Cheshire took a moment and looked towards his son before speaking. "We shouldn't use any magic unless it's a last resort, Jafar and some of his soldiers who have learned magic would be able to detect it." Cheshire said, as he started to make his way towards the counter and pulled out a bag with some tools that they'd use to break into the vault itself. "We'll have to do it this way." Cheshire said as Mad Hatter looked towards his son. "I'll go with the vault, Aurora, Willow and Tinker here should be on the main floor as our lookout." Mad Hatter said as Tinker nodded with what Maddie and his father said. "Thats fine with me." Tinker said as Aurora came down looking over at everyone else. "If we get seperated we should meet back up here, if not then we head straight to Jasmine's hideout is there anything else we should discuss?" Aurora asked them all mainly looking towards the kids to see if they had any kind of input.
The Moors:
The man looked between the two girls as Rose just came out of the woods and groaned slightly as he tried to get back up to his feet before flopping back onto the ground. "A little help would be nice." He said towards Rose, before turning his attention over towards Rosalia asking who he was which was understandable. "I'm Lancelot, and as for why I was attacked, I got jumped by some of Maleficent's men who managed to get me good, I played dead and was making my way to my camp before bumping into you." He answered while holding his chest slightly where he had been hit. "Who are the two of you, and why are you here?" He asked the two of them.
Sierra Finley

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A
Sierra felt slightly uncomfortable with the conversation as she looked towards her mother and then over towards Megan, before King Arthur coughed slightly to get their attention. "Sorry to sort of interrupt but maybe we could talk somewhere privately?" He ended up asking as King Eric looked towards him and nodded. "Follow us." He said as he gestured towards a set of doors just to the left of the throne room, Ariel turned towards the guard. "Let the rest of the people who are waiting for an audience to come back another time if you don't mind?" She asked, as he nodded and left the throne room closing the door behind him.
The room that Eric led them into looked to be a study of some kind as he gestured for them all to take a seat, Sierra looked around seeing all of the books and stuff, and what looked to be a map of sorts as well to before sitting down. Hansel and Gretel took a seat at the table. "So why we are here is that Merlin is reuniting everyone together, and we are hoping to take the fight to Maleficent and we were hoping to get some aide from you." Hansel told them, as Ariel and Eric took a moment and looked at each other.
Atlantica for the most part was safe from Maleficent's wrath and managed to fend off Ursala for now at least and Hook's men capturing their people didn't help much either and suspected that they were working together. "We'd like to help but Hook has a fleet of privateers at the moment, and have been capturing our people any chance that they can, and Ursula is out there somewhere still and she's a current threat here." Ariel answered they were mainly looking after for their own people right now and tried to not interfere with the surface world.
Layla Hood

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A
Layla crouched under some bushes as she looked over towards the bridge as the last of Robin Hood's men finished up setting the explosives as they rolled back the fuse to set it all off. Then they stood close by to Robin Hood who took out a match watching the road rather closely but didn't light it just yet. Then he started to see the men coming down and waited holding up his hand as he then started to get ready to light the fuse. "Just a little bit further." Robin Hood said as he waited until some of the men were on the bridge itself before setting the fuse off.
A few seconds later a large explosion went off killing half of the men just as the others suddenly started to become aware that they were being ambushed, and Robin Hood and his men started to fire off several arrows as they went off and managing to take out around ten or so of the soldiers. Layla got up and quickly threw one of her knives at one of the incoming men managing to take him out rather easily, as the fighting broke out.