Name: Jason Miller
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Mage (Kinda)

Jason is tall and lean, standing at exactly six feet tall. He does a lot of time doing physical labor on his family’s farm, and while he is not as big as his dad is, he still has a slender build with defined muscles that he is proud to show off. He spends plenty of time out in the sun, and thus has a tanned skin complexion. He has a boyish face, though he still possesses a firm jaw. He has a small nose, and large, expressive almond shaped eyes, which are a bright electric blue color. He has short dirty blonde hair which is always a mess, and frankly he likes it that way.
He dresses fairly simply. His family isn’t rich, so they don’t have nice clothes. Besides, fancy outfits are impractical for farmers anyway. To be honest, he spends most of his time shirtless. He’s seen books with pictures of how mages dress, and adapted the style to suit his own tastes. He wears a sleeveless light blue hooded cloak. He leaves it open all the time revealing his chest and abs. As bottoms he wears a pair of matching blue pants, that are held up by a beige belt. As footwear he wears a pair of sturdy beige boots that are comfortable to walk around and work in.
Abilities: Lightning Magic: Jason has an affinity for Lightning magic. He can summon lightning for various purposes. Including shooting electricity out of his hands, and delivering lightning punches. That’s pretty much the extent of his magic.
Farmer Skills: Jason is familar with all the ins and outs of running a farm. Planting and tending to crops, raising livestock, etc.
Cooking: Jason has learned how to prepare the food he grows on the farm.
Equipment: Hoe: When magic doesn’t work, Jason whacks enemies with his trusty farming hoe. Not as potent as an actual weapon, but it does hurt!
Personality: Jason is a farmer. He is often seen selling stuff at the local market, and does plenty of work on his family’s farm. He actually doesn’t hate farm work. It’s exhausting work yes, but at the end of the day there is nothing more satisfying than a job well done.
Jason has a fascination with magic. He greatly appreciates good displays of magical power. It started as a curiosity about the subject. Ever since the disappearance of his brother, grew into a desire to gain power for his own needs.
Jason is brave, daring, and extremely determined. He can be very impatient, wanting to get stuff done as soon as possible. As such, he will often charge straight into danger, and often prefers to zap first and ask questions later. As such, he can be reckless and get himself into danger if he thinks he is right. Jason is also very blunt. He says exactly what he thinks no matter who he hurts. He lacks patience for people he deems to be slow.
Jason can be very stubborn, and it’s difficult to get him to admit when he’s wrong about something. He can also be hostile to people who have different opinions than him. He doesn’t like to accept help for things he knows he can do on his own. He’s confident in his own skills, and believes he can handle his own problems himself. The upside to this though, he doesn’t give up easily when things get hard. He also has no problems giving help to others when they need it.
Biography: Jason was born into an average family. The family worked on a farm. His father did all the physical labor that running a farm involves, his mother sold the stuff they produced on the farm at the market as well as ran the home, and Jason and his twin brother, William were expected to help out around the farm. They lived a fairly average life. Jason and his twin brother were very close. The two played together all the time, and got along great. They rarely fought, and when they did have a disagreement, they made up fairly quickly. Jason’s parents hated magic. They believed that relying on a dangerous and unpredictable force could lead to nothing but trouble. For a while, the brothers shared those feelings.
One day, while the boys were playing one day, away from the eyes of their parents. In their playing, William got hurt. He tried diving into a lake, and ended up cutting himself on a rock. Jason panicked. His brother was hurt, he had no idea how to make him not hurt anymore, and more importantly he didn’t want to have to tell his parents that his sibling got hurt on his watch. Fortunately for them, an older gentleman happened to be passing through. He saw what happened, and helped out. The man was a doctor. He used mysterious magic and his own medical knowledge to fix the boy right up. After that, the boy’s opinions on magic changed.
Life continued on after that, but now something was different. Now Jason was fascinated with magic. It had saved his brother, and now he was curious about what other things it could do. Whenever he had free time away from doing farm chores, Jason did all he could to learn about magic. He read every book on the subject he could get his hands on, and at night would practice spells. He wanted to learn the mysterious magic that man used, but at some point discovered he had more of an affinity for lightning magic, and soon changed course. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do with this power, but it was still cool all the same.
At some point, William left to go on his own journey. He wanted to become a knight, and help out his country. Jason stayed behind to help out on the farm. For a while the brothers exchanged letters. Then, the communication stopped. Now, Jason is going on an adventure to find out what happened to his brother, and possibly learn more about magic in the process.