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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Cheshire took a moment and looked towards his son before speaking. "We shouldn't use any magic unless it's a last resort, Jafar and some of his soldiers who have learned magic would be able to detect it." Cheshire said, as he started to make his way towards the counter and pulled out a bag with some tools that they'd use to break into the vault itself. "We'll have to do it this way." Cheshire said as Mad Hatter looked towards his son. "I'll go with the vault, Aurora, Willow and Tinker here should be on the main floor as our lookout." Mad Hatter said as Tinker nodded with what Maddie and his father said. "Thats fine with me." Tinker said as Aurora came down looking over at everyone else. "If we get seperated we should meet back up here, if not then we head straight to Jasmine's hideout is there anything else we should discuss?" Aurora asked them all mainly looking towards the kids to see if they had any kind of input.

The Moors:

The man looked between the two girls as Rose just came out of the woods and groaned slightly as he tried to get back up to his feet before flopping back onto the ground. "A little help would be nice." He said towards Rose, before turning his attention over towards Rosalia asking who he was which was understandable. "I'm Lancelot, and as for why I was attacked, I got jumped by some of Maleficent's men who managed to get me good, I played dead and was making my way to my camp before bumping into you." He answered while holding his chest slightly where he had been hit. "Who are the two of you, and why are you here?" He asked the two of them.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Sierra felt slightly uncomfortable with the conversation as she looked towards her mother and then over towards Megan, before King Arthur coughed slightly to get their attention. "Sorry to sort of interrupt but maybe we could talk somewhere privately?" He ended up asking as King Eric looked towards him and nodded. "Follow us." He said as he gestured towards a set of doors just to the left of the throne room, Ariel turned towards the guard. "Let the rest of the people who are waiting for an audience to come back another time if you don't mind?" She asked, as he nodded and left the throne room closing the door behind him.

The room that Eric led them into looked to be a study of some kind as he gestured for them all to take a seat, Sierra looked around seeing all of the books and stuff, and what looked to be a map of sorts as well to before sitting down. Hansel and Gretel took a seat at the table. "So why we are here is that Merlin is reuniting everyone together, and we are hoping to take the fight to Maleficent and we were hoping to get some aide from you." Hansel told them, as Ariel and Eric took a moment and looked at each other.

Atlantica for the most part was safe from Maleficent's wrath and managed to fend off Ursala for now at least and Hook's men capturing their people didn't help much either and suspected that they were working together. "We'd like to help but Hook has a fleet of privateers at the moment, and have been capturing our people any chance that they can, and Ursula is out there somewhere still and she's a current threat here." Ariel answered they were mainly looking after for their own people right now and tried to not interfere with the surface world.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Layla crouched under some bushes as she looked over towards the bridge as the last of Robin Hood's men finished up setting the explosives as they rolled back the fuse to set it all off. Then they stood close by to Robin Hood who took out a match watching the road rather closely but didn't light it just yet. Then he started to see the men coming down and waited holding up his hand as he then started to get ready to light the fuse. "Just a little bit further." Robin Hood said as he waited until some of the men were on the bridge itself before setting the fuse off.

A few seconds later a large explosion went off killing half of the men just as the others suddenly started to become aware that they were being ambushed, and Robin Hood and his men started to fire off several arrows as they went off and managing to take out around ten or so of the soldiers. Layla got up and quickly threw one of her knives at one of the incoming men managing to take him out rather easily, as the fighting broke out.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rose Buckner

Location: The Moors

Rose didn't care that Rosalia was ignoring her. No skin off her teeth. She looked at the man, assessing him. He seemed to be telling the truth. And if he really was Lancelot, which Rose was inclined to believe, then it would be good to bring him back to Merlin. She briefly wondered if Guniever and he had had an affair as stories often went. And if so what Megan would think of the whole thing.

"I'm Rose. If you were attacked by Maleficent's men, they aren't still nearby right?" She asked nervously. "You could come with us back to our caravan. We can explain there." Part of her wanting to wait to explain was the desire to have Merlin verify that this was Lancelot. She believed him, but you could never be too cautious.

Colby Jackson

Location: Agrabah

Colby nodded. His plan for teleporting had been as a last resort. He knew this place hated magic, which he could understand since it was so theoretically overpowered. Even with a Genie as their leader, they were too scared of what magic could do. He didn't think it'd be a great idea to come to a place that was their hideout. What if one of them was followed? And it'd be even worse in his opinion to go to Jasmin's place.

"I don't think going to Jasmin's right away is a good idea. If we do that we should take a confusing route so we can tell if we're being followed." He expressed his concern. "Also, I suppose I'll leave Jackson here. This seems like the sort of adventure he would not do well at. However, since Silky is magic and from what I understand of the spell I used to summon her. I can make her disappear until I call her back." He glanced at the cats and to Silky he explained the situation mentally, and then she was gone. Jackson looked rather put out, stood up, walked off and found another spot to curl up in.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Wandering Moors -- The Moors
Skills: Tracking; Archery

Cassiopeia watched the fuses being set, admiring how close some of Robin’s men could get without being detected and then she was tensing up as she waited for the fuses to go off. Cassi jumped once they did, having never been this close to a live explosion before. IMAX did wonderful things with sound but it did not compare to the real thing. Her ears rang a bit and she blinked back some tears while she shifted her feet under her. Blobs started running for them and as Cassiopeia’s eyes cleared, she realized they were the people they were supposed to be ambushing. Cassiopeia lifted her bow and let her first arrow fly before she quickly fired off another.
Combat archery clearly wasn’t her thing as both arrows flew wide. Cassiopeia cursed and shifted her weight until she was standing behind a tree and tried to quickly rethink her strategy. She was used to still targets or tracking a target that was running away, not at people running towards her and firing because your life depended on it. Her sister, on the other hand, was an assassin with throwing knives.
Cassiopeia looked up at the tree she hid behind and noted the low hanging branches. When in doubt, get higher. Cassiopeia climbed until she was about half way up the tree and covered. This disadvantage now was she was a sitting bird but the advantages were she had an aerial view and could fire down at targets and have a steadier hand. At least that’s what Cassi was hoping for.
Taking her time to steady her breathing, Cassiopeia pulled another arrow out and notched it into her bow. She marked out her target and focused on her breathing while she tracked them. She let the arrow go and missed. Not letting it get her down, Cassi repeated the process and missed. Alright, now the pressure was setting in. Cassiopeia’s face was as red as her hooded jacket.
”Robin Hood’s daughter my ass,” Cassi muttered to herself. She grabbed another arrow and let it go. It landed in front of the attacker, embedding itself in the ground. How useful for them and shit for her. Cassi hoped her girlfriend was having better luck.

Willow Jones

Location: Shop -- Agrabah

Relief flooded Willow when Tinker agreed to join her and Aurora on the main floor as look out. Willow felt more secure knowing Tinker would be there with some magic to back them up, even if the palace was already on alert for magic. She looked at the others, feeling as ready as she would ever be.
”No more questions from me. Let’s get going before I get cold feet and rethink this whole scenario,” she said, joking slightly. Willow looked over at Colby and Matthew, watching one of the cats disappear and her eyes widened before she blinked and shook her head. She walked over to them and paused for a moment before she wrapped an arm around each of them and hugged them. ”Don’t know if I’ll have time to say it there but, stay safe and be smart.”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 22 min ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

It seemed as though the families would be sticking together. Chesire and Hatter with their sons on a trip to the Vault to break in via mundane means while a mad magic crazed Sultan threw a party. Nothing to worry about at all. Maddie nodded along with what Colby was saying, agreeing that they shouldn't bee line it to any of the hideouts. If Jafars men were hot on their tail then it would be best to try and lose them by taking some roundabout direction and using the bustling streets to their advantage before breaking off and booking it to the hideout. Maddie hadn't planned to use his magic willy nilly, if anything the past few times he had used it made him feel more of a burden than helpful.

He watched as Colby dismissed Silky, still a little envious at his skill with magic yet also proud and amazed at the same time. He hadn't expected what came next though. Willow coming over and giving them both a hug while offering warm words. Maddie hadn't come to expect much warmth from the little group of children so far, but this journey had proven to bring at least her closer to them. He smiled at her a bit bashfully at the encounter. "Y-you too. Stay safe. Though I'm sure we'll see you around. After all, you can't get rid of us that easily." He managed his most playful grin while wrapping his arm around Colbys waist. "Well? Let's go then."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

Lancelot? Seriously? What were the odds that they'd run into probably the most famous of King Arthur's knights way out here? Not to mention, they were typically traveling with Merlin, who also probably would know him or something, and also likely be able to tell if the guy was lying. Personally, she didn't trust anyone, aside from still maybe Merlin, so who truly knew how this would play out. Of course, Rose had to open her mouth, and sure, she had stopped the guy from dying immediately, but that did not mean just blurt out everything to him and invite him along.

"Okay, no offense to him, but how can you know we can trust him? This seriously could be some trap for finding where the camp is, or well, where it's going to be. Not like we actually know what Lancelot looks like, so for all we know, he could be lying or stole the outfit from someone else to try and pass off as him or whatever," Rosalia said, clearly stepping back into the way she was where she didn't trust anyone that she came across, even if she helped them out in some way or whatever.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Well, the conversation between his sister and Ariel with regards to feeding people to sharks was a bit amusing, if also morbid. It was a bit funny just in general, partially because he was used to how his sister was, and also it was interesting to hear how a bunch of merpeople decided to execute people. Though he wasn't too sure if he was interested in the full logistics of how they got the sharks to eat people. Yeah, he wasn't too sure he wanted to hear every little detail with regards to that.

His attention turned towards the others as they seemingly decided to pull the conversation back to why they were there. He listened as Hansel more or less explained the full story, and how they were wanting to see about getting their help in the whole fight. Their response honestly wasn't that surprising, he could understand their hesitancy to deal with other problems. "I mean, that is understandable really if they can't help us out..." he muttered, hearing what their problems that they were dealing with made it completely understandable in the long run.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan was a little bit disappointed her question about shark executions went unanswered, as they moved into a more private area. It looked to her like a study, and Megan was curious as to what sort of books merpeople read - and what material the pages were made from. A part of her wondered if they were actually made from skin or perhaps were glorified pieces of stone - she couldn't imagine them being all ordinary paper, as paper and water tended to not mix. But then again, maybe merpeople were just used to only being able to read their books inside, never taking them out to a quiet cemetery to enjoy.

She did, however, turn her attention to the conversation. Megan never considered herself to really be the leader type. But she couldn't help but notice the obvious. "I have a few comments," Megan said. "Firstly, historically those who sit out from conflicts of this magnitude come to regret it. Maleficent may not come for you today, but she may very well tomorrow - and no one will be left to help you. Secondly, there's no reason why Merlin's assembled forces could not engage Hook and Ursula, allowing you to then in turn lend your strength against Maleficent."

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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"Well once we get what we need we split up, take alleyways and whatnot just in case we are being followed and we meet there, since we don't know anyone else within the city it's either here or Jasmine's place." Mad Hatter said giving a slight shrug, there really wasnt much of an option they didn't trust to many people in the city in fear of them being reported by Jafar's men. Aurora looked over at the group seeing her daughter hugging both of her friends made her smile some as she gestured towards the door. "Shall we head on out and get going then?" Aurora ended up asking them as she made her way over towards the door.

The Moors:

"They could still be near by maybe, I don't know honestly kinda been focused on not bleeding out and dying in the woods ya know." Lancelot said to Rose as he started to sit up slightly and winced as he held his sides. Rosalia had treated the wounds well enough for now, but he was still in a lot of pain actually. He then looked over at Rosalia he could understand probably not trusting him, he would be a little bit suspicious as well to if he was in their shoes. "Uh you know I can hear you right?" Lancelot said towards Rosalia before sighing slightly. "Its fine if you don't trust me, you don't have to other than my word. Though I could use the help and at least find someplace safe even if it isn't with your group." He told the two of them.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

"Though sometimes kingdoms may not lend aide at first they end up doing it anyway when people do actually need them. Or sometimes gives them a small group of their forces to aide to" Sierra said looking at Megan for a moment before looking over at her mother and father, hoping that they would make the right choice, whatever help that they could give them would be really good if they were able to take the fight to Maleficent and her allies. Ariel looked towards Eric for a moment as she started to think about it, and looked over towards her daughter and the others in the room.

"We could try and talk with the war council to see if they could be convinced to help out and have an emergency session." Ariel said looking at Megan and the others, they were her father's advisors before she took the crown. Arthur started to think for a moment at least they were willing to at least talk with their advisors to see if they could do anything. "I'll go and talk to them now then." Eric said as he stood up and started to leave the room as Ariel turned to look at the others. "In the meantime would you like a tour around the palace?" She offered the group.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: Knife Throwing

Layla looked over at her sister as she started to shoot off a few arrows she ended up missing all of her shots which she thought it was kind of funny. "You aim like a stormtrooper you know that right Cassi?" Layla called out to her sister teasingly as she looked around she noticed that the horses started to panic, and it looked like they were getting spooked and were about to run off with the prison wagon still attached. Quickly making her way over towards the two horses and started to take their bindings off and were eventually freed and headed off into the woods.

Robin Hood was fighting off against two of Maleficent's men and managed to take out one of them, though one was lucky enough to get a good hit on Robin Hood as he stumbled backwards. Layla turned to see that her father was hurt and threw a knife at his attacker managing to get him in the shoulder, though it looked like Robin Hood's men were still holding their own managing to take down a few more men.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

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Rose Buckner

Location: The Moors

"I don't trust him. Hence the reason to bring him to the Caravan. We haven't found a new camp yet, so we aren't giving away our permanent location. If we take him there I figure someone in the group can prove he is who he says he is." Rose emphasized someone to drive home the point that she meant Merlin. "Unless you have some other idea that doesn't involve leaving the guy for dead." She raised her eyebrow to Rosalia.

She then turned to Lancelot. "I will try to help you. I'll at least ask if we can lend you a horse." She told him. She didn't smile as she was a little too worried for that. But her tone was kind enough to hopefully put him at ease. She bit her lip, "How about this, one of us will go back to the caravan and get the person in charge? Then you don't have to move and we don't have to give away anything about our location until you're confirmed by them." That seemed like a fair enough compromise. Merlin could come here to Lancelot and that would appease Rosalia (and her own worries), but still help the man.

Colby Jackson

Location: Agrabah

Colby was a bit surprised by Willow's sudden show of affection. He returned the hug though. "You too. You'll be wonderful" He smiled and winked at her when they separated from the hug. He hadn't anticipated getting along with any of the others after the fight with the skeletons in the tunnel. And he was glad he was traveling with Willow and not Rosalia. This would have ended very differently if they had.

He then leaned into Maddie's arm. "Yeah. I'm ready. Let's get going." He said. Following the others out of the shop. He was still smiling, and it was his classic half-smile. The one that Maddie recognized from his less serious side. Colby felt a little weird without any cat on his shoulder. He had gotten rather used to the weight of a cat on each shoulder. Without that he felt a little off balance and he hoped that wouldn't be a sign of issues to come.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Wandering Moors -- The Moors
Skills: Tracking; Archery

Of course, Layla saw everything. That girl had the eyes of a hawk. Cassiopeia ignored her sister though and took aim again. She missed once more but persistence finally paid off and Cassi was able to hit two people on the opposing team in the shoulder. With that small victory, Cassi relaxed a little and looked for the people on her side. It was then she saw her father had been hit.
Cassi stowed her bow away and hopped down from her perch in the tree and hurried to her father’s side with Layla to help defend him. ”I think it’s high time we got the prisoners and made a break for it. You alright, dad?”

Willow Jones

Location: Shop —> Street -- Agrabah

Willow smiled at her two misfit friends. It was strange how they all sort of fit together but they did. She stepped back with her mother after hearing they would all split up after and take different ways to head back. Willow figured she would be sticking with her mother from here until they made it back to a safe house. Once everyone was ready, Willow followed her mother out onto the street and headed to the palace.
”Once we get there, do you want to stick together or split up?” Willow wasn’t sure if her mother already had a plan for being a distraction or if the two of them would be able to come up with something together. They couldn’t exactly be themselves although it might have been an excellent distraction.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan was mildly surprised that that had been enough to persuade Ariel and Eric to help them against Maleficent. Either they were push-overs or they had already been inclined to make the decision to help them out; Megan didn't know them enough to say one way or another. She raised a slight eyebrow as Eric left to deal with war, while Ariel was then delegated with giving them a tour around the palace. Megan suspected gender norms at work. But she didn't say anything. As much as she was curious about how the shark executions worked, she didn't want to experience it firsthand - not today, at least.

A tour around the palace sounded mildly interesting, but also dull at the same time. They had been traveling all over this realm, trying to accomplish all of these tasks, and it felt like they more or less just went from place to place to talk to people. Megan was itching for a little more action, something to get the blood pumping through her veins. Her thoughts drifted towards excalibur, the sword securely at her side. "Do you have dungeons we can see?" Megan asked. "Or any sort of medical facility?" She was a medical examiner, after all - Megan was curious as to what medicine looked like here.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 22 min ago

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

Maddie took in a deep breath. Steeling himself for what was to come before he finally decided to leave the shop doors. His sight lingered on Willow's back for a moment, thinking about the others in far off lands and wondering if she would change once they were all back together again. Or, would she stand by in their defense having seen what Colby and him were really like when not being antagonized by others. The weight from Colby leaning in brought him out of thought, seeing that stupid grin that Maddie had grown to love on the boy. It brought his own smile to his face, seeing how most of the tension from the previous days had been getting left behind in this new land.

For a moment, Maddie began to see himself living in this new world with Colby. Beforehand he'd considered running back to Kansas, leaving the realm of fairytales and magic behind, but only because he'd had nothing but bad experiences in it till now. Now, he wondered what this world had to offer the pair of them, what realm they could live in and what stories they'd be able to forge together. But before any of that could happen, they had to liberate the lands of Maleficent's oppression and expunge all those who followed her with dark hearts.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

"Look if I cared that you heard me, I would have kept my voice down, but honestly, I don't. And no offense, but I don't trust anyone, not even this loser who followed me out here," she responded to him, nodding her head towards Rose with the last words that she spoke. "Not to mention, if you are too trusting you'll likely end up with a knife in your back or something, just common sense especially considering where we are currently. But that's just what I think about it."

Rosalia listened for the most part as Rose commented about a solution that they could do. One of them running back to where Merlin was and bring him back, while the other stayed there with the guy and just waited for them. Of course, there was the problem of she doubted either one of them could keep him there if they wanted to, but it was better then nothing really. "Fine, we can do that or whatever if you want to. Though I kind of wasn't paying attention to how I even wandered out here, I was following a fairy thing that led me here."

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

He was a bit surprised by Megan's sudden more interest in the conversation that wasn't related to executions or something like that, and seemed more then a little hell bent on trying to get Ariel and Eric to help them. Of course, he had just figured that if anyone was going to be able to convince them to really do anything, it probably would have been Sierra, since after all, she was their kid. Made sense in the long run for it, but apparently Meg had hit the right cord to trigger it or something. It was a bit odd to him.

Hey, at least they were willing now to go talk to their council or advisors or whatever now right? Of course, he was still a bit preoccupied with the memories from when he was younger, but turned his attention back to the conversation, and how Megan was now asking if they had any dungeons that they could go see or something. "Of course the whole dungeons thing is your first question," he teased his sister a bit, though he wasn't sure how long things would take, and them taking a tour might be fun.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Mad Hatter grabbed his things as Cheshire grabbed all of the documents that Jasmine had given them so that they could enter Jafar's palace and started to hand the papers off to each of them. "Make sure that you don't loose them, the documents say that we are a family of wandering traders and here to look for more business here in the city." Cheshire told them as they started to make their way over towards the palace Aurora took a moment and looked towards the group and then over towards her daughter as she started to think once they got inside.

"We should stay as a group for a little bit while we are inside before splitting off, and make it more natural that we are a family." Aurora suggested as they made it towards a checkpoint separating the bazar area and the higher class end of the city, as guards stood by asking for their paperwork to look at it. "Don't be nervous and just stay calm while they look it over." Mad Hatter told the group as the line moved slowly, one person however was instantly detained as a group of guards instantly went towards the man in front of them and whisked him off somewhere else as the next guard handed out their hand to look at their paperwork.

The Moors:

Lancelot coughed slightly as he looked at Rosalia and shook his head slightly of course she didn't trust anyone easily as he listened to Rose as she started to speak and gave a slight shrug. "I'm fine with whatever plan the two of you pick, i'm not going to move as easily at the moment anyway so one or both of you can go out and find the person you are going to get." Lancelot told them.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

"I wouldn't mind getting a tour either." Sierra said looking over towards her mother she did want to actually see her original home and how things were like in the palace as well to as Ariel smiled towards her daughter and nodded. "Of course we can." Ariel said as she stood up, looking over towards Megan as she asked for a tour of their dungeons as well as their medical facilities here. She wasnt sure why someone wanted a tour of the dungeons but she was fine with letting them see their medical ward within the palace. "We can start in the medical ward if you'd like." Ariel said as she stood up.

Arthur, Guinevere and the others stood up as well and looked towards Ariel. "A tour sounds good to us." Arthur said having never really been to Atlantica before at least this area anyway, he was actually impressed with the place as well to. Sierra took a moment and looked over towards a nearby room, and was curious as she started to wander off for a moment and looked over at the room seeing the door was slightly cracked open. She remembered the bedroom was hers when she was little as she looked at it things weren't touched in a long time as Ariel paused for a moment seeing her daughter wonder off towards her bedroom.

"Did you need a moment?" Ariel asked as Sierra turned and looked towards her mother and the others and shook her head slightly before heading off and making her way over towards her. "No was just looking, lets get going." Sierra said as she started to follow the group back into the throne room and back towards the elevators as Ariel called it over to their floor. It didn't take long before the elevator came up and opened allowing the group to enter.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: Knife Throwing

Robin Hood winced slightly as he looked at the wound, it looked painful but it wasn't life threatening at the moment as he looked towards his two daughters and smiled towards them and nodded slightly. He started to make his way over towards the nearby wagon and went towards the back. "Mind handing me one of your knives?" Robin asked Layla as she looked towards her father and nodded as she handed it towards him, he nodded towards his daughter. They didn't have time to pick the lock really their could be more reinforcements at any moment as he managed to break the lock open.

Inside there were about ten prisoner's with hoods over their faces, he quickly started to cut off the ropes and started to let them out one by one. One man stood out as he looked over at Robin Hood and started to recognize him. "About time you showed up." He said as he got up and out of the wagon and started to head out. "Lets get out of here." Robin Hood said as the men started to retreat some of them leading the prisoners out as well to.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Rose Buckner

Location: The Moors

Rose raised an eyebrow at Rosalia's confession that she had followed a fairy out into the woods. She bit her tongue to keep herself from calling Rosalia an absolute idiot. For all her professing about 'common sense' she apparently wasn't genre-savvy. Had the girl never read a Grimm fairy tale? Or a single source for any of the Disney films? Sure this place seemed to be Dinsey-afied, but that did not mean fairies were safe. "I can find the way back."

She turned around and started her way back to where the caravan had stopped because of the wolves. Rose shook her head. If Rosalia wanted to think of herself above everyone else then fine. When she returned to the caravan she found Merlin and said, "Merlin, there is an injured man at the lake claiming to be Lancelot. Do you mind following me and identifying him?" When he agreed she led the way back to the lake.

Colby Jackson

Location: Agrabah

Colby took his paper, and folded it carefully into three parts then slid it into an inside pocket. The plan in general seemed okay. He could see some weak spots. Could see how things could go sideways. Mentally he chewed over those. He didn't like how the guards grabbed the one man off. Now wasn't the time to think of it.

His adoptive parents had tried to instill in him the concept of right and wrong. Maybe they'd be proud of him right now as he thought that this was essentially a fascist regime and he wasn't going to let this world live with it. He didn't know yet if he'd go back to Kansas after this, but a part of him knew he probably wouldn't be able to. He'd be too changed. He had read a handful of portal fantasy books over the years and he always wondered about the ones who went home. How did they cope with it?

When they got to the front he pulled his paper out and flicked it open. He gave an easy grin. This one was full, not his usual half-grin that he gave when he was actually happy about something.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Cassiopeia Hood

Location: Wandering Moors -- The Moors

Cassiopeia followed her sister and father to the prison wagon. She watched their backs as they made their way over, ready to defend them should the need arise. Cassi knew that an arrow wouldn’t make its mark all the time but she seriously hoped she got better at shooting at moving targets soon. Her life, her sister’s life and her father’s depended on it.
Robin broke the lock and they started helping prisoners off. One man acknowledged her father and Cassi was a little surprised by this. She watched him get out, frowning a little as they all moved away from the wagon, heading back into the woods.
”A thank you usually works,” Cassi said bluntly.

Willow Jones

Location: Street -- Agrabah

Willow listened to her mother as she explained that they should stick together for a while to make their story seem real. Well, it was partially real anyways. Aurora was her mother, the others weren’t of a blood relation but they were kind of becoming a misfit family. Absentmindedly Willow wondered if that was the meaning behind Alice in Wonderland.
They made their way to the gates and Willow was relatively relaxed until a person ahead of them was detained and pulled out of line. Willow became fixated on watching this person, so when she was asked for her papers, she jumped. Willow flushed and pulled out her papers, handing them to the guard and stared at the ground, hoping to go unnoticed.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

"Of course I want to see the dungeons, don't you?" Megan asked her brother, rolling her eyes slightly. "The medical area is the only other part that has the pure potential to be fascinating - think about it, the state of medicine here has to be unusual, likely propped up by magic. For instance - are leeches still a treatment?" Megan pointed out. She had taken a class in college on the history of medicine, going through the evolution from the oldest practices to the modern day. Some of the old medicine was quite effective; but in Megan's experience, it was still nothing next to the wonders of modern science. Headaches and whatnot could be handled with herbs; deadly diseases needed something more aggressive.

The elevator returned and Megan got into it with the group. As much as she was interested in a few parts of the tour, she also hoped that it didn't take too long. She wanted to be making progress, not sightseeing. And now that her memories were restored, it was both more and less awkward to be standing next to King Arthur and Queen Guinevere, her parents. Speaking of awkward... "Lancelot. Where is he?" Megan asked.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

Maddie marched in line with all the others trying to gain entrance into the upper districts for Jafars soiree. He kept himself busy, watching the people around him, the ones shuffling about trying to get in, others watching as they took their steps towards 'grander things. How grand could it be if it left so many people down and desolate? He tried not to focus on the guards inspecting the papers, afraid his anxiety might get the better of him and have him turn tail and run. His attention was quickly pulled as a man was grabbed out of the line and moved aside, Maddies eyes watching for a brief moment.

He quickly tried to avert his gaze. Make himself look ahead as if nothing was happening. He felt sick to his stomach, being a bystander while someone was being manhandled by the guards. Maddie kept having to remind himself it was for the better, if he stepped in right now it would ruin the plan and then Jafar would be closer to the resistance than he's been in awhile. Another step forward. He wondered how Colby could act so cool under the pressure, how he could possibly grin under these circumstances? When it was his turn Maddie pulled his paper out, handing it towards the guard and trying to keep a stern face. He didn't want to show any emotion, because he was afraid he would give himself away.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

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Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

"As I said, I don't even remember the way back, so I'm fine just chilling out here until she gets back or something like that," she ended up saying to Lancelot as Rose headed off to go find Merlin and bring him back here. Rosalia had no idea where Merlin was, so she was perfectly fine waiting, especially if it meant not having to go back to wandering around the kind of dark creepy woods anymore. Since that was likely a bad idea, even considering the idea that she had wandered off in the first place when she probably shouldn't have.

There wasn't exactly much to do waiting around for Rose to return. Currently, all she could do was sort of just ignore Lancelot's existence, and sit around doing nothing. However, she wasn't entirely stupid, she was looking around a bit, keeping an eye out to see if anything came out to attack them. Since based on where they currently were, it wouldn't surprise her at all if some animal showed up, or even more of Maleficent's goons or something like that.

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Jack rolled his eyes a little bit, "I mean I guess that might be a little interesting. Though I sort of just expect the dungeons here to look like the other ones that I've seen since we got here and all, but that's just me. Not too sure what sort of differences there might be with it," he ended up responding to her with a shrug. Yeah, he wasn't sure how things would be different with regards to that sort of thing. Though he was still a little bit distracted with regards to everything that had happened since they got there.

He wasn't too sure what to really expect for them going on some tour of an underwater castle. It was a bit strange to think about with regards to this. However he thought nothing of it when Ariel had mentioned going to go to the medical ward or whatever first for the tour. Jack figured that would aid in at least dealing with a bit of Meg's curiosity, since he personally didn't want to think too much more of what might be different with this dungeon, as opposed to the other ones they've seen.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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The guards took a moment and started to inspect each person's paper slowly, one of the guards noticed that Willow looked particularly nervous and approached her. "I'm going to check to see if you have anything hidden." They told her as he motioned for her to lift up her arms like someone from the TSA would do in an airport going through security and proceeded to do a pat down of her. When they didn't feel anything out of place they motioned for her to move on ahead. "You are clear to go." They told her, as Aurora, Mad Hatter and Cheshire started to move forward again. "Are you alright?" Aurora ended up asking her daughter as they started to enter the higher end of the city, some of the people stared at them giving a few strange looks. The palace was in full view now as the line to enter the palace was very large as security was a lot higher now as some of the guards could be seen inspecting some wagons of goods that were being brough into the palace.

The Moors:

"Alright then see you in a little bit." Lancelot said as he sighed slightly and leaned back slightly as he looked down at the bandages that Rosalia had used on him and inspected them, they seemed to be done fairly well. "You did a good job patching me up by the way." Lancelot said to Rosalia trying to make a little bit of conversation with her as he looked around a little bit and then gestured towards a nearby canteen. "Do you mind getting that?" He asked, he was a little bit thirsty at the moment as well to and wanted to get something to drink.

Merlin looked towards Rose as she approached him and nodded, he was surprised to hear that Lancelot was actually here and wasn't expecting that. "Alright then." Merlin said as he looked towards one of Robin Hood's men who wasn't as injured as the rest of them were. "Watch the area we'll be back shortly." Merlin said as he started to follow behind Rose as she led him back towards the nearby lake seeing Rosalia there and then at the man who was laying on the ground. Merlin approached the man and knelt down and instantly recognized him as Lancelot and looked at him. "It's been awhile old man." Lancelot said as Merlin nodded as he looked at the two ladies. "He is Lancelot." He told the two of them, before turning his attention towards Rosalia. "Are you alright and why did you wander off?" He asked her.

Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Guinevere and Arthur took a moment and looked at one another when Megan asked where Lancelot was, Guinevere looked slightly awkward at the question as she thought about it before Arthur answered. "Last I remember he's been in the Moors area spying on Maleficent's forces there when we last spoke to each other." Arthur answered his daughter, Sierra looked between Megan and her parents she felt like the conversation was a little bit to personal with a bunch of other people nearby, eventually the elevator came to a stop. They were led into the medical ward, the technology appeared to be somewhat modernized around the 1930's or so.

Ariel looked towards Megan for a moment as she motioned for her to look around. "It's more of a mix between our technology mixed with our own healing magic and older treatments as well to." She told her as a nurse went towards a nearby nurse had grabbed a marine leech from a tank that was filled with them and applied it to a patient who had an open wound that looked slightly infected. Sierra was slightly amazed and interested in it as she went over to look at some of the equipment that was there.

Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: Knife Throwing

"Well being in a prison wagon and captured isn't really all that fun, also i'd rather not be inside Maleficent's castle at all either." The man said as Robin Hood rolled his eyes slightly towards him. "Thats Flynn Rider if you were curious." He told both of his daughters as he and Layla quickly started to make their way into the woods. Rapunzel was nearby hidden behind a boulder tending to an injured man as she turned to see Flynn there and quickly hugged him. "I'm glad that you are alright." She told him as he hugged her back as she turned to look at the three of them.

"Thank you." He told her Robin looked slightly annoyed though he hadn't seen Marian there in the group in the wagon as he looked towards Flynn. "Do you know where she is?" He asked her, as Flynn shrugged slightly. "They separated us a day ago in another prison wagon being taken to Maleficent's castle." He answered Layla looked back towards the road as she could hear some more men coming, as much as she wanted to learn more about what had happened to her mother they needed to go before speaking up. "We should keep moving, like now." Layla told them as Rapunzel nodded and went to help the injured man up as Layla went to help her as well to.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

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Rose Buckner

Location: The Moors

Rose tried to not show the worry she carried, but some of it dropped away when Merlin went with her. Even more, dropped away when Merling confirmed that the man was Lancelot. She couldn't help the sigh of relief. If Merlin believed the man was Lancelot it was unlikely he wasn't. Though she imagined it was possible Maleficent had him under her control somehow. But if Merlin was going to trust him then she would as well.

"Glad to know. Merlin, how would you like to proceed?" She knew there were a couple of ways this could go from here, but she figured if Merlin was fine bringing Lancelot along Robin Hood wouldn't care. She was also glad that Merlin was asking what Rosalia had been doing by wandering off in the first place. At least she had done as he had asked and found her. Rose didn't care if the rest of the trip was spent in mutual ignoring each other. She had a lot of opinions of Rosalia and none of them were good. But Rose knew how to keep that to herself. She worked in customer service.

Colby Jackson

Location: Agrabah

Once past the guards, Colby let out a small sigh of relief. His bravado was only a facade. He had been extra nervous when Willow got searched. Neither Willow nor Maddie was prepared for a life of lying. However, they had made it past the guards and into the party. Now they had to look natural for a little bit before they could get to the vault. He hoped his dad or the Mad Hatter knew the layout of the place and could find the vault.

He took a look at the scenery before them. The palace was grand. Colby was excited about the idea of getting to go inside it. He wondered if he would get to dance with someone. Though he doubted society would allow him to dance with Maddie, he could probably get away with dancing with Willow. And she wouldn't think he was flirting with her.
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