Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Retired
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Retired "Hayao Miyazaki"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

G M E V E N T # 1 1/2
Waterside Plaza, Manhattan, NYC

Mortimer Norris watched in disbelief as his heist descended into the worst clusterfuck he'd ever encountered in his criminal career. The big, dumb idiot in the truck had been bad enough, but the hasty intervention of New York's spandex enforcers just fouled the entire operation beyond recovery. They had planned for such things, of course. You don't pull a job in broad daylight on the streets of the Big Apple without expecting a grandstanding cape or two to make themselves known. No, it wasn't the presence of the heroes that royally fucked things up for him and his crew; it was the ridiculously low response time of not one, not two, but six costumed do-gooders.

They had planned the time and place of the heist specifically because it offered them the greatest time between initiating the assault and escaping before the law or the vigilantes could show up. Mort's employer, the Big Man, had even accounted for the fact that the Fantastic Fuckers would be giving a planned interview during the job. Yet, the little shits had arrived in record time, and thanks to the Roxxon-hired freak who had been riding shotgun in the tanker holding Mort and his men up, the Four had managed to send things all to pot.

To make matters worse, when Mort had tried to stealthily access the tanker's hold with a plasma cutter during the height of the melee, some black-haired cape he'd never seen or heard of before lifted the entire damned thing into the sky. And now, the career criminal was staring up at a skyscraper-sized weirdo wearing a fishbowl. As far as Mortimer was concerned, all six of the assholes could suck a big fat one.

To say that Mortimer Norris was having a very bad day would be an understatement.

It was a day he was done with. Turning away from the rapidly dwindling fight, as more and more of his men were taken down, Mortimer attempted to flee the scene. Slowly and quietly as to draw little attention to himself, he began making his way through the maze of vehicles that had been abandoned at the start of the attack. As he reached the sidewalk and began to round the corner of an alley unnoticed, he nearly ran straight into one of his men exiting that same byway.

"The fuck are you doing down here?" Mort demanded, his usually calm and assured demeanor completely shredded by the events of the last few minutes. Now he had a turncoat to deal with. "Whatever, forget it. We're getting out of here."

Mortimer stepped past the man and tapped the rifle he gripped. "Make yourself useful and make sure no one follows, yeah?"

"Goddamned wankers," Mortimer muttered as he entered the alleyway. He made it barely four steps before he felt the heavy butt of an automatic rifle collide with the base of his skull, and the world went dark.

Underneath the illusionary form of the armed criminal Mortimer had run into, the masked man known as Mysterio gave a slight grin.

Mortimer Norris was assuredly having a bad day.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Bork Lazer
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Bork Lazer Struggle On

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


arc 1: furnace
issue - next degree



[00:34:57] A crowded office desk pans into frame, surrounded by mountains of stained ceramic mugs and scrunched up note paper. The mousy face of Tony Stark pans into view, a sweat beaded face with red rimmed eyes. His beard is roughly chopped.

[00:36:50] “ This is Day 4 of testing the General Adaptive Responsive Virtual Intelligence System Alpha Build. I’m scrapping the original language and building from the ground up. Turns out PymLan burns up more RAM than my servers are capable of handling. It’s going to be another month of headaches but, hey, I don’t want my own personal HAL-1000 to get a seizure, right. Training data needs another month to be optimized but we should begin construction of primary neural algorithms in a week or so. Testing today consisted of enabling heuristic baselines to social conversations through conversation. Topics included: Stacey Langford vomiting all over my bed, my bender in Vegas, my startling lack of father figures, musical tastes - remind me to input bias factors for punk next time - and…and…”

“ Fuck, maybe, Rhodey was right about me.”

“ Being more comfortable with talking to a machine of all things…”

The first time she steps into Tony Stark’s minivan makes her wonder whether she hedged her bets right. The floor is a hoarder’s dream, a heap of unorganized blueprint manuals and manic trash strewn all over the floor. Looking at it reminds her of an upended garbage bin. She almosts expect to see a raccoon scurrying her way out of the pile.

“ Can’t you work faster?,” she snipes at the most wanted man on the eastern seaboard. Stark is currently typing away frenetically, lines of code running down the monitor like a waterfall. His expression doesn’t waver as he replies back in a sarcastic monotone.

“ I would if you’d stop pointing a gun at my head.”

“ And stop giving you incentive?,” she purrs sarcastically, tapping the gun against the side of his temple. “ I heard the best artists work under pressure.”

“ Ah, nothing more like the threat of death to get the juices flowing.”

The next couple of minutes is a flurry of keyboard keys and brief sips of some off-brand caffeinated sports drink from a convenience store. Stark’s bloodshot eyes boredly stare at the computer, only flinching every once in a while in sheer annoyance. Those moments are rare like a koi fish swimming to the surface of a pond.

“ Why the suit?,” the question tumbles out of her mouth.

“ Hm?”

“ Why…all this.” She says with irritation. “ You’re Tony Stark.”

“ And?,” Stark replies in a tone that she only expects is the closest vocal expression to shrugging your shoulders.

“ You’ve got enough fucking money that every stock broker in Wall Street puckers up their ass whenever you go on one of your binges. You earn two to three Nobel prizes a year. You’re the heir to a multi-billion dollar company and you’re telling me the best way to deal with all your issues right now is to dress up in a powered suit of armor?”

Not even a blink. Nothing to communicate any anger. Stark still wore the same despondent look on his face as though he was an insomniac late-night shift worker.

“ Yup.”

“ And here I thought you were the smartest man alive.”

“ Oh, is that disappointment I hear?” The taps on the keyboard become louder. “ Feel free to walk to the back of the line because you’re not the only one.”

“ I thought you’d be….”

“ What? No, no, no, let me guess.” Stark jeered at her sarcastically. “ Like Reed Richards? Hank Pym? Abraham Erskine? Some quiet, eccentric visionary toiling away in their labs, producing technological miracles for the good of the world? A prim and proper little scientist staying in their lane whilst everyone causes chaos around them?Did the world change for the better when the Pym Particle was discovered? Did the world change for the better when Erskine made the Super Soldier Serum? Did the world turn upside down when Reed Richards began making another public tech demo in an impoverished third world country. I didn’t think so. I am not your fucking Gandhi. I am not your Einstein. I am a man with a drinking problem. I can’t solve the world’s problems.” Stark stopped talking and then, shook his head sadly. “ That’s what caused all this stupid shit in the first place anyway.”

“ I thought you’d be different.”

“ Well, - “ His voice caught on a cough before continuing “ - you thought wrong.” The monitor suddenly flickered and a black window emerged. She thought it looked like a sheet of graph paper, stretched out across the back of the porcupine. The spines oscillated, flickering up and down randomly. Whatever Stark had been doing to crack the device open was successful as he leaned over, a mad glint in his eyes. “ And bingo. Come on, come on, don’t fail on me now, buddy…..”
The graph paper contorts, shrinking into a line as thin as yarn. The yarn begins snapping and threading back together in a simplistic imitation of the human mouth. The cheesy 90s british accented tone from the speakers forces to put two and two together to realize it was him.

“ Hello, sir. I’ve had a terribly long nap and -,” There was a brief skip in the A.I’s speech. A half-second or so. To anyone else, it would have seemed like a minor glitch but to her, it was the electronic equivalent of human shock.

“ Sir, why are we currently 154 miles away from our home address?”

“ Hello, JARVIS.” Stark sheepishly scratched his head. “ I’ve got some explaining to do.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad / King of Dirt

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

#1.03: Awake, Arise
Previously: #1.02

Hooves crunched on rocky ground as flames licked the air from where Blackheart stepped through to the mortal plane. Hell closed behind him, and with it a gust of hot, sulphuric wind that singed the leaves of nearby trees. Blackheart breathed deep, swallowing lungfuls of air, marveling in the peaty, earthen fragrances of the woods he had spawned into. The forestry was still and quiet, eerily so; it seemed even the trees feared what had suddenly appeared amidst them, and Blackheart felt the trunks themselves straining to leave, the very flora of Earth rejecting his blasphemous presence. No matter; his will was strong, and he pressed it against the world, daring it to push back. It didn't. He was free to stay.

Blackheart stepped forward, and as he walked his form flickered and morphed. Hooves became feet became clad in leather-bound shoes; the tendrils that sprouted from his head were replaced by thick locks of hair cascading down his back; his tail sloughed off, flaking away into nothingness as it lay on the forest floor; ridged, scaly skin smoothed itself out and became a heavy-set coat that fell to his ankles. He could feel a burning in his eyes as the pure darkness gave way to sclera and pupils, eyes that he blinked with previously-absent eyelids. By the time he reached the woodland's edge, Blackheart resembled nothing of the towering, sinewed frame he had be born as; he appeared as a gentleman, a person of means, alluring but subtly frightening. There was an edge of the uncanny to look at him, like a high-pitched whine just on the edge of your hearing. You wouldn't place what it was, but he would unnerve you. By the time he revealed why, it would be too late.

"If you're quite done with your self-admiration, we have a duty to attend to." Came a woman's voice through the clearing ahead, stirring Blackheart from his narcissistic rumination. He growled subtly, still flexing and stretching as the new skin settled and he accustomed himself to his new form.

"Tis not thy place to demand haste of me." Blackheart rumbled, his voice a low, menacing drone, absent of emotional inflection. "My father is assured of my fealty."
"I'm not questioning your loyalty to Mephisto, Blackheart." Ana Helstrom replied, appearing as if from thin-air in front of the demon as she waved her glamour away. She appeared more convincingly human that Blackheart did, owed to her more mortal origins, but the signs of her time spent in Hell were still plainly apparent: ever-burning embers at the frayed edges of her hair; extremities of her skin deepening in colour toward tones of ashen greys and burnt blacks; gnarled, curved horns budding through her scalp. Her eyes looked Blackheart's new visage up and down. "But the profane perfection of your genesis affords you privilege here that I have forsaken."

Blackheart merely lifted an eyebrow, not bothering to utter his question. Ana sighed.
"You have asserted your will upon this plane, and it has submitted to you. But it rejects my infernal presence, and maintaining myself exhausts me."
"You require sustenance." Blackheart said, at once understanding Ana's eagerness. She nodded.
"Quite so. Your father sent us to send him an army. We shall have to find...extra."
Blackheart smiled, his maw twisting into an expression that didn't quite seem to fit the outer bounds of his face. To find reason to deliver suffering beyond what Mephisto had charged him with; it filled him with fiendish delight. He felt voracious for the evil he now had the opportunity to inflict.
"Then we shall seek sustenance, good sister; lest you find yourself paling from this horizon."

They traveled onward, leaving the woods behind them. The city lay at their feet, and they would soon wreak havoc.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

A ring of condensation after he lifted the beer to his lips. Light rust in the same place on the dulled steel gave proof to it's present use as a coaster not being an infrequent one.

Maddicks flicked between the sports networks. He'd laid a twenty on the Gators in basketball, as a casual side bet to the five hundred he had on Michigan, and those bums were down two scores going into the half.

He used ta be somebody. Well he used ta almost be somebody. He hung around people who had "somebody" potential, and would still send a shiver up the spine of the man on the street.

That was before the sentencing. Before the isolation in a cell. Before when he still gave a shit about his appearance enough to work out. Before the parole board saw him as a broken down has been who wouldn't have started have any more trouble if he could. The spark of life having left him years ago. Before he had the P.O. officer check ins. Before he really started to hurt in the colder months.

He barely had it in him to be mad at any of these kids for getting scrubbed. Hell, it was probably his fault for betting on them.

The five hundred was chasing already bad money. He was collecting cheques from a slip-n-fall in a Whole Foods, to keep the heat which went out last month going, and those cheques were fast running out. Nobody hires ex-cons. The classiest decision he'd made this year was choosing to take his dive in Whole Foods over Dollar General.

He couldn't pay. He knew he couldn't pay. Knew it when he laid the bet. In part it was the reason why he did it.


Maddicks got up and trudged to the can, he dropped his boxers (which a long with a wifebeater, was all he was wearing) and closed his eyes, letting the stream go where it may, in the vaguest direction of the toilet.

His past in the Air Force, as a merc, working off-book for Roxxon, going toe-to-toe with those in tights, it all played back before him.

"Kyle Lofton bricks the three!" Simon barely opened his eyes. "And time expires!"

Sounded like his low-bet wasn't going to pay off either.

There were years apparent on his face, years of weariness and no surprise.

There was a loud knock on the door. No crispness. Just loud.

Simon trudged to the front door and opened it without looking through the peephole.

He was met by his bookie. An undersized man, fast talker. Full of life. Chasing life.

Feeding on life.

"If I'm not mistaken, Vandy just got up."

"Were you waiting right outside of my door?" Simon asked, incredulous at how quickly the bookie got to his home to collect on a twenty dollar bet.

"I was, and do you know who else was..?"

And knowing their cue in walked two large men who didn't look like they'd be able to mentally handle much more than that cue.

"They know their choreography..."

"They do. But they only dance when I say so." The confident man of smaller stature said. "And when I say so, tends to be when people don't answer this next question properly."

"Where's my money, Maddicks?"

"Sonuvabitch. He knows I've got a second bet laid. It was with HIM for chrissakes. The prick wants to make me beg. Beg for an extra hour or two, when my next bet ends. Which I'm also likely to lose. Little turd's playing power tricks."

Maddicks wasn't going to beg. However today went down, THAT was not on the cards. Simon walked back across the room, and turned up the volume on the television.

"I don't have it."

This caught the smaller man by surprise, as evident by his gaping mouth. One of the larger two men nudged him and mouthed something, dragging him back down to Earth. Something was different. He wasn't openly agressive, Hell, he still gave off the basic impression that he was dead inside. But he wasn't yielding. He wasn't arguing his own cause for an extension. If only for a few hours.

"We--well that's too bad. You owe."

"I do." Maddicks said plainly. His eyes still barely open with general disinterest.

"Then I guess these two guys are going to take have to take it out of your ass."

The first one punched him in the gut, just below the solar plexus, and folded him in half like he was made of cardboard.

Simon was sucking up air, when he was straightened up, and his jaw met with a heavy right hand that knocked a tooth loose. Maddicks raised a finger, and struggled to catch his breath. The bookie put a pause to proceedings with a smile, expecting Simon to beg and plead for the extra few hours to see how it would play out.

"What's our balance so far?"

Another heavy right. Another shot to the gut. A left hook that sent things spinning briefly.

"You're a punching bag. I mean, I knew you were for those tights and capes guys, but Good Lord, Maddicks. You're going to die over what? Five hundred bucks? Twenty bucks? I mean, you know I'm gonna kill you, right? You realise how much faster those two-bit, no-money dickheads will pay up after they hear I iced a gen-u-wine supervillain, right? Or at least, whatever the Hell you were... Don't worry, I'll make you sound far more impressive than you are. Or ever were."

Simon kept taking repeated punches.

"I mean, I don't get it. I heard you've got no income anymore, but surely you could have sold this old suit to some kind of capes and cowls collecter for a couple grand."

"Two hundred." He grunted out in exhalation, through his teeth.

"What?" Came the bookie's surprised reply, not the least because the man could still talk.

"I got it valuated. Two hundred bucks. Market's flooded."

"Well, shit Maddicks. I don't even value your life and I still overvalued you." He chuckled, as the beating continued.

"I mean, I guess I can see, why it's only two hundred. Even if you weren't a big name, suit made of steel. Really, steel? In THIS world... and you've only got one gauntl-- Oh shit!"

The bookie was interrupted by the larger of the two men flying backwards across the wall, whilst seizing from electric shock.

Sparks flew from Simon Maddicks as he looked up with a brutal grin, blood drooling out from between baked bean shaped teeth. Lit by the flickering blue electricity from the one remaining gauntlet on his wrist.

The bookie shoved the remaining big body towards Maddicks, who grabbed him by the throat and made him convulse with the power surging through the gauntlet, befor dropping him in the corner.

"Empty your pockets." Maddicks said, now that the pair was alone.


"Empty your pockets." His eyes were still half open, but now that was mostly because his right eye was closing over from the battering he'd allowed himself to take.

He dropped a roll with three hundreds four twenties and a bunch of quarters and brass.

"You really thought I give a shit over twenty bucks? Even now?" The bookie shook his head. Terrified. A wet patch spreading across the front of his pants.

Simon pocketed the notes and juggled the change in the palm of his hand.

"You're here for one reason. I made those bets for one reason." The supervillain sighed, adrenaline starting to leave him.

He shoved the change in the bookie's mouth. "You can't. Buy. Hungry." The gauntlet sparked. His mouth flashed blue, he didn't stop until he could smell the foul scent of the man's hair burning.

He dropped him on the floor and donned the Killer Shrike costume once more, leaving his apartment forever with all of his belongings on his back.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by udonoodles
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udonoodles One thousand lonely stars

Member Seen 9 days ago

S T A R K I N D U S T R I E S P R E S E N T S . . .


An idea that had taken firm root in Victor’s consciousness for a variety of reasons—chief among them being his status as an android and the cavalcade of professional nerds serving as his only real company—was the omnipresent of mathematics. Everything in the world was a floating value. Every action could be explained and predicted through equations, every trait or characteristic capable of being expressed as a single value. Approaching the world this way had an interesting effect—every situation was, in some way, solvable. Arithmetically speaking.

And solving was exactly what Victor was about to do.

Victor’s brain ticked into overdrive. Literally, ticked—it was, after all, a series of microprocessors, which were ultimately a series of tiny little clocks, though “pulsed” would perhaps be a more accurate term. Once the idea entered his head, his body froze and the calculations began. Inspiration had struck thanks to Sue’s gambit—a gambit that was teeming with potential mathematical analysis. Though the ricochet of the bullets seemed random, it couldn’t be so—nothing was ever truly random. There was a way to predict their trajectory, to aim a bullet in a precise way so as to bounce it at the exact angle one wished for.

With blistering efficiency, his calculations ticked over into the billions. Wind resistance, predicted movements, angles and triangles superimposing over thin air in his mind. He dredged through his memory banks to find what he needed: Recollections, photographic in precision, of the bullets bouncing off of Sue’s force fields.
That was it. This was his gambit. It all took place in a matter of milliseconds—the human superpower of intelligence.

In an instant, he threw up both hands, his fingers alight with a brilliant blue energy.
Each finger let loose a blast, each aimed at a specific angle down to the decimal point. They appeared to rocket off aimlessly, missing their targets entirely and whizzing through the air towards nothing.
But then the first one bounced. And as it shot through the air, and bounced again, the second one bounced, and then the third, and the fourth, and all of a sudden, there was a dazzling, split-second lightshow. It ended almost as soon as it had begun—and ten men, dotted across the battlefield, fell to the ground, electrified into submission.

Victor brought a finger to his lips, and blew.
Simple geometry.

Now that they had fallen, it became clear why Victor had targeted those ten in specific. Down on the ground, they cleaved a clear path through the gang of goons straight to the tanker. Kicking off the ground, Victor shot up and straight forward, spinning down along the way he had opened. He manoeuvred his way up to the top, towards the “truck” part of “tanker truck”. He held his palms outstretched, fingers together, and pressed his pointers and thumbs against one another to create a triangular shape. Not knowing the amount of “Stark Industries is Illuminati” conspiracies he would help create, Victor peered through the triangle, lining it up with the trailer connector.

His fingers pulsed with that brilliant blue light once more, sparking down along his extremities to gather power in the centre of the triangle. It coalesced into a shining sphere, orbs of power sparking off and orbiting it like an atom. All at once, it released, and a powerful, focused beam of light shot forth, sparkling with iridescence and azure as it cleaved up along the connector.

Clean in two—the tanker truck had become a tanker and a truck. With no time to waste, Victor moved quickly, hooking both arms underneath the tanker and kicking off the ground. His thrusters roared to life, giving him the extra boost he needed to lift the great steel tanker up into the air, casting its shadow over the battlefield.
Victor paused. That sounded…Odd.

He jerked his arms back and forth, rattling the tanker as though he were trying to figure out what was inside a present.

“Fascinating!” he yelled over the cacophonous rattling coming from within. “By the sound of what clearly cannot be fuel,both sides appear to be worthy of indictment! I didn't see that one coming.”

Still, he wasn’t about to go cutting it open just yet. No doubt if he did so, the instigators of this firefight would take the first chance they got to abscond with whatever was inside.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Supermaxx
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Supermaxx dumbass

Member Seen 1 day ago

ISSUE #3: Logan Goes to Washington

Greenwich Village New York City

Logan tossed his bullet-ridden, blood-soaked clothes into the dumpster. Every inch of his body burned as his wounds worked to close themselves. Each bullet slowly wormed its way out of his skin, plopping out onto the asphalt with an undignified splat. It hurt damned near as much coming out as it did going in, these days. His healing factor just wasn't as sharp as it used to be half a decade back. Could'a been age, maybe. Or one of those 'mental blocks' Chuck used to drone on about. Maybe he could try sitting cross-legged and contemplating about the universe to slow the bleeding.

He pulled on a grease-stained pair of jeans and a torn up flannel he'd bought off the vagrant sitting on the opposite side of the alley. The old man gave Logan a toothy grin as he lit up one of Logan's cigarettes. He was loathe to be parted with the pack, truth be told, but nicotine withdrawal was better than drawing attention to himself by stumbling around stark naked in the most expensive part of NYC. Logan didn't need SHIELD sniffing at his heels right now. Not with these new players on the scene.

It'd been a long time since he'd seen hardware as advanced as what that shooter was packing. That armor of his was mighty impressive to stand up to Logan's claws for as long as it did. The bitch still went down in the end, of course; but he had a sneaking suspicion he was only the start of a much larger mess. Nobody with that much firepower worked alone. "The hell were they after, though?" He mumbled to himself, buttoning up all but the top two buttons on his new shirt. "Gotta be the politician but-"

He paused, glancing back at the only other person in the alley. The homeless man was staring at him with a look Logan had seen often enough to know it meant 'go the fuck away already.' So with a final wave Logan bid his adieu and jogged back into the street proper. He was maybe three blocks away from the pub where this whole mess began. NYPD goons were crawling through the streets now, searching building by building for anyone who knew anything about what went down. Nobody saw him slip into the alley unless they were watching the rooftops. Not impossible, he reckoned, but unlikely.

If Logan wanted to learn more he needed to go to the woman at the center of it all: Valerie Cooper.


It was three AM. Several hours had gone by since the shooting at the Lion's Head Pub, leaving the heat at only a dull simmer. Logan slipped past the graveyard shift cops guarding the bar. He combed the site for several minutes until he found what he'd come back for: Cooper's trail. It was easy enough to track her movements following the attack. She spent quite awhile at the Pub talking to the authorities and being treated by paramedics. Afterward she hopped in a car and visited the police precinct, likely to give a more complete statement, and finally ended her journey back home.

Representative Valerie Cooper lived in a middle-income apartment building on the edge of her district. Her place was a small, one bedroom unit on the fifth floor. Two cop cars were parked on the street in front of her building. A round-bellied officer with greying whiskers and a retreating hairline leaned against the vehicle, sipping a cup of coffee and stared bleary-eyed into the darkness. His partner was flat-out asleep in the car, earbuds in his ears blaring a superhero interview by WHIH Newsfront. He doubted the cops inside were much better. So much for police protection.

Logan decided to take the indirect approach. He slipped into the alley alongside the apartment building and climbed up the fire escape to the fifth story, silent as a cat despite his weighty metal skeleton. Once he reached Cooper's window he slipped a single claw from between his third and fourth knuckle, jimmying it between the window and its seal. The adamantium cut through the lock with a smooth flick of the wrist. 'Still got it,' he grinned to himself, peeling the window open to get inside.

He was greeted by a baseball bat smashing his nose in.

"Christ-" He started to shout, barely stopping himself from waking the whole damned block with his yelping. Logan grabbed the bat with the hand that wasn't holding his broken nose and tore it from his attacker's hands. Cooper was standing with her back to the wall next to the window, her jaw set in a vicious snarl. She was ready to shout for help right before a look of recognition crossed her face.

"The guy from the bar?!" She gasped, astonished.

"Yeah." Logan coughed, spitting a wad of blood onto the carpet. She'd got him good. "Please don't hit me again." He shoved the bat back into her hands.

Valerie took it, more confused than angry now. Her shoulders were still tensed in preparation for violence. Understandable, given the intruder standing her bedroom in the dead of night. "What the hell are you doing in my house? How are you even alive? You- you were shot half a dozen times before you ran off."

He didn't answer her right away. Instead he paced around the room, waiting for the cartilage in his nose to shift around a little more before grabbing the thing and twisting it back into place with a sickening snap. The pain that shot through his face brought with it a series of curses. After a moment's pause he turned to Cooper. "Death n' me got an understandin'." Logan lifted the hem of his shirt to show the faded remains of a bullet hole in his stomach. "Part'a my mutation, see."

Things started to click into place in Valerie's mind. Her expression shifted as she lowered the bat, finding a seat on the edge of her bed. "You're a mutant. Right. Of course." She took a long, deep breath to calm her nerves.

Logan waited patiently for her to process the situation, finding his own seat on the opposite side of the room- a chair at a small desk shoved up into the corner. He turned the writing lamp on to give them some light. He hoped it made him look less like a wild animal that had barged into her home to piss in her closet and tear up her curtains.

"Considering you saved my life earlier I'm guessing you're not here to kill me." She finally said, looking him directly in the eyes. There was a steely determination there Logan hadn't expected. "And you came through the window instead of the front door because you're avoiding the authorities, right? Those federal agents that questioned me seemed a hell of a lot more interested in you than the gunman."

"SHIELD's been on my ass for a long time. Don't think they like me much." Logan half snarled, half laughed. "You got any idea who's gunning for you? Have many enemies?"

It was Cooper's turn to laugh. "Try the president, the majority party in Congress and half the country." She shook her head, running a hand through her mess of hair. "I knew taking such a strong stance against the MCA would paint a target on my back. You have no idea how many death threats I get. Every time I leave my house or the office I need private security with me so some asshole doesn't get into my face."

"Sounds tough." Logan murmured, scratching his knuckles. "I know what its like 'ta always be lookin' over your shoulder. 'S not an easy way to live."

"Probably wouldn't be so scary if I was immortal." She smirked, glancing down at Logan's hand.

"Yeah." He coughed, looking away. "So let's narrow down our suspects. The guy who shot at ya had kit like I've never seen before. Real tough of the line shit. Ain't the kind of thing a lone radical could put together unless he was a millionaire, n' this guy was a nobody s'far as I can tell."

"Anti-mutant extremism is on the rise again. Hasn't been this bad since the 80s." Cooper leaned forward, elbows resting on her knees. "I had my comms director trace a few of the more credible threats I've received. At least a dozen of them track back to a Neo-Nazi biker gang based in Harlem, the Seven Kings. I put in a report to the NYPD but nothing came of it as far as I know."

"Nazi bikers?" Logan raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, well, the Venn diagram between white supremacists and anti-mutant radicals is essentially a circle. They might not be responsible for this attack in particular but extremists tend to network. Could be they know something." Cooper shrugged. "Best lead I have for you."

Logan stood up and started for the window. "Guess I'm havin' a word with some bikers."
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