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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Yvonne was all prepared to move on, but apparently her allies were not. She turned back to the sound of commotion just in time to see the adventurer getting punched in the jaw.

"Hey hey hey, ain't the right time for disciplinary action now-" She paused, finally noticing the man's state. It's different. What, exactly, the mercenary couldn't tell, but it's giving her goosebumps and her instinct was screaming at her. This wasn't the same man from one minute prior. "Wait. What's wrong with him?"

Her mace returned to the buckle, in its place the heirloom sword of the Rosenving. If push comes to shove, a cut should be easier to heal than blunt force trauma.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The elf's punched was enough to turned his head to the side and almost lost his balance as he kept stepping backwards. It gripped the katana and executed an instant stroke onto the elf. As the kitsune made a full power charm, the katana stopped right on the elf neck. A demonic growl can be heard. One of his hand let go the handle of the katana and it reached the conceal part on his back. Revealing a tanto and rose it up. He quick stabbed his own arm that handling a katana.

The body knelt down on the front of the elf, disarmed as it gentle landed to the ground. "Tch..." he produced a small demonic tone. He released the tanto on his arm and bleed. Chounan snapped out, his pupil eyes came back to normal and started a heavy breathing and sweating.

"G-Gomen nasai..."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Henri left the constabulary office of the Delving estate, with the crates of aged liquor in tow. He HAD intended to sell them for a tidy profit, but the lack of leads on where to meet his associates had left him with a different use for the aged liquor products.

Starting a circular path from the city's edge, around its perimeter, then moving inward on each pass, he would eventually cover the entire city. If somebody was foolish enough to try and jump him for his cargo, they would certainly regret it, and most likely, not live to tell about it. Thankfully, this proved to not be the case.

The plan was simple-- Ask about the one thing he knew about with certainty. A young elf woman with blue eyes, and prematurely graying blonde hair, who was a retired adventurer, and was connected with the events at the mausoleum earlier that day, going by the name of "Jazdia." Public houses were a likely good place to dig for such a lead, as drunken men were often quite eager to part with what they knew-- or thought they knew-- in exchange for yet another round. In the cases where the patrons were probably not suitable to ask, the proprietor of the establishment could likely be 'convinced' to part with what they knew for the right price. Given the extreme age of the liquor he was hauling-- and thus worth a small fortune for each bottle-- such persons would likely talk once they saw the contents.

Nearly every place he went to either had no useful leads, incoherent or inconsistent information, or knew nothing at all, much to his frustration. The sun was very red and low in the sky by the time he sauntered into sight of the Black Swan-- a mixed class 'dive', from what he could tell-- and showing signs of many drunken brawls, openly displayed gambling, and even more shameless displays of public drunkenness. He initially just milled about within the establishment, tuning his hearing for any and all of the latest gossip. Apparently, 3 men were enraged about a 'rat of a nobleman' who had cheated them at cards. Others were furtively questioning if the perp had gone off with the part owner of The Angel's Share, and some even questioned if she had been involved in the disturbance at the royal mausoleum later that day. Rather than risk causing a brawl over high priced liquor, he had taken the time to unbox a single bottle of the fine "Delving Family" whiskey, and secreted it in the deep inner pocket of his coat before entering. After a 'discrete' conversation and exchange with the owner, he finally got a solid lead on where Jazdia might be. A rather posh and prim little flophouse near the city's central square, called "The Angel's Share." Apparently, she was an "Angel Investor", who had bought into the nearly insolvent business, and had started enacting changes that were not very welcome at the Swan, as it had started drawing away some of the Swan's customers. Henri thanked the man, and exchanged him the agreed to bottle of prize liquor as payment, then headed out into the street, to make for the city's center. He remembered thinking that he had recognized her, since he owned property in that neighborhood, and he kicked himself for not acting on the hunch sooner.

The sun had already set by the time he left the Swan, but he hoped that perhaps he could catch up to the other team there, if they had stayed for the night. If she was a partial owner of the establishment, it would make sense for her to board her crew there, and avoid paying and having room ledger paperwork that could be confiscated and investigated by corrupt officials.

He had made it about halfway down the nearest avenue leading toward the square, when a loud explosion rocked the streets, followed by furtive cries and screaming. Ducking into an alleyway, and temporarily hiding his burdens there, he carefully climbed up the wall and onto the nearest building to get a good view of the city's rooftops. Fire could be seen clearly in the gloom of the skyline at night, and shortly thereafter, another explosion, and finger of orange glare popped up quite some distance away... Then a third.

This was a highly irregular series of events, and with the city locked down, the odds of it being somehow connected with the abduction of the prince and the failed assassination of King Frederick, seemed more than just "highly probable." Sliding down the wall with a loud scraping, and landing with a cross between a thud and a clang, he threw his coat over the hidden chests to hide them further, then skated as quickly as he could to the site of the nearest explosion.

The city guard was all over it like flies on a dead horse, as were the fire brigade, and several angry but well dressed men with stern, stony, and scowling faces. They had gathered at the demarcation line set by the guard commanders and the fire brigades to keep townsfolk and gawkers out of the scene, while the buildings were extinguished and investigated. Henri made discrete inquiries with the guards about the attacks, who owned the warehouse, and what was stored there.

He discretely left the scene of the first warehouse, then once more hightailed it to the next-- repeating his discrete investigatory inquiries, then moved on to the third.

Nothing seemed to indicate a real motive, but a pattern in ownership did present itself. All of the warehouses belonged to a group known locally as "The Black Serpent Guild". They apparently dealt with just about any and all classes of merchandise, in addition to a number of shady and ethically dubious services, but sufficiently 'above board' to be able to operate in the open. The cause of the explosions were believed to be foul play, as none of the warehouses really contained explosive materials that could spontaneously detonate, but many did contain flammable trade goods, such as wax, bottled oil, and bundled fabric yardgoods. No evidence of how the warehouses were bombed was readily apparent to the initial investigators however. Whoever was responsible, had chosen a very discrete method, but the police lieutenant believed there was magic involved, due to the lack of material evidence.

It was well into the earliest hours of the morning by this time, and he was furious that he had essentially wasted hours of precious time chasing after a particularly elusive goose. He returned to the alleyway where he had hidden the cache of old booze, recollected his coat, then headed for The Angel's Share.

It was well into the morning by the time he arrived. While the owner, A gentleman named "Lucas" with more pomp and posh than a man should ever display in public without a license, acknowledged that Jazdia was a partial owner, and had roomed guests for the night, he had no knowledge of where she had gone. Only that she had done so with some degree of practiced expediency, and was expected to return. Henri was pleased that at least she would return here later, and asked the man if he could secure the old, moss-eaten trunks he was carrying. The man initially behaved as if Henri were a deranged beggar man with such a request, but quickly changed his tune after learning of the trunk's contents, and examining them himself. He staunchly refused to hold the merchandise, asserting he would not be responsible for holding stolen goods. Irritably, Henri left the establishment, and secreted the trunks at his own private residence nearby.

Shoppers, merchants, haulers and tradesmen had already taken to the streets and stalls long before, so he took the time to ask about the most conspicuous among them-- the disgustingly overdressed foreign warrior, "Chounan." With smiles and generally pointed fingers, the booth and stall merchants pointed him down the road his quarry had taken, and he moved with haste and purpose.

It did not take too much more time, before he came within earshot of yelling, screaming, and the clashing of weapons. Pausing for a moment, he was SURE he recognized some of the voices.

Gathering up the front of his jacket, he skated as fast as was realistically possible over the uneven cobblestones of the street, and toward the source of the disturbance...

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

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Jazdia shook her head in disgust as the samurai knelt before her. It was too late, and an apology could only do so little. Pathetic, she muttered, her blade was glowing brightly in response to Chonan's dishonorable attack, but she then decided, instead of ending this Samurai's life, she would rather save someone's life.

The metal door toppled sideways after Jazdia slashed its hinges down. Seeing the glowing blade severing iron with fiery sparks, the slaves were horrified, confusion filled the room, some raised their hands in defense, and a few others cower at the corner, far away from the door and their executor's reach. Not in the mood to convince anybody, she hissed. "Leave!" and that was the only word she could afford to say.

Near the exit, there was another chamber, blocked by another metal door with many locks. The door had a barred window, and if one peeked inside, they would see a child in her early teens imprisoned in that chamber. Her ankle was shackled to a heavy iron ball, and she sat on a stone dais with legs outstretched.

Jazdia called, but the girl only tilted her head. She wore a ragged top tube and skirt with a distinctive pattern. She has curly brown hair and a beautiful face, blemished by dust but unscarred. A piece of cloth covered her eyes and she seemed to be heavily sedated. Jazdia could only imagine the unspeakable cruelty they put her through. Someone had to pay for this.

She tightened her grip and slashed everything that holds the door to its frame. Hinges, latches, chains and locks alike, but the door wouldn't budge. Only when Jazdia touched the metal slab to push it down she realized there was a sealing magic that held it shut, and it was linked to one person.
"Gerald, it must be him!"

Without mentioning Chonan, she stormed for the exit and breached its door, reluctantly leaving the girl to her fate. Angry and bitter, she partially acknowledged that her anger was unwarranted. These atrocities were a common occurrence anywhere around the world, and she had seen a lot. So why this one affected her so much?

"Miss Rosenving, this way."

Their exit was a tunnel that leads to a circular arena. From here, the yelling becomes louder, and in it, Gerald's voice could be heard. Or she thought. Why she was so angry?

Perhaps everything would be easier if she could find a way to justify... and atone.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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@A5G @wierdw @Randomness

Having not gotten much sleep, along with drinking half of the whiskey bottle. Matilda was not feeling exactly peachy. Eating amount two or so plates of food, along with a surprising amount of coffee. But she was mostly eating rather quickly, as she wanted to head to Hdur as soon as possible. Feeling relieved when she got on her horse, putting on her helmet and looking down at Anderson. “Thank you, and I hope your travel back is safe as well.” She hoped that Anderson and the others would get back home safely.

The ride was not very eventful, Matilda was mostly deep in thought. Hoping to find some clue that would lead them closer to finding the prince. Scanning the area of the small rather quaint village, she wondered where they would start investigating. Firstly she wanted to investigate the names that Brik mentioned before, finding out where in the village the kidnappers visited. And grouping back with Jazdia’s group, and figuring out what to do n

She started by getting off her horse, and tying her steed to a post. “Let us split up and ask around to find those people Brik mentioned. While we do that, I will also head over toward the blacksmith. To see if anyone had purchased any equipment a few days before the kidnapping. We will meet back up at the local inn.” She assumed that no one had any objections to her plan of action.

So she headed first to the blacksmith, walking through the door her heavy footsteps could be heard a mile away. “Hello, I am Matilda Ironsword the head of the guards. I am conducting an investigation, and I need to ask you some questions. Firstly has anyone specious came to your store? And do you have a log of some kind of all of the purchases in your store?
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Yvonne saw the slash coming but wasn't in the right position to stop it. Seeing it firsthand she had to reevaluate the threat level of this man, even her would likely be caught unprepared if she's already in striking range. Dangerous. She'll survive any blow that wont kill her outright, but decapitation was not among the list.

He stopped, though. Stabbed his own arm like a maniac. And just like that it's done deal. Yvonne blinked twice and decided to screw it, if Sparky wasn't dealing with that crap she wouldn't either. Didn't sit quite right leaving a potential threat on their back, but with the primary arm injured he should be manageable now.

"Worse come to worst, we can break down the wall from the neighboring chamber. Dont let your anger blind you, boss." Temper can be useful. Can make men and women fight without an ounce of fear. But it also tend to blind them from danger, dragging their foe down with them if they had to. Let's not let it come to pass.

Yvonne saw the outlook and slowed down, remaining out of sight from what she felt like an arena. If Sparky weren't stopping, she'll grab the elf by the shoulder.

"Some plan first, maybe? If our man is elevated it'll be hard to get him. Try see how it looks like?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 12 mos ago

Kaito felt relieved as Chounan’s blade stopped right before Jazdia’s neck. The kitsune could not stand to lose the elf as she was one of the few people he genuinely cared for. Just the fact that the samurai attacked his friend angered the fox beyond anything he had ever experienced. It was only after the worst of tension had cleared from the air that Kaito realized that he had pulled out his sword for two thirds out of his sheet already. Kaito hardly ever resorted to violence and the fox pulling his sword was a big thing.

It wasn’t entirely clear to Kaito what happened to Chounan. It was as if he was controlled by his own bloodlust. It could be magic, a Yokai or something far worse. Whatever it was, the fox wasn’t sure if this was only a one time event. The situation seemed resolved for now but Chounan could no longer be trusted. There was no telling if and when he would slip into that state of mind again. It could be today, tomorrow or in ten years. But when he does, it was very likely that no one would be safe.

Kaito wanted to ask if Jazdia was alright but she just stormed off. Cutting through locks and chains furiously and commanding the freed slaves to just ‘leave’. It was clear to the Kitsune that the elf was not herself at this moment. He could see the fury burn in her eyes like an endless raging inferno. She was on a warpath. A path of destruction as she frantically looked for a victim to take her anger out on. It was a path that she would later regret taking.

Kaito took one last look at the kneeling samurai and ripped a piece from his shirt and threw it towards the man.. ”Go patch your arm up. I’ll deal with you later!” Spoke Kaito harsly before storming after the Elf.

When the fox finally caught up with the elf he placed his hand gently on her shoulder. ”Jazdia, wait. You need to calm down. I know you’re angry. And you’re in your right to be. The Black Serpent Guild is a dark place, run by cruel men who deserve every punishment that is on your mind right now but you need to remember why we’re here. We need Gerald alive. We need to approach this with a level head and clarity otherwise this whole mission will become an even greater shit show then the Chounan stunt and things will end badly. For you, for me, for Yvonne and the slaves you just set free.”

Kaito paused and looked the Elf concerned in the eyes. ”Everyone here relies on you to make the decisions, the decisions that make the difference between us completing the mission and making it out alive or running to our deaths. We need you… I need you...the true you. So please calm down.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

[GM Post]

The blacksmith was larger than one would've expected for a village of its size, with several apprentices busy with the work. One of them greeted Matilda, and after a short exchange went and fetched the actual master of the place. He's a middle-aged man of average height but with a build twice as broad, his hair still barely touched by the salt of age. He wore long-sleeve woolen tunic with leather apron up front, a thick goggle hanging by the strap around his neck.

"Hail, Dame. Was there problem with the last delivery?" Was what he opened with, though the mention of investigation immediately set the man straighter - if a bit grim, now. News of the king's assassination attempt had already spread all the way here and now came the head of the royal guards in person, and it didn't take much to put two and two together.

"I've seen everyone who live in this village, we dont see many outsiders around. Dont have anything special to warrant traveling all the way here, you see. Well, beside the usual merchant and all. There's a mercenary sort that stops by to get a dented helmet hammered in about three weeks back, but that's it. The inn should know more about people coming and going." He pointed to a large building across the village square, a wide two-story thing that looked suspiciously similar to a barn. "We do keep ledger for the larger purchases, and for joint work with Baldomar in the fletcher. But for smaller work like leaky pots that we see more often, nay. Parchment too expensive."

It looked like the general nature of the questions helped him relax. The blacksmith was very much prepared for the worst development.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Chounan gave himself a short time of silent as the party left him behind. He looked on the girl and pity himself from what he done to the others. They are probably closer to her and he just stole their lives with his error. He stripped his armor to lower status, a murderer like me shouldn't wear samurai's armor. He look on Kaito's cloth, picked it up and wrapped his injured arm. He went to the two victim of him and gave a bow, "I'm sorry. You guys may find peace in after life."

Chounan followed the party behind from the shadows or a good vantage point and will provided a range support.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

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”Everyone here relies on you to make the decisions, the decisions that make the difference between us completing the mission and making it out alive or running to our deaths. We need you… I need you...the true you. So please calm down.”

"I am calm." said a Jazdia curtly, then, with a purple glint in her eyes under their bristling brows, she added. "If you think I am not, then you don't know me long enough."

The elf let out a heavy sigh, and the air she released looked like it was unleashed from a fiery furnace. But then, her expression softens. "You don't need to worry about me, my little fox."

Walked closer to the end of the tunnel, it seemed they just left a belly of the beast only to walk into another. The arena was a large circular space with three supporting pillars. The wall was solid stone, four meters tall from the base to the lowest seating an audience could sit to. The entire place was lit by a huge chandelier and no shadow at all.

In the arena were two tigers, overpowering, and ultimately pouncing down a fighting slave and ripping his throat off. The cheering was loud and mixed with expressions of contempt or disapproval. The spectators were restless, yet the announcer remained upbeat.

"And so passes, Terminators, champions of Sigurd. The beasts of the Alerac were too much for them!"

Jazdia readied her bow and activated her eyes. It was still distorted, but through the stone ceiling, she could see it clearer; forty, no at least fifty or so people, populate the space surrounding this arena. Their faces were hidden beneath fancy-looking masks, and it was not only men who enjoyed this game of carnage, there were women as well, both aged and young, and 'looked young'.

She readied her bow, picking her target carefully. There was Gerrald. The description matched, and he sat on the front seat, with luxuries on his left and right and a glass of wine at hand.

The arrow glowed, and Jazdia took her steps carefully. Like a hunter she was stalking prey. But she overlooked the possibility of the other hunter. The tigers were not here for a meal, nor to fulfill some sort of craving to feast on human flesh. They were here for the sport, to enjoy the killing, and if humans can teach animals many things, why not cruelty too?

And so with a piercing roar, the twin noticed her and rushed toward the tunnel with sheer of animalistic confidence. Thinking their victim had been cornered and was on their last stand.
However, they were animals and thus couldn't be any smarter than that. When Jazdia's enchanted arrow struck one of the twins, it ripped and tear the other as well. The audience gasped in surprise. The announcer stammered.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! What is that?"
Then, after a moment, he returned upbeat again. "And suddenly, a burst of light! Someone pelted the beast bare! What in the world just happened?! Ah, oh ohhhhh we will be damned! New challengers just entered the Arena! Come on out and don't be shy!"

Shy she was not. Jazdia walked over the dead beast and channeled another shot. This time no tigers, nothing stood in the way of her arrow and that damned guild master, or so she thought. The arrow flew and hit a transparent barrier and exploded in front of the man, but it did not kill him, not even hurt him. And the only annoyance he felt was he accidentally dropped his stemware in surprise due to the flashy firework show.

"There she is! Fiesty lady and her companions! Welcome! Welcome. I see that you are very eager to start! A shame that you are a bit late! Today's match should have been done-and-done! We had seen plundering! Crazy battles! Tight escapes and desperate chases! But fret not! It seems the fight is far from over Ladies and Gentlemen."

There was a loud one from the audience. "Can we buy them?!"

The patron talking was a short, half-bald man with a braided beard. He was sitting between two women with skimpy clothes, and with his stubby, jeweled finger, he pointed at Jazdia.

"Buy them? Of course! If they can survive the gauntlet"

"No, I want to buy them! Can that be arranged?"

The announcer shrugged. After consulting with Gerrald, he announced but was less enthusiastic about the prospect. "If you can tame them Master Ulgad! We will give you an 20 percent rebate!"

The announcer then winked. "Alright! Give hearty applause for Wigerjurgen Crews! You can fuck them boys but be gentle!"

With waves of laughter, the trap door at the north side of the arena opened. Three burly men walked in, their faces were covered with triangular metal helmets but their chests were left bare and hairy. Each brandished poleaxes with rust on its edges. Following them from behind were five stunted men carrying trawling nets with iron weights. Their twisted visage smiled with glee as they waved for the cheering of the audience.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Chounan was the last entered the Arena. He put his yumi bow and his quiver full of arrows on the ground behind the backline of the party. He went straight to Jazdia and speak, "You should go to backline, Miss Jazdia. Let us main frontline be in front. My bow and arrows are all yours, so that you can use it when you run out of your main. It's better to tag along with their play, we can't win against overwhelming odds from here and the high grounds."

As he sheathed his katana, he threw his scabbard on the ground, same thing with his wakizashi. It seems that he is Ambidextrous and the katana still handing with his injured armed. Kaito maybe know what Chounan's thinking as threw he his own scabbards and a missing cuirass on his body. Chounan will rely on cunning as he is light footed and no longer restricting his agility.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

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When in battle, keep the talking at a minimum. Especially at a close-quarter brawl, especially now!

Just when she thought the vanguard would make their first move, the two midgets hurled their nets at her. Jazdia pushed her body backward to retreat as an archer should, but the big man kept his eyes on her. Nobody could have guessed how his leg could support that tremendous body, but he did; he made a long jump from his position, landed between Jazdia and Yvonne, and swung a centrifugal wide slash across the party, with Jazdia as the main target.

The elf raised her bow to block the heavy blow, but the force was so great it wasn't merely throwing her off balance but also violently pushed her entire body backward and had it collide with the pillar on the right.

The audience cheered in a thrilling stupor as the announcer enliven the match with his feverish commentary.

"—OUT! The elven lady was caught off guard! That sudden jump knocks her off right before the finish—! ACROSS THE LINE—! The Punisher, from Wigerjurgen Crews, the butcher Knight!!!"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Henri followed the trail of blood, bodies, and debris that started at the unguarded large door, hanging ajar at the end of a disused looking alleyway, then moved further in. Another door hung ajar, this one made of sturdy iron. There were two dead bodies inside-- clearly slaves, given the leg irons-- who had been killed by some kind of sharp weapon. One had a nasty wound to the center of its head, and another had bled out on the floor from a nasty gash through its neck. Many empty cages and leg irons remained, either sprung open, or laying chained to the wall, but unshackled.
He followed the trail of carnage with his eyes, and out another door to the side, where he saw familiar faces, and the sounds of a jeering crowd. What was this, some kind of arena?

The realization that he had come here with no weapons at all irritated him, and made him seethe. He looked at the slaves in the pen again. His anger only got worse. Who in their right mind murders innocent people like that? Angrily, he touched the iron of their bondings and chains, willing them to come unraveled, then form a pool of red hot 'goo' at his feet, along with the door, then willed it into a new shape to go with the kite shield he had over his back: A rather large, and frightening double bladed broad axe, with deep beards.

His eyes glowed a dull red from the combination of using his powers and being angry enough to rip this place down himself. If this was Jazdia's work, he would have choice words with her about this.

Another door, with the peep window opened, was near to the one that had been left ajar, unopened. He could feel magic subtly humming inside, but not from the walls. He rocked up on the balls of his boots, and looked through the slit. A very young girl was inside, chained up, with her head tilted to the side, extolling a drug-dazed expresion from behind a blindfold into the otherwise empty room. Further, enraged, he considered his options. Trying to save her now would cost valuable time-- He wondered if that was why the group had not released her-- but the corpses in the prior room still bothered him. Perhaps it was GOOD that the door had not been opened?

A loud baritone voice like a pit-boss announcer bellowed from the empty hallway.

"There she is! Fiesty lady and her companions! Welcome! Welcome. I see that you are very eager to start! A shame that you are a bit late! Today's match should have been done-and-done! We had seen plundering! Crazy battles! Tight escapes and desperate chases! But fret not! It seems the fight is far from over Ladies and Gentlemen."

FUCK. There was not any time left, it looked like those bumbling fools had gotten themselves ensnared in the arena-- He closed on the gate at the end of the hall. The portcullis gate had slammed down, but it lifted easily. A quick examination showed that the locks had been destroyed. What the fuck? Were they in there ON PURPOSE?

He didn't give a shit, he would get his answers soon enough. Shouldering the still blistering hot axe over his shoulder, where it sent small tendrils of smoke from contact with his coat, he stomped toward the open arena door.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?!" he demanded angrily as he stormed in, the gate crashing down again behind him. He felt an odd tingle as he passed through the doorway, which sent a momentary flutter through his core....

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

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The two other butcher-knight looked at each other dumbfoundedly. Though their metal helmet showed no expression, they seemed to be flabbergasted by the new guy's bizarre entry. One thing for sure though, they were not one to answer a question, they were here to fight and they would just deliver that.

The trawlers managed to net the unsuspecting Henri, and it seemed to be their biggest catch today. Wasting no time, the Butcher-Knight leaped forward and bring down his mighty poleaxe to the ensnared man before he could defend himself, mercilessly hacking his hardened body.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 12 mos ago

Kaito was relieved that Jazdia seemed a bit calmer after he had talked to her. He had kind of expected to get scolded by the elf but much to his surprise she told him not to worry and called him ‘my little fox’. Much time to think or even respond to Jazdia words weren’t given as the elf turned around and kept on moving forward. Leaving the fox behind with a blush on his face.

The spectacle at the end of the tunnel was both terrifying and repulsive. It instantly answered the question on what the slaves in the other room were used for. The black Serpent Guild let them fight to the death for the entertainment of the crowds. And the last victim was turned to shreds by two tigers. Luckily Jazdia took care of those magnificent animals before they could become a threat to Kaito and his companions. However they now found themselves in a rather dangerous situation.

Kaito looked around the large arena. The walls were too high to scale and above them was a large crowd of people that had been enjoying the sight of people killing each other. Despite them being uninvited guests, the commentator just spun it in a way that they would be the next entertainers to prove their merit in the arena.

The fox took a step backwards as their opponents appeared from the other side of the room. Three buff guys with poleaxes and a bunch of midgets with nets to ensnare them. What worried Kaito the most was the fact that there was some magic at play that intervened with his powers. It felt as if he would not be able to use them at all in this arena.

For a moment the Kitsune contemplated if they should retreat. He felt nothing for participating in this kind of entertainment and the odds didn’t look in their favor. Especially with the magical barrier that intervened with their magic. However much time to strategize they didn’t get as the Wirjurgen Crews made the first move.

Two of the midgets threw their nets at Jazdia which she managed to dodge. However at the same time one of the burly men jumped forward and attacked her with his poleaxe. Sending Jazdia crashing into the pillar. They had to move now and move smart, Otherwise the situation would become very bleak.

Ignoring the man who came rushing through the door shouting something about what was going on here, Kaito made his move. Quickly he pushed his wakizashi the first inch out with his left tumb and circled the burly man that had attacked Jazdia, placing himself between the elf and the man. Quickly the fox dashed forward, holding the tsuka with his right hand. Ready to attack with a draw cut while always keeping the other enemies in his peripheral vision.

Just as the kitsune was about to enter the range of the poleaxe, Kaito leaped forward while executing his draw cut. Rather than striking at the man’s body he used his wakizashi to strike at the poleaxe, pushing it aside while continuing to move forwards. Quickly he grabbed his dagger with his left hand and duck to attempt to cut the burly man’s achilles tendon. He wasn’t sure if the move would work but at least it would create an opening for either Chounan or Yvonne to strike and buy some time for Jazdia to retreat to the back.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 6 mos ago


A very heavy metal cleaver on the end of a dark wooden pole came down hard on his shoulder, shattering his shell, and threatening to dislodge his entire left arm. Henri was livid.

His eyes glowed brilliant crimson, as did the blade under the intense heat Henri subjected it to. The steel melted, and burned through his coat, then integrated with the damaged arm, forming a make-shift repair-- destroying the enemy's weapon in the process. The gladiator drew back a smoking and charred shaft in confusion, as Henri grasped the axe over his right shoulder with both hands, sending the hot iron back to a dull shade of red. The tension of the net pulled the rope down over the blade, and the combination ignited it, making it fall off him with a pop.

Not missing a beat, the angry tutor decided to help these gentlemen get "A head" of the class, and swung the massive metal instrument right into his attacker's neck.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

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Sending Jazdia crashing to the corner might be a sound idea if you are not big and brandishing a big stick for a weapon. So when Kaito stood between the butcher-knight and Jazdia, the man did not have an optimal room to swing his mighty weapon, allowing Kaito to skid beside him and leaving a slashing wound on his forearm. The butcher spun around, but the foxy youkai was faster. Taking the advantage of his enemy's limited field of vision he ducked out of sight and used his wakizashi to tear his achiles tendon. Spurting blood all over the graveled ground as the burly man struggled to keep his balance.

Nobody knows where those men came from, what they really were, and how Ulgad trained them into fearsome fighting slaves. One thing for sure, they were tougher than any human.

When the heated metal struck his neck, the butcher-knight still managed to muster an incredible amount of strength to hold it by tilting his head sideways, using all the fat and muscle to cushion the impact, just like what his enemy just did. Behind that strange helmet came a muffled roar, and unexpectedly, he grabbed Henri by his arm and brutally pound him against the wall before succumbing to his fatal wound.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Being a burdened to the elf made him pissed to himself. Being alone wolf during adventurer made him dull his coordination for as team as he kept soloing. He tighten his grip and went to focus. With Kaito's distraction and losing the big man's posture. Chounan slipped in, made a posture in order to deliver a devastating stabbed with a katana for the finisher showing no mercy to a struggling big man.

He actived his Ki to be caution on the surrounding especially for the responding foe to ensure countermeasures.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Welp, no plan it is. Tis' fine. The more chaotic, the better. In to the arena the mercenary went, only to be greeted by the most distasteful setup she had ever seen. There's one slave-looking man mauled by tigers there. Her eyes narrowed. That guy couldn't have been in here for long, so who fetched him from the previous room? Was there a secret door in the corridor? Well, the portcullis slammed down and cut off that thought so Yvonne had to switch her focus to the more immediate issue.

"Once we find a way up there there'll be a lot of heads bashed in."

Generally speaking, there's one rule in pitched combat. Your own safety comes first, and actually taking down the enemies was secondary. This group, among other things, was exception. The big lugs had their torso practically naked, showing multitude of scars from previous combat, and attacked with abandon. They're not here to play it safe, they're going with abandon to make a good show and hope to survive.

Fools. Fools, and corpses.

Yvonne angled her sword, partially absorbing the initial blow as she took a few steps back. Sparky was tossed away, but no blood. Good enough. Then foxxie and the adventurer went to town with the guy. Another stomped past to deal with their newcomer - Henri? How did he get here- no matter. Focus on the more immediate issue.

That left the third of these so-called knights. In a flourish Yvonne sheathed her sword, taking out the mace to deal with this man. She charged in at the slave-knight nearly half a fold larger than herself, knowing full well how the reaction will be. He had the reach, so if he's any good he would try strike her down the moment she came in.

Anticipating such blow, Yvonne primed up her inner strength - quite a bit more than the little scuffle with Aaron's henchmen. She'll be quite sore after all this, but that's just Tuesday. The moment the swing comes in she'd strike, not at the wielder but the weapon itself. This would not be advised for most people, for the momentum of a two-handed swing wouldn't so easily be overcome. But Yvonne's strength was nowhere near normal. If it connect, her own blow would've strike with the impact of a veritable battering ram. As for what'll happen to the weapon or the wielder, well, it tend to be not pretty at all.

Her own weapons do suffer from this treatment though. Unfortunate, but it is what it is.
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