Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

After a lot of deliberating and bothering our dear GM; I finally managed to put together a character I'm pleased with and looking forward to roleplay as.

This unfortunately means taht Louise, who was created in a hurry and as a desperate means to not keep the RP's start from being delayed, won't be joining the cast. Apologies to any and all undead-lovers who were looking forward to doing unspeakable things to the former pure and innocent priestess. :(

Name: Coco Hapaptet

Race: Werecat (Cat Family subspecies)

Beastly Benefits: Werecats are beastmen blessed with incredible speed and agility, among the best hearing of all monsters, excellent eyesight and low-light vision, along with being just generally stronger and more durable than humans - as most monsters are. Their reflexes, beastly instincts and intuition, sense of smell (thhough not as good as that of the wolf family's) and superb aptitude and skill at acrobatics are also worth mentioning.

Curious Kitty: Werecats are naturally curious and inquistive creatures. They're also clever and intelligent, and can learn and understand most any concepts or practical pursuits. That said, their innate stubborn nature along with their capriciousness makes them hard to tutor, as they prefer to do things their way. Still, if you can take advantage of their natural curiosity, you may find that you can teach them a great deal.

Meowing Magus: Coco has studied and trained in the use of magecraft. In particular, she's specialized in both Earth and Lightning-elemental magic, along with just plain Arcane wizardry. She isn't a master in any of these three schools, but she could definetely be called an expert, as she seems to be a bit of a prodigy. Offense, defense, utility and even some spells that bestow beneficial buffs or obstructing ailments/debuffs, Coco's a veritable little arsenal all on her own .

Amarran Martial Arts: As a citizen on the Amarra Kingdom, Coco has also been trained and educated in the practice and application of the nations traditional form of martial arts. It involves punching, kicking, jumping and all the other typical things you can expect of a monster-only practiced form of combat. Coco enjoys weaving her spellcraft in along with her martial arts and use them together in order to suprise or overwhelm her opponent. Naturally, this is just a form of self-defense, like any kind of martial art that humans or others can learn, and doesn't involve any supernatural elements, like charging up beams of biolasters or hurling bombs of spiritual energy at opponents. Its just a means to protect yourself and pummel the wicked.

Enchanted Bling: The werecat wears a lot of fancy baunbles, trinkets and jewelry. Most of these are enchanted bits and pieces that, on their own might not do much, but together they provide a boost to Coco's overall magic resistance, for all types of magic. Sadly, she doesn't have much in the way of physical defenses, as one can plainly see by her attire.

Coco is a very cat-like person, which makes sense given her race. She's mischievous, capricious and a bit of a troublemaker, enjoying teasing or poking fun at others very much, Her actions are never malicious of course, but she can be quite the handful at times, and get into all sorts of shennanigans or trouble.

Like a cat, she's very fond of - and concerned with - maintaining her appearance and looks, and can be quite vain and self-absorbed. On top of that, she's pretty selfish and can get pouty or even act stand-offish or cold if she doesn't get her way. This usually doesn't last for too long, but repeated offense may earn you her scorn, and like a cat who you've angered, it isn't easy to earn her forgiveness.

Coco's self-confident and self-assured in both her skills and her own looks. She isn't shy at all and is prone to flaunting and showing off. Her temper and manners are very calm and collected though, like a graceful and refined dancer or performer. She stays cool in mos cases, but can be frazzled and enraged as most beastmen if too much push comes to shove.

While she enjoys teasing and playing with others, she prefers to be the one who initiates such things. Coco's thusly not fond of others touching her without her permission or consent, and she's particularly protective of her tail. Trying to do something like tickling her sides or petting her ears if she hasn't approached you first is a good way to get a face-full-of-claw. Other then this though, she's an easy-going, mostly casual and laid-back girl who has the air of a teasing older sister-type about her. She can joke around and sometiems seem to not take things seriously, but Coco knows when its time to stop playing around - even if she doesn't show it.

The werecat absolutely loves shrimp, fish and chicken. Along with being fond of sweet alcohol and can hold her liquor quite well... Though she tends to get even more mischievous and physically playful when drunk. Coco also loves milk and cream. Coco's playfulness also doesn't seem to discriminate between men and women, humans or monsters - she treats everyone like a potential toy.

Coco hails from the island kingdom of Amarra, a mixed human and monster nation located in the southenr part of the world. As a typically pretty warm location, Coco's choice of garments represent what is normally worn by monster girls in the nation, and isn't at all unusual... Well, unless you're outside of Amarra that is.

She went to both school as a child and attended the Amarra Capital Academy of Magic as a teen. As such, she's a fairly well-educated beastman, being able to read and write, as well as having some basic knowledge in math, history and, of course, being well-versed in magic and sorcery. She graduated a few years ago and took to roaming about and loafing around once she was done with her studies. However, after he mother got tired of her father doting on and spoiling their daughter, the werecat was forced to find a way to support and finance herself.

She spent a bit of time hopping between various jobs and vocations, including a cabaret dancer, waitress, street performer, shop assistant and even a bit of mercenary-ing. However, none of these things truly felt like a good fit for Coco, as they were all either required discipline and hard work, or had a bunch of restrictions and rules to follow.

Eventually though, she joined up with the Amarran Adventurers' Guild, and found that she rather enjoyed this line of work. She only needed to take requests when she wanted, she could sleep in and do whatever she wanted while still being technically 'employed'. As one of her msot recent jobs was to act as a guard for a merchant vessel that was travelling to Zipangu, Coco ended up in the far eastern region of the world merely by chance. Curious about the foreign land, she stuck around for a bit after her quest was complete, and somehow managed to pick up and hear about the Ryuu-lady who was gathering allies to help some monster-hating island repel an invasion by even worse monster-haters.

Finding it amusing, and a good chance to show off just how great she is, the werecat managed to secure pasage and get herself to the proper location, agreeing to sing up as a member of this 'Taskforce'... In exchange for sutiable compensation, of course.

"Hmhm~ Where're your eyes looking~? oh, I don't blame you, but let's try and keep ourselves under control, for now, 'kay? I'm Coco by the way, nice to meet you, cutie."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



So sad

It's k
A cat is fine too
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Don't be sad, Rune! That's why they call it spoople!
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 5 days ago


RIP Louise. But like Rune said, a cat is fine too. Accepted!
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I think I might make a living doll for a second character. Well see how I feel when not working.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ooooh, will it be a doll-sized living doll, or a mannequin-sized living doll? :o
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Unsure of the details ATM

But probably smol and human sized

probably something a bit like this. Obvious doll joints and all. Maybe a physical fighter not sure yet
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

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Beastie Witch is here @PaulHaynek

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 5 days ago


Oooh, I like the concept.


Two-faced water-shadow monster is accepted!

@Riffus Maximus @Xaltwind @Rune_Alchemist @AzureKnight

Alright, now that the characters are ready, I'll be writing the IC post. Expect it soon!
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 5 days ago

Alrighty! We've begun!

Make your introductory posts and let me know if there are any mistakes. Updates will occur next weekend or once everyone has posted.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

probably wont be until monday that I can get a post up
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I should be able to start writing up my post tomorrow. Spent all today on fruitless endeavors and am in a bit of a foul mood (due to nobody's fault except my own). Hopefully should get something out either tomorrow evening or sometime during the first few days of next week, as I got a day off on tuesday.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Oh, Battle Realm's map. Quite Nostalgic.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I could have done a different opening, but

can't honestly think of a better one for Nyla
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Second character!

Name: Gwendolyn

Race: Baphomet (Baphomet Family progenitor)

Unimaginable Power: Baphomets are, by nature, one of the foremost powerhouses among all of monster-kind. Their physical strength, endurance, vitality, stamina and speed, coupled with their superior intellect, vast amounts of magic energy and natural skill, aptitude and proficiency at magic makes them an undeniably formidable and tremendous force to be reckoned with! Unfortunately for Gwen, she's still rather yuong for a baphomet, and hasn't really finished developing (even if certain parts of her would suggest otherwise) just yet. Though not fully 'grown up', she's still a considerably strong entity and shouldn't be underestimated.

Able Arcanist: Gwen, like all baphomet, have large reserves of mana and a natural talent for casting magic. She can use a wide array of spells from different schools and elements, and cast rather powerful versions of each, giving her a wide and varied arsenal of tools. Her major downfall however is that she's not yet fully mastered the art of efficiently weaving her mana into said spells, meaning she expends and uses a larger amount of it than she should need, wihch in turn means that despite having more mana than others, she's also casting spells at a higher 'cost' than needed. That said, Gwen's also attuned to both detecting, analyzing and identifying magic, both in items, wards, ed/buffs or in/on people or creatures.

Scythe Sweeper: As traditional for most baphomet, Gwen has trained to use her scythe as the primary weapon for any melee-combat. Made from a demon realm metal, the scythe doesn't actually inflict any wounds regardless of where it hits or if it cuts straight through an opponent, but rather drains their stamina and their mana, eventually knocking them out if struck enough times or by a particularly 'lethal' attack. Gwen is capable enough to use the scythe both to attack and defend herself, as well as to vault over, trip or bludgeon opponents. Sadly, due to her... Top-heavy physique... Gwen can sometimes become unballanced and can't perform attacks in all directions equally... She sometimes also tends to fall over...

Pact Provider: Although young, Gwen knows how to perform pact-magic, which is essentially the act of someone asking for something from her, and she giving it in return for their servitude and obedience. Most often, this is either something like power, eternal youth, beauty, riches or other human fancies, but it can also be things like protection, impeccable health or generally most anything. In order to accomplish this, Gwen uses some of her own power to make the pact's desired result manifest, which weakens her for a time, but in return, she gains the allegiance (and passive siponing of magic) from her 'customer'. The effect of making such a deal however is irreversible, and the recipient cannot go against the agreement due to powerful geas and binding magics. Please read the fine print before accepting any deals.

Gwendolyn is a spunky young baphomet who has a flair for the dramatic and grandiose. She enjoys making grand entrances, delivering catchy lines or speeches, striking up dramatic or imposing poses and is generally vivacious and spirited. She's a self-confident young lady with a sense of adventure and discovery that could be considered child-like, but it could also be the result of this being her first time really out and about all on her own.

She has a sense of humor and can laugh at jokes or silliness, though she isn't much for being the target of teasing or ridicule. Doing such things will make her puff her cheeks, storm off with a 'harumph' or, in some cases if you go too far (according to her), she may even inflict violence upon the offender. She also isn't fond of people pointing out her short-comings or mistakes, of which there are no shortages of since she's both inexperienced, a bit gullible and naive as well as a bit of an airheaded goof at times.

Though she tries to pass herself off as a clever, conniving and cunning master of the webs, who is always three steps ahead and who lays out careful plans and devious traps... She's actually not all that forward-thinking. Its usually just her pretending to know or understand what's going on and claiming that any good outcomes are a result of her plotting and scheming. That said, Gwen isn't a complete bimbo and is actually fairly well-read and clever, she just hasn't fully grasped how, where or when to apply her intelligence just yet.

Gwen can act overbearing, arrogant and even snarky at times, but she's actually a really kind person who cres about others. She has a sense of right and wrong (even if they're not as clear-cut as the morals of humans) and she dislikes pointless bloodshed and death. The young baphomet is also surprisingly patient and tolerant, and accepting of all other species and races - which makes sense, since there are all types in The Sabbath's ranks.

Her hobbies include spellcrafting, scythe practice, reading books and exploring. She likes cute things, sweet things and pretty things. Gwen dislikes narrowmindedness, unnecessary violence and rude people, but she outright hates very few things, and even the things she dislikes she can be patient with.

Gwen is also very weak to praise or compliments, and will demand more of it whenever she receives some... Which bloats her ego... Which makes her surprisingly simple to manipulate and/or make her do things. She'll laugh or giggle cutely whenever someone acknowledges her deeds, advise or appearance, while rubbing the back of her head with a big smile on her face. It's quite cute actually.

That said, she absolutely detests frogs, to the point of having an outright phobia for them. If she sees a frog, she'll go the other way. If a frog approaches, she'll scream and run the other way. If you throw a frog onto her, she'll shriek and either faint or self-combust. Just... Just don't throw frogs at her... Please? She also seems to have a fear of paddles and oars, for some reason...

Gwendolyn is a baphomet who hails from the demon realm of Magvar. She's daughter of an incubi and another baphomet, both of whom belonged The Sabbath-cult, which is the dominant religion in Magvar. She received training, education and had a proper and rather problem-free upbringing. She never needed or wanted for anything and had parents who were loving and supportive, albeit also demanding and severe at times... Getting bad grades or failing tests often resulted in a paddlin while on papa's lap...

Time passed and she grew, trained and excelled. Eventually though, a request from a certain eastern dragon reached the nation. A great summit was held where it was discussed and debated what should be done and how the request should be handled. During this meeting, the eager young Gwen selflessly offered to go and act as the representative of Magvar.

There were a bit of murmurs and hushed whispers, but after a fairly short period of time, Gwen eithr managed to convince the others, or was just getting annoying enough to make the nay-sayers want to get things over and done with, the young baphomet was finally officially appointed to be the one who would go and be their contribution to the Lady Kyouko's taskforce.

Gwendolyn was very excited and set off the very next day! ... Which then forced her to wait at the docks because the ship she was meant to take wasn't going to arrive for another few days or so... But her enthusiasm was appreciated! Now though, after some weeks of sailing and camping, she finally arrived on the ryu's island, and is staunchly prepared to lead the Taskforce to victory!

"Hmhm, be greeted, my good fellows! I, Gwendolyn have arrived! Fear not, our foes will quake in their boots and tremble at the sight of my awful and unrivaled power! Hah, no need for applause, 'tis only natural I do this. Now come, let's be off!
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 5 days ago


I seemed to have skipped over thr 'Pact Provider' power in the PMs...

Anyway, I can let Gwen have the ability but I don't think there'll be anyone in Shizuyama to use it on.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

That's fine, I wasn't expecting anyone to accept deals with the devil on an island full of people who think monsters'll eat their babbies. xD
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 5 days ago


Alright. With that, Gwen's accepted then.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 29 days ago

Will post soon
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Friday, woooooooh~!
So, how was everybodies week?
I had a nice day off on tuseday and things went pretty okay for the rest of the week. Aside from a bit of a hiccup with some canned soda at work today, I'd say I had a pretty decent work-week. Now to sit back, eat junk and watch me some weekend animu. :3
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