[01]................................[GENERAL OVERVIEW]
Yes. There's a Discord for the game. We don't mind if you don't join it and just communicate on the forum.

[01][marvel.judgment-day]................................[GENERAL OVERVIEW]
The Avengers have moved their base to the body of a dead Celestial, the world calls it Avengers Mountain. Word has reached terrestrial governments of Earth that a new Empress has been crowned in the Shi’ar Empire, while the Kree/Skrull Alliance threatens the status-quo of the cosmic order. For the first time in a long time, all members of the Fantastic Four are alive, and back together. Thanos reigned as Eternal Prime until just recently, when the Uni-Mind elected Druig following Thanos’ mysterious demise. The mutants of the world have gathered on their living island of Krakoa, announcing to every mind on the planet the birth of a mutant nation, where all mutants are welcome.
Current planned ‘background’ events for everyone to jump in-or-out of will be: Cotati Invasion, Gameworld, and the First Annual Hellfire Gala. And, of course, the roleplay main plot will see the entire planet caught up in the Judgment Day of a single, untethered, Celestial as it passes judgment on each character, as well as the planet of Earth as a whole.
General RP Information
- [*] This game is a re-launch. Why are we re-launching? To center the game around one big general Marvel event that, by nature of Judgment Day, allows every character and player to have their moment in the spotlight.
[*] This will be a hybrid MCU/comics timeline, with the rule of thumb that if the MCU didn’t cover it, defer to the comics history.
[*] This is a Marvel game. You are not restricted to Avengers, or mutants, or Eternals, or…anything. You are not restricted to heroes. Be a villain. Be the UK Prime Minister.
[*] Speaking of restrictions…you are not restricted to canon characters. Earth has a large metahuman population; make up your own character if you want. Pick an obscure character and re-imagine them. Multiversal fuckery? Sure. Street level, God level, everything in-between. Judgment Day comes for all.
[*] This is a sandbox game, with large events that you will be able to be part of or ignore. Likewise, bring your own stories and plots for others to bounce off of and interact with.
[*] Play entire teams, play multiple characters. We do not have a large number of players in mind for this. Join if you want to collaborate and build something for the long term.
[*] Game will be casual, accepting of both those who knows comics lore well, and those who've only seen some cartoons and MCU movies.
GM is myself, Co-GMs are Zeke and Fiber.

[02][marvel.judgment-day]................................[SETTING OVERVIEW]
As stated in the general overview, the setting will be a mix of MCU and comics. So long as you have some familiarity with the MCU, and don't mind doing some wiki reading on larger comic events, then you should be easily able to start making characters and stories for the setting without running into major roadblocks. Any questions or guidance needed the GMs are happy to answer and provide. Of course, should there be a character or event not covered by the MCU, so long as it doesn't conflict in major ways with setting continuinity the rule will be to defer to the comic books. This isn't a perfect solution, and there will be some holes to fill, but it should create a common foundation for players to begin collaborating without needing to be a 'well, actually...' level comicbook nerd.
Examples of large comic events that will factor into the game setting include House of M and Secret Wars (the recent one).
New York City, Avengers Mountain, and Krakoa will factor largely as IC locations, though given Marvel technology there's nowhere your characters and stories can't go. Much more information on Krakoa and Eternals locations will be given in the OOC, so if you're unfamiliar don't worry, we will have you covered on a detailed level (everything from geography, defense, housing, to economy). In the meantime, feel free to ask any question you might have, or do your own search—there's plenty of information out there.
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