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Zeroth Post
Jedi Knights
Aerros Shyth - Theyra
Mala Rar - Elerian
Reni Sehl - Regime Goon

Jedi Apprentices
Sildarg Renma - Blizz
Zelt Vudo - Martian
Kada Vaa - Queen Arya
Toryn Dral - Sir Lurksalot
Airus Vel Aath - Apollosarcher
Nova - Alfhedil
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Quest Abandoner
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Quest Abandoner

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Elerian
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Mala Rar






Would prefer to flesh this out ICly

Basic Green Lightsaber

Athletics: Despite her age, Mala is deceptively flexible and quick, she is capable of sprinting great distances, squeezing in and out of difficult spaces, and handling most physically demanding tasks that come her way.

Combat: Mala is battle-hardened after having spent years fighting on the frontlines of the Clone Wars, then surviving attempts on her life while on the run following Order 66.

Starpilot: Having been apprenticed to Master Adi Gallia, Mala practiced a great deal in the cockpit of starfighters. Although not a starfighter ace like Anakin Skywalker or Master Plo Koon, Mala Rar was a remarkable pilot in her own right.

Form I: Shii-Cho - Master

Form II: Makashi - Master

Form V: Shien/Djem-So - Master

Form VII: Juyo – Journeyman

A single Green colored lightsaber, Distress Beacon, Wrist mounted Comm link, and a few hundred Credits

+Capable Fighter
+Keen Mind
-Difficulty trusting others
-Can be too focused/narrow sighted
-Has to suppress passions when fighting
-Mood swings

Discovered by Jedi Master Adi Gallia at a young age, the Force-sensitive Human Mala Rar was accepted into the Coruscant Jedi Temple's academy for training in the ways of the Force. As she progressed through the academy, Rar received additional knowledge from Master Gallia herself, eventually being taken on as her Padawan. In the meantime Mala received training from Master Yoda while she lacked a master, although she was a rebellious student, not always obeying Master Yoda's teachings. After taking Mala as an apprentice, Gallia trained Mala in the Jedi arts, and she proved to be an adept wielder of the Force and a keen duelist. For many years Mala accompanied Master Gallia on various missions, soaking up any bits of knowledge Master Gallia cared to impart.

Eventually, after endless training, Mala was Knighted in the tenuous years before the start of the Clone Wars. Once on her own, there was much to be done around the galaxy. Investigating rumors of artifacts, negotiating treaties, and chasing criminals Mala's work was never done.

When the Clone Wars erupted between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Mala Rar was made a Jedi Master in her own right. Although reluctant, she saw she was needed on the frontlines leading Clones against the CIS. As such she became a Jedi General and fought in many skirmishes and battles across several worlds. She took on an Apprentice of her own, a young Twi'lek named Cham. They fought side by side in the Mid Rim for a time before he was eventually slain in a confrontation with General Grevious. This would mark the beginning of a dark path for Mala.

Not long after Cham's untimely demise, Mala received word of her own former Master's death. Stricken with grief and disillusioned with the Order, Mala sought re-assignment away from the battlefront. She was starting to believe that the Jedi Order was straying from its purpose as peacekeepers and diplomats. While on a brief reprieve while the Council decided where she was needed next, Order 66 was initiated and the Jedi Purge began. Sensing the great loss of so many Jedi across the galaxy, Mala was greatly weakened and confused when a company of Clones arrived to execute her.

In her dazed state, she was little match for so many battle hardened soldiers and did her best to escape. In the process she lost her lightsaber, but managed to stow away on a freighter headed for the Outer Rim. Injured and with no way of contacting any Jedi Survivors, Mala remained where she was in the hopes that the Council would survive and come looking for other survivors. Unbeknownst to her Master Windu and other members of the Council had been slain by Darth Sidious and Vader, and Master Yoda had gone into hiding.

Once news reached her of the establishment of a new Galactic Empire, she knew the Jedi Order had lost. Forced into hiding, Mala remained in the Outer Rim for many years before returning to the Mid Rim to raise a militia and fight against the Empire in her twilight hours. Too busy with Luke Skywalker and the Rebel Alliance to spare time to hunt down General Rar, Vader and the Empire was forced to ignore her small insurrection until the Second Death Star was fully operational and Luke defeated. After their disastrous defeat and the deaths of both Vader and Palpatine, Mala put down her arms and went into retirement.

A visit from Luke Skywalker persuaded Mala to set aside retirement for a time and join the New Jedi Order to train a new generation of Jedi. Although initially reluctant, Mala eventually relented and helped Luke to establish a new Praexium on Dqar. The Force it would seem was not yet finished with Mala, and believed she still has a part to play in the Galaxy at large.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Queen Arya
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Queen Arya Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

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"My father taught me that the light would always triumph... I pray his lessons weren't wrong."

Kada Vaa




Kada stands in stark contrast to your average Jedi. Unlike many of her fellows who tend to dress plainly, or appear to be more mundane... Kada stands out very much among a crowd. Standing at only 5'7, she's not the tallest of individuals. Yet her body is clearly toned from her training, and her rather pleasant facial features make the Jedi easy on the eyes. Coupled with her outright refusal to dress in the more plain ways of the Jedi, often wearing tighter clothes that she finds to make herself look a bit cuter, Kada often draws the attention of those around her. Additionally, she wears a rather ornate Akul-Tooth Headdress as a marking that she had slain an Akul by herself and as a gift from her late father. Kada also tends to draw attention in how she manipulates her lekku, often using them to accentuate whatever she might be doing.


Once again the anthesis of your average Jedi, Kada tends to be a rather outgoing and outspoken individual. With a friendly smile marking her features more often than not, the young Jedi seemingly has no fear of approaching others to strike up a conversation. Nor does she have an issue displaying her emotions for others to see. Kada lives in the moment, not particularly being fond of keeping things hidden unless necessary. Why keep secrets when every moment is new, and there is still so much else to discover in the galaxy!

Kada has a friendly demeanor and can be a bit of a talker once she decides she likes another. Which, unfortunately, means that its fairly easy for her to try befriending another who may not particularly want that sort of bond. The Jedi is an optimist, often trying to see the brighter side of any situation wherever she can, as she is well aware of just how much worse situations could be at any given moment. Towards others, she can come off as a bit aloof and carefree. To only add to her stark contrast to her fellow Jedi, Kada has also known to be a bit of a flirtatious individual. Despite all these actions seeming to be aloof, many are shocked to find out just how intelligent Kada is, along with how much attention she is truly paying to any situation.

However; that is not to say that she is without flaws. Kada often finds herself of falling into a bit of being a bit too trusting of others. Wanting to see the best in them, and later paying a price for that error. When hurt like this, Kada's first instincts often flip back to those she was developed through the war and under Imperial Servitude; aggression. She will often lash out either with words or physically in response, before starting to slowly wind herself back from such actions that would bring her closer to the Dark Side. This, along with flaring responses from situations reminiscent of traumas she's suffered before can cause Kada to act very rashly at times, and very often to the detriment of herself.

Kada's lightsaber is truly unique. Technically, the weapon is a saberstaff with two blue blades, connected through the middle with a simple silver hilt adorned with golden lines to mark connections between metal casings as well as the ignition triggers. While there are two triggers on the weapon, only the one closer to her right hand will control it while in saberstaff form. When Kada twists both ends of the saber staff in opposite directions, it breaks apart into two individual lightsabers. The entire weapon was built by the Togruta, and is nearly defined as a work of art for its seamless finish and elegance.

  • Blaster Skill: Kada is a rather decent shot with her DL-12 Heavy Blaster Pistol
  • Tech Knowledge: Kada is rather adept at tinkering with tech. Specifically; Droids and Ships. She can build a droid from nothing but parts and can repair ships rather effectively.
  • Piloting: Kada once flew an X-Wing as part of the Rebellion forces at Jakku, she is a skilled fighter pilot.
  • Jar'Kai: Kada is an amatuer at Jar'Kai, but uses Form IV: Ataru Influences. This is because Jar'Kai itself is not a form, but a blanket term for two Sabers.
  • Form III Soresu: Kada is an amateur at Soresu, and only employs this form when we weapon is in Saberstaff form.
  • Dancing: Kada is an incredible dancer!
  • Charisma/Negotiation: Due to her rather easygoing persona, Kada is quite adept at negotiating or calming others in tense situations. She is a pretty decent flirt, but that is less useful than one might think.

  • DL-12 Heavy Blaster Pistol
  • Lightsaber
  • Wrist-Mounted Commlink
  • Mechanic Tools (Stored at a Workbench at the Temple)
  • BD-4 "Sparky" BD Class Explorer Droid

  • Overly Trusting
  • Emotional
  • Not Overly Skilled in the Force
  • Amatuer Saber Skills
  • Rash Actions
  • Trauma-Induced Decisions can lead dangerously close to the Dark Side

Kada was born on Shili to a loving pair of parents and spent a good portion of her young life on the planet. Though she was much too young to know, her parents had suffered greatly under Imperial Occupation of the planet. Local forces harassed their village, and later in Kada's young life arrested her mother under charges of 'Treason'. This rapid change came shortly after Kada had slain her first Akul, and had her headdress crafted by her father. With her mother suddenly taken away and the Imperial forces watching her father for any sign of treason, Kada quickly learned what the galaxy was truly like. Her illusions from her childhood had been shattered, and the youth started living in fear of those monsters in white armor. This fear, in turn, drove Kada to act. The youth was one day caught throwing stones at a local Storm Trooper patrol, who in turn attempted to arrest the young Togruta. However; her father stepped in to stop his daughter's arrest by physically shoving the troopers back. This situation spiraled, and soon a single cry rang out through the village, followed by a terrified shriek of a child. Her father had fallen flat on his back, chest burning where the trooper had shot him. In his dying breaths, he looked at his daughter and whispered softly to her. A reminder that she was his little light and that the light would always triumph against the dark.

Kada swiftly was smuggled off-planet by her fellow villagers, who knew full well what the incident would mean for their village. That the Imperials would return in force to ensure such a situation did not repeat itself. A fate they did not wish their village's youngest member to have to witness. Kada was entrusted to a lethan twi'lek man by the name of Anoon Gida, a leader of the local cell of the Rebellion. Anoon took the young Togruta off-world and into his own home, where she was met by his own daughter; Talik Gida. The two bonded quickly, with Talik having lost her own mother to Imperials and fully understanding the pain Kada was going through. Over the next few years, both girls became inseparable. Even growing to the point as viewing each other as siblings as they entered their teenage years. No matter where the Rebellion meant Anoon had to go, both Kada and Talik stood by each other's side to support one another through these troubling times. The two even played a part in certain Rebel operations, serving to help refuel, rearm, and repair fighters in between missions. It was during this time that Kada learned how to fly while Rogue Squadron was briefly operating out of the base she and Talik lived in. The pilot who took time to teach the young Togruta on the simulators was one Tycho Celchu, one of the many skilled pilots amongst the Rogues.

When Kada turned 15, her whole life went for another sudden turn. Talik, being 18 at the time, enlisted with the Rebellion. Kada watched with a worry held deep in her heart as her older sister was sent off to war against the Empire. Serving as one of the Rebellion's own shock troops, and standing firmly on the front lines with the overlords of the Galaxy. Kada spent the time alone training further on the simulators until she turned 16 and was picked up by the Rebellion as a potential pilot for the X-Wings. A year later, Kada would get her first experience of true battle flying escort and close-air support for Rebel ground troops during the battle of Jakku. Here, she managed to take down two Imperial Fighters, one of them being the more deadly Interceptor Class. Despite the viciousness of the fight, Kada and Talik managed to survive the battle. Shortly after which, the Republic and Empire settled upon peace and the New Republic was formed. At this time, Kada and Talik both stepped back from military service, intent on carving their own paths in the galaxy from that point on.

A chance they were not given. Both girls were quickly taken prisoner when the transport they were riding was raided by an Imperial Moff who had gone rogue and fancied himself something of a warlord. The two found themselves in chains, back under the thumb of the very entity they'd just risked life and limb to beat back. The next three years were grueling, filled with labor camps and mistreatment at the hands of the Imperials. Yet even this change in their life seemed not meant to last. During one of their transfers to a new camp, a Mandalorian swooped in and dealt a rather vicious blow to the Imperials. In the process the man, going by the name Toryn, chose to change certain parameters of his mission and escorted the two prisoners out of the Imperial Grip.

A few months later, the two had managed to find their own place in one of the seedier sides of Chandrila. Living in a small apartment, the two took up jobs at the local Nightclub to pay the bills while they figured out their next steps. Talik as a bartender, and Kada working as a dancer at club. It wasn't their dream, per say, but the job was honest and they were treated well. Certainly, it was better than life under Imperial Rule. The two would stay in this spot for two years before a shocking night would once more alter their fates. A rather unusual patron entered their club, a man almost everybody in the club recognized on sight from the Holonews. Luke Skywalker. Moreso, when the man, somewhat awkwardly, made his way across the floor and asked to specifically talk to both Kada and Talik... they knew things were about to change. After a little bit of Kada fangirling over the Jedi Master, and a bit of awkwardness on his end from their environment and state of dress, Luke finally put forward why he had approached the two. Both were sensitive to the force, and he wanted them to come to train at his Jedi Temple to become members of a new era of the Jedi Order.

Of course, Kada and Talik happily agreed!
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Sir Lurksalot
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

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Alfhedil What do you see Kaneda?

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