Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"Eh, usually it takes about half an hour, give or take. Depends on how badly the break is. Though it tends to speed up a bit once they are actually set properly. Not counting how fast it tends to try to mend itself and keep my arms at odd angles..." Pietro shrugged, turning to glance at Carolina, "Yeah, I'm fine, just hurts like hell, but I've had worse in my lifetime so eh..."

"With those breaks probably more like an hour, considering we had to rebreak them a bit in order to set them so that they can heal correctly. Even then might be pushing it a bit. Since pretty sure in order to rebreak it so that they weren't stuck at super odd angles might have made the initial breaks worse. We ran into some of Magneto's group, don't know if they were trying to find anything in particular or if they knew that we were there already. It's hard to say..."

"If you could speed up the healing even a little bit that would be nice because that hurt like hell," the speedster then added towards Ed, nodding his head a bit at him asking about healing.

"What I saw from the sky wasn't too horrible. The main thing that I spotted was that there are guards up on a few of the rooftops directly surrounding the main building itself. Not too many, just one on each of the rooftops directly around it. That's the main issue I saw really from that distance... But I do agree, one side of the area did seem a bit less guarded then what I could see. Which is a bit odd, wouldn't surprise me if there was a reason that side had less people on it... But that is essentially the only real entrance section we've got to use..."

"I've got the plants or whatever set up with spores, we just need to get them inside. That's all it'll take to get the ball rolling."

"Okay, well, now we need to actually figure out what the hell we're going to do once we get into the complex itself. That is to also say we don't all end up getting killed or seriously injured once we get there and fail miserably at this whole thing..." They were being a bit optimistic that they'd actually be able to pull this thing off, but that was basically all they had at the moment.

"Well, we have the building layout at least, or well, at least a basic idea since odds are it has been rearranged on the inside in the past year, give or take probably them destroying a wall or two let's be honest... Anyway, there looks to be four different entrances into the actual building itself, though guessing one of those goes is a lot closer to that opening that you guys found, so the question really just remains, of how we should move in, and then what to do once we get inside of it..."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Jade & Guin

The first thing that popped into Guin's mind as qualifying as a weird time was 4:20 PM. But she also didn't really think that the Brotherhood of Mutants had a large amount of people religiously doing their weed at 4:20 each day, so she didn't mention the suggestion on the time. If she were being honest, there weren't really any weird times. Maybe if Pietro knew Magneto's sleeping schedule, they could catch him cranky and off guard - but could they really afford to wait for the old man to go to bed? They were running out of time. "I don't think there's any magically weird time to really pick though - it sounds like it's now or never."

Jade nodded, listening to what everyone said. The plan was coming together inside her mind. "We'll need to break this mission down into components. We will need one group to perform a direct assault on the headquarters, drawing Magneto's forces. This will help the rest of us sneak in through the entrance we had already identified. Once inside, Thalia and Quicksilver can act as our scouting party, combining control over time and speed to move rapidly throughout the complex. Ideally Guin and Carolina will possess two of Magneto's heavy hitters, allowing us to use their strength for our own. We then converge on Magneto's location from three paths and eliminate him."

"Whoever's doing the distraction will have to be buff as hell... Honestly, maybe a good task for Thor, Thing, and Banner," Guin suggested. But something was bothering her. She didn't know why the thought was popping into her head, but what if they defeated Magneto and the government sent a nuke anyways? What if they decided to just wash their hands of the city and its mutant population? Her eyes darted over to Pietro for a moment, before her thoughts turned to her father and all of those they had already lost.

"That would work - I imagine you three boys could buy us plenty of time," Jade reasoned. "Once Quicksilver and Thalia complete the scouting, I think we should divide the groups as so. Thalia, Edus, and I will comprise one team. Lance, Carolina, and Pietro can work together again. And the last squad will be Mary, Cass, and Guin." She did her best to divide up by power types, and using her limited knowledge on who would work well together. "Any objections?"

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Carolina Reed

Location: New York City, Sewers
Skills: N/A

Carolina leaned back as she listened to the plan that Jade had come up with as she looked towards her and nodded. "I'm fine with possessing someone, it'd be easier to trick Magneto's people that we are with them." She said looking over towards Guin, the plan seemed to be good enough to with everyone's powersets, and she was comfortable working with Lance and Pietro.

Though she was kind of surprised that they did have a weak point to get into the building itself she glanced towards her sister she wasn't sure if either of them would make it out alive, but she was more than willing to do whatever it takes to take Magneto down. They just needed to set up a time so that they could actually attack Magneto's forces.

Cassandra Reed

Location: New York City Streets
Skills: N/A

Cassandra leaned forward as she looked at the building plans and listened to Jade as she started to come up with a plan and looked both Mary and Guin nodding towards the two of them. "That works for me." Cassandra said to Jade as she started to think the best time to actually strike. Striking right now would be pretty risky since they are alert now to their presence and looked at everyone else in the room, striking dur the day was usually harder as well to.

"I suggest we strike as the sun is going down or when it's completely dark out, that way we have the element of surprise in the cover of darkness, and it'd be harder for them to see us when we enter the building. They should be changing the guard by that time anyway." Cassandra suggested, it'd give them all a chance to prepare as well to for their assault on Magneto, she just hoped that they would have enough time before the government decides to try and nuke the place.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Edus Penior

Skill: Healing

"If we can get as close as possible via the sewer systems, that would be ideal." Ed said. He then turned to Pietro and said, "Let me see what I can do." He gave him a reassuring smile before placing one hand gently on either of Pietro's arms and casting his spell.

The orange light spread up Pietro's arms. He would feel it as a slight warmth, and then his arms would be mostly healed. It hadn't completely healed it, but Pietro wouldn't have to wait more than a few minutes to heal the rest of the way. Ed nodded, satisfied. "That should help. Don't go lifting anything for like thirty minutes, but I think you should be fine quickly here." He explained.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"Going to remind you it is very minor time travel and manipulation. Since I can't go back more then maybe 10 minutes at most if I'm lucky," Thalia commented pointedly towards Jade, "And even that is iffy on whether or not it works... And I can't do it forever, hence why I rely more on my claws and fire rather then that sort of thing..." She knew that it did still make sense for her to potentially be off scouting, her very slight time powers and her wings made that perfectly apparent really, so here was hoping it worked out.

"We'd need to be careful, cover of darkness makes sense, though we can't wait too long, otherwise all we do is lose more time that we could be using to actually take those goons down," Mary ended up responding with a bit of a shrug. They were running out of time to even accomplish their goal of stopping Magneto before they all essentially blew up. Yeah, this was going really well in general.

"I mean, the groups make sense to me, and the plan is sound, well, as sound as it could be given the circumstances and all..." Lance added, though he wasn't too sure what to think, since he wasn't a person who was really a fighter. He had some ideas on how to best use his powers and fight and all, but that was not something he actually was good at. Most he typically did was patch people up as they got injured in a fight. So truthfully he had no idea how this was going to go in general for him.

"All I need is a vent to get the vines through that then could go all over the building and all, in theory, can't exactly test out that sort of thing here, just had to do a lot of plant bio to make something, but it should work. And I do agree that Thor, Hulk and the Thing should be the ones causing the distraction and all... Makes the most sense."

Pietro nodded at Ed, "Thanks for that, my rapid healing only can really do too much, some people forget that speedsters just healing faster, not full on regenerative healing all and all... But thanks."

"Well, if we're going to do this closer to dusk, then we have a little time to work out any sort of kinks or problems that might pop up, or think about everything with it. And hopefully we won't all end up dead, but eh, if we do nothing we all die anyway, either that or it's world war three, that's all that matters at this point really... We'll see what happens..."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Carolina Reed

Location: New York City, Sewers
Skills: N/A

Carolina listened to the plan and striking at dusk was probably the best option but they were also a little bit on a time crunch as well to, she wasn't sure when the government would decide to lob nukes at the city. They'd just need to find the quickest way up to Magneto and then take him out. "Dusk works enough for me." Carolina said giving a slight shrug as she looked towards Cassandra for a moment, she wasn't sure if this was going to be the last time that she'll see her or not.

"Is there anything else we should discuss?" Carolina decided to ask looking over at everyone else at the group, if there wasn't anything else then she was going to take sometime to relax before they started their assault on Magneto's compound in Madison Square Garden. "If not i'm going to relax before we go." Carolina told them all.

Cassandra Reed

Location: New York City Streets
Skills: N/A

Cassandra looked over towards Edus, Jade and Thalia. "Does striking at dusk work for all of you and any other ideas you guys had in mind?" Cassandra decided to ask them all, the plan that was layed out seemed to be the best given their group and everyone's powersets as well to. She looked over the building plans once more to see if there was anything else of note there, they just needed to find the central ventilation shaft that way they can get their poison plant to be the most effective.

Cassandra looked at Carolina the same thoughts going through her head that this might be the last time she might see her alive, Cass just really hoped that they'd be able to defeat Magneto and his men she wasn't sure what else to add at the moment to their mission and hoped for the best.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Edus Penior


"No problem." Ed said. Giving Petiro a nod. It would not do to have anyone in their group at less than optimal power. His sister would have been a better choice, but obviously, she wasn't a choice here. He frowned, thinking of her. Turning away from the others so his grumpy face wouldn't be noticed. Once he had his facial features under control again, he turned back to the group.

"Dusk should work." He was certain they would fail. There was no way they could succeed. But that was fine. This whole thing had been a suicide mission anyway. If he didn't survive, then so be it. But maybe, just maybe, with this plan. They could kill Magneto and at least make it, so the world didn't end.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Jade & Guin

"Ten minutes should be suffice. The fate of the world can change in a matter of seconds," Jade said pointedly. She knew that Thalia must've been nervous, but there was no point in dreading what was to come. The fact of the matter was that Thalia had one of the most useful power sets present. Not only could she scout ahead in 10 minute increments, she could wind back time and allow them to regain precious seconds - enough time to perhaps avert the impending nuclear apocalypse and save millions of lives. They didn't really need Thalia to be able to go back minutes - just a few seconds would be enough.

"Dusk should be fine - provided Magneto doesn't decide to end the world beforehand," Jade then commented. As far as she knew, Magneto had yet to do a full scale assault on the surviving X-Men in the tunnels. However, they also had never done a full scale assault on Magneto before; anything was possible. There was an eastern wind flowing through the air, beckoning change and doom. Jade just didn't know who for.

Guin didn't have any objections with anything being said. She was fine working with Cass and Mary - she trusted both of them. The black cloud of depression and trauma though was ever present in her mind. Cass and Mary were both strong and powerful; Guin wasn't someone capable of brute force, she had to either steal someone's body or find a way to use her wits in order to fight. It also wasn't lost on her that she could be killed so easily, without anyone to look after her body. But Guin didn't care if she died at this point. She was so so incredibly tired.

"Yeah, that all sounds fucking peachy to me," Guin said nonchalantly. She looked briefly at those she had suffered through this nightmare with, wondering if she would see them alive again after this. She knew that her odds of making it through this were pretty slim. She wondered if Pietro would be okay without her - if he would be fine when she was dead and gone.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

A few hours later, they would all be more or less gearing up to go. The last bit of daylight was starting to disappear, allowing them the cover of darkness to get around to launching the attack on Magneto and his base. They'd have to be careful about it, no matter what they did really. This was going to end one way or another, either they might all live and Magneto ended up taken down, or they'd all end up dead and thankfully wouldn't have to potentially be around for world war three.

They'd be able to pass through the tunnels to where was the closest access point into Magneto's compound. They'd be able to gather in an alleyway, and it was fairly quiet at the moment. Thalia and Pietro had gone off not that long ago to scout around the area to see if there was anything new or important to mention to them for the evening hours, and there was a gust of wind to announce Pietro's return from scouting around.

"Well, good news, the streets seem to be completely deserted, the bad news is that there is the chance that several of them went into the main building or whatever. But based on the fact that buildings surrounding it still seem to be inhabited, it likely is just some of his inner ring of people who are actually in the building itself." he responded with a bit of a shrug, looking at everyone else.

"Alright, that at least means we won't have to deal with too many people outside of the building itself..." Mary mused a bit, thinking about something.

"Well there are guards outside still, but since we have the plan of one group causing the distraction and all, we should be able to slip in," Thalia commented as she touched down lightly on the ground, her wings folding back up and disappearing. "So there are guards stationed outside the main front gates, 3 of them there, and then there is another 4 wandering around the outer perimeter. That distraction goes off, and that should in theory draw them over there too."

"Everyone know your group and what the basic plan is?"

"Know groups, not too sure if there really is a plan."

"Mainly it's get in, you and Thalia are going to scout around a bit inside, we split up into the groups or whatever, and we stop Magneto or probably end up dead no matter what we do. That's the really short version of the plan, make sense?"

"Eh, I guess so..."

"How about less talking and we actually get on with this?" Lance pointed out, considering the fact that they might as well since they might as well go onwards to their potential deaths already and get it over with.

With that, Thor, the Hulk and the Thing went off by themselves to more or less cause the distraction/direct attack group that would allow them to more easily sneak in. It was a little farther down the street to allow them to go around and past them. They'd hear a loud crash as something clearly got thrown, and there was clearly a large commotion revolving around that, and they'd be able to hear the sounds of chaos and fighting farther along the way.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Carolina Reed

Location: New York City, Sewers
Skills: N/A

With the sun just barely setting now Carolina stood next to her sister as she looked over at the others who were there with her, knowing that this could potentially be the last time that she'd see anyone of them. Pietro and Thalia both came back letting them know that there weren't to many of Magneto's men who were on the outside. It did seem a little bit to easy but they wouldn't know for sure until they actually entered the building itself. Carolina looked over towards Mary and gave her a slight nod, once they were in she was with Pietro and Lance again, and possess a member of Magneto's inner circle. "Yep I know my part of the plan, possess someone on the inside." Carolina told Mary, she was more than ready to get this thing started.

"Lets get going." Carolina said as she started to quietly make her way towards the opening that Jade and Cass managed to find earlier, and she was easily able to sneak inside, just as the chaos started with the distraction started. Carolina stuck close to the wall waiting for the others to join her, and get into the building itself.

Cassandra Reed

Location: New York City Streets
Skills: N/A

Cassandra watched as Pietro and Thalia joined them again and told them what they had seen from their little scouting expedition around the surrounding area. Resistance around the building was minimum from the looks of it which was a good thing then they could easily sneak into the building itself. She looked towards Carolina and gently patted her on the back as she looked over at Mary and nodded, she was with her and Guin both of them were pretty capable in a fight.

"Ready whenever you guys are." Cassandra told them as she watched Thor, Hulk and the Thing went and started their part of the plan as she could hear the fighting starting rather quickly. Carolina was the first one to make her way over towards the building, and quickly followed shortly after her and managed to sneak herself through the small opening next to her sister luckily no one had seen her which was a good thing.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Edus Penior

Skill: Stealth

"Yeah, get in, kill Magento and anyone who is in the way. Try not to die." Simple enough plan. However, it was much easier said than done. He sighed. Nodded. He was as ready as he would be. He would be the shield and healer for his group. His damage output wasn't high enough. His skill set had never been designed to kill. He cursed his family's laws mentally. The laws that he had willingly abandoned when his sister died.

"Let's go." He glanced at Jade and Thalia. Then starts making his way to the entrance. His heart almost stops when someone seems to notice him. But they don't turn completely around. He could make it the whole way without being caught, but that was too close for comfort.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Jade & Guin

Jade nodded, listening to the intel that Pietro and Thalia had brought back for them. She was hopeful that the distraction would be large enough to draw out more than just the guards, but some of Magneto's inner circle as well. If not... Well, there was a reason everyone on this mission was ultimately expendable. They would either prevail or they would fall; but Jade was almost certain that either way, very few of them would make it out alive. She had to hope that these X-Men could handle seeing one of their own die and manage to persevere to finish the mission. "Grand. Thank you," Jade said, her words clipped as always.

Guin knew the rough plan and the groups. She was going with Mary and Cass once Pietro and Thalia had briefly scouted around inside of the base. She'd have to find someone to steal the body of and if she was lucky, her original body wouldn't be brutally murdered in the process. Part of her wanted Pietro to argue and fight to be in the same group as her. If she hadn't already felt so defeated, maybe she would've made that argument as well. But it was probably for the best this way. She didn't imagine he'd be able to bring himself to leave her original body behind, defenseless.

Thor, Hulk, and the Thing slip off from the group to go cause their distraction. It wasn't long until Jade heard the loud crash and the sound of violence, signaling that the distraction team was implementing the plan. She didn't doubt that those three would manage to survive whatever came next. They were built to last, for better or for worse. Jade quietly snuck inside of the facility, going through that opening that her and Cass had found earlier.

Guin couldn't help but wonder as well who from the distraction team would survive - but she figured it would be Banner. Of those three, he seemed impossible to kill. She doubted the destruction of the entire city would even leave a scratch on him. She hoped that for Lance's sake at least. She knew what it was like to lose a father. Guin followed after the others, making her way quietly and stealthily through that opening, and into the belly of the beast.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Mary managed to follow along after everyone else, following along as the group managed to slip by the chaos that was ensuing. People were fighting, and it was just chaos. The group as they went along almost ended up getting hit by a lightning bolt, but it was hard to tell if that was from one of the Brotherhood goons or Thor. Who really knew how everything was going to go? They essentially had one shot to figure out how to fix this mess, otherwise the world would probably also get consumed by this same chaos, but probably worse.

Thalia was at the back of the group, namely so that in the event they got spotted she'd hopefully be able to rewind time to make it so that it never happened. She wasn't too sure if this was actually going to work, but hopefully it would. Try and stay at least somewhat optimistic for the entire situation right? Eventually, the entire group would find themselves right next to the building, and they all would be able to easily slip into the building without too any problems.

"As we snuck on by I didn't see any of the majorly heavy hitters, which means most, if not all, of the heavy hitters in the Brotherhood are still in here," Pietro said to the group. He'd raced around a bit outside just to check who all had swarmed out of the building. "If you give me a few minutes, I can see what I can figure out about whose where in the building. Well, me and the dragon over there."

"Heavy hitters probably meaning your sister is probably around here somewhere, and she is not someone I'd want to run into here really, but I know the odds are against us on that one, but I'd guess that she's going to be near Magneto or something like that," Thalia responded, before looking around a bit at the building. "Though let's get going and get this over with, don't want to hang around here forever really."

Pietro rolled his eyes a bit, before he zipped off away from the group entirely in a brief gust of wind. Thalia said nothing, as she slipped away from everyone else to go look around elsewhere. Of course, she was going to likely be scouting around at a slower pace then Pietro, but that didn't really matter. She at least could scout around the lower levels, and Pietro could race around upstairs.

"Guess we either get moving a little bit and see if we can find people for Guin and Carolina to possess or whatever, or we can wait here. Carolina, you can wander around outside of your body, so you probably could find someone a lot more quickly, but that would mean your body vulnerable or something like that for a while... It's up to you all what you really want to do... I do think we should hurry along, since I doubt that diversion is going to last forever... Though they should be back soon, maybe..."

It was fairly quiet where the group was, aside from the chaos that was going along outside, so currently, it didn't seem like they were going to be found by the Brotherhood members soon. That's all that mattered for the moment right? They were safe to wander, or wait another few moments for the two members of the scouting to return from investigating the rest of the building and giving them a rough idea of what was going to happen.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Carolina Reed

Location: New York City, Sewers
Skills: Astral Projection, Possession

Carolina jumped slightly as a bolt of lightening went past them, she had to probably guess that it might have been Thor's, or maybe a member of the Brotherhood, she wasn't really sure about that. Carolina looked at Pietro and Thalia and nodded towards them as the two of them started to scout out ahead inside of the building. "I'll see if I can find anyone I can possess." Carolina said to Mary as she looked towards her sister and nodded towards her, and left her body, which was quickly caught by her sister.

She looked towards the group and her body for a moment and started to head out and towards the enterance of the building itself, looking around for anyone that she could take over and possess that would be useful for the group. She could easily act like them, and fool them into thinking that she was one of them and maybe sneak the group deeper into the building without being seen.

Cassandra Reed

Location: New York City Streets
Skills: N/A

Cassandra watched as some lightening went past them as she could hear the fighting continuing around them as their heavy hitters continued to do their distraction, she hoped that they would be able to pull through. "The sooner we get in there the better." Cassandra said agreeing with Mary, she looked over at the others for a moment and then over at her sister Carolina as she agreed to go and see if she could possess someone. She hated the idea that she was going to go in there, but it was the best option at the moment as Cassandra nodded to her sister and quickly caught her body and picked it up over her shoulder.

She figured that it'll be safer inside the building and they could find some sort of closet or abandoned room that they could set her sister's body into for the time being. "We should get going as soon as possible. I'm sure that Thalia and Pietro will be able to catch up fairly quickly." Cass said.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Edus Penior

Skill: Stealth

Ed didn't let his relief when they passed the first obstacle distract him. They had a lot more obstacles before them. He couldn't celebrate this small one. Even if he was relieved. Ed started to explore the building. He didn't want to go too far, so he poked his head around a corner.

As he did a door opened in the hallway he was looking down. Four people entered the hall from the door. He didn't recognize any of them. Quickly he slipped back to the others.

"Found four people. I don't know who they are." He said quietly to the group. He wasn't American so that wasn't really a surprise.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Jade & Guin

Jade hadn't planned on Thor, Hulk, and Thing's distraction being only temporary. She had figured that they would fight until they were knocked unconscious. She didn't expect them to come and rejoin the group. If that happened, then Magneto's forces were not nearly as impressive and formidable as she had been led to believe. Carolina slipped on out of her body and Edus came back from a quick peak, explaining that there were four around the corner he didn't recognize. "Perfect, hopefully these two can possess some of them," Jade said softly.

Carolina and Guin were real wild cards in that sense - their powers could be drastically upgraded provided they possessed the right people. If it wasn't for Magneto's helmet, Jade would've even suggested one of them go try to possess the Master of Magnetism himself.

"I'll go take a look," Guin said softly. She figured she had a better chance than Edus did at recognizing the people in the hall. If she got lucky, maybe she'd even manage to pull off a switch with one of them. And if she was unlucky... well, there were others here with more useful powers than hers - powers that could make a huge difference in this struggle against Magneto. Guin forced a slight smile, before moving quietly and stealthily back the way Edus had come from. Eventually, she peeked her head around the corner into that hallway, spotting the group of four.

She recognized one of them instantly - Avalanche. He worked for the Brotherhood and his name was rather descriptive when it came to his powers. Guin couldn't recognize the other three though. She slipped back around the corner, thinking for a moment. Did she want to go switch with Avalanche? With the other three present, it'd be difficult to pull off. She'd probably be better off waiting to find someone more solitary, or waiting for some of the others to engage this group. She turned her head back to the group, before pointing at the ground and then shaking her hands - the best way she could sign Avalanche (as someone who knew no actual sign language).
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Cass will have no issues with finding a room. Actually right nearby the entrance that they took, she'd find what looked to be a closet of some sort, not really another room, but based on the layers of dust on the floor it hadn't been used in a long time. So odds were that Carolina's body would be fine to be stashed there for the time being. As for Carolina, the obvious answer to who she should attempt to possess would be one of the few people who had just entered the hallway, so maybe that was something right? They were heading away from the group though for the moment, and were walking along, heading for around a nearby corner. Though on Carolina's first attempt, she'd be unable to possess anyone, but they didn't seem to notice anything weird.

The group was a bit lucky that they weren't going to end up having to fight their way through the building quite yet, no, knowing their luck that was going to happen latter on. It went quiet a bit now, and Mary agreed with the idea that they should get moving and let the other two catch up. "If we want to have them get their bodies taken over or whatever, we need to be careful. There are four of them, and we can only take over two... They went around the corner it looks like and didn't notice us though..." She was keeping her voice barely above a whisper as she spoke.

There was a gust of wind from the right, and Pietro reappeared, leaning up against a wall, looking at the group. "So, from where I could see, most of the building save for a few walls on the top floor are exactly the same as they had been, so those floor plans are still essentially the same... I didn't stick around, but he's definitely up there, pretty sure he's currently watching the chaos outside. There aren't actually too many people in the building currently, but pretty sure those who are all here are basically the typical heavy hitters, so that's fun."

"So most are just on that upper level... Fun." Thalia suddenly seemingly popped up out of nowhere, walking back over to the group.

"There's a few different stairwells that lead to the upper floors. Not sure if you all would want to risk the elevators, but those do seem to be operational if you want to do that, but it's a lot more obvious if we do. Otherwise each group take a different stairwell and we head up or something would make the most sort of sense. The stairwells are in essentially the four corners of the building." she explained, not sure what the others were wanting to do or how to go about doing things currently.

"Elevator is probably a bad idea in general, makes too much noise like you said, a bit more obvious we're here..."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Carolina Reed

Location: New York City, Sewers
Skills: Astral Projection, Possession

Carolina hovered around behind the group as she watched her sister managing to find a closet to stash her body for safe keeping, her physical body was always vulnerable whenever she used her powers. She watched as Avalanche and his group who were patrolling heading around a corner and followed them. She didn't recognize the other three but she did recognize Avalanche though as she went to possess one of them, but wasn't successful.

She then decided to focus on Avalanche, she let out a slight groan she wasn't able to possess him, and tried again on the second try she couldn't again this time either. But the third time was the charm as Carolina was able to possess Avalanche and quickly took control over him, however she could feel him fighting against her. She wasn't sure how long she'll have control over him now, but every little bit of time did count however.

Cassandra Reed

Location: New York City Streets
Skills: N/A

Cassandra took a moment and looked around before spotted a nearby closet and quietly opened the door, she was glad to see the amount of dust that was there. Which suggested that the room wasn't used at all, as Cass gently laid her sister's body on the ground using whatever was around her to further hide her body. She just hoped that no one else would decide to open the door, as Cassandra quietly closed the door behind her. She just hoped that Carolina was able to take control over a body, and would cause a distraction of some kind inside of the building.

Pietro luckily came back and told the group some more info and nodded as she looked down the hallway and spotted the nearby stairwell and looked towards the others. "I agree the elevator is to risky, and not to mention the most common way for someone to get around the building." Cassandra said as she gestured towards the nearby stairwell. "I'll take this one and whoevers in my group can come with the other should take the other." She suggested before making her way towards the stairwell, luckily there wasn't anyone in it.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Edus Penior

Skill: Stealth

It was good the four had headed in the other direction. It would have been a fight right off the bat otherwise. They now had a bit more time. He was not excited about having to climb all those stairs up to the top of the building and then fight. They'd have to go slow, so they didn't wear themselves out. That'd put them at a disadvantage from the start. But not taking the elevator made sense. Maybe Carolina could in whoever she possessed, but she had the only chance at not being killed right as the doors opened.

He picked the other stairwell opposite the once Cassandra. It was empty, as far as he could tell. There of course was always the chance of someone invisible or something. He held the door for the others. He would close it carefully and quietly before he started up the stairs.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Jade & Guin

Guin would have gone back to try to possess one of the newcomers, but everyone seemed to be moving in different directions. She couldn't go safely possess one of them without having someone to back her up - four against one would end up in her being dead or captured, rather than taking over the body of Avalanche or one of his friends. So instead of heading to go get a body with more useful powers, Guin followed her group - Mary and Cass - through the door of the nearest staircase and up the stairs. There were about four levels and from what they knew, Magneto was most likely on the top floor.

"If we see anyone I can switch with, could you ensnare them in plants for me?" Guin whispered, hoping that Mary could make things easier. She still bore the wounds Sabretooth had inflicted on her. And as much as she felt suicidal at times, she didn't want to die - at least, not now and not here. Not until Magneto was taken down. Not until her family was avenged. She quietly climbed the stairs, reaching the top floor without seeing another soul. She slowly opened the door just a crack and didn't see anyone in the hallway. "Coast seems clear," she whispered.

Meanwhile, Jade had gone through the same door that Edus had, ascending a new staircase. She was moving quietly and stealthily, doing her best to not be heard. As she went from floor to floor, she didn't hear or see anyone. It seemed all but abandoned. But most likely, everyone was concentrated to the top floor, those on lower levels perhaps being pulled out to respond to Thor, Hulk, and the Thing. When Jade reached the landing of the top floor, she paused for a moment, listening.

There were footsteps, coming from directly outside of the door. Jade had to make a flash decision. There was nowhere obvious nearby that she could hide and sprinting down to a lower floor would only cause noise. Instead, Jade readied her angel blade, prepared to stab anyone or anything that came through the door. The blade had killed the devil - she figured it was good enough for the mutants.
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