Event: Metropolis | Location: Wánggǎng, ReTan
Xiulan had brought Maura to the tailors as they visited the market as requested the night before where they discussed it in the Inn. The shop was filled with beautiful, ornate hanfu, each with intricate patterns that Maura couldn't help but admire. The fabric was soft to the touch, and she could tell it was made of high-quality silk. Xiulan spoke with the store staff, earning special permission for Maura to be there, despite the looks of disapproval she received from the workers. Maura tried to pep herself up, using positive affirmations to boost her confidence. But even though she knew only a little ReTannese, she could tell that the staff was shaming her for being a cripple. Vamos, Maura, finge hasta que lo logres. She straightened her posture as she continued to look, she had already decided, but these people are going to wait for her, as she admired the handiwork.
Maura prepared herself and finished looking at the hanfu. "Xiulan, we are taking one" she said, her cheeks a little rosy as she flushed with excitement. "We want one suitable for my station, that as Governor of Longwan, and as the Trade Princess of the Ensolin." She pointed to one of the hanfu on display. Maura's eyes sparkled as she envisioned the perfect pattern for her hanfu. "We want it to be reminiscent of Longwan's prosperity and beauty. I want to see the cute little tradeships that dock at the port, the waves of the sea, and the shorelines of Longwan. We want to capture the essence of our beloved island in the design." She gestured towards the hanfu on display, her finger hovering over the intricate patterns. "Something like this, but with a touch of elegance and refinement. Can you make it happen?" She said with a smile. Maura was determined to look her best, even if others judged her based on her disability. She knew that her success would be the ultimate revenge against those who doubted her abilities. "We want people to know who we are before we open our mouth”
With a nod of understanding, Xiulan spoke with the store staff in fluent Rettanese, her words filled with the same authority as Maura's tone. She negotiated on Maura's behalf, using her connections and reputation to secure a fair price for the requested hanfu. As she spoke, Maura watched in admiration at how effortlessly Xiulan appeared to command respect from those around her. Finally, after a few minutes of negotiation, Xiulan turned to Maura with a smile of satisfaction and a nod. It is done, my lady. Maura smiled back in relief, grateful for Xiulan's assistance. "Thank you, Xiulan. We couldn't have done it without you," she said, feeling a sense of warmth at the thought of wearing her own Hanfu with some of her choice design aspects. When in ReTan, dress like a Rettanese, she thought.
Part 1
Maura watches the display unfolding before her as the Grey Ghosts dragged an old man onto the street, and although she recognizes the strict sense of justice in ReTan, she also sees the danger. This was not Ersand’Enise, and the way people reacted spoke volumes. Kaureerah’s words did not fall on deaf ears, and she found it difficult to keep silent on the topic.
" In any society," she begins, "innocent people can be wrongly accused and mistreated. The value of a legal system lies in its ability to prioritize the welfare of its subjects, rather than simply enforcing the law to avoid an injustice that should not occur."
Noticed the eyes started to turn in her direction as she spoke, as she glanced back to Kaureerah, then glanced away as she advocated her point to perhaps explore alternatives. “Take this man, he may, or may not, know where his master is. Given a situation where he does not know, and his honest answer is rejected, then what option does he have? In this circumstance, an innocent person being punished or intimidated would do more harm than good, as he would be liable to provide a false confession, wasting time and resources better spent elsewhere.”
Maura pivots the conversation towards their mission and task-in-hand, emphasizing their abilities as assets rather than mere pawns. “While this matter may not directly involve our intervention, we are here because you seek to deal with a foreign enemy who does not adhere to the ReTan way. Our perspective may be useful. Given your comments on the duality of both demonstration and being opaque in society, we imagine this show before us is not to find this man’s master, but to demonstrate to those present what happens if you do not cooperate. The guilt and innocence of this man is irrelevant to the goal. The brutality of these Grey Ghosts is using fear to keep people in check."
Maura then makes a bold statement. "This may have worked for hundreds of years, ensuring peace and prosperity in these lands, but something has changed. The arrival of the Traveller has upset the balance of power in these lands." She looks around the room, meeting each person's gaze in turn. "When you chase a rat, it runs away. But when the rat is stuck in a corner and has nowhere to run, it is forced to strike. Your Grey Ghosts can take down a rat. But the Traveller can turn those rats into lions, and maybe some into dragons. How many lions can those Grey Ghosts take down? The Traveller's plan is to incite rebellion and chaos, and turn ReTan into a swarm of lion-sized rats. Is that really what you want?”
As Abdel offered to use his skills to investigate, Maura nodded toward him in approval of his words. She offered him a sweet smile at his suggestion. Meanwhile, Niallus spoke up. "How is this justice? How can this violence be just beat him in public, just to set an example? What happens if you are innocent after a beating like this, if you don't mind me asking you?" Maura wrinkled her face at Niallus's response, as she chided him, "That's a bit like the Eskandish practice of Blood Eagle or public executions. It's not our place to judge others when our own cultures have its share of perceived unjust practices. Don't throw stones in glass houses."
"You may be right," Wu Long answered Maura, "or you may completely misunderstand this nation and situation as an outsider." The Exemplar clasped his hands behind his back, and there was a sharpness to him now, his eyes fixed on the distant commotion. He began stalking forward and both Captain Zhu's men and Xiulan backed hurriedly out of his path. "Regardless, that is precisely why you have been brought here: to equip us with a new perspective."
He motioned for the others to rise as he appeared to listen absently to Abdel's offer of assistance. "You are all welcome to exercise your skills in the service of what is right. I shall provide you with my utmost attention in observance."
Then, Niallus spoke, and he spoke with unequivocal accusation in his voice: an accusation leveled not just at the figures in the grey uniforms but, it seemed, at the entirety of Retanese society, without even knowing it. For his part, Wu Long seemed only mildly amused. "How is it that one might so readily mistrust what one does not yet even know?" An enigmatic expression creased his lips and animated his eyes. "Do you believe that these Guardians lie? That, by extension, the government of Retan lies?"
Maura was quick to rebuke her fellow biro as well, and this, the Exemplar found more interesting still. "And the burning of cities and genocide of the Zaqhory people does not place you in a glass house as well?" Wu Long questioned. He came to a halt in the plaza, within view of the Grey Ghosts, his ornate robes flapping in the stiff rezain breeze. "An individual is more than the people that they come from. This is something I have learned and that you must. You wish to distance yourself from his reply, but do you do so out of genuine disapproval or out of fear that you will be tarnished by association in the eyes of your hosts?" He shook his head. "I judge, but not in the way that you think."
Maura nodded respectfully in response to Wu Long's reply and said, "Acts can be described as either genocide or a people's salvation, depending on one's perspective. What may seem cruel to one can appear just to another. We recognize such matters dialectically, acknowledging their dual nature."
She smiled sweetly but apologetically as she lifted her head. ""We apologize for my insensitive comment earlier. My intention was not to distance myself from Niallus's reply out of fear, but rather to express my disapproval in a way that was misguided and inappropriate. We appreciate your perspective."
The Exemplar said nothing as the youths continued to speak. He had formed his opinions, to this point, and they might form further in the future. For now, however, came the offers of their skills, and he would give them his full attention.
Some of the guardians were taking notice of the Exemplar now, and of the foreigners who travelled with him. All six paused in their... aggressive questioning and bowed stiffly and promptly at the waist. "Exemplar Wu," said the woman in Retanese. Xiulan had scampered up behind them, and she translated quietly.
"Lady Yang."
"To what do we owe this honour?"
"Our visitors would like to take this opportunity to demonstrate their skills."
For a moment, the grey-uniformed woman froze, and there was a hint of something nasty and resentful and exasperated in her eyes as they flicked in the students' direction. "Perhaps as soon as we conclude this questioning?"
Wu Long paused, thoughtful, for a moment. "Mmm... perhaps now."
For a moment, it looked as if she wanted to say more. Those observant enough might notice her visibly stiffen at his words. Then, she barked some orders at her men, bowed - stiffly again - and gestured the foreign cohort forward. "As you command, Exemplar of Creation and Destruction."
Yalen, stepped up at this point to lead the questioning of the old man, listening in as Xiulan translated. "She says he's master lets some criminal stay zere and hides it from the government.". Maura mused at the statement, "A foreign criminal?"