Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
Avatar of Morose

Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 12:30 PM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Various
Skills: Mediumship

The Green Lagoon / the Astral Plane...

For a moment, David's eyes widened, thinking that Harry meant he had four siblings in addition to Veil - but then he realized he just meant his dancing, singing, fabulous clones. David then giggled, shaking his head ever so slightly. "Uh huh, you aren't wrong though, there does seem to be a theme on the island of French Canadian twins - Aurora and Northstar, Echo and Veil... I guess I must be extra lucky then, as I get to have five all to myself," Legion joked, referencing Echo's dear clones. "There might even be a French Canadian one of me in here somewhere - I bet they're adorable," Legion mused.

However, he did realize that they had probably been talking for a while. "Should we go back to reality?" he offered. "Or stay in the astral plane?"

The Green Lagoon...

For a brief moment, Veil didn't even remember what she had been wanting to talk to her brother about - she had gotten so preoccupied with being angry and annoyed at this entire situation that it had slipped her mind. Thankfully as Spark Plug joined them, asking what was going on with Legion and Echo, Veil's thoughts went back on track. She huffed slightly and brushed a chunk of wildly astray hair out of her face. "I'm going to New Orleans soon with Max and a few others. I would invite Harry to come, but he's too busy to even talk to me clearly. If he loses his mind wondering where I've gone, then tell him for me," Veil instructed Barry - the Barry that was her brother's clone, not the alternate personality of Legion.

"Ooo, New Orleans? Is it Mardi Gras?" Barry, the one that was part of Legion and not her brother, asked.

"No," Veil said plainly. "That's Blob, Sunshine, Marrow, you, me, and Max going then." Veil paused for a moment, trying to recall if she had missed anyone or left anyone off the list, but she didn't think that she had.

Pixie rolled her eyes at Max, giggling though at the bravado he was displaying after winning the race. "Not too bad," she told him with a grin. "Who exactly are we grave robbing with? I'm guessing your mates?" Pixie then asked. Despite having agreed to go along and help out, she didn't actually know who they were going off with to do this. Her wings fluttered as she glanced around the Green Lagoon, before spotting Veil and Spark Plug talking with Legion and Echo. "That them?" Pixie asked.

Outside the Hospital...

"Of course, that's fine - I could use the company..." Bee said, her voice trailing off. Nemesis was a lot to handle alone sometimes - a visit from James to pick up some forms would be a nice break.

Casper's heart skipped a beat as he felt someone slide up onto him from behind, perching their neck on his shoulder. "You don't think I should have gone with a different Housewives song - maybe Chic, C'est La Vie by the Countess?" Casper joked, beaming from James' kiss. He adored these physical acts of affection - it was his main love language. He loved to be touched and to touch - kisses, hugs, and anything else. However, Casper did a slight double-take like a cartoon character as James dropped the bomb...

"Our baby is Jack-Jack from the Incredibles? Specifically the one part where he's on fire? And not the other parts?" Casper blurted. "What sort of fire extinguisher do you use on a baby? Aren't there different kinds? Like once we didn't know what kind we had and there was a grease fire, so we.... Wait, sorry, off topic, I can tell you that story later - just remind me about the llama and it'll come to me. But... Again, what do you do to fireproof a baby? Do we keep him in the tub all the time? Won't he get wrinkly? Do babies mold when left wet for ages? Is that possible?"

The Rebuilt House of M...

Polaris' eyes widened, hearing the sort of things that Valkyrie was saying. Now it made sense to her, why her dad had been more or less ranting at the kids when she walked in. The conversation must have hit too close to home for him, forcing him to recall the horrors of his childhood, the genocide committed against the Jewish people. Even for her, Valkyrie's words were extremely uncomfortable, and Polaris hadn't even really tackled her relationship with Judaism yet - she hadn't found out about her heritage and her father until she was an adult.

"Val, wait one sec," Polaris said, looking at Valkyrie. "I know you think you're real slick and you did nothing wrong, but a bit of advice? Don't lecture a Holocaust survivor about death and belief - especially not when invoking Norse beliefs. I won't tell you this again."

"I do not need you to fight my battles, Polaris," Magneto said sharply. He had turned his back on Valkyrie, literally and emotionally. He still held Andy as one of his adopted children; but not Valkyrie. "Before you leave, Valkyrie, I would have something returned," he said. "The token that I presented you."


"Excellent!" Selene exclaimed with a grin, clapping her hands together. "I suppose I won't be eating you after all - not now, at least," she mused. She was starting to feel a bit peckish. But she supposed she could always consume him later. She didn't know if she would have much need for an apprentice once she ascended to godhood, but she could figure that out later. At the very least, he could start a few cults in her name once she became a goddess; that would be a good, productive use of his time and hers. "Now, I was in the middle of a fitting for the Hellfire Gala, so I'm going to return to that - Jumbo has promised me an original piece, one fitting for the Mother of All Mutants, the dark huntress, she who commands the forces of life and death - SELENE!"

Hellfire Bay...

Renegade frowned slightly, listening to what Moneta was saying. She was interested in the fact that her kids had supposedly helped out - and she wondered which ones Moneta meant. David wasn't technically her son - his real mother was Gabrielle Haller, Renegade had just more or less ended up caring for him like he was one of her own as he was Valentine and Casper's half-brother. She didn't know if she saw Jack helping to change the world back - he had too much of his father in him for his own good. "Try me, chère? I--" Renegade cut herself off, a coughing fit overtaking her.

Moneta would notice that Renegade was coughing up blood.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
Avatar of Kirah

Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: House of M
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (passive)

Zari had had enough. She wanted to leave. And that was fine with Andy. Before Andy could turn to follow Polaris had spoken again. Andy could understand Magneto's anger. That didn't change the small snap in her. The one that had lost faith that'd she be happy here now.

Magento asked for his token back. She looked at him, her eyes wide. A degree of fear was written on her features. What had just happened was irreconcilable. She saw the rift between Zari and Magneto and knew there would never be a bridging between the two again.

Andy had wanted to step out for air. For a moment of quiet to think, but now she knew that leaving was forever. Her heart was with Zari. "Can we get our things?" She asked quietly, she had so few things. Her eyes looking to the ground. Memories of fights with foster families played through her mind.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Hospital
Skills: N/A

James laughed as Casper rambled. "I think that's how trench foot works but no, we aren't going to fireproof the baby. We're going to fireproof all his and our stuff and then we'll just put him out with an extinguisher." James explained, humming thoughtfully. "We can just get one of each type until we know how this fire stuff works, you know? Because I don't know what the limits of "Fire Generation" are. I think they even make like, little portable ones so we can stick it in a bag to carry around, too."

Now that they had some records, next step was to get proper furnishing and supplies. Diapers, formula, bottles, clothes, toys, a crib… He really jumped the gun on this one, didn't he? James couldn't be too mad though; they had the cutest baby in the world and fatherhood loomed fantastic on Casper so in the end, it all worked out. A little scrambling wasn't a horrible trade off. "Next is all the supplies. I know we can pick up formula and stuff here but I don't know that they supply bottles." Not willing to detach himself from Casper, he guided them back towards Bee.

"Another question for you Bee," James asked from where his head was propped up on Casper's shoulder. "Formula and supplies. I know you guys pass out some of it but I'm not sure what exactly that all includes.")

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Blackstone
Skills: N/A

Things that were becoming even more obvious at this point was how overly dramatic Selene could be, which honestly, when he thought about it, wasn't all that surprising. He also wasn't entirely sure what to do, considering the fact that he still had that thing that his father wanted him to do. This just led him to wonder how he ended up stuck in the position of between Selene, and Sinister. That was not a thing he ever expected to deal with in general, but eh, whatever.

There still was the whole reason why he was even in Blackstone to begin with, and what he could potentially do to get what it was he had been sent there to retrieve. Sure, he could try to pull a strand of hair off her or something, or he could just do the sort of simpler thing and see if he could find her hairbrush or something, that likely would be easier then doing any other strange thing. "Need me to do anything at the moment or no?" he figured he'd ask, give him a bit of an excuse to maybe still be in the building.

Location: Hellfire Bay
Skills: N/A

She figured that Ellie was likely going to try and get her to explain things, why she had aided in changing everything back. Part of the reason why she didn't say anything about it, or even try to explain it, was partially because she truthfully didn't fully know the answer to that. Why had she helped with that in some way? It was an incredibly difficult thing to really figure out, so she wasn't entirely sure how to even begin to explain what was going on.

Before she could even start to answer the question (that she was sure that Ellie was going to ask), or even create a potential answer, Ellie started coughing, a lot. That wasn't fully the part that concerned her though, coughing was normal really. It was the blood that she was coughing up that freaked her out a bit. Miranda instantly put a hand on her shoulder. "Speaking of secrets and all, Ellie are you okay? Because coughing up blood is definitely not normal."

Location: House of M
Skills: N/A

Zari instantly pulled the object out of her bag and tossed it on the ground, clear that she didn't care. "Sorry, history was never my forte, though growing up where I did, that's kind of to be expected," she ended up saying, before she continued to walk away, but she looked at Andy for a moment, "You can stay here if you want to Andy, it's okay, just not for me with someone who more or less insulted me and then got mad at me for getting made back and defending it."

Another thought crossed her mind, something that she figured she'd mention. "Another thing I was going to maybe ask help with at some point, but just going to mention it now. Aside from being half-Asgardian, I'm from the future, I'm not going to be born until October of this year. Which leads to the question of why I'm here right? The Norns had a prophecy of their own that they gave me, but considering the fact that you insulted anything to do with that, not like you'd believe it. Reason I'm here is because in that prophecy, it was foretold that something was going to happen here involving Genosha and whatever it is, still not fully sure yet what, it's going to be bad. I got roped into it because if I don't something will likely happen to my mom that will result in me never being born and ceasing to exist entirely, something I would really prefer not to have happen. And another thing, where I'm from, Ragnarok happened, Asgard is gone, I've never been, and I never got to meet my paternal grandparents or most of my father's family. So I was more raised around them on Earth as opposed to normal humans because they claimed a part of Earth as their own. This is my problem though and you already made clear you don't respect my beliefs since you basically kept saying that Valhalla doesn't exist and basically saying my faith didn't matter. So that would probably include anyone who foretells any sort of destruction or whatever." Those were the last words she said as she left, basically completely ignoring them for the moment.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 12:40 PM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Various
Skills: Mediumship

Outside the Hospital...

Casper made a horrified face - there was a name for when people's feet got moldy?! He had the sudden urge to take off his shoes and check each of his toes individually, just to be safe. He made a silent vow that he would never go swimming again - well, unless there was a pool party, he had to have realistic expectations for himself. He LOVED pool parties. "Oh my god that's terrible. If I ever get that, I'm cutting my feet off. That's so gross!" Casper then winced, realizing he might have been a bit too loud for the baby, so he then whispered, "sorry, I mean - that's so gross."

Casper then titled his head, confused as Ben mentioned they might not supply bottles. "But... what's the formula in, then? Doesn't it come in a bottle? Or is there like a synthetic boob?" He was still confused when they made it back to Bee, and Bee glanced up from her desk.

"Oh! I started making little kits for parents with babies on the island, I think they should all be fine in storage, that room made it out okay..." Bee said, before getting up and leading them through a small maze of hallways, before opening the door to a storage room. "One second," she said, entering and coming out a few minutes later, holding out an orange backpack. "Last one we had, should be enough to get you boys started. Some formula in there for you too, pulled it from the freezer, so it'll need to thaw."

The Rebuilt House of M...

Magneto didn't intend to have Thundering Champion leave - he still considered her to be one of his children. Valkyrie he had let go of that tie to purely based on her attitude - the way she brushed off the mass death event on Genosha, and then acted as if the halls of Valhalla made her faith the one true faith... It was too much for the old Holocaust survivor. His temper got the best of him. "If that is what you think happened here, then you are truly lost, child," Magneto scolded Zarina. "Andy, you are always welcome here, but I will not force you to stay if you wish to leave - although I will miss you dearly if you do go."

"Oookay then..." Polaris said, after Valkyrie finished her unhinged rant and finally left. Polaris felt like she had been dropped into an episode of the Real Housewives of Genosha - and she definitely was extremely uncomfortable with this entire plot line. "That prophecy sounds terrible, but I think it's time we go and get coffee, okay Dad?" she said, locking eyes with Magneto.

The token on the floor Zari had dropped crumbled, as Magneto closed his trembling fist. "I'm fine," he snarled at Polaris. "I don't need you to babysit me and wait in terror that the villain inside of me will reemerge."

"Oh yeah? Then prove it, by taking a deep breath, counting to fucking ten, and coming with me to get a goddamn coffee!" Polaris insisted.


"Unless you need to be fitted for a corset too, then no," Selene told Jack. "I'll summon you at some point before the Gala. Don't go out of town - or leave the island or whatever. I wouldn't want you to miss the fireworks." She waved him off with the back of her hand, leaving the witch's lair and going back into the house proper, presumably to resume her fitting session with Jumbo Carnation.

Hellfire Bay...

It was a moment before Renegade had caught her breath, the coughing subsiding. "Just peachy, mon amie," Renegade said, her voice sounding hoarse. She forced a smile, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. Despite being roughly the same age, Renegade looked older than Moneta - she had aged rougher, mostly due to the activities she had started in her youth and continued throughout the years. Her body had been through hell. "An entire island of mutants and not one of them can say what's wrong with me - or fix what's broken," Renegade admitted. "Doc says I have months."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: House of M
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (passive)

Andy did not like being caught in the middle of this. She watched Zari leave. Her speech had said a lot. More than Zari had said in one go so far about her past and why she was here. Most of it Andy had known from picking up bits and pieces up to this point. She hadn't known the whole prophecy. "I promised I'd help her." She told Magento. Her voice was barely over a whisper. But it should be loud enough for him to hear her.

"Zari." She said, hurrying after her friend. She didn't go to her room and gather her scant things. She had her jacket. And the only thing in her room she cared about was her pillow, but that would come to her wherever she went to sleep so she wasn't totally worried. "Where do you want to go?" Andy felt guilty for this. She had asked for Zari's help to help Magneto feel better. That had failed horribly, and now Zari was upset too. Andy had no way to fix this. If she could turn back time and made it so she had never brought up the idea to Magneto, maybe the fight wouldn't have happened. But she doubted that. Zari and Magneto were too different.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Achronum
Avatar of Achronum

Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Hospital
Skills: N/A

"You don't have anything to worry about, babes. You won't get trench foot just from swimming." James said, mostly confident. He wasn't really sure how one got trench foot but it couldn't be just from swimming. Wet socks maybe? Something about moisture. James huffed in amusement as Bee led them through the hospital. Casper was clearly rubbing off on him if he was rambling in his own head about something as bizarre as trench foot.

James accepted the bag from Bee. "Thank you very much. We really appreciate all the help, Bee." James thanked her sincerely, carefully putting the bag over his shoulder before replying to Casper. "Well, I wasn't really sure how the formula was stored? I only ever saw it in powdered form in the stores so I just kinda assumed it was that and we had to mix it, put it in the bottle, and then warm it up." James explained with a shrug. "So, that's some stuff down. We should hunt down the other stuff we need next, like a crib and some clothes."

It was a weird experience, suddenly feeling little bubbles of happiness in his chest for no other reason than the love of his life was holding their son. James could just soak in the sight of them, watch them together forever, and he had an idea. He turned back to Bee. "Would you mind taking a picture of the three of us actually? Babes, do you mind if we take a picture together real quick?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Blackstone
Skills: N/A

He couldn't help but laugh a little bit at Selene's response to his initial question about needing him to do anything else. "Yeah, no thanks on that one, but you enjoy yourself," he said with a slight wave as she went off to go continue her fitting or whatever it was that she would do. He didn't trust her still, especially since she still had spoken numerous times about essentially killing him, but oh well. This was definitely going to be an entertaining sort of thing to deal with fully anyway.

Jack more or less took one last good look around the lair of sorts that Selene had, before he started walking out of it to, though he was still thinking about why he had even gone to there in the first place. He wasn't too sure about trying to get a hair or something from Selene for Sinister, which was still going to be impossibly difficult he was pretty sure. Yeah no, that was still a plan that he had yet to come up with, but at least he might be able to think of... Something... Right? Who knew how that was going to turn out.

Location: Hellfire Bay
Skills: N/A

She was glad that Ellie's coughing fit stopped after a few moments, but she was not really prepared to hear what it was that she had to say about what was going on. Miranda did not like to hear that her best friend was dying, not at all. They were around the same age, and even though she knew that they were getting older and people died from various things, like old age or illness, there was a list of people who likely she imagined would die before either of the two of them. It just seemed like that to her for the longest time.

"Months? Ellie why didn't you say anything? We've known each other for how long and you didn't want to tell me that? It kind of seems a bit more important then some reality shifting nonsense that doesn't matter anymore..." she said to her giving her a small smile. "How many people know? Have you told any of your kids about it? And you're sure that doctors can't do anything about it" she was running out of things to really say with regards to the entire thing.

Location: House of M
Skills: N/A

Zari basically didn't hear anything else as she left the area. That was a bit of a blow up that she hadn't expected to have happen, but oh well, probably could have been a lot worse. She wasn't entirely sure if Andy was going to follow along after her or not, she would have been fine either way, but then she heard Andy's voice from behind her, so she did seem to come along after her anyway. That was nice, no need to worry about leaving her in that sort of awkward situation anymore really, which was fine.

"Oh, I don't know really. Thinking of just wandering around for a little while. I don't know. One thing about that whole situation? You'd think that the people who have a hand in Genosha and creating it would potentially actually care that it is going to probably fall and burn or something like that. Kind of dumb if you ask me, but oh well, who cares, kind of dumb if you ask me," she said with a shrug, going back to her usual more upbeat self. Yeah, there was a lot going through her head right now, but she wasn't going to talk about that. Nope, she would prefer to go back to being more upbeat as usual, since that always was better.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
Avatar of Morose

Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 12:50 PM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Various
Skills: Mediumship

Outside the Hospital...

"Huh," Casper said, considering what James had explained to him. "Where did you learn all this stuff?" he asked. He had never even really thought too much about things for babies and whatnot, but it seemed like James knew pretty much everything. If it wasn't for the fact Casper knew it wasn't true, he would've believed that James had been a father before. Had he been a dad in the world Wanda made, maybe? Casper knew James had been a little evil in that world, but he wasn't sure about being a parent. Jack had been a parent. Jack was a little evil at times. "Wanda didn't make you a daddy, right? Well a dad, I mean - you're already a daddy before this one even came around."

"Ooo a picture! That's cute. Maman would love a copy, I know - she's kinda angry sometimes but on the inside she's veeery sentimental. I'm also pretty sure I'm her favorite child. We both know it's not Jackie. And Davie's her kid by adoption. Val.... Nah, no way does she like Val more than me. I'm way cuter than Val."

Bee blinked, before nodding. "How did you know that's my mutant power, silly?" she said with a giggle. "I create hard-light copies of things I see - pictures, really," Bee explained. To prove her point, she wiggled her nose, and suddenly a small 3D cube appeared in her hands. In the cube were 3D depictions of James, Casper, and the baby.

"Oh shoot, you blinked... Let's try again on three, okay? One, two.... three!"

Outside the House of M...

Not very many people went to the House of M - it wasn't that the location was too far from everything, as it was in the central portion of the island, just on the eastern side. No, it was more that for all of its grandeur, there was an emptiness to it. Those who lived within those walls were haunted by ghosts, many of them by their own making. Even while the House of Magnus was a noble mutant house, boasting some of the most powerful mutants of the modern era, many of them Omega level... it was still a place of loneliness and sadness.

In short, there is no one outside for Andy and Zarina to run into - they are alone. Rain begins to fall - light at first, before quickly turning into a torrential downpour.


Selene was already back where she had been previously with Jumbo Carnation - somewhere upstairs, judging from how echo-y and distant their voices sounded. No one was around to really ask Jack what he was doing or what he was looking for, so he had free reign to explore. Maybe her bedroom would have some of her hairs? Or he could just wander around and look at couches and whatnot and try to find some?

"Wait, bitch, shut up, you went to Spiralfest WITHOUT ME?!?!?!?!" a voice screeched from upstairs.

"Of course, darling! Spiral and I go way back. We used to kick it at the Arrako Mall with Genesis... Such a shame that little island fell into a hell dimension. Messing with Apocalypse really lost its fun."

"You have to get me onto Spiral Talk, I would DIE and go to gay heaven - or hell, honestly, I'm not picky. But I'm such a stan of my many armed queen!"

"And me, of course. You stan me."

"A gay man can stan many women, you don't need to worry," Jumbo said with a laugh.

Hellfire Bay...

Renegade shrugged. "Honestly, I wasn't planning on telling anyone - I don't want to make a big deal out of it. I never expected that I would get to be this old anyways..." her voice trailed off. "I've done a lot of amazing things and met really cool people. But if it's my time to go... I don't want people to treat me differently. Or be remembered as some sick frail thing. I want to be me till the end. Maybe go out screaming against a group of Purifiers if I can time it correctly," Renegade laughed a little bit.

"Nemesis can't fix it, Nate can't either - or won't, hard to tell with the discount Dracula," Renegade commented. "None of the healers I went to either could make it budge." She hadn't gone to James yet - mostly because she hadn't wanted to worry Casper, but also because she had given up hope.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
Avatar of Kirah

Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Outside the House of M
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (passive)

"That makes sense." Andy nodded. She understood Zari's perspective. She wondered if the Holocaust happened in Zari's world. But because she knew the history of it, she sort of understood Magneto. However, part of her couldn't forgive him for yelling. It too often had been a sign of other problems in her life.

It started raining. She smiled at first, but as the rain started becoming more intense, she frowned. "Uh, how about we get out of the rain." She would have been fine if it had stayed light, but this was too much rain. She didn't know where they could go. Maybe they could go to the school and find a place to be out of the rain there.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Achronum
Avatar of Achronum

Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Hospital
Skills: N/A

James situated himself behind Casper for the picture, resting his chin on Casper’s shoulder and tucking his arms up beneath Casper’s were he was holding Daniel. As Bee counted down and he beamed at her like the proud dad he was, it really hit him that they were parents. They were responsible for another person’s life―a child’s life―just like that. And James was at the limit of what commercials, movies, and passing the baby section of Target had taught him. Hopefully someone on this island had a Parenting for Dummies book.

“Never had a kid. Just watched TV and the Target I used to go to puts their baby section right in front of electronics. But that’s pretty much what I got. We’re going to have to do a little asking around about the rest.” James admitted as he squeezed Casper a little tighter before letting him go.“And I am definitely not being called Daddy our kid. We’re avoiding that at all costs.” James continued with a shake of his head as he gently took the hard light copy out of Bee’s hand.

“Babes, look how cool this is! God you are unfairly handsome, but this is so interesting!” James marveled over the little cube, holding it up for Casper to see the image better as wheels turned in his head. “Bee, does it always create it in this cube construct? Does it always come out this size? If you look at something entirely 2D, can you generate it into a 3D image or does it stay 2D and just create whatever media the image is on?”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
Avatar of BlueSky44

BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Blackstone
Skills: Perception, Investigation

Jack was mainly just sort of wandering around, looking to try and find anything that he could then use to accomplish his original goal and whole reason for even being there in the first place. That of course being, looking for hair or something like that from Selene that he could then give to Sinister, in order to potentially see about helping out his mom. He did wonder what sort of illness that she had, but from what little he knew about it, it was fairly serious, and he didn't want to lose her quite yet.

After a little bit of searching, he ended up lucking out a bit. He swooped down to the ground and managed to find a hair or two on the ground that definitely looked like they were from her. That was good enough for him, and he took the small notepad that he carried around and pressed it between the pages, before putting that away, since he didn't exactly bring anything to actively carry the hairs out of Blackstone. Jack knew that odds were that his father was going to be at his bar or whatever, practically on the otherside of the island. So he figured he'd see about sending out a telepathic communication of sorts to him, though he wasn't entirely sure how far of a reach it would have, I got the stupid thing and am heading back now," he said telepathically to him.

Location: Hellfire Bay
Skills: N/A

"Ellie... You can't just not tell people... Especially keeping something like that from your kids... Especially since think about it, yeah, you want them and others to not treat you differently, but here's the thing, you not telling them is not giving them the chance to brace themselves for you dying of some illness. So when it inevitably happens and the disease kills you, they might take it a bit harder then you'd think, since they might be mad that they didn't notice it sooner then when you are already gone..."

That was at least how she viewed the entire situation. Miranda knew a bit about at least Jack and Casper, so she figured that both of them at the least would take Ellie dying a bit hard. Not to mention, Casper could talk to ghosts and all, and Jack was an actual investigator outside of Genosha, so odds are he'd take it pretty hard if he didn't notice something like that. She listened as Ellie explained that the doctors didn't know what to do, and then she mentioned Sinister. "I'm sorry... Though also you do realize that Sinister doesn't do anything for anyone unless there is something in it for him? So him not helping isn't that surprising... That is if he didn't have an idea of how to do it..."

Location: House of M
Skills: N/A

"I don't really care either way, my problem to deal with anyway," she said a bit happily, just sort of wandering around a little bit. The rain started coming down though, but personally, she didn't very much care about it. Actually, quite the opposite, she loved the rain, even back home she'd run around and find puddles to jump into. So of course, that was her immediate first thought of what to do while they were wandering around in the rain. Then again, hearing Andy's suggestion, she figured that she was the only one who thought that.

"Why go inside? I love the rain, it's so much fun!" Zari said, before she immediately jumped into the nearest puddle and splashed around a bit. She then proceeded to do a cartwheel or two, before flopping onto the ground with a bit of a splash.
"Come on, the rain isn't so bad, I'm fine with being outside for a little while still, but that's just me. The rain is always fun to splash around in. You can go find shelter or whatever if you want to, but I'm fine right here."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
Avatar of Trainerblue192


Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray


Callie Johnson

Harry couldn't help but giggle at David's little teases. It was an occurrence happening on Genosha, but then again Genosha in and of itself was a weird occurrence. He looks down to where he'd assumed their bodies were before letting out a sigh. "Yeah, it's probably best we head back. Especially if I'm just sitting there lifeless. If Veil saw me she'd probably flip." he said, speaking through a soft chuckle. Barry was listening to Veil intently as she gave him a message to relay. "No problem I'll ma-"

Barry was interrupted as Harry came back into his mind, a shiver being sent up his spine as he once again could feel the real world. There was a small mental exchange before finally he spoke Veil. "Sorry about that, I was in the Astral Plane. But we'll talk about that later. For now where's our ride?" As if on cue, Max and Pixie had arrived at the Green Lagoon, spotting Veil and the others standing around.

"Come to think of it, I'm not really sure who all is coming but the more the merrier. Especially if we have to dig." Max replied to Pixie before raising his hand and waving at Veil. "Yo Veil!" Max jogged over towards her, looking at the odd tension between the twins. "Pixies joining us for New Orleans. But uh, I realized I don't really know who all I'm taking. Also had a bit of an idea but wanted everyone's and Pixies input first."

"Nope, we are going there to dig up a body, not really going there for Mardi Gras." Callie told Barry as she looked between Veil, then Harry, and then over at Legion for a moment. "Are they mind fucking each other or something? If they are thats really gross in such a public place." Callie leaned in and whispered to Veil mainly as a joke towards him she saw Harry finally coming to and gave him a slight wave. "Welcome back to the land of the living." Callie said to Harry as she looked over her shoulder as Max came up and spotted Pixie behind him, seeing the number that was going to New Orleans she felt better going there now. "So thats me, Veil, Harry, Blob, Marrow, Sunshine, Harry, Max and Pixie, unless Legion wants to join us."

Blob looked incredibly busy at the bar - a rush of people had come in, evidently tired, hungry, and thirsty from finishing up tasks on the island. The odds of Blob being available to leave any time soon would seem pretty low. Unless they were willing to wait for him, they'd probably have to go to New Orleans without him. But how many people did they need for graverobbing, anyways?

"I can come if Harry wants me to... But I actually have something else I need to do," Legion said. He looked at Echo, more or less allowing this to be his call. Legion did have plans for something to do - a rescue mission of his own - but it could wait for another day if Echo needed him to go to New Orleans.

"Shit, that's a huuuge group of people - how heavy is this body?" Pixie joked. "Do you know where it is? Like what cemetery or whatever? Should we expect there to be flatscans trying to stop us from taking it?"

"Oooh, I hope so," Marrow quipped (her and Sunshine had wandered on over, seeing that the group was assembling), a bone spike growing spontaneously out of her right forearm. Sunshine giggled, looking VERY into the display from her wife.

"We shouldn't need to worry about any humans seeing us - unless they've installed anti-mutant detectors at where the body is being kept," Veil pointed out. She had been a key asset of the Mutant Underground due to her powers of invisibility - no one would be able to see the graverobbing crew unless Veil wanted them to be seen. "You do have the location, right?" Veil asked.

"Actually... I think I know where Ben is buried," Sunshine said. She didn't like talking very much about what she had experienced in the House of M world, but there, she had been Jack's daughter - he had raised her from birth. Her Uncle Casper's best friend was still dead, buried on the grounds of his father's estate. She figured there was a pretty good chance that that hadn't changed - that Ben's final resting place in that world was the same as this one. "He's at the Hargreeves Estate. Under the ash tree in the courtyard."

"No it's fine. If you already have something to do then there's no need to over it on our account. Besides, I think we've got enough hands to handle some simple graverobbing." Harry had gotten the gist of what'd transpired while he was away, and seeing how irritated Veil had been it was most likely best that her and Legion stay apart for a little while until Harry could calmly talk to her about their new relationship.

"Let's just hope it doesn't come to that ok? If Genosha wants to establish itself as a mutant nation then we don't want to provoke flatscans by fighting back. We all know they'd frame it as a terrorist attack in some game to get politics to attack Genosha." Max said as he looked towards Sunshine and Marrow. They had just suffered an attack from some weird future variant of their kind and although victorious had suffered a great loss. They didn't need to go through with that again, nor did they need to find out what new anti-mutant weapons were being made.

He was about to have an awkward conversation with Veil about how he had absolutely no idea where Ben was until Sunshine spoke up. "That's…oddly specific. Which is more than I had to be honest with you. I was just going to have Casper manifest Ben into our world and then see if Pixie and I can use our magic to solidify him long enough to ease the burden from Casper so he can just show us in New Orleans. But this sounds like the safest route. Think you could spot the ash tree if you saw it?"

Callie looked around as she noticed that things started to get a lot more busier as people started to flood into the Green Lagoon she listened to Sunshine as she got a location as to where Ben's body was actually located. "I guess thats our destination then." She looked over at Blob for a moment who said he'd be willing to go, she wasnt sure about that now though. "Should we go now or wait until things cleared up if Blob you still want to go that is."

Blob paused in the middle of taking an order, shaking his head apologetically at Spark Plug - "I'm swamped, sorry girl!"

Sunshine avoided looking directly at Max and the rest as she continued to speak. Marrow recognized the discomfort her wife was experiencing, putting a protective arm around Sunshine's shoulder. "Ben was basically my uncle in the other world. My d-Jack took me there a few times. I'd recognize it," Sunshine answered simply. She thought of the Jack from that world as her father, just as sometimes, she felt like a little six year old Cajun kid - little Ellie, someone who didn't have to search for a found family.

"Alright then, shall we go then?" Veil said, looking at Max and Pixie. "I'm assuming one of you is transporting us."

"Nose goes!" Pixie joked, putting a finger on her nose. "You need the practice anyways," she teased Max.

Harry watched as Sunshine struggled to match Max's gaze. He wanted to move in and tell her that she didn't need to speak about this if she didn't feel comfortable. But Marrow stepped in and wrapped her arm around her, giving her comfort she needed and the strength to speak out. He didn't say anything, but gave Sunshine an apologetic look of I'm here if you need to talk, thank you.

"Here I thought we could take the Pixie Express. Buuuut I suppose I could do it." He said towards Pixie with a bit of a wink. He'd debated on just teleporting everyone there, but given the distance between Genosha and New Orleans as well as the amount of people that he would be taking, chances were everyone would arrive exhausted and potentially in the wrong place. So Max settled for using his magic to open a portal, a more accurate and less exhausting way of travel when he had the time to cast.

Callie looked at Sunshine for a moment when Sunshine mentioned the other world that she didnt remember or experience really but nodded slightly, she wasn't going to bring it up unless she wanted to talk about it. "Maybe next time then and we'll bring you back something when we get back." Callie said to Blob as Pixie told Max to open up a portal there, as soon as Max did she quickly stepped through the portal and onto the other end looking over at Sunshine. "Sunshine since you know where to go ahead and take point." She told her.

Sunshine and the others stepped on through the portal. The temperature wasn't that different between New Orleans and Genosha - one was in Louisiana, one of the hottest spots in the United States, and the other on an island that had its fair share of extreme temperatures. The humidity was about the same as well. But as Sunshine breathed in the air, there was something different about this place. Gigantic Southern oak trees lined the street, stretching out so their branches met in the middle, creating a natural canopy that covered almost the entire road. Street lights bathed them all in a soft yellow light; while it was a little after noon on Genosha, it was a little after 3 AM in Louisiana - the witching hour.

"Hmm, at least the atmosphere is appropriate for digging up a dead body," Marrow remarked. "And the humans would love to shoot some muties in the middle of the night."

"Huge Halloween vibes," Pixie agreed - at least, with the first thing Marrow had said. Her wings were fluttering behind her, even as Pixie walked on the ground. She couldn't pass as human, so she didn't even bother trying to fold her wings in or anything like that.

"Are we close?" Veil asked Sunshine. Even though it was dark out, Veil concentrated and began turning the group invisible. It took her a bit to be able to cover everyone, but soon enough, they were all incognito. They could see each other as dim, almost translucent glowing outlines - but anyone else looking at the group wouldn't be able to see anyone was there. "Echo, do you mind muffling our sound?" Veil then asked her brother.

"I think... we're only a block or so away, actually," Sunshine said. The streets didn't look exactly the same, but the street they were on was incredibly familiar to her, enough that she had a pretty good idea of how to navigate to their destination. "This way," she then said, pointing straight ahead and walking in that direction. Max's portal must have been really well placed, as within minutes, they would see a large mansion-like home on their left, with an iron gate that had an H displayed prominently. Sunshine stopped suddenly. "This is it... Your portal didn't totally suck, I guess," she told Max.

At Callies mention of bringing back souvenirs for Blob, Max's eyes lit up. They were in New Orleans. A city known for its magical roots, where Tarot had deep roots and could be found just around the bend. He stepped through the portal, taking in the sights. He hadn't anticipated the time change, but their arrival at this time could be no coincidence. It was the witching hour, and what better time to liberate a friend from a grave than during that time. "Oh, can we stop by some shops? I wouldn't mind seeing what occult items they have here. Maybe find some real magic or something I don't know. Oh and do you think Ben would mind if I took some of his grave dirt? It just feels like-"

It was then Max had realized that everyone's steps had fallen silent. Their breaths were hidden and sounds obscured by Harry's powers. He'd never considered how well the twins' powers complimented each other, working in tandem to give true stealth to their allies. Everyone that was except him. He could still hear the sounds he was making as they made their way through the streets of Louisiana. He looked at Harry, silently mouthing to him if he could help him out.

Harry turned towards Max looking towards Veil and then the rest of the group. Cloaking this many people wasn't easy, Veil had to concentrate and take her time to cloak them all, and Harry didn't fully have that luxury of time. Every step, breath, word, or snap of a branch had to be drowned out in the area around them. He gave Max an apologetic look, but trying to add him to the mix could end up having him drop the sound barrier on the rest.

"If we aren't spotted then maybe. Besides I was thinking of getting Blob some booze I think he'd be interested in that more." Callie said towards Max as Veil started to make them all invisible and Harry used his powers to muffle their movements. Callie followed shortly behind Sunshine as she led them down the street and looked around at the large trees overhanging the street that they were in. At least it was night here and it'd be a lot harder for them to be spotted in the dark and invisible. Eventually they stood in front of a large mansion and blocked by a gate in front of them. "Kind of a creepy evil super villain vibe." Callie said as she looked at Max seeing that he was the loudest and made a shushing motion towards him.

"Or a rich white asshole vibe," Marrow said, "but those two are often the same anyways."

"The gate's locked, can one of you handle that?" Veil asked. She was maintaining their cloak, grateful that her brother had managed to quiet all of their sound. But the iron gate was very much locked and they would need to either open it or go around it in order to head inside and retrieve Ben's body. She didn't even answer Max's question about the grave dirt, as it wasn't her grave - and she didn't know if that was technically insensitive or not for Max to ask.

"Oh, shit!" Pixie exclaimed, pulling her hand back from the gate. She shook her hand out vigorously. "That's iron - fuck! Fuck fuck fuck!" It was a good thing Echo had muffled their sound.

"I'm shit at lockpicking," Sunshine admitted.

Max watched as the party quickly began exhausting their efforts to open the locked gate. Eyes widening as Pixie got hurt from touching the fence. Right, iron, Pixies, not a good mix. "I think we're shit out of luck on picking that lock, so how's about we- He held one hand midway out while the other formed an upwards circle before lowering down below them. The familiar nebulous magic encircled the party above creating a portal that slowly fell down over them and materialized them onto the other side of the gate.

-try a little magic. So glad there's no defenses against it." Max made his way over towards, taking her wrist into his hands so he could see the damage. "I think I can help a bit, hold still" He held his hand over hers, trying to heal her the way he had Sunshine and others before. But after a string of great casts, his magic finally failed him. He grimaced as the magic fizzled "Sorry. Still new to healing magic, not the easiest thing to practice."

Pixie shrugged, blowing on her hand in an attempt to dull the pain. "You've never really tried to heal a half-fairy before anyways, we're built a wee bit differently," she explained. "But damn, that hurts..."

"That works. Where to next Sunshine?" Harry asked. As much fun as it was breaking into a creepy mansion home in New Orleans on a misty morning to rob a grave, he wasn't sure how long he could hold his end of the cloak. Or even how much longer they had to go.

Callie watched as Pixie reached over to touch the iron gate seeing her getting burnt by it for some reason she wasn't really sure why. "Are you alright there Pixie?" Callie asked her as Max decided to use his magic, and summoned a portal over them the next second they were on the other side of the gate. ]"Nice work there." Callie patted Max on the shoulder as he tried to heal Pixie's hand, she looked around the area and then over towards Sunshine this was pretty easy so far she thought they hadn't ran into anyone on their way over or were detected yet.

"Yeah, I'm fine - just, y'know, iron isn't a lass' best friend," Pixie joked.

"There," Sunshine said, pointing towards the far back of the grounds - where there was a lone tree, overlooking a tombstone. The house seemed deadly quiet; if anyone was home, they weren't aware of the intruders, thanks to Veil and Echo's efforts to cloak and muffle the group. Not even Max's voice seemed to wake anyone; but hopefully, he would later have it in him to wake the dead. Sunshine led them to the back, stopping in front of the tombstone.

"This is it, then," Veil said, staring at the stone. "Ben's grave."

Max managed a small smile towards Pixie. While it was true that he hadn't tried to heal someone who was half-fae before, it didn't stop him from feeling any less useful in the situation. He was sure that had James been there he could've patched her up with so much as breaking a sweat. But that was neither here nor there, and as Callie approached them and placed a hand on his shoulder Max tried to push those thoughts away. By all accounts he'd been doing rather well, his magic hadn't failed them in any dire way and they were only moments away from what they had come for.

Relief sank into Harry as his shoulders lowered slightly. There in the back of the Cemetery was a large tree like what Sunshine had described earlier. Underneath the solitary tree was a grave, presumably Ben's, and that meant that soon after they could all relax. Pixie’s scream earlier had been quickly masked, the sound dying out before it could reach outsiders ears. But now they had to find a way to excavate the body, and that could be noisy as is. The sooner they did this the better, because Harry didn't want to know what kind of security this sort of estate would have. Especially for grave robbing mutants.

Max hadn't really thought past getting here. Now they were faced with a way to get his body out. He placed both of his palms together, pulling them apart slowly as a shovel began to form between them within the space. Once it was fully formed, Max grabbed the shaft and spun it in a circle as two more echos of the shovel were made and now held in his hands. He tossed one to Callie, and another to Harry. "Let's dig, Pixies hands hurt so it's up to us."

Callie took a moment and looked at Ben's grave for a moment as they approached it, she looked towards Pixie and nodded towards her when she said she was alright. Max then summoned three shovels. She quickly caught the shovel into her hands and nodded towards him, she went to get into position and started to shovel. She paused when she heard some footsteps coming and quickly stopped. She turned to see a woman with dark glasses and a trench coat approaching. "You guys someone is coming." Callie whispered to the others as she quickly moved to the side and gestured to that person approaching them and looked towards Max making a shushing motion for him to remain quiet and still.

Harry caught the shovel that was tossed towards him. He supposed that three people digging was quicker than two, and at the very least being a part of it made masking the sounds much simpler, but he couldn't help but wonder why Max or Pixie didn't just magic the ground away. Harry had heard often enough about how James spoke of Max's powers, how he essentially rewrites reality to his whim and is capable of horrifying feats, so why was removing dirt not on the list of things he could do?

Whatever the case, Harry plunged his shovel into the ground, trying to spread his focus out towards Max so that the sounds of him digging would be less noticeable. That is until Callie mentioned they had a visitor. In a panic Harry's powers skewed the wrong way and amplified Max's sound just as he had placed his foot onto the shovel's head and began to press down. There was a loud clang sound that reverberated for a moment before dulling down to an appropriate level as Harry fixed his mistake. Though he didn't dare try for a third time.

Max's eyes shot wide open as he heard the sound, feeling the vibrations of the metal against the sole of his shoe. He looked at Callie as if to say 'it wasn't me' before the sound quickly died out. He stood there frozen for a moment, foot still atop the shovelhead now buried beneath the soil. He could see the mysterious figure off in the distance, and a part of him wished to try and give the others the best shot they had. Having him step out of the invisibility and reveal himself to her so that they could continue. Pixie could port them back and Max would find his own way if need be. But for now he just stood there frozen, staring at the woman as he tried hard not to breathe too loudly or give himself away.

The woman didn't seem to react to the loud clang; dogs in the nearby homes to the property did begin to bark, so one way or another it was likely the entire neighborhood would wake up soon. The crow that had accompanied the woman outside flapped its wings, leaving her shoulder and flying over to the tree above Ben's grave, before resting on one of the branches.

Veil could've sworn that somehow, the crow could see them - that somehow, it was able to see past her invisibility. The barking dogs weren't helping either; lights were beginning to turn on in the mansion. People other than the goth smoker were probably going to come on out soon. She had to assume these people were Ben's family - people who likely wouldn't just let them take the dead body of their loved one. They should've brought Casper with them. Veil didn't even have much time to appreciate the irony that Casper could've helped in a situation like this.

"Okay, we need a new plan," Veil said softly. "Someone has to get bird lady's attention."

"Hmmm, maybe a little pixie dust can help!" Pixie said. It was good that Echo was dampening the sound of her voice, as she was a bit loud by nature. Pixie fluttered her wings and made her way over to the crow lady, still cloaked by Veil's invisibility, and blew what looked like shimmering pink powder from her hand. It hit the crow lady in the face and she staggered backwards for a moment, before shaking her head.

"Faustus, you're scaring the dogs again, come on," the crow lady said, snapping her fingers. The crow seemed to hesitate for a moment, squawking, before flying directly at her - and then disappearing into her body without a trace. The woman dropped her cigarette to the ground, crushed it under her heel, and then went back inside.

"Good job, Max," Sunshine said, rolling her eyes slightly. "It's almost like you want to keep Ben dead."

Callie remained as still as possible as she started to think of a way to try and get the woman to go away, luckily Pixie decided to step up and moved a bit closer towards the woman. She stared at the crow that was ontop of the tree just above Ben's grave, she wasn't sure what the crow was going to do. But luckily Pixie's dust managed to convince the crow lady to go away, she let out a slight sigh as Callie grabbed the shovel and moved back to where she was before.

"Quiet the sooner we get out of here the better." Callie said to Sunshine as she went back to shoveling the dirt, a few seconds later she managed to hit something hard. She knelt down and moved away some of the dirt that was there, before looking up to the others. "Alright lets get this thing out." Callie said as she stepped back putting the shovel down.

A shiver shot down Max's spine as he looked up towards where the crow had previously been. Staring for a moment before Callie had declared she'd hit the coffin. "I have a bad feeling about that woman's crow, just…keep your eyes peeled. Once is a coincidence, twice is intentional." He spoke softly, allowing the dogs barking to drown out the sound of his voice so that only they could hear him. Max hopped down into the hole, lifting the lid open to ensure that Ben truly was at this grave. He let out a sigh of relief before closing it back up and making his way back out of the hole. "Ben has tentacles shoot out, that bird lady had things go in, think everyone in the family has some animal related body power?"

"I don't know but we can speculate later, or just ask Ben. For now we're starting to get too much unwanted attention so if we can hurry this along?" Harry looked around to make sure there were any other crows staring nearby. Max had begun to make him a bit more paranoid, giving him the feeling that someone was watching.

Max wanted to retort and say something, how it wasn't his fault he wasn't being fully cloaked. But now didn't seem like the time for petty fights, nor did he want to knock on anyone's abilities. Surely Harry was trying hard to keep so many noisey people hidden. He quickly made a portal beneath the coffin, but miscalculated the size of it so it didn't quite fit in. He rolled his eyes and began to widen the portal into his room, dropping the coffin (body and all) onto his bed back in Genosha. "Can't be lugging this around. Anyone who wants a trip back home is free to hop in just…avoid the coffin please. Anyone who wants to stay behind to fill up this hole and maybe do some shopping can stay here."

"Yeah, because stores are open for shopping right now," Sunshine commented dryly. It was the witching hour - she supposed that maybe some of the occult shops might be open, but even the bars would be closed at this time of day. Last call must've been an hour or so ago, if not even earlier. She took Marrow's hand and hopped on through the portal, landing on the floor next to Max's bedroom on Genosha - not his original bedroom, but the one that had been rebuilt after the attack.

"It's easier to cloak you all when we're in the same location, so I'll go through with Harry once you all have left," Veil said. Even though Max's portal was connecting the spaces, she didn't want to risk jumping through and suddenly losing control over the invisibility. She also didn't have any shopping or whatnot that she wanted to do in New Orleans - she wanted to see this through, and hopefully, they'd be able to help more mutants than just Ben. Maybe they could bring them all back. They could have each person they lost returned to them.

"Mm, as good as a crêpe sounds right now, I think I should be getting back... I did kinda just ditch what I was working on with the Akademos," Pixie admitted a bit sheepishly. She stepped on through the portal, landing on the bed next to the coffin, before hopping on off.

Callie looked down at Ben's corpse that was in the coffin, she did wonder how he did die in the first place as she stepped out of the hole to let Max inspect Ben's body for a moment. She remained alert though as she looked towards the others, as Max opened up a portal to allow everyone get through. "They are going to probably wonder why Ben's grave is dug up though." Callie said as soon as the coffin was through Callie jumped through and landed back into Max's room, looking over towards Pixie and nodded towards her. "Thanks for the help there Pixie." Callie said smiling towards her as she took a step back to let the others on through.

There was an awkward silence as Callie stepped through. She wasn't exactly wrong, and Max had mentioned as such too. Someone at the very least should stay behind and refill the hole. Try to cover up the fact that an entire body and coffin of a loved one are missing. Max turned to look at Veil and Harry with an awkward smile. "Veil, why don't you and Harry go on ahead. I don't like going through my portals before others have, the last time that I did well…" he trailed off recalling the day Sunshine had pinned him for the murder of Magik. Sure the portal probably closed due to him being tackled by Colossus into another space, and the man was more than bulky enough to do damage even without the metallic skin, but even then Max had always worried of separating the group due to carelessness. It was why he always insisted of going through last. "Besides, someone's gotta return all this dirt, and can't do that while the portals active. I can handle myself"

Veil hesitated for a moment - before she nodded. She couldn't always assume the worst of Max's abilities, and he seemed to be coming into his own - not always in a linear fashion, but still, progress. "Alright, but if you aren't through the portal in a minute, I'm coming back through for you," Veil warned, before stepping on through the portal. Despite the great distance she had just traveled in space, she managed to keep the invisibility around Max active.

Callie looked up at the portal as Veil jumped through as well she wasn't sure how quickly Max would be able to cover up the entire hole, she knew that Max could handle himself in case any of Ben's family were to come out and confront Max. "What Veil said, just do it as quickly as possible and if that Crow Lady comes back out again get out of there." Callie told Max.

Harry didn't like the idea of leaving Max behind one bit. It wasn't that he didn't trust him, or think he could do it. It was more so that he didn't feel right leaving another member behind. He'd only been with the Underground for a short time, but he'd already lost so many people and he wasn't willing to lose anymore. Especially now that Genosha was meant to be a safe haven for them all. "As my name implies, I Echo that sentiment. You have one minute, kid or we're coming back through."

Max couldn't help but chuckle at all of them. It was sweet seeing them all care for him and worry. Given the threat of coming back through wouldn't exactly apply once he'd close his portal, Max decided to hold his end of the bargain. He made a new portal off the side, above the ground on his end but side by side for those back at home. "Can't throw dirt into my own portal so I'll keep this new one up for you guys. Just in case." He closed the portal that was inside the grave and grabbed his shovel as he began to throw the dirt back into its place. No one deserved waking up and seeing the exhumed grave of a loved one. Once he was done he stepped through the portal, looking back through one last time before finally closing it up.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
Avatar of Morose

Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 12:50 PM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Various
Skills: Mediumship

Outside the Hospital...

"Maman might be able to help us with the entire parenting thing - I mean, she got me to adulthood, which was no easy task, so she has to be really fuuuuuu-fudging good at it," Casper said. He grinned a bit, seeing the way James was rambling slightly at Bee about the hard light picture. It was super cool; but he found James' rambling to be the cutest and most attention grabbing thing in the room (aside from their little baby boy!)

Bee blushed, not used to so much attention. People tended to overlook her mutant power, as it didn't have much in the means of weaponization. "Oh, thanks. Um, as far as I know I can only make cubes... But I can do all sorts of sizes - from about the size of a piece of candy all the way up to the size of a horse," Bee said. "And yeah, I actually can turn 2D things into 3D, as long as I sorta have an idea in my head of how it would look in 3D..."

"If you took a picture of yourself holding a cube, and then had a picture of that picture, and so on... Do you think anything weird would happen? Would you eventually break reality or something? I don't know how that would work, but I feel like there should be some sort of fun easter egg there," Casper suggested. Bee's powers were super interesting - and as much as Casper loved being able to see Ben, he wished he had been born with a power like hers - one that wasn't terrifying and horrific.

"Uhh.... No, I don't think so?"

Outside the House of M...

The rain wasn't letting up yet. The storm clouds weren't covering the entire island, but those in the main portion were definitely affected. Hopefully the Green Lagoon had some means to block out the rain, as it exclusively had outdoor seating - the tropical island's fair weather never really necessitated a closed off roof. But then again, there were mutants who could control the weather on the island - maybe one of them would come on by and stop the rain soon?

No one came across Andy and Zarina though. They were alone together.

Halfway to Bar Sinister...

As Jack made it to the central area of the island, it would begin POURING. The rain was coming down aggressively and there was no sign of it stopping. The mutants he would see were going to take shelter, with some of the kids shrieking a little bit about the rain. Usually rain didn't last long on Genosha, as someone would come around and cause the weather to clear up, but it seemed no one able to manipulate the weather was there at the moment. Thunder boomed ominously.

Now, is that any way to talk to your father, boy? Mister Sinister's voice chimed into Jack's mind. You should be more appreciative - without me, you wouldn't be here. Your little girl would never have been born. Not that you've been much of a father to her, but oh well - I blame your mother's genes for that.

Hellfire Bay...

Luckily for Moneta and Renegade and Mongoose, the rain hadn't yet reached Hellfire Bay. Storm clouds were gathering up ahead though, the light dimming from the thick blanket of clouds developing. Renegade glanced up at the sky and sighed. She hadn't wanted to tell Moneta about this precisely because she knew this was what Moneta was going to say - that she was going to argue and make her feel guilty about all of this. It was her life and Ellie just wanted to focus on her own needs - but as ever, being a mother didn't just stop...

"Ugh, did I ever mention your moral righteousness is annoying as shit?" Renegade said light heartedly. "But convincing... I'll tell them. Not today, probably not tomorrow... But I will, once I'm ready. For now, this'll have to stay between us, okay?"

Magda Eisenhard Memorial Housing Complex - Max's Room...

The small group were now assembled in Max's room - it didn't have all of the same trappings and whatnot as it had before all of the destruction, but it was still his room all the same. Of course, the biggest difference had to be the corpse of a teenage boy on the bed. Ben's body had been preserved after his death, and he was dressed in what looked like an academy uniform. There were no obvious signs of how he had died - likely the fatal wounds were hidden with makeup or concealed by the clothing.

"Woah, you've got an acheron?" Pixie said, picking up the strange puzzlebox Doctor Strange had sent to Max so long ago. "Where'd you get one of these? These are rare af," Pixie added, fiddling with the box. It was currently in its open configuration. "Always wanted one of these, but Mum never let me have one."

"It's too bad you're gay, she'd be perfect for you," Sunshine whispered to Max, before snickering slightly. She was standing now near the door, with Marrow having an arm looped around Sunshine's waist. "Anyways, when are you going to... you know, un-dead him?" Sunshine asked. She wouldn't admit that she was invested in seeing Ben alive again, but she was. Even though they could rarely see him, he was one of them - always there, always part of the group.

"Kinda feel like you need a place with a better aesthetic for witchcraft than this," Marrow suggested, glancing around the room. "This is just a little... college dorm-y."

"I'm sure Max knows where this needs to happen," Veil said curtly. She knew Marrow and Sunshine were happy together, but she also just couldn't stand them sometimes. They were always poking at things and right now, Veil didn't think it was time for that. There was a dead body on the bed and countless others on the island. Now was the time to be serious. "Do you need us to get James and Casper for you?" Veil asked.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: House of M
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (passive)

Andy laughed. She couldn't help it. Zari was adorable playing in the rain that way. She shrugged and joined her. Why not? She was already wet. Growing up, she hadn't had many chances to play in puddles, so this was nice. Hopefully, she wouldn't have to fight anyone soaked the way she was. And she'd have to make sure her jacket to didn't shrink. Those things nagged at the back of her mind, but she pushed them back, trying not to focus on them and just enjoy the sensation of playing.

"I want to talk to you about something." She said after a few minutes. The other thing that was on her mind. "I do like you, Zari. And I don't know if you understand what I mean by that, and it is okay if you don't. But I want you to know that if you like me back, that'd be great. But if you don't, that's okay too. I'm happy just being your friend. I don't understand completely what you're dealing with. It sounds like a lot, and it is a mess. What I do understand kind of scares me. Especially the part where it means you've time traveled, and it sounds like you aren't even born yet. This is just weird to think about because that means I'm seventeen years older than you, at least. Even though it doesn't feel like it because you're here looking the same age as me. It's all confusing. But I don't have any ties. I don't have anyone. Or I didn't till I met you and the others. I want to help you, though. As I've said before. So I'm here for you, okay."

She felt like she had said too much. Mostly just word vomit, and she doubted her point had really gotten across, but at least she had told Zari what she felt.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Callie Johnson

Location: Green Lagoon
Skills: N/A

Callie looked around Max's room again as she watched Pixie going over towards one of Max's things and stared at the strange little thing that she was holding. "What is that some kind of magical Rubik's Cube?" Callie ended up asking her mainly out of curiosity as to what that thing actually was. She stared at Ben's body which looked preserved for the most part, she looked at the others and gestured towards Ben's body before speaking. "Should we like put it in a freezer or something to keep Ben's body preserved or something?" Callie asked, she wasn't really a scientist or anything like that.

Callie turned to look at Sunshine asking when they planned on trying to bring back Ben and thought a little bit, they hadn't told Casper or the rest of the group what they were planning on doing. "As soon as we can, we'd have to tell Casper what our plan is sooner or later anyway." Callie said, the sooner that they could bring Ben back the easier so that they could bring back their other friends that they had lost along the way.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Blackstone -> Bar Sinister
Skills: N/A

"You act like I asked for any of that?" Jack responded a bit annoyed with his dad still, but oh well, nothing more that he could do about that. Of course it decided to start raining on the walk to Bar Sinister, since life was never simple. He thought nothing of it though, just continuing to hurry along the way, racing along as fast as possible for a few different reasons. The mains ones obviously including the fact that it was pouring, and the other being that the faster he got there, the faster he could get this whole situation over with.

Eventually, he made it to the other side of the island, and ended up walking through the doors of Bar Sinister, the one place on the island he hated more then anything really. Upon entering, he saw three versions of his father, seemingly arguing over which version got to go to the Hellfire Gala, something that he found to be incredibly stupid in his mind. "Soooo... Which of you am I supposed to give this thing to?" he decided to ask kind of bluntly with a shrug, unsure what else to say in general.

Location: Hellfire Bay
Skills: N/A

"Hey, one of us clearly needs to have a decent moral compass," she teased her with a bit of a smile. She knew that no one was around forever, and that both she and Ellie were starting to get a bit up there in age. Not everyone had the luxury of being able to age slowly, or not at all mainly for those with healing factors really. No, they were needing to just accept it and move on. She knew that Ellie would tell others when she felt like it, but at least her saying that she would did make her feel a bit better.

Miranda nodded her head a bit, "Alright Ellie, I won't tell anyone and this stays between us... And whatever other doctors that you've told. I won't tell anyone else, and we can talk about something else now if you want to," she ended up saying to her with a smile. Personally, she was just glad that Ellie was around still and that they were still friends despite having met each other way back in the 80s at this point, practically 40 years later now.

Location: Outside House of M
Skills: N/A

Zari was just sort of having fun playing around in the rain and jumping in mud puddles. This was always a fun way to experience everything, plus rain always was so much fun. She was only half paying attention to whether or not Andy would join her or go head for shelter, but she was glad that she stuck around instead of leaving. It was way more fun to be running around in the water and all then cooped up inside a stuffy building or something like that anyway, that's how she viewed things for the most part.

Her attention was dragged away from the fun she was having for a moment though by Andy's words, and she thought for a moment how best to respond to her words. "Well umm... I'm not that great at words, if well, that wasn't a bit obvious in general. Especially when it comes to talking about feelings or something like that..." Zari started to say, twisting her hair a little bit, clearly a little bit nervous or something to that effect at this point. "But um... I think I like you too..." she ended up saying that last sentence a bit quickly, and she looked like she was blushing a bit at this point.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Max's room
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit

Max eyed Pixie as she messed with his gift from Strange. He rolled the word over in his mind. Acheron. Taking a few steps towards her before giving her a smile. "It was a gift and party invite all in one. Though I'm not gonna lie to you I've struggled to figure out exactly how to use it. All I know is whatever it is I was able to solve it but didn't really have much to show for it afterwards. I'd like to believe that it was given to me for a reason, so any insight on this device would be great." Sunshine whispered something in his ear before stepping off towards his door. Max could only rub the back of his neck and look away a bit embarrassed by what she'd said. He knew he tended to get along much easier with girls than guys, case and point Pixie, Leighton, and even now Sunshine.

Despite that, he always managed to make an utter fool of himself whenever a guy was around. Especially one that he liked. "Hopefully soon. Just gotta gather the others to make this happen." Max paused for a moment looking around his room, seeing the books piled on his floor, some tossed clothes and a large pile of MaxDonalds from earliers seance. "What? Is the fast food and dorm aesthetic not up to your witchy liking? To be fair I didn't exactly expect company. Especially twice in one day. But yeah I've got a spot in mind for this to happen in." He turned to Veil and gave her a smile. "If you could grab them that'd be great. Give me some time to gather myself after using so much magic. As for the Ben, he should be fine as is for now."


Location: Max's Room

Harry waited Impatiently as he watched Max fill the hole through the newly made portal. He tried not to think too much about it as the angles made absolutely no sense to him and the idea that he could simply reach through and be party island side and partly in New Orleans was enough to make his head explode. So he stood there tapping his foot with his arms crossed as he watched Max fill the hole before finally making his way through. He let out a breath of relaxation as the crow lady hadn't returned. Whether or not they were aware of their intrusion was still up in the air, and he hoped they didn't cause Genosha anymore strife or attacks on the island.

While the others chatted, he began to pick up some of Max's clothes, folding them and placing them onto nearby counters and surfaces. Straightening his books and piling all the food in the nearest bag he could find. "I don't miss living in a room with you one bit. Or at the very least I don't miss the mess. You're not too bad." Harry's room had always been quite tidy, color coordinating everything and making sure that even his clothes were arranged by fabric, style, and color. "If you need any help setting things up just ask. I can call the bois and make quick work of whatever it is. Setting candles, lighting incense, throwing petals or what not."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Hospital
Skills: N/A

"I'll keep that in mind. Maybe we'll do a little testing with your power. Already have some interesting ideas if you're up for it. But thank you for this. We couldn't get this anywhere else and we'll treasure it forever." James gestured at the cube as he tucked it away in the little bag of supplies. He pressed a kiss to Daniel's forehead and then to Casper's cheek. "Yeah, we'll lean on her a lot I'm sure. Gotta have her in Daniel's life as much as we can." James knew it wouldn't be any other way; Casper was a total mamaa's boy, after all.

"Well, why don't we swing by the apartment, drop off this kit and see if the baby is hungry, and then we can go introduce him to your mom and see if she is willing to help us hunt down some supplies?" James suggested as he waved a quick goodbye to Bee and headed towards the apartment. As much as he wanted to keep this to themselves a little longer, they did need more help than not from this point forward. "'Cause honestly, I don't even know where to start or what to consider about some of the supplies we'll need."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 1:00 PM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Various
Skills: Mediumship

Outside the Hospital...

"Yeah, that all sounds great to me, babe," Casper said, beaming as they approached the hospital exit. He then paused, seeing that it was pouring down rain outside. "Uh... Can babies get wet?" Casper then asked, turning to look at James. "I know he might set fires, but... I feel like rain isn't good for babies?" Casper bit his lip slightly. He was regretting now that he didn't have a baby sized rain coat or a poncho or something for little Daniel to wear, but he hadn't even known that morning really that they were going to have a baby come the afternoon. Also, Casper just wasn't good at planning for things anyways.

Casper rocked back on his feet slightly. He wasn't going to take baby Daniel out into the rain without James' say so. He also didn't know how good James was at healing babies - he knew James was pretty good at healing adults, but he didn't know if James had ever even really tried to heal a baby before.

"Hey, Cassie," Ben said, appearing suddenly. "Who's the kid?"

"Oh, Ben! Do you know if babies can get wet? This is Daniel by the way - our son - as in me and James, not me and you, because you're a ghost and can't have kids... Not that James and I made Daniel, you know, but I don't think ghosts can adopt kids either, since you can't sign forms..."

Outside the House of M...

The rain isn't letting up - both Zari and Andy are more or less soaked at this point, looking like they had decided to take a shower while fully dressed. No one else has emerged from the House of M - Polaris and Magneto must still be inside. And no one has come on by to stumble across the confessions from these two lovebirds.

Maybe somewhere the goddess of love, Klara, is squealing with joy though, seeing these two girls find each other?

Bar Sinister...

Sinister wasn't a singular person and had not been for a long time; Sinister was a system. Still, any system set up by a white man from the Victorian era was bound to include some sort of hierarchy, a Sinister who for all intents and purposes was the real one, the others just clones. Every so often, the Sinister in charge was violently killed by another, who would then take his place. For instance, the Sinister who had fathered Jack had actually died when Jack was only two years old. But as Sinister was a system, each Sinister clone still saw Jack as their child, at least biologically speaking.

"Me, boy," the Sinister with the biggest cape said. "We have a system, see? Big cape means that I'm the one in charge," Sinister said, before flicking his fingers. He telekinetically grabbed the sample from Jack, grinning a bit as he looked at it. "How did you get your hands on it? Witches are awfully protective of their DNA," Sinister lamented.

"Hate witches," one of the other Sinisters said.

"Nasty women," another agreed, shaking his head. "Always trying to steal my semen."

Hellfire Bay...

The rain finally reached them now at Hellfire Bay. Mongoose hopped out of the tree she had been claiming. "Mooooooooooom, it's raining!" she called out. She liked calling Moneta Mom already. Her parents had died long before the attack on Genosha; she had been an orphan on the island, living in the Akademos with the other kids. She liked having a mom again.

"Thanks, chère," Ellie said. "Should get out of the rain, don't want you getting sick too," Renegade joked, laughing a bit. "C'mon, I can head back with you to the House of M - unless you want to crash at my apartment, which is also fine."

Magda Eisenhard Memorial Housing Complex - Max's Room...

Pixie shook her head, as Callie asked if the acheron was a magic version of a Rubix cube. "No, no, it's more - like, well, the magical version of a Pokéball," Pixie explained, giggling ever so slightly. "You can use these to trap things - demons, witches, wizards, monsters, the works. Though you can't toss it and then control whoever's inside, so the metaphor really ends there... But either way, this thing is so cool - looks top notch too, which is rare. Most of these things were destroyed, for obvious reasons. Only little cheap knockoffs are around nowadays. And you just got this... to deliver a party invite?" Pixie asked, confused and bewildered, but nonetheless amused.

Veil raised an eyebrow - she didn't know which to focus on more, the fact that Doctor Strange had given Max an extremely powerful Pokéball (as much as she trusted Max, she also... didn't know if she trusted him with that just yet) or that Max had McDonalds food all over the floor. "Right then, well... We'll go and find Casper and James, they're probably together at least, so shouldn't be too difficult," Veil said. Besides, she was fairly certain that they'd be able to hear Casper chattering from a mile away - he wasn't exactly the most subtle of people.

Sunshine glanced at Marrow for a moment, who nodded. "I'm going to stay here," Sunshine announced. She didn't want to leave Ben's body alone - she didn't like him being vulnerable, lying in the coffin on the bed. Sure, he was dead and had been dead the entire time she knew him, no matter what reality, but... Panic bubbled up in her throat at the idea of just going off and leaving his corpse to lie here. What if something happened to him? Sunshine would only blame herself if something happened.

"Do you have any food that isn't stale?" Marrow then asked Max. Her wife was sticking around, so she wasn't planning on going anywhere either. "Preferably something with bones in it," she then added. She liked bone marrow - go figure.

Veil then waved slightly, before leaving Max's room to go look for Casper and James - anyone who wished to go with her was welcome to do so.
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