks about it, looking at the star motifs, before finally saying, "Jellybean Starfish!"

He then looks to Brutrumukk and finally gives him the name, "And finally...Puddlemud!"

Upon hearing the name Jeremy had in mind for him, it was clear from the look on Brutrumukk's face that he did not approve of the name. "Puddlemud..." The bugbear said. After a moment, Brutrumukk looked like he'd just realised something and laughed a little. "Oh I get it. Yer pullin' me leg ain't ya? Heh heh. Puddlemud. Yeah. Very funny."

Looking almost comically dazed by the sudden change in everything around him, his ears popping from the pressure of becoming so tiny "Okay that was either strong alcohol or I need to start reading labels a bit more often." adding to the hilarity Gabriel's voice sounded squeaky ahd high pitched as though he had breathed in a bunch of helium from a balloon "Panache eh? Fittin-" he began to say when he tested out this supposed 'flight' and lifted up into the air quicker than he expected "Wh-Whoa!" the bard exclaimed before righting himself in the air, putting a fist over his mouth as he cleared his throat "Ahem, I meant to do that."

At seeing Gabriel shrink down to pixie-size, Jub jumped off of Brutrumukk's shoulder to inspect the tiny half-elf. "Amazing!" he said. He gently poked Gabriel. "I've never seen anything like that. How do you feel? Light-headed, whoozy? Is it easy to breath down there? Do our voices sound particularly louder now that you're small?" He was interrupted from his barrage of questions by Jeremy's suggestion of names. "I don't know, I think Puddlemud is really quite becoming. Even has the same amount of syllables as your real name." He frowned. "Not sure about mine though. I understand the starfish, but where did you get the jellybean from? Is it because I'm small and sweet?"

Jeremy caught onto the fact that Brutrumukk didn't like the name, and he shrugged, answering the bugbear, "You don't have to go with the name if you don't want to, but we encourage it. I thought Puddlemud was a good name,"

When Jub asked about his name, Jeremy nodded and answered, "Exactly! You might be small, but I can tell you've got a good heart,"

He then looks to Gabriel and he tells the group, "The wooziness shouldn't last too long. After the change it should go away,"

Brutrumukk raised an eyebrow at Jeremy's response. Now that the bugbear thought about it, the pixie didn't actually seem like he was trying to trick Brutrumukk into calling himself something silly for a laugh. Puddlemud seriously was a genuine pixie name. "...I'll give it some thought." Brutrumukk reconsidered. "In the meantime..." Brutrumukk put the pixie potion to his lips and soon enough was himself brought down to size. He was still larger than Jeremy and Gabriel, but at the same time he was small enough to sit on Jub's shoulder now. "So 'ow does this flyin' stuff ya mentioned work?" Brutrumukk asked. "Do I just think about where I wanna go or do I 'ave to do somethin' else?"

"Change, my friend wha-" the wooziness wasn't as bad as the shrill squeaky voice that rang in Gabriel's pointy ears, nor was the sharp poke to his chest that knocked the wind right out of the poor bard's lungs as he crumpled over "Poke me-" a harsh wheeze escapes his mouth "-Harder why don't you!" on the last word he coughed a little 'pah' before getting to his feet.

Realising he'd done more damage than intended, Jub winced slightly. "Oop, sorry!" he said, backing away from Gabriel. "I'll just, err..." He quickly downed the potion so he too was pixie-sized, albeit still smaller than this compatriots. He glanced around his surroundings, now much larger and grander than they had been before. "Fascinating," he muttered to himself, before approaching Gabriel again. "Again, really sorry, my friend. Are you alright?" He looked the swordsman up and down. "Didn't, err, do any permanent damage, I hope?"

It seemed the bard bounced back quickly from the grin on his face as Gabriel looked up to meet his shorter friends gaze, the half-elf whose lungs seemed to be working just fine demonstrated by laughing heartily at the worry on Jub's expression "Oh, you little bastard you. Nothing can knock me down without me bouncing right back up to meet the challenges I face." chuckling he slapped the goblin on the shoulder before getting up on his knees "Trust me Jub I have been knocked down by worse things, and I never let it keep me down." it was true, he wouldn't be the man he was today if he let himself lay down whenever he faced defeat. He wouldn't have clawed his way out of a life of poverty had he not hoped for a brighter tomorrow, that was something no amount of hardship or trauma could take away.

Jub blinked in surprised. "Oh, err... good," he said. "I think." Despite his words, he looked Gabriel up and down again, as if uncertain when the man genuinely okay or just putting on a brave face.

Jeremy answers Brutrumukk, "You just think about it. Well, wait, you gotta think about the happiest things first, and then you can think about where you want to fly. But you would have to remember the happy memories as well,"

As soon as the three adventurers were ready to head into the Pixie Kingdom, Jeremy Plum points to the path that leads into the Kingdom and calls after them, "Enjoy your time here!"

Upon entering the Pixie Kingdom, the three see that this attraction is a tranquil oasis compared to the rest of the bustling carnival. The air is filled with the aroma of blackberry wine and flower blossoms. Eight brightly painted doorways are nestled in the bark at the bases of the surrounding trees.

Some of the pixies that are here, seem to notice the new arrivals, and they come up to the three adventurers, bombarding them with questions,

"Hey there! What's your names?"
"Welcome to Pixie Kingdom! Where are you from?"
"How are you enjoying the carnival so far?"

The three can tell that the pixies asking questions are friendly, eager, and curious, if not overly excited. One of the pixies in the back calls to them, "Ladies, please! Give them some space and time to answer!"

His question answered, Brutrumukk closed his eyes and summoned up the happiest thoughts he could think of. He thought of bloodshed and carnage. He thought of loot and pillage. He thought of clubbing a certain kenku to death and mounting its head on a spike. A frightful grin formed on the bugbear's face. And as his feet left the ground, Brutrumukk opened his eyes. "So this is flyin', eh?" Brutrumukk said he looked back down at the ground below before kicking back in midair like he were in a hammock. "Oh yeah. I could get used to this"

Brutrumukk relaxed and allowed himself to drift into the Pixie Kingdom, flying lazily over Gabriel and Jub as they were waylaid and questioned by curious pixies down below. As he drifted deeper in though, Brutrumukk caught the scent of alcohol on the air. Happy thoughts of violence quickly turned to happy thoughts of drink as he willed himself to fly in the direction that the scent of blackberry wine was at its strongest.

"Happy memories, eh?" Jub muttered, rubbing his chin. Sounded simple enough. He recalled earlier today when Brutrumukk had invited him to join in the cupcake eating contest. Sure, they hadn't won, but they'd certainly had a good time. Then there'd been him and Brutrumukk saving Palasha's show and restoring Candlefoot's voice - that was definitely the highlight the day for him - and learning how to sing and act from the pair. And of course, there had been the performance during the Big Top-

... wait a minute. Hadn't all those been earlier today?

During his thoughts, Jub had been slowly rising further and further from the ground, all without noticing, but this sudden realization caused him to halt in mid-air. Yes, today had certainly been quite enjoyable, perhaps the best day he'd had in a long time, but surely he had happy memories besides that?

He was going through his memories when he was suddenly mobbed by a bunch of pixies asking him a vaierty of questions. "Errr, I'm Ju... err, Jellybean Starfish. I'm from Neverwinter originally and..." He paused with that final question. "Yes, the carnival has been fun. For the most part." Keen-eyed observers would have noticed he sank slightly in the air as he answered that final question, as his mind had gone back to the earlier confrontation with the Misters, which was definitely not a happy memory.

"Hm..." the half-elf now less than half sized, tapped the bucket hilt of his rapier and scratched his chin while pensively staring up into the night sky. Gabriel tried to recall specifically the moment that brought him the most happiness, then with a smile the duelist remembered the race he and the elf Aurora had taken part in. He even chuckled slightly remembering although he hadn't won, Gabriel was so happy that his companion got to do what she had set out to do.

And before he realized it the bards feet were inches (rather milimeters) from the ground "Hold on you two, it's not a rac-" he hadn't a moment to greet the trio of faerie before the sweet bouquet of wine greeted Gabriel, he hadn't a proper drink since he got to Witchlight not counting the poor amount the musician at the orchard had spared him.

"Oh, uh excuse my manners fine ladies'," his thoughts of fine spirits, the tart taste of good wine and their potent aroma drew him inch by inch from the faerie women "I am Panache, greetings and farewell." with a curt bow the bard quickly flew after the bugbear following him towards the sweet smell of alcohol.

Brutrumukk and Gabriel follow the smell of alcohol and find that it's coming from one of the small cottages in the Pixie Kingdom. As they enter, one of the pixies greets them, "Welcome! Please feel free to find a seat, and we'll serve you shortly!"

Once they do, a pixie quickly flits by, serving them not only the Blackberry Wine, but also some Cucamelon sandwiches and Thimbleberry tarts.

Meanwhile, a couple of the pixies seemed to notice how Jub sank in the air a bit, and they try to cheer him up. One of them speaks, "Well, there's a lot to experience here in the Pixie Kingdom! We have the Ferris Wheel, run by Biscuit, or you could ride on Pinecone the Pug,"

Having a seat next to his hairy comrade the half-elf raised his glass as he turned in his seat "A toast my friend, to making happy memories and brighter days." Gabriel had a smile on his face and his free arm resting upon the table they seated themselves at, although his eyes looked thirstily at his glass.

"I'll drink to that fer sure!" Brutrumukk joyfully exclaimed before downing the contents of his glass in one go. "Oh this is some good stuff! We gotta get ourselves an entire barrel! Eh booyagh!? ...Booyagh?" Brutrumukk looked around and noticed that Jub was absent from the gathering. "Oi oi? Where did Jub get off to?" Brutrumukk asked as he rose from his chair, taking some Thimbleberry tart as he rose. "Order some more wine. I gotta go find Jub." Brutrumukk told Gabriel before leaving to look for Jub.

Brutrumukk's search took him back to the entrance to the Kingdom, where he found the pixies trying to cheer up a glum looking. "Oi oi! What's wrong? Brutrumukk called out to Jub with a small amount of concern in his voice. "You ain't lookin' so good. You feelin' alright?"

Jub had barely any time to react before Gabriel took off, seemingly in the same direction Brutumukk had flown off to. His ears drooped slightly as he witnessed his new friends essentially abandoned him - again, sinking slightly in the air. When one of the pixies addressed him, he tried to smile as he considered the options presented to him. Admittedly, he didn't particularly feel like going on the ferris wheel without either of his companions, and while he was more interested in the concept of a riding a (comparitively) giant pug, his mishap with the dragonflies earlier caused him to hesitate. He was about to answer when Brutrumukk showed up, causing Jub's ears to perk up immediately and he slightly rose up from the ground. "Oh, yes," he said. "Just wondered where you'd got to, is all."

"Yeah... Sorry fer takin' off without ya." Brutrumukk apologized as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. "The excitement o' flyin' fer the first time an' the scent o' drink can be very distractin' sometimes. But I'd never be so distracted that I wouldn't notice me shoulder goblin's gone missin'. You wanna come drink with us? They serve this amazin' Blackberry Wine 'ere. Not to be missed lightly says I."

"Oh sure!" Jub said, obviously much more cheerful now, though he did quickly add, with some embarrassment, "Err, just a warning, though. I'm something of a, eh, 'lightweight' when it comes to drink." He grinned somewhat sheepishly. "It's probably an alcohol to height ratio... thing. Honestly, I don't know how dwarves manage drinking as much as they do, given the average dwarf isn't that much taller than I am."

Unlike his surly acquaintance the half-elf drank only a bit of the wine, wanting to sample a bit of the spirits bouquet. "Hm?" Gabriel furrowed his brow and frowned slightly at Brutrumukk as he got worked up about Jub, he understood the bugbear wanting to make sure his little buddy was okay but Jub could take care of himself!

Before he opened his mouth his companion went off, and all Gabriel did was roll his eyes "Really," he sighed shaking his head before whistling for a servers attention "Yes excuse me may I have two more glasses, oh to hell with it top my glass off and bring a third." he was exasperated at the prospect that his two companions attachment might split them up at less opportune times, nothing he could do but drink and try to not let his bout of incredulity to rear it's head again.

The trio find that the cucamelon sandwiches and the thimbleberry tarts complement the blackberry wine well. While the blackberry wine is somewhat alcoholic, the more the three drink it, the more they find that they are not getting drunk. It seems there's enough alcohol in the beverage for it to be a 'wine', but not enough to actually get anyone drunk...

The trio would then hear someone call out joyfully,

"Alright, everyone! It's time again for a game of Hide and Seek! Who wants to join in?"

"I wouldn't worry 'bout that." Brutrumukk reassured Jub as the bugbear hoisted his shoulder goblin back onto his shoulder and began making his way back to the wine cottage. "The wine isn't all that strong, but it still tastes pretty good"

Despite the lack of actual alcohol in the wine, it was tasty enough that Brutrumukk ordered and drunk vast quantities of it upon his return. As he waited for his seventeenth round of wine to arrive, Brutrumukk began to rhythmically beat his fist down onto the table and used the singing lesson Palasha had given him to sound off a jolly drinking song.

"I came to this place on carnival night.
I shrunk meself, gained the power o' flight.
Then I caught the scent o' this sweet delight.
The scent of blackberry wine!"

"I drink this wine in the pixie tree.
How I love the taste o' this recipe.
More of it comin' I want to see.
An' drinkin' it I want to be!"

"Blackberry wine! It's sweet and a-heady!
Blackberry wine! Fer more I'm a-ready!
Blackberry wine! It's sweet and a-heady!
Blackberry wine! Fer more I'm a-ready!"

Brutrumukk then gave a cheer as more wine arrived before promptly chugging it down in one go.

When the call for those who would participate in a game of Hide and Seek met his ears, Brutrumukk grinned eagerly. "Count me in!" The bugbear called out as he rose from the table ready to show off how shockingly stealthy a bugbear could be.

Gabriel raised the glass to his lips, knocking back it's contents as the two arrived both at first quietly enjoying their drinks in silence. Or rather it had been a quiet meal, it seemed the bugbear had an unquenchable thirst for liquor much to the half-elf's pleasant surprise.

However what had Gabe almost spat out a sip of the Blackberry Wine was when Brutrumukk began an earnest drinking song and if there was one thing the duelist loved more than alcohol it was a boisterous song about alcohol. As the hairy goblinoid began to rhythmically beat his mighty fists upon the table, Gabriel began to rap his knuckles upon the wood in a sort of drumbeat tempo with the beat of Brutrumukk's fists.

"Blackberry Wine! It's sweet and a-heady!
Blackberry Wine! For more I'm a-ready!
Blackberry Wine! It's sweet and a-heady!
Blackberry Wine! For more I'm a-ready!"

"Nothing like o' glass of spirit to eeeeend!
An even'n o' drinking merrily with your friends!"

Gabriel sang with a level falsetto to compliment Brutrumukk's deep baritone, and keep a rhythm going with his drinking partner-to-be.

Finishing the song off with a high note to bring up the mood within the wine cottage, afterward the bard laughed loudly slapping the hulking bugbear on the back "Brut, you beautiful bastard where the hell'd you learn to sing." while not drunk Gabe's inflection changed, slipping to his old habit of talking like a regular street urchin "A game! I'll join ya too!"

Jub seemed much happier now that he was back with his comrades, and with a free meal to boot! In fact, it was only when he was sat down, digging into his third (or maybe fourth?) sandwich, he realised that he hadn't really eaten much for the past few hours. Really, only the cupcakes, now that he thought about it, and most of that he had regurgitated anyway. Not to mention, it was definitely the best tasting meal he'd had that he hadn't had to use Prestidigitation on.

Speaking of, when Brutrumukk started singing, Jub was tempted to sing along. After all, he too had had lessons from Palasha, and was tempted to put them to good use. However, when Gabriel started singing along, he realised that there was something else he could do to add to this particular musical number, and used his favourite cantrip to create faint string and flute music to go along with their singing and percussion.

Once they were done with their musical number, one of the pixies called them to play a game of Hide and Seek, and both of Jub's companions seemed eager to join in. Jub, however, seemed a little more hesitant. After all, Hide and Seek sounded like the perfect opportunity for the carnival to use its tricky fey magic to whisk one of them away, never to be seen again. However, if that was the case, he couldn't exactly let his friends participate without him. "Sounds good to me," Jub said, though it wouldn't take much for anyone to hear the slight strain in his voice.

The song from the trio got some pixies to sing along and give a loud cheer and applause when the song finished.

The trio make it outside to see some of the other pixies coming to show that they want to play in the game of Hide and Seek. The two pixies that are hosting the game call out to the trio specifically, "Ah! I see we have some visitors! I'm Honeymint, and my friend here, the Seeker in this game, is Starbug!"

Starbug gives a wave, and calls "Hello!"

After some others join in, Honeymint calls, "Alright everyone, everyone knows the rules, but let's go over them just in case! The rules are simple, don't let Starbug find you. Everyone must find a new hiding spot every round. A new round begins when Starbug finds someone. The game will continue until Starbug finds the last hider. That last hider is the winner! Is everyone ready?"

After everyone gave a cheer, Honeymint calls out, "Alright! Let's begin! Start counting, Starbug!"

Starbug turns and begins to count. The pixies fly off to find hiding places. Honeymint looks to the three of them, and she whispers to them, "I know you're new, that's why I'll help you out a bit. Biscuit's wheel, or Beatrice's nest, or the Flower Bed are great places to hide!" She then flies away to hide herself.

In the time it took Honeymint to round on the trio, Brutrumukk had already vanished without a trace. Despite their size and seeming lack of wit, bugbears were masters of stealth and possessed a great deal of cunning. Together, they were an unexpected pair of skills that bugbears always relished in using to surprise friend and foe alike.

And so, nested within the densest foliage of the Flower bed, Brutrumukk waited and lurked. Surprisingly, the flowers in this bed spoke with the refined voices of dignified older ladies. This bothered Brutrumukk slightly, as the voices reminded him of the annoyingly proud and pompous nobleman that once tried to boss him around. However, he was quick to note that the sound of argument the flowers were having was drowning out what few noises he made in his hiding spot, so the bugbear was content to let them have their row.

Brutrumukk, with Jub on his shoulder, easily made it to the Flower Bed and found a good hiding place. There was only one problem. The wildflowers around them were bickering amongst themselves. Their elderly female voices echoed around them,

"Violet, you cannot be serious! Of course it is I who have the silkiest petals and finest aroma of all!"
"Oh, don't be so full of yourself, Rose! I have a unique color, while there are so many other red flowers in existence!"

The flowers continue to argue amongst themselves, while Gabriel heads to Beatrice's nest. He sees that Beatrice is an awakened heron, and she talks about the weather with him. After making this small talk with her, he asks her nicely, and she lets him hide in her nest.

Starbug first found the other pixies first, before he begins the search for the trio. He first finds Jub and calls out for everyone to hear, "Ah ha! I found you, Jellybean Starfish!" Brutrumukk, luckily, was hiding and out of sight while Starbug approached Jub and kindly led Jub back to the center area of Pixie Kingdom, before beginning another round.

Next he searched Beatrice's nest, and before he could call out, Gabriel decided to try an unconventional hiding method: Pretending to be an egg.

The tall, thin, and somewhat muscular and lithe half-elf, sits and curls in on himself. Starbug looks at him from above and he could be heard calling out, "Ah ha! I found---Wait a minute...Never mind! That's just an egg,"

After Starbug searched there, he took off to continue his search elsewhere. This gives Gabriel a chance to change tactics and hide in Biscuit's wheel. He finds that the hamster, Biscuit, is quite talkative, and only quiets down when given food.

Meanwhile, Brutrumukk has remained hiding in the Flower Bed for the entire time. When he sees Starbug, he lies down and pretends to be a pile of mud. He does so just in time, as he can hear Starbug from above, "Violet..Rose...Poppy...Ah! Is that--? No. No...That's just a pile of mud,"

He then continues to search. After a little while longer, Starbug finds Brutrumukk in the flower bed, and he calls out, "Ah ha! I found you!"

After leading him back, and Gabriel hears that the game is done, Starbug and Honeymint congratulate Gabriel,

"Congratulations, Panache! You won Hide and Seek! Here is your prize!"

They hand Gabriel a packet of pixie dust, with two leaves as the propeller blades.

Rather than follow Starbug to the center of the Kingdom once he was found, Brutrumukk elected to return to the wine cottage instead. Shortly after Gabriel had been awarded his prize, Brutrumukk walked out of the cottage with a large barrel of wine with a hole punched in the top of it. After taking a moment to chug down a third of the barrel's contents, Brutrumukk moved to re-join the others. "The hour's almost done an' we ain't really done much to make folks 'appy in that time" Brutrumukk said to his compatriots, though mostly to Jub, once he found them. "I'm thinkin' we go find Candlefoot next, see if 'e's got any idea's on 'ow we could bring the smiles, yeah?"

Jub's ears drooped slightly when he was spotted and it took all his strength not to give an apologetic glance in Brutrumukk's direction. However, he wasn't too upset, and once he and his compatriots reunited, he just looked relieved that none of them had been whisked away by the Carnival.

"Funny how we managed to spread cheer so much easier when we weren't trying to," Jub said in respond to Brutrumukk. "But yes, going to see Candlefoot sounds like a good course of action."

"Right then. Candlefoot it is." Brutrumukk said before collecting Jub and placing his shoulder goblin back on his shoulder. "Let's get movin'." With that said, Brutrumukk moved to make his way to the Hall of Illusions, but paused when he noticed just how the carnival seemed a lot bigger than he remembered. After a moment, Brutrumukk realized that he was still shrunk. "...'Ang on a moment." The bugbear said. "We're still tiny. 'Ow do we get back to normal?"

After offering both Honeymint and Starbug both a curt bow, the half-elf whose smile had been bright all the while he engaged the two fae in brief conversation it faded as soon as he turned. Gabriel was no braggart nor was he a show-off, thus while he thanked the two fairy for the generous reward he had noticed out the corner of his eye the bugbear without pausing left towards the cottage with Jub in tow.

"Hold on a second you two." instead of the usual friendly nonchalance that carried from his tone, he had a bit more seriousness in his voice overhearing Jub's comment about their work "Now I may not know either of you that well but I can say for sure that sort of attitude is not the kind I've seen thus far." his brow was furrowed, planting a fist at his hip as he looked between Jub and Brutrumukk "We made plenty of merry people, that song was a hoot. We needn't try to spread cheer, because we have."

At Brutrumukk's question, Jub surveyed his surroundings as if he too had only just noticed they hadn't returned to normal size. "That, my friend," he said. "Is a very good question." Before he could start thinking of a solution to their current dilemma, Gabriel caught up with them. "I suppose you have a point," Jub responded. "I suppose after helping Palasha and Candlefoot earlier, I expected we'd be doing, well..." He gestured wildly with one hand as he tried to think of what he saying. "More of that, I suppose. More helping people. It does seem that this carnival, for all its colour and theatrics, has a lot of problems, does it not? What with that Kenku causing trouble, all the disappearances and the Mister's patron going missing."

As soon as Brutrumukk and Jub started questioning how they go back to normal, and thus, thinking about it and desiring it, they feel a tinge throughout their bodies. They come to realize that they are starting to go back to normal size, and they need to hurry out of the Pixie Kingdom in order to not accidentally do any damage.

Once out, they are their normal sizes once again.

"Whoa! That's good timin' I suppose." Brutrumukk commented as they began to grow back to their normal size. "Let's beat it before we break somethin'" With that said, Brutrumukk led the way out of the kingdom before stopping to let himself fully grow back to normal. "Right then." The bugbear said once everyone was back to normal. "Next stop, Candlefoot!"
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Fading Memory
Avatar of Fading Memory

Fading Memory The Final Flame of a Fiery Bird

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


& The Dungeon Master

Zavakri easily makes her way to the Snail Races. There, she sees the grandstands next to this racecourse are filled with cheering fairgoers ringing bells, swinging rattles, and waving flags. On the starting line, eight giant snails are having their shells scrubbed by pixies.

Above the circular course, a wooden gantry hangs from the branches of a central tree, where two goblins officiate the proceedings.

As she enters the area, she would notice signs posted in the stands and along the racetrack warning that neither jockeys nor spectators may influence the outcome of a race by using magic or by harming other jockeys or snails.

She would also notice that if she wanted to, she could participate in the Snail Races as a racer, or she can watch from the stands.

Zavakri approaches the racing track with a mild amount of amusement apparent on her features. She observes the spectacle of the cleaning of the snails and surveys the excitement of the cheering fans, and lets herself have a giggle over the whole thing.

Snails. Racing. Now that is Just RightTM.

And she reads the rules.

"Fiiiiiiiiiiinally" she groans in appreciation. "Somewhere with rules!"

She rubs her hands together. Nobody said anything about using Math. Nobody ever said anything about using Math. People always underestimated The Math.

But before she could formulate a proper plan on just how to apply math to this, she found herself ushered into the stands where she cajoled herself into a seat.

It was time to collect data. It was time to watch snails race.

After some light analysis, simple mathematics, a brief moment of getting too swept up in the crowd- Zavakri had a plan. She would try to take the already existing happiness, and make it greater! The method? Surely few others in the area could keep up with the high octane simultaneous actions in the same way she could! She looked about briefly, couldn't locate a being of authority in her haste, then attempted to climb the Gantry.

Zavakri feels that she's using all of her strength to climb the tree. Surely she's making progress upwards! She's even starting to feel dizzy.

When she looks down however...
She sees that she is only a few inches off the ground.

She groans and drops back down to the ground, swaying on her feet and falling backwards onto her buttocks. She grimaces, hair falling over her face, and huffs her cheeks in indignation. Exhaling heavily to dislodge the misplaced locks of hair, she pushed herself to her feet and grit her teeth.

"Alright. I'll let the universe balance that out later. No sense wasting time with that. Let's see if anyone's jonesing to ride Quickleaf..."

And with that plan shelved, she turned and marched with some haste. If she couldn't muster the strength to climb a Gantry, she could at the very least try to be entertaining while jockeying a snail.

"...Let's just allow ourselves to forget that I can't even ride a horse, let alone a...er...snail..." She whispered to herself. "...It's all to beat the goblinoids."

The final phrase was pure self assurance. She needed the reminder.

..."Ello Quickleaf." She began hesitantly, patting the snail's shell with a measure of reproach. "Time for a proper pep talk and whatnot, eh? Now I saw your performance last race, and I must say that you were positively stellar. Last in the race, but first among equals and all that. I appreciated how you deviated from the norm in excess of delays. It truly made you shine as an outlier amongst these other snails- and that, my friend, is why you are my chosen one. I'm not looking to win this race. I'm not even really looking to compete, my slimed compatriot. I'm looking to entertain. That means all I expect from you is for you to be yourself. I'm going to be the least worrisome, least stressful, least taxing, jockey of your career. Which, as far as I'm aware for snails, can likely have exceeded my own expected lifespan manifold. Now that we've got the unpleasantness of talking business out the way, we can get on to the part where I make a complete and utter fool of myself."

Zavakri idly produces a leaf of lettuce and waves it in front of Quickleaf enticingly, before permitting the snail to eat the delicacy. Ultimately Quickleaf seemed rather nonplussed by her dialogue, but so be it. As the other jockeys all began to mount and familiarize themselves with their respective snails, Zavakri made a show of things;

Oi, why is that lady doing cartwheels?
I'unno chum, seems a tad fishy to me
She's really wearing herself out ain't she?
Almost race time, innit? If she doesn't take this seriously...

By now, Zavakri was red in the face and wheezing as she rested, leaned down upon her knees. Numbers swam in her vision- the calculations merely causing her to frown and bite her lip.

"....That just doesn't add up, I always loved seeing carthweels. It was always exciting to see the circumference being rotated along a particular set of velocities and trying to math out the appropriately different speeds of the varying lengths of spokes and imagining the forces at particular points." She grumbled to herself, now quite haughty and red in the face for entirely different reasons as she fumed and dusted her hands off. "Fine!"

And so she turned, her cloak billowing around her with some quite undesired melodrama, and she leapt up onto the saddle. Quickleaf rocked forward steadily as Zavakri struggled to mount the creature, scrambling up to the saddle. Finally in position- and just in time, too, the other Jockeys were beginning to get annoyed at the brief holdup of the race start- Zavakri grabbed the reigns and realized that she was well and truly hopeless.

The race started. Quickleaf, surprisingly accurate to his name, took off like appropriate-in-relativity-lightning. Zavakri let out a shriek as the reigns slipped from her hands, and as the snail surged forth she gripped the horn of the saddle with both hands- her feet splaying into the stirrupts- her mind racing and wondering just what stirrups even do for a snail- the saddle straps snapping-

And as she tumbled backwards, the math seemed to click in her head and the formulae before her eyes finally balanced.

...They're all just fools who like to see people get hurt! she thought to herself, this brief flash of brilliance lightening her countenance from stormy to cautiously optimistic as she plunged onto the ground. True to calculation, the crowd perked up at the apparent failure of someone they up to now had perceived as a buffoon for all the right reasons. Zavakri threw herself to her feet and, with the fervor of a woman riding a sudden wave, threw herself into the task of trying to run down and re-mount Quickleaf.

If Zavakri didn't know any better, she'd almost think the snail was outrunning and outmaneuvering her on purpose. But, in the end, at least she was keeping the crowd pleased!

The crowd continues laughing as Zavakri chases after Quickleaf. Many of the other riders who fell off the snails gave up on the race after taking the fall. To no one's surprise, the snails finish the race long before Zavakri manages to catch up to Quickleaf.

She might not have won the race, but everyone left the snail race in a better mood than before.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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Brutrumukk, Gabriel, & Jub the Peculiar

Ft. The Dungeon Master

The trio make their way from the Pixie Kingdom to the Hall of Illusions. There, they see Candlefoot at the entrance once again. The mime, upon seeing Brutrumukk and Jub, gives a joyous smile and a wave in greeting.

"Oi oi!" Brutrumukk call out in greeting as he and his companions approached Candlefoot. "You been alright since we last saw you? No one else 'as made off with yer voice, yeah?"

Candlefoot greets Brutrumukk, "Hi! Yes, I've been doing great. And as you can hear, I still have my voice!"

He then asks the group, "How can I help you?"

"We're tryin' to get one of us crowned King o' the Carnival." Brutrumukk said. "An' to do that, we need to put smiles on faces. You seem like yer the sort who's good at doin' that, so we was wonderin' if you knew a good way to make folks 'appy."

Candlefoot smiles at the compliment and he answers Brutrumukk with a shrug, "I mean...from the looks of things, everyone seems to be happy already. I know Palasha is for sure,"

He then suggests, "Why not just enjoy yourselves? Maybe there are some attractions you haven't enjoyed yet?"

Jub's ears drooped slightly upon hearing that Candlefoot couldn't think of anything for them to do, though he quickly realised this was probably not the appropriate response to finding out people were happy and quickly feigned a smile... not entirely convincingly. "I mean, he has a point," Jub said to Brutrumukk. "If anyone does need help, we're likely to stumble across them just going about our business. That's how it worked last time..." He glanced at his companions. "What attractions haven't we been to yet? We could start there."

"Hmm..." Brutrumukk hummed in response to the words of Candlefoot and Jub. "Well folks do seem pretty 'appy 'round 'ere. An' after stoppin' that kenku git an' gettin Candlefoot's voice back so 'e could ask Palasha to marry 'im, I think we've got good chances of winnin' as it stands... Yeah sure, let's go enjoy ourselves. If we 'appen upon some way to make others 'appy while we're at it, all the better"

"What attractions haven't we been to yet? We could start there." Jub then suggested.

"Y'know, now that I think about it, I'd rather 'ead somewhere we've already been than 'ead someplace new." Brutrumukk replied. "The stuff we ate an' drank at the Pixie Kingdom weren't as fillin' as I thought it'd be. Especially now that I ain't the size of a pixie. I dunno 'bout the rest o' you, but I 'ear the Feastin' Orchard callin'. While we're there we can tell that bard we met all 'bout our adventures at the carnival. Nothin' brings joy quite like a good story, yeah?"

"Sounds good to me," Jub said. "Though I doubt I can each that much after our last meal, I will certainly cheer you on."

"Alrighty then! To the Feastin Orchard!" Brutrumukk exclaimed before turning to Candlefoot one last time. "See ya next time, Candlefoot. Come find us if ya see that kenku git, yeah?" With that said, Brutrumukk led the way to the Feasting Orchard.

Candlefoot nods to Brutrumukk and he waves them off happily, remaining at his position at the Hall of Illusions.

Upon arriving at the Feasing Orchard, nothing much else has changed, other than the presence of a few small stands that offer some carnival games to those who are in the Feasting Orchard. The Eating Contest for this hour is going to start soon.

Ellywick Tumblestrum is still at her seat in the Feasting Orchard, smiling at the trio as they appear.

"Oi oi!" Brutrumukk called out in greeting to Ellywick. "Don't go nowhere! I got fer ya that ye'll be wantin' to 'ear, but first I gotta win this eatin' contest! Wish me luck!" With that said, Brutrumukk took a seat at the contest table, waited for the contest to start, and began eating. Brutrumukk was in fine form at first. He did a lot better than his last attempt. But as he devoured his fourteenth cupcake, Brutrumukk swallowed a large piece of it without chewing it well enough, causing him to begin choking. Brutrumukk fell from his seat clutching at his throat as he struggled to clear his blocked airway. By the time he'd managed to cough up the piece of cupcake that had been choking him, the contest was over.

Jub had been cheering pretty loudly throughout the contest until Brutrumukk suddenly started choking. "Uh oh!" He quickly started patting the bugbear on the back as hard as his little goblin fists could manage. "You alright?" he said once Brutrumukk had coughed up the cupcake. "Still breathing? How many fingers am I holding up?" He waved his hand in front of his friend's face.

"I'm alright." Brutrumukk said after gasping down a few breaths of fresh air. "I'm breathin' now at least. An' yer 'oldin' up two fingers... three if we're countin' yer thumb as well." After a moment, Brutrumukk pulled himself back up onto his feet and looked around. "So... did ya see who won?"

Suffice to say, Brutrumukk didn't win the cupcake eating contest this time around either. A large, rotund dwarf was still standing, with his beard caked in custard (not so different than Brutrumukk, whose fur is also covered in custard).

The trio can hear Ellywick Tumblestrum speak to them jovially, "That was a great effort! Maybe next time, yeah?" She then asks Brutrumukk and Jub casually, "So, how're you guys doing?"

"Next time. Yeah. Definitely." Brutrumukk said with a confident nod.

"Other than that loss at the eatin' contest, Jub an' I 'ave been doin' pretty well I must say." Brutrumukk said happily. "Remember 'ow you said we'd go on to do some 'eroic things? Well you turned out to be right. So Jub an I figured we'd come tell you about it like I said we would when we last saw each other. So if ya got time, fancy 'earin' about 'ow Jub an' I saved Candlefoot an' Palasha from a shapeshiftin' kenku voice thief?"

Ellywick nods at Brutrumukk's question about what she said, and she chuckled at his words. She answered Brutrumukk smiling, "Oh, I heard all about that already! Nice job in helping Candlefoot and Palasha!" She then looks to Jub and she congratulates him specifically, "Especially to you, for the expert arcana work in giving Candlefoot his voice back!"

She then winks at Brutrumukk and Jub, "But that's only the beginning, friends,"

Jub actually blushed when Elly complimented him, pulling slightly at his hood in a bashful manner. "Oh, err, it was nothing really," he said, but the toothy smile show he really did appreciate the praise. "Wouldn't have even known Candlefoot needed my help without Brut here." He motioned to the bugbear. However, when Elly spoke again, Jub's grin subsided slightly, instead raising his eyebrow in curiosity. "What do you mean by that?"

Her smile remains as she answers Jub, with a finger raised her mouth in an almost shushing motion, "I mean that your adventures will continue beyond the Witchlight Carnival. You, Jub, will have a chance to retrieve what you lost here,"

She then strums a few strings for a simple melody, and she continues, this time speaking to both Brutrumukk and Jub, "Ah...But a little bit of advice: Don't forget the things you've learned here in the Witchlight Carnival. Violence is not always the answer, and a little kindness can go a long way,"

After a little more strumming, she advises them next, "Whether the plan works or fails...Stick around the Carnival after the Crowning ceremony. Don't worry, I'll help you guys out if you find yourselves in a pinch,"

She then hops off of the stump, and she speaks in realization, "Ah, The Seventh Hour is almost upon us. I better go look around the Carnival while I still can, only one hour left to enjoy the festivities before they start the conclusion to the night,"

For the most part, Brutrumukk listened thoughtfully to Ellywick's words. The phrase 'violence is not always the answer' confused him somewhat, but Brutrumukk understood the rest of it. When Ellywick then mentioned that the seventh hour had come and suggested the duo go enjoy it, Brutrumukk thought for a moment before speaking. "Got any other places you'd wrecker-mend we visit." Brutrumukk asked Ellywick, remembering that the livelier events of the night so far had come from following the bard's suggestions.

Ellywick shrugs as she answers Brutrumukk, "Unfortunately, not this time, Brutrumukk. Really, the next exciting thing I sense happening next is the Crowning of the Witchlight Monarch, so be sure not to miss that at the eighth hour,"

She then waves to the trio as she hurries off, "See you later!"

"Eh, it was worth a shot. See ya 'round!" Brutrumukk said as Ellywick hurried off. Once she was gone, Brutrumukk hoisted Jub into his shoulder and questioned his shoulder goblin in their native tongue. "So where d'ya wanna go next?" Brutrumukk asked. "Personally, I'm leanin' towards either seein' if there's anythin' goin' on at the Big Top or seein' if there's any truth to those rumblin's o' trouble at the 'All of Illusions. 'Ow 'bout you?""

Jub opened his mouth to question how Elly knew about his condition, but she had already run off before he could speak. The goblin watched her leave before giving a little sigh. "Can I just say I really don't like this feeling that everyone at this carnival knows about me?" he said. It wasn't directed particularly towards Brutrumukk or anyone for that matter, more like Jub just wanted to complain to anyone who would listen. "And not in a 'Oh Jub, we've heard about your many feats, you're so amazing' kind of way that a showman wants to be known, more in a 'Hey Jub remember that time your life became irrepairably screwed up eight years ago' kind of way." He crossed his arms and gave annoyed huff. "Sorry," he said after a moment. He gave a little shake of his head. "How about we head to the Big Top? We're gonna be headin' there anyway and I guess we can scope out the area. If we're gonna do this whole snagging Mr Witch's watch thing, we probably should get the lay of the land." He paused before adding, "Who knows, maybe that kenku will be there. I'm surprised we haven't heard about her causing any more trouble around the carnival. I find it hard to believe she'd go through all that trouble to steal Candlefoot's voice and then just... give up."

"Maybe we frightened the kenku git off after nabbin' it at Palasha's show an' stealin' back Candlefoot's voice." Brutrumukk theorized when Jub mentioned Kettlesteam. "I 'ope that ain't the case. Me time 'ere just won't feel complete without clubbin' that bloody bird to death and mountin' its 'ead on a spike... Either way, the Big Top, yeah? Let's go see if there's anythin' worth seein' there before they crown the King o' the Carnival." With that said, Brutrumukk made sure his shoulder goblin was seated properly before heading off in the direction of the Big Top.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Tsak Vlos, Aurora, & Miizel
Ft. The Dungeon Master

The trio find the Lost Property wagon (mostly) through Tsak's guidance. There, they would see Dirlagraun, a displacer beast with a keg hanging from her neck, and orange butterfly wings, watching over a girl and boy as they run around the area, playing a small game of tag. Dirlagraun looks as the trio approach and she immediately recognizes Tsak and Miizel.

She greets the trio warmly in Elvish as they approach, "Ah, Hello Tsak. And I remember you, Miizel..."

She asks the trio, "How can I help you?"

When they reached the Lost Property wagon, Miizel was once again greeted with Dirlagraun’s magnificent sight. She spoke in a language he didn't understand but based on her tone it was probably a greeting. “Hello again, Dirlagraun.” Miizel greeted in Common. “I didn’t expect to meet you again so soon.”

“We’re investigating something right now and we need some help.” He said, no beating around the bush. “We just returned from the Hall of Illusions and we happened to find a particular mirror that doubled as a portal. Do you know anything about that?”

Aurora gaped at the site of the beast before them. She had not see such a creature before, nor did she remember them from the last time she had been here. As the creature spoke to Tsak and Miizel in elvish, and Miizel spoke back in kind, Aurora learned that the creature they were speaking to is Dirlagraun. Quietly and standing off to the side, Aurora waits while Miizel explains what they were doing now.

Tsak would stride in with a grin, bowing her head to the beautiful creature before responding back in Sylvan "good evening Dirlagraun, can I help you with anything?"

Dirlagraun gives a tilt of her head at Miizel's words. She looks to Tsak and she answers in Sylvan, "Ah, I'm alright, thank you. Miizel and Zavakri already assisted me earlier this evening,"

"I know Miizel and I were hoping you could help us. The Hall of Illusions seems to house a portal to somewhere, as Miizel has already mentioned. We are trying to figure out where it goes and who knows anything about it.  Aurora replied in Sylvan to the being.

Dirlagraun tilts her head and she answers in Sylvan, "My apologies, dear. I'm afraid I don't know of the portal, nor where it leads. If anyone would know, it would be Mr. Light and Mr. Witch,"

Despite the mind altering effect that made her happy, Aurora felt a bit disappointed. "Thank you. When we saw them earlier they didn't seem particularly inclined to speak with us about the troubles here. From what the three of us have been able to gather from the limited information it seems the Hall of Illusions might be were people are disappearing at. I thank you again for your time." She replied in Sylvan. She stepped back so if the others had other question to ask they could.

Tsak frowned as she looked to the other two at the mention of her bosses and uncles. "Maybe just the three of us should try talking to them, less threats that way". Tsak would Grumble to herself as she fluttered out of the wagon.

Dirlagraun sighs at Aurora's words regarding Mr. Witch and Mr. Light, and she comments, voicing her thoughts about them out loud, "That's just like them. Always trying to take care of everything by themselves...."

After Aurora mentions what they found, and Tsak suggests talking to the Ringleaders again, Dirlagraun answers, "I'm glad I could help, Aurora. Please enjoy the rest of the carnival,"

Tsak sat outside drawing circus members in her enchanted notebook while she waited. This whole thing didn't sit well with her and she was starting to wonder if the Ringleaders were all as she had thought.

As the group leaves, Dirlagraun lowers her head onto her paws and rests. As the group heads for the Staff Area, led by none other than Tsak, they would hear the Barkers call out to the crowds,

"Who will be crowned the Witchlight Monarch! Find out at the Big Top in one hour from now folks!"
2x Thank Thank
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Lurking Krog Caffeinated Lurker.

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Tsak Vlos, Aurora, & Miizel
Ft. The Dungeon Master

Tsak easily leads the group to a tangled wall of thorns surrounding the cluster of wagons lit by lanterns. This caravan is barely visible through the thicket.

Thanks to Tsak's presence as a Witchlight Hand, the thorns part to allow entry into the staff area. Like before, when Burly led through group through, the party only has ten seconds before the entryway through the thorns closes again.

Once through the hedge of thorns Aurora looked to Tsak and Miizel. "So should we try to talk to Mr. Witch and or possibly Mr. Light? Or should we try to snoop around and see what we can find?"

Tsak grimaced as she lead the other two into the staff area. This whole thing unsettled her greatly and unpleasant possibilities were surfacing in her mind. As Aura stopped to address the gnome and her, Tsak replied "if you two would like to scout around and see what you can, that's fine... I need to speak to unc... I mean Mr's. Witch and Light about this portal". With that, the fairy was off, fly towards the ring master's tent.

Tsak easily flies up quietly to Mr. Witch's and Mr. Light's wagon, the very same wagon where the entire party spoke with them earlier.

There, she would be able to hear the two of them converse with each other,

"You seem calmer now..." spoke the familiar gravelly voice of Mr. Witch,

"Well of course I am! That kenku pest has left, and the mood of the carnival couldn't be better!" the familiar high-pitched shrill voice of Mr. Light answered,

"Still...the ones who got the mood this high in the first place. They're no doubt searching for answers just as she did."

"Eh! They'll get frustrated, then distracted, and then simply enjoy the carnival and leave! No problem!"

"I hope you're right..."

"Trust me!"

Tsak stays to listen to the conversation as it turns to the mood and new ideas for the carnival...

"This is a spectacular night indeed! But we can't stop here! We need to have something new..."

"Agreed. Anyone who's come here before will appreciate something new..."

"The catoblepas didn't work out, but maybe we can buy a giraffe and paint it blue. Or we could teach Northwind how to play the fiddle..."

Tsak bit her lip, suppressing the urge to laugh at the very thought of Northwind and a fiddle. Taking a deep breath, the fairy would knick twice before stepping in. "Mr. Witch, Mr. Light, I, uh... have a question for you, and I was hoping you had a moment to talk... about the portal in the Hall of Illusions".

Before the conversation could continue, Tsak speaks up.

Both Mr. Light and Mr. Witch turn to face her in order to greet her. Mr. Light was about to greet her with a wide smile on his face, but it dropped as soon as she mentioned the portal in the Hall of Illusions.

Mr. Light starts to ask Tsak, "How did you come to learn about the portal...?"

Mr. Witch clears her throat, and he speaks, "Perhaps, it would be better to let her ask first. What is it you wish to know, Tsak?"

Despite their voices, they had softened drastically as they spoke to Tsak. She was family after all...

Tsak grimaced as she looked between the two. That reaction all but confirmed it, that they knew of the portal. "We were in the Hall when we discovered it. Has it always been there? Is this portal the reason for the disappearances? Where does it go?"

Both ringleaders looked at each other before they decided upon an answer silently,

"...It's always been there, even before we came along,"

"The portal is just that: A portal. It leads to the realm your parents told you about,"

However, the both of them looked unsure of how to answer Tsak's other question.

Meanwhile, Aurora remains unnoticed by the other Witchlight Hands in the staff area. She notices that the Witchlight Hands are either putting on their grandest costumes, or are packing stuff away.

Tsak frowned as she looked down to her feet, "you didn't answer one thing... is it tied to the disappearances from all these years? Also... is it... where my parents and mentor vanished to? Please, I need to know!"

Tsak can see it: There is sadness and a sense of futility in their eyes. Mister Witch is the first to answer her,


Mister Light continues remorsefully, "Your parents...they were supportive mentors to Hurly. So...when he disappeared, they followed after him,"

Mister Witch continued, "And in turn...your mentor pursued after them, hoping to bring them back home,"

Tsak realizes it, she can hear it in their voices: It is just as Burly said! Mister Witch and Mister Light want to help and make things right. But...they're keeping themselves silent. Not because they want to, but because something has their hands tied.

Tsak was far from a very emotional fey, but hearing the Mr's confirm it broke her. Wiping her eyes, Tsak would look at them both, not holding back the resentment she felt for not telling her all these years. With a glare, she would blurt out, "This would have been nice to know! The rest of us could have helped out more!" Taking a breath, the Tsak would look to them pleading "I'm sorry, that was uncalled for. What can we do to help? Please, let us help"

Mr. Witch and Mr. Light both look saddened, but understanding as Tsak lashed out at them. They were able to look at Tsak again when she asked if there was anything they could do to help.

Mr. Witch shook his head slowly, and he answered, "There isn't much any of you can do. This situation is much more dangerous than you realize. If we can help it, we're not putting anyone else at risk,"

Mr. Light nodded in agreement, "Your parents asked us to look out for you while they were gone. They wanted you to live a happy life. Pursuing this course of action will lead to the opposite of that. It's best to leave it alone, Tsak,"

Tsak frowned deeply at the two of them, "Uncles, you know I've grown up with the most love and respect for you both. You took care of me when my parents abandoned me. But I am no little fey anymore. I yern for adventure and I yern to know what happened to my parents, to expolre the world they spoke of!" Tsak pointed in the direction of the Hall of Illusions, raising her voice unattinally as she continued, "We can't keep letting people go missing, it's not right! You have a party of adventurers at your disposal, please, for the safty of our customers, for the safty of our family and the circus, let's end this, together!"

Mr. Light and Mr. Witch both look at each other. After a moment, they look to each other, before looking towards the outside of their wagon, warily.

Mr. Witch raises a finger in a somewhat shushing movement, while Mr. Light gives a performance of a response, his volume meeting Tsak's volume, "No, Young Lady! You are to leave the matter alone, and that's final!"

After waiting for a moment or two silently, the both of them move closer to Tsak and speak in hushed voices, "....If you are serious about this, and you truly want to pursue this. Then meet us after the Crowning of the Witchlight Monarch,"

"We still think it's safer for you to stay. We do not know how that realm has changed, but we know it's much more dangerous than it was before. For now, make this is an act of rebellion,"

At first, Tsak was taken aback by Mr. Light's response. Fortunately, it didn't take her long to see the act, I mean, she grew up watching all his acts. Keeping up the act, she would mouth "thank you" before throwing her hands up, "Gah! Fine!". Tsak would turn to leave, looking back to give them a saddened smile before storming out to take her leave, flying off to look for the other two.

The are probably getting ready to move on for the next place. Aurora thought to herself as she ducked behind another wagon. She didn't see much in regards of clues about the portal from seeing the carnival hands posing or getting ready for the final act. The decision to find Tsak and see what information she had gotten from the owners came fairly easy as did moving around the edges of the wagons. Aurora nearly jumped when she heard Mr Light loudly address someone in the wagon. She crept as close as she could to an opening to listen more. Seconds later she heard Tsak give an abrupt defiant response before seeing her fly out of the wagon. Rory waited for a bit longer listening to make sure there wasn't more to the conversation.

It's pretty easy for Aurora to hear the conversation between the two hushed voices,

"....Did we make the right decision...?" Mr. Light's voice filled with concern,

"I do not know. But she is a lot like her parents. Once she sets her mind on something, nothing will stop her,"

"That is most certainly true..."

"For now, let's not speak of this decision any more. We can't risk any chance of them catching wind of this..."

"Right. We've got the Crowning of the Witchlight Monarch to worry about..."

Rory waited a few heart beats after listening to Mr. Witch and Mr. Light discuss whether or not they did the right thing. They seemed concerned that someone would hear of this ordeal. Whoever it was could be the reason for the disappearances. Once she felt certain she would be able to leave without being noticed, she crept around the wagon and made her way back to where Tsak had brought them through the thickets. She waited patiently for the fairy to return and looked to see if Miizel was still nearby.

Tsak swooped down toward Rory, landing on her shoulders. Tsak would move her cupped lips to Rory's ear and whisper "Okay, I talked to the misters. They are reluctant, but they are willing to accept our help and give us info. We need to meet up with them after the crowning. If you guys are done, we should look for the others".

When the fairy landed on Aurora's shoulder, she tried to adjust her stance to compensate for the extra weight. As she did her legs buckled under the weight sending both tumbling to the ground. The magical enchantment from the gift earlier and this event left Aurora rolling with laughter. She had to take near a full minute to collect herself before looking at Tsak. "I am so sorry Tsak. Are you ok?" She had to take a moment to process what the fairy told her about the carnival owners. "That makes sense as to why they may have been concerned. I think they are concerned that you are heading into danger. That and someone, or something for that matter, might know they could be interfering with what's been happening. They seemed really hushed about it."

Before Tsak can answer Aurora, the both of them would notice Dirlagraun approach the Misters' wagon. Tsak realizes what this means:

It's almost time for the Crowning of the Witchlight Monarch! All of the members of the Carnival have a part to play in the ceremony. Dirlagraun's role is to escort Mr. Witch and Mr. Light.

They need to hurry to the Big Top.

So, with that knowledge, the trio head off to the Big Top, where the closing ceremony will take place.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud đź’€Vibin' beyond the Veilđź’€

Member Seen 31 min ago


It seemed Gabriel himself had to play hide-and-seek with both Jub and their surly comrade Brutrumukk, due to their somewhat hasty departure and the two faerie offering him their congratulations mixed with astonishment.

No doubt because he had so slickly avoided being found during their little game but now the half-elf was lost and seeking his friends whom thus far had eluded him through sheer chance.

Odd how so many could miss a bugbear and a goblin, even at the Witchlight Carnival those two stuck out like a pair of sore thumbs.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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Brutrumukk, Gabriel, & Jub the Peculiar

Ft. The Dungeon Master

The trio make their way to the Big Top without much trouble. They are able to enter the Big Top without needing their tickets punched. They arrive just in time to see the next act:

This next act is a tiefling, who performs fire dancing coupled with fire breathing tricks. As he performs, magma and smoke mephits appear and fly around the circus before they disappear in a minute.

Brutrumukk found a seat and watched the tiefling's act for a while. It wasn't anything like the Extravaganza he'd seen when he first came to the Big Top, but it was interesting enough. After a few minutes though, the interest faded away, leaving Brutrumukk with nought but the fact that the tiefling's act wasn't anything like the Extravaganza he'd seen when he first came to the Big Top. Brutrumukk looked around to see if anything else of interest was going on about the Big Top. When he found nothing, the bugbear huffed and looked to the goblin on his shoulder. "You reckon we got time to go find somethin' else before the hour's up?" Brutrumukk asked in goblin. "This ain't really doin' it fer me."

"Hm?" Jub had been so busy scanning the crowd for anyone of note he had almost not heard the question. "Oh, err, sure. Just... do you mind give me a lift up like you did back at Palasha's show? I want to make sure we're not missing anything, or anyone, of note."

"Sure thing, booyagh." Brutrumukk said before lifting the goblin off of his shoulder and high into the air to give him a better view of everyone who was in the Big Top and everything that was going on around them.

Jub has a bird's eye view as Brutrumukk holds him aloft. Jub looks around at the crowd that was in the Big Top and he doesn't see anyone suspicious or causing any trouble. Now that Jub thinks about it, of course Kettlesteam would try and keep her distance from the both of them after their last encounter and Brutrumukk's threats throughout the night.

Other than the lack of suspicious people, Jub also notices two other entry points into the Big Top other than the entrance that they and other guests used. There is the exit the party used earlier to reach the Staff Area,
and there's another entry way where the acts go. Jub also notices that there is a mirror and some materials on a stand in front of it. That must be the Dressing Room!

Jub gestured in direction of the entry way. "As an showman, I know a dressing room area when I see one," he said. "Wanna go investigate? We might find if any of the other performers have been troubled by our feathered adversary, or in need of assistance in general. Who knows, they might even be able to answer more questions about what the carnivals up to."

"Sounds like it could be a good way to pass the hour." Brutrumukk said in goblin as he lowered Jub back onto his shoulder and eyed the dressing room entrance, taking note of the two Witchlight Hands at the dressing room entryway to show that it’s off limits. "We'll need to slip past those guards though. Hmm..." Brutrumukk then went quiet for a moment as he gauged his chances of successfully sneaking past the guards. The bugbear nodded approvingly when he deemed his chances good enough to warrant an attempt. "Keep quiet an' don't move unless I tall ya to." Brutrumukk spoke up once more. "The guards seem distracted enough that we should be able get into the Dressin' Room without any trouble so long as we don't grab their attention. So don't do anythin' what might grab their attention." With that said, Brutrumukk left his seat and called upon all of his innate bugbear stealth and cunning to cloak him and his shoulder goblin from view and allow them to pass into the Dressing Room unnoticed.

As Brutrumukk crept behind the Witchlight Hands, they can hear snippets of their conversation,

"Oh come on! Blaze's act here is amazing! That firefly circus from earlier is only peanuts in comparison to his fire breathing! Gulp's djinni makeup was applied poorly!"

"Excuse you?! I think Gulp's act is much cuter than this! The mephits could give the kiddos nightmares!"

Neither of them notice as Brutrumukk and Jub sneak by them and enter the Dressing Room.

This dressing room is a scene of colorful clutter: tables strewn with makeup kits and glass jewellery, mirrors trimmed with glowing orbs of light, and chests of drawers and wardrobes spilling over with garments.

"Alright, we're in." Brutrumukk said quietly as he looked about the Dressing Room. "What do we do now?"

Jub, who had used all his restraint to remain quiet while Brutrumukk had been sneaking, blinked somewhat in surprise as he regard their surroundings. "I'll be honest, I didn't plan this far ahead because I didn't expect us to get this far," he said. He quickly added, "Not to downplay your powers of stealth, of course, I just didn't think it would be so easy." He hopped down from the bugbear's shoulder, and began inspecting the dressing room. "I guess just look around, see if there's anything out of the ordinary?"

"Look around." Brutrumukk said as he watched Jub begin his investigation. "Alright. Yeah. I can do that." With that said, Brutrumukk began looking about in an investigative manner. However, investigation was not the bugbear's strong suit, so all he really did was wander about the dressing room, occasionally pointing out interesting looking things he'd never seen before and asking Jub what they are.

Looking around the room, there isn't really many important items to find, but there are a lot of fun items here. Clearly a lot of the items here are for acts and for the festivities of the Festival.

The first thing the duo find are a pair of stilts with long, bright purple trousers. Brutrumukk could probably wear these.

The second thing they find is a small waistcoat with a chain of one hundred silk handkerchiefs tied together in one of its pockets. Jub could wear this waistcoat.

Brutrumukk looked at the stilt pants which looked big enough to fit him. Then he looked at the handkerchief waistcoat that looked big enough to fit Jub. Finally, the bugbear turned to the goblin and grinned. "Oi booyagh, you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" Brutrumukk asked.

Jub shared a grin with the bugbear. "You bet I do, my good man!" he said. Then there was a pause as he thought for a moment, and he suddenly looked confused. "Actually no. I have no idea what you're thinking. What are we doing?"

Brutrumukk gave annoyed huff at Jub's words before throwing the waistcoat at the goblins face. "You put that weird shirt on, I put these weird pants on, and we go out there an' start runnin' around an' throwin' all them colored rags about." Brutrumukk explained. "Folks find that sort o' thing funny when it 'appens, yeah? An' it's funnier when it 'appens unexpectedly, yeah? An' funny things make folks 'appy, yeah? So if we go out there unexpectedly an' start runnin' around an' throwin' all them colored rags about, it'll make folks 'appy, yeah?"

"Pfft!" The waistcoat landed in Jub's face and he spent the next couple of seconds trying to pull it off as if it were some wild animal that had lunged at him. Once he had hold of it, he held it up in front of his face and eyed it warily. "You sure this is a good idea?" he said. "I mean, the Misters seemed pretty annoyed with us the last time we spoke to them. If we cause too much trouble, who's to say they won't kick us out of the carnival entirely?"

"I ain't scared o' no thievin' knife-ears." Brutrumukk said with a dismissive wave of his hand. "Witch is a fat tub o' lard an' Light's a poncy git who probably spends 'is free time offerin' 'is arse to other men. I doubt they'd be able to do much more than shake their fists at us if we do somethin' what bothers 'em. An' besides, do you honestly care about what either o' those gits think after they took what they took from ya?"

"I don't," Jub responded. "But from what it sounds like, they're both warlocks. To an archfey, no less. They could have all sorts of weird, creepy fey magics. They stole from the elf lady without her noticing. They were able to take my ability to keep to secrets. Several people have gone missing in this carnival. Who knows what they took from the others." The goblin threw up his hands in a dramatic gesture. "We don't know what they're capable of! They could banish us to some dark pocket realm, or taking our ability to speak or see or breath. They could...." He paused and thought for a moment to consider what was the worst thing they could do that would upset Brutrumukk. "... they could take away your ability to taste, or even eat ever again!"

"Bah! Fairylocks are just a bunch o' sissies once you get in clubbin' range." Brutrumukk told Jub. "Got into a fight with one what was troublin' the town once. The fucker went down like a sack o' taters. They might we able to steal. They might be able to put on a show an' play some games. But when the time comes fer a fight, they ain't nothin'... Either way, us sneakin' in 'ere was yer idea, so you ain't allowed to chicken out now."

Jub opened his mouth to object, and then quickly closed it. It seemed his friend wasn't willing to back down and on this and, as much as Jub didn't want to admit it, the bugbear had a point: it had been his idea. "Fine fine," the goblin muttered. "But if this goes, you're never hearing the end of it from me, you understand?" He removed his hand-made wizard cloak for the first time since he had arrived at the carnival, revealing his full, unmistakably goblin features for all in the near vicinity to see. It also revealed both the dull brown shirt he had been wearing underneath - a ragged-looking thing and nowhere near as extravagant as the rest of his wizard getup - and that, under his hood, his hair had been cut into a short mowhawk, which was looking a little flat since he hadn't taken off his hood this entire time.

Jub grumbled as he put on the waistcoat, before stuffing his cloak rather unneatly back into his bag.

"That's fine by me." Brutrumukk said in response to Jub's words. When Jub then doffed his wizard cloak, Brutrumukk nodded approvingly at Jub's hair style. "Impressive do, booyagh." Brutrumukk said before reaching down and spiking Jub's flattened mohawk up as well as he could. "Right then. Gimme a moment to get into these weird pants an' we'll be off."

When the two goblinoids emerged from the Dressing Room, they emerged loud and proud. Brutrumukk hooted and hollered as he gallivanted about the Big Top as swiftly as he could move while keeping himself balanced on the stilts and ensuring that Jub didn't fall from his place on the bugbear's broad shoulder. Brutrumukk also made sure not to gallivant too close to the fiery tiefling and his mephits so as not to ruin the performer's show.

The two Witchlight Hands look surprised and confused when Brutrumukk and Jub exited from the dressing room on stilts. Thankfully, the hollering and hooting, somehow does not disturb the tiefling's act, and they are able to move around the Big Top. At the very least, it seems like the two goblinoids were entertaining to the kids nearby who saw the both of them. The children look at the both of them with curious wide eyes, if they're not already watching the Tiefling.

With the two Witchlight Hands seeing this, they don't stop the two goblinoids, since they're trying to entertain as well without being disruptive.

As Brutrumukk continued his gallivanting, the bugbear inclined his head towards his shoulder goblin ad began whispering conspiratorially in their native tongue. "Since we've been doin' all this stuff to make folks 'appy, I reckon one of us will be crowned King o' the Carnival" Brutrumukk quietly spoke in goblin. "That means we'll be in the best place to nick Witch-Bitch's watch... I think I may 'ave a plan as to 'ow we do that."

Jub looked visibly uncomfortable as they exited the dressing room. It had obviously been some time since he had appeared in public without some form of disguise, and his body language - slumped torso, drooping ears, hunched shoulders etc - all was focused on making him look as small as possible. "Hmm?" he glanced over at Brutrumukk before responding back in goblin, "Well, what is it?"

"So, Burly mentioned that whoever gets crowned also gets the ability to fly, yeah?" Brutrumukk said in goblin. "I reckon that'd be a good way to escape once we've snagged the watch. When we get close enough, I'll grab it. If I get crowned, you use some o' yer booyagh to make a smoke screen or somethin' to keep folks busy while we fly off. If you get crowned though, you won't be strong enough to carry me away with you. So I'll pass you the watch an' start swingin'. Buy you time to escape. Sound good to you?"

Jub considered Brutrumukk's words. "That could work," he said. "If one of us indeed wins it. It could be one of the others, in which case, they might already have a plan of escape. The elf lady seemed to think she could help with stealing the watch. Speaking of..." He started glancing around, as if searching for their companions. "We probably should think about regrouping with them soon." He looked down at himself and scowled. "And I need to get back into my appropriate garb before they see me."

"Oh don't tell me yer still afraid o' folks knowin' that yer a goblin." Brutrumukk said before lifting Jub off his shoulder and high into the air before turning the goblin towards a group of children who were watching their performance. "Look at those kids over there. They can see that yer a goblin. But they don't care 'bout that. They ain't runnin' away from ya. They ain't peltin' ya with sticks an' stones. They's watchin' our show with wide-eyed wonder, they think we're more interestin than that 'orny fire-eater an' 'is flyin' things. An' they think that, even though we're part o' Mag's lot!" Brutrumukk then lowered Jub back down onto his shoulder and grinned at the goblin. "So how about you stop worryin' and give these folks a real show, yeah? Jus' like ya did at the Eggs-Traveler-Gander! Brutrumukk encouraged. I'll even lend an 'and with it if you tell me 'ow."

Jub was a little surprised when Brutrumukk lifted him into the air, but didn't make any protest as he listened to the bugbear's words. It did appear as if no one really minded his appearance. Even without his more flashy costume, everyone did seem to be enjoying his and Brutrumukk's antics with no sign of fear or disgust. He still felt self-conscious, but Brutrumukk's words did help. After a moment of consideration, Jub decided to attempt a little trick. He motioned for Brutrumukk to toss him into the air as high as he could manage and, once he was flying, would attempt to do a flip. While in the air, he would cast a Feather Fall to try and slow his descent as much as he could and then would cast Prestidigitation, trying to set of as big and colourful blast of fireworks as he could manage overhead. Once he near the ground, he attempt to land in a handstand.

Thanks to Brutrumukk's brute strength, Jub is flung high into the air. To Jub, it seems like he was flung high enough to almost touch the roof of the Big Top. But, that gives Jub plenty of time to flip and cast Feather Fall. As he floats down, Prestidigitation is cast, and the fireworks appear behind the Tiefling fire breather's finale. The combination brings about an uproarious cheer from the crowds at the performances.

Finally, Jub lands in a handstand successfully, causing the crowd that was watching the goblinoids to clap.

Now, the goblinoids would notice that the Fire breathing Tiefling is heading to the dressing room. He gives a nod to the both of them on the way out. Next, the Witchlight Hands call to the crowds,

"Don't go anywhere yet folks! We'll be crowning the Witchlight Monarch here, very soon!"

When Jub motioned for Brutrumukk to toss him, the bugbear threw the goblin with all the might he could muster. First, he watched in self-approval as his throw sent Jub sailing high into the air. Then, Brutrumukk looked on in wonder as Jub performed his magical display. Finally, he gave a jubilant roar as Jub stuck the landing and was applauded by those watching them.

"Oh! They're crownin someone King o' the Carnival soon!" Brutrumukk then exclaimed when the Witchlight Hands let everyone know about the crowning ceremony. "Oi booyagh! Let's get back to our seats!" As he turned to head back to the seating area though, Brutrumukk realized that he'd found himself in something of a predicament. "Uhh... 'Ow do I get down from these stilts?" Brutrumukk asked as he looked at the ten foot distance the stilts had put between the bugbear and the ground.

A nearby musician who entered the tent for the ceremony happened to hear Brutrumukk's question, and he played his tuba in response to the question, "WOMP WOMP," It's clear that this musician just has a sense of humor, and it wasn't malicious.

Brutrumukk is able to get down from the stilts easily, and finds the seats he and Jub had at the fourth hour.

Now, the both of them just had to wait...
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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& The Dungeon Master

Zavakri's reaches her next stop: The Mystery Mines

What she sees is an interesting sight, this attraction is a clear opportunity for many mathematical calculations.

Propelled by magic, mine carts laden with fairgoers trundle into an opening carved like a dragon's mouth. The carts reappear moments later on the far side of the attraction, with the passengers expressing a mixture of bewilderment, fear, and excitement.

Near the entrance, a male dwarf dressed like a wizard shouts, "Unlock the mysteries of your mind in the Mystery Mine!" He has bushy eyebrows, wears a pointy hat, and holds a large clockwork contraption shaped like a giant eye.

Approaching this attraction is a shocking experience for Zavakri, fatigued as she is and weary from her time chasing that surprisingly fast snail. A tremble passes through her body, the sight of the mine cart moving under mystical powers sparking a certain kind of joy deep within her. She was fascinated.

But first thing's first, there's a faux-wizard dwarf man inbetween her and her ride of this mine cart. Cautiously brandishing her ticket she approaches and makes her way to the Dwarf, but pauses and stares at his contraption and its eye-like nature.

"...By the Void Sea, man, what is that you're holding?"

The dwarf answers Zavakri with a smile, noticing her stare at it, "This, my fair lady, is the All-Seeing Eye! This can make your experience in the Mystery Mines quite exhilarating!"

As Zavakri stares at the eye like contraption, it feels like it's staring back at her. Not just at her, but peering right into her very own clockwork soul.

He then informs her, "A ride will be one ticket punch!"

Zavakri's eyes narrow skeptically, though quizzically, and perhaps somewhat believingly, at the clockwork eye as this strange feeling overcomes her.

"...So how does it work then?" She slowly extends the ticket forward, but pauses awkwardly out of reach as she asks the quesiton.

The dwarf closes the distance and easily punches the ticket. He answers her question, "Well, you've already looked at the All-Seeing Eye, all you have to do now is to sit in the cart. Make sure you buckle up, and keep your hands, feet, and the rest of your body inside the cart! And then simply enjoy the ride!"

He then gestures to the cart for Zavakri to enter, and proceeds to punch the tickets of the next seven guests, so the cart could be filled to the maximum number of passengers: 8.

Zavakri blinks as her ticket is punched, and gazes at the now somewhat lessened scrap of parchment in her hand. She runs her thumb over it and idly considers how strange a ticket punch is as a concept; you start with a whole piece of paper, then as it becomes tarnished and diminished your experience and self is expected to be fulfilled. Somehow it just didn't quite add up to her.

She lifts her gaze and studies the dwarf quizzically.

"That doesn't answer my que-"

But she finds herself hurried and harangued along by the others in the line, and she clams up to save her questions for later. She casts another backwards glance at the All Seeing Eye in the manner of a forlorn child being removed from a desired toy, but ushers herself in, with an appropriate haughtiness of one such as herself who has been undesirably harassed in the ways she has been this night, and clambers into the cart. She shuffles over and begins bobbing her head side to side.

"One..Two..Three...Four...Five six seven...Eight. Eight is a good number."

Tying her seatbelt closed securely, Zavakri nestled into her seat on the mine cart with relative comfort. Unawares, blissfully, of what was to come she even engaged in some idle chatter with her fellow. Soon the cart lurched forth, and with its movements she clasped her hands onto its front rail and gripped it firmly.

The cart rolls along the tracks towards the gaping maw of a green dragon. After passing through the maw, Zavakri is able to see....a significant drop of a great height right before her! Zavakri lets out a shriek, the sudden plunge catching her off guard- The outside of this building didn't look like it contained this! How does this make any sense! The volume of the building-

The passengers with Zavakri scream, some in fear and some in delight, as the cart gains velocity as it drops; Zavakri calms her initial panic with the soothing sensation of potential energy being transferred into actualized motion, the G-forces exerted upon her body a pleasant sensation of mathematics-made-physical.. That speed continues as the tracks wind and twist along the undulating hills, corkscrewing trees, and prismatic skies.

As the cart continues speeding along, different illusions appear. A large spider, a large constrictor snake, a distorted and demonic looking Thaco, and...an essay graded an F-? These four rush at the cart first causing the passengers to scream before some of them laugh it off.

The next illusion that appears...is a combination of Zavakri's own fears. A little girl, holding a wicked looking sword, appears. Zavakri would see slight resemblance to her sister, but the illusion is clearly not her. The little girl screams angrily as she rushes at Zavakri intent on impaling her with the sword...

Zavakri, already on edge from just the incomprehensibility of this carnival attraction, has been rendered an almost gibbering wreck by the time this latest illusion made itself real; the sight of the young girl, sword brandished, caused Zavakri's voice to escalate into a brief, yet piercing, shriek of blood-curdled confusion that swiftly became choked in her throat.

Despite the screams from the other riders of the Mystery Mine, Zavakri was able to hear the little girl cry and ask questions born from Zavakri's subconscious,

"Are you happier now that I wasn't in your life?
Was my worth really only equal to a ticket to this place?
Do you truly hate me?!"

...before the illusion passes through harmlessly. Zavakri recoiled nonetheless, as if struck by the sword. She lolls to the side and slumps, whimpering as tears streaked down her cheeks, against the passenger at her side- her hands clutching at their clothes tightly as she sought any solace or comfort from the horribleness of this place. From the dreadful truth of that little girl and her wicked sword.

The next illusions to rush at the cart were a large predatory bird with sharp talons, a bugbear, and finally a dragon-But Zavakri was already too deep into her terror, catching glimpses of these horrible sights through narrowed eyes already blurred by tears and gazing somewhere far-off and away already. Her emotions, uncontrolled and surging as they are, result in fragments of broken mathematical equations sparking into life on her flesh, the equations improperly balanced and the formulae improperly utilized.

The dragon, as the last illusion, breathes fire after them, with the cart making a grand escape. The cart makes it out of the mines, and follows the circular tracks back to where the ride started...Zavakri was able to tell, when it comes to time, that this ride only took a moment as they emerge back out from the ride.

Trembling, she finally released the poor man she had nearly strangled in her terror and lurched herself over the edge of the mine cart and onto the ground where she lay weeping for a few long moments, stray magical energies lashing around her as her very nature forced the math into existence and writ into the air the complex nature of her emotional turmoil. After a few moments of this she would finally force herself to her feet, hands over her face, and sprint away into the thick of the carnival with no direction in mind.

Zavakri runs and runs through the carnival, until she finally finds a little corner to sit and cry in without being noticed.

After a while, Zavakri would hear a woman's voice speak to her, softly and kindly, "Hey, are you alright?"

When Zavakri looks up, she would see that the person talking to her is a gnome bard. The gnome has black hair tied into a pony tail, and has a lute strapped to her back. She is wearing a green shirt and black pants.

She seems to whip out a light green with gold embroidery handkerchief out of thin air, and hands it to Zavakri for her to use.

Starting at the sudden approach in a moment that, insofar as Zavakri was concerned, was a universal time of being left alone, Zavakri was forced to lift her face out of her hands and sniffle most dreadful. Wiping her hands upon the cloak she wore, she slowly extended her hand out to take the handkerchief with some deliberate hesitation.

"I suppose the answer is a resounding 'No, I am not', but I'll be sporting and make you play the game by saying 'Yes, I'm just dandy, chum'." She delicately dabs at her face, eyes shut as she trembles still.

The gnome bard gives a gentle smile to Zavakri and she asks, "Mind if I take a wild guess? It was the Mystery Mines?"

She sighs and she comments, "They really need to put up a warning sign for that thing. I've met a lot of other people who had nightmares after riding that attraction,"

She then offers gently, "If you want to talk about it, I can lend you a listening ear, and a shoulder,"

Zavakri shivers at the guess; its spot-on nature echoes within her in a fel manner. She listens intently, squaring her shoulders as the possibilities of what is offered dawns on her. She bites her lip.

"Zavakri." she says at first. "Nice to meet you."

She shifts, uncrossing her legs.

"Well, that's...Troubling as well. Honestly I don't think I'll get to sleep for a month after that." She trembles, memories filling her. "And I'm not sure what to really talk about... It was just...Scary. It's like something looked into my mind and grasped at my greatest horrors then concocted them for some nefarious scheme!"

The gnome introduces herself in return to Zavakri, "Ellywick Tumblestrum. The pleasure's all mine,"

She listens to Zavakri patiently, and nods understandingly. She clarifies, "Ah. That was probably the All-Seeing Eye contraption the dwarf had. It may have looked separate invention, but it's part of the Mystery Mines. If anyone looked into that eye, then the ride would manifest the person's fears when they ride the Mystery Mines. At least that's what I've heard,"

At this revelation, her trembling of sorrow turns into the briefest flash of the trembling of sheer rage.

"Of all the- I never- My Privacy- I should go and-"

Mathematical formulae swirl around her, her hair billowing faintly in an unbidden breeze of magic as her hands clench and unclench, spectral apparatuses of her trade flashing along the occult chalkboard of her aura. In that instant, her eyes seem almost scary in their ruthless calculations- but as swiftly as that sensation occurs, it is softened into an unyielding and omnipresent curiosity.

"How does it work?" She asks breathlessly, the concept of a device doing such a thing too interesting for her rage to even properly manifest itself within her mind. "Magic is involved, surely, but is its appearance merely facade to obscure the magic, or is it tinker-tanner smithwork and steel as well? Oh, madam Tumblestrum, I've lost myself for a time- this is too much for my poor heart-"

she swoons at this time, but soon rises shakily to her feet as the faintness fades from her features.

"But you have inspired me! May I enlist your aid briefly, madam, before the hour is fully a waste for me? You appear to be a minstrel of sorts, and a kind one to boot, and if it's no trouble at all I dearly would like to ensure nobody else is suffering as I am. I am in need of companionship, but I have too great a purpose to abandon it entirely to my self pity; would you please join me in trying to cheer up those who get off the ride in a state similar to mine?"

Ellywick is silent as Zavakri's own magic reacted to her rage. She watches as that rage morphs into curiosity, and gives a smile at the mention that she had inspired Zavakri. She nods in response to her question, and answers, "Of course! I'd be happy to join you in this task, Zavakri,"

Together, the both of them are able to help some of the fair goers calm down from the Mystery Mines successfully.

Eventually, a string of Ellywick's plucks itself and she smiles at Zavakri, "Ah! It's almost time for the Crowning...! ...And it looks like I might not need to intervene after all..."

She looks directly at Zavakri and she encourages the mage, "You should hurry over there! After all...even fey planes won't stand for what goes against the Balance for too long,"

Before Zavakri could even question the bard's enigmatic words, Ellywick disappears, leaving Zavakri alone to follow the crowd into the Big Top.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Witchlight Carnival
The Eighth Hour

The Crowning of the Witchlight Monarch

The crowds gather in the Big Top. Brutrumukk and Jub thankfully, already have their seats. As the crowd gathers, the rest of the party are able to find their seats near or next to the two goblinoids. The musicians that gathered in the tent are playing soft music in anticipation for the ceremony to begin.

It's clear that there is time for the party to talk amongst themselves before the ceremony begins.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud đź’€Vibin' beyond the Veilđź’€

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@XxFellsingxX & @rush99999

His hand idly traced the basket hilt of the rapier at his side, absent-mindedly playing with the inlay of the weapon as he leant against a beam at the very edge of the spectator seating of the large Big Top. Gabriel gave a friendly nod to those who met his gaze, yet he offered nothing more than that as his thoughts were preoccupied with other things. He heaved a sigh, as he had been watching people trickle in hoping to see a familiar face or two. He was about ready to go find himself a seat when he spotted a peculiar duo enter the tent.

"You two better have a good excuse for leaving me behind, nearly got lost. Where in the nine hells have you both been?" while Gabriel may have sounded annoyed his expression betrayed no sign of anger.

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

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Jub the Peculiar

Jub had been in the process of rifling through his bag to get his wizard cloak when Gabriel approached them. The look of horror on the goblin's face as the half-elf not only approached them but seemed to recognise Jub was probably hilarious... to everyone who wasn't Jub.

"You..." Jub croaked out, pointing at Gabriel as he did so. "Must have me confused... for someone else..." As he was speaking, his body start to compress into itself as if he was trying to melt into his chair.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud đź’€Vibin' beyond the Veilđź’€

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A chuckle escaped the half-elf's mouth, as he shook his head at Jub's response as if Gabriel hadn't known he was a goblin. After the ceremony he'd need to give the poor lad a lesson in how to disguise himself better "Jub," he planted a hand on the shoulder of the un-wizardly dressed wizard "Don't play dumb with me, don't worry about how you look lad I don't judge people by their outward appearance."

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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"Good luck gettin' yer words to stick." Brutrumukk said to Gabe after he gave words of encouragement to Jub. "I've given 'im two inspirin' speeches tonight an' neither of 'em seemed to last long... As fer why we left ya, I didn't notice that we 'ad 'til jus' now."
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