Roslyn Wicke

"No matter how much I wished for my simple life back, I can’t reverse time to dance with the cherune."
“I only have one complaint, brother. You only sent a bottle of good beer, not a whole case.”
16| Female | Hendland | Noble | 6.9
❖ [Curious] +\-
❖ [Kind] +\-
❖ [Hardworking] +\-
❖ [Naive] -
❖ [Genuine] +
Roslyn enjoys exploring the world around her. Often she prefers a direct and more hands on approach, but she's not afraid to ask questions. This makes her open to new experiences and ideals easier than most.
However, this trait has a negative side. If her curiosity is too great over a topic, she forgets that her actions can have consequences. She tends to ask questions or explores for answers, even if those places are off limits. She's gotten into plenty of trouble and even hurt herself a few times. Mostly it has been minor, but that can't last forever.
Roslyn's kindness shines in her gentle nature, politeness, and observant nature. Being both of the working nobility, she struggles with acting her class and seeing it in others. For her, only the individual matters. This has caused her brother grief numerous times as she should keep up appearances.
When it comes to pain and suffering, she tries to be empathic with others. However, she struggles to burden her family and friends with her own troubles. One day she will hit her limit as the stress of her family's reputation, brewery, and more increasingly depends on her.
Roslyn isn't afraid of getting her hands dirty when it comes to working. In her mind, a little bit of sweat and blood is good for her soul. It also helps that she loves the feeling of pride that comes when someone enjoys her hard work. This also means when someone hates it, she tends to hide the hurt and wonder what happened.
Sadly, in her focus, she forgets her limitations. Long nights of studying, skipped meals, and exhaustion have become habits of hers. Starting since last year, her balance of those habits has started to tilt in the worst way.
Roslyn gives off an obvious air of innocence. She tends to trust before questioning others motives, believing the best in others. This flaw makes her ignorant to hints of manipulation and its dangers. This doesn't mean she will blindly follow and never learn from it. She will start to question the relationship of those that hurt her and even those that haven’t yet if she is exposed enough.
When Roslyn speaks about things, she tries to be as genuine as possible. She uses her own experiences and knowledge because it is all she knows. This doesn't mean she will speak of everything on her mind. Topics she can't speak of or make her uncomfortable, she rather avoid than lie. Genuine means to be sincere after all, not have loose lips.
Born in Hendland, Roslyn's fair skinned and stands at 5'2" (157 cm). Clusters of light freckles scatter across her cheeks and nose, adding a young charm. Her brown hair flows down to the center of her shoulders with flowing strands that refuse to be tamed. Often, she manages it by tying it up in the back just to keep it out of her hazel eyes. Her figure has a budding hint of curve and rather lithe, like one made to move gracefully. On her fingers are old calluses and a few burn scars on her arms from brushing hot surfaces.
Her dress, though limited, varies depending on the occasion. They lean into simple and practical for her upbring with only hints of decoration.
Within the brewery's inner walls, she wore breeches and a tunic due to the heat. As she bloomed into a young teenager, additional coverage beneath the shirt was required.
On normal days at the academy or for travel, she wears a simple blue dress with shortened sleeves. In front was a criss-cross corset that helps keep her waist the ideal slimness. Beneath the dress are a pair of travel boots stopping at her ankles.
Primarily Mana Type: Blackblood
Secondary Mana Type: Agitator
0- Magnetic
When Roslyn first came to the academy, she dove into the magics that benefited her craft the most. This included a focus on arcane, binding, chemical, and kinetic with each serving a different purpose.
With arcane, she heated and maintained temperatures based on what was best for the brew. Sometimes she had to mend damaged metal or extend the light of a candle during the darker hours of the day. However, her favorite use of the light side of this magic is turning herself invisible. It reminds her of her childhood and lets her melt into the background, escaping the family pressure for a short time.
Her chemical studies allowed her to observe the changes in the wort and hops. If pressures reach unwanted levels, she can speed up or even stop the reaction. She's saved a few keelers from rupturing in this manner.
Due to the workplace's tenancies for injuries, she began lessons in binding. A part of her hoped to also ease her brother's pain by removing more dangerous tumors and prolonging his life. Despite this, she still carries a salve on her person as a precaution.
Kinetic aids in moving larger barrels and speeding through the building to relay information among the workers. They might not be the biggest producers around, but there are numerous workers aiding their production.
Roslyn grew up in Arkney, Hendland as the second daughter of Aaren and Blythe Wicke. Due to a genetic disease that riddled her with tumors, her mother's first marriage arrangement had been canceled to save face. Even with the Binder's best efforts, they believed her body would one day give out from all the unusual masses. Raising debt forced the noble born family to accept Eustace offer of funds in exchange for Blythe to marry son, Aaren.
Despite the grim reality, the two adults grew to love each other. First came their son, Garith, and two years later their daughter Rolsyn. The noble side of her family remained distant until Roslyn turned five. Blythe's father had passed in a carriage incident bestowing them a modest inheritance. A manor, few servants, and a small reputation.
Within the same year, they moved in to the home and established their new status.
Her brother underwent a RAS test at the age of eight after nearly setting the drapes on fire. He scored rather high for a child his age, surprising everyone. At the time, they lacked the fund and an agreement had been set on by the parents. They would wait until his fifteenth year before he went to the academy. For most of this time in her life, her father focused on her brother and his future.
In her seventh year, Roslyn wandered from a servant girl into a small open field. There, she had her first encounter with the cherune. She recalled fond memories of giggling and chasing these 'people' about her size. Often she danced while they appeared at the corner of her vision, only to disappear as she twirled about.
No one ever believed her. Any adults she mentioned it to it often told her that it was just her imagination. Eventually she started to believe it was.
A year later, she manifested magic. She used what she spotted from the cherune to try and sneak up on her brother. Sadly, it was more like a shimmer than actually hiding her from sight. Still gave him a fright causing her to giggles then apologize. When she underwent the test, she scored notably lower and her father decided she would use her magic in the brewery. She was never meant to follow her brother into the academy, but they shared basic lessons beside each other. After this point in her life, she began to bond more with her father and grandfather in their efforts to survive. This was their role in the family and in time, it would become hers too.
By the time she was nine, her mother became bedridden. Her head was plagued by aches, weakened limbs, and failing eyesight. An ugly memory to the mother that spent time on family picnics and games with her children. Her mother's time was starting to dim. Roslyn immediately took more interest in caring for her mother, spending nearly morning and meal times with her. Despite her efforts to lift the woman’s spirits, Roslyn slowly watched her mother's health decline even more. The last happy memories were on the morning before Roslyn’s twelfth birthday. The day’s routine started off normal as her mother closed her eyes, resting upright in her bed. Roslyn touched her cold skin and realized she had passed peacefully shortly after. Funeral arrangements followed shortly as the family grieved, any prior celebrations forgotten.
In the weeks after mourning, Roslyn found her life slowly changing.
Her brother continued to focus on his studies, rarely leaving his room. Their once strong bond began to waned in the wake of their mother's death. Meanwhile, her father withdrew into himself for a few months. This left her grandfather and her to run the brewery until he recovered. Sadly, age had started to catch up with Eustace. This left much of the leg work on her shoulders as she relayed orders, kept the keelers at the proper temperature, and more. It was the hardest time in her life, but she gritted her teeth and pushed through it.
When her brother began to show signs of bumps along his eye, her father summoned the binder. Much to their dread, her brother had inherited their mother's disease. Her heart dropped knowing she had to face another loss of her family. So far, the binder told her that she had a clean bill of health.
Roslyn watched her father, with good intentions, withdraw his decision to send Garith. Instead she would take his place after her fifteenth birthday.
In less than two years, she shifted her focus from the brewery to other studies. She never thought she would have to cram years of information in her head in such a short time. The worst part was that her brother was forced to become her tutor during this. This drove away any enjoyment from whatever she learned under his bitter lessons. She saw the darker aspects of him rise to the surface and their tensions rose the longer they spent time in each other's company. Despite her soft protests, her grandfather and father refused to change their minds. Was for her brother’s own safety and health. Finally, she fell into silent acceptance of their decision.
The building tensions finally broke on the day Roslyn left. An argument had erupted in her room, resulting in Garith leaving it in a huff. Meanwhile, Roslyn stood in the corner and hid her pain from sight.
The time had finally come.
Roslyn didn't know what to expect when she arrived at the Ersand’Enise Academy of Thaumaturgy. Before she left, her father's words rang in her head. They might not have the funds for a second year and she would need to wait to return. That dreadful fact haunted her for most of her first year and drove her to find a solution. Most of it was a bit of blur as she struggled to adapt, learn, and grow. Some events stuck out like the Forked Towers challenge and the Silk Gates incident. Other things faded to the back of her thoughts, no reason to remember them. Somehow, she managed to obtain a scholarship before the year's end, but this was just a small bandage for continually bleeding issue.
Roslyn's main focus within the academy is her family's brewery. In a way, it feeds her an excuse to learn about the various magics while she's forced to focus on the most beneficial. She hopes with the right knowledge it will improve production and quality. In addition, she plans to figure out connections to spread their goods from their little town. The main struggle is figuring it all out.
In the back of her mind, Roslyn misses the simplicity of the brewery. A time where things didn't depend on her to solve everything. Now if she stops or stumbles, the weight of her responsibilities starts to crush her. It’s the last thing her family needs and she wants.
Roslyn fears watching her loved ones die. Her mother's decline and sudden death left scars below the surface, even when she choose not to think about it. Even worse, she hates the sensation of helplessness as she knows her brother's fate. No matter what she finds or does, Roslyn knows it changes nothing. Perhaps this is why she secretly dreads going home every holiday.
On person:
Small pouch (hidden in her dress) with a few small coins
Tiny, hand pounded tin with salve for burns, cuts, and other small wounds.
Dress depending on the occasion (cloak for colder weather)
Ankle traveling boots
In room:
Large book with several pressed flowers (a wide variety)
Small wooden box with a single, untouched beer bottle
A small bundle of letters from her brother, father, and grandfather hidden underneath her bed (includes problems/successes with the brewery, fund information, updates over her brother's condition, etc)
Clothes- Pair of breeches, shirt, a few dresses, etc. Some string for tying her hair up. All of them are worn slightly in places, but suitable for her station.
S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S
❖ Knowledge of Brewery
❖ Sharp memory
❖ Strong Tolerance to Alcohol
❖ Light on her Feet/Agile Dancer and Runner
W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S
❖ Fear of watching another loved one slowly dying
❖ No Fighting Experience/Skills
❖ Easily/Inexperienced with Manipulation/Easily Trusting
❖ Curiosity of the Unusual
❖ Handling Overwhelming Stress
-Roslyn enjoys dancing, especially the more fast pace ones. Something about it calms her and reminders her of simpler days. In the moment, her body moves with purpose, fluid gestures and steady pace that reflect her love. It's not a surprise that it is a side subject she's been studying on and off.
Will add as I discover more about her.