Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 1 yr ago

As they approached the village Kaito had regained enough mana to once again disguise his more unique physical features before making contact with what appeared to be the other half of the team. Jazdia had already mentioned that she was working for madame Mathilda and there she was in the flesh. Apparently she was in the company of what looked like the fox’s worst nightmare of today, another man-bear and a rather old looking fellow.

They arrived at a farm first but were quickly escorted to an inn further in town. Apparently the bear and old geezer were competent healers and they went straight to work. The fox’s injuries were rather minor compared to those of his companions so he decided to deal with a different problem first. The fireplace was burning brightly and the inside temperature was way too nice to keep walking around in a long cloak but being shirtless wasn’t exactly the proper custom for the common room of an inn. That would be a problem if he actually cared about proper customs. So Kaito quickly dropped the cloak at some chairs and casually walked around bare chested.

The kitsune quickly noticed how the innkeeper barked out some orders at one of her staff who brought out plates with food to get more food. Before the man had the chance to get to his task Kaito tapped him on his shoulder and gave him a friendly smile. ”Hey, you’re going into town to do some shopping, right? If not, can you arrange to get someone to run an errand? I need a new tunic. I prefer good quality and a dark red color. That goes well with my hair. Anyway, if you can’t find something that specific anything else will do.” Said the fox as he placed five silver pieces in his hand. ”That should be enough to get something propper for me. You can keep the change for the inconvience i have caused.”

Before the man had any time to respond Kaito grabbed a few pieces of bread from the tray and walked off. Looking around he noticed how the bear took care of the girl they had brought with them. His fatherly way of tending for her was as adorable as it was naive. That girl was unbelievably powerful and rather unpredictable. There was no telling how she would respond when she would have regained some of her strength. Just seeing her as a helpless victim that needed care looked like a good way to lose your life.

Watching the bear take off with the girl, Kaito approached his elf boss who was sitting with Madame Mathilda at the fireplace. ”The bear seems to be rather fond of the girl we brought back, in an almost fatherly way. He’s walking off with her right now but I doubt he has any clue about what he’s dealing with. Want me to keep an eye on them?”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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Matilda had arrived at the inn along with the others, the knight made her way toward Jazdia first. “What happened to you, What delayed your arrival.” She wondered what they ran into that could cause them to be badly hurt. She wondered if they had found or interacted with someone quite powerful. “I really hope you did not do anything stupid and angered any noble. And where the hell is Henri?” Her eyes focused on Jazdia. Messing with a powerful and well armed Nobel would be the last thing she would want. It would only further hinder the progress of the investigation. Her tone of voice was very demanding, she did want answers, and she hoped these answers would not anger her even further.

Taking a moment to breathe softly, she spoke in a whisper.“Although I am glad to see you are still alive.” Jazdia could not see it, but Matilda was smiling underneath her intimidating helmet. Even with the string of demanding questions, she was glad to see that Jazdia and her group are still alive.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 24 min ago

Jazdia nibbled the garlic bread and let the food pass through her throat first before answering Matilda.

"Our investigation demanded more hours than what was initially allocated."

Even if his face was only slightly visible behind that helmet, Jazdia knew the orc captain was not very pleased with that short answer. It wasn't Jazdia's intention to be cryptic, honest! Only old habits die hard.

The orc leaned forward, resting her forearm and causing the table to creak. She didn't directly press her, but obliquely did so by studying deeply at Jazdia, her answer, her appearance, and her refusal to elaborate, and thus arrived at a certain conclusion.

I really hope you did not do anything stupid and angered any noble. And where the hell is Henri?

"No, we are not. On the contrary, it was a noble who was trying to kill us." Jazdia sipped her tea and sighed as if letting the suspension settle. "Matilda, has it ever come to your mind that your King's political allies would want him dead? Had the pleasure of getting acquainted with one of them. And turned out it was the Constable himself. Aaron Delving. Name rings any bells? When we investigated the Black Serpent, He demanded to hand over the captured guild master. We complied like law-abiding citizens would, despite our suspicion about how he could gain access and navigate through the tunnels belonging to a nefarious organization. He then ordered us to be killed. Can you believe that?"

For a better grasp of the clarity of the event and its chronological order, Jazdia told her what happened at the Memorial Park, how the constable refused to grant them permission to investigate, and how it escalated into almost a full-blown fight. Then the assault at the Black Serpent and how their arena was filled with high-profile patrons, then the standoff with Delving and his goons at the sewer. Henri's disappearance, and the aftermath.

Of course, Jazdia excluded the part where her group razed the guild's warehouses.

"I understand that you would want more than just my words on this." Jazdia beckoned Kaito to be with them. A sack of documents hit the table with a thump. And Jazdia too handed to her the most incriminating evidence from her satchel bag. Matilda, by Jazdia's recommendation, opened the letter detailing the infiltration plan, and the mention of a secret passage from the sacred mausoleum. The orc captain's face turned even sourer and disgusted.

There was a long pause until she folded the letter again and shifted it aside. When she was about to reach for another piece of evidence, she took a moment to breathe softly, then spoke in a whisper. “Anyway. I am glad to see you are still alive.

Jazdia rubbed her bandaged hand and smiled. "The pleasure is mine, Matilda. If you can spare some time, you might want to question that guard. He was a part of Aaron Delving's subjugation team."

The guard walked forward and saluted Matilda. "Gordon Eorl, at your service, Ma'am."

As the report partially concluded, Kaito reached Jazdia and spoke close to her ear.

”The bear seems to be rather fond of the girl we brought back, in an almost fatherly way. He’s walking off with her right now but I doubt he has any clue about what he’s dealing with. Want me to keep an eye on them?”

Jazdia did look troubled by the news. Troubled and... confounded. She let that man-bear lay his hands on the girl because his dossier said he was a healer. Never expected him to go to such length to bring the girl to a room, using her money no less!

The elf quickly seized a sealed syrette of morphine from her bag and hand it to Kaito. "As we both know, she is still unstable. Yes, please check them for me. You have my permission to sedate her if you think she is about to go on a rampage again. My deposit does not cover the entire inn, and my pocket is not bottomless either."

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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The inn's chef came out with a platter of mystery stew, the smell attracting Yvonne's gaze before he even got in view. Claiming a bowl of it, as well as several bread from the first batch of food, the mercenary scooted closer to the table where Jazdia and Mattie sat for their discussion. Not close enough that she'll be intruding, but sufficient to listen in without having to focus too much. She need a lot of food, and didn't wait for any fanfare before assaulting the stew with great relish.

Taste better than usual too. This inn was surprisingly nice.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Matilda looked very suspicious of Jadzia while she was answering her questions, Staring into Jazdia’s eyes as if she was trying to pull the truth out of her. “I really hope you are not hiding any information from me.” The orc relaxed in the chair she was sitting in. Listening in to what Jazdia’s team had found. Clenching her hand into a fist, she felt a surge of anger hearing whom they fought. “Aaron Devling?” She felt angry they would fight someone like Aaron, but she calmed down once Jazdia explained herself.

The thought has not escaped me, I have noticed how traitorous certain people in the court can be. I am starting to think that Devling may be working with the Black Serpent." Things were starting to click in her head, the apparent procrastination of the investigation would be a good reason for Devling to hide his involvement.

If Devling is involved in all of this mess, then this has to be informed to the king. I am sure he would want to know why the general of his navy wants him dead.” If this information was true, she would personally want to torture him.

The orc captain was glad that Jazdia was not just spouting bullshit, there was proof of their claim that Devling was involved. Reading through the documents that Kaito sent down on the table, Some of the papers were starting to become cramped. Her hands were shaking from the rage and anger starting to build up. In her head, she definitely needed to show this to the king, Reading as much of the document as she could, in a short amount of time. After a while, she set the document down, because she did not want to rip up the paper in a fit of rage.

The protection of these documents is paramount, we need to make sure these documents are not destroyed.” Her eyes looked over at the guard, at first she was suspicious that this guard was an unreliable source. But perhaps he could be helpful in their investigation. “What is your master planning, I want to know what the next step of his plan is. Do you know if the prince is still alive?
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

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When the Orc Paladin addressed him, the soldier gulped. Though not belonging to the same corps, the sternness and savagery of Matilda Ironsword were notoriety among guards on the lower pay grades. They also know the rumor of her being the King's right-handed woman and had been granted Immunity for such an important occupation. With all the talk mostly surrounding the betrayal of his commander, the soldier could already feel the executioner's blade on his neck. Eyeing at the greatsword leaning on her chair, it was probably closer than he might think.

He eyed Jazdia, mentally asking for assurance before stepping forward, and saluting Matilda.

"Hail! His Highness' honorable retinue." He stammered, trying his best to not mess this one up. Matilda did not reply to his salutation back.

"Sit down!"

"Aye... at once, madam."

“What is your master planning, I want to know what the next step of his plan is. Do you know if the prince is still alive?

"Ma'am. yes, Ma'am. This guard had no knowledge of what Chief Delving was planning. Our order was to get into the tunnel to subjugate Black Serpent Guild. Once we have gotten deeper, Constable Delving selected ten of us to follow him, the order was to detain Foreign Spies, which apparently were Miss Jazdia and her team."

"And the prince?"

The guard looked back at Matilda with a confused expression. "Pardon me, Ma'am, but the Prince? Hasn't the Crown Prince been evacuated safely after the accident that day?"

Jazdia was about to smack her forehead anytime, but her injured hand prevented her to do so. Now Matilda just added one more person to be bestowed with forbidden knowledge.

"Matilda, I think we are beating a dead horse here. This man is as clueless as we are. If their plan you seek, I am afraid you will have to deduce it yourself. When I realize an important clan decided to take part to kill his king, then usurpation is their long-term goal."

Matilda seemed irritated by Jazdia intervening in her query, but the elf insisted. To have this conversation, she had sacrificed time to heal and rest, even her attire was still as tattered as beggar's clothing due to skipping the time to change it.

"You need to inform Fred-- King Fredricus about this, now if possible. We found an armory full of weapons among other concerning things in that tunnel complex. If my theory about usurpation is correct, then there is a chance that Delving is not alone in this, and whoever aided him is brewing a plan to take the throne by force. You must do something about those tunnels and secure the corpse of their leader for post-mortem interrogation."

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 24 min ago

Upstairs, a girl slowly regained her consciousness. It was a very strange dream; she walked out of the tunnel, then stroll into the green beautiful forest, with the sun shining above her and the wind caressing her skin, it was something she had never seen, or hear or feel for a long long time like the last one was in another lifetime ago.

Perhaps she should tell her master about this dream.


When she tried to comprehend the meaning of that word, she clutched her forehead and covered her face. She remembered and realized it was not a dream. She could feel her talent drained, all used up in a delirium of anger that it too couldn't be fully grasped by her simple way of thinking. Then the pain, searing pain on her chest. It was like a blow from her master's cane, but hurt more than anything.

It was the elf. The elf killed her guardian, bit her with a numbing poison, and then they took her. Now she was in the world outside. That feeling of loss was now mixed with anxiety and fear, what they were going to do with her? What they had done to her?

"Tha...ya ag.. M.. Nin... I'.. jus.. s 'e.. in da door u..l yas .. get i' .. 'ere."

She could hear them. Close. The numbness had eased up, but she could not see or feel clearly and now the touch of clean sheets and bedcover startled the girl more than anything. Her sense clouded with fear so great her surrounding was barely perceived. To her, it was another prison, and she was there, powerless, waiting for a cruel fate. Dictated by anxiety, she inched away from her position, dropped onto the floor, and crawled to the place they might not see her.

The wound throbbed with pain, but the great chill in her heart somehow subsided. Here, the claustrophobic crampedness brought back a strange feeling of comfort; dark, cold and dusty, just like the tunnels she was familiar with.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Cedar's ears perked up, and he turned his head to the side, looking back into the room behind him.

He had seated himself on the floor, just in the open doorway of the room, looking out. He wasn't really sure why he was sitting there, like that; He assured himself he was just waiting for hot water, whenever Nina was able to get it ready and bring it from the kitchens-- but deep down, he could tell there was a more complicated answer. He rubbed his head in confusion. He had felt these kinds of impulses from more social forest creatures, but he did not expect to have it suddenly appear inside his own behavior set. It occurred to him that he was guarding a den. Maybe the part of him that was bear, and the part of him that was man, had colluded in some unexpected way?

Regardless, he heard the girl speak for the very first time, then heard shuffles as she clamored out of the bed, then crawled along the floor to hide underneath it.


He was sure that was the word the girl had spoken, but he was confused by the implication. People did not have masters-- Domesticated animals-- creatures who had the will and intellectual grit to survive and thrive on their own literally bred out of them-- THOSE had masters, and could not survive without them. A thought that was dark and hideous crawled through his mind, that maybe this girl had been.. Selectively bred.. The same process that humans had used to transform wolves into ... Dogs. The idea of a "Dog-ified" human, disturbed him deeply. What kind of cruel, sick, and twisted being would envision or enact such a thing? He hoped very intensely that this was just his imagination running wild with him, and that there was some other, less horrendous explanation.

Regardless, she seemed able to talk. Maybe she could shed some light on the mystery of what she meant by 'master'.

Since she was already hiding UNDERNEATH the bed, like some trapped animal, he decided to forego standing upright, and instead just levered himself up onto all fours, then plodded slowly into the room, to lay down on the floor beside the bed, 90 degrees to its orientation, looking under it.

"Hullo un'er 'ere." he drawled. He could feel his voice vibrate the floor, with the silly position he had placed himself in. He imagined he must look more like a fat and lumpy 'carpet' at the moment. (another chilling and horrible thing that humans did with wild animals. Carpets.) "Ya don' hav' ta hide ya know. I won' bitecha."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

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A sudden unreasoning fear of being discovered laid hold of her, the girl did not move, but her hand touched the floor to feel the vibration. The voice was both familiar and alien, and she could feel the bulky being laying down. It was familiar because it reminded her of Teddy, strange because this furball didn't smell like gore and perfume, but rather earthy and...fruity, and he spoke with a gruff, but smoother tone.

No, it can't be Teddy. She saw him dying in the arena, vicious arrow impaled his snout he was bleeding. Not, it couldn't be Teddy. The girl stretched his hand to form magic, but soon she felt weak and powerless, she covered her ears and shook her head.

"You are not Teddy... then who... who? Stay back! I can't hear you! I don't want to hear you! I don't want to see you!
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Cedar chuckled in a somewhat amused and jovial way.

"Muh name's Cedar. -- Like da tree. Muh daddy give it tuh me. Ya dont's got ta come out ifn' ya dun wanna.. bu' i's gunna be hard ta git ya any food 'r water unner dere. --An who's 'Teddy'?"

He raised one eyebrow and his ears twitched.

"anyhoo-- Ya dun has ta be scared like a lil' bunny rabbit un'er dere. Anyone as tries ta hurt ya, I'll bites em for ya, how 'bout dat?"

The girl just cowered and sobbed at him and tried to scoot away from the edge of the bed. He knew better than to try and invade that space. This was very much like trying to win the trust of a wild, wounded animal.

"Tell ya wat. Ya dun has tuh come out, but ya will 'ventally. Everone gotta pee soon'r -r later. ---This ain't no cage hon. Ya can come out when'er ya wants. In da meantime, I sees ya wants ta be lef' alone. At's fine. Ain't no rush. I'mma gunna head back o'er tuh da doorway, and keeps people out. If'n ya change ya mind, and wanna talk, jus come up behin' me, aright? I ain't no prison warden-- but I kin keeps ya safe, aright?"

He made as much of a nod as was possible with his chin literally flat on the floor, then scooted to turn around, levered back up onto all fours again, then plodded to the door, where he laid down once again, this time facing out through the doorway.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 24 min ago

The girl was still laying flat on the floor. Like a cornered snake, she remained still, unmoved by the lurings of food or water. there was a crimson tint glowing on her brown eyes and they showed absolute tenacity and determination.
She remained in that position for quite a while until Cedar noticed her breath becoming more ragged.

"Cruel elf with cat eyes!" finally she talked again, now in a hissy fit. "Murderer! She's your friend! Her talent--everywhere, fire that extinguishes quickly! She killed my master. Why--"

As her chest contracted from that sudden outburst, she gasped. "Why this pain hasn't gone? Is torment what you wished? Please leave me be! I beg you!"

Despite the impression it gave on initial interaction, the girl didn't as autistic or childish as one might think. Over the years, even before her blindness and deafness became gradual, the girl had picked up words and phrases uttered by her master's usual patrons. Then again, her speech was not impaired.

That being said, perhaps giving her a sense of security would work better than the 'raw' form of compassion.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Cedar laid down in the doorway. Somber emotions filled him.

So, that elf lady had killed this "master" of hers? He had no idea. He'd have to ask questions later.

His heart strings pulled as she fought against the scar tissue in her chest. He'd love to treat that for her, but until she was willing to come out, and let him touch her, there was no way to. This would just have to work itself out.

He heaved a big breath, and stayed right where he was. He hoped she would eventually work up the courage to come out and at least investigate the room more. He could talk to her more then. Until then, she was at least safe. --If choosing some less-than-human habits. He didn't really mind those though. He was used to them. The others outside might be less understanding though. Better to keep them out, at least for now.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kaito nodded at Jazdia as he took the morphine. He wasn’t too keen on keeping an eye on that girl but he knew that it had to be done. She is a very dangerous person and could cause substantial damage and injury if she would go on a rampage again. That would be a pain in the ass at best and an absolute disaster at worst.

”I’ll go take a look.We haven’t heard any explosions yet so that is a good thing. Anyway, don’t worry too much about the money. If the need arises I’m sure I can find some wealthy people in this town who would voluntarily donate to the cause of saving the prince.” This was of course part joke and part suggestion as Kaito doubted that Jazdia would approve of his means of acquiring wealth.

The fox quickly made his way upstairs and found the bearman in a rather comical scene. Apparently the girl was awake and had hidden herself under the bed while this gigantic bearman tried to talk her out of that situation. However the situation seemed to escalate as there was a sudden burst of anger from underneath the bed, calling the elf a murderer again.

As Kaito stepped towards the room, he wondered if he should drag her from underneath the bed and sedate her on the spot. It would surely be more safe for everyone to have her sleeping again but considering she has been throwing tantrums rather than explosions her powers might not have come back yet. It might be too soon to use such coercive measures.

Turning towards the bear, he started to speak in a more serious tone. ”You’re Cedar, right? What are you doing bringing her all alone to a room? You have seen Yvonne’s injuries, right? Well, that is what happens when her magic misses you. If it would have hit we’d still be bussy scraping her off the ceiling of a sewer.” The fox probably sounded a bit more angry than he wanted but he had seen with his own eyes what this girl could do. Doing that fight all over again was something that the fox wanted to avoid at all costs.

The fox sighed. With the girl underneath the bed there wasn’t much he could do anyway so he sat down on the other side of the bear, ignoring the sharp pain from his bruised ribs as best as he could. ”If it interests you, I can share what I know about her.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 7 mos ago

"Yeah-- that'd be nice. Dun go in 'ere 'dou. Girl's fixin ta wet 'erself, she so scared. Hidin' uner da bed like a scared fox, and jus' as snappy. I gits the idear that if she coulda done sommat like plow somebody hard 'nuff ta shatter four ribs an' tear a shoulder, she'd a dun it by naow ta escape. She prolly outta juice at 'ta moment. All da same, she prolly bitecha if ya sticks ya nose unner 'dere. Say.... She did say at "Mean, cat-eyed elf woman's 'talent'" were "all over".. ....Ya s'pose?"

Cedar remained where he was, blocking all ingress or egress through the door with his bulk, but sucked in a breath and expended a little more of his power, despite the risk of going flat himself without warning, due to not eating right. His awareness of magical energies sharpened, but the only thing he could detect was the man right in front of him, who was under such a powerful aura, that it almost hurt looking at him this way.

Cedar raised an eyebrow in alarm at the man, but the aura seemed very tightly confined to just his person.

"Nah... I aint git'in nut'in from the nice elf lady downsta'rs.... But YA is practically bleedin' magic.. Care ta enlighten a fellar as ta what ya up ta son? I ain't gunna let ya in dere all glowed up like 'AT. Not tills I knows what ya up ta."

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@Pakde @wierdw

The orc paladin leaned forward towards the guard, using the exact same technique she used on Jazdia a few moments ago. “Nothing said here leaves this room, if I hear you have been speaking with outside parties about this matter.". Her hand reached over towards his face, squeezing his cheeks together so his tongue was partially out of his mouth. “I will personally rip your tongue out of your mouth, along with some of your other extremities.” Moving her hand back onto the table, she looked over towards Jazdia. “I apologize for that mistake, I will write up my report and see if Cedar can get a bird or something to bring to the king.

I had found some information concerning our side of the investigation, A hunter named Reinhold and Brik had seen what had happened. However, Brik was found dead inside of a fort a few miles away. But luckily his brother knows where he could be, but the only issue is that he has not slept in six days. So we will have to wait until the morning to investigate the area.

Matilda searched through her belongings for a quill and ink. After some rummaging, she started writing her report. Quickly finishing writing down the information that both parties had found. Walking over towards Cedar, she handed him a rolled up piece of parchment. “Cedar, I need a bird to bring this message to the king. It is very urgent, and needs to be sent right away.

She looked over towards the badly injured girl, “Who is this girl? Why have you brought her here?” Matilda did not want more people to know they were a part of the investigation. And also it would be quite dangerous for her to be around them. There was no telling what kind of dangerous situation they could be in next.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 7 mos ago

"I didn' bring 'er, 'hey did--" said Cedar somewhat dismissively. "All I knows is she hurt, and clearly been through a lot. Just honest decency ta see 'at she gets a decent shot at livin."

He looked at Matilda suspiciously a moment, appraising her.

"Ya prolly wants a raven, or a jackdaw. More likely ta fin' a jackdaw 'round 'ese parts. They likes livin' roun' people. Question is how we gonna convince one ta fly all a way up dere, lookin for a human they knows nothin 'bout. Normally, I ask the locals 'bout things in the local area as they normally lives in, at way 'eres no fuss. I kin go wanderin' outside lookin if ya wants, but caint really promise nutin. Birds is like anythung else-- gots dere own minds, an wants. Ya gots ta make it wort' dere while. Raven's smart'r. Lots smart'r. Almost people smart. Also, almost people selfish. Ya practically gots ta save 'er lives ta get at kind a relationship goin wit one."

He sucked in a deep breath, then let it out.

"Aright.. I' go lookin'. Make sure as nobody goes in 'ere, and dun scare at girl-- aright? She scared 'nuff. No pickin' er up and shakin' er, aright? Got 'nuff to try an salvage wit' at girl, dun need ta adds more trauma."

He looked at Kaito next.

"Dun think I dun forgot 'bout you neither mister. Dun go in dere. 'smportant."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 24 min ago

When Matilda left the table, Jazdia leaned on her chair and rolled her eyes. That woman really had no patience in her it was downright ridiculous. She waved at the guard sympathetically. "Did her threat scares you? Well, at least you will not be executed."

Munching her croissant, Jazdia felt much better now, although she could use a nice, warm bath right now, she preferred to wait for matilda. Obviously, the orc paladin still had something to say and it would be in her best interest too to hear a full story.


Upstairs, Jormungand "Jorry" crawled out from her gloomy hideout after hearing the door had been closed shut. The first thing that came to her mind was the advice from the fellow slave she befriended: to run away.

Ignoring the pain in her chest, she walked for the door, but before she could reach the knob, her knees gave up. Years under Gerrald's shadow had conditioned her mentality to never comprehend what courage and freedom mean. Trembling, she returned to her bed and lay there. Her master was dead and now she will be under a new one. For better or worse, she didn't care, she had resigned to her fate and waited, just like what happened before, and before, and long before that...

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kaito looked rather curiously at the bear. He seemed to have the ability to detect magic. That was a rare skill among mages. However the notion that he was bleeding magic so it was rather clear that bearman could not determine the specifics. For a moment the fox dropped his illusion that covered his more outstanding physical features. ”I’m up to nothing specific magic wise. I’m practically a magical fox creature and that is something I prefer to keep hidden. Being easily recognizable is a liability in my field of work.”

For a moment the kitsune looked through the door at the girl who was still under the bed. ”She was a slave to the biggest crimelord of Rascade. I’m not entirely sure what he was using her for. When we first encountered her she was in chains, locked behind a magic barrier. At that time we were unable to get her out.” Kaito paused a bit as he ordered his thoughts about the girl. ”Anyway, she is deeply in love with her captor who unfortunately died at the hands of one of my team members. Considering she talks about a cruel elf with cat eyes I don’t need to tell you who it was.’

” She went on a rampage after her ‘master’ died. Giving it all to get her revenge. That is why we’re all as injured as we are” The fox abruptly paused when he noticed Mathilda approaching.

For a moment he wondered how much information he should give her. The girl was sort of Jazdia’s project so dealing with Mathilda’s questions would more or less be the elf’s duty. ”She was a slave of Gerald from the Black Serpent guild. Jazdia insisted on taking her with us. I think she can better answer your question of the ‘why’” Spoke Kaito as he looked at the big orc lady that towered over him.

As he wanted to say more but then noticed the sound of movement in the room. As it came closer towards the door Kaito stood up, making himself sort of ready to face whatever fury would come from that room. But apparently the girl decided otherwise as she seemed to move back on the bed again. ”She is injured badly so lets give her some rest.” spoke Kaito towards the orc in an attempt to make sure that she would not barge into the room.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“Sealing the girl’s magic. If she is as dangerous as you say, that might be best. For both her recovery and your safety. Her condition. It is not good. She has been through much trauma, more heinous than most. I do not blame you for saving the girl. I hope that she is receptive to our care. I know too well of some of the horrors she might have endured." Solomon said. Chounan nodded on him to agreed and also a gestures of gratitude. from the Doctor's offered.

The Bear, Cedar treated his bruises and fixed his stabbed wound. Upon saying about not to stab himself again made him to worry about the burden. He made a small bow with is head to show a gratitude. He wore his chest mail again and fastened his gloves, testing his healed arm by moving a bit and close open his palm. Made some small movements with his upper body as it goes as fine as new again.

Stood with his feet. Approached the noblewoman on her table along with his carried meal for himself and asked, "May I accompany you, Lady Yvonne?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

Member Seen 15 min ago

[NPC Post]

"Suit yourself." Said Yvonne, not really paying much attention to anything beside the meal. Matilda's summary was short and succinct, earning the three hunters a curious gaze for a moment before she returned to her stew. It was at that moment that the door of the inn creaked open, a polite "After you, milady." preluded the entrance of an unfamiliar dark-haired woman and soon after a much more familiar Anderson. The latter scanned the place, nodding after he recognized a few familiar faces in the group.

"Hey, if it isn't Andy." Yvonne waved at the squire, who after a moment of hesitation waved back. "Good day, lady Yvonne. I come bearing some news, is Dame Matilda around?"
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