It has been six months since the Light vanished. Vile beasts plague the land and raze the earth wherever they appear. Shattered villages rot beneath the cruel suns and the blood of the innocent taints the soils. With every day that passes, Artimis edges closer to the brink of oblivion.
For the time being, life goes on. People across the four nations of the continent of Ibros spend each day counting their blessings. Though monsters lurk in the shadows that creep over the planet, they know that they have to push forward. They pray to their gods and ask for deliverance as they remain stalwart in the throng of the Blight.
The Divine Mother, Etro, remains silent in the face of our pleads. When the nations of Edren and Osprey were at each other’s throats and the south of the continent was embroiled in war, she had kept us safe. But where was she now? Why had she taken the Light from the Mother Crystal? Does she not hear our cries of terror and agony? All that we are faced with is the silence of her and her entourage. And now, our sworn enemies, the warmonger nation of Valheim, is taking steps to conquer us in the shadow of our plight.
Lord Leonhart VII of Balmung, the capital of Edren, was the one who took the first step in rising up against the Blight. He has sent out a plea to the nations of Ibros; he requests that any individuals who think they are capable of turning the tides come to his castle to lend their aid to him and the planet. They may be the only ones who are brave and strong enough to purge the Blight from their lands.
No one knows what Leonhart is to ask of his champions. The path before them brims with both the shades of monsters and the void of uncertainty– and on their shoulders rests the fate of Artimis.

Hello and thank you for stopping by to check out my interest check! I’ve worked hard on creating this world and will be continuing to work on it for the duration of this recruitment thread. For now, if you wish to learn more about the world, please read below!
1.) You DO NOT have to have played any of the Final Fantasy games to partake in this roleplay. The world is completely original and classes/races/magic system will be explained on the OP.
2.) There are going to be four races and twelve classes from you to pick from! Some classes will be reserved to the most interesting/likeable character concepts.
3.) Your character can hail from one of four nations– each of which will be fleshed out on the OP.
4.) Magic is exclusive to some classes, though there is the VERY ILLEGAL presence of materia.
5.) Due to the nature of Final Fantasy, each character will have their own chance of being in the spotlight. Side plots will be considered.

1.) Players must be eighteen or older to join.
2.) If you are interested in joining, you must promise to be an active player in both the OOC and IC. OOC chatter, plotting, and announcements will be held in the roleplay’s Discord server. As for the IC, please post there at least once a week. Each post should be at least two longer paragraphs in length and have decent grammar.
3.) Do not ghost us. Your interest slots you as a candidate for the roleplay. If you need to step away from the roleplay, please let us know. No one will judge you for your decision, and it’s better than leaving us in the blue.
4.) Not every person who applies will be accepted. That means you are in charge of creating an interesting character who will be a pleasure to write with. Your writing style, personality, and overall activity will also be taken into consideration when judging your sheets. We will not be accepting characters who are over-the-top, nor will we be accepting characters created by problematic players.
Currently, I am looking for a group of about 8 people other than myself.
5.) PLEASE ask me questions in the OOC/read the lore I wrote before settling on a character concept.