"Eh, usually it takes about half an hour, give or take. Depends on how badly the break is. Though it tends to speed up a bit once they are actually set properly. Not counting how fast it tends to try to mend itself and keep my arms at odd angles..." Pietro shrugged, turning to glance at Carolina, "Yeah, I'm fine, just hurts like hell, but I've had worse in my lifetime so eh..."
"With those breaks probably more like an hour, considering we had to rebreak them a bit in order to set them so that they can heal correctly. Even then might be pushing it a bit. Since pretty sure in order to rebreak it so that they weren't stuck at super odd angles might have made the initial breaks worse. We ran into some of Magneto's group, don't know if they were trying to find anything in particular or if they knew that we were there already. It's hard to say..."
"If you could speed up the healing even a little bit that would be nice because that hurt like hell," the speedster then added towards Ed, nodding his head a bit at him asking about healing.
"What I saw from the sky wasn't too horrible. The main thing that I spotted was that there are guards up on a few of the rooftops directly surrounding the main building itself. Not too many, just one on each of the rooftops directly around it. That's the main issue I saw really from that distance... But I do agree, one side of the area did seem a bit less guarded then what I could see. Which is a bit odd, wouldn't surprise me if there was a reason that side had less people on it... But that is essentially the only real entrance section we've got to use..."
"I've got the plants or whatever set up with spores, we just need to get them inside. That's all it'll take to get the ball rolling."
"Okay, well, now we need to actually figure out what the hell we're going to do once we get into the complex itself. That is to also say we don't all end up getting killed or seriously injured once we get there and fail miserably at this whole thing..." They were being a bit optimistic that they'd actually be able to pull this thing off, but that was basically all they had at the moment.
"Well, we have the building layout at least, or well, at least a basic idea since odds are it has been rearranged on the inside in the past year, give or take probably them destroying a wall or two let's be honest... Anyway, there looks to be four different entrances into the actual building itself, though guessing one of those goes is a lot closer to that opening that you guys found, so the question really just remains, of how we should move in, and then what to do once we get inside of it..."