Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Vertigo
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mentions: @MasterLink

Great, her wannabe saviour was the talkative type. Nadijah rolled her eyes, but with neither of them in a position to see each other's face, it wasn't exactly the rebuttal she intended it to be. Who did he think he was though, asking for her trust? That wasn't something a gerudo gave even to one of their own, if they were smart.

Then again, the smart ones probably didn't get stuck in barrels either.

"Fine. Push," she conceded, though her tone made it sound more like an order. "You don't have my trust, but I have a blade and you a neck. That's all the reassurance I need."

He did as he'd said he would, and Nadijah held onto her scimitar tightly as the small, wooden world around her started to slowly tilt - until at last, she could see more than just the cloud-covered sky. The voe announced he was backing away and staying cautious. Smart choice.

"And you won't know who I am, either," she grumbled as she shifted, more easily now that gravity wasn't conspiring against her. She was flexible enough to untangle herself without much trouble now, emerging from the barrel a dishevelled, angry mess - who immediately sprung to her feet, scimitar pointed back towards where the voe had backed off to.

"Right. Now, you," she started, eyes seeking to lock on to her little helper's. "You'd better forget everything that happened here, lest I need to cut off your tongue. Understand? Nothing but a cucco causing trouble, if anyone asks."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 2 mos ago


A collab with @DClassified

Meki had had possibly only an hour of sleep when the current of the water brought an uncomfortable chill. Water was cold at times, sure, but this… this felt different. It wasn't the chill of an oncoming Winter, no, this was an indicator from the water. The water knew. Feeling uncomfortable, Meki lunged out of the water, thrusting her spear in front of her. She was expecting more of the beasts her people had been battling the past year yet it seemed to be just her alone in the night.

"Hello?" She calls into the darkness, blinking the grogginess of disrupted sleep from her eyes. She kept her ornate spear raised in front of her, if there were enemies waiting to ambush at least she'd be ready.

“I see you might yet feel it too.” The shadows seemed to speak, as with looking left and right, there was no one. The gentle tune of strings to a harp accompanied the voice. A gentle and calm melody that reflected the demeanor that the voice perhaps was trying to emulate.

“Something isn’t quite right. In fact, a hint that something is wrong.” Eyes searching around further, ears following the music, the indication of the most common recurrence of the voice revealed that it was in fact coming from…

“Though, perhaps that is just a feeling that we’ve grown accustomed to now as monsters now conquer the land.” Reclined between the branches above was a figure in the darkness. Initially there was not much that could be seen outside of a glowing red eye, staring down at the young zora.

“Could that dread be what woke you?”

As the gentle voice cut through the darkness Meki gripped her spear a little tighter. She narrowed her eyes slightly as they scanned the scene of the night before her, alas she could not find the source of the voice. She slowed her breathing for a moment, taking in the sound of the music and following it with her eyes to finally meet a glowing red eye perched amongst the branches of the tree.

She wondered if its probings were worth the answer. For one; monsters tended not to have the intellect to craft such lines nor did they have glowing eyes and hide in trees yet perhaps the ones in Kakariko did. “Who are you?” she asks sharply, readjusting the spear in her hands, although she was yet to level it in the direction of the creature in the tree she was prepared to in one swift move if it dared attack.

“Merely a shadow of what once was. The last of the smoke that once belonged to a great fire.” The scarlet light of the eye diminished and the figure was left to the darkness. If one’s eyes were keen enough, it could be seen dropping from the limbs to the ground but no sound accompanied. However, the shadow maintained its distance, clearly taking into account that she was still on edge.

Thus, in a measure of what he considered to be good faith, he stepped out of the shadows of the trees into the moonlight. What the young zora could see was the garbed warrior of the fabled Sheikah people, but instead of a weapon in his hand was a small harp. The expression that his single, uncovered eye carried was that of an even one that studied her.

“Though, I am of little consequence. I am more interested in you, wandering daughter of the sea. The wellbeing of you and your people since the fall is something I have been tasked with observing. However, I require a guide as my goal is to come, not as a spy, but an ally.”

The shadow seemed to just disappear into the night, leaving Meki scanning the plains before her, searching for what could be man or monster. As he revealed himself she took a couple of large steps back, wordlessly leveling her spear at his chest as she warily eyed the figure before her. In his hands he held… an instrument other than a weapon. His garb resembled that of the stories of the Sheikah that were passed to her people from wanderers.

At his speech, the zora, deciding he was most likely not a monster, lowered her spear. "I'm sure we are suffering no more than most," she replies simply. "Yet, you intrigue me. What exactly are you observing for?"

“The voice of the Zora has quieted since the siege on Castletown. My superior has suspected that they are going through particularly difficult times. Although Kakariko has been made a refuge for some, we wish to offer aid for others who were allies of the Kingdom.”

"I mean, there are many hardships at the moment I suppose. Our numbers are dwindling." She replied. She hadn't been gone from her people for too long, surely nothing had happened.

“Very well. Might I ask your name?”

”Meki… and you?”

A moment of pause followed her question, and soon after, the young warrior retreated into the shadows.

”You may call me, ‘Shinon’. May you find rest. I’ll find you with the rising sun.”

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

An irate Inigo awoke to the horses braying, neighing as if the dark lord himself had decided to pay the ranch a visit "Shuddup!" the lanky man hollered out of his bedroom window before promptly shuddering it. That however did not stop the damned animals from making a racket, and as he was about to shout again something he saw made him clam up, his face as white as a sheet in his goofy looking pajamas.

It might as well been one of Ganondorf's lackeys, but to the dismay and terror of the man it was the Gerudo's loyal servant Grindan "M-m-my apologies Master Grindan!" with a rattling thus his window shut once more and from inside could be heard strings of curses in Hylian as all sorts of cluttering noise came. It was a surprise that Inigo hadn't wet himself yet, still in his one piece pajamas with his sleeping cap on. He held a candle that shone a dim light.

"I-if you're looking for Talon, I don't know where is..Might as well be dead!" Inigo didn't care for his lazy half-wit of a brother Talon. He was probably off napping somewhere, maybe Malon knew but she was cheap labor so he couldn't afford to just get the kid killed by the hulking man before him.

"We have done as the King has said, what else does he want!?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Only few of the men and women sustained any injuries, minus the watchman. He had not been killed though his back may very well have been injured, the few that were skilled in field medicine were only able to drag him away from the fighting, while those of able-body held the opposing forces back. The smaller of the creatures were easily felled, each one emitting a shriek as it died. The monsters corpses melting into a foul black ichor.

All that stood was the larger of the monsters, its ome eye glowing crimson red as if enraged by the deaths of its smaller kin.

As the captain closed rank and advanced, the horrid creature reared slightly and emitted an ear splitting shriek, echoing through the narrow path and shaking the loose gravel. The chitin on its body steamed slightly as if from the inside it was cooking, without hesitation it brought a leg up and slammed it against the hard ground causing a hairline fracture to form, though the force jostled its chitin.

It's armor breaking exposing the weaker and softer flesh beneath. If it wasn't felled soon the passage may very well collapse. A notion of which would bode ill if the mountain was to be reached.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Dark Cloud@Product

Flanked on both sides by the pair of armored Stalphos, Grindan came to a stop in front of the farmhouse in silence as their presence was announced by the braying of panicking horses; It made sense really. Animals tended to be skittish around Stalphos unless actually trained to stand them. Something about the undead spooked them.

They served to alert at least one of the residents that they had company. Watching as Inigo poked his head out of the window and realized who was waiting outside. Despite the helmet that hid his face from the rest of the world, Grindan would privately admit to himself that he found watching the spineless worm squirm. Inigo might have been a hard worker who was willing to submit himself to Ganondorf's authority, but at the core he was still a weak man who was unworthy of actual respect. Still, stoic professionalism needed to be maintained.

As Inigo came out and asked his panicked question, Grindan may have leaned forward a little in order to remind the string bean of a man who the taller of them actually was. "My presence here is because of your petition to his majesty. Having heard your pleas, he has been moved and deemed that change needed to be brought to Lon Lon Ranch. He has sent me to bring about this change."

Giving this declaration a moment to sink in, Grindan let out a deep breath that came out of his helm in a manner that made it sound like a territorial beast that wasn't happy that someone had trespassed on their domain. "I suggest, Inigo, that you go and gather the rest of the farm stead. I have been given leave to take as long as needed to resolve this issue to the King's satisfaction. Don't let me detain you."

Grindan fully expected Inigo to enter a blind panic before moving as fast as he dared to try and find everyone else on the Ranch with this dismissal. In part because of who Grindan was, but also because if the King wished for a situation resolved to his satisfaction, 'In a timely matter' was one of the best ways to make that happen.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

And go into a blind panic he did, fearing greatly for his life "Y-yes Master Grindan!" his voice warbled, before he collected some semblance of himself as he dashed towards the stables just a short jog away from the house "GET UP, GET UP THIS ONCE MALON!" the Burnette little girl rubbed the sleep from her eyes groggily mumbling, before bolting upright as the stable doors clashed open "What is it Uncle Ingo-" her questions fell flat as her uncle stopped her "Now is not th-Malon, why is this woman here?" he'd turned this stranger away earlier, they had no room to offer accommodations for wastrels or wanderers especially not at a time like this!

"Never mind, get up this once child. You must leave at once, same as you woman." Ingo huffed, Malon was too kindhearted and naive to be around here though she didn't ask for anything in return she helped out best she can. However she would know where Talon was, maybe..Yes maybe she could tell Ganondorf's lackey where his no-good lazy brother was! "On second thought, come with me my neice." Malon has gotten up by now, still in the cotton gown she slept in. A present her long departed mother wove her when she was young.

Ingo, before leaving the barn turned to glare at the woman in the stables "Leave at once, or I will inform my guest of a trespasser on the property! Now leave!" in a huff he returned leading Malon by the hand, not roughly but urgently. She shrunk at the sight of the giant that stood flanked by what looked like monsters made of bone. She shook in fear of the man, she wanted him and his weird minions to go away.

"Uncle Ingo, w-who is this man? He scares m-me." While Ingo wasn't a cruel man, nor did he not care for his neice but in the moment he cared only about himself, he was craven but still he felt a twinge of sympathy for her as he too felt a same fear except it was overwhelming to a man like him. A fear that would make him sail his own family up the Zora River "Hush now you, he is here to see the farm...Now where is Talon?" why would this scary man come to look at the farm in the middle of the night? If he wanted to he could have come in the morning, without the scary bone men or his big scary weapons "He w-went to go deliver Milk to th-the village Uncle..He hasn't come back yet?" her father? Where was her father?

* * *

Just over the hill, the light of dawn was muted grey by the clouds. The sky was still dark with the black night sky yet a sliver of light came from the horizon. From over that hill a portly man sauntered, whistling a jovial tune having delivered all the milk to the bar in Kakariko he was on his way home unaware of the situation unfolding in his Ranch. Little did he know that tonight things were going to change.

"Huh?" he squinted as he made his way over the hill leading to Lon Lon Ranch noticing the shapes of what looked like people standing outside the gate to his Ranch. It was not even daybreak? Who could be visiting at a time like no-then he saw the eerie glow in the eyes of the monsters outside his home. And gulped hard, finding himself surrounded by them.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Dark Cloud@Product

Grindan waited patiently as Ingo bolted like the spineless worm that he was. In part this patience was born of the fact that he was assured that Ingo would come back as soon as he possibly could; Anything else might invoke the Executioner's ire after all. The knowledge that the only way into or out of the Ranch was currently being blockaded also meant that he didn't need to keep an eye out to make sure that Ingo didn't just try and bolt. That would be... ill advised.

As Ingo quickly returned with... and for a moment Grindan paused in absolute shock. Grindan was a corrupted, jaded soul; He knew this as instinctively as the simple act of breathing. He had born witness to and committed cruel, violent acts both out of necessity and a deep seated need to hold power over others. He had never believed in things like divinity because if it existed, then it had long since abandoned their creations to achieve their own ends. But for just a moment, as he saw the untarnished innocence of Malon, he was fundamentally shocked by the possibility that there might still be a few lingering specks of true divinity left behind in the world and he just witnessed one in the flesh.

It was a good thing that he had his helmet on. This revelation was... confusing to him. It made him uncomfortable for reasons he couldn't really voice... or at least didn't know the words to do so. However, as they entered proper hearing range, the words of Malon... actually caused him to chuckle. Grindan's chuckle had always been a grim thing and the echo of his helmet only made it more sinister, but there seemed to be earnest amusement mixed into it. "All who encounter me fear me, little one. For good reason. I am Royal Executioner Grindan and I have been sent by his Majesty to answer a plea from Ingo here to change the course of Lon Lon Ranch."

Turning towards one of the two Stalphos with him, he gave a clear instruction "I want you to join your kin at the gate. A fat hyrulian man with a fat nose might arrive at the entrance of the Ranch, claiming to be the owner. I want him escorted to me." A small pause, before adding "Unharmed if possible, but in the unlikely event he offers meaningful resistance, violent or otherwise, I will settle for alive." The command given, Grindan trusted that it would be carried out as he turned back to Ingo and Malon.

"His Majesty has heard the plea for intervention in how Lon Lon Ranch is run, due to the chronic laziness of its current owner Talon. I have been sent to make this change in management on his behalf." Letting that statement sink in, Grindan looked between the two before smirking to himself under his helm as he watched for the understanding to reach Ingo's eyes that he might be becoming the new owner of the Ranch to overcome his innate fear. "However, I find myself with a difficult decision. After all, I have two worthy candidates before me."

"I know from history and your reputations that both of you are hard workers who have been making this Ranch successful, despite Talon's worthless dead weight. I believe I could entrust the Ranch to either of you and not only would it prosper, but be something the New King of Hyrule will be able to build the kingdom around. Yet, I can only select one of you to be the owner." Despite the fact that one of the candidates was a full grown man and the other was a young girl who might not have entered maidenhood proper yet, Grindan's tone suggested that he was considering both as equally valid choices... largely because he did.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by IAmTheIsland
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IAmTheIsland Drifter

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@Dark Cloud

Orin and his company recoiled against the piercing screech from the behemoth tektite, all of them shielding their ears as they took a collective step back. As he recovered his posture, the Captain steadied himself, and braced against the quivering earth as the creature rammed its leg into the ground beneath it. Holding strong, he analyzed the aftermath on the beast's body. A break in the outer shell had exposed the soft tissue underneath. He turned his attention to a quick surveil of the passage, noting that the integrity of cave had been compromised. "Ergh." He blustered, shaking his head. There's nothing for it.

"Go for the open flesh!" he called out to his team. He signaled silently to his squad. In tandem with his troops, Orin too dashed in, slashing at the opening in the exoskeleton. As he made his move, his squad backed off, following through on the prior signal to feign their charge. For Orin, his intent was set on convening with the lieutenant standing opposite him in the formation. There, he would pass his orders: they were to evacuate camp as quickly as possible; only take what was necessary for survival and future strategizing.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Difficult dec-Master Grindan, she is a child!" blustering Ingo, who had visions of grandeur just moments ago now was flustered over how this good for nothing brute considered his neice to be an able candidate, it was preposterous.

Malon was not as concerned with the current situation as she was where her father was but at the back of her mind she had doubts she could run the farm by herself. Ingo was a harder worker than his brother and although he felt like he deserved more his brother was content to run the ranch at his own pace.

"As it stands we are struggling what with there being no meaningful commerce with the castle-" he had to restrain himself as he remembered that this man was indeed an executioner, who could break his scrawny little neck if he wanted so with a shallow gulp and a shaking breath he continued "I-I am just saying that times are hard right n-now. A child cannot balance the books." Ingo pat his young neice on the head before continuing saying "You see, as her relative I should be responsible for everything. As the only responsible adult around here anhyhow." he put a bit of emphasis on responsible, grumbling something about his lazy oaf of a brother.

* * *

He wasn’t built like he was in his youth, so as a pair of skeletal monsters marched towards him he could only try to inch backwards and fall on his butt, letting out a panicked yelp fully expecting the monsters to attack him only to take him by the arms and up off the wet morning grass "H-huh?" the rancher confused looked at the two ghastly looking creatures only to quickly look away, shaking fearfully at the appearance of the Stalphos. They wore and carried the armor and weapons of hylian knights.

They were strong, their skeletal hands gripping his arms behind his back as they lead him forward towards the gate to the ranch "Let me go!" he began to cry out, only to be cut short by one of the monsters pulling out a dull blade then he shut his mouth "Pl-please don't kill me.." it didn't understand his pleas only understood that the fat big nosed man had stopped struggling and continued leading him up towards the ranch.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Product
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@Dark Cloud@Bright_Ops

As Lanayru investigated from the loft, it was clear that something was wrong. Her heart sank as she realized that Ganon's men had finally arrived at Lon Lon Ranch, putting the squeeze on the peaceful place that had given shelter when nobody else would. Inigo was quick to expel her from the ranch, and Malon seemed powerless to help this time. Her eyes widened as she took in the chaotic scene that was unfolding. The animals were frenzied, their panicked cries filling the barn as the malice from Ganon's men tainted Lon Lon Ranch. Lanayru's fear of the Stalfos intensified, but she knew she couldn't just stand idly by. She had to act fast to escape.

With a quick and quiet determination, she did as she was told and packed her belongings, not daring to take a a watchful eye away from the barn entrance. Ganon's minions were focused on their mission outside, but Lanayru knew it was only a matter of time before they would come looking for her or anyone else who lived on the ranch. She had to make her escape before they took over.

Lanayru tried to comfort a horse, stroking its mane as she thought of what to do next. With all the animals in such an uproar, this could be the only chance. With urgency, Lanayru unbarred the barn door and began letting the animals loose. She singled out a horse, one that she had managed to calm, and decided to use it to flee.

As she mounted the horse, she knew she would have to ride bareback. Before Grindan could make his decision, a stampede of horses and cows burst into the pasture from the barn door. Lanryu’s blue hair flew among the stampede, and in the confusion from the animals the blue maiden was able to slip away unnoticed. She made her way to the north-east wall, using the stolen horse to jump over it and escape the chaos of the ranch.

As she galloped away, Lanayru couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. She had abandoned her friend Malon, leaving her to face Ganon's minions alone. But she knew that she had to do what was necessary to survive. "Sorry, Malon," she whispered to herself as Lon Lon Ranch disappeared into the distance.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 days ago

Grindan had been inclined towards towering over Ingo in a menacing manner. Both as a reminder of who he was talking to, but also to add some additional weight to the statement he had been about to make in regards to how adaptable children could be when they were allowed to step forward and face a challenge. In the end he didn’t… because it was hard to keep attention on oneself as a literal farms worth of panicking animals burst out into the open, making a racket and causing quite a mess.

The fact that a single rider on one of the horses was missed in the chaos was a stroke of good fortune for them… but the scales had to be balanced as Grindan slowly turned his attention away from the animals and focused on Ingo alone. What an unfortunate omen. Right as you claimed full responsibility in your brothers absence as well. I suggest you go and deal with that. We’ll prevent anything from leaving via the front gate.

It was a slightly surprising offer; by all rights he could have just let the ranchers deal with their own mess and no one of importance would care. Yet, the executioner decided to make himself of help by blocking off the one clear path out of the Ranch in order to limit how far the animals could flee.

As such, when Talon was finally brought to Grindan, the executioner was in the process of grappling with a panic filled bull that had decided to try charging through the obstructions inbetween it and freedom. The ground was churned, both from the bulls wild trampling of the ground as it tried to keep the momentum of the charge going and Grindan’s own armoured boots as they had dug into the soil and been pushed back a few feet as the executioner had caught the bull by the horns and stood against the charge.

Only once the bull had started to tire did Grindan wrestle it to the ground, tilting its head in order to force its body onto its side before pinning it down under his weight with his knee.

@Product@Dark Cloud
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ingo's eyes widened as the door to the stables flung open, mouth agape as he was nearly flattened by a horse but thankfully his legs still worked as he jumped nearly a foot back as a stallion trampled by on it was...His fury would have to wait as he was addressed by the executioner. He gulped, he wasn't any good with the animals, not even a cuckoo would listen to him whereas his niece had a way with beasts he did not "Y-yes Master Grindan. Malon come we must clean up this mess." she did not argue she needed to focus on something other than the intimidating presence of the royal executioner. Gathering the horses was thankfully easy what with the Ranch being wide open, it was only a matter of getting them in a timely fashion, of course he would take all the credit for such a feat no thanks to his expertise and not his nieces animal handling skills.

Talon was brought to the ranch proper in time to see the last of the animals being corralled towards the stables and Grindan wrestle a bull ti the ground with his bare hands, he said not a word but when his dear daughter caught sight of him she rushed to his side "Papa!" the girl cried, before stopping to shrink away at the sight of the Stalphos. Ingo while relieved his brother was okay was unhappy his brother had shown up at an inopportune moment and said nothing to him.


A shrill shriek pierced the air once more as blades met its exposed undercarriage. Rattling both it and the soldiery, dating its attackers so it could slip away the way it came. It was not like it's other brethren, it had survival instincts and it chose fleight over fight. It's pained cures carried as it disappeared up the path. Leaving Orin and his unit alone in the path, the sun rising above the horizon. It was time to return to Kakariko.

Tomorrow would be better to head an expedition or scouting mission. Night was the least optimal time to do such things.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Product
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Dark Cloud

Lanayru was running on pure adrenaline as she fled from Lon Lon Ranch, the sound of the stolen horse's hooves pounding the ground echoing in her ears. Her heart was racing, and she could hardly hold on as she urged the animal to go faster. She couldn't shake the fear that Ganon's men were hot on her heels, but she refused to look back, knowing that any hesitation could mean the end for her.

Finally, when she was certain she was far enough away, Lanayru dismounted in a secluded spot, her body aching from the tense ride. She quickly fashioned her blanket into a makeshift saddle and took a few moments to catch her breath and rest her sore back. She knew she should have taken more time to recover, but the urgency of the situation pushed her forward. She mounted the horse again and continued towards Kakariko, determined to find refuge from the danger that loomed behind her.

As she approached the bridge near the old Castle Town's outer walls, Lanayru urged the horse to go faster, her eyes fixed on the narrow crossing ahead. The water below was raging, and the bridge was narrow, but she kept a steady hand and guided the horse safely across. Looking down at the water below, she couldn't help but think about the curse on Lake Hylia and wonder what could be causing it. The river flow wasn't blocked like she had thought. Was it related to Ganon's return, or was it something else entirely?

The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a warm glow over the landscape as she led the horse up the steps of the mountain. She could feel her spirits lift a little as she approached the village's gate, relieved to be in a place of safety again.

The sentries on duty seemed surprised to see her, but they quickly sprang into action, asking her about her presence and the urgency in her voice. Lanayru quickly explained the situation at Lon Lon Ranch, emphasizing the danger posed by Ganon's minions. "I rode all night to escape his executioner," she said, her voice unshaken despite the events.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by IAmTheIsland
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IAmTheIsland Drifter

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Orin Ackermore

Returning to Kakariko Village. Morning.

The low tone of a war horn rang down from the lower pass of Death Mountain. Front and center, Orin trudged his way down the path flanked by five members of his unit that had remained behind to cover the retreat. Waving a heavy arm, he beckoned to the guard at the trailhead, who opened the gate. The Captain didn't await questions as entered the village. "The mountain isn't passable. There are too many monsters along the way."

Sullen and baggy eyed, he left the guard with a brief salute, and began crossing through the village center. It was a quiet morning, the early mist rolling down from Death Mountain hung low among the houses with a spectral weight. It was nothing like home. In days of old he would make similar returns to Castletown, where even in the times of peace, soldiers and knights returning were welcomed back with fanfare; the people of the city would flock to Hyrule's finest, adults looks to glean news and rumors from the far corners of the Kingdom, children simply to admire the warriors they might aspire to someday be themselves. Kakariko stood somber and desolate on the return of the patrol; they might have simply gotten their fill from those that had retreated ahead of Orin. In any case, there were no people to greet the rear guard. The sense of hollowness in desperate times was palpable.

It was when Orin passed through the center of the village that hurried footsteps and an urgent voice broke the silence. "Captain! You're back. Thank Hylia."

Seeing one of the guards from the village entrance, Orin scowled, cutting down the man with a glare of strict discipline. "Did you just abandon post to come greet me?" It was all well enough that the civilians dropped their dealing to see in the army; a troop leaving station would be grounds for punishment, if not for the trying days.

"Oh..." the guard recoiled, taken aback and embarrassed at the realization of what he might have just done. "Well uh... no Sir. Not exactly. Errr--"

"Well then what is it?" Orin grew more scalding. "Have you anything to report?"

"Yes sir. We've just had a new arrival. She seems to be another refugee. She brings news from Lon Lon Ranch."

"Lon Lon?" It had been some time since Talon and his daughter had ventured from their ranch in Central Hyrule; save for a few deliveries of rations and a few healthy steeds, they hadn't come through Kakariko much since Ganondorf's coup. Wondering if the refugee might be Malon, Orin ordered his guard hastily. "Bring her to me."

The guard saluted, and ran back to his post to pass down the command.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 days ago

If Ingo believed he was going to steal the credit for handling the animals, he would be in for a rather rude awakening... because Grindan wasn't an idiot. Up until the bull had decided to make its charge at him, he had been free to observe the situation as it unfolded from his position rather easily. However, as the decision on what to do with the Ranch slid into place, an alternative idea tickled the Executioners fancy... One that would satisfy his short term goals easily enough, but also present King Ganondorf with a useful tool going forward.

...Provided of course, said tool didn't get itself broken due to having ideas of its own.

Grindan turned to Talon for the first time since the fat bastard had arrived. With the bull restrained for the time being, even from his position with his knee on the animal to keep it down, the Executioner could still meet the eyes of those he was talking to. "Good. This saves me the trouble of having to find you Talon." The implications of what would have happened if Grindan had needed to hunt Talon down were left unsaid. "To get you up to speed, due to the pleas of your brother Ingo to his majesty, King Ganondorf has decided that Lon Lon Ranch needs a change in management. The Ranch is no longer yours. All your claims to the Ranch are null and void."

Grindan had considered how this scene was going to play out a few times since the order had come down... but he had to admit that there was something to be said about making it clear that the reason the man was about to lose everything was because his brother had made the request felt... satisfyingly cruel. It also ensured that Ingo needed to stay in the King's good graces because without his protection, betraying his brother would likely have violent consequences.

Turning back to the two candidates, a smile grew under his helm. "As for the new owner of the Lon Lon Ranch. Having reviewed the facts presented to me... I believe a solution has presented itself that will prove satisfactory to his majesty. Ingo!" He barked, fully aware that doing so would make the man jump at this point. "...You presented an argument that Malon was, at this point in time, ill equipped to run the business side of the Ranch. A fair point... but I also noticed that the young lady has a way with animals that is difficult for people to learn. So here is my judgement."

"The Lon Lon Ranch will belong to the young Malon. She is its new owner. However, since she is young and currently lacks the education to run the Ranch by herself, her Uncle Ingo will be in charge of the business side of things and her education in such matters until she is of age and knowledge to run things herself."

Focusing on Ingo directly, Grindan added forcefully in order to cut off any protest from the man "IN EXCHANGE for this service. If the Ranch is operating in an acceptable condition and Malon is properly prepared to run the Ranch herself when the time comes, I believe his Majesty could make use of a man like yourself for a higher calling, Ingo. The former parasites that were called nobility under the old king are largely dead, in exile or unaccounted for with their lands, holdings and possessions reclaimed by the throne. King Ganondorf will need loyal, competent men and women to manage these lands in his stead... and an ambitious man who knows how to follow the commands of his Majesty while achieving results has the opportunity to rise very high in King Ganondorf's Hyrule."

He allowed a moment of quiet after the judgement was made. Gave him a chance to see how the trio would respond to the news.
@Dark Cloud

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Lanayru found comfort in the presence of her stolen horse while waiting at the gate. The guard beside her seemed stoic and uninterested, but the mare responded with a nuzzle as Lanayru gently stroked her mane and whispered words of gratitude for carrying her to safety. Despite the uncertainty that lay ahead, the moment brought her a sense of calmness.

After a few minutes, the guard who had left to inform their superior returned with orders from the Captain. "He wants to speak with you, Miss," he said.

Lanayru followed the guard through the gate, feeling safe in the presence of the man who didn't seem hostile. Before leaving, she turned to the other guard and said, "Please take care of my horse. She's been through a lot, and I'm sure she's just as exhausted as I am."

The guard nodded in understanding as Lanayru was escorted to meet with Captain Orin. "Sir, this is the refugee from Lon Lon Ranch," the guard announced.

Lanayru introduced herself with a perfect courtesy that revealed her as Hylian nobility. "Thank you for seeing me, sir. My name is Lanayru. I was telling the guards about the attack, but I didn't mention the man that led them. He was called Ganon's executioner. Based on his size, I believe he's a Moblin who commanded the Stalfos. He has taken the owner's daughter prisoner."

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Lanayru continued, "I cannot bear to witness the destruction of Hyrule any longer. I want to help save my home."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ingo had to bite his tongue, Malon of all people even though she was but a child and her only gift was her way with the beasts of the ranch. Talon, felt many things, betrayed by his own brother right under his nose? Where did he go wrong? It was their parents who left the Ranch to him, he was the eldest but if his brother had spoken of his desire to run things he would have maybe listened were he around. Maybe this was for the best, Malon would have eventually inherited the ranch anyhow. The plump rancher hung his head and sighed "Ingo how could you betray your own flesh and blood." the gangly man in his pajamas looked at his sibling for a moment pursed lips, weighing his words "I only did what had to be done Talon, I am sorry it had to be you but you are not suited to running this ranch.." but a damn child is, hmph Ingo glared at his neice, she didn't know how to feel about any of this.

Malon didn't know this was the despicable low get uncle would take to get what he wanted, but also she felt like a great responsibility had been trusted upon her. She stood in silence, playing with her hair and looking to the ground.

Mornings light is approaching, day is breaking and the light though dim is beginning to shine. People in the village begin to go about their day and the cucco cries waking all from their slumber.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Dark Cloud

With the matter resolved, Grindan observed the situation as the sun started to rise properly for a moment... before with a gesture of his hand he signaled to the Stalphos that followed him to fall in as he turned towards the entrance of the Ranch and made a simple statement. "We're done here."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Comparatively Hyrule Castle remained ever opulent, though the shadows seemed sharper in the corners of the once great halls of the royal families domain. Light filtering through the broken stained glass of the grandiose hall was dull, the skies clouded around the castle blackening the sky above like a blot of ink. Opulent, though shrouded by a vile darkness that threatened to consume the earth itself. As though the very essence of evil itself had ingrained it's being into the land. Artwork made by Hylian hands were broken or horribly defaced.

Statues of the Goddess were broken and unrecognizable, a pathetic Goddess could not save the people of Hyrule. Their hero was nowhere to be found, their prophecy a sham. A cloaked figure sat at the far wall upon a grand seat that lay before an elegantly crafted organ, hands graced the old belfry making a sonorous yet grim melody that echoed the empty halls that stretched the castles twisting hallways and corridors.

Grindan's footsteps echoed as he reached the hall where the cloaked figure sat playing the old organ, the music coming to a stop as the executioner made his way towards the center of the room.

As the figure turned even in the dull light of the hall his eyes burned with malice, ambition and power "You return later than expected," the male Gerudo's deep voice rumbled as he spoken to his loyal ally, it had an edge of questioning that might have been threatening were the executioner not used to the Gerudo King's ways "All went accordingly I assume?" Ganondorf stood to his full height wrapped in a heavy cloak arms crossed as he awaited Grindan's response.

Wern lead Lanayru's horse away, muffling a sigh as he took the stolen horse and whistling for a few other guards to give him a hand, since the beast hadn't been saddled nor given reigns, taking almost too long for three men to get a handle on the animal. Not til daybreak did they manage to get her tied neath a tree and put of the drizzle.

"Least it's time to switch rounds men." collectively they nodded and went their separate ways, Wern heading off to see his daughter and the other guards taking new positions for the morning rounds.

The Cucco's made quite a racket, rousing half the village from their homesteads. The windmill creaked to life, as the sun broke through the clouds. Hopefully the day might be clear, and for nice the people of Kakariko could see a blue sky above them.

The waters carried not only fish but a friendly face, Meki could feel the water lose the tinge of cold she felt before the other night she met the stranger who called himself Shinon, though he was nowhere to be seen in the village though the children that had came out to play in the puddles greeted her waving and offering her many welcomes as well as much too many questions.

The bushes rustled from the village gate where a poor guardsman nearly jumped out of his armor when a Deku Scrub appeared only to realize it was the friendly Dekkori whom he greeted as she went on her way to visit those needing her help.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Dark Cloud

Grindan respectfully bowed his head to his new king and long time friend. A small show of subservience and respect, but they both had better things to do then stand at ceremony or have him prostate himself on the ground. That sort of thing was for spineless lackeys like Ingo.

"Some of the wild Stalphos decided to commit suicide by attempting an assault on us." Grindan stated bluntly in regards to whatever delay may have occurred. "Little more then pests, but next time you don't have need of me I wouldn't mind taking some forces and either making them bend the knee to you or wipe them out. Such open hostility towards forces loyal to you can not be tolerated." In fairness, Grindan's views on the wild Stalphos had never quite been hidden; It was honestly a point of disquiet with the former King of Hyrule that instead of doing anything about the undead menace that had occupied the central heartlands of Hyrule, he had opted instead just to have the draw bridge closed at night and ignored them.

As for the report about the job he was sent out to do... "It did. Talon has had all claims to the Ranch voided." there was a brief pause, before he added "I decided to give Ingo something of a test of worth. The Ranch itself has been given to Talon's daughter Malon, with Ingo being caretaker of the Ranch and Malon's teacher of the business aspect of things until she is of age. If Ingo does a good job in this role I believe that between his administration abilities, personal ambition and fear of what would be done to him if he failed or displeased you, he would prove a suitable candidate to manage some of the land vacated by the parasites that were Hyrule's former nobility." There was a small shrug as he added "If he fails, then clearly he was too stupid to grasp the opportunity presented to him and we can just cut him loose."

Grindan fell silent as he waited to see how Ganondorf responded to this information.
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