Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Eleonora Estelle

Location: Streets of Gamwell, Massachuttets
Hit Points:13 - Sanity Points:65 - Luck:50
Mental State: Sane
Skill: N/a

One exceedingly long and not especially exciting journey later and they had found their destination. She even made a point of marking it better on the map she had snatched from ol' dear Harry. That way it would be hard for it to be missed should they require visiting another time down the line. Place was... well a provincial smaller town more than anything. With the day drawing to a close with the fall of night before long in a few hours, it was about 4 pm. Not exactly the best time to arrive at a new place at, but it could be worse.

She took a note of the weird priest's ideas and made a gruff sound of somewhat agreement if such a thing was possible." We can always visit the client in the morning should worst come to shove, but we've arrived at a new locale... A locale that hardly is a cosmopolitan place whose's hotels run day and night." She pointed out with a huff, really... REALLY wanting a smoke. Couldn't wait to get out of the car." Point is unless we want to sleep under the stars or in the car, something I absolutely reject doing, especially given how many of us are here, we need to secure lodging before the day progresses any further. With Gamwell being so out of the way, who knows what types of working schedules they have here."

"So, Maggie be a dear and drive us first to the local hotel or whatever passes for one we can see. That over there must be the place if I'm not mistaken." She pointed the guesthouse looking place out." Given the end of the day timeline we might need to split to cover more ground effectively, so drop me off to secure our loding while the rest of you visit the client and the sheriff. Local sherifs might get pissy about big city people snooping around. That said, there are enough of us to move in pairs, so best course would be to nobody go alone. Go talk to different people while we can and then convene at our lodgings before darkness sets?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Margarete O'Bryon

Location: Car Ride --> Streets of Gamwell, Massachuttets
Hit Points: 13 Sanity Points: 46 Luck: 75
Mental State: Sane

Coffee. There was little that could compete for Margarete's love than Coffee. Sprinkles being the only exception. But anyone who couldn't love a creature such as Sprinkle's had something wrong with them. So excepting the obvious, Coffee was her biggest love in this moment. She had to take extra caution as she sped along the roadway not to spill the coffee Elly had so graciously made for her. Pulling into Gamwell Margarete had to slow her vehicle enough so she wouldn't hit any Jays and have to deal with all of that mess. Not that she was driving slow by any means. The vehicle stopped at a near violent jerking stop on what could have been the town's main street for all she knew. "Talkin' to the law seems like a good starting place. It'll be good to know sooner rather then later if they are on our side or not. Or if we should expect pushback in our work." The whole down gave her anxiety. Nothing to do with the town itself, but the thought that this could have anything to do with that manor in France made her want to find what had caused all her pain and put a bullet between it's eyes. Her own eyes however, drifted to her handbag between the seats. The hilt of the old Calvary revolver barely visible. Large for a hand gun, but it was available when she needed one. Not that she was particularly good with it. She had fired it a couple times. Enough to be familiar with how to operate it. Most of its use nowadays was taking it out of the drawer at night and putting it away in the morning when she woke.

Eleonora's idea of sorting out housing for the night before getting anything else done had some logic to it, but she worried about not having a starting point by the time dark settled. "I would prefer to at least talk to the client tonight if nothing else. I would like at least our key bits of information before we get too far. If you want to sort out lodging first we can. But I would need us to make it snappy. We can unload bags after we talk with the lawyer. I would also like to talk with the sheriff as well, but at least the lawyer before we call it a night." She wanted information to ponder through the night. She knew she wasn't the fasted when it came to mental gymnastics, and wanted as much time to think something over as possible. But she did like the idea of securing a room for herself. Not that she didn't trust her current company, but she had trouble trusting a lot of people. She was a bit cautious like that.

Margarete started the car back up, sped down the roadway as if she was back on the back roads and stopped suddenly in front of the guest house looking place. Getting out of the car Margarete stretched, realized she had been sitting far too long, and heard a cracking noise as she finished up. Feeling better though, she grabbed her hand bag and looked at the guest house. "May be worth splitting up. But I would like more information up front either way so we have an idea of what we are looking for. I think it would be best to talk tot he lawyer first before we decide to split up. That way we're all on the same page before we go putting out noses into places." The idea of securing a room first was more an more appealing as she walked up to the guest house. She hoped that they would have enough rooms for all of them. She didn't fancy the idea of sharing a room.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ONL
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ONL Occasional Private Dick

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Call of Cthulhu

Chapter One: The Crack'd and Crook'd Manse

Date: Monday, May 4th, 1925
Time: Afternoon, sometime around: 4 PM to 4:30 PM, approximately 30 minutes of following actions after arrival.
Location: Streets of Gamwell, Massachuttets


Like the true detectives the group were attempting to be, it was (perhaps) decided to split up and go their separate ways in the beginning. At least three options were discussed, three close-by locations picked for exploration of a mystery most peculiar. Time would move rather quickly, and yet ever so slow, as if the rules of the Universe didn't always apply to itself. Then again, many hours driving down New England country roads does make everything turn into a blur.

Sheriff's Office:@rocketrobie2 - Hoping to gather some additional information before their rendevous with the Dodge Brothers, as well as thinking to elaborate the relations between their case, the local authorities and such, Father C spoke for meeting with the Sheriff of Gamwell. Walking down the street to where a sign pointed him, reading "Sheriff's Office", Father C would enter a modest building with what one might expect of a rural Sheriff's office.

Organised within one single room, an empty counter would greet the fatherly priest up front with a couple of prison cells placed on his right. Up front, in the back of the room, the irregular and frustrated typing of a typewriter welcomed Father C in less warm of a sense than he'd hope. A lean, old and preoccupied man sitting behind the table holding up the typewriter and several documents, glared up at him.

"Hmpf...blasted piece of mechanical junk...Huh? Who are you? Sheriff Whitford at your service...father? Don't they teach folks to knock anymore? What do you want? Are you here about a horse?"

Gamwell Boarding House:@rivaan - Deciding that arranging their accomedations was of the first priority, Eleonora ordered "Maggie" to drop her off at the closest thing to a hotel there was in Gamwell. Humble housing met Eleonora as she would enter the neat and scrubbed building, with a sign at the front entrace making it very clear; "No chewing tobacco, no alcohol, no smoking, no unmarried couples, AND NO NONSENSE." This was certainly meant to be a clean place, like any decent New Englander would want it, unless to drag ones reputation and the Lord down.

Just like the faux father, Eleonora would be met by a counter, though this one with a certain level of increased activity. A couple of, well, couples stood in line and conversing with the friendly-looking old lady. Perhaps this was the boarding home's owner? Talk of room reservations and tomorrow's planned celebrations cluttered what could be considered 'the lobby', until it was Eleonora's turn to finally speak with the lady behind the counter.

"Ah, another guest? Welcome madam, welcome! My name is Edith Haggarty, and this is me and my husband's boarding house. Is there anything I can help you with? If it is a room you are looking for, we have a few spare ones, but only for tonight. Wedding-reception tomorrow, lovely isn't it!"

The Dodge Brothers' Office:@Remipa Awesome - Two investigators heading for their secondary targets, one gumshoe decided to take the bull by the horns - or the lawyers by their ties, so to speak. Margarete, after dropping off Eleonora would drive the car down the main street, headed for the row of offices not typical for such a rural town. Luck was on her side though, with a small yet visible sign glaring out at her: "Dodge Brothers: Attorneys at Law".

From a second story window, she might have noticed the face - no, three faces looking down at her, unsure of what to make of this unknown automobile parking outside their office.

Soon enough Margarete would find her way inside the office building, up the stairs and into the office of the men who'd asked for help. Inside a small office, dusty and damp, three washed-out-looking little men in washed-out-looking little grey suits, welcomed her with timid looks. The middle of the men reached over the desk seperating them from Margarete, holding a small and weak hand for her to greet, before sitting down in a creaky office chair - just as small and washed-out as the men.

"So...so you must be the detective Mr. Peacock wrote he would send...we thought there were more of you, but no matter...We're glad you could come as quick as you could, as this is a matter of importance! So..ehm, what do you need of us?" One of the brothers started speaking, by the name plate on the office choosing him as "Walter Dodge". Another brother spoke up, this one a little taller - but not much.

"Isn't it obvious, Walter? They're here...I'm sorry, she's here to be told what to do. These private detectives need to be ordered, don't they? A helping hand, the first clue, no?"

"Oh yes, you're right, Reginald. Quite right. Ehm...ehem, yes, the job. Mr. Cornthwaite and his disappearence, as you know, have given us quite the headache. Want we want you to do is simple. Herbert?"

A third brother spoke up, the smallest one but somehow the boldest of them all. Perhaps it wasn't so odd, considering how it seemed they had written down on paper what to ask the investigators to do. Were they that washed-out?

"Since we haven't had contact with our client, Mr. Cornthwaite, for over a week and a half, we are requesting your assistance in this matter. We want you to, number one; to establish the location of Mr. Cornthwaite, or satisfactory evidence of his...ehm, fate. Number two; keep damage to Cornthwaite's estate and property at a mininum in the course of your investigation. If not, we see no other option but to deduct said damage from your pay. I think that was all, Walter?"

Reginald and Herbert Dodge looked expectingly at Walter, as if hoping that Margarete's powerful presence was entirely focused on by their brother. Walter swallowed audibly, slowly but surely melting into a figurative gel in his seat, though putting on a brave face. "Yes, quite...Now, can we answer any questions you have, Miss...? We have his acounts and ledgers, and the keys to both front and back door of the mansion. You may spend the night there, just don't damage anything."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Eleonora Estelle

Location: Streets of Gamwell, Massachuttets - Gamwell Boarding House
Hit Points:13 - Sanity Points:65 - Luck:50
Mental State: Sane
Skill: N/a

It didn’t take much for Eleonora to get Maggie to drop her off in front of the boarding house instead of bringing her along for the ride. She took her humble luggage with her. Taking the few steps towards the boarding house, she pulled her cigarettes and brought one to her lips, reaching for her lighter just in time to see the sign on the front door of their nightly abode for tonight. ‘No smoking’, now here was a rule that put a bit of a dent in her mood, coupled with all the other things that were a no go on that sign, and if she wasn’t here for work, it’d be a rather dour and annoying experience. For a few days while on the job she could make due.

Grumbling briefly underneath her breath, she put the cigarettes away as she entered the boarding house with well measured gait and sway of her hips. She took off her fedora as she got inside. It was a bit hectic it seemed, she sensed… opportunities if nothing else.” Bonjour, Mademe Haggarty. Pleasure to meet you! My name’s Eleonora Estelle.” She greeted back in her very slight french accent, friendly voice and light smile on her red lips.” Yes indeed and I must say it’s a very nice place.” She stated and nodded.

“Ohh, simply marvelous, Mademe.” She nodded, pleased that there were free rooms.” A few of my colleagues and myself are visiting Gamwell briefly on business related issues and we require accommodations for the evening. Hopefully I will be over by tomorrow, but if it isn’t we will deal with that as it comes to pass.” She chuckled, really wanting to smoke, but had to hold it in for now.” we are a group of 5 so I would like to rent 3 rooms for the evening if possible, I will take one for myself, 1 for my 2 female coworkers that are present and another for the men in our group.” She explained casually, looking briefly around to inspect the place.

“This looks like quite the big wedding to be taking place here, Madame. These must be quite the busy days for you husband and yourself.” She began chatting up some casual topic of obviousness. Like polite people do, also try to get gossips because why not. Better know who else’s present in the boarding house tonight.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Margarete O'Bryon

Location: Dodge Brothers' office, Gamwell Massachusetts.
Hit Points: 13 Sanity Points: 46 Luck: 75
Mental State: Sane

The heavy footfalls that could be heard as Margarete stepped into the office could be mistaken for heavy combat boots to an untrained ear. In actuality, they were a nice, well built, durable, and very solid dress flats. Her determined stepped and her shear size had put a lot of force into each and every step. Each step more sure of itself than the last. Stepping into the office, it was much what one could expect from Lawyers. It was organized. Enough so at least. There were things that could have been done better, but nothing her eyes had locked onto. But she was on guard. When she had stepped out of her vehicle she had taken note of who she presumed were the Dodge brothers looking down on her. Three of them. She couldn't read their facial expressions from this distance. But she also knew that they were here to get the same job done. Though, she feared ulterior motives. Though without any reasonable suspicion she would not need to go at this like they were at ends. But she needed to keep enough control of the situation so that way anyone thinking of trying anything would think twice about it. She did debate taking her grandfather's service revolver with her. But she also worried that would send the wrong message. She wanted to be imposing, not intimidating. She was here as an intellectual, not a hired gun. So she'd leave the .45 in the glovebox. She supposed if worse came to worse, there was always the brass knuckles that sat in her purse.

Stepping up the stairs made a comparable sound. The heavy footfalls approaching closer and closer to the office as she stepped forward. Stepping into the office, she realized that trying to be imposing without intimidating would be a challenge. Not because there were three of them making it harder, but because they came across as rather timid. She'd need to be careful. But much like herself, they were apart of the intellectual community. Even if Lawyers were... well Lawyers. As Margarete stepped forward to the desk, the brother in the middle had offered his hand to shake. This was already going poorly. She had no idea where this man's hand had been, but there was no one else to shake it. She could reject the gesture. Ignoring how rude such a reply would be it came with other complications. These men came across as men who would buckle the moment she gave a stern tone towards them. She needed to keep things as professional and as civil as possible. That would mean sucking up her pride and touching whatever this man had touched since he last washed his hands. She hoped to god this town had running water.

Margarete reached out with her own hands, hiding her reservations and giving a firm handshake before speaking. "Gentlemen.". She spoke in a deep and professional tone. Then she quickly withdrew her hand to straiten her blouse. As well as to subtly rub her hand against her it. She really hoped this town had running water, she would need to do laundry while she was here. She sat in her chair and listened closely as the brothers explained their situation. Making sure to not interrupt, or to miss too many notes. She was far from the best listener though. She had near crippling focusing problems growing up, problems her parents had aggressively hammered out of her with the help of various education systems. But remnants still stayed.

As she listened, she took note of Walter seeming to imply she was little more than a tool to be guided. Her smile grew at the comments. She wouldn't mention it though. Maybe he didn't mean it that way? Maybe he actually thought of her that way. It didn't matter. Margarete showing her disdain wouldn't help anyone. Her forced smile would hide that well enough. The job seemed pretty strait forward, but as a whole there was so much still unknown. But that is where the big dollars came in. And if she was lucky, answers. And though she was by far not the smartest lass of the bunch, she had a decent skill for asking questions and collecting information. Even if she couldn't always utilize it. Margarete leaned in on her seat as Walter finished talking. Her emotionless scared face locking onto his almost as if she was a haunting dream. When he did finish speaking she eventually leaned back, seemed to mentally pause a moment as she pondered the situation, the questions asked and the offers given.

The imposing force of a woman stood, walked to a bookshelf along the side of the room, and swiped her finger across it, pulling off the dust with a hint of annoyance. "I'll make this work. But you will need to meet all of my requests. Any that fall short will hinder the investigation." She turned back to the brothers, standing tall and proud with her arms behind her back as she spoke. "The very first thing I will need are two lists of Mr. Cornthwaite's financial dealings for the last six weeks. One list for anything $50 or more, and the other for everything else." She figured the big ticket items would draw be the biggest hints, but she didn't want to leave anything to chance. "I will want to know what the transaction was for, when it happened, who was getting paid, the more details the better. If you don't know, mark it so. Unknown is still important information." Margarete began pacing across the office, as if walking helped her focus on her thought process, and helped keep her thinker working up to par. As she walked and talked, one of her hands would break free from her grasp behind her back, and seem to go about in front of her and move as she spoke. As if guiding her words as she spoke. "As well gentlemen. I will need a record of all known locations for the last month. Days and dates would be best, but if you are unsure, mark it so."

Margarete paused mid stride, her train of thought stumped. She began to look frustrated as she attempted to regain some semblance of a thought process, soon taking a deep breath, and began a mental recap of the points she covered. She took another breath and continued pacing. "We will need keys, and a list of all known valuables in the house. If something is missing, or is present we were unaware of, it could be a clue to his location or his thought process before he went missing. As well, any locked doors we should have access too. If we have unobstructed access, I would like to know if we should be concerned finding a room we don't have access towards." She paused, remembering the firearms she kept in the car, and remembered how jumpy she would get after she came home from the war. "Does Mr. Cornthwaite keep any firearms in his home? I'd like to know if there is a risk of getting shot by a man who thought he was hiding if he gets found in some sort of half hidden room." She had gotten better. She still slept with a loaded gun by her side, but she was nowhere near as jumpy as she was when she got home. If this whole thing turned out to be some rich asshole who got spooked into hiding in his basement, Margarete would be thoroughly pissed. She'd still get paid, but she wouldn't get any answers. And crazy loons with guns were very low on her priority list to meet.

Margarete took another look around the room before looking at the brothers again. "And if I were in your shoes, I would hire a maid. This place needs to be touched up. These are no conditions for a professional environment." Her tone was serious, but apart of it almost seemed like a desperate plea. "How soon can you get everything I requested? I shall be meeting with the others soon enough." She could have let them think she was the only one, but alas, apart of her enjoyed keeping and air of mystery about her person.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 10 days ago

Father C

Location: Arkham, Massachussets, United States of America.
Hit Points: 12 Sanity Points: 51 Luck: 50
Mental State: Sane

Father C raised an eyebrow at the horse comment. "Do most folk come to you about horses Sheriff Whitford?" he asked, approaching the counter to rest for the moment and continue addressing the law-man. The priest was still stiff from the car ride, despite the bike ride over limbering him up a little. Behind the obscuring view of the counter, the pastor stretched his legs out with a satisfying crack or two.

"Regardless no, I'm not here about any horse or nothing, though I wouldn't mind saddlin' up one of these days. I'm here for P.I. purposes. Was hoping to get the run-down on the disappearance of Mr.Cornthwaite before anything, no sense scrounging up some info I coulda' got from just askin'." Father C rambled. His eyes scanned the room briefly before locking on the sheriff as he got into the 'meat' of his question.
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