Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

[NPC Post]

"No ye ain't. Hilda ain't an orc." Pointed the first man. Then the second slapped him on the back of his head. "People 'ave the same names, fool. Ah' know another Hilda in the next village."

As the two devolved into an inane bout of argument, the third man narrowed his eyes as his stance change into an alert one. It was... amateurish at best, but he's clearly angling for the dagger. And when he spoke, oh. His voice was laced with barely contained hostility.

"My brother was murdered, orc. Tell another lie and I'll fight you to death here and now."

The odds certainly didn't looks like it favor him at all, but it didn't seems like it'll deter him from trying.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

[GM Post]

"Hokay. All that would be... ten and three silver and changes. Tell ye what, twelve silver and it's all yers. I'll let ya borrow the vat too if ya clean up after." Farmhand scratched his head, before this having no idea how much a starving bear could eat exactly. All these would've feed the whole farm crew for a few days. Maybe a week. "Hunter boys, eh? There's four of 'em, usually shop for ther' groceries right 'ere. Sumtimes went off hunting and ain't seeing any of 'em for days. Iunno bout weird, but Reinhold came back lookin' all angry a couple hours ago. Didn't even return mah 'ello! Usually a polite lad, he was."

The farmhand dropped the last sack that Cedar wanted, wiping a sweat off his brows.

"Anyway. Not ta be suspicious or nothin', but ah' like to see some coins first, please."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 19 min ago


I’m tellin no lie, I had conducted business with your brotha a few days ago. This is the first time hearing of your brother’s passing. I assume you are lookin for the bastard that did the deed, if so then i would be more than glad to help ya.” Matilda was wondering if she could get any further information from them.

But if not then she would have to fight them. “BREAK THEIR BONES, THAT’S A GOOD WAY TO GET SOME INFORMATION.” The voice from last night screamed in her ear. Her hand curling into a fist, ready to rush at them. But she was not looking for a fight. Fighting the urge to break their spines over her knees.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

[NPC Post]

The hunter's eyes narrowed at Matilda's claim. On one hand, the two brothers didn't usually hide anything. On the other hand, it's not like they actively pry into each other. He was suspicious still, but for now willing to give it a talk.

"Looking? Already found them. An' I'll kill them all if it's the last thing I do." He spat out slowly, every word heavily laced with malice. This man's a raging inferno at the moment, and though it burned bright it'll not burn for long at all. "Stay outta my way. I ain't trusting you."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As Chounan is ahead from the rest of the party. He decreases his speed so that the party can see him in sight especially Jazdia herself. He will change course of the direction upon the elf's instruction. He keep ahead to the party just to make sure that pathing is clear. If some of the enemy camp from the side of the narrow path, Ki will detect them nd his quick reaction will counter who do sneaky attacks.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Randomness
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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

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Solomon Sparrow

Location: Hdur, Kindeance

“Of course.” Solomon reached his hand into his cloak as he fished around his belongings, feeling for a small pouch he carried that held the coin. After a bit, he pulled out the pouch. Soft metal disks clinked against each other as the pouch shifted. Solomon opened the pouch with both hands, before reaching into it with one. The coins jingled more as Solomon palmed one coin at a time. He placed the collected coins onto the stall next to the pile of food the farmer had collected. Two gold coins.

“That should more than cover it. Thank you for your hospitality. We should go visit the hunters soon.” Solomon stashed the pouch back under his cloak. He wandered back towards the road, pausing in wait as Cedar finshed eating and/or packing. So the houses in the distance did belong to those Birk named. If one of them was angry, maybe it had something to do with either the events in the royal forest, or the demise of Birk. So far the lead was promising, but hopefully it lead down the mystery of the prince. Once Cedar was done, it wouldn’t be long before they’d come across the hunter’s cabins and perhaps some answers. At least he’d hope they could match the faces to the names.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 18 min ago

Jazdia led them toward the underground tunnels with many turns and crossings. Room after room, hall after hall, and warehouse after warehouse. Wide was the reach of the Black Serpent guild, almost like a prosperous empire. And with that, it was not surprising The Guild Master would cling to his hard-earned wealth, even if the world were burning around him.

Many valuables were stored here, from basic needs like flour and sugar to intoxicating beverages. Then, crates of irons, sacks of cotton, sugar, and one particular crate that piqued Jazdia's interest the most; It was full of sulfur, and next to it was a distilling table with several round metal casings stored on top of it. The smell and shape were identical to smoke bombs found at the park.

She pocketed a casing, and then, the hunt continued.

Probably thinking he had managed to fool them by leading them to the surface, the head of the snake must be very smug with his cunningness he only stationed five of his men to guard the crossroads that lead to his hideout.

"Listen, Gerrald's underling!" she called out. Her voice echoed in the cold and damp tunnel. "You are in the way between a criminal and Kindeance's Justice. Drop your weapon and show your hands where I can see them if you value your foul skin! Or I will tear you apart from tail to snout!"

Some thugs did not heed that warning and Jazdia intended to keep her word by preparing her explosive arrow. But one, mohawk guy who froze in place with his hands raised makes everything a little bit more problematic.

One arrow struck two henchmen, while Chonan took the initiative and ended two others. There was nothing bombastic when that mohawk redhead cowered in fear as the group passed him. "I yield! You promised right?!"

The path was getting dark, and after more sprinting, they arrived at a cavernous hall, It was much bigger than any chambers they had passed so far. It had two doors directed to tunnels at the Northwest and Northeast, and another one at the south where their target made his escape.

To the middle of the hall, the floor vanished and fell to a river, no, more like a huge, man-made canal that was part of the city's sewage system. The water that ran through it was black, foul, and filthy and the stream looked deep and swift.

Crossing a wooden bridge with rope rails, the party reached half the hall and rushed for the last race. Their target was hiding in a bunker and all they needed to do to reach the said bunker was through this tunnel, go right and then, left again...

The door was locked. An explosive arrow with a directional blast would do the trick.

Breach and clear! The party rushed in as the wooden door shattered. Jazdia was the first to reach the stunned guild master, bashing his hand with her bow as he tried to pick a lantern to burn the already pilings documents. The lantern crashed to the floor and topped sideways, extinguished, while the owner... also crashed, to the wall, face first.

"Got you! Didn't see that coming, huh?" Jazdia grabbed the man by his white mane and bashed him some more until she could hear his nose cracking. Then she let him tumble backward, hands clutching his bleeding mug.

"Kaito, check that documents. If they all are important, get a sack or something."

"Fuck! Do you know who you are messing with? You are dead! You are fucking dead! You hear me you bitch?"

But Jazdia paid him no mind. "Samurai! Take care of our man. Make sure he is unarmed. I don't care if we have to parade him naked."
Then she moved closer to the guild master. "Nice tunnel you've got here. I believe you had several interesting guests last week. Let's say the Kindeance Monarch wants to have a word with you, with four horses, ropes, and a hatchet. How's that sound?"

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 19 min ago


"I can help you get even with your brother's killer, if we do then need to work together to do that. What can I do to let you trust me?" Now dropping all pretenses of her lie.

Wanting to get some information out of him. But the little voice from before was telling her other wise. Ignoring said voice,as she didnt want more issues arising.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Jazdia ran past him and up the stairs, quipping about his being resourceful to find her here. Now was not the time or place to discuss 'business'-- they were clearly in a hurry for something, suggesting time was precious-- AND there were more than two dozen witnesses within earshot all clamoring over each other to escape the compromised seating area-- Discussion of a clandestine mission in those circumstances was beyond foolish. He said nothing, but gave her a stern look as she leaped past.

"That's not the way! Follow me! Gerrald is heading toward the catacombs. It seemed our guy doesn't want to leg it to the surface. He has five goons blocking the way for him."

she called to the others that had preceded him.

So, it was a man name "Gerald" they were after. That's at least more than Matilda's investigation had turned up. He wanted some real leads so much he could practically taste it. These fools would easily outpace him if he did not use more unconventional modes of travel.

Abruptly, he sank through the floor as if it had become quicksand, and vanished from view. In the total darkness of the spaces between the floors and walls, the only sense he had was was sound-- Thankfully, sound traveled better through solid surfaces than through the air. He strained to detect the footfalls of the group, as they charged in the opposite direction of the thunder of the people escaping the stadium.

He could detect when an exit through the dark void of the walls and floor were near, by the way the sound distorted at the interface, and he used this to his advantage, taking as direct a path through the void as possible to keep pace with their movements. Abruptly, the sounds of their footfalls stopped, and he feared he had lost them-- Then a deafening wave of pressure went through the material around him, indicated an explosion. That had to be the elf woman, Jazdia-- He made a beeline for that location, as straight and narrow as possible.

As he approached, muffled speech was present, but he couldn't make it out until he got nearer. He could tell from the tone that it was not friendly or polite, and that it was female in origin. As he approached, the words became distinct enough to understand. She was in an enclosed space just beneath him.

"Nice tunnel you've got here. I believe you had several interesting guests last week. Let's say the Kindeance Monarch wants to have a word with you, with four horses, ropes, and hatched. How's that sound?"

"Sounds like a public spectacle. Fun for young and old-- Bring the kids." He said, as he emerged head first through the ceiling, before tipping forward to expose his chest and legs while still embedded into the roof overhead, then continuing the tipping motion to bring his legs through first, then landing with a loud clang.

"It sounds like you caught a little bird." he mused aloud at Jaz, before directing his gaze at the terrified fat man. "I'm sure it's to find out what song he sings? Shall we find out?"

His eyes glowed a terrible crimson in the gloomy lamplit illumination of the dank cellar room, before he turned his head to face Jazida "Or is there some other reason I got rewarded for tracking you down by having my ass handed to me repeatedly?"

"I ain't tellin' you nuthin!" the man spat "you'll all be dead for this!"

Henri chuckled without moving his mouth, or showing any sign of outward movement or mirth.

"You can't kill what's not alive. Surely you noticed. Now, please answer the lady's questions. I'm old, and impatient, and I am... DYING.. to know what you have to say, little man-- I can be most persuasive when I need to be."

He held up a single finger, which promptly began to very visibly heat up and glow cherry red.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


The odd noise was Yvonne uncorking a bottle of whiskey she snatched off a random crate on the way, the mercenary taking a sniff before chugging a good few mouthful. That'll help numb the pain now that the adrenaline had slowly ebbed away from her system. She wiped her mouth with her sleeve, wincing a bit as she touched the split lips before noticing that everyone's looking her direction.

"What? I ain't getting smashed, dont worry about that." The cork was returned to its place as Yvonne turned back toward the entrance, twirling her sword in the process. "I'll keep watch outside just in case. Yell if you need me, yeah?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 18 min ago

Jazdia wasn't so sure if she liked the man's tone. But she remained focused; the prize was already at hand, and it would be better to leave it relatively unspoiled.

"No, need. We are done here." the elf said flatly. Then with her instruction, Chonan sacked the man's head and tied his hand. Muffled noises and all manner of curses known to men seeped from the burlap fabric, and the man kept wriggling until Chonan hit him at the base of his neck.

Then they headed to the door.

"We will hand the man to Fred and we will see what his torturer has in store."

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 6 mos ago

"I would be happy to attend his sessions." said Henri coldly. "Am I to assume that this .. Gentleman.. is in some way associated with his majesty's .. inquest? " he asked with his head cocked to one side. "If so, may I ask how, and why? Quite a lot has happened over the past 2 days, and I would like to give a .. coherent.. report to my employer, when I report back to the castle."

The look of suspicion on Jazdia's face suggested she did not trust him.

"Dont be so distrustful. A number of warehouses belonging to a certain guild were recently demolished, leaving no discernible evidence as to the cause. The authorities believe magic may have been involved, but the investigations were still pending, when I interviewed them last night. The fact that the city is under lockdown suggests the attacks are associated with our mutual quarries. Regardless, their destruction will cause problems of ... a political nature.. for our employer. Sadly, my... Recent activities... have rendered my effectiveness at completing his majesty's orders less than acceptable, and I must retire for repairs. Since I am going there anyway, I am sure our mutual employer will want answers from me concerning these matters. I do not know if the incident with the warehouses are in any way associated with your own activities to date, and his majesty is sure to inquire. It would reflect poorly if I had no answers to give him. Our associate in our other line of inquiry turned up only a corpse, and a long cold trail at the end of her investigations, and I grew.. Impatient. I was hoping that your lot had found something more tractable. It seems you have. I have a .. Personal interest.. in a positive resolution to our contractual obligations."

He turned again to the cornered man.

"I would very much like to know how this little bird fits into the larger puzzle, before I retire. It would help me in ...suggesting.. questions to the royal inquisitor."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 18 min ago


Jazdia shrugged, then with her typical trained smile, she replied. "Distrustful? No... unless if you really have something to hide. But let's omit the tedium of scrutinizing the trustworthiness of all parties because we don't have all the time in the world right now, don't you agree?"

"This Guildmaster was responsible for the infiltration and the escape of the intruders. By providing an underground passage that leads to the catacomb, and to an extent, the memorial park where they almost had your Highness' neck. We believe there is more than just that, but that will depend on how good Fred's jailer is when it comes to extracting the information." There was a purple glint in Jazdia's blue eyes as she continued. "That is all I can afford to say."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 12 mos ago

Kaito followed Jazdia and the others through the tunnels and corridors until they met their target. Some of the thugs tried to put up some resistance but those were quickly cleaned up. One familiar face even yielded before putting up a fight. The kitsune gave the coward a quick thumbs up as he passed him by.

The elf breached the final door with an explosive arrow and everyone stormed inside. Much to Kaito’s surprise the guild master was quickly overpowered and taken into custody. Jazdia had slammed the man a few times into the wall and apart from a bit of verbal resistance, nothing happened. Was it really this easy?

The boss elf quickly barked her orders and directed the kitsune to check the documents on the floor. The fox piled them all up and started to scan through them one by one looking for any evidence that would tie the Black Serpent guild to the assasination attempt on the king. However he didn’t get far before a somewhat expected guest broke his concentration with his rather unique entrance and demanding voice.

Kaito looked up from his pile of documents and stared rather annoyed at the golem. ”Hey Iron man. I don’t know who you are or what you want but please zip it till we’re done with our work here and out savely. I prefer to spend as little time in Geralds murder dungeon as possible so keep it down until I’ve fininish going through his paperwork. Thank you.”

The kitsune didn’t wait for the golem’s answer and simply hoped that he would shut his mouth till the point that they were safe. After that he could stir up as much trouble as he wanted but the fox didn’t feel anything for spending unnecessary time in the Black Serpents guild headquarters.

Quickly Kaito continued with his quest to find anything that could like the guild with the assasination attempt. There were documents with all kinds of shady and illegal stuff in the pile but the first few contained nothing he was looking for. The first thing of note were procurement letters of various contraband items. All the names on the letters appeared to be alliasses and some of them were rather interesting. Another item of note was a receipt for a shipment of sulfur. One of the main ingredients for making smoke bombs.

The fox quickly put those aside and continued to scour through the pile of paperwork. Most of the documents were unrelated to the assasination incident. However after a while another item caught Kaito’s attention. It was a detailed map of Rascade. Allone it would not be that noteworthy but underneath it was a second piece of semi-transparent paper that could be folded over the rascade map. Once that was done it provided an overlay of what appeared to be an underground tunnel system and its location relative to Rascade.

Continuing his search the Kitsune finally stumbled upon a ledger containing a vast number of financial transactions. There wasn’t enough time to go through it in detail but it was interesting enough to add it to the documents he had filtered out. From what Kaito had found it was clear that the Black Serpent Guild had the items in stock that had been used during the assasination attempt and was aware of the existence of the complex tunnel system beneath Rascade.

Kaito quickly placed all the documents he found in a leather bag and walked up to the elf. ”Jaz, based on the documents I found the Black Serpents Guild certainly had the items and intricate knowledge of the underground tunnel systems required for the assasination attempt. I think we got enough and should make our exit.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 18 min ago

”Jaz, based on the documents I found the Black Serpents Guild certainly had the items and intricate knowledge of the underground tunnel systems required for the assasination attempt. I think we got enough and should make our exit.”

"Very well!" Jazdia checked the findings, intrigued by the map, but felt the evidence was somewhat lacking. Scanning the room for one last time. She found a container buried in the wall, and there was a thread from it to Gerrald's desk, straight into one of the drawers.

Heating up her blade to an amethyst hue, Jazdia walked toward a painting that seemed out of the place (seriously who would have hung a painting of a green meadow in an underground bunker?) and toppled it aside, revealing a metal container with locking mechanism. With two quick slashes, the door fell, and there she found assortments of scrolls, a copy of that map, and a small book, a journal.

Quickly she skimmed the scrolls. Those were neatly written letters with the name of the sender omitted. Several of it was vague, but the newest ones discussed the catacombs escape tunnel and how his Jormungand had found and connected the tunnel with their own system. Another letter describing agents that need to be guided throughout the system. No dates were specified.

She glanced at the head-sacked Gerrald before securing that extra evidence into her leather bag. "Let's go."

Jazdia led the team with Kaito following from behind. Behind the Fox Youkai were Yvonne and Chonan, guarding their prisoner who kept mumbling something incoherent. He shook his head and wagged his ashen ponytail "It's itchy! Take it off or you will regret this!"

Deciding to not regret anything, the party moved in haste as planned, Jazdia told them they will take the left tunnel that leads to the catacombs. The opposition should be less crowded on that route.

They finally arrived at the canal-hall. But something was amiss. There were soldiers, some with navy uniforms storming from the right tunnel. There were twelve of them and the last one that emerged from that dark tunnel was a familiar face.

"Soldier, halt!"

Two soldiers who had crossed the bridge took their position close to the bridge, while two others flanked Jazdia. There were many scenarios playing in her mind right now and at some point. the elf's thoughts raced to Henri but did not make eye contact with that golem man.

"Mr. Delving... Why am I not surprised? I suppose Mr. Tutor informed you about our investigation and thus here you are, moved by goodwill and a sense of duty to give this humble troupe of investigators a helping hand?"

Standing menacingly with both hands on his waist, the Constable glanced at their Plus One with clear contempt. "It doesn't matter." he rasped, his voice causing the guild master to straighten up his posture in an unknown zeal. "I see that you have done a great service to the Crown and Rascade. But I will take it from here. Miss Jazdia, please hand over that man to us. We will take care of him."

"Oh, we can bring him together just fine, you know. Our boss is just a few dozen meters above. We can present our findings together. Don't you agree?"

"No, I don't think it can be arranged."

One of the flanking soldiers approached Jazdia, but the elf signaled him to not take any step closer. "Why not, Mr. Constables? What makes you think this man is so important you have to secure him right here and right now?"

Aaron Delving's frown was clearly visible even in this dimmed hall. "Back to you. Why are you insisting on making this difficult?! Goodness, I don't believe it! One seal and you think you are above me, who have served the king for years and did all of his biddings exceptionally! I am the Chief Constable, it is my job to present this... this traitor to the king himself. Not people with unknown qualities like you lots. Though, I admit your capability, so come! Hand over the man."

Jazdia sighed and then suppressed the urge to rub her nose. There was a foul stench permeated in the air, stinkier than the sewer water below, she activated her eyes. Some of Gerrald's men had been reassembled in many checkpoints, and some had already made their way inside the tunnel and joined forces with the remaining soldiers.

"Ah, so that's how it is." She mumbled. Oh well, look at how smug Gerrald was behind that burlap! so this encounter was planned.
"What are you saying? Time is up. Give him up or we will take him by force, your call."

With a ragged smile, Jazdia looked back and said: "You heard that."

Everyone looked at her in confusion, but the Samurai released him anyway. The flanking soldier grabbed Gerrald's shoulder and removed the sack, leering intensely at Jazdia as they passed. "See you later bitch!"

Waiting at the other side of the bridge was Delving, like a disappointed father fetching a troubled son. Jazdia kept her cool, while the rest of her team looks disgusted by the travesty displayed. Nobody knew what she was thinking, not even herself.

"I am immensely grateful for your cooperation." He said and it seemed to be the only word he said without any hint of exasperation. The constable raised his hand. At the right side of the tunnel, lined four members of the navy. He, as their commander smugly proclaimed. "But I can't let you leave."

The weapon that was perceived as a spear turned out to be a long musket, and they were starting to take their aim.

So did Jazdia.

At that moment there was a twang of bowstring: an arrow whistled in the air and pierced the guild master from the back. He gasped, reaching his chest where a glowing, crystalized steel made its exit and stuck out. As Gerrald collapsed, a voice rang! "Kill them all!"

Followed by a small tremor... but nobody knew where it came from. A skirmish had begun, and Jazdia quickly leaped toward the stone pillar to her left. Her eyes activated, and as she saw four more men rushing from the bridge, she blinked, and an explosion followed.

That small bridge collapsed, and their poor prisoner launched mid-air before landing with a thud at the edge of the south floor.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 6 mos ago

If it were possible to frown any harder, Henri would have done so.

He was too old for this shit. Instead, he propelled himself from the back flank, and up the right side to function as cover against musket fire. He was already damaged to hell and back- a few lead slugs would only mar the iron coating a bit more. "Mobile cover" was not really what he had intended this day, but it would have to do.

Several rounds hit him in the chest and face, peeling the iron back with loud pings, before it once more molded over the top of the shattered ceramic underneath. Jazdia leveled her bow, sucked a breath, and pulled back the string before making a carefully timed release.

"Well, miss Jazdia, quite a pickle we seem to be in. And the birdie is getting away. We should have made him sing when we had the chance. Do you have any more ideas, or should I start showing the constable how much he has bitten off this morning? His majesty will be most interested in this turn of events, I am sure. If I may be so bold as to suggest-- we should take some of these fools alive, so they can sing about their keeper to the inquisitor."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 12 mos ago

Kaito quickly followed the leader through the corridors and tunnels until they reached the canal hall where they would be greeted by a familiar but rather unwelcome face. Somehow Constable Delving managed to be just at this particular spot at this particular time. How surprising. It was as if he knew they would come through here. The fox simply guessed that this was the reason that Gerald did not put up a fight back in his bunker. He was counting on his fellow conspirator Aaron Delving to save the day.

The kitsune sighed as he knew that they would have just another fight at their hands. Clearly their involuntary participation in Gerald’s gladiatorial wasn’t enough to please the gods into giving them an easy escape. However this time there wasn’t any magic field that interfered with Kaito’s abilities. Delving and his goons would be in for a nasty surprise.

However before he could do anything the whole situation went to shit when Jazdia ordered the release of the guild master. However the moment Gerald made his way across the bridge the elf just shot him to pieces. ”For fox sake, we were supposed to take him alive!!” Yelled Kaito in frustration.

However there was no time to argue about the necessity of Jazdia’s action. Three soldiers armed with muskets had taken position on their flank and took their aim. They were ready to shoot them on the spot. But before the soldiers pulled the trigger, the fox created a thick illusionary fog in the entire hall, reducing everyone’s vision to less then half a meter.

Well, not everyone’s vision. The kitsune knew that the boss elf could see through it with ease. Also Chounan would be perfectly capable of locating anyone with his ki sense. Not to mention that Kaito himself was not affected by his own creation. Yvonne might have a hard time but at least the soldiers would not be able to take a clear shot unless they somehow had a way to see through his illusions.

Quickly Kaito moved to the side to flank the most left soldier. With his sheeted sword in his left hand the fox dashed at the soldier to suddenly pop up from the fog. The kitsune drew his wakizashi and launched a strike against the soldier’s sword, pushing it aside while remaining in contact to prevent a counter attack. This attack was quickly followed by a left handed strike with the scabbard aiming at the side of the neck, trying to knock the soldier out in one swift blow to the vagus nerve.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

With the hinder vision for the enemies under the mist and also to prevent the Musketeers to fire on concealed area. Chounan close his eyes and release a calm breath. As the Ki has been activated. Everything goes dark around him. A glowing circle appear under him. Being on the center of the circle with a radius of seven meters. The silhouette of two confused flanking soldiers appear on the circle. He sheathes his blade and makes a ready posture. A quick draw of the blade's stroke cuts the first flanking soldier following up a dashing two handed heavy stroke on other flanking soldier.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

[NPC Post]

The hunter silently looked at Matilda, the tension building up as every second passed. What was he thinking? It didn't quite showed on his face, any other emotion smothered by the burning rage, but eventually he broke eye contact and returned to packing. A wrapped package was put into the bag, then he went and took out a bear trap lying underneath the bed.

"I dont know." He cranked it open nearly all the way through before carefully shutting the jagged teeth, the contraption creaking alongside the motion. "Follow along quietly an' dont cause a scene, whatev's."

"Uh, Reinhold, my friend. When was the last time you slept?"

"I can rest when I'm dead."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

What were the odds of this prick Aaron showing up here and now? Yvonne had always pegged him for a major pain in the ass, but not the treasonous sort - which, from how he's planning to bury them all here, was looking all nice and likely.

The moment the violence started, Yvonne randomly tossed the bottle of liquor across the bank before legging it behind a pillar. Nah, she ain't fancying standing in the open against entire squadron of musketeers. She had seen what those thing could do to armor and flesh. A decision that soon was proven correct with the thick mist that unnaturally filled the cave within seconds - she ain't fighting jack shit with vision this bad.

Sparky happened to join her cover moments later, which was greeted with a lopsided grin. It's just one bout of shitshow right after another today, eh?

"Heya boss. Quite deep up in shit creek we are today." Yvonne couldn't see much, but she could listen still. Wont be infallible, but she at least had some estimate to identify approaching presence as friend or foe. Her current group was rather distinct after all. "If Aaron ain't involved in some sort of conspiracy I'll eat my boots."
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