"The ground on which you stand is your enemy! Pretty corny, right?"
Name: Mika Arenas
Age: Twenty-two years old
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Ballonlea
Height: 5'4
Weight: 140lbs
Hair Colour: Pale blue-gray
Eye Colour: Blue
Complexion: Tan
Body Composition: Lean
Dressing Habits: Likes to dress lavishly for casual scenarios. Wears his explorer's outfit when traveling into the wild or representing his Gym.
Personality: Mika is an eccentric, bubbly young man with a scholar's knack for knowledge and adventure into the unknown. Spurred from his background, he is devoted to the research and conservation of all Pokemon for whom they have his utmost adoration. He is fiercely protective in his ideal to preserve their natural habitats, opposed to any rapid expansion which would displace or harm Pokemon. When he isn't in the pocket of the Pokemon League or the Professor for a task, Mika enjoys the leisure of the passing days, whether it's indulging the life of a luminary or foraying into nature. He isn't afraid to get his hands dirty when it comes to the latter.
Though he is rather soft-spoken and kind, his confidence is not lacking in the slightest; Mika tends to try and blend in with the situation depending on the company and scenario at hand. He'll often playfully jest and tease someone whom he knows is easily riled, as he has a penchant for corny jokes and pulling pranks on others. He naturally gravitates towards livelier characters, and tends not to overstep the boundaries of a quieter personality should his attempts of raising a smile result in failure.
Short Biography: Born in the quieter northwestern reaches of the Galar Region, Mika Arenas' birth was mostly kept out of the media limelight from his family's quaint cottage in Ballonlea. It was the heart of the Glimwood Tangle where Maya and Enrico, his mother and father, took up residence; the former was a known celebrity from her status as Galar's nth Gym Leader at the time, while the latter was a handyman and "Average Joe" by all accounts. Though his relationship with his parents had always been strong, Maya's greater responsibilities often saw her across the Galar Region and beyond, which left Enrico as the predominant parental figure in his life. His stout father instilled virtues of hard work into the young boy, while the headstrong and free spirit of his mother influenced him to appreciate all the smaller instances.
Mika grew up over the years surrounded by Pokemon, quite literally as his household and the dense forest teemed with them. His mother's association with Pokemon played a major role in his aspiration to become a caretaker, while his father would playfully chime in that his ordinary occupation paid a higher salary than that of an esteemed Gym Leader. Unsurprisingly, life in Ballonlea was relatively boring for the likes of energetic children such as himself, and despite his many friendships, it was difficult to find entertainment in day-to-day life when his mother wasn't around to take him on a trip elsewhere.
There had always been numerous warnings from the town folk that venturing into the Glimwood Tangle was dangerous, as it was easy to lose oneself within the maze-like forest-- one day, a ten-year old Mika snuck out into the woods with his friends for a game of hide and seek. While finding a place to hide, he would stumble upon an injured wild Pokemon crumpled near an inconspicuous set of mushroom caps. Innocently approaching the scene, Mika found himself lured into the trap of an Amoonguss, whose prey in the wild Pokemon had already succumbed to its poison. It attacked the boy similarly with poisonous spores, but before substantial injury could be done, a wandering Gym Challenger intervened and rescued him.
This experience traumatized a young Mika, who now refused to associate with other Pokemon besides the ones within his household out of fear. Seeing this, his parents opted to relocate to Wedgehurst for a change of scenery, where Maya also introduced the boy to the Pokemon Professor in an attempt to resolve his trauma with Pokemon. It took an entire year before Mika could view them with the same child-like admiration, and under their recommendation, he was taken under the mantle of the Pokemon Professor as their aide to complete the Pokedex. As a gift from his mother, he chose Pancham as his first partner-- his tutelage was largely reserved within Wedgehurst and the local outreaches until the start of his teenage years.
At thirteen years old, Mika began to travel across the Galar Region and its Wild Areas in search of unfamiliar Pokemon and mystery, unintentionally discovering his longtime love for Pokemon battles along the way. The trauma from his past experience had come to pass as he now had his own Pokemon at his side, and he dutifully served the Pokemon Professor in their research tasks. His relation to the nth Gym Leader came under a brighter light as he easily defeated ordinary trainers, and word of gossip debated if he would follow in his mother's footsteps. For the time being, he focused on the Pokdex and his responsibility as an aide, catching several Pokemon as he braved the region's numerous biomes. Most notably among them was a Trapinch which would later become his most recognizable Pokemon, Flygon.
Though the bottomless entries in the Pokedex had greatly shrunk with his assistance, Mika had felt a newer passion well up within him throughout his journey for the last four years-- he had a desire to challenge the Galar League, just as his mother had done many years before him. With the collective blessings from those in his life, the seventeen-year old set aside his research responsibilities and donned the uniform of a Gym Challenger with an endorsement from the Professor. He only made it through halfway in his first year of the Major League Gym Challenge, disappointing initial impressions in a landslide defeat. The next year saw greater success from the young trainer as he bounced back, barreling past his previous hurdle and even defeating his mother in a tense confrontation-- he would lose out against the final gym leader, however.
Mika remodeled a majority of his team by the time of his third Gym Challenge, in which he intended to make the Champion's Cup with an entirely shifted dynamic. His full commitment to training had finally paid off as he trounced the entire Major League gauntlet, and entered the Champion's Cup as an underdog competitor. Claiming victory in the first round, a close battle in the semifinals would conclude in a dramatic fashion. Down to their last Pokemon, they both fainted at virtually the same exact moment, but officials decided to award his opponent the win upon closer observation, declaring that his Flygon had fainted just a few seconds before the other. This heartbreak of a loss to decision nearly drove Mika to return to his previous vocation; however, he was convinced otherwise by his mother, who intended to transfer into the Elite Four of the Sinnoh Region. The offer to inherit her spot was upheld by the Pokemon League after his performance, and the twenty-year old would accept.
Now serving as the nth Gym Leader for two years, Mika has fully indulged in his celebrity status. Along with this, he continues to run errands for the Pokemon Professor from time to time, as well as bolstering a larger social media presence to host his own series where he documents many varieties of Pokemon in their natural habitats.
Exploration, adventure
Ancient Pokemon-related discoveries
Hot weather
Funny or fun-loving people
Hiking, swimming
Cracking (bad) jokes
Mushrooms of all kinds
People who abuse Pokemon
Destroying natural habitats
Obnoxious tall people
People who snore in their sleep (he claims to be a quiet sleeper)
High-strung personalities
Mika is an expert of camouflage, often taking advantage of this when he isn't wearing casual clothes in order to prank people.
Hosts a short video series on his social media documenting wild Pokemon and their habitats called Earth Power.
Loves loud music, such as metal.
Has a peculiar swimming technique as a result of learning how to swim from his Gastrodon
Type Specialty: Ground
League Ranking: TBA
League Placement: TBA
Gym Location: TBA
Gym Description: TBA
Naming Convention: Military battle tanks
Challenger - Excadrill – ♂ Ground | Steel
The Ace of Mika's team as the nth Gym Leader of the Galar League. Challenger is a shy but cool, silent warrior who quietly exudes confidence only through its expression, stance and moves in battle. A few inches taller than the average Excadrill, he prefers to stay inside of his Poke Ball. Possesses the Gigantamax Factor, which is used against Gym Challengers. (Appearance)
Centurion - Krookodile – ♂ Ground | Dark
The yang to Challenger's yin-- known to jokingly mimic the latter's aloof mannerisms, albeit in a mocking manner towards his opponents. Centurion is arrogant, often 'toying with its food' in an attempt to patronize other Pokemon in battle to discourage their trainers. His tail is a deeper shade of maroon than the rest of his body.
Leopard - Gliscor – ♀ Ground | Flying
The newest member of Mika's team in the Galar League Gym Challenge. Though Leopard is faithfully obedient to her trainer, she is rather lazy in all other matters outside of battle, even during her active hours as a nocturnal Pokemon. For this reason, Mika doesn't often summon her from the Poke Ball, as he is essentially forced to cater to her lethargy.
Sabra - Gastrodon – ♀ Water | Ground
Sabra was rescued by Mika as a Shellos when she was almost dried out to death after being landlocked for nearly too long. She is very sweet and affectionate towards her trainer, initially out of gratitude and then out of genuine happiness after spending much time as one of his long-standing companions. Sabra has smaller tentacles at its neck than the average Gastrodon, which Mika likes to playfully tug at.
Patton - Camerupt – ♂ Fire | Ground
Ramses - Golurk Ground | Ghost
Ariete - Flygon – ♀ Ground | Dragon
Challenger - Excadrill – ♂ Ground | Steel
Merkava - Hippowdon – ♂ Ground
Abrams - Swampert – ♂ Water | Ground
Sherman - Nidoking – ♂ Poison | Ground
Matilda - Mamoswine – ♀ Ice | Ground
[Benched Pokemon are Pokemon that your character can swap out into their League or Champion's Cup teams. They exist in your character's arsenal, but do not take priority over more active members of their teams.
Make sure to describe your Pokemon's name, appearance, and personality as you create your teams.]
[Pokemon #1]:
[Pokemon #2]: ...
[These are Pokemon that don't fall under any of the above categories. Does your character have any Pokemon that they consider pets or mere companions? Pokemon that they had on their team when they were once rookie trainers? If not, you may delete this part.
Your character's type specialty does not matter here, but note that these Pokemon should not be used actively in battle, if at all. This is more for fun and slice of life reasons.]
[Pokemon #1]: ...
[This should remain empty for now. When characters are accepted, players are expected to write down what their character thinks of the other gym leaders, along with other PCs and NPCs that might cross their path.]
Still some stuff to do here and there but it's mostly done wao
I don't know why but 'likes spicy food, hates sweets' or vice versa is always a common thing when the profile includes a likes/dislikes section. I almost did the same with my sheet until I remembered that I always do that and chose to exclude it this time; guy still dislikes sweets though.
I think it's just an easy barometer for where a character falls on the tough/hot-headed vs nice/easy-going scale.
Iris likes sweets and hates bitter, does that count? :o
Oh right, if it's not obvious and because Sol spelled his naming inspiration out in his CS like a peon, Fiona's entire roster is named after jet aircraft.
I know, they were in a previous sheet but I plan to bring the same Pokemon back. Her Decidueye was named "Darling", and her Mimikyu "Precious". Golurk was "Golly", and both of her Gengars were "Boo" and "Smiley".
I'll probably make the nicknames worse this time around. Baby the Pokemon even more
"Now come, prove to me that the fire in your heart can weather every storm in your course!"
Name: Bianca Schnee
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Circhester
Appearance Information: Standing at 5'3, Bianca's skin borderlines on sickly and fair, with faint rosey cheeks. She has icy blue eyes and her hair is a pale shade of Lavender, usually kept in a pixie cut. Whenever she can, she usually dresses in fur-lined coats and cooler colors. Leggings and boots, and small accents like snowflake shaped jewelry, even in her elaborate gym challenge uniform she always looks ready for winter.
...Well, not always.
She can't exactly avoid hotter climates forever. For this she dresses lighter, her main attire being a white dress shirt over a light blue skirt, and a wide brimmed hat with black ribbon. You'd have to convince her to wear warmer colors. Oddly enough, she avoids wearing high heels, preferring boots or flats.
Personality: Soft-spoken and often quiet, Bianca can be concidered the mother figure out of the other gym leaders. Warm-hearted and doting, she does understand her limits, but will always be around to lend an ear. She can be strict, and rather meticulous about the finer details. Don't be surprised if you find her organizing things around the area or cleaning after you. Despite what people may think, she doesn't mind company at all, honest!
Though as sweet as she can be, even she has her more colder moments. Chilling glares and malicious grins, The small woman can be quite intimidating when she wants to be. She doesn't get angry, not easily, but that might be for the best...
Short Biography: Born on a cold winter's night to a pair of researchers, Bianca was their only child. Her mother was a famous explorer who liked to travel the world, while her father remained in Galar as a Pokemon Professor. Though rather frail in her youth, one could always catch a glimpse of her tailing behind her father as he worked; more than willing to help out with what she could, or looking out for the other kids in Circhester. As she grew more interested in Pokemon Bianca eventually wanted a partner of her own.
Nothing really clickled until she locked eyes on a Darumaka. Ice types. That's the type that fascinated her the most. Bianca and "Bumble", as she named him at the time grew stronger together as time passed by and she decided to set off to do the Gym Challenge. To wish her good luck, her mother brought home with her their next team member. An Alolan Vulpix, who would soon be known as "Nyx". Sure, they had some stumbles along the way. Sometimes Bianca worried her Pokemon would get too badly hurt to continue one. But they preservered, and more importantly, their team grew and grew stronger. Things seemed to be looking up for them.
But they flew too close to the sun, and got burned. Literally. No matter how much they tried, maybe Bianca was bound to lose with such a fragile typing. She made it halfway through the Champion's Cup when she was defeated. And yet, she surprisngly took it well. Bianca gave her opponent a warm smile, then took her leave.
But that wouldn't be the end of her involvement there. A while after she returned to Circhester, she was approached to become an ice type gym leader. Major league or not, Bianca would've taken the job regardless. So now she pushes forward, in hopes to make both friends and family proud.
Likes: • Colder weather • Storms • Her friends • Pokemon in general • Cold foods, like slushies and ice cream • Horror movies
Dislikes: • Heat waves • Getting sick • Medicine • Alcohol • Spicy food • Messes • Of course she wouldn't like jackasses, ya dingus
Quirks: • Tends to speak with a stutter, as if she's perpetually shivering. • Actually, one could swear she always feels cold to the touch. However this is just speculation. • Total. Night. Owl. Don't be surprised if she wakes up with a resting bitch face in the morning, she's just that tired. • Has a soft spot for kids. Bianca hopes to inspire them into becoming trainers too some day. • Can, would, and will clean up after EVERYONE if she has nothing better to do. She's not afraid of dragging someone into it too.
Type Specialty: Ice
League Ranking: Major League
League Placement: ???
Gym Location: ???
Gym Description: ???
Nyx (Ninetails, Alolan Form): ♀️ • Brave Bianca's mother brought Nyx home from a expedition to Alola as a gift. A daredevil, bold, and a protective member of the team, she's not afraid of facing danger head on. Her flowing mane has some small braids weaved into it.
Mister (Mr. Rime): ♂️ • Jolly With a pep in his step and a tip of the hat, Mister is a jovial spirit who loves nothing more than to make people happy. It's rare to see him dejected. Is smaller than the usual Mr. Rime.
Aurora (Aurorus): ♀️ • Modest Not one for theatrics, nor for being flashy. Aurora's just happy to be here with her friends. She's honestly not as tall as people expect from an Aurorus, and her skin is a darker shade of blue.
Fionn (Frosmoth): ♂️ • Calm The epitome of the phrase "Calm, cool, and collected", Fionn swiftly takes to the skies unphased by all in his way. Also likes warm hugs. Go ahead, his fur is soft! His main body has a slight minty blue tint, and his wings are always covered by a thin layer of frost at the ends.
Weiss (Froslass): ♀️ • Sassy Equal parts smug and a tease, Weiss's elegance is only downplayed by a childish nature. She serves as a younger sister figure in the team. Her ribbon is a shade of scarlet.
Orpheus (Lapras, Gigantamax): ♂️ • Adamant The team's ace. Relentless and strict, but bears unwavering loyalty to the team. It's rare to see Orpheus break his stoic expression, but he expresses how he feels through his actions. Has a scar across his chest.
Bumble (Galarian Darmanitan): ♂️ • Relaxed Surprisingly enough, Bianca's partner pokemon isn't on the main team anymore. However, the strong and upbeat Bumble is content with holding off on fighting. Might need the energy to fill in for someone else. Quite large for a Darmanitan, and he tends to wear a singed scarf made with love (Zen Mode kept setting it on fire).
Rose (Gardevoir): ♀️ • Gentle The original partner of Bianca's mother. She decided to remain by Bianca's side to help tend to the other Pokemon on the sidelines. Empathic, caring, and nurturing, it's easy to see where she learned it all from. Her eyes have a pinkish hue to them.
Congrats! You guys got into the roleplay. Discord links will be handed out soon, so keep on the lookout for them! That being said, please be certain that you will remain active both OOC and IC wise. Communication is just as important as getting posts out. Not to mention, chatting and plotting as a group just makes the RP more fun!
As for those who weren't accepted, please don't take this personally. A lot of factors were taken into consideration when choosing who's in and who's out, especially due to the fact that most of the characters were great. I hope to be in another roleplay with you soon.