Event: Team Sectoxomactex
| Location: Ersand'Enise
The sun is blazing overhead as the Team Sectoxomactex arranged to meet by the Arboretum for their grand introduction to each other. The students have faced another one of those facility reshuffles which have brought them together into a new group.
Maura, being new to the school herself, was already dressed up in what she imagined was a uniform of the place, a simple dress made for hard study, paperwork, and enough mobility to reach the books in the library. This did work out when it came to the more academic subjects, but found herself woefully underprepared for the far more vigorous activity ahead.
“Perhaps we should consider a change…”, she looked down towards her legs as she flattened the fabric over her lap. It appeared that she got the time wrong, either too early, or awkwardly late, as she was still trying to adjust from Torragon time.
She moves her finger over the slate, as she tries to memorise the details of the… boys she ended up paired with. Delightful.
“Let me see, who do we have…""Leander, Thalak, Merchant," @Creative Chaos - He may be interesting, what goods does his family trade?
"Niallus, Eskand, Noble, " @McKennaJ71 - Hope is is not the type to scream about his great ancestor called Hrothgar the Bloody Awful.
"Sven, Eskand, Noble, " @Force and Fury - ... his family being in a blood feud with the other would spice things up.
"Nazih, Firrazene, Noble, " @Ziegenkonig - Does Firraz even have nobles?
Niallus arrived a couple minutes ago to where this group introduction was agreed to meet, he sighs, as he then starts looking around.
"Seems I've arrived early." Sitting down on some grass he remembers the names of the others he's paired with. So...Maura, Leander, Sven and Nazih. These people are going to be paired with me.
Looking up to the sky, he lets a smile across his face, fiddling with the ring on his ring finger, mostly out of habit.
Maura blinks as the boy seems to turn up and sit upon the grass nearby. She tilts her head to the side as if trying to decide if she is one of the ones she was waiting for, or some passer-by deciding to casually laze upon the grass.
With a few pushes upon the wheels, she brings herself forward as she approaches him.
"Hola, you waiting here for Zeno...", she peers down towards the slate again for a brief moment, "Sect-oxo-mac-tex's group?"Niallus's focus shifts to the girl in the chair that's getting closer to him, at first he's not sure what to make of her, but since she's greeted him it's only common sense to return it, so he greets her with a smile and subtle wave.
"That's right....I think. Don't worry, I have no idea how to pronounce that name either." Letting out a little chuckle.
"My name is Niallus. What's yours?"She offers a smile towards him,
"Charmed. My name is Maura". He was certainly far more well dressed compared to the mental image of an axe wielding barbarian, perhaps things would not be so bad after all.
Leander arrives a bit late and sits on the grass, adjusting a brown top hat. A manic grin is on his face, as if nothing is more exciting than this meeting.
Sven nearly smacks into a low hanging tree branch as he ambles up, nose in a book as usual. The world isn't made for tall people. He blinks, shakes his head, and tucks the book into a satchel slung over his shoulder.
"Oh, uh... hey!" he tries, scratching nervously at the back of his head.
"Nishe to meet you, partnersh! I'm Shven." One of them is grinning a whole bunch.
"Whoa, that'sh quite a hat," he adds, twisting to regard Leander.
As they were greeting she saw the other two approach, a rather unusual looking one with a top hat and the boy loaded up with books. Based on appearance, it must be Leander with the hat, tipping an imaginary one towards him, and the other introduced himself as Shven.
"Hola. Looks like we are all almost here. Pleased to meet you both, my name is Maura". She smiles sweetly towards the pair, before shifting into a position that faced the three. She couldn't resist, directing towards Sven, as the boy is recovering from the tree branch.
"Maybe best you are not on the invasive task, I hear the islanders are fond of their trees."She looks down towards the pattern of the shadow for a flicker of a moment,
"Sure that Nazih will be here soon too. The Firraz are known for being reliable."Nazih sluggishly rounded the corner, squinting harshly in the sunlight. He looked extremely hungover.
"Not too late am I? Those Hegelan brews last night may have been a mistake..." He muttered, making way straight for the base of the tree to slump against.
"Nazih Iqbal." He motioned his hand in a half wave in introduction, but already his eyes were closed again.
"I already know I'll be climbing a mountain," Sven sighed.
"I can shee the Dragonshpine from my family'sh landsh."Then Nazih appeared, and he seemed in less than great shape. Sven blinked.
"N-nishe to meet you," he began.
"I'm Shven: Sven Bjornsshon." He blinked.
"Sh-shir, are you familiar with internal Chemical magic?"Leander sways a bit at the newcomers’ arrival, the grin growing even wider.
“I’m Leander Keraunós, but Andy works too.”Nazih was just glad to have something to focus on other than his incredible hangover.
"It's a pleasure, Sven." he said, slowly tilting his head towards the Eskandish.
"My training focused on the external side of things, but I've dabbled. If you have a cure for this headache, I'm willing to try anything"Sven glanced Andy's way.
"You wouldn't happen to be a chemical mage, would you?" he asked, not all that hopeful. Leander did not give off the air of being a Chemical mage.
"I have heard there'sh a way to cure hangoversh. Just... haven't mashtered it yet."Maura sighed as she watched the display, the Firraz are far from reliable, and point was proven on the first meeting with Nazih.
"One would recommend plenty of water... for drinking and a much needed bath", she closed her eyes as she rolled them.
"Using magic for trivial things is not wise, but we are left with no choice if we are to win this event". She looks towards Andy expectantly, as already being incorrectly identified as the lead in resolving this issue.
Niallus nods in agreement with Maura.
"It's nice to meet you all." He says to the others that have arrived.
"I agree with her, but here this could help you Nazih." Handing him a bottle of water, to keep him hydrated,
He sees no objection to Sven wanting to do the Mountain part of the race.
Focused on priorities, Nazih desperately downed the bottle in one go.
"Thanks.", nodding to Niallus in thankful acknowledgement.
"And normally I would agree, but after those drinks I feel I could cure an entire village bar's worth of hangovers and still have magic to go around. That is, if I knew how." ending with a slight grin. He was beginning to feel the effects of the strange brew.
"It looks like we have a strong team for this race", Nazih addressed the group, starting to feel better after the needed water.
"But you..." he narrowed his eyes, scanning the woman who had just insulted him.
"Just who-" he began to ask, in no mood to deal with a merchant too big for their britch- wait no, too big for their wheels, finally noticing the chair. But then it dawned on him; those features, that arrogance, that accent; it could only mean one thing! A Torragonese.
His brow lowered into a menacing glare.
"I didn't realise they allowed war criminals in this institution. You must have garnered sympathy from your... handicap." he spat.
Maura simply smiles sweetly as the Firraz turns on her and claps her hand together.
"You should have some more water to refresh yourself amigo, your mouth is moving like a cabro". She gives a playful giggle as she tops up Nazih's cup with more water, gesturing for Andy to begin his magic, speaking low towards the Thalak,
"Probably won't change his attitude, but try your best"."Now, we are already talking about the event. Sven for Dragonspire has been decided... we have the Water, Desert, Piggies, and the City challenges...""You should know better than the others that I'll be taking the desert leg" Nazih stated, sniffing the water Maura poured him before gulping it down again.
"I know the desert better than most, and the Firraz still have a few secrets left that weren't plundered."Nazih continued,
"That leaves the Ocean, Tropics, and City legs."Confused by Nazih action Why is he sniffing the water for? can he really be that hungover also what was with that attitude to her putting it aside since it none of his business, he stands up to stretch his legs.
"the only one that I won't be able to do sadly is the ocean part. but I was probably able to do the Piggy challenge." still he's unsure about how this tension between Nazih and Maura would play out during this whole event.
Andy looks between Nazih and Maura, chuckling as small sparks begin to appear around him.
“Normally, it takes a few days for people to get at each other’s throats. Seems like you both skipped the process.”He spends maybe a split second thinking it over before deciding.
“I’ll take the City leg. I can navigate it without worrying too much.”Sven blinks and swallows uncomfortably. A Torragonese and a Firrazene in the same group. Leander is right, but the tension between them is hardly surprising, especially given the history of their two peoples. They are fundamentally the conquerors and remnants of the conquered.
"Yesh, I'm happy to climb the mountain," the Eskandishman offered.
"But we, uh, need to get Nazih uh... shipshape, first, though, with more than jusht water.""I agree. We need him to be cured of this hangover. Sven see what you can do to help Nazih. So that leaves the ocean part to Maura." Thinking about what he said, he gets a worried brow on his face, looking at her, clearly the woman is in a wheelchair, he has no idea how she'll be able to even do this,
The very thought of her attempting sends a chill down his spine. No, she must have a plan of some kind, otherwise the school wouldn't dream of putting her life at risk.
Maura strokes a hand through her hair, twisting the end with her finger.
"As much as Nazih needs a dip in the water, he would be best placed in the Desert, since this is probably the only time he has left it".She reads the confusion expressed upon the other boy's face as he questioned Nazih's behaviour,
"Water is like liquid gold to the Firraz. They conserve it in big underground reservoirs. They use what is in the yellow seas around them, sand."As to put an end to that awkward accusation...
"As for blaming descendants for supposed war crimes of their ancestors. Heavy words to start throwing around when in a group with two Eskand present. They won’t appreciate it either." Couldn't resist the opportunity for shade. Easiest way to do it without a history lesson.
Swiftly moving on, she gives a wink towards the boy as she catches that worried expression.
"We have been on a boat before, should be fine".
"I am not my country," Sven says simply, glancing back pointedly at Maura as he walks up to Nazih.
"She ish not hersh," he says to the Firrazene,
"and you are not yoursh. The only group that mattersh right now ish thish five: ush. We won't win if we shpend our time shniping at each other like our forebearsh have taught ush. Coming from where I do, I know a thing or two about the shadow they casht." He reached out gently and people could feel energy being drawn.
"I alsho know shome chemical magic. If you hold shtill, I should be able to get rid of your hangover... in theory."Maura raises an eyebrow towards Sven, especially as he says 'in theory'.
"As pointed out, water is very good. It helps things that go in one hole, come out of the other. Including last night's celebrations..." Despite the supposed animosity, she didn't want Sven to knock out her fellow team mate, especially in the important moments prior to them setting off for the event.
"It seems we need to be prepared for the water event. Perdóneme", Maura leaves the group momentarily as she goes for a much needed change of clothes. Also she cannot be blamed if Sven maims the fellow team member, as she would be blamed.
Niallus looks away from Maura, embarrassed by her wink.
"I don't think any of us, are like our people's reputation. And we shouldn't judge them based on that alone." Looking around the group.
"Sometimes it's one's actions that really define them."I really hope this team gets along well enough so we don't end up killing themselves
Andy looks over to Niallus, the manic grin still on his face.
“I like you already.”Niallus looks at Andy with a blank face from that comment. That grin of his, it's a little off putting, but he doesn't want to make it awkward by saying something that may hurt his feelings.
With a cough to clear his throat.
"Anyway, what is everyone's magic? I can use Arcane and Kinetic."After sufficient time, Maura returns. It seems the girl came adorning more swim appropriate attire, though looking a little out of place as they were by the Arboretum and not the beach. She comes to them discussing magic specialities.
"More dabbling within the different types, though if one had to be picked, it would be Binding. Need to use it on an almost hourly basis."Niallus looks at Maura, dressed in a swimming outfit. You'd think she was going to the beach for the day, but he admired her commitment to her part of the race.
"You look nice. Umm.... Anyway, you do Binding magic, that's neat. I've only a little knowledge of Binding magic." Turn back to the rest of the group. Wasn't exactly wanting to say that first to her, but it's too late for that now.
Maura feels her cheeks grow a little warm and a little rosy after the compliment. She attempts to concentrate upon the contributions from the other group members pretending for Niallus's comfort and her own not to notice. She looks towards Sven who appears to be vying for leadership of this little gathering.
Andy pipes up.
“I’m pretty good with Magnetic magic, and I know Arcane and Kinetic magic too.”Nazih lifted himself into a squatting position under the tree.
"I specialise in chemical magic, though probably not the kind you're used to..." He gave a weary look to Maura before plucking a healthy green leaf. From the moment he touched it the colours began to change over the next few seconds; the bright green transitioned to yellow, red, then dull brown as it eventually withered into dust.
"I have a bit of binding too, and have been told I've unwittingly tapped into the beginnings of the Atomic school, but not anything that could be of use to us yet."Niallus noticed what Nazih did with the green leaf, and how it died. That's... interesting, he's never seen chemical magic used like that, whatever the case it seems it decays whatever he touches.
But that's just his theory. He looks at Andy then back to Nazih.
"These are well balanced types of magic. What about you Sven?" he says, looking towards him.
Maura didn't know whether to be flattered or insulted as he was looking at her during the little display with the leaf. Though one thing was clear as she smiled towards him, it would have been awkward if he used that on himself to try to cure his hangover. Too many desiccated mummies in the desert as it is.
Sven had been silent, working on Nazih up to this point, trying to remove some of the effects of his alcohol poisoning with Chemical magic. There were some judgmental types here and they made him at least a little bit uncomfortable.
"I do my besht with all kinds of magic," he replied,
"but Chemical and Binding are my shtrong shuits. I'm learning shome Atomic too." He scratched at the back of his head.
Maura gives Sven a big smile as she gives him a clap upon the back, getting her goggles ready for her race ahead.
"It is always good to build up some tension before a race. It gives us a lot of energy to burn and gets our blood flowing!", offering everyone a warm smile.
"So it looks like the water is first up, then it is my personal favourite", she poses next to Nazih, flexing her arm as she prods him playfully.
"Then it is our Handshome duo", she looks towards them both, giving a flutter her eyelashes and a light blush.
"...and last but not least..." she pauses for a moment,
"smiley!". With everyone and everything in place, she turns towards the portals opening up.
"We should go to our places, we don't want to be left behind!"