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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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Matilda took the bottle from Anderson, looking quite annoyed that Henri would leave her group. What was especially annoying to her was that he left to join Jazdia. “Jazdia and the group with her, are investigating the assailants that tried to assassinate the king. I am not sure if he used the same method to communicate with me, with that Jazdia woman. So I do not know how he can contact her.” Not mentioning to Anderson she was an interloper that would need to be monitored. Matilda was unsure what her true intentions were. A very small part of her was worried that Henri had gotten himself in trouble.

I believe we are done here, I do not think we can gather any more information from that…corpse.” She turned to walk out of the fortress, unless someone had some new information that should be shared with her.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 7 mos ago

"Hey, uhm-- The locals at least filled me in on whats they looked like at least.." ventured Cedar timidly, while working on the leather goods.

"But not like I can just pop in in ya heads like I kin when talkin with other critters... Aint no good at drawin neither. But I does know whats they looks like. The locals right hated 2 o'em too. Shit on one. Theys real proud o that one.-- Not sure it helps none, but if I sees one o'em, I'd know."

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Randomness
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Solomon Sparrow

Location: Watch Tower Ruins, Kindeance

Technically, Solomon could spend as much time as he wanted listening to the entirety of Birk’s day. Unfortunately for the mission and the sanity of the others, time was not a luxury they could waste. While it’s wasn’t as conclusive as Solomon would have liked, there was a lead to Hdur. And as a bonus the group was already headed there. And there were some names to go on. The last confirmation was the man was at the royal forest on the day, but any specifics were lost to his ramblings.

Solomon continued to listen to the man as Cedar returned to the room with a new bird friend that was not a crow. Solomon could tell Cedar was a little discomforted by the zombie’s presence, keeping his distance as he presented Matilda a note. The pigeon was a carrier pigeon. Perhaps from the king, or even Jazdia. Solomon turned his attention to the still rambling zombie. At least for the next quarter hour as Cedar worked on the leather and Anderson returning with news of Henri’s disappearance.

“That is enough.” Said Solomon, the zombie ending its play by play. Matilda was ready to move out. Solomon rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck. He followed Matilda out of the ruins, having Birk follow them out. Cedar was apprehensive about the idea of the zombie joining them, but Solomon reassured him that he was simply going to put him to rest. As the sun lay low in the sky and long shadows reached towards the horizon, Solomon had Birk dig his own grave, lay in it, and Solomon ended his hold on him, letting Birk once again return to the eternal slumber of death. With a few mounds of dirt, Solomon finished the grave.

Solomon could see Matilda was eager to keep going, but by the looks of Anderson and the others, it was perhaps time to make a camp for the night. It would be well after dark by the time they reached Hdur, and there was no guarantee of shelter. At least with Anderson and his men, they had camping gear and tents.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Cedar was a bit perturbed by the sudden and brisk desire Matilda had to pack up and move. While this was a rather odorous location, it was also sheltered and defensible. Not every floor was stinky, and in general, it was quite serviceable.

Also, he hadn't finished repairing the tack yet. What, did she want to just abandon this much kit? Leave the horses to starve to death in the winter? Those horses didn't know how to survive in the wild, they were domestic beasts. It would be a slow and debilitating death for them.

But he also did not want to go back to the dungeon, and she really was his only reason for being out of it. Nobody seemed all that interested in a person like him-- aside from negative interest that was. He had been warned about this from his dad, and had felt the sting of it a bit in town, but his stint in the dungeon was like nothing he had ever encountered. The sounds of the inquisitor 'questioning' people still haunted him. He was grateful to have just been beaten, and even that was a rude awakening. His dad had punished him, of course-- but his dad was actually a very kind, loving and gentle man, and the lectures were the worst part of his punishments-- try as he might, his dad's attempts at physical punishment were rather amusing, in hind sight.

He very much wished he could be home right now. At least Solomon had put the poor creature of that reanimated corpse out of its misery. The stench would still take quite awhile to air out though.

Solomon and Anderson seemed more sensible, in their attestations to stay for the night. That would work and suit him fine. He could get these mended by morning, and if the note was any indicator, the delay would not be a big issue.

but GODS was he hungry...
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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[NPC Post]

"Of course, ma'am." Far beyond Anderson to question his dame's decision. While there's likely more things to be gleaned from the corpse, like how did he ended up dead here, it's not that hard to deduce the details. Must've wandered in at the wrong time and place, bless his unfortunate soul. He wasn't much comfortable having the dead up and speaking like they forgot they're dead.

The squire watched with morbid fascination as Birk dug a grave for himself to lay in, not really sure at what point did he turn from undead into plain dead, but he'll take Solomon's words for it. He helped the necro-doctor bury the corpse, too. Daylight was waning quickly, this time of the year.

"You can stay at the camp if you'd like, ma'am. We dont have much spare room, but if it's only for the night the men wont complain overmuch having to stuff in. On the other hand, your horses would've rested enough to take you back to the city. I'm sure the night watch wont make things difficult for you." Matilda was rather well known, and quite distinct to boot. As long as she's on the lead they'll let the group in no problem.

"Ser Cedrick, you can leave the kits in the ruin and I'll have someone come collect it on the morrow. We'll take good care of the horses." Anderson noticed the druid's plight and offerend his assistance. These were fine horses, the guilt of their last riders shouldn't transfer to the animals.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

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Well, time to get absolutely wild. If the implication was proven the entire gang would be rounded up and executed anyway, so no need to spare the chaffs. It's probably mercy compared to what execution awaits for attempted regicide, so she'll be sure to properly send them off.

The party started with a literal bang with about a third of the enemy ranks instantly vaporized. Way to go, boss! Cackling in amusement, Yvone jogged forward to meet the three opponents left. Was it fear or stupidity? They just saw about a third of their rank splattered into giblets and here they come. All rabble, too. Bad foorwork, overly wide swing, nowhere near enough attention to defense, and they're not pacing to keep up with each other. These were thugs at best, never even seen one remotely life-threatening fight in their sorry existence.

They were taller with longer arms, but Yvonne's mace had better reach than their makeshift bludgeon so it evened out. At the fastest thug she swung straight up to the chin, the impact more felt than heard as his teeth jarringly knocked into each other before the overwhelming force shattered both the upper and lower jaws. One down, she pushed the thug lightly to send him crashing toward one of his friend. The next one came down on her, but a well-placed blow on the wrist fractured the bone and dropped the weapon. Before the pain caught up with him Yvonne brought the mace back down, on to the skull, where metal met bone and metal won. Red and white splashed in the general area, the body convulsed once, twice, before falling still.

The third guy barely got up when Yvonne strode past, sweeping through his face with a two-handed swing. Another firework of red and white bloomed, this time the giblets tossed far off to paint a sizeable section of the courtyard. The first man wasn't dead yet but he's drowning in his own blood. In a small gesture of mercy, the mercenary draw her dagger and stabbed through his heart.

And that's all done on her part. Barely take ten seconds.

"Where next, boss?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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Matilda clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, messing about in this fortress only achieved wasting their time. She wanted to ride off toward Hdur, but she did not know what would happen to her during the night. Although she could handle herself in a fight, there was something frightening about wandering out in the fortress. Having that corpse walking around did not help her anxiety. “We can rest here, and head for Hdur when the sun rises.” She glared over toward Anderson. Even though she couldn’t see her expression, he could tell she was staring at him.

Sitting alone in another room, the room she was sitting in was partially open letting the moonlight fill half of the room. Resting up against a wall, her sword was standing near her upright. Taking off her helmet while taking a deep breath. Taking in the sound of the fauna outside. Her sense of tranquillity was disturbed by a noise coming from the other end of the room. Thinking it was some sort of creature hiding in the fortress, she gripped her sword hilt.

You know, you will never find him. He’s as dead as ol Birk.” The voice was familiar to Matilda, it was an entity born from her family’s curse. Those who were unable to conquer the curse, ended up utterly insane.

Be silent, we will find the prince. I know he is still alive, it would not make any sense for the kidnappers to kill their hostage.” She shook her head, as the eyes in the darkness seemed to roll in annoyance.

Highly unlikely, they could have off em. Could have killed him once they had run his course. I would ave loved to see what they would have done to him, cutting off his fingers and toes. Enjoying his squeals while they cut off his peter. All because you could not save him.” The voice changed to the prince crying for Matilda to save him, before changing back to the voice laughing sadistically.

SHUT YOUR MOUTH CUR.” Matilda screamed out, her voice echoing throughout the fortress. Her hand tightly gripped her sword.

You should be searching for him right now, you would have a better chance of finding him yourself.” The voice said which made Matilda shake her head.

I don’t know if I could find him myself, which is why I have people helping me.” She waved her hand back and forth.

Oh like that bumpkin bear, the necromancer, and that snooty tin man? They have done nothing to help your investigation. Tin man ditched you, and the other two were found squat except for talking to birds and dead bodies.” The voice’s voice was speaking to Matilda in a mocking manner.

They have been quite helpful, so don’t underestimate their abilities. I believe in them.’ This made the voice chuckle.

Ha, I highly doubt that. You would be better off without them, the rage is what get’s things done. SMASH AND RIP.” The voice seemed to disappear, its voice echoing in her ears. Matilda took the bottle of whiskey out, chugging the contents. Feeling a bit of her sanity starting to fade away.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Grade
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Grade If you're reading this, then I am no longer alive.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As the sergeant charging toward to Chounan. He made a step backward and quickly titled his body to avoid the fowarding thrust. His katana already unsheathed and its one his right hand. One of his foot stomped the weapon and push it forward to break the Sergeant's posture. As loose balance Sergeant met the reach, Chounan's blade struck through the Sergeant's throat.

The suffocating Sergeant got kicked by Chounan to caught one of two other guild member following the Sergeant's charge. Let the remaining fool attack him while meeting a weapon with a deflection by a katana to lose the posture. The shinobi excuted a quick cut to charger's throat. He performed Chiburi and sheathed his blade and struck the remaining charger with a quick draw sweep before the charger regain his stand.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

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“Honestly, I’m not much of a fan of all this violence. Why don’t we sit this one out pal? Just us living to see another day. Sounds good, right?”

"Whatever you say! I yield, let the bigwigs duke it out, ain't got nothing with them no more!"

The crossbowman threw his weapon away, one hand still raised to block the maw of Kaito's spectral Lupo. Looking at the ongoing carnage, the thug better meant every word he said.
Seeing that Kaito would keep his word, the thug skidded sideways, crawling before rushing for the door. Free and uninjured, one might wonder if such an act of benevolence was worth it, but the deed was done.



The Sergeant, despite having a cut on his throat was not dead yet. The samurai's blade tore his jugular artery but did not sever it. Adrenaline numbed the pain, and with bloody gurgles, he roared, making a second wind by rushing forward. Swift and unexpected, his last attack was delivered with sheer desperation and rage. The confident samurai was too quick to indulge in his premature victory, but was far from being unprepared, in an equally swift motion he twirled, evading the incoming onslaught, and retaliated with a quick swing against the sergeant's neck, decapitating him.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kaito looked on as Yvonne smashed someone's jaw in with her mace, while Chounan was decapitating the captain with a quick slash of his Katana. And this all happened right after Jazdia had blown a few of the thugs to pieces. It made the fox wonder if he should have killed that thug instead of making him throw away his weapons and have him run for his life.

The Kitsune looked around and noticed that they had gained control of the courtyard. The Black Serpent members that had been present outside had all been taking care off and his group did not seem to have sustained any injuries. So far the operation went well. However inside the headquarters there might be more thugs waiting for them. The explosion in their courtyard should have been heard by the ones inside.

Kaito made his way back to Jazdia as it was time to start the next phase.. “That went pretty smooth so far. Can you see what awaits us inside? I can go in as the captain if needed.” Spoke Kaito as he pointed at the bodiless head of the man Chounan had just killed.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

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“That went pretty smooth so far. Can you see what awaits us inside? I can go in as the captain if needed.”

Jazdia walked closer to the door and activated her eyes. "There is no need for that. The upper floors were empty, and all activities seemed to be concentrated in the basement. The passage to reach the place was a straight line downward. Aisles and slope stairs with several rooms on the left and right. The opposition was minimal. Anything beyond that is still unknown."

The group entered the place, and as the sun rose behind them, their sky was fading as they went deeper.

And indeed no one challenged them. The passage was large, sufficiently lit, and rather clean. The rooms Jazdia described were barred from the outside. Devoid of lives save several flares of life force that deteriorate slowly. At the end of the aisle was a large metal door that stood unguarded, but no one couldn't shake the feeling that something sinister was waiting for them.

As they walked closer, the boisterous noise of cheering audiences could be heard. Jazdia activated her eyes again. Whatever behind that door was a distorted image, blurry and sometimes dark. The place was crowded, with many voices; men, women, gruff, meek and booming. Amidst the chaos, she saw a glimpse of a man with a prominent jawline and long gray hair, sitting proudly on his throne.

"There was a barrier that repelled my power, but it was incomplete."

She took a deep breath, already feeling the strain when she tried to bypass the interference.

"But I see our man. He is there..."

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The entire place was devoid of life. Fucking weird, that's what. Those idiots outside in the courtyard could've completely entrench themselves in here and that'll actually buy some time but nooo. They stand around outside with their thumbs up their arse and any hope of resistance distingetrate within seconds.

Yvonne didn't like how this looks.

"Why is it barred from this side? Big man locked himself in there?" The mercenary strode forward, carefully testing the slab of wood. It wouldn't budge easily. "This smells rotten, but even if there's trap we still need to get in there yeah? Your call, boss."

Glancing around a side room, Yvonne procured a table which she dragged to the corridor and overturned on its side, forming a makeshift barrier right before the metal door. If nothing else it'll provide some arrow cover if the nature of the trap was mundane men, but she really doubt that'll be the case.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

[GM Post]

The party was roused at the crack of dawn by a red-eyed Matilda, who seemed like she barely got a wink of sleep overnight. Thanks to Cedar and Anderson's effort they managed to restore the saddles into working condition. While setting off for Hdur immediately was preferable, doing so on empty stomach would benefit no one - thus a quick ride back to the camp where breakfast was prepared and food supply stocked as quickly as possible before the departure.

"May you have an eventful trip, Ser and Madam." Anderson saluted at the departing party, now one man less than when they came. "If I find anything I'll send a messenger."

The sun still hung low in the east when the party departed. Cedar's figure would've been an eye-catching one under normal circumstances, but thankfully the traffic between Hdur and the royal forest was practically nonexistent. Cant be conspicuous if there's no one to spot him be inconspicuous.


The village of Hdur was a relatively prosperous one, though still quite some way from growing into a town. Sitting in a fertile lowland with easy access to a forest for hunting nearby, a sizeable bog was discovered not long after the village was settled. This lead to a particularly important export of relatively cheap iron products, for the bog turned out to be a very rich source of bog iron.

That said, agriculture still remain the largest portion of the populace. Grain field and vegetable patch and pastures and cattle pens spread out from the farms like gigantic spiderweb, no sign of planning in their placement. At the center of the village was the square, one one side was the tavern that doubled for inn while opposite of it sat the smithy side by side to the ore smelters and the fletcher. On the far side of the village where the lowland gently slope into a small hill sat the lord's manor, a knight by the name Sir Rabe who governed with surprising competence contrasting the man's complete lack of ambition.

The entire place was a picture of idyllic countryside, their walls barely qualify as fences to keep wild animals out. Now, where should the investigation begin?
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

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"Hmmm. When it comes for a risk. It will be my pleasure." Chounan spoke up to everyone.

The ronin went ahead Yvonne and stick near on the metal door. Chounan used his Ki to activate his inner self improving his senses on the surrounding for the greater effectiveness. The Ki-sensing detected the ambushers' breathing, fast heartbeats and their stances with the shaking from the long period of time holding of their weapon. He prepared his shurikens that match the number of the ambushers.

As the metal door slowly open, Chounan quickly slipped inside on the sufficient gap between the door and door jamb. Everything become slow mo on Chounan's surrounding, he quickly readied his shurikens to hurled pricely onto the first ambusher who was the fastest to respond then continuously hurling precisely until the slowest responder. As he hurled the last piece, he dove onto the ground to rolled to the nearest toppled table for cover. He readied his bow to protect Yvonne and the rest of the team from the unwanted with an accurate shooting while in crouching position.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

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"But I see our man. He is there..."

Jazdia hadn't finished her report when the Rosenving Daughter flipped a table and make a barrier. While Chonan... well the oriental man was not content with just preparing.

"Hmmm. When it comes for a risk. It will be my pleasure." He announced. Despite his calm disposition, his words were laced with unadulterated excitement. He moved forward, opened the door, and slithered in.

"No! Wait!"

It was the first time Jazdia raised her voice since the operation began, and she immediately followed inside. A sharp groan of agony assaulted her hearing when she entered the room, then the sounds of whimperings and gasps. A silhouette in the shape of a human was slumped, followed by a thud.

The room was dark, the torches were extinguished, leaving two spheres of ember glowing in the haunting darkness. When Jazdia reignited them and brought back the lights into that room, the atrocities became apparent.

The room was separated in two. The first section had a stone beam directly facing the door. On that beam chained two humans. One human was dead, a shuriken embedded on his forehead. The other human, a female, had a throwing star stuck on her neck, and her body was spasming. The last Shuriken landed on an unused pillory.

'Please! Please have mercy!" cried one of the slaves as the light from the torches revealed their faces. In the corner of the room was a large cage with eight humans imprisoned inside. Males, females, and children, all mixed in one place. Their condition ranges from malnourished, to injured and mentally broken.

One of the younger slaves reached out, showing her hand with three stumped fingers. "It hurts! I want to go home! Ma! I will behave! Ma!"

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The ronin fell into unexpected trap. His emotionless brought into a surprise reaction. Forcefully kneeled himself on the floor. His shaking hand and loud panting will be noticed. He grabbed his katana and stick into his neck, it was just amount for him to cut his head but the whole body was paused. His life energy turn into an overflowing presence of Shura. His conscious is lost, something is controlling him. This something made his body stood up and keep the katana. A grinned on his face and the body is heading where the Geralt located.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

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Door was opened. Exotic guy went in. Sparky followed, clearly worrying over something. Then there's noises of things dying with distinct lack of weapon clash. Yvonne was only a moment late to the entrance, fully expecting to be greeted with quarrels but there's no resistance.

No, there couldn't even be any resistance. Sparky lit up the room to reveal the slave holdings, likely low-quality goods from how they're mistreated. Yvonne's nose wrinkled in distate at these people, noticing the corpse and a soon-to-be corpse that was definitely killed recently. She spared the adventurer a sympathetic glance.

"You couldn't have known, mate." So that's why the place's barred from the outside. Which lead to the question, where's their target and what he's doing locking himself in here? "Let's keep going, boss. We cant afford the delay."

Whether it was trust or carelessness, the mercenary failed to notice her ally's transformation behind her.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Jazdia was furious. For a split second, she considered the option to plant an arrow on this man's knee and drag him out to be judged. Seeing the dead again, her heart sank, and she felt cheated, her idealism shaken to the core. No matter how to look at it, their operation had costed innocent lives. How could she claim the moral high ground after this?

"On your feet!"

Even when the elf grabbed the samurai by his collar, she was still torn between continuing this mission or bringing this man into the light. Nah... it was too late for that. Now was the time to think pragmatically, but for pity's sake, she hoped the man would show some remorse.

"Hey Samurai! Chonan!"

But the man was in a... psychedelic mess he kept grinning from ear to ear. Yet his eyes were empty, and he trembled as if being overpowered by a mysterious being.
Jazdia, who had no time to deal with this kind of bullshit finally had had enough and punched the man square on his lower jaw.

"Enjoying too much killing aren't you? It's their blood in your hand! Shouldn't you at least feel sorry about it?!"

She had no idea if that punch was enough to mend her ire, or to make Chonan return to his sense. Something very wrong was at play here, and Jazdia, in anticipation clutched the handle of her long knife.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kaito was the last one to enter the room. For a moment he looked at the corpses. Samurai-san had managed to slay a few slaves who had been chained to a beam with some shuriken. To kill someone with a shuriken was honestly a rather impressive feat. Those things were far too small to actually cause lethal wounds. You had to be really lucky to hit some artery and let the victim bleed out.

However it was clear that the oriental knight had made a huge error of judgment by rushing in and attacking everything that moved. The boss elf was certainly displeased by the act as she reprimanded Chounan instantly.

However there was something wrong with the samurai. It was clear that he wasn’t himself. The empty eyes, the grin on Chounans face made the kitsune feel quite uncomfortable. It felt as if the samurai could explode in senseless violence any moment and Jazdia was the nearest potential victim.

Kaito’s facial expression changed from relaxed and friendly to very serious and laser focused. Instinctively the fox placed his left hand on the top end of the saya and slowly pushed his wakizashi the first inch out. The kitsune would not hesitate to kill the samurai right on this spot if he would lay one finger on the Elf.

However, before resorting to violence, Kaito made one attempt to influence the Samurai’s mind. Dropping his illusionary disguise, the kitsune focused all his power on his charm magic. “Chounan! Snap out of it! you’re stronger than this!” Commanded the fox with his magically infused words in an attempt to get through to Chounan.
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