Now to solve the most vital debate of wisps or Wisps or my personal favorite wisPs.
Now to solve the most vital debate of wisps or Wisps or my personal favorite wisPs.
@PapiTan Do the dead always remember their life/how they died, or can they forget?
What exactly does necromancy entail considering pretty much everything here is varying degrees of dead?
@PapiTan Would something like "physics" be a functional magic category? I was thinking of spells revolving around manipulating gravity and I'm not sure how to categorize that.
Do Reapers primarily work alone, or do they get sent out as teams? Or is it up to them if they want to team up or not? Are there some jobs that require multiple Reapers?
@PapiTan for magic, do you think changing the properties of objects would work? Like making something heavier or lighter, or rubbery, soft, hard, etc? I'm leaning that direction now using "Transmutation" as the magic branch, but I can go back to the drawing board if you don't think it will work!
hopefully people aren't trying to fight their colleagues r-right? /nervous sweating
![]() ________________________________________ Miriam "Maya" Desrosiers Female | 22 | Cosmic _______________________________________________ "Don't you dare come in here and tell me HR wants to talk again." ________________________________________ ![]() | "Why should I be careful? What, am I gonna extra-die?" Appearance Maya is a decent height for a woman at 5'7", though she's usually boosted a bit taller with heels. She has a slim but shapely build, fair skin, and long, straight black hair. She prefers business casual style, preferring short skirts, stockings, and blouses. Her eyes are a dark wine colour, and her face, conventionally pretty, is often slack with boredom and mild contempt. When an unusual job comes up on the board, however, those eyes take on a dangerous, thrill-seeking glint at the prospect of some rare excitement. Weapon Maya wields a long hammer with an angled head, equipped at the rear with a short bladed spike and combustive boosters that allow her to both add some extra kick to a swing or directly blast an enemy. The boosters are controlled by a trigger on the shaft. From tip to tip, the hammer is about as long as she is tall. Magic Maya's field of magic is Cosmic, specializing in spells having to do with the manipulation of gravity.
"How did you die?" "Isn't that supposed to be rude to ask? Whatever, I don't really care. It's a short and kind of bullshit story anyway. I was 22, your classic goody-two-shoes - came from a nice family, got good grades, didn't get pregnant before twenty, all that. Didn't really do much interesting; you know how it is, half of everyone you know tells you to get your crazy out before you're too old to party and the other half says that can all wait until you get your education and you're out on your two feet. I kinda split the difference; didn't party too hard but wasn't a loner or anything. Went away for school, joined a sorority. The usual. Anyway. There I am, wasting my life studying for some bullshit physics degree, thinking I'll go have a real life once I'm done, and then - BAM! Meningitis. Like, are you fucking kidding me? What kind of bullshit is that? You french one guy at a party, go to bed the next week with a stiff neck and never wake up again? Give me a fucking break. But that's what got me, and then my dumb ass wakes up here, dead, and what, I'm supposed to just be cool with that and move on to the After just like that? Yeah, okay. Fuck that. I barely spent any time on Earth! I never got to live my life there, so I'm damn well gonna live it here until I'm good and ready. I guess that's what brought me to this job. I spent like, I don't know, a year or so just hanging out in Decibitus at first. Really trying to let loose, you know? Live a little? Ha. But it didn't take long for that to get boring - I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a city full of dead people with mortality issues is kinda lame. So then I remember they told me I could be a Reaper (which at first I was like, no, I didn't die just so I could get a nine-to-five in limbo) and think hey, maybe slaying demons or whatever that entails will be more exciting than nightclubs full of reincarnated geriatrics. Of course, now I've been on for about a year and a half and... yeah. No. I mean, sure, you get a little action every now and then when there's a wisp that got a little too mature or some especially uncooperative dead guy on Earth, but Jesus, who figured death would still have paperwork? And like, an HR department? You're telling me I still have to deal with payroll when I'm dead? So yeah, turns out the afterlife isn't that much more impressive than normal life - although not being able to really die again is cool, I guess. And now with the train out of whack things are even more annoying. But hey, maybe whatever's holding up the train will be a bit more of a challenge." |
Transmutation should work totally fine as a magic branch, yep! I will give the heads up in advance that it most likely won't work directly on a reaper's weapon, but hopefully people aren't trying to fight their colleagues r-right? /nervous sweating
<Snipped quote by PapiTan>
Woo, thank you! And yeah I figured since the weapons are made out of the spooky gem cores they would have some immunity to magic, breaking, etc?
SO, do we have a set character sheet yet?