Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Grade
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Grade If you're reading this, then I am no longer alive.

Banned Seen 4 mos ago

The black-haired man in a wheelchair leaned to his side, away from Lady DeVespe who's nearly invaded his personal space, much to his discomfort. After she spoke her words, there was a pause, and this man gradually leaned back straight amd uttered, "... Sure."

An awkward silence hung in the air, with him not finding any other topic to talk about, nor not wanting to inquire about that situation any further. He spoke to break it suddenly, "I can walk, you know."

"It's just hard to balance."

Moments further pass, and he could sense it, ever so slightly. Actually there was barely effort to this, given how loud he's being -- "That noble who fell on his face is making another fuss again..."
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

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Sir Landon, the tiny shivering penis was halted with his trantruming complaint. It was an ill conditioned and irritated Nanashi who knocked him out from behind by a quick hand stroking on the pressure point at the nape part. Nanashi caught the sleeping Duke.

"Don't worry. He is just asleep." Nanashi told to the worried young servant boy Luca as the Duke began to produce a funny sleeping noises afterward.

He helped the boy put him on the cabin and bow to the young lad as he off the room. He made a huge sigh as the door closed, he was worried on the passengers who are needed to rest during the voyage. He then proceed back to his sleeping spot to take a rest again.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by spiral origin
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spiral origin zero.equals.infinity

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With Sir Landon neutralized by the ronin, the rest of the day, afternoon, and evening went fairly smoothly, with few notable events to disturb the ship as it sailed along peacefully towards its destination. Towards the late evening, a light rain had started to drizzle down on the deck from dark gray clouds above--nothing concerning, though it did rile up the waves a bit, causing the ship to wobble more than usual. By midnight, the drizzle had evolved into a heavy rain, but all was still steady enough, nothing the captain and crewmates hadn't seen before.

Below deck in the hammock area, mostly everyone was asleep at this point, their snores drowned out by the pattering of rain on wood. The little girl from the family of three however was very much awake, curled up in her parents' arms looking frightened by the troubling weather. Sir Landon had begun to stir awake as well, mumbling something in the darkness of his cabin, his page sound asleep in the other bed. In an adjacent cabin, Lady DeVespe was having a bit of trouble sleeping, tossing in her bed, her servant keeping an eye out for her.

It was a bumpy, disquieting night, but everything seemed relatively alright... until suddenly, the crack of thunder struck the surface of the ocean near the ship, causing the waves to enter a riotous tumult. The first boom was followed by more, as the ship's turbulence worsened. Tables and chairs were being knocked down, sliding to one side, then the other, and random food items and miscellaneous objects were rolling about on the ground. Even crewmates were falling out of their hammocks, their alarm and unease evident.

The little girl was crying loudly at this point, her parents trying to calm her, if not themselves. Yelling could be heard on deck, the waves having gotten so chaotic that large amounts of water were being splashed on-board, the crewmates hurriedly trying to mitigate the situation. The captain was on deck, trying his best to steer the ship to face the waves and plow through them safely, but things only seemed to be getting worse, the waves crashing against the ship's hull with increasing intensity. The old man was on deck was well, doing what he could do help, feeble as he looked. Up above in the midnight sky, the storm clouds loomed, glowing a strange and ominous purple, as devastating bolts of lightning crashed down all around the vessel.

When a stray bolt hit the side of the ship, the sharp crack of breaking wood was unmistakable, as the ship was sent into a violent swing, sending several crew members tumbling over the railing into the stormy depths below. There was now also a breach on the side of the vessel, seawater pouring into the dining area below deck. Crewmates frantically rushed to try to plug the break, but slowly the water was still leaking in, with no easy way to be disposed. Lady DeVespe and her guard rushed out of their cabin, trying to do what they could to help control the invading water which was slowly rising to ankle-height in the dining room.

Panic was in full swing, crew members and passengers alike yelling and scampering about the deteriorating ship, being thrown around by the raging sea. And things only seemed to be getting desperately worse by the moment...
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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The cabin was dim, lit by two oil lamps hung near each bed. Vivian had slept quite soundly, but Sonia was still wide awake, rolling left and right on a few occasions, finding a comfortable position so drowsiness could overtake her.

This was supposed to be the trip where she could enjoy herself.

A clap of thunder could be heard faintly. In a typical voyage, this was a minor nuisance, a sign of rough waves at worst, but soon they came in a series of piercing booms; winds picking up and the rain pouring like pebbles hitting the decks and walls alike.

They were caught up in a storm, Sonia wanted to believe in the captain and his crew's expertise and curled up with her blanket and waited for everything to be over like any other passenger would, but the wobble was getting violent and the wooden structure began to creak and vibrate in every oscillation.

Sonia made a great effort tumbling towards her roommate's bed, who apparently had woken up. "What's going on?"

The creaking turned into a crack, a real crack as if the ship had broken its spine. Sonia reached the door, followed by the elf. Everyone else had already panicked, running about to god knows where. Water! There was water breaking in from every direction, and the wave was still merciless.

Then came another rumble, and suddenly the entire ship was rolling sideways, throwing everyone off their balance and thrashing them to the side of the ship. Many were injured while the others were fortunate enough to have water cushioned their impact, but this amount means they would be in a sinking cage in a few minutes.

The ship now listed to its starboard, the lower decks had already been filled with water and there was no floor anymore to tread. Sonia swam to look for Vivian, but she couldn't find her. Instead, her duffle bag was found floating near the door and she used it to help her float better.

"To the exit! Everyone! Swim for the exit!" the crew yelled. Only a few helped the evacuation, and only a few passengers were sane enough to do as instructed. Some were crying and others struggled to stay afloat. Sonia was among those who managed to reach the bow of the ship, while the stern had begun to sink behind her.

Outside now, the state of the ship was even more horrifying, It was demasted, half sunk, and nearly broken in two. Even for those who have escaped its doomed interior still had to fight the treacherous waves and wind. And Sonia was one of the many who couldn't win against nature; a violent wave blasted the bow of the ship and engulfed her.

The last thing she remembered before being taken away was a strong pain in her chest and the decision she had to make between holding the halyard or her duffle bag. She chose the latter.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 2 days ago

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. This was why she didn't like ocean travel.

Awoken by the thunder early, Verdant could no longer return to sleep. Sometimes she wondered if it's a good thing to be able to hear loud noises now. The first time she transfigured into the human form, the thunderclap sent her running for cover. She had never liked it ever since.

Then it just got worse, the final bit of thunder sounded way too close and not alone. Oooh no. No no no no. This was her worst worry, and it came true.

There were screams. A rush of dark water. And the unforgettable sound of a ship's spine breaking.

Nope, she's out of there. As panic began to mount Verdant dropped on the floor, the bundle she carried unravelling into some sort of serpentine skull with a length of the spine attached. Its eyeholes lit with an otherworldly green glow as it slithered up a pillar and onto the ceiling in a complete disregard of minor things like gravity. The tail end of the spine hooked onto the dirt-green robe and on very close look one can see a tiny snake curled nicely inside the skull.

Out of the death trap, on to the deck. The roiling water occasionally illuminated by peals of lightning didn't look safe at all, but sure beats going down with the ship. In a single lunatic decision, the serpent cast herself into the darkness and hoped for the best.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

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Thanks to Ki, Nanashi has been recovered quickly before the storm.

As the raging tides caused by the storm that slowly engulfing the ship. With a Martial Art swimming technique called Koshiki Eiho (Nihon Eiho). This aquatic skill is came from his origin, people who were trained can stably afloat and able to fight with weapon while wearing a full set of samurai armor. Advanced level like him can united with a body of water. With Ki, he can able to challenge the raging tides.

He volunteer himself dragging out the children and the people who can't able to swim out the ship. Pulling the floating sails into those who struggling to afloat, saving people as the best he can.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Grade
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Grade If you're reading this, then I am no longer alive.

Banned Seen 4 mos ago

The black-haired man on a wheelchair... was not on his wheelchair. His wheelchair remains on the deck, stuck on the bannisters that would normally keep people from falling overboard.

The deep water.

An unusually quiet place compared to the chaos of the storm above. Light would occasionally flash, revealing merely the foams produced by the harsh waves. This far off from shore, neither bird nor fish would be in sight.

This black-haired man who's not sitting on his wheelchair, was neither bird nor fish. Orange light emerged from his eyes and the cracks in his face, followed by streams of bubbles, as if the immediate water boiled beneath his 'skin'. He began to surge upward, with a speed comparable to swimming sharks. In the depths of the ocean, he looked quite like a meteor, and for someone who'd been avoiding water for all this time, his speed while submerged in it is a decent bit of irony.

His hand reached for the closest thing that moved, pushing it up the ocean surface along with itself.

What... Some kind of fat snake? Why is it wearing the skeleton of another snake? He held it close to his chest and coddled it like you would a cat. His voice hummed multiple tones, like a biblically accurate angel, probably because of the water in his system which is being constantly evaporated inside him. "How cute. How have I never noticed such a presence inside the ship? You're safe now. There, there. Cute snake."

After this wave of emotions, finding himself deep at the darkness of the sea and the anger that came with it, to almost being pacified by the presence of a cuddly snake, it clicks in his mind as he breaks down this wall of selective attention span, and finally notices the heavy rain, nay, the storm that they now find themselves in. As another thunder boomed through the skies, he nodded.

Yeah. Now it all makes sense.

He looked around. Oh, no. Where is the ship? More importantly, where is his wheelchair? They both can't be that far, right? Focus. You only have a split-second to spot the ship as lightning illuminates the sky, large as the ship may be. Focus on its huge white sails.
I rolled a D20 on this next bit, for my own fun, and it landed on a Nat 1 LMAO
With every strike of lightning that the clouds spewed, he found nothing. He subsequently looked at the wrong direction. Huge waves obstructed his sight. His unmoving ivory eyes that lacked eyelids were blurred by the heavy rain that fell them. A brutal combination of factors.

Within the vast expanse of a raging sea, he and his newly-found pet snake, were dreadfully alone.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by wierdw


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Ember awoke with a start as the sounds of frightened passengers and splintering wood ricocheted around his cabin.
He had extinguished the lights in his room hours ago, but the unmistakable sound of water trying to shoot in under the doorframe was immistakable.

He fumbled for his wand in his foot locker, as the water relentlessly rushed in behind him, getting his butt and legs wet as he knelt down. Finding what he was after, he quickly illuminated the room. There were several inches of water on the far corner, indicting the ship had an aftward list; a condition that did not bode well for the survivability of the vessel.

"BLOODY HELL!" he rasped like an angry cat, while cursing to himself internally for not bringing a more suitable wand with him.

This was supposed to be a simple business trip-- and---

"MY BABIES!" he shrieked, realizing his **ENTIRE** spring collection-- that had intended to display to this year's student body-- was probably already under several feet of water in the deck below. He was now, well and truly enraged by the situation, bordering on panic and despair. Only the anger was keeping his wits sharp, and he knew it, as his face twisted into an almost demonic possessed snarl surrounding wide whites with brown circles for eyes, frenzied expression.

Saying nothing more, he spun around, faced the door, then blew it off the hinges, just as the ship lurched again in the turbulent waters.

"Come darling-- We wont lose you too--" he furiously fumed, flicking the wand behind him. The foot locker rose up on one of those silvery cushions, and glided obediently behind him, as he attempted to storm out through the now freely floating door into the hammock sleeping area outside.

Crew were scampering to the mess and galley, passengers were grasping at each other trying to get to the ascending stair, while more crew was barking angrily at them to stay below deck to avoid being washed away by the surf above.

Continuing the storming glide, and monitoring the flow of water gushing around his feet, he stormed to the dining area, where the ship's carpenters were furiously trying to hammer tar soaked oakum into a nasty gash in the wall.

"We'll all drown before you have that patched. OUT OF THE WAY." he barked, before leveling the wand at the wall, then sending a brilliant white flash from his wand toward it. The room filled with blue-white light, and in the space of a breath after, a thick encasement of ice clung in and to it where the split had formed. The wand was hot in his hands, as it had not been made to practice magic like a firehose-- or even at all really-- and its materials were protesting against such use; threatening to melt in half and seriously burn his hands, should he try such a thing again. With a scowl, he crouched, and dunked it into the water still swishing around on the floor, where it made an audible hiss from contact with the cold ocean water.

The carpenters looked at him with bewilderment, and a touch of disdain, as the concept of how to deal with ice on top of the damaged wall flashed through their minds-- if their expressions were any indication-- but the pregnant pause did not last. Another hideous groan and crash, and the ship lurched once more, before water practically blasted in through the now 'clearly fractured beyond all repair' galley's doorframe, despite the coating of ice that had smattered it. If anything, the ice was all that was keeping the door on, under the relentless pressure behind it.

"Oh--- SHIT."

From above deck, orders from the boson and boson's mate could be distantly heard over the furtive voices of the other passengers and the thundering waves.


Neither he, nor the ship's carpenters wasted time-- almost in unison, they turned from the doomed wall of the ship toward the stairs, ushering people above deck as the evacuation was being overseen by men tied to long ropes, being washed this way and that by the water cresting over what was left of the ship, working hurriedly and furiously to make the ship's pinnace and longboats ready.

It felt like an eternity, with water steadily rising behind...

The line was just beginning to move, (indicating that the crew had some manner of success with one of the smaller craft tied up above deck), when the barely held on galley door exploded from its hinge, and a mighty swell of water gushed into the ship from below, pushing Ember and his current company up the stairs like a champagne cork leaving the bottle.

Barely grasping hold of the hovering footlocker like it was a life preserver, he quickly found himself being tossed and tussled by the relentless waves after being sprayed out, and over the deck railing.

Cursing and profanity that would have rivaled any sailor's was drown out by the cacophony of voices, shrieking wind, and the ever present sound of rain and splintering timber, while he furiously worked his magic, creating a tiny shelf of ice just beneath and around the small foot trunk he was clinging to like a man on a saddle.

Time seemed to stretch, as if the dreadful storm would never end. The sounds of the ship became less, and the sound of the storm took over. It was everything the poor mage in waterlogged pajamas could do, just to keep the small raft of ice above water. He didn't have time, or energy, for anything else.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

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Something grabbed her and Verdant didn't even noticed for the first few seconds from how messy her senses were. Cant hear anything but the thunder and roiling waves. Cant feel jack shit, it's already muted from the extension and it's all water anyway. Cant see far in this form, but up close it was... the fucker with the needle, just her bloody luck. Attack him? Tempting, yet that didn't felt like the best choice at the moment.

He could be emergency food supply if she were to be castaway for way too long.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Below the belly of the ship was a cabin that not many people had visited during the trip. During the course if the trip, the crew members and other passengers swore they could hear strange whispers. No one could make out what the language was, they just had a bad feeling coming from that room. But for Ezekiel he enjoyed being along, as he could focus on his work in peace. "ZAK'ARIA AL'HATHU DEP'ARA'TH" He chanted loudly while waving his staff around. Noticing something was wrong when he was flung across the room violently. "It is happening. Fate has brought me to Heyl'r."

The strange man quickly grabbed his belongings. Including his staff and dagger. Rushing passed all the panicking crewmembers amd passengers, finding his way to the deck. Before going onto the life boat, he pulled out the corpse of a pigeon. "Oeeeel'paruth." Soon the bird came to lift, flapping its wings like a baby learning to fly. "Go to Karrath,and bring this message to Seti Al'hazred." Placing a rolled up piece of parchment in his claws. The deceased bird soon flew away. Someone with a keen eye could notice the bird was in the midst of heavy rot.

The necromancer then tried to get into the life boats with the other passengers. He hoped that Dathon would be kind to them.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by spiral origin
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spiral origin zero.equals.infinity

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The storm raged on relentlessly, bolts of otherworldly lightning crashing down all around the crumbling ship and its hapless passengers with ever-increasing intensity. The oceans tumbled in chaos, threatening to engulf the vessel with each clawing wave. Realizing the ship was likely done for, the captain growled and abandoned his command post, hurrying to direct a full on evacuation via lifeboats. As the first boat was pushed into the encroaching tides, its crew hurriedly preparing to paddle towards safety, one of the crewmates noticed something in the distance that made him halt to a stop. A gigantic tidal wave of dark ominous water was rolling its way towards everyone and everything, swallowing all in its path. The captain soon noticed as well, his brows furrowing gravely in disbelief.

"Well sh--"

As the colossal wall of water laid its incontestable claim to the ship, all turned to darkness for the voyagers. They could only feel themselves being flung through the tides by forces far beyond their control. And then, nothingness.



An indeterminate amount of time passed before the sense of hearing began returning to the unconscious voyagers--the sound of gentler waves, as they drifted in the calm aftermath of the storm, the darkness of midnight replaced by the cautious glow of light.

Eventually the survivors found themselves being washed ashore on an unknown beach along with pieces of wreckage from the ship. Tropical vegetation grew all around the beach, becoming denser the further in one looked. The beach itself stretched in both directions along the unknown coast, the hint of distant cliffs in one direction, and a bend that was obscured by the forest in the other. Peculiar wildlife could occasionally be spotted--large seabirds resembling storks flying at a distance, their calls subtly alien; smaller birds with rainbow patterns on their wings, chirping atop trees further in the forest; hermit crabs inhabiting a number of curious looking shells, waddling about in the sand. All in all, a wild, tropical paradise, with no sign of civilization anywhere in sight.

Some of the crew members and passengers that were washed ashore were beginning to wake up, coughing up seawater as they groaned and weakly crawled to their knees, reorienting themselves the best they could. They were a long way from anywhere they could remotely call home--and as they looked around, they knew it.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Grade
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Grade If you're reading this, then I am no longer alive.

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The black-haired man not on a wheelchair was just there, half-buried in sand, with a fat snake wearing another snake's skull, which he held tight between his chest and hands, and kept safe for the rest of the night even when he fell asleep during the storm.

Right now, he's just there. Unmoving. His 'eyes' lacking eyelids, staring directly at the sun. His eyeglasses are missing. More importantly, his wheelchair is missing. There was a sizeable amount of material invested in that wheelchair.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

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Sonia was spitting sands and coughing seawater as she woke up. Ironically, she scooped more salt water to spit out the remaining sands, making her throat even sorer. But to completely get rid of the minerals, it was worth it!

The first two minutes were spent doing nothing, literally. Anyone else could be seen walking toward the island, probably in panic and seeing hope in green vegetation, but Sonia recalled her experience and decided; All she had to do now is stop, really, stop until she could get a grasp of the situation. Do not panic.

With her duffle bag dragged along, she trudged toward her former roommate, who miraculously washed not far from her.

Vivian was found lying with her body half submerged in water. Breathing, but still unconscious. Paleness on his lips indicates acute dehydration. Looked like they had been stranded here for a few hours.

"Miss Vivian? Can you hear me?"

An extra effort to wake her up was needed, and based on her prior two minutes assessment, they wouldn't want to be here any longer. Sonia lifted her petite figure and packstrap carry her on her back, half unconscious and all, and she wouldn't pardon for this austerities.

Their resting place was an opening with minimal shrubs under the shade of some mangrove and coconut trees. The site was protected by some boulder formations in front and a few smaller trees that provide an additional shield against the burning sun. It is a tropical island alright, and Sonia eyed at the coconut trees with varieties of heights and tilts.

She reached a dagger from her duffle bag and climbed one of the shorter trunks with a slightly hampered agility. A cluster of green coconut was down with a heavy thump, then another. Satisfied, but not quite, Sonia slid down from the trees, scrapes and bruises be damned.

Vivian had already woken up, but she ignored her for a moment and focus on chopping the husk down to its hard shell. And then, only after gulping the entire fruit by herself, she can think normal again.

"Here, drink this," said Sonia, offering a freshly cut green coconut to the dazed elf.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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@Grade @spiral origin

The last thing Eziekal remembered was the wave coming towards the lifeboats, for a moment he thought it would be the end of his life. But ending up washed up on this island, only reassured him that he was fated to wash ashore. “Thank you Dathon, we are grateful that you have brought us here.” Yelping in pain from a crab biting him, throwing the crab from underneath his robes and into the water. He let out a sigh of relief when he remembered he had strapped his staff and dagger to his person. “Thank Athzoth we have our things, now we need to find the Kaz’arak” The necromancer looked around at his surroundings, trying to figure out where he could find the book. But his attention was focused on the other survivors that had washed up with him. Most of them seem badly wounded, some more so than others.

The young man made his way over towards an obvious blind man, he had noticed the blind man needed the use of a wheelchair for movement. Ezekiel felt a kinship with the man, both of them did not have the use of their eyes. But he felt some regret that he could see thanks to his third eye. Walking over towards the man putting his hand on his shoulder. “We know what it is like to walk in darkness, we will guide you into the light. Are you in need of any medical assistance? Do you need any water?” He looked over at the others because he knew he was not strong enough to carry the man. “Is anyone here strong enough to help us lift this man to safety?” The necromancer took his hands off of the blind man’s shoulder. Ezekiel took a moment to spit out some salt water after lifting his mask above his mouth. Putting the mask back over his face.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

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Uuuugh. Verdant the snake had barely managed to stay conscious through all that. Mostly. And it turned out that they were washed away on a shore not too long after. Great, at least she ain't at risk of dying. There should be enough resource in the island for prolonged survival, as inconvenient as it were. Silver linings and all.

Let's take this step by step.

Firstly, gotta get away from this weird man that didn't quite felt like a man. Probably an exotic race that she never met or something. Regardless, he's gripping her skull rather tightly and Verdant would rather not transform back in sight. The fact that her bundle of cloth and whatnot was washed away didn't really help either. There goes all her money too, gosh darn it.

Oh well, she can always get more once she return to civilization. Step by step.

Strengthening her spiritual connection to the skeleton, it thrashed and bounded away with unnatural strength as she rode it further inland, disappearing between the vegetation momentarily. First of all, circle around to find some spot to rejoin the passengers. Maybe salvage a cloth or whatever fabric she can get her hands on. She's not much bothered by the lack of it, but leave it to the humans to put such trivialities in high priority.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Grade
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Grade If you're reading this, then I am no longer alive.

Banned Seen 4 mos ago

The black-haired man who's currently not on a wheelchair and instead half-submerged in sand, spoke not of words but a low static noise.

When the snake draped in another snake's skeleton darted away from his arms with such force, it flung his arms up and one of them fully broke off from the elbow and flew three feet away. The humming suddenly intensified, along with more static noise, and this feeling that all the energy in the air and the ground and the nearest benevolent necromancer was being drained into him.

As this went on, his head slowly turned to align his eyes with the visage of this blind, blue-robed figure. There was no expression on his face.

If one were to look closely at his severed arm, there's no blood. It's just some kind of prosthetic made of terracotta flesh and iron bones.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

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Is anyone here strong enough to help us lift this man to safety?

Sonia heard the call. Now her personal safety had been ensured, maybe it was time to help the others some more. She rushed toward the robed man, leaving the elf, who was still deep in her own thoughts, maybe she needed some time alone to recover and recompose herself. Poor Vivi.

There was this strange fella, half buried in the sand, wide awake but somehow unresponsive. The first responder to help him was this robed man, a very strange man... with goat as a head. Felt slightly unnerved, but still willing to help, Sonia moved closer to the buried man. Asked him if he can move his limbs.

Seeing the detached prosthetic, apparently not.

"The sands are quite shallow, I think I can do this. Ready sir?"

No answer, and not like Sonia would wait for one. She grabbed the collar of his leather jacket and forcefully pull him out of the sand.

"Can you walk?"

No answer again, only incomprehensible eye movement. Sonia turned to the other robed man. "Are you his friend? Can you pick... uhh his hand up?"

After saying that, Sonia dragged the disabled man to a nearby shade, and couldn't help but notice something strange was at play here. She felt her energy was slowly drained, certainly not fatigue, nor the heat of the burning sun. It was more arcane, coming from this man. For now, she didn't really mind it, her task was finished anyway when she leaned the man against a tree.

"Should be safe enough now," Sonia wanted to apologize for dragging him this far and explain that all would be easier if he had both arms intact. However, wasn't sure if the unresponsive man would want to hear it all, so she excused herself and returned to her camp.


Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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@Grade @Pakde

After Ezekiel had helped the other woman move the man to rest against a tree, he stood with him for a moment. Felt something strange about his blind man, he assumed that he was fatigued thanks to the sun and moving the man. But the man knew there was something more sinister about the wheelchair bound man. “We will be back to help you.” Ezekiel muttered a protection spell as he came over towards Sonia. His interest was peaked seeing her. He knew of the demons from the other realm, but he had not met one before. “We are curious if you are from Carcousa? The realm of Shab’Nigarth the mother of darkness?” He assumed that she was perhaps from another plane where demons like her reside. But it doesn’t hurt to ask, since he was curious if she knew of the Great Ones. She reminded him of Kith, creatures that dwell in the forest. Kiths love to be around nature mostly in heavily forested areas. But they were quite dangerous, as they did not like people snooping around their territory.

"We have no survival skills, however we are good with sowing and cooking." The necromancer made sure not to mention he was a necromancer, but assumed some of them knew that already. His choice of clothing and mannerism was very strange.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Grade
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Grade If you're reading this, then I am no longer alive.

Banned Seen 4 mos ago

The protection spell placed on the black-haired man rapidly decayed, and the low static sound he emanated had suddenly ceased.



His head straightened up, and his right stump moved to his chest as he shook his left shoulder, and then his left hand held the back of his neck as he twisted it around. "Hello, consciousness," he told himself.

He looked to his left. The redhead with horns, followed by some kind of blue-robed cultist that he'd never seen before on the ship. Suspicious individuals. He paid no heed to them and looked forward. Large chunks of the ship, out on the shore. Wait, their ship? He has to find his chair. He tried to get up, but immediately started tilting to the right due to lacking a sense of balance, and so he instinctively held out his right arm to catch his fall, but it wasn't there and so his head slammed the floor.

What in the hell is going on... It's not something that'd so easily detach from his body. Actually, where is his pet snake wearing a skull of another snake? Did someone steal it from him along with his arm? Is it these two? No, they're not holding a snake of some sort. They're looking at him. "I'm fine," he proclaimed.

He sat up and reached back at the tree behind him. Cracks formed into the tree, and a slice of it came off to reveal a wooden walking cane, greenish and wet with sap but it'll do. He slowly, centenarily started walking out of the trees' shade and back onto the sands. At one point, his cane slides deep into the sand due to his sheer weight, prompting him to change the base of his cane into something flatter. Oh, there's his arm. He leaned down and dropped his right arm onto it, sliding his sleeve onto it, and a click sound latches it back to him. He tests by moving his right fingers, for measure.

The crunching sound of sand as he moves his joints. It was beginning to be grating. The bits of moisture inside his body, too. Steam rises from the back of his neck as his body shivers, shooting sand out at a small radius around him. He resumes his walk to find his wheelchair.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

We are curious if you are from Carcousa? The realm of Shab’Nigarth the mother of darkness?

Sonia, who was ready to head back was stopped by the robed man's inquiry, seemingly taken aback by the way he spoke.
"Carcousa?" she frowned, the name was something she might have heard of but couldn't quite place it. Probably the name of a place in another language? The mention of the mother of darkness was even more confusing to her. Though, it was not unusual. Sonia had heard a lot of rumors regarding her origin to the point she was used to it and wouldn't bother correcting too much.

"I am afraid the place you mentioned is the realm I have never been, good sir. I was from Urstad, a country in the north of the continent," she answered, and it sounded like a kind of standard-issue answer she had been trained to use; very polite and she would certainly introduce herself with a curtsy had she not standing in the such unsteady surface such as sands. "A wandering huntress. Sonia Al-Hathya at your service."

Anyway, the topic was both intriguing and troubling for her, and any attempt to remember anything related to her origin had brought a certain pain in her head. "I am sorry but I think we can continue this talk later."

She took a brief moment to glance at the man, who seemed to acknowledge her discomfort by changing the topic almost immediately.

"We have no survival skills, however we are good with sowing and cooking."

"I am sure it will be a great help." She responded with a polite smile that did little to mask her uneasiness.
"Now, I must go back to my friend. Will catch up with everyone else later!"
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