Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Accepted! A couple minor typos, but that’s hardly a reason to deny a clearly free character with a ton of potential places to explore in both story and character arc. The juxtaposition between srs gunner and awkward lady also seems really fun! Also, she better watch out, because I feel like Rico would hound her about joining a certain pirate crew, but we’ll discuss that bridge when we get there.

One correction: we’re using English Devil Fruit names, so Albert would have the Bat-Bat Fruit (of whatever model, if any). Once that’s figured out, go ahead and post the sheet in the character tab!

So, now that we have two accepted PCs, I’ve going to give the IC another pass and post it tomorrow! I’m really excited to see the in progress characters start coming in and the story start to unfold.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 39 min ago

<Snipped quote by LostDestiny>

Accepted! A couple minor typos, but that’s hardly a reason to deny a clearly free character with a ton of potential places to explore in both story and character arc. The juxtaposition between srs gunner and awkward lady also seems really fun! Also, she better watch out, because I feel like Rico would hound her about joining a certain pirate crew, but we’ll discuss that bridge when we get there.

One correction: we’re using English Devil Fruit names, so Albert would have the Bat-Bat Fruit (of whatever model, if any). Once that’s figured out, go ahead and post the sheet in the character tab!

So, now that we have two accepted PCs, I’ve going to give the IC another pass and post it tomorrow! I’m really excited to see the in progress characters start coming in and the story start to unfold.

Ill change the devil fruit when I move her over. ^-^ I know of one typo that I thought I fixed but apparently I hit cancel instead of save. Ill fix em as I notice them when I move it. Excited to see who gets to Annabelle first if anyone. :P

I am excited to see where everything goes in the future.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

And our IC is up! Accepted players are welcome to start posting. I will hopefully get a Rico post up within a week.

Also, FYI, if you feel it's appropriate, you can also use your sample post as your first post IC, if it works for you! It'd also be good to make a habit of updating your post directories after getting the reply up, if only to make it easier on your future self. It is optional, but it does help me and other players so I do hope you take the minute or so it takes to update it.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 8 days ago

Added the current TLDR versions of the different areas of Sunstrider Island and Morgans' enemies. I'm sure he'll get more as I go along. I still need to figure out the Marines.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Yankee
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Yankee God of Typos

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I hope this is alright, its surprisingly hard to get goals down and condense things into something that's both satisfying and makes sense.
Anyway, I gave it my best! Here's my application:

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Accepted! With a sample post where the ending made me laugh out loud, I have to say you nailed making a ‘fun’ character! There’s some neat tidbits in there about the current state of Fishman Island and Miss Dread that I know I’m going to have my eyes on.

Accepted! While I know you aren’t able to get into Sol quite yet, the duality motif between the two is already very clear even not knowing much about Sol, and I’m looking forward to how you share their parallel journeys!

Throw those ladies in the Character tab!

Man, seeing all these characters is making me excited. The lack of a backstory section is only making me more antsy to know what everyone’s deal is. Y’all better get posting! I know I want to, might even have one by tomorrow if I get into it~
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Yankee
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Yankee God of Typos

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Man, seeing all these characters is making me excited. The lack of a backstory section is only making me more antsy to know what everyone’s deal is. Y’all better get posting! I know I want to, might even have one by tomorrow if I get into it~

I'm pretty excited to get started (or keep going?) too Thank you, and I think my own post hopefully won't take so long, I'll probably continue on from the sample.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 39 min ago

I will probably get a post up in the next couple of days. It's spring break so I have all the time in the world since I don't/can't work. Working in schools is fantastic. XD
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 39 min ago

... why did I do this?

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Not accepted! You see, I’m not allowing second characters until about a month into the RP. If you’re still interested in playing Maxwell by then, you’re absolutely welcome to! But until then, you’re welcome to continue brainstorming the character.

However, I do have a bit of concern. While I think the character has a lot of potential to be endearing and enjoyable, I want to bring up a canon comparison in the form of Buggy. I love Buggy, especially the direction his character has gone from Impel Down onward. And in regards to a character finding success in no small part due to luck, Buggy and Maxwell share the similarity. However, Buggy is a tertiary character in Luffy’s story, dozens of chapters separating his appearances, where writing Maxwell as a PC would have some risks in part through virtue of just having more of him. How much of the concept can be spread across a larger story? How long until it risks getting old?

The best way to find out of the concept has staying power, I think, is to sit on it for a bit. Where might his story go? What might his arcs look like? If you try envisioning arcs and feel they’re getting a bit samey, then it’d be better to find this out before they’re accepted rather than 12 posts with them into the RP. And this doesn’t mean that you have to compromise in a way you dislike. Maxwell doesn’t have to become a more serious character if that’s not the way his story should go, for instance. Even if the concept can’t be stretched very far, I have no problem with a ‘one shot’ character, or a ‘limited run’, of sorts, where the character is meant to have a briefer story role (as long as it’s made clear in the Character Goals). And of course, you’re welcome to communicate any hopes or concerns with me while we wait until you can have the character accepted in the first place. I do love the idea of a character in part inspired by OOC conversation following a throwaway gag in the first IC post, but I want it to have the staying power your enthusiasm and energy for it deserves.

I will add, since limiting the character unnecessarily weakens the concept, I’ll note that you don’t need to limit the Whisper-Whisper Fruit to rodents only. I just don’t see the sense in cutting off potential RP opportunities by limiting his Fruit where it doesn’t need to be. How will he be able to mediate the Crow-Rat War for Shiny Baubles if he can only talk to one side? Find ways to expand on the concept in service of its spirit, rather than limiting it.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 20 days ago

Incidentally I was just thinking about a particularly old one piece RP the other day and that nostalgia brought me here, well that and I've been re-watching the series.

Is there still room to join? I had a few ideas for something of this Caliber, and if so am I free to join the discord for questions?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

There is theoretically infinite room to join, so absolutely! And anyone is free to hop into the discord.

Was that RP you recall One Piece: Revolution? Hillan and I were in that one, actually.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 20 days ago

There is theoretically infinite room to join, so absolutely! And anyone is free to hop into the discord.

Was that RP you recall One Piece: Revolution? Hillan and I were in that one, actually.

Yeah I think so? About 7 years ago I had that knight character that I think your navy oc defeated.

And awesome! I'll hop in a moment.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Right, this took way longer than expected.

But here it is, the 1st marine character so far.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Kurozumi Haku

Sorry for the delay but accepted! The mixture of a Wano born lad and a Marine is already a curious mix, but their firm personalities and familial relationship only adds to my interest in seeing what you have in mind with such a mixture!

Also, I opened the hider showing the image chosen for Haku, only to see...Haku. I’mnotsurewhatIexpected. Drop him in the character tab!
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Pacifista
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Pacifista Ponk-ifista

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

I got a couple announcements for you guys this Saturday! I’m very excited for the interest picking up, and I continue to love the characters and ideas being shopped around. I myself have stuff I’ve so excited to write it’s hard to stand.

I’ve been updating the OOC and character roster every so often, but today I did a somewhat more substantial revision, trying to add some bits for topics discussed and things I’ve thought about myself. Check the following sections (added and revised) if you want to stay up to date (that’s right, this RP has patch notes):

Names and Name Order
Handling Season and Time
Power Restrictions (Voice of All Things)
For Great Justice – The Marines
Devil Fruit Clarifications (Another crack at defining Paramythia/Logia distinctions)
Races of the World (Fishfolk species)
First Come, First Serve

Regarding post dates, @Hillan and @Yankee will hopefully be posting today. @LostDestiny and I need to get one in tomorrow, while @Daxam has until the day after. @Restalaan has a little less than a week, or course. No penalty of course: you’d need three weeks of inactivity (without warning) to be labeled inactive and have your character removed from the roster, this is just a friendly reminder! Also, if anyone’s worried about post orders or the like, don’t. I’d rather not have double posting, not because of any thread related issues, but more regarding energy. I’ve seen a bunch of enthusiasm from players so far (mostly on the discord), and while I think it’s great, I just don’t want anyone to burn themselves out and lose energy/interest. The RP should be more of a slow burn than a flash in the pan, right?

Lastly, I’m going to try and do a weekly OOC question, to poke and prod you guys if you feel like answering. What I want to know is: do you remember your first One Piece OC? And/or the first character you used in a One Piece RP?

My first One Piece OC I came up with in highschool. Ryu was an old guy who fought with a quarterstaff. We was a veteran criminal with a whopping bounty of 240 million beri (it was massive when I was in high school and the Water 7 arc was still ongoing, at least). I think later on I added some Cipher Pol stuff that he ran away from but I don’t even know. Slightly more interesting was the character I came up with as his captain, Ricoh! He was nothing like the firework himbo I’m using here, I just mostly kept the name lol. I think Ricoh used a sword and lost his hand at some point but kept using the sword anyway or something. He was also an asshole but not really in a fun way, and none of the characters minded. I actually kept developing this potential fanfic for years, and while it never saw the light of day, it was interesting to see my ideas evolve. I wrote like 2 chapters total and have probably rebooted the concept more times than I ever wrote chapters lmao.

My first One Piece RP character was a shipwright! He was pretty bland imo, but I think he was inspired by Fire Emblem (7, the GBA game), with the focus on him being royalty and all. I think he fought a character with a bone Devil Fruit? Idk it was over 15 years ago.

I’ve opened my closet and showed off the skeletons so you guys better open yours. >:[
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 8 days ago

Well, as far as Original One Piece OC's go - I never really had particularly many until I started RPing. I enjoyed the idea of someone who would mimic any of the father figures Luffy has, so every character I dreamt up was some variation of (what extremely little we knew about them at the time, 15-18 years ago) Shanks and Garp.

My original RP character was a Marine Commander by the name of Kai, 13-14 years ago. Edgiest Marine OC you ever once did darn see. Six powers, big fat Mihawk Black Katana he claimed rended the enemies souls - long before the infamous "This is Katana, her sword kills the soul of the people she kills" but most notably he wore an all black Navy coat that had "Death" on the back. It was all truly terrible and these days I'm very glad that @Pacifista rejected me from his One Piece RP back on Oldguild when I applied the the game he was running.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 39 min ago

I will try to get post up by the end of tomorrow. I likely won't be able to get one done today. I have DnD and then my sister is getting induced later tonight so I get to go sit at a hospital for goodness knows how long tonight and I hate writing on my phone. Should be less crazy tomorrow but depends on how long I am at the hospital.

As for my first One Piece OC and PR character Annabelle is actually both of those things. She has had many itterations through the years, though up until this version of her she had a Devil Fruit. And she was usually less trama riddled, also she was usually a member of a pirate crew and not a free roaming gun for hire. My character bank actually still has a past version of her since I haven't updated it yet. So if you wanna look and prolly cringe go for it. XD I liked the character concept but she needed some work to especially be a stand alone type character. I love imporving characters over the years.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

At the very latest, I'll get a post up by Monday, since that's my day off. Appreciate the reminder, @Pacifista!

This is actually the first OP RP I've ever been a part of (though, I do have a private one in the works with my friend), so I guess Sol (who probably won't be appearing for a while) and Luna would technically be my first OP characters. They were originally created as characters for a RWBY RP the same friend and I started, which never went anywhere, but I fell in love with the characters and I've been using them as much as I possibly can.

Here are a couple of pictures I've commissioned of them, one of which being their original reference!

Warning, large image.

Not as large, but still big.
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