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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Meet and Greet, Pt 5

As an air of silence descended on the trio, it gave Quill a moment to assess the situation. She had found passage to Pelorum, which was all she needed really. She didn't know what to make of the two men in front of her. Yuri appeared all over the place and she got the sense that Cal, the captain, enjoyed putting him in uncomfortable positions. It was almost cute how flustered Yuri got.

Her eyes wandered to the ship again. The China Doll. Upon closer inspection (and she knew very little about ships apart from basic knowledge), it looked cared for. So long as it survived the trip, she really couldn't afford to be picky. Plus, it seemed there was ample room if she was being offered single or double rooms. "A double room would be preferable, thank you." She did not know if there would be anyone else joining them on the trip, but she would at least have some room to herself to move about, plan her next steps, and so on.

She debated either not telling them her name or providing a fake one, but thought against it. It wasn't like she was ever going to see these people after this trip and she didn't mind if they knew who she was and knew what she did. After all, her profession was about making acquaintances who remembered you well enough to tell others. "Quill Cassidy. A pleasure to meet you both. Are we expected to be leaving soon or is there some time? I can grab my belongings quickly if need be." In truth, she would prefer some time to speak to Camilla regarding if she heard of The China Doll before and of Yuri and Cal. If she was going to be traveling with them, she wanted to know more than just their names and their questionable fashion choices.

<Tag Cal, Yuri>
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by wanderingwolf
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wanderingwolf Shiny

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Meet and Greet, Pt 6

"Thanks Yuri, why don't I handle this one while you catch your breath," Cal's smile was good-natured as he plucked the clipboard from its perch on Yuri's cast.

Just then, the Captain caught sight of a young man in black slacks and a jacket striking out among the crowd as his gaze followed the arching neck of the China Doll. With a jerk of his head, Strand signaled for Yuri to address the fellow. That was, if his new mate could make heads or tails of his queue this time around.

Closing the distance between himself and Quill, Cal saw to the particulars to seal the deal. With the stylus unclipped, it busily scribbled on the holo board in the Captain's psuedo cursive slant. "Alright, a double it is. Under 'Quill Cassidy.' Say, any relation to Buck Cassidy, perchance?" His brow furrowed for a second before he thought better of his question, "Nah, he's a swindler on Hera, and lookin' at you I'd say you ain't never been off Core." He looked up from the clipboard to add in passing, "No offense."

"Anyway, I don't have a hard ETU, but it's lookin' like near on three days before we thrust up. How'd you like to pay your fare, Cassidy Shao Jeh? We take cred and coin. After, I can show you to your berth."

<Tag Quill, Yuri>
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by sail3695
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sail3695 If you do, I'ma do too.

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Pelorum Must Be Popular

“Uh…sure. Yeah…shiny.” Okay… Yuri mocked himself as he turned away from Cap’n and that astonishing woman. Probably the kindest cut, given the flush he could feel rising from his collar. This is why I prefer engines and reactors…

He cleared his throat as he approached the next prospect, a man roughly his age. The black jacket and trousers over a white shirt lent their share of anonymity to a face whose eyes seemed far older. The man appeared lost in thought, while at the same time focusing upon China Doll as his feet cooperated.

“Good day, sir,” Yuri greeted the stranger. “Looking for passage to Pelorum?”

<tag Yijun>
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by wanderingwolf
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wanderingwolf Shiny

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Club Banebdjedet

Blackout Zone, Osiris, Day 1

The road back to the blackout zone was packed with the busy comings and goings of the spaceport. Lyen's orange kasaya robe had become a common sight to see for the inhabitants of the Capital City's working class such that they scarcely reacted to the sight of her as they once did. Over the last two years Lyen had made the atrocities of the blackout zone her chief concern, and as a result, had drawn much attention to the gap in Alliance justice.

In a city planet as wealthy as this, the dark underbelly existed with a blind eye so that the Alliance could comfortably exploit without having to look into the faces of the people who bore their burden. The ingress to the blackout zone closest to the spaceport manifested as a handful of guards stationed at a nondescript back alley between two bars that rode the close edge between dive and derelict. The guards wore rifles slung over their shoulders and there was a bright screen fixed to an archway scanner emitting a visual message of warning and illegal entry.

As Lyen approached, her eyes followed the trajectory of the men's gaze. One guard tapped another at her arrival, who, upon sighting the orange robe, rolled his eyes and placed a palm on the scanning apparatus's controls. "Sister," he intoned with gall, yet the scanner let out a different chirp which signaled to the nun that she could pass. As her robe faded from view, the archway scanner returned to it's previous menacing red digital signage.

"Why do we just let her through?" asked the third guard of the first.

"Order of the Interverse has pull with the powers that be. Spiritual folk can come and go as they please. Waste of time, if you ask me," the guard replied, bringing up another screen and notating on it.

"And that's why we track when we see her?" he followed up.

"Nah, that's something else. Need to know. So turn around and stop asking questions." After clearing his throat, the guard busied himself with his cortex.

The base of Lyen's operations inside the blackout zone served several purposes, from childcare for the indentured inhabitants, to a medical clinic for minor healing and tending to the sick. Today, as she stepped over the threshold, she was greeted by many of the same faces that had assisted her last night at the China Doll's rendezvous point.

"Sister Lyen!" came the cacophonous calls, which the Sister answered with a wide wave. The hall she squatted in had once been a strip club whose neon signage still professed 'les nudes,' 'showboys,' and 'XXX' around the space in various stages of disrepair and dismantling. From the exterior, the edifice read 'Club Banebdjedet' for the Egyptian god of fertility and virility, with the neon outline of a man's body and ram's head horizontally balanced on a pole, legs spread wide.

"Jùjí zài yīqǐ, háizimen!" she called, as she hoisted herself onto the center stage, one hand resting on the pole planted there. "I have a message for you to bring back to your families: Tell them to gather their belongings; I've found a ship to take you to a better place." (trans: gather around, children)

At this pronouncement the throng of children watched with wide eyes in silence until the nun's brow raised quizzically. "Now go!" she laughed, pointing to the door, "And tell them to be ready when I call."

The children began chattering in their native tongue, a dialect spoken only on the rim planet from where their families had been forcibly taken and, eventually, indentured here on Osiris. After a minute of watching them go, Lyen shook her head, a smile spreading to her eyes. The Verse had finally answered her prayers of two years, and it would mean freedom for the oppressed.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Yijun Xun

Yijun was looking at the China Doll when a stranger spoke to him, and he jumped a little. Something he was a bit ashamed of given his experience, but it happened either way. "Ah, good day to you too," He mustered a smile, must be apart of the crew if he is wondering that , Yijun thought. Pelorum, how can he forget about that world? He went there once with his father and it was and he had a good time. Mostly had a good time. It was not his initial destination, but it might do him some good going back to Pelorum again.

"Well, yes, I was thinking of going to Pelorum, and I take it you are accepting passengers." Yijun looked back at the China Doll, it looks like a good ship, and he does want to leave this planet as soon as possible. Ah, screw it, he thought. It can't hurt to try this ship and her crew. So Yijun turned his head back to the stranger and introduced himself with a half smile. "Yijun Lei or just Yi if you want, and I got the credits for the trip." They did not need to know his real name, it might set off some warning bells if they have heard of him or made the connection of who his father is. So when were you thinking of leaving?"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by sail3695
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sail3695 If you do, I'ma do too.

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Another Customer

“Yuri Antonov,” the 1st mate offered his hand. “Pleased to meet you, Mr. Lei.” As coin changed hands, he continued. “Our captain…that’s him there, is arranging a shipment. As of now I’m told to expect we’ll break atmo in about three days. You’re welcome to board any time you like, though.”

The stranger’s face seemed friendly enough. His posture indicated a passive, open nature, though the hushed demeanor stood in contrast to Mr. Lei’s body language. A quiet man, Yuri chided himself for the hint of intrigue. I think waving a gun around last night has got to my head.

As he tucked the payment away, he said, “Welcome aboard the China Doll. I’d be proud to show you to your quarters. Mayhaps a quick tour of the boat, if this is your first Firefly?”

<tag Yijun>
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by sail3695
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sail3695 If you do, I'ma do too.

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Bruises and Balderdash

“Don’t yew look like hammered out gǒu shǐ?” (trans: dog shit)

Shower done helped a bit, ‘cept fer her gettin’ tah see ever’ bruise an’ mark up close. Her robe would cover up battered arms, legs an’ such, but it’s ‘er face would stop folk dead in their tracks if they crossed ‘er path.

Abby studied ‘er reflection. Right eye’s better; leastways she could use it now, but when it’s open it looked like someone part way sliced an orange. Swellin’ was goin’ down across ‘er face, but tha purple, yellow, an’ black it’s leavin’ ever’where made tha girl just wanna hide ‘erself away.

After hair was brushed an’ knotted an’ her toilet kit was tah hand, she cracked tha lav door tah gander out. Lotsa quiet little noises told her Yuri done booked passengers. She could hear ‘em all, explorin’ their rooms. Drawers was slidin’ an’ slammin’. Them as had closets was openin’ doors. Locks bein’ checked, an’ always tha sound of butts testin’ bunks. So many new folk made sense. Pelorum was a nice place to go, least what she seen from captures. Uncle Bob despised it as ”nothin’ but a cash register fer them as chose tah waste their hard earned coin on fluff an’ fru-fru.” ‘Course, she learnt early on that Uncle Bob could barely keep Mariposa in tha air fer all tha whiskey he bought hisself. Bit ‘o’ fru-fru might be nice, she conjured. If Cap’n said they had tha time.

She set off fer her quarters while tha coast was clear. I shouldn’t oughtta hide like this, Abby contemplated, what with all them folk who went so far out their way on account ‘o’ me. That was a sight she reckoned tah carry tah her grave. Cap’n, Doc, Yuri, an’ even Ms. Wyman, all guns up an’ ready tah make a fight of it. Then there’s Rex…givin’ hisself over tah Root an’ tha Headhunters tah pull Hook’s iron outta tha fire.

Hook, Abby calculated as she propped ‘erself in bed. She knowed his killin’ one ‘o’ theirs was what put her in dutch with tha bike gang. What she didn’t conjure was the ‘why’ of tha whole affair. Still, she knowed her friend Joe Hooker. Easy goin’, naught but kindly tah her. Seemed to Abby that if he was gon’ kill a fella, that fella most like needed killin’. That she could cotton. She just had tah hear it from him, was all.

After makin’ it to her room without bumpin’ inta nobody, Abby pulled on her fav’rite sleepin’ togs, a pair ‘o’ boxers an’ a tank top what read ”BLAME THE DOG” Chili - Start A Fire Down Below. She pinched tha fabric twixt ‘er thumb an’ forefinger, an’ sensed a goodness fer bein’ returned tah her place. What few pitchers she had on tha wall…her chalk drawin’...an’ there’s Mei Lin, waitin’ fer Abby tah finish her harrowin’ tale. Home. She was home.

Sight of ‘er daddy’s Colt tucked inside tha night table near brought tears. There it lay, all cleaned an’ cared for by one ‘o’ her shipmates. Whoever done that showed equal concern fer her cortex reader, also settled in snug without a spec ‘o’ dust. A powerful gratitude lay on her heart, til all of a sudden she realized who she’s fergetin’. “Thomas,” she said, voice near gaspin’ as she set down on ‘er bunk with the little screen.

He sent that right after she got took. Abby scrolled down his other messages, her heart fixin’ tah break as she read his hurt an’ worry growin’.

Without thinkin’, her thumbs went tah work, flyin’ over them letters and fillin’ up her screen. Abby wrote it all, layin’ herself open, fear an’ rage an’ love an’ gratitude just rollin’ outta her. Root, Nips, Cottonmouth…Lido. Ever’ bit of it come wellin’ up tah her voice an’ brimmin’ eyes. By time she finished, she had a long account what forced ‘er to scroll a ways. The whole story, gut twistin’ an’ horrifyin’ as it was. Part she couldn’t explain was that crazy sorta pride when them bikers changed an’ made ‘er one ‘o’ their own. When torture become test, an’ she passed.

There on deck was her dirty clothes from them days, with tha Headhunters MC cut right on top. “Payback.” She felt a smile touch ‘er lips. Payback…a name she earned…and found she kinda liked.

After thinkin’ on it a spell, Abby deleted tha message an’ started afresh.

She thought to hate herself, lyin’ as she did. Lookin’ over his troubled words tole her she had tah say somethin’...couldn’t just piss away Thomas’ days ‘o’ torment with such a flippancy. So she tapped out somethin’ true this time.

Once ‘er lamp’s doused, Abby lay down, her little screen glowin’ afore her face as she waited. Why did I do that?, she pondered. No good outta lyin’ tah Thomas. She lay in tha dark, mind turnin’ that question as she watched ‘er cortex for a sign.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Yijun Xun

Yijun reached out and shook Yuri's hand. A steady yet firm handshake, "Nice to meet you, Yuri." Okay, this man seems friendly enough and takes a peek at the captain. So that is the captain of this ship, well hopefully he will be as friendly as this man. Yijun has had to deal with, let's say, strict captains before. Annoying to deal with, and he had to try his best not to cause trouble. Since trouble is the last thing, he needs.

"This is my first Firefly, so I would like a quick tour just so I know where everything is before heading to my room." Truth to be told, he has another reason for the tour. Just in case something happens and so Yijun knows how to make a quick exit or cover. He does not expect things to get rough, but you can never be too careful traveling the Verse. His father taught him that much.

The only thing he had a problem with was the time of departure, three days. He would rather leave earlier, but he had already paid Yuri, and he can just stay on the ship during that time. Less chance of seeing Zhen unless, by horrible chance, Zhen just happens to want to leave Osiris on the same boat. But, what are the chances of that? Either way, Yijun elected to stay with the China Doll and would wait on the ship after Yuri gave the tour and showed him to his room.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by sail3695
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sail3695 If you do, I'ma do too.

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

”The Bow’s The Pointy End”

“Shiny,” Yuri responded with a courteous nod. “Right this way, Mr. Lei…beg pardon, Yi,” he corrected himself as he encouraged Yijun up the cargo ramp. “Directions on a boat like China Doll are same as if she were a sailing vessel. Forward,” he pointed toward the way they’d just come. “Your room is aft. Port side…starboard side. Upstairs is ‘topside,’ and if you’re headed down from there it’s ‘below.” He chuckled as they strode through the cargo bay. “Though upstairs and downstairs will likely get the job done as well. This is the cargo bay,” his good arm swept the empty space. “Once we’ve got freight and we’re in the black, this space’ll be off limits.” The 1st mate swung the aft hatch wide. “After you.”

Once through, the pair descended to a low set lending. “That stairway,” Yuri gestured, “will take you up to the galley and topside passenger lounge. This,” he beckoned as they stepped down onto the deck, “is the medbay. I can tell you from personal experience that our doctor is a bona fide rarity. She saved my life, but that’s another story. There’s the lower deck passenger lounge, complete with original work by our resident chalk artist.” Yuri grinned as he pointed out the large orchid drawn above the sofa. “You’ll be rooming right next door to her. Over there’s the lav. Three showers, three sinks, three heads…toilets, that is.”

Upon directing Mr. Lei toward the starboard passenger corridor, he stopped before a door. “This is you…cabin S2. Your key’s in the lock. Would you like a few ticks to look around, or should I show you up topside?”

<Tag Yijun>
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Herald


Member Online

Tommy Pearson


Tommy Pearson sat across the desk from the Alliance representative, an overweight waste of space of a man he had come to call 'Syl-lee', much to the annoyance of the representative himself. The man probably weighed a good fifty pounds more than Tommy on account of piloting a desk for most of his career, and it seemed at times like he had a habit of trying to make Tommy's life a living hell just to make his own more interesting. Like today, for example.

"Mr. Pearson, your papers are two months from expiring and you are well aware that maintaining your papers as well as updating the Alliance of your residency is a requirement of your parole for your past... misdeeds," the man, who's nametag proudly proclaimed that his name was Sylvester Leonard-Paul, said.

"Ah'm ware," Tommy replied, overemphasizing the drawl common amongst those of the 'border planets'. "But gee Mr. Officer, sir, I jus' don't know how a fella 'sposed to survive payin all these gorram fees and hold onto a good piece o' dirt."

"Mr. Pearson, cut the sarcasm if you would. The Alliance is here to help-,"

A stifled snort of a laugh nearly erupted from Tommy before he could restrain himself, interrupting the Alliance rep.

"We are here to help Mr. Pearson," the man continued, a shade of color coming to his face at Tommy's attitude. Fortunately, Tommy had made a short career out of knowing how far to push an Alliance rep.

"Of course, Syl-Lee," Tommy said, leaning in as though he was about to share a secret, "I just have a hard time trying to understand such Gǒu shǐ."

"Careful, Mr. Pearson. Expressing such... distaste for Alliance authority could be described as what got you into this mess," the man said, leaning back in his chair and glancing towards the nearby Alliance Security officer. At a word, the officer would beat Tommy within an inch of his life and throw him out into the streets for the dogs or the desperate to finish him off.

"Ahm truly sorry, Officer. I have nuthin but 'spect for the Alliance. Y'all fine boys won the war fair and square and I was just a poor mislead boy on the wrong side of the line. Sure am grateful y'all rescued me from my life of scum and villlainy," Tommy said, pressing his luck a little further than he normally would. This was the fourth time in the month he had been on Osiris that he had been called in to answer to this officer, who never missed a chance to express that there were fines for enjoying all the wonderful services the Alliance provides. Unfortunately for Tommy, his accounts were drying up, and a man like Sylvester could almost smell when that happens. When that happened, Tommy would have only three choices: get lucky and get killed in the streets doing something stupid, rot in an alliance jail for the rest of his life, or make it offworld with enough scratch to continue paying off whatever corrupt Alliance reps got assigned his particular case.

Tommy reached down and pulled a handful of paper Alliance notes to slide not too subtly to Sylvester. The man grunted and took the notes, giving Tommy a look that all but said 'is this really all?'

"This will cover about half of your late fees, Mr. Pearson. The Alliance requires the rest very, very soon," Sylvester said, the notes disappearing into his desk like magic. If he was concerned about the guard noticing, he didn't show it. Hell, Tommy would give even odds that the guard took his own cut.

"Get out, Mr. Pearson," Sylvester said.

Tommy rose, bowing with in an over the top manner before tilting his hat to the guard and walking out of the room. On the way out, he stopped at the front desk and punched in a code to a locker mounted in the wall, retrieving his Firestar M-45 and combat knife, relics of his Independent days. Tommy checked his sidearm to be sure it was untampered with, one could never trust the Alliance even with the little things these days it seemed. Satisfied that it was untouched, he slid the handgun into a holster on his right side and left the office, heading out into the city.

He needed money, or a way off this rock and there was really only one place where he might be able to accomplish one or both of those things.


Nope, clear signs of impact damage on the port side engine, Tommy thought to himself as he all but inhaled a bowl of rice dripping with sauce while checking out the ships parked along the loading yards. He was currently looking over a Knorr-class freighter who's crewman was advertising a run to the border planets, promising stops at nearly all the most promising locations. The impact marks and the price being a little too cheap made him think the vessel was likely a 'frequent unfortunate target of pirate vessels', meaning the Captain probably cut a deal with some less than moral folks to cheat others out of their lives and property.

He was hoping to find a crew that seemed at least interested in some honest work enough to avoid tossing him out an airlock but wasn't having much luck.

The next vessel he checked was even worse. The crewman had burn marks on his hands, along with a habit of smoking entirely too much and constantly offering Tommy whiskey to sweeten the deal. Drunk mechanics tended to make for awful ships.

And then he came across the China Doll.

What made him stop was a brief pang of memory from his days in the war. He had flown a Komodo-Class in those days, but the Firefly-class was a frequent sight as the Series 3 could be customized as a gunship or a transport depending on the needs of it's side. He let out a low whistle as he studied the ships profile, already considering it the best of the finds he had come across so far. He tossed his rice bowl in a nearby receptacle and stepped closer, noting the signs of use but overall lack of serious damage or maintenance flaws.

"Nǐ shì wǔhuì shàng zuì piàoliang de nǚhái(You are the prettiest girl at this dance)," he muttered to himself. His chinese was a bit stilted, but still remarkably well pronounced on account of his adoptive parents. So what exactly, would be the boot to fall down and crush his dreams on this one?
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Yijun Xun

Yijun did pay attention to what Yuri was saying, taking mental notes of the layout, and it was not hard since the tour was simple enough to follow. Simply nodding when Yuri talked as they made their way through the ship. It seems spacious enough for him compared to the other vessels he has been on. Either a small trading ship or those cramp passengers ship. The China Doll, so far, is a good upgrade from those ships.

After the tour and being led to his room, he thought for a moment and spoke. "I think I will take a bit to look around, get used to things. I can see things topside later or just find things on my own. If I need your help, I will find you, and where would I look if I needed your help?" Okay, so far, so good, Yijun thought. This is bound to be a quiet trip, and S2, easy to remember his room number. Though he wonders how many other passages will be flying with them but, chos not to ask at the moment. Might seem suspicion or odd, and he will see for himself when the China Dolls finally takes off for Pelorum. Maybe it is a sense of being anxious about seeing Zhen, but as long as he keeps his head down and rationally. This should be a quiet trip.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by sail3695
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sail3695 If you do, I'ma do too.

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Folk To Meet, Deals to Make

Yuri met the new passenger’s words with an understanding nod. “Shiny,” he said as Yijun pocketed the key. “You’re free to roam. Just remember that the cockpit, engine room, and the upper catwalks in the cargo bay are off limits.” He checked his watch. “There’s a good chance our cook is setting up some lunch in the galley. Joe Hooker’s his name. ‘Hook’ for short. He can help if you’re topside. As for me,” the first mate chuckled, "I’ll be back where you found me. Nice meeting you, Yi.”

<Tag Yijun>

He left Yijun to his explorations, stepping through the aft hatch to the cargo bay, bootheels reverberating a hollow echo in syncopation to the rhythm of his thoughts. Today was apt to be busy, given the growing passenger count and the umpteen procedures deemed S.O.P. in the Doll’s engine room. He hadn’t scheduled all their top-offs with Yard Services yet, a challenge when no knowledge of their cargo for the next run would bear a crucial impact upon the Firefly’s flight trim calculations. “Well,” Yuri muttered to himself as he descended the cargo bay ramp, “I don’t know what I don’t know.” Having tabled that question for the moment, he settled into the lawn chair, Abby’s clipboard resting upon his lap.

“Good day, sir.”

Yuri’s repose was short lived. The compact individual before him was well dressed in clothing that projected taste over opulence. From beneath a sharp fedora smiled a fresh face. Feminine, he thought at first, but for the hints of whiskers sprouting along the tender jawline. “And good day,” he answered in kind. “Looking for transit to Pelorum?”

“Are you accepting cargo?”

“Yes, indeed,” Yuri smiled. “How much do you need to ship?”

“Six crates,” the petite client answered without hesitation. “The items are very fragile, and all of a historic significance. We require the utmost care.”

Yuri’s brows lifted, his interest piqued. “I’ll trust you’ve packed them to withstand the jostling of flight,” he stated what seemed the blatantly obvious. “Do you need controlled climate, or are they sealed in self conditioned units?”

The visitor’s eyes lit up at the reference. “Exactly!” they proclaimed in a voice whose upper register timbre couldn’t be defined. “Eric Kalfin,” came the introduction in company of a delicate hand. “Larch Rare Antiquities.”

“Yuri Antonov,” he took the offered hand, delivering a courteous shake. “First Mate of the China Doll. So you need power couplings, I conjure?”

The delight…or was it relief…that crossed Kalfin’s face was actually quite becoming. “Precisely,” the agent nodded vigorously as a cortex reader was produced from a coat pocket. “I have to read this, because I don’t have a clue of what it is.” The screen glowed to life beneath slender fingers which called up the note. “Here we go,” Kalfin hesitated. “Power distro…distro?” Curious eyes lifted from the display. After an affirming nod from Yuri, they continued. “Two hundred forty volts at one hundred amps, three phase. Each unit is equipped with an LC 210 connector and requires fifteen amps…per leg? Does that make sense?”

“Perfectly,” Yuri offered a smile. “Nothing too unusual,” he responded, “though I will need to build the jumper cables with those connectors.”

The slight figure before him beamed a grin as they nearly bounced on the balls of their feet. “Wonderful! When do you leave?”

“We’re slated for Saturday at 3PM local time,” the crewman opened his clipboard. “How large are these six pieces?”

“Wait, I’ve got that.” Kalfin hastily scrolled, lips moving at the various notes flashing past on the little screen. “Here we go. It says this. ‘When consolidated, the six units have a combined weight of one thousand three hundred seventy pounds, and can fit within a space of three meters squared.”

Yuri set to work. “Got it,” he said as he calculated bot estimated weight and size of the parcels. “Adding in the power and special handling,” the mate glanced up from his calculations, “that rounds out to one thousand per unit.”

The brilliant smile collapsed. “Mr. Antonov,” Kalfin’s tone cooled, “while I may appear to be quite young, I assure you that I wasn’t born yesterday.”

“Sir,” the First Mate shifted the open clipboard onto his cast, “Not only do you want custom power arrangements for your antiquities, but I warrant you’ll be demanding a full refund if one of those so much as gets a chip. Considering the care we’ll have to take and even changes to our flightplan, a thousand each is quite reasonable.”

“I’ll pay you five hundred apiece.”

“Nine,” Yuri countered.

“Six hundred,” Kalfin responded, “and not a credit more.”

The clipboard snapped shut. “Then I think we’re done here.” Yuri found himself wishing to have the deal making Abby within earshot. Can’t imagine what she’d say to me letting thirty-six hundred walk away, he mused.

Kalfin offered a polite tip of the hat. “Very well. Pelorum is a popular destination. I’m certain I shall have no difficulty locating a more reasonably priced passage.”

“I conjure that’s true,” Yuri nodded, “but finding a handler who’ll sign an ISRAP agreement? I wish you luck, sir.”

“You know ISRAP?” The agent’s eyes narrowed.

“InterSystem Rare Antiquities Protocol,” he replied. “I know enough history to understand how museums and galleries ship their collections. Which one do you represent, Mr. Kalfin?”

“The Earth-That-Was Museum of New Valencia.”

“I should’ve held at a thousand,” Yuri quipped.

Kalfin appeared lost in thought. The Mate allowed the moment to pass in silence before the slightly built customer spoke again. “Mr. Antonov, I’d be remiss to select a shipper with budget as the sole defining factor, but regardless of the care that must be taken, I am nonetheless bound to operate within certain parameters.” An index finger touched the bowler’s brim to nudge it up his forehead. “Is there no room for us to arrive at a mutually beneficial outcome?”

Abby would’ve made a real show of this, Yuri thought as he went straight to the bargain they both knew would cement terms. “Seven fifty apiece,” he finally said. “My people don’t touch them. Your folks move and secure at both ends. You supply the cables and connectors,” he finished, “and we’ll tie the bare wire ends into our panel.”

The curator’s mouth fell open with a fresh retort and then shut again as he weighed the terms. He nodded to himself as the decision shored itself upon his mind. With a final theatrical sigh, Eric Kalfin said, “Acceptable. We pay fifty percent in advance, twenty-five on pickup, and the remaining twenty-five after inspection of the artifacts.”

“Agreed,” Yuri offered his hand. “So, the history buff in me is curious. What artifacts are we hauling to the Earth-That-Was Museum?”

Kalfin’s delighted smile had resurfaced. “Until we sign the ISRAP I’m not at liberty to say. Would Saturday at two PM be a reasonable time to deliver?”

“Make it one o’clock,” Yuri said. “Allows us both time to react to surprises.”

“Very well,” Eric Kalfin tipped his hat. Until Saturday, then.”

“Until then.” Yuri watched as the curator stepped into the throng of passersby, the somewhat sparing figure disappearing from view as he passed a stranger. With the sheer number of people hurrying before his eye, this stranger wasn’t extraordinary, but for the fact that he’d spent several moments in complete stillness, forcing the human torrent to swirl around him as a rock might goad a river. What made this man noteworthy was the discerning gaze with which he appeared to be studying China Doll.

In that moment when both realized they were being observed, Yuri offered a casual wave as the stranger made his way forward. “Good day to you,” he opened the conversation. “Need passage to Pelorum?”

<Tag Tommy>
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Herald


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Tommy Pearson


Tommy had been staring up at the ship for a few minutes without even realizing it. He had been running down a checklist in his head based on the appearance of the ship and what it might be used for. True, when he looked closer she wasn't exactly in pristine condition anymore, but he didn't see any obvious marks of trouble either. One of the ship's crew must have noticed, and Tommy had been about to turn around and leave in embarrassment for staring when the man waved him over. Thinking there would be no trouble from having a conversation with the man, he approached but kept a respectful distance between himself and the other man.

"Sumthin' like that," he said in response to Yuri's question, turning his eyes back to the China Doll, "Firefly model, Series... 3? Unless I'm losin the good part of mah brain."

"This might actually be the first ship I've seen today that don't look like it'll lose half it's passengers out the side breaking for the black," he said, continuing to stare at the ship, "pilot could use a stick on the back of their knuckles though. No offense intended, but jus' cause she's built like a brick don't mean you can handle her like a brick without the wear and tear on those engines."

He seemed to realize that he was talking to a stranger, quickly turned back towards the man and lifted his hat in a measure of respect. "I'm sorry, here I am spoutin the negative when I haven't even told you mah name. Tommy. Tommy Pearson," he said, holding out his hand, "bit of an amateur ship enthusiast and a reasonably talented pilot. Just ask me how talented, I'll tell ya."

Tommy was grinning at the last remark, attempting to show some good humor to the stranger.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by sail3695
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sail3695 If you do, I'ma do too.

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

”...Comes a Horseman…”

If Yuri had to guess, the stranger now before him might hail from any planet which relied upon skilled use of a saddle to get about. Cattle drover was the first impression cast by the duster coat and a well used pair of leather chaps. The weapons, however, suggested a different profession. Bounty hunter? He laid the question aside to respond to the man’s greeting. “She’s a Class Three, alright,” he answered.

"This might actually be the first ship I've seen today that don't look like it'll lose half it's passengers out the side breaking for the black. Pilot could use a stick on the back of their knuckles though. No offense intended, but jus' cause she's built like a brick don't mean you can handle her like a brick without the wear and tear on those engines."

“Or her hydraulics,” Yuri’s mechanic side blurted, before his better sense caught himself short of rattling off an account of China Doll’s near disastrous liftoff from Greenleaf. Fortunately, the stranger didn’t allow any air in the conversation, artfully deploying a rapid segue and a friendly lift of his hat.

"I'm sorry, here I am spoutin’ the negative when I haven't even told you mah name. Tommy. Tommy Pearson, bit of an amateur ship enthusiast and a reasonably talented pilot. Just ask me how talented, I'll tell ya."

The palm of Pearson’s hand was hard callus. Until he voiced claim of piloting skills, Yuri would’ve sworn that any ride this hard bitten stranger undertook was designed to last eight seconds. As the men shook hands, he replied “Yuri Antonov, first mate of the China Doll. And I’m asking.” He released his grip, the free hand moving to pull the clipboard he’d tucked beneath the cast on his left arm. He held it at his side, ready to prop open if their conversation bore fruit. “You’re a pilot?” the first mate casually asked as he tilted his head toward the boat. “Got any hours in one of these?”

<tag Tommy>
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Herald


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Tommy Pearson


"A few, yeah," Tommy replied, seeming to notice the cast for the first time, but deciding it would be rude to jump straight into asking about it. Instead he kept the conversation on what seemed to be of mutual interest to the two.

"I passed my qualifications for the Firefly," he left out that that training had been received during the war, when Firefly Class ships were popular among the Independents as an answer to Alliance spacecraft, "but if I'm bein honest, my trade was in the Komodo way back when. Always did admire these gals from afar though."

Though there was a wistful tone in his voice, his expression remained a bit on the darker side as memories came flooding back of the war. He still dreamed of the day his pilot had been killed and he had to seize control of the craft before it killed him and every other soul aboard. Some nights, he wasn't fast enough. Even then he considered himself one of the lucky ones. A lot more on both sides came back from the war with more than an occasional bad dream.

"Handlin' is a bit different. Then again so is everything these days," he glanced again towards Yuri's cast, "your pilot planning on taking a vacation?"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by sail3695
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sail3695 If you do, I'ma do too.

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The Brass Tacks

“Family reunion, I’m told.” Yuri replied. “We are in the market.” The man seemed forthright about his experience. Qualifying in a Firefly was a good deal different than actually flying one on a day in, day out basis. Still, he zeroed in on one of the key differences with the Komodo, whose four atmo engines provided a stable lift and simplified VTOL. As Rex had proven so blatantly in Khao Yai, the Firefly was a balancing act that required a fluid hand.

“The job pays a standard share,” the first mate offered. “You’ll get a topside crew berth and three squares a day. Gun bonus if we need you to draw. Of course,” he added, “we’ll need to look at your license and any history. The captain’s got final say on who flies his boat, but if your bona fides check out I think he’d agree to see you at work.”

<tag Tommy>
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

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The Captain and the Companion Pt. 1

Quill found the banter between the Captain and Yuri enjoyable, cute even. As Yuri left to tend to whatever he needed (and pick up his tongue on the way) the Captain sought to seal their deal.

As he worked on the clipboard, he mentioned someone named Buck Cassidy. It took her back a second, because she had never encountered someone who shared their last name apart from her family members. Was this person a distant relative? She let that thought slide over as the Captain continued to speak. At the Captain’s words about her never leaving the Core, she smirked. “I would caution you on assuming Captain. Looks can be….deceiving, after all.”

She wasn’t thrilled to hear that they would not be leaving soon, but at least shade would be going to Pelorum, as intended. “Cred is fine.” She was looking forward to seeing where she would be staying.

"Apologies," his eyes met that smirk of hers before adding, "looks certainly can, but there's a slimmer chance of that happenin' when someone what looks like you do rides a Firefly over a luxury liner." He offered his own smirk in return while he dropped his cigarette and ground it under his boot.

He held out the clipboard for Ms. Cassidy to peruse the fine print and sign her name. "Fare's standard for a double; we don't have no room service, but the galley's open and our cook is happy to oblige. Man's a wonder with a bit of dough, or a cut of meat. Name's Hook, if you're keen."

After collecting payment, Cal deposited the clipboard on the lawn chair for Yuri and led Quill up the ramp.

"This here's the cargo bay, fulla all sorts of things off limits to passengers. If you need somethin' from in here, flag a member of the crew and we'll accompany you."

“And tell me Captain, what *do* I look like?” she asked, hand placed on her hip. She took the clipboard and looked it over. It was standard procedure by the looks of it so she signed it. “There’s plenty of reasons why someone would choose a Firefly over a luxury liner. I mean, have you tried the hors d'oeuvres on one of those ships? Shameful.”

The Captain chuckled, "High class, I'd wager if I were a bettin' man. Like money, right down to them perfectly clean fingernails. But, hey, cred is cred, so I don't look a gift horse in the mouth," he flashed a contented smile as she scrawled her John Hancock. "No offense," he added at her answering look.

"And we ain't got no whores on board, with or without derves, least not that I'm aware."

She handed the clipboard back over to him as she explained some of the inner workings of the ship. It wasn’t as if she was expecting first class lodgings. She didn’t expect to stay any longer than she needed so whatever this ‘Hook’ could cook up would do. “Any other members of the crew I should know? Might be nice to know who I am traveling with, yourself included. And your first mate. You know, the one who needed to pick his tongue back off the ground?”

"Well, you met Yuri--charmin' fella--plucked him outta a shipwreck in New Melbourne. Then there's Abigail. Come to think of it, she thought I was fixin' to hire her on as a whore. Given she's seventeen at the time the thought didn't even cross my mind." He met her eyes for a moment, "She's a whiz with a mop, though, so there's that."

She followed the Captain on the ship. It seemed as if there would be parts out of reach to her. She wondered why the cargo bay would be off limits, what if she had cargo? But then she imagined that a ship like this must transport a bunch of merchandise for paying parties. “Do not go into the Cargo Bay. Noted. Afraid I might uncover some of your secrets?” she joked. The man was not an easy read and she often prided herself on her ability to read others.

Focus Quill. She was not here on business or pleasure. She had work.

Her casual comment about secrets prompted the Captain to square up with his would-be passenger for a second look-over, pushing the brim of his hat back for a better view. His gaze measured the lines in her face, the poise of her posture, the unnamed whispers of numerous gut-feelings. She didn't come up Alliance. Nor Browncoat, former or current. Could be a politician, a body who sold secrets, or a snoop. Conclusions drawn, Captain Strand removed his hat and donned a smile.

"I'm an open book, Ms. Cassidy. I find secrets keep me up at night, don't you?" hat in his hand, the Captain's posture made it plain that the tour was on hold.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Herald


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Tommy Pearson


Tommy's eyebrow arched at Yuri's words. A standard share plus room and board? It was a pretty good deal, and not one that you might offer to a stranger who you'd known only ten minutes. And pilots normally got the short end of the deal in his experience, after all, what were they gonna do about it? Crash the ship out of spite? Perhaps they really did need a pilot. Of course, he needed a job too so he was not about to turn down a silver platter when he saw one.

"Seems mighty fair to me. I 'preciate you giving me the consideration," he said, digging out the requested information from inside a pocket on his coat. Well, at least as much as could be carried around these days. "Make any inquiries you'd like. I had some trouble in my younger days, then some more trouble we all called a war I guess. Been good at keepin' my nose clean since though."

He had to as a matter of survival. Contrary to what the propagandists promised, the Alliance never forgave and never forgot. Just because they weren't actively hunting you across a battlefield didn't mean they couldn't find other ways to ensure you lived in hell.

"Do you mind if I wait around?," he asked, "I'd be interested to meet the Cap'n if he has time. If not, well just lemme know if I should stash my gear in the ship or screw off somewheres else."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

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The Captain and the Companion Pt. 2

Quill studied the Captain. All-in-all, he appeared exactly as written. Quill could see his gaze, stern and observing, glance over her. He was reading her like she was reading him. Two people faced with uncertainty in front of them, unsure if the other could be fully trusted or not. He said he hated secrets, but didn’t everyone have a breaking point? Did he wear his heart on his sleeve or did he conceal it in his chest for better protection?

“I don’t want to push unnecessarily, Captain, as I am thankful for you allowing me passage to where I need to go. I’m sure a man like yourself, with apparent years of experience, can understand the need to have at least some of the cards on the table. After all, how would you know when to call, raise, or fold?”

She placed her hands on her hip as the tour paused. Anyone else might have felt awkward at having caused this brief intermission, she did not. “Secrets are a necessary evil, Captain. A way of protecting yourself and others. We can wax eternal about how honesty is the best policy, but,” she gestured towards the cargo hold, the room he said she should not enter without a crew member, “I’m sure even you can appreciate the need to not let it all out in the open.”

She tilted her head to the side a bit, catching the Captain’s eyes since he made it easier now without his hat, “How about a game then? I ask you a question and you answer honestly. Then, you can ask me one and I’ll answer honestly. This is, of course, assuming the both of us are honest people.” she grinned wickedly. “Sound fair Mr. Open Book?”

Cal considered her words concerning secrets being a necessary evil. Talk like that was a sure-fire signpost for the modus operandi of a person. She weren't wrong. Ship like the China Doll had all sorts of nooks and crannies for smuggling things, and Cal found it less complicated to keep payin' passengers with pryin' eyes out of spittin' distance. "Well now, we may have a misunderstandin', darlin'. Cargo bay's a dangerous place. Lots of things could shift in transit--crush'n and maimin' if one strap snaps. It's my job to get you to Pelorum in one piece, best I can."

“Whatever you say, Captain,” Quill said with a hint of humor on her lips. While there was most likely some truth to that, she also figured it meant keeping nosy passengers out of places he didn’t want them. “As I said, no going in the cargo hold for me. Don’t see the need anyway.”

There were visible changes in the way Quill Cassidy held herself, almost like water flowing over an obstacle, she shifted her weight here, or narrowed her gaze there. The woman before him was, by all indicators in his gut, a master negotiator. In the past, when Cal had matched wits with someone like what he felt here, he'd often walked away with the short straw. When information was currency, Cal wagered, the opponents ought to match up...

He tilted his head to copy Quill. The beautiful woman before him was shoutin' all sorts of subtext through those eyes of hers. Yeah, he thought, let's dance. Way she was actin', he could stand to learn whether there was hornswogglin' on display that might bring danger to his crew. 'Course he could just send her packin' but if nothin' else, she were nice to look at while she stood there like a statue.

Cal leaned against the catwalk railing, "What's your question?" he said, considering the breadth of the term 'honest people.'

Quill knew she was playing with fire. The Captain could see this tête-à-tête as hostile and send her packing. But, if she read him right, the Captain was no pushover. He most likely had a long history of working on a Firefly and dealing with all sorts. That meant he dealt with the good, the bad, and the ugly. And if she had to put her money on anything, it was that he saw a lot more of the ugly than the good.

So she hoped he saw this as more entertainment than anything else. She meant no ill-will after all. They had kindly offered her passage.

She pretended to give it some thought, but she knew the first question she wanted to ask. “How long have you been a Captain, Captain?”

When the question finally came, Cal's eyes blinked wide. His posture relaxed, but his eye still glinted as he watched her.

"Long as I can remember," Strand parleyed. The nature of the question, though seemingly benign, pulled at the thread of a much larger lie that spanned not one, but two life spans. Captain Strand had always been at the helm of the China Doll, so it seemed, almost in perpetuity, if the length of his contracts and standing indicated anything. Having taken his namesake from the dying hands of his previous captain, Cal knew when to parry this line of questioning. "I'm older than I look," he added with a wink, which probably wasn't true, given his penchant for smoking.

Quill let the “half-answer” slide. She truly didn’t expect full honesty from a man she just met. “Well, you look good for your age. Who does your work? Would love their number when we are done here.” Her voice lilted with humor. Hopefully, the Captain was taking this conversation in stride.

“Well, your turn. Make it a good one and know I am judging harshly on what you choose to ask.”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

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The Captain and the Companion Pt. 3

There was something about her candor that matched that pristine, angular face of hers. "Alright, I'll choose my words good and careful, then," Cal said, turning to face her from his spot leaning against the railing. Now was his chance to learn if there were any mines to be tread on.

"What does a woman like you do for a living?" Her presence aboard the China Doll told him that she worked indeed; otherwise if money weren't an object, a cargo ship mightn't live up to upper-class expectations, no matter how pretty the Firefly was.

It was the question she had been expecting. She had intended to hide what she did at first. But he had only asked what she did for work, not why she did it, not what she was hoping to find in Pelorum. So what did it hurt to open up a bit?

“I’m a Companion, though I’m sure a smart man like yourself could have put two and two together on that. Heading to Pelorum for some work, as it turns out.” She left it at that. If he wanted to know why she sought a Firefly cruiser instead of her own ship or a luxury liner, he would have to wait until his next question.

"A Companion? Now that makes more sense," he said, pulling out his silver flip case and plucking a cigarette. Mind at ease, the Captain lit his smoke as Quill asked her question. Least now the woman's demeanor made sense; a high class prostitute like her was trained to be sharp and keen, least that's what he'd heard, a workin' man like hisself never havin' met one in the flesh.

“Okay, my turn again. Let’s get into some nitty gritty stuff. You got a sweetheart? Flying can get lonely and there’s no shame in spending time with many people. But you strike me as a “lock ‘em down when you find ‘em” type.”

"Man's got needs, but I'm all set for the moment, darlin'. If I need a whore, I'll be sure to let you know."

Quill bit back a quick retort. It was not uncommon that many people assumed that those in her profession were nothing more than prostitutes. She shouldn’t expect a Firefly captain to be any different. “You made several mistakes there, Captain. First, I was not propositioning you. You couldn’t afford my services. Second, you made the brash assumption that the profession I hold is merely that of a prostitute, or whore, as you so eloquently put it. Not uncommon an opinion, I’ll grant you, but I advise you keep your mind open to other possibilities. They may surprise you. And lastly, you dodged the question with a non-answer. I’ll let it slide if it’s a touchy subject.”

"My mistake. So, why's a Companion slummin' it on a cargo ship like mine--a question I feel completely justified in asking now that I've taken your money, by the way." Cal took a drag on his cigarette, exhaling as Quill considered her answer.

“Since you asked so nicely, I’ll tell you. I’m not going to Pelorum to be a Companion. I am going for my own reasons. I trust you to accept that answer since you have not been as open with me. You took my money, as you stated, and that should be all that is required.”

The game suddenly turned less fun. “I have no further questions for you Captain. Would you mind showing me to where I will be sleeping so i can get settled and make some calls to get the rest of my stuff sorted?”

Cal chuckled, he'd struck a nerve, though which one exactly he was unsure. He'd ruffled the feathers of the beautiful woman before him with his pronouncement, but given her graceful recovery, he doubted she'd hold a grudge. His amusement reached his eyes as he tucked his hat back around his ears and continued the tour.

He showed her to the infirmary, the galley and pantry, and finally the shared showers and toilets before terminating their tour at her double bunk secured by a pocket door with a lock. Inside, there was enough space for two single beds, a bulkhead dresser, and a night stand shared between the bunks.

"This is your stop. If you need anything, let one of the crew know and we'll get your sorted. Any cargo you got coming in can be stored, and supper's at nineteen-hundred if you're keen. Welcome aboard Cassidy Quill Shao Jeh." Knowing that Quill wouldn't be taking clients while aboard, Cal bit his tongue on any further mentions of her profession, though his eye did linger on those cheek bones while he bid his farewell.
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