Location: Streets of Arkham --> Home --> Benny's --> Car Ride
Hit Points: 13 Sanity Points: 46 Luck: 75Mental State: SaneSkill:
The plan was simple, but it would get the job done. Gather up their gubs, take care of affairs, drive to the job. Simple enough. "
I agree, a second car may prove to be a liability as much as a help. One should do the job just fine. I doubt we'll do a ton of driving once we arrive anyways." Her car would likely be used to help move about boxes if they needed to, or if they needed to check out locations outside of town. "
If we want to meet up by my shop when we're ready to leave I think it'll make things quicker than trying to track everyone down. It's the beige two story building with the little tower that looks like a bell tower." In actuality, it was just a pretty chimney topper. But she liked calling it a tower. It felt more like an adventure to her that way. She gave a farewell to her party members, and began her stride to her home.
It wasn't a long walk, but knowing she may be gone for a few days was an uneasy feeling for her. Apart of the job, any of her jobs, but she still didn't like it. She would be tossed into environments that were chaotic, and she held little influence over. The same was true for when she was out in nature, but it felt... different in these cases. In nature, she felt like another piece to a grander picture. Anywhere else she felt out of place, and that everyone else there knew it too. Entering her home, she took note that Sprinkles had not greeted her at the door. "
Oi, you wee bastard are ya not going to say Hi?" She called out. No reply from the cat. Walking up to the counter of her shop she reached around to grab a small jar of kibble treats and bacon bits. The moment the jar left the counter a little bell could be hear as sprinkles jumped up onto the counter. "
Meow." He announced himself with the biggest smile on his face. "
Fatass." She called her cat as she gave him a couple of the treats.
Margarete went about the building gathering up some spare clothes, some gear, and some stuff for Sprinkles. Instinctively, the first thing she began to pack was the 12 gauge shotgun. Placing it on the bed with some of the ammunition. Store with it, some of the .45 caliber she kept on hand for her pistol she almost never used. Today, it would sit in her hand bag. Just in case. Grabbing the shotgun with both hands, she put her finger on the release and began ejecting the shells onto the bed until the gun was empty, then disassembled it like someone who had been practicing with the weapon for a long time. When broken down it fit nicely into a small and thin leather bag. Though a bit wide, it shouldn't draw too much attention to itself unless she decided to unpack it. She grabbed 20 shells for the shotgun, deciding if she needed more she could come home or buy more. For her grandfather's handgun, she grabbed 30, plus the six still loaded in it. She would not lack protection on this trip, that's for sure. She'd grab some of her tools of the trade incase her brains decided to take a turn helping her out, her outdoor clothes, lantern, and a bottle of fine wine for when this was all over. A good little reward for the group when they had a job well done.
Walking out back, she began loading up her bags into the Nash Touring. Suitcase for clothes, the rectangular leather bag, and a small metal box that could be identified as an ammunition box for the munitions she brought. The lantern would be packed neatly in her suitcase, and the wine under her clothes. Deciding she should have an option that didn't involve going guns blazing, she would grab the baseball bat she kept behind the counter. There are countless situations where drawing a gun would only escalate a situation, but where violence may still be required. Thankfully, other than the bat, most of her things fit into the two bags, and the munitions box. She figured she still had a bit of time before everyone would arrive, so she returned to her home and approached the sleeping Sprinkles who was enjoy the best of catnaps when his mother decided it was time to no longer sleep. Picking him up with both hands the big kitty was clearly confused as he was hugged and squeezed while trying to enjoy his nap. "
Who's a good boy. Who's going to behave for Benny while Mother's working? That's right, you are, you are!" She said in a cooing voice, before stopping and realizing she had done so. "
Gawd dammit sprinkles yer making me soft." She said in a more stern tone trying to redeem her embarrassing act her cat had witnessed. Sprinkles seemed more concerned with getting back into the bed, but realized his fate was sealed when the kitty harness that he may have been a bit too big for was attached to him. Despite his biting and tugging at the thing, it would not come off. And Margarete held him tight as she gathered his treats, a bag of litter, and some blankets and toys for the cat.
Rushing over to Benny's she made it short and sweet for the poor lad. He had put up with her nonsense for years at this point, and he did a damn good job doing so. But she did push it from time to time. "
I know it's short notice, but I need you to watch after sprinkles for me. I'm leaving town for a job, shouldn't be more than a couple days. But things happen. If it takes longer I will do what I can to update you. I won't be able to share much yet, but I'll tell you what I can when I get back. Make sure to give him tons of love, affection, and attention. Also do not eat in front of him unless you plan on sharing. He gets really upset when people eat in front of him without having anything to eat himself. I got litter, and it should be enough to last until I am back. You'll have to figure out food, but he loves eggs, bacon, salmon, and chicken. You can do cat food but he'll get sick of it fast without something to break it up. I got his treats and toys so he should keep himself occupied as long as his other needs are met. Also, make sure to take the harness off once he is inside. He will begin to bite after a while if he is stuck too long in this thing." A bit of an info dump for poor Benny, but he would understand. "
I'll pay you back and then some when I return. But this is important. Thanks!" She said as she passed off the very much resisting cat to the poor Benny, who had to watch there confused and awe struck as the most agitated cat in town was tossed into his arms. Margarete left the young man mouth wide open in confusion, still unable to get a word out by himself with Sprinkles as she closed the door and ran off back to the car.
Arriving back, she was surprised to see Ellie already at her car. Not thinking much of it, she unlocked it and stood by the trunk door as she unloaded her belongings into her car. She would do this with all, a compulsion to keep the situation with her vehicle under as much control as possible. Once or twice rearranging how everything was packed in together. Either for space efficiency, to make sure her most important things were easily accessible, or to just make sure all the right things were in just the right place. She took another note of Ellie getting into the passenger seat of her car. She was used to keeping that one free for her hand bag, but supposed in their tight conditions she would have to adapt and overcome. But once in the car, she had no room to complain. She had been handed money, and the greatest gift god had given the human race, Coffee. "
Thank you very much." She spoke in a sweet, yet professional tone to the payment. She took a bit of note of the flirting, and thought no mind to it. It was far less crude than what she was used too before she got burned.
The road trip wasn't all too bad. Sure Margarete drove a little bit too fast for the roads, and very much enjoyed the feelings of the engine of her car going full burn across the road way. But it was just some harmless driving. "
If that thing leaves so much as a speck of ash, or a single smug on my car, we're going to have problems Ms. Estelle." She spoke sternly. She loved this car, and it was her biggest financial sink outside of her current home since she left her old family cabin. She wouldn't have it ruined by a cigarette. She did ponder the thought of something to eat. Breakfast had its own hiccups, so she wouldn't mind. But she would hold off for a bit. "
I'll be fine for now. But thanks anyways lass. Feel free to ask again when we get there." She continued driving a bit like a mad woman, but they would make very efficient time.