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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Randomness
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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Solomon Sparrow

Location: Hdur, Kindeance

Solomon knew that the time frame to regroup with Jazdia had changed. That wasn’t so much an issue. What caught Solomon was the condition in which they’d appear. Shortly after deescalating the scuffle between Matilda and the hunters, Cedar had led them back to the farm where it looked like they had started prepping the stew. It was a little of an awkward encounter, but the farmers were receptive. They were still so when Jazdia and her group also appeared. How they knew to come out east of the village center wasn’t important, it was again their condition. Cedar was as ready to take care of them as much as Matilda was ready to ask questions.

Solomon insisted the party move to somewhere cleaner as much as those in Jazdia’s charge wanted someplace more private for the conversation that needed to take place. So with another farewell to the farmers, the party departed Gerhard Adebert’s farm. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on who was asked, the stew would not have been ready for hours still, should it still be desired. The party walked the bendy path among the farm lands back towards the town center. Solomon could see some of the wounds the party had endured. Yvonne favored one side relying on Chounan for support. Jazdia’s arm was bandaged, and a guard carried a very sickly looking girl. Furthermore, he noticed that Henri was missing, and instead replaced by three others. There was the aforementioned guard and girl, and another more affluently dressed man who walked by Jazdia's side.

Silently occupying the dining area of the inn, the party started to converse. Many questions were had, and there was enough injured to keep both him and Cedar occupied. Solomon worked with what he had, applying salves to help sooth sore muscles. The trek from Rascade on foot probably didn’t help their comforts. As Solomon examined, Cedar used his healing magic, which great accelerated the party’s recovery. In tandem, the two were able to quickly and surely return Jazdia’s team to a stable and comfortable condition.

“This girl is in not fighting condition. She breaths, but she is stunted. Her color and tone. I would say that she was locked from the sun or even activity for an extended period of time. I’m surprised she was able wound you as such, Yvonne.” said Solomon as he unrolled a cloth he pulled out from under his garb. Among the various tools and first aid supplies was a small vial of alcohol. He cleaned the wound and worked meticulously to remove the splinters that remained. While he worked, he kept a close ear to the conversation. The comment about another bear man was interesting, but surprising that was not the cause of her injury. That would make more sense for Yvonne over the atrophied girl. Solomon kept further comments to himself. He didn’t have to see it to know that Yvonne was not amused by either comment. Instead, he changed the conversation back towards their recovery and learning of the incident.

“I have some salves that should help with the pain. Apply as needed." said Solomon. If healing magic coulndt nullify pain, then hopefully the salves Solomon carried could. "Once I remove the last of these splinters, you can probably cast some healing magic to fully close the wounds, Cedar. An archer’s hands are her most important tools.” Solomon had finished removing the last splinter, covering the wound with another clean bandage to keep it from infection. He didn't push the idea of Cedar's magic, though he felt it would be beneficial, but given Jazdia's disposition on it, he respected her wishes.

Solomon turned in his chair towards the others. The unnamed girl was quiet, almost sleeping even, unmoving. She was in the worst condition of them all. As for the other new comers, they seemed mostly fine, if otherwise battered. And then there was the samurai, who had some bruising, but was stabbed in the arm. Low priority, time would be of best benefit save for the samurai who appeared more distant.

“What say you, Chounan? Does your arm need treatment? I can see you were involved in whatever conflict was brought to the others, what would you require. As I’ve said. I have a salve here for pain, and other such medications to help ease your recovery. As for news to help sooth the mind, we have a lead towards the location of the kidnappers. Those three hunters the next table over was going to lead us there. With us reunited, it should only be a short time for recovery before we are ready to depart.” Solomon also gazed towards Kaito, unnamed to Solomon, and also to the guard. Though they seemed less injured, they appeared to have been in combat recently.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Really naow? Ya dun say?...." he drawled with a cross between bewilderment and amusement. "Well-- At leas' yas all still alive. ... 'an still gots all ya arms 'n legs."

He moved to the ribs on that same side of her chest, just below her breast, and placed the other hand on her back.

"Breathe in-- slow an' gen'le-- All da way in naow... hol' it a minute... Aright, now let i' out..."

He moved his hands to the opposite placement, to work the other side of the chest.

"An' what 'bout 'at 'Enry fellar? 'E e'r make it up ta ya?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Silver linings and all, eh?" Chortled the mercenary with amusement. "What does not kill me is going to die. Hah!"

Treatment continue. Breath in to the maximum, hold it, and... that's one side done, huh. Very efficient. Old boss would pay through his nose to have Cedar in the company, instead of the couple of borderline quacks that sometimes couldn't even distinguish a break from dislocation. Breath out, breath in, hold. And it's done. A big meal and a night rest and Yvonne would be back in tip top shape.

"He did. He got... I dunno, actually. Any other man would've died a dozen times over, he fell into the sewer's aqueduct and we couldn't find him. But he ain't no man. More like a golem, I guess? Probably will show up again in a while. Shame he couldn't make it here, he's tough as iron."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Well.. I's can think a be'r ways ta go ifn' he din't make it... Sound' like 'e made a good call ta run off 'n join ya. Were awful sudden like. --Leas' he left a note."

He took his hands away from Yvonne, then stretched.

"Got any o'der takers? Od'erwise, I'mma gunna take at 'ole damn platter an run off wit it." he chortled, pointing at the charcuterie tray the inn keeper had left.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

They barged into the place like the place was their own. It was a tavern, with a long common room, homey and generic. Jazdia's eyes immediately glanced at the fireplace at the end of the room.

Nobody home it seemed. It was still considered morning anyway and the usual patrons were still plowing their farmland or hammering their irons. As Jazdia walked, a fragrant smell of freshly baked bread permeated the air.

Quickly sitting near the fireplace, Solomon approached her to offer his medical service. Jazdia duly obliged and let him remove her bloodied bandage and fix her right hand.

“I have some salves that should help with the pain. Apply as needed. Once I remove the last of these splinters, you can probably cast some healing magic to fully close the wounds, Cedar. An archer’s hands are her most important tools.”

"No need to do that, stay away!!" Jazdia exclaimed, she yanked her hand away and shivered.

The situation became so awkward, it took a while for Jazdia to regain her composure. "I will settle with conventional healing only, please don't trouble yourself. I will take the salve, I assume it has mo magic properties in it?"

"It doesn't," replied Solomon solemnly.

" Thank you. I... I need to talk to the barkeeper to settle our check-ins. Please stay here and wait for matilda if you don't mind. I will be back shortly."

Jazdia walked to the counter and politely called for the barkeeper, and the one who answer was the perky brunette girl with freckles across her face.


The girl stared at the looney crew with mouth agape, and when the bear dragged the bench, she seemed about to jump over the counter.

"Young miss?" the elf halted her. "I am deeply sorry for the sudden inconvenience, but we are willing to book your establishment for the next twenty-four hours." Jazdia plucked four gold coins from her purse and placed them on the counter. With a weary smile, she continued. "I hope the amount is right. I will use the space near the fireplace. Don't hesitate to reach me if my... friends broke something, I will compensate you fairly. Also, when the owner is available, would you kindly tell him that Slyph is looking for him?"

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

[GM Post]

For one particular Nina, the day was looking to be another dreary one. Everyone in the village had their own lodging, while travelers were scarce. Thus it was to her great surprise when what looked like an entire mercenary company came in, immediately making themselves comfortable in the dining-slash-common area. Though on a closer look, they were even more colorful than average. Not like she had seen many, but there's plenty that passed by for one reason or another over the years.

"Of course, ma'am!" The girl quickly agreed, collecting the lump payment in advance. "It's two silver per person per day, this covers the room and three standard meals. You have some excess here but if your group need some extra services we'll deduce from it and you can collect the change when you check out." Polite, clear, and professionally done. It may just be a humble inn in an out of the way little village, but Nina was taught well. "Fa- the owner is out of town, have been for some time but I'll relay your message. For now, would you like some food or drink?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Glancing back at Jazdia with her brilliant emerald eyes, the girl was so cute the elf wanted to pinch her cheek. She too was very smart and attentive and everything about her just radiates positivity. It seemed Wilyadin 'Baker' had taught her well. Quite surprising for a bookworm.

"For now, would you like some food or drink?"

"Yes, please." said Jazdia, returning the optimism. "That would be a pot of tea. Some garlic bread and blueberry croissants." the last request was as unusual as it gets, but Jazdia knew the expertise of this old acquaintance of hers, and the girl quickly nodded to confirm it and smiled. "Coming right up. Please enjoy your stay, ma'am!"

Returned to the table Jazdia, only found Matilda sitting there. Standing nearby was the confused police who seemed unsure of why he was here. One thing for sure though, he recognize Matilda, but didn't make any interaction yet. The orc paladin waited, her expression was impatient.

"Greetings, Madame Matilda. I presume my party is not so late?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Chounan had watching some of his fellow party members getting treated by their healers. As Solomon offered him a treatment, he gadly accepted it.

"I stabbed myself to gain my consciousness. There is a pain from one of my whole shoulder, blocking unexpected giant pole arm's hilt that flew towards me. Also a pain came from the time I caught Yvonne from getting thrown by telekinesis. A big thud on my back after we rolled together into the pillar." Chounan replied. He unfastened his gloves and removed his chest mail. He then pulled his arm part of the kimono revealing a bandaged area where the stab located.

If Solomon wanted to check his upper body as he strip topless. He will see sealed tattoo on his abdomen. The tattoo is foreign to common folks of the three kingdoms.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Randomness
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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Solomon Sparrow

Location: Hdur, Kindeance

“To gain your consciousness? Were you put in a state of not yourself?” asked Solomon as he cleaned the wound on Chounan’s arm. The damage was light considering it was a stab wound, missing anything vital thankfully. It would be sore, but would heal in an adequate amount of time. Chounan always struck Solomon as a man with strong resolve, but given the damage their mage captive had done along with stories of a warrior version of Cedar, it was believable they might have had some magic of some kind that could sway the mind. Then again, Chounan was able to break himself out of it. A rare moment being caught off guard perhaps?

Solomon threaded the needle, his long thin fingers effortlessly guiding the medical thread. Despite how aged his hands appeared, lacking much of the color of youth, they worked perfectly still, showing little evidence of error. He dipped his fingers into a shallow tin, bringing a green mostly opaque gel to the gash on Chounan’s arm. As soon as it touched his skin, feeling around the wound became numb. After instructing Chounan to stay still, Solomon carefully stitched the wound closed. The make shift bandage that was there was good enough to stop the bleeding, but with the stitches, the wound would better close and heal.

“Yes it seems that you have had quite the encounter. Though if you permit me to ask, what were you investigating to encounter such adversaries? The bear, the mind control, the...” for a moment, Solomon glanced at the girl who sat quietly, the one Yvonne said was a mage. “the mage. If she is as powerful as you say, I hope you know what you were doing bring her here as opposed to the city guard.”

Solomon finished with his arm, providing the samurai a dollop of the pain relieving salve. Since Chounan would not be able to reach all parts of his back, Solomon offered to apply it to help bring some relief. Beyond the cut on his arm, the bruising and sore muscles would only need time to heal. The salve Solomon provided should help with any residual pain.

“And I think that does it. Of course, if you want something more immediate, I am sure Cedar would oblige if he hasn’t worn himself out, yet. But given your state, it appears you received the least of the beating among the rest.” Solomon returned to his chair.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“To gain your consciousness? Were you put in a state of not yourself?” asked Solomon.

"A demon inside of me has awaken during the time I made an error. The demon almost cut Miss Jazdia, lucky Kaito made a timing with his spell and gave a time to stabbed my own arm to regain my consciousness.

It was also reason why I left knighthood and go roaming the world as an adventurer.

The demon invaded my clan's empire. Slaughtered all who he saw in the way. My daimyo who inherited a sealing technique to sealed the demon inside of me as he placed a sealed tattoo on my abdomen.

As long as I kill without a reason. The demon will hijack my body and go rampants."
Chounan answered.

Though if you permit me to ask, what were you investigating to encounter such adversaries? Solomon asked.

"The mind control thing already stated on first question. Miss Jazdia will be the one you should ask about the operation. Ted was the name of the bear owned by an old noblewoman. He was humongous and equipped with armor. Rest of the party fought him while I am busy with a top guild ranker Werewolf. That blind girl was abducted and weaponized by her master, she is indeed quite dangers as the rest of the party beaten by her. I was disoriented from nearby blast along with the ringing eardrums of mine. As soon as I recovered I caught Miss Yvonne from getting thrown by the blind girl's telekinesis. She must be sealed with her magic." Chounan answered again.

“And I think that does it. Of course, if you want something more immediate, I am sure Cedar would oblige if he hasn’t worn himself out, yet. But given your state, it appears you received the least of the beating among the rest.” Solomon said as he went to his chair.

Chounan nodded for it and replied. "Please, do." Welcoming Cedar's help.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Cedar eyed the meat and cheese tray jealously, watching a few hands snag a morsel here and there, longing to grab it and run.

A most peculiarly dressed man apparently was his last patient today-- if he hurried, he could still score the tray for himself.

Sucking in a deep breath, and motioning to a chair for the man to sit, he once more had that 'distracted' expression cross his face, while running his claws down the man's back.

"Got stuck wit a pig sticker.. Bruises... Nutin' else as fer as I keen tell... I'll get ya fixed up in a jiffy."

He moved his hand lower, to cover the area where the sword had penetrated the flesh, then looked distracted again while the blue aura flickered off his claws once more, then moved the hand up the back, then down the arms.

"A'right-- 'Ere ya goes. Try not ta get yaself stuck agaeen, a'right?" he said to the man, before giving him a playful pat on his back. "Now-en... I got's a date wit' some dinner!"

Swooping in like an absurdly oversized hawk on a tiny mouse, he glided to the table, snatched up the entire platter, then glided back out again to find a distant corner of the room. He rather disliked being around this many people at once. He wasn't entirely sure why-- Inwardly, he suspected it had something to do with being half bear, and bears being predominantly solitary creatures. It was like a mishmash of natures duking it out inside him, now that he thought about it more, while shoving a fat handful of meat, cheese, and day old rolls into his mouth and snarfing without any concern about table manners. The part of him that was bear, wanted him to just ditch this place, eat as much food as possible, and get the hell away from whatever madness was going to transpire. It didn't care about anyone, or anything, except food, sleeping, --and when circumstances presented themselves as favorable-- a drive for sex. It didn't really care for people. It didn't really care for company. It didn't really care for basically anything at all other than basic needs and wants-- and it was very crabby about it at times. But the other half of him-- The part of him that was a man--- It cared deeply about his dad, his forest friends, the town he grew up next to, and his siblings. It cared about wanting people to know and understand him as a person, it cared about what would happen to any kids that might be sired if he indulged his instincts, and a whole lot of other confusing things. Sometimes it felt like a knock-down drag-out in his soul as those two forces fought over what actions he should be taking.

Abruptly, he looked down at the tray, and noted he had consumed a little over half its contents without having any other considerations at all. Sure, he was several days underfed-- and it was making it harder to behave like a person-- But he was *STILL* half-person, damn it. He felt very embarrassed, and ashamed of himself for his behavior, and had a very sudden need for catharsis.

He slowly snuck back up to the table, and placed the half-emptied tray back where he found it, then glanced behind him at the still unconscious girl, laying face down on the table amid all those people. That feeling of shame burned on the back of his neck and across his brow in a very visceral way. That poor child was even more starved than he was. Was half naked, vulnerable, surrounded by noise and confusion, dirty... The idea that he had just completely spaced her off to run off with the tray burned him inside, and once more that fight inside his being flared up-- the demands to seek food, and do it immediately, butted heads with what was a moral imperative to get that girl someplace safe, cleaned up, clothed, and otherwise looked after.

He scanned the room, noting a small young woman darting back and forth from the common room, and a small side door leading, presumably, to the kitchen.

He sucked in his feelings, and made a choice. He was going to be a man today-- and a good man at that-- Like his pappy had taught him.

He glided around the edge of the commotion, and set up a small ambush for the girl, to catch her discretely as she left for the kitchens, then hailed her, while she carried a tray of empty glasses over her shoulder.

"'Scuse me ma'am.." he drawled "But kin I has a moment wit ya? I's important."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

[GM Post]

Busy busy busy! There's around a dozen or so people there, and that number required proportionally large amount of food. The cauldron at the back never stopped boiling, but it would still take some time for the new ingredients to be cooked. Just about everything that could be served on the go had been taken out. It's a good thing that there seemed to be no commotion just yet, but Nina knew how rowdy mercenaries could be.

"Ah, of course ser!" She answered before taking a good look at the caller, her eyes proceed to widen in amazement at the talking bear. She never quite saw one so close, it's difficult to visualize how big they actually were. Up until today, that is. "How may I assist you?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Hey uh..." he drawled, unsure how to put his and put it properly and discretely. "'Ere's a.. a... delicate sit'ation as needs taken care ah."

He hunkered down to get closer to the girl's ear, and spoke as hushed as he could.

"'At ere girl o'er dere-- on da table. She been through a lot." he seemed to try to almost disappear into the floor, trying to find the words to let the situation be known, and do it candidly. "She uh... She been mistreated bad-- I dun know when she had a proper meal, and she got dirt all o'er 'er... but more an dat..." If it were possible for him to cower any harder while trying to broach this topic, it was not readily discernible how. He was practically crouching now, rather than stooping, and practically trying to hide behind the furniture. "Some fellar as.... She been violated, if ya un'erstands me."

He slowly started to straighten back up, seeming to find his nerve again. "I wants ta help 'er. She need better an 'at table, surroun'ed by loud idiots out 'ere. Does ya gots a room she kin use? One wit a nice sof' bed, an away from .. all dis?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

[GM Post]

Nina's mask of professionalism was quickly cracked by increasing amount of worry as the explanation rolled, feeling that this was way way way beyond her pay grade. Gosh, and to think that Father was away. Like, what was she supposed to say to this?! Good gods. Okay, calm down. Deep breath, calm down.

"Of course! Uh, one of the single room should do. At the corner, as far away from the noises." Relatively speaking anyway. The walls was nowhere near thick enough for soundproofing. "I hope nothing illegal is going here, ser? I dont want to get into trouble."

The tray was placed on the counter, something that her father would get really cross at under normal circumstances but Nina was sure he'll understand for this one. Carefully making her way to the girl, who on closer look was even younger than she was, Nina's face scrunched with worry at the sight.

"Will you, like, carry her? Should I help?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Randomness
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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Solomon Sparrow

Location: Hdur, Kindeance

Solomon listened to Chounan’s explanation of the demon. It was rather fascinating. It wasn’t a spell of mind control, but a curse that Chounan was burdened with. Curses are not an unheard of thing, but to house a demon within oneself was an admittedly scary thought. Perhaps through a quick moment of weakness, it influenced Chounan, there didn’t seem to be much harm beyond his arm. At least physically. It was enough of a burden that he’d hurt his friends and comrades. Solomon could only guess how the episode influenced his relationship with Jazdia and those she journeyed with.

“Unfortunately, my expertise does not extend to demonic parasites.” Solomon joked. Chounan seemed to have struggled with this curse for a while. Solomon couldn’t know for how long Chounan had suffered, but he seemed in control now. There was something Chounan said that gave Solomon pause. Rather than ask, Solomon could see Chounan held regret for whatever actions he took that awakened the demon in that instant. “I suppose extra care must be taken to not kill without reason, beyond what you’ve taken now.”

Solomon took pause as the room bustled around. The inn keeper girl was running from here to there, understandable to the sudden increase in patronage. And then Cedar had absconded with the platter. Solomon wouldn’t say anything, the boy was pulled from every chance he had to a proper meal, be it by him or the arrival of Jazdia. He deserved it in Solomon’s eyes. Speaking of Jazdia, she joined Matilda by the fire, whatever their conversation was out of ear shot. The hunters were gathered at a table of their own, not wanting to interact all the much, and the guard that carried the girl say close by seemingly unsure of what he should be doing.

“Sealing the girl’s magic. If she is as dangerous as you say, that might be best. For both her recovery and your safety. Her condition. It is not good. She has been through much trauma, more heinous than most. I do not blame you for saving the girl. I hope that she is receptive to our care. I know too well of some of the horrors she might have endured."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 6 mos ago

"I dun got an ans'er fer dat..." he drawled solemnly "But I intends ta fin' out. Go git da room ready, an I'll bring 'er back 'ere."

The girl nodded, shaken, then departed down the corridor, unlocked the door of the room at the far end, then motioned at him, indicating it was open.

Saying nothing, he strode back into the room with a purpose, then bent down beside the half-conscious girl, and softly drolled into her ear.

"Aright-- I's sorry I lef ya layin here like at.... I gots a room fer ya. I'ma gunna pick ya up naow, un'erstan? Get ya way from all dis noise-- git ya cleaned up. Aright?"

The girl made an unintelligible sound, which he wasn't sure was assent, or dissent. It didn't matter. She could NOT stay out here. Very carefully, like a father picking up a sleeping child, he scooped her up, layed her over his shoulder, then carried her out of the common room and down the hall. He could feel eyes on him, and he felt very vulnerable and naked all of a sudden, but this needed to be done. He'd suffer whatever baseless accusations would surely come from it later.

Moving with purpose, he shuffled down the hall, then beside the young tavern girl.

"She need's a bath-- Kin ya spare some hot water, a washrag, an some nice gen'le soap? Mebbe some towels? -- and... Ya knows where I kin git 'er some clothes ta wear? What she got on right naow... Aint fit fer wearin. I'd be much abliged."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

[GM Post]

Well, shiiit. Nina could only hope that there's really nothing illegal going on, she didn't want to implicate Father into this. But what choice did she have? She cant just let the girl waste away out there in that indecent piece that barely qualified as clothing. Her morality wouldn't allow that.

"Yes, I'll have it prepared. I think I can find some of my spare clothes, will be too long on the sleeves but better than. That." Warming the water would take some time though. Nina glanced at the bear, who so far sounds very much like a decent man. But cant just trust first impressions. "No funny business while I'm gone, understood?" She mustered her everything to sound as menacing as she could, even if the end result was practically akin to an angy kitten. Still a long way to emulate Father, she suppose.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Cedar put a paw on the tavern girl's shoulder. It was heavy, but he did his best to be gentle.

"......Thank ya..."

The words came out with more emotion than he really wanted, but it was hard to keep them in check. He was glad to have these feelings, even though they hurt. He was glad to be has father's son.

The tacit implication of the girl's voiced concern and admonishment stung, but he had become used to such things. It always hurt-- he had never hurt anybody, nor been with anybody. Ever. But people had feelings about him all the same. His brother took it harder than he did, but right now, he had to push it aside. Truth would win out in the end. It always did. .. Usually.

He left the door open, then carried the unconscious girl inside, before looking for a comfortable sitting chair to set her down in for her bath.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

[GM Post]

Nina came around a minute later, a water ladle loaded with bathing supplies in one hand and a half-full bucket of cold water in the other. Slung across her shoulder was one of her old clothing, and she promptly began placing the stuff around wherever appropriate. "I'll bring the hot water soon enough! Is there anything else?"

It's hectic, juggling both the kitchen need and now this. But if anyone could do it, it's Nina! And, well, Father for sure. And big sister. But neither of them were here at the moment, thus she need to pick up the slack.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Naw, 'ats gud. I dun tooked enough o yo' time. Thankya ageen miss--"


"Thankya ageen Miss Nina. I'll jus sit 'ere in da door until yas can get i' in 'ere."
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