Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Otter
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Fionn MacKerracher

@Raineh Daze@Psyker Landshark@HereComesTheSnow

"Where's Renar?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Renar Hagen

"About time he decided to show his face." Renar murmured, rising not long after Gerard did and following after. As Renar stood and turned, Fionn's erstwhile companion had him quirking an eyebrow in mild surprise. He hadn't interacted with her at the ball, and she'd certainly been more fair-skinned that night, but that was unmistakably the younger elf that had been at the Gentle Blade's side. Her daughter, perhaps? Niece? The girl's words he managed to hear as he drew closer didn't deny that, at least.

"Right here." He responded easily to Fionn, giving the two of them a brief smile and a raised hand in greeting. "Did you have to practically kick the door down, Fionn? Trying to keep the carpenters earning their pay?"

His piece said, Renar shifted his gaze towards the elf practically hiding beind Fionn.

"Looking for the Knight-Captain? We can take you to her office, though I'm admittedly unsure of where she is at the moment. But where are my manners?" He gave a brief bow. "Renar Hagen. Apologies for never introducing myself at the ball. There was never a good time for it."

@Raineh Daze @The Otter @HereComesTheSnow
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

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Lilia, Dining Hall

"L-Lilia, daughter of Lilette," the elf replied, returning the bow with such speed that she nearly headbutted Fionn and it was surprising that she hadn't given herself whiplash in the process. "It's fine, it's fine! You were busy, I saw the duel... really, there's no need to apologise, or rush, we don't need to bother the captain, I can wait."

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

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Fleuri Jodeau

Fleuri sat down as he began to recount the dream.

"In the dream, I was on this flat landmass surrounded by clouds, something of a dueling ring I suppose. One by one, I was pitted against all manner of opponents- ancient warriors, beasts, mages, undead, all while this strange woman observed. She had black hair, blue eyes, wore distinctly foreign clothing but didn't look like a foreigner. She didn't say anything, didn't seem to react, just watched."

Fleuri placed his hand on his throat, recalling the pain. "I suppose it is not an unusual thing for a knight to dream about, but what was unusual was the pain. It was only fleeting, thank Reon, but the wounds felt real- especially the fatal ones. At least I think the death blows felt real- I'd rather not test it. I'd die, then find myself back where I started, restored and facing down a new opponent."

Fleuri paused again to contemplate. "There was one opponent that stood out in particular- Mirror Knight Florian. Unlike the ones from before, he didn't mindlessly attack me like most of them did- he addressed me by name, offered some kind words of encouragement, and helped me get my fire back so I'd give him a better duel. He imitated my combat style, beat me at my own game, even had the courtesy to stick around and give me some parting words after I died and was restored."

There was also Erich Cazt, but he lived long before Tyaethe's time, and it was probable that he was as real or as fake as the Mirror Knight in the dream.

"You knew Florian personally, right?" he asked. "Do you know anything that could help discern whether the Mirror Knight in my dream was merely a product of my imagination or something more?"

Fleuri wanted to know if the heroes he faced in his dream were real- if meeting them amounted to something- or if he was just chasing his own imagination.

@Raineh Daze
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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That was... certainly an involved dream. Her fingers drummed against one leg, eyes closed. "That... sounds like Flori. He was a friendly, flirty bastard. Always got annoyed if he couldn't copy someone's style for some reason, although if he could but got forced to use his own style anyway... well, that was always exciting. I think that was why he liked to give people pointers so much, he wanted more people to duel with than me and Lilette."

Which made it stranger. Florian was dead. Very dead. She should know, she was at the funeral, and he'd been old. It wasn't like a violent death, where you could maybe fake it and slip away to start over somewhere else; it was just the end result of time marching ever-onwards. And he hadn't ever stopped coming around and giving pointers, right until the end, there was no case of mistaken identity.

But... this woman. Maybe she was overthinking it, but she'd heard the name too much today. Was it really a coincidence? "The watcher. Describe her again." Tyaethe waited for a response. "Not much taller than me? Eyes like ice? Just sitting on the air like it was a nice seat?"

With each answer, the feeling that some massive headache was waiting grew, until the paladin finally put her head in her hands with a groan. "That was Merilia. I don't know what she's doing, or why, or how, but she's behind this. It could just be a massive joke on her part, or maybe she's trying to help somehow, but... it can't be anyone else. Lilette is the only one around who knew everyone like that, and she's not the type."

At least Merilia couldn't hurt them, no matter what her plan was. That was something.

@Crimson Paladin
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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The sun was too high up when Serenity opened her eyes. When was the last time she had dreamed so deeply? When was the last time she had slept so well? When did she have the time to be so relaxed?

She got up. Her room was barren and yet crowded, a small armory consuming all available space, the windows open to air out the stench of iron flecks and blade oil. Memories lingered still, memories of mysterious and forgotten techniques, of tactics and strategies from long-gone eras and her gaze lingered briefly upon a small desk, upon the quill and inkwell, the parchment and manuscripts.

Recording it would be left in the evening. Right now, however? The lioness needed to move. The warmth of her blood matched not the tepidness of her body, the dreamscape demanding to be actualized in a realm where blood spilt stayed spilled. Damon Cazt remained, and so did the demon he had favored. Doubtlessly, they had some involvement in the Lightning Witch’s escape, but whether or not she’d appreciate it was another question.

It didn’t matter.

It took five minutes to get dressed, another three to arm herself. A green-and-grey tunic, spritzed with a pleasant scent. Dagger and longsword, modest blades for casual traversal through Candaeln. It had been far too long, and yet may have been no time at all.

She grasped the doorknob and twisted, leaving her room.

She grasped the doorknock and twisted, entering the library.

“Captain Fanilly.” Her voice broke the peace of turning pages. “Reon’s grace will soon reach its apex, and the westerlies have brought a favorable temperament. I will leave for the training grounds.”

The line between request and command were ever blurred, but her tone sounded with the cadence of statement.

“Join me.”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by DELETED08740


Banned Seen 4 mos ago


Location: Blacksmith's Forge
Interactions: @Raineh Daze

Had Lein the mind to deliver the spares himself, saving the skittish squire the trouble of heat-burned eyes and a thoroughly rundown ego? Sure - he planned to drop in the training yard for the first time in a long, long while. But that would also be stealing too much of good Ardor's light. "Go easy on the lad, will you? He's still going on his teething, and far less tempered than you'd like to admit."

Hot breaths blew over the gleaming serpentine dagger, embers running across the edge and landing upon the intricate calligraphy. Was this dagger bestowed or inherited? Either, Rui sure didn't come from a low house. Lein left the smith to feast his eyes on the dagger, slinking away to fetch a couple cleaning supplies. The thing was true craftsmanship alright, and people like him were better dealing artifacts than admiring them - and pulling away before the desire to hold the blades became to obvious. Though how much would those be, exactly? If the fence got a look at them... No, no. From how guarded she was with her weapons, this lady was the kind that if he was ever to touch those daggers she would spout nonsense like how none other than her lady had the privilege to touch a warrior's blade and jump him. Lein scanned the workshop, devoid of watching eyes except one. This place was sure unguarded for a time. Why not indulge himself a little?

Lein nudged Rui in the elbow, cradling a bucket full of water and a mop. He straightened up as he slid next to her to prove a point that no, she was most certainly not taller than him, if one was to count the ears, and was of perfectly equal height at worst, no question. "Hey, hope your Lady didn't just send you over to just 'observe'. This things heavy - mind the grabbing the lye soap?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Rui, Near Lein

"Hmph," the dwarf replied, handing the blade back over to its owner, "That's some interesting work ye have there, lass. Never seen anything like it, from the make down to the metal. Something about this steel dinnae feel grounded."

There was another fascinated look before he turned back to the forge and the weapon he had been working on. "There must be something else ye want, otherwise ye would nae be cleaning now."

For the girl's part, she gave Lein a look that must be altogether too familiar, even if this was a rather different face than he usually received it from. It was the ubiquitous 'are you trying to be stupid, or does it come naturally?' It seemed that some things were universal, transcending language, nationality, and race altogether.

"I have full responsibility for how I conduct my observation," she stated, swapping back to the obviously-less-strained Veltish. She also made no move to go for the soap, or indeed move at all, which probably wasn't surprising either.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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There was very little doubt in the identity of the petite small woman who had been observing her in the dream. That was for certain. But why had she been dreaming of the Witch-Knight? Why had she dreamt of any of it? And yet, the words left behind by the Gentle Blade were...

Fanilly hesitated for a moment, inhaling deeply. It was a dream. No matter what strange possibilities may or may not have been behind it, it was not the chief purpose of her presence in the library. She had to try and learn more about Damon Cazt, about the strange contradictory nature of the conspiracy. The demon that had used one of the conspirator's bodies to enter this world.

Maybe, just maybe, this information could give her a clue into what had happened. To be better prepared for whatever came next.

Paging through a historical volume, trying to find anything she could on Damon Cazt's past, the Knight-Captain paused with a start when she suddenly heard a voice from behind her.

She'd been so determined to find out any information she could that she hadn't even noticed someone approach her.

When she turned, it was revealed to be Dame Serenity, making a firm request of her to join her in the training yards.

The Gentle Blade's razor edge gliding through the air, then dancing off her own blade...

Fanilly took a deep breath, exhaling just as heavily. There was no doubt in her mind. She always needed to practice more. To train more. She wasn't like the greater knights of the order. She knew she wasn't.

To be a good Knight-Captain, she had to throw all she could of herself into her duty. Into trying to be better.

"Very well, Dame Serenity," she responded as she rose to her feet.

She had to improve.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

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Fleuri Jodeau

"Looking back, it does seem like she might have been trying to help," Fleuri admitted. He knew of Merilia- she was one of the original Iron Roses, a sorceress or witch who used magic to vastly extend her lifespan, and produced much of the castle's paintings. "The dream really put it in perspective how far I lag behind compared to the original generation of Iron Roses such as yourself, and I think I can glean quite a bit of insight from all those times I was killed."

Or perhaps she just wanted some inspiration for her painting hobby, and needed to watch an Iron Rose in action. Fleuri hoped that Merilia wasn't going to start sending paintings of Fleuri getting killed over and over.

"Did she send to the dream to any of the others?" he asked. Fleuri hardly stood out in the Iron Roses, after all, so he wasn't sure if someone like Merilia would single him out. "Did she by any chance send you a dream, Dame Tyaethe?"

@Raineh Daze
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

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"Maybe? I've heard her name far too much today for it t be a coincidence," the vampire answered, gesturing vaguely around, "Although, I don't know when she got into dream manipulation; that was never something she's done before. Put people to sleep a few times to rearrange them into compromising positions, but dreams..."

She shook her head in answer to the second question, "I haven't slept, and she hasn't decided to bother me some other way. At least, not yet. I don't think she would have anything to gain from trying."

"Don't sell youself that short, though. You're still a bit younger than half of them--and I'm not even counting Lilette or myself--were when they joined, that's still plenty of time to improve."

@Crimson Paladin
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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It didn’t take too long for the two knights to reach the training grounds and arm themselves. Though real steel may have lent a greater sense of realism, it would misfortunate if either of them ended up crippling the other during a particularly intense session. Training weapons, sheathed in charcoal powder, were brought up instead, alongside gambesons and helmets to allow a modicum of protection against blunt strikes without entirely negating the pain that came from a mistake, an inadequacy. A surprise, perhaps, that the usual suspects were not present, but Fionn had his cedar mill, Gerard had a habit of ending up in the strangest places, and Renar was the type to hide what he knew.

Convenient too for her, in some ways.

Tying her hair back to accommodate the open-faced helmet she chose for the occasion, Serenity glanced over towards the assortment of practice weapons present. Memories flickered dream-like, of ancient stances from storied heroes, but if this was to be productive, there was only one choice. A kite shield, long enough to reach the beneath her knees. A one-handed sword, made of a hefty, solid oak. She took a few practice swings with it, acclimating to the weight, before settling her gaze upon Fanilly.

“Did you have a dream, Captain?”
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

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Steffen Gravinir

After Tyaethe left him for her room, Steffen finished his gardening work, quickly but not without care and consideration, making visual marks where he had the plants watered, and where he hadn't, so as to not drown nor thirst something to death by his own negligence. This meticulous work was rather trademark of most things that Steffen did, perhaps more so than others when it comes to administrative or mundane maintenance like this. He always found that a little weird, considering everybody else could be like this if they just apply the same principal from their usual combat training. Maintenance probably wasn't as glamorous though, everybody liked actions.

Speaking of actions, the Ingvarr decided he wanted to whip himself up into shape for once at the training ground after putting his other equipment away, having missed the bunny that Tyaethe was talking about by just a few minutes or a few corners away. Steffen turned away from the blacksmith area and headed for the storage and changed dress slightly to a more practical and simpler gambeson for the training. Under the warm sunlight, Steffen went through the assortment of weapons given to trainees, and found the bow to be his calling this time around. He could continue with more pole arm training and it would not be wasted time, but the bow was one of his weaker, least adept weapons, something he wanted to improve on to be as well-rounded as possible.

Taking shots at the target a few paces in front of him, with varying degrees of accuracy, Steffen tried recalling what he had read from the archery books and what much Lein told him about his bow handling, going trial and error all the way. It wasn't necessarily bad, but he felt a little lost. He was stuck in this state where he felt like he could handle the weapon, but he couldn't reach newer heights, that he had hit the plateau of skills which he obviously knew there were better displays out there. It was a frustrating feeling he wasn't strangers to, but often to break out of it, it required more than just discipline or more constant training. He needed a better foundation.

After a session, he went to retrieve the arrows back into the quiver, and that's when he noticed someone familiar: Dame Serenity and the Knight Captain herself. As surprising as it is, Steffen could recall only on one hand how many times he was in the same training arena as them, despite having been in the Knights for a while. A rather strange day today?

Upon seeing both of them eye-to-eye, Steffen greeted them with a friendly wave and headed over to them when they took their breaks.

"Good morning you two. I hope I'm not disturbing your training session."

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by DELETED08740


Banned Seen 4 mos ago


Location: Blacksmith's Forge
Interactions: @Raineh Daze

"Promise it'll be fun?" Lein wagged the mop with a wink, splashing water onto the flagstones. But alas, the leporine swordswoman would not be moved. Eh, worth a try. Her sharp rebuke was reward enough to sate Lein's amusement. He kicked up the lye soap to land it right into the bucket, whistled in celebration of his own meager success, and got to work with little regard for Rui's surveillance.

"Why, I'm just trying to help our most hardworking smith not work out of a crater." Lein said with dramatic incredulity, "Finger pointin' like that's gonna scare away your good image. But if you insist on side-eyeing me, I'd be more than happy to give you cause."

Lein rolled up what remained of his torn sleeve covering the prosthetic arm, getting a feel for the weight of its casing and joints. He had never known with great detail what went on below the steel casing, but he could nonetheless feel the pulleys and hooks that interlocked to translate the movements of the connector plate into the dexterous movements Lein relied on. It was remarkably light for its sturdiness, keeping an even balance between his living arm and the artificial one. "Last time I got into a tussle, it was with this giant mass of tentacles. Stank to high heavens, had to spend my entire quiver downing this thing without it getting its dirty mitts on me. Thought I might have to get something to sock someone without getting into swinging range, in case I'm back in a pinch. You've heard of a rope dart, right?"

Lein splayed his fingers over a flattop, examining the hooked grooves that the artificer left empty. He then picked up a dagger from the rack of spares and mimicked the motion of throwing it from the wrist of his prosthetic and pulling it back mid-flight as if to demonstrate. "Any chance you can make a rope dart light, compact, something I can coil 'round, say, a steel arm? I know you've always been wanting to try out some wild ideas, and I'd be more than happy to be a test subject."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

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Rui, Near Lein

"Ye want a dart on a rope?" the dwarf clarified, one bushy eyebrow raised in disbelief, "I cannae leave it at that, but ye'll have to wait a few days for it to be ready."

Shrugging between hammer blows, he added, "Or ye can get a plain dart by dinner."

The rabbit girl had crouched to inspect Lein's prosthetic with a curious expression on her face, head tilted. It probably held even more interest to her than the average person--she was, after all, in a very similar position. It wasn't like there was much of anything under that sleeve, after all.

Continuing to look over the mechanism, Rui finally remarked, "An interesting solution. It appears very... complicated."

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by DELETED08740


Banned Seen 4 mos ago


Location: Blacksmith's Forge
Interactions: @Raineh Daze

"Mhmm. If you're feeling adventurous, I'll be happy with some wild launching contraptions or replacing the thing with a grappling hook or something - so long as it's light enough to carry around and not throw off my aim. I gotta hold up my bow with this thing, see? I'll be dropping every while, so look forward to my company, eh?" Oh-ho. Lein was concerned Ardor might reject it purely out of workload, but it seemed the dwarf was happy enough to fit this little project in. Still, he'll drop in a couple times over the next week to repay the favor somewhat.

Lein stopped scraping refuse metal scraps from the ground as Rui quizzed him on the steel arm. "Yeah. Don't quite know how it works myself, something about rune-work and pulleys. Good enough to swing a cat, though, and I don't question what works." He held up the prosthetic to Rui and slowly moved each finger, showing the full arc of its capabilities. He had a tinge of somberness as he spoke. At least, he was not to rattle some grandstanding lie about finding it in a lost vault or stealing it from an elven lord. Such tales were for entertaining drunks and impressing fleeting patrons. "It was a... gift, from a dear friend. Silver Peaks can make miracles happen, they say. But a miracle of this caliber will probably the last one of a long while."

It was easy enough to see why she was so interested. Judging by how she still carried two swords, her injury would have been recent enough so she had not yet adjusted her weaponry. Perhaps the scars on her neck was also a part of the same reason. He had much to ask, but instead began with a simple guess, probing to see if the loss still stung her. "Was it a battle?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Psyker Landshark return to monke

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Renar Hagen

Renar simply smiled and nodded, letting Lilia off easy. The elf was probably an adolescent. She acted like one, at least. Despite her probably being older than him, that said little when it came to the rate of mental development between humans and elves, apparently. It wasn't exactly a subject Renar was well-versed in, and he certainly wasn't going to be graceless enough to ask. But she did confirm what he'd thought. This was the Gentle Blade's daughter. And he was just discussing the Gentle Blade with Gerard.

Sometimes, the goddesses saw fit to throw a bone his way for once. Now, how to approach this? Being too direct would likely cause her to retreat, and too much subtlety might fly over her head. Best to just feel the situation out for the moment. Try to see how she would respond.

"Of course. Would you care for us to escort you while you're here, then? Candaeln is rather imposing on a first visit, and there have been cases of newcomers getting rather lost. It certainly happened to me for the first few days." He gave a self-depreciating chuckle. "Also, I'm sure you must be asked this frequently, so feel free to tell me to not speak further of this topic, but what is it like being the child of such a famous personage?"

@Raineh Daze @The Otter @HereComesTheSnow
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Otter
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The Otter

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Fionn MacKerracher

@Raineh Daze@Psyker Landshark@HereComesTheSnow

So that was the back of Renar's head he'd seen across the table from Gerard.

As the illegitimately-born nobleman took over the discussion for a moment, Fionn stepped to the side, deftly avoiding the young elf's nervous bow. "Already figured I'd take her along to see the captain," he said at the momentary lull in the conversation. "After finding the two of you. I'll have to stop by my room though and put this back...can you believe Tyaethe stole my favourite pillow?"

He held up the cushion for emphasis.

"Your mom ever say if she did that to her or the others back in the day?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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Gerard Segremors

@Psyker Landshark@Raineh Daze@The Otter

"Gerard," He added with a nod, slipping the name in within the space allowed by Renar's own introductions and subsequent spearheading of the conversation. "Pleasure."

Like a kid stumbling their way through meeting someone from the other side of the village for the first time, this one. He'd heard elves kept their youth for ages compared to humans, spending multiples of his own lifetime in their physical prime. Did that extend to their personalities as well? Or was she just shy?


As he watched on, happy to let Renar's more eloquent tongue lead the conversation, he strove to make some connections within his experience.

Dame Shanil wasn't one much for talking, either, come to think of it. Not nearly so easily set off her center, though— where Lilia was stumbling all over herself to try and engage, the former would scoff, snort, and refuse to without apparent care in the world. Who else could he look at here... right, Morianne. The troubadour was many things— Blunt. Brash. Ostentatious as a rule. You couldn't get more different than you tried from the Gentle Blade's daughter between the two.

So he could rule it out as just an "elf" thing, then. In that case, had to be the shy type.

Still... beneath the quivering, hiding, and stammering, it had taken Fionn's presence of mind and deft sense of prediction to evade her forehead ramming down into the top of his skull, and her clothing (while weird and arguably unseasonable even for Thaln) revealed a frame that was wiry and lean, not just thin and untrained.

His eyes narrowed, just a little.

This wasn't the Gentle Blade for certain— she lacked the crispness and command to her movement and bearing even if you accounted for the sudden tanning (did she piss off lady Reon?) that set her visage apart. Any idiot could garner that much... but he was the right type of idiot to notice that she was still quick when her nerves ran things on automatic. This was far from ordinary.

You know, she'd probably been standing more normally in the moment Fionn had kicked the door open, too.

"I thought that was bullshit," he cut in, in response to his fellow ex-merc. "Just some 'go fetch us the shield wash, fresh meat' type of story. See what you can get the new guys to believe."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

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The girl stopped cowering a little, actually considering Renar's question. "Um... it's not really a common question. She's not so famous further north, and since she's not carrying a sword, they don't make the connection. People in the countryside are more interested in having a pair of elves and an arachne around than possibly meeting an old famous knight. Oh, but do you mean what's it like because she was such a famous knight?"

With more than a hint of pride, one hand tapped her sword, "She did let up on her promise to stop fighting to train me. Though there's still a way to go..."

She slid off to the side a bit, looking between Fionn and Gerard. Tyaethe? Hm, there were a few things that she knew about the vampire that weren't common knowledge, but none that were super important--her first language was actually Ithillane, although that hardly mattered when she knew every major language you could speak on the continent. Definitely nothing about pillows specifically, but... "Tyaethe has really bad eyesight, doesn't she? I thought most things left in open areas are for everyone to use, so if you mistake it for something familiar, maybe you wouldn't notice...?"

@HereComesTheSnow@The Otter@Psyker Landshark
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