
The Final Chain
Location: The Walls or Relouse
Collaberation: Eliis'Qarmena'Luunetar @Suicharte
Within the walls of Relouse, roars of a monster could be heard bellowing through the walls. Stone begins to melt, the walls seem to crack as an image begins to appear from the direction of the roar appears to be coming from. A dark visage appears as if a towering monster was appearing.
As once the raiders neared the area, what could be seen is a man in the center of the waves of heat and force energy. As a roar happened again as his once contorted legs were righted back in place but no blood magic was used force seemed to have been solely used.
Many called out to the man, "My King!!", "King Kol!!!", all of them called to him as they seemed to have fallen on deft ears as many even attempted to try and step closer, but the heat he is producing seemed to force them back.
As once his legs were set to a usable position he began to lower himself as if he was to ram into the wall.
What a sorry sight she had come upon. And how regretful she'd arrived when the fight was over, for maybe she could have stopped what she saw in front of her from happening. A man easily her height and twice her weight covered in hulking black armour that had clearly suffered damage in the fight was continuing to crawl, using every bit of his Gift to keep his body together and moving, roaring cries of rage and pain all the while. A beautiful but saddening sight, she decided she would remedy the issue before he threw his life away. Such a powerful spirit had more to fight for, and he would surely kill more of the Greenlanders. She increased her pace, hoping to arrive in front of him before the behemoth could complete his charge. But as she got closer and closer, the heat was obscene. Even the screaming crowds could not bear to get closer as the walking blast furnace began to prepare their advance. She would have to act fast and so, she began to draw the heat from the armor, preparing to use the vast amounts of energy to stitch together the bones and mend the broken flesh. Yet, she was being careful. The man would certainly die if she wasn't cautious, with her tendency to overdraw and the severity of his current condition. With a decent reserve of energy, she tapped her nails against his still scalding hot armour, avoiding contact of the flesh as she spoke in a an eerie yet soft spoken tone:
"Hold still. Let me fix your wounds. You won't finish the job with broken bones and bleeding flesh."
As Kol was preparing his charge, his senses ran wild as he felt energy interacting with him as his head flicked to the side where he saw a person touching him. His head twitched violently as he saw her, visions of the Sapling that killed Horik, the Sapling he spared running away seemingly unharmed after Vali followed her, and then the Spider pushing him to this, all Kol saw was red.
As the heat seemingly subsided as it built up inside of him as for a flash of a moment, a light appeared from the mouth area of the blackened visor, 3 dots of light could be seen where the eyes and mouth would be. As immense energy concentrated at the point over the mouth and was ready to explode out, aiming right at the Tree Dweller in front of him.
And just as soon as she'd begun to ready to heal him, the berserker had lashed out. How troublesome did he have to be! She didn't have much time to think about it. Not yet. Using the energy she'd leeched off the armour, she began to twist and turn the absorbed heat into solid matter. Being roasted alive was not desirable after all. A wall of stone was materialized in front of her in a rush, soaking the vast majority of the heat, though she could still feel the roasting temperature through her barrier. It was thin, and wouldn't hold for long, but it'd spare her immediate damage. She'd definitely gotten singed by the initial blast, but avoided serious injury due to having the energy ready.
Eliis knew that this 'king' wasn't in his right mind, but to be unable to distinguish friend from foe was something she didn't seem to quite understand And here, she'd gone through the effort of actually trying to help a human for once. Even if said human was on her side, it was still astonishingly generous and far more than they likely deserved. She'd scold him after the job was done, for now, she had to neutralize the threat. Quickly and efficiently, so that an enemy couldn't take advantage of the confusion. She spun around the wall with a flourish, and placed a leg firmly behind his, before attempting to throw him onto the ground. He was still far too heated to handle for long and heavy to boot, but she could use that weight against him. Especially in his current unbalanced condition. She converted what little she had left from the drawing into force to amplify the hopeful fall
"Cool down, fleshbag. I'm not a patient woman, so if you don't let me work, your men here will be down a monarch." she spoke, the same gentle whispering tone, but it was far more sinister than prior. Maybe violence would make him worse, but she needed this idiot to see reason.
As the flames burst out from Kol's mouth, the funnel of flames quickly dissipated so Kol could press the attack, yet in that moment he began being flung and then falling onto his back. Yet with the incredible reflexes offered to the Mooncaster, even mid-fall he was able to twist and distribute the fall to allow him to roll perfectly out of the throw, almost, as when he was rolling from the throw, the roll was to lead to him standing up, as his instincts seemed to not remember his condition as once he made it to his feet one of his legs snapped under his weight as his body kept moving and slammed his head into the ground.
As his head hit the ground, a large instability could be felt within his mind. As the energy within it seemed to waver and shake for a moment, it was finally then it could be seen, there is so much out-of-control Essence energy! As Kol pushed himself up with his arms, he used Force energy to instantly snap his leg back into place, not worrying about the bones and flesh he might have ripped or pulverized with it. As with such liberal use of energy, it could be felt that his heat is starting to lower.
As once he fully rose from his hands and knees, it seemed his force energy finally stabilized around his legs as he was finally able to stand as he roared, "SsSpPIDAAAAAAA!!!"
What a bother. She'd managed to throw him, but he was a certainly capable fighter even in this state of insanity and chaos, and were it not for his existing injury, he would have came out unscathed. His cry confirmed her suspicion about his delusions, and Eliis knew that if she didn't shut this brute up quick, the Parrench might be inclined to jump back over the walls and do it themselves permanently. Alas, when she spotted the Essence energy practically brimming out of his head, she figured that'd be the next step. The heat was dissipating, so once she removed this, she'd be able to operate.. She just had to draw and defend herself against the behemoth, at least for a little while. And so she began to, getting her wiry frame in a wider stance to counter the charge that was eventually coming, while simultaneously stealing the abundance of Essence energy. Eliis grimaced and braced for the coming counterattack, gesturing for him to charge.
As Kol looked to the 'Spider' his eyes were a complete haze, everything looked like blending colors as he felt energy get tugged away from him. As the haze in one of his eyes disappears, Kol felt himself awaken slowly yet his body still moved. As Kol took a single step forward as he used every ounce of kinetic energy he had to launch himself forward at his opponent, leaving almost a trail of heat, yet the moment he was to about to meet his target, he instantly stopped inches in front of her. Standing there he met eye to eye with Eliis as he almost inspected her for a moment.
The bulbs of light that were his eyes are now gone as heat started to dissipate from around him. Within Kol's mind he was defeating the beasts and monsters let loose, as after a few moments his energies started to deplete. As all he did was look at the Tree Dweller in front of him.
Eliis was ready, and she prepared, for a charge, yet the man stopped maybe a foot away from her. How surprising! She thought this would take longer, but he was clearly of excellent potential to regain control of himself so fast. She let out a small chuckle in response, glad that she wouldn't have to waste more time throwing the supposed king around. Alas, it was good timing. She'd drew a large amount of the essence, and began once again converting it, preparing to use it to heal his now quite severe wounds. It would take her a little while, but thankfully he'd managed to regain control before he'd caused damage that would have taken much more energy to fix. She looked back at him, assessing the results of the battle one final time before kneeling down, and putting a hand on his mangled legs.
"Hold still. Bite a rag if you have to, remember the pain, and pay them back tenfold." she spoke calmly and clearly, the gentleness lost from her voice as she began to focus with great intensity. It was not easy to heal wounds, let alone ones as severe as these, but as long as she wasn't disturbed, it would be done. And however painful his bones being restructured in his leg was, she'd need this "Kol" to bear with it for a moment.
Once Kol had managed himself enough, he was finally able to hear that around him. He heard the yelling, the people, and the calmness of the voice of the woman standing in front of him.
As finally Kol had let himself fall, his large body slamming to the floor as he landed on his ass with his legs out in front of him for the woman to do what she will.
As she went to kneel to look to his legs and she spoke out to him, all Kol gave was a nod. Pain was a temporary things, nothing that would keep him down.
As the healer began, his legs began to slowly twist and twine back into proper place, even with his magic putting his legs back into place, it operated more like a hammer than a knife. Yet the healing done reconstructed the pulverized bones, mended the ripped flesh, and reunification his once dead nerves back into use. As that was when the pain ran through him, Kol flexed his arms in qn instant response yet nothing further. Slight twitching from the beginning yet nothing further.
As the Tree Dweller continued her healing Kol said to her with focus to make sure his voice was steady, "Thank you kindly". Kol knew it would take time to heal his wounds, so he was in the hands of this woman until it was done.
As other Eskandr began to surround them and near the walls. As they let out roars of triumph against them, all Kol could think of was his people, and his Brother and Sister.
For a lesser binder, this process would have taken a vast amount of time. Eliis was not a lesser binder, and so it was that the process was quick. It took maybe 2 and a half minutes, of which Parrenchmen frantically manned the walls, and Kol's troupe surrounded them. And once again, she was amazed at the ability of this hulking Eskandr, for lesser men wept and begged for death at times when being healed in this way, but he simply bared with it. Admirable. She would forgive him for his insanity, but not for the weakness apparent in his eyes as he looked around. He may have been strong of body, but it was clear that he was soft. Softer than the other commanders that she'd seen on the battlefield. While he had been mindless in his rage, Eliis didn't sense that Kol had the ability to commit pure evil like Hrothgar did. She had a lot to learn socially but this much was clear.
"I didn't fix you for thanks, 'King' Kol. I incurred a debt upon you, and I expect you to repay it when the time is right." she quipped with sincerity in her voice as she stood up, wiping the mud from her legs and admiring the handiwork she'd done. It wasn't her fastest, but she'd done a pretty good job in such a short amount of time. Unfortunately, it wasn't quick enough to alter the state of the battlefield. The Parrench had fell back behind the walls of Relouse, and the Eskandr were in no position to immediately pursue. It was clear that both side needed to lick their wounds, however the outcome may have appeared immediately. In the distance, she even saw the remnants of a fight coming to a close between two talented arcane casters, keeping the fires alight even in the pouring rain.
"There is not much left of a battle to be fought anymore, unless you fancy throwing yourself at the walls again. What'll it be?" she spoke, waiting for an answer. She was no strategist, but maybe he was. And she didn't mind listening to him if it meant that they'd get inside the city.
Once Kol was healed, he began to stand again. The Tree Dweller spoke she did not heal him for nothing, Kol said in a calm voice as he looked to her, "Yes, as all deeds carry weight. So too does the Healer's Hands. I shall remember this".
Kol began scanning the battlefield as he inspected the state of affairs. As he saw the fighting had started to die down, as the Perranch had hid behind their walls to fight, Kol could only think what could be done. A complete victory might stop the Eskandr force here as their forces would be ground against each other. Even with a full victory here, the army would crumple to the other forces lying in wait.
Kol thought for a moment as he said, "To instill fear in the enemy and purchase us more time, smaller breakthroughs will need to occur. Let us start with a few simple wall breaks, the notion that a hole existing that could let Eskandr in would divert resources and mages to trying to close the holes and break throughs. Then we leave, total victory in this battle would lead to our total defeat in the large scale war". Kol began towards the wall, as he pulled from the eminent heat that he produce not much earlier. As he focused, he put all of the energy then to Force energy within his fist blows as he planned to blow a hole through the stone wall before him, it was his mission now to make entrances for the horde to enter, and buy them time to start their exit.