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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 31 min ago

The elf sighed, she could live with that. Let's agree to disagree, no one had to like anybody.

But she kept that thought to herself, she got what she needed already, thus arguing would be a waste of breath. After all, she was not the one who apologized.

Shaking off that petty thought, Jazdia secured the kompas in her satchel bag. There was still something about Silas' role that needs to be decided. "I agree. He will be in front if he wants to tag along. Easier for us to turn back in the event of an ambush or blockade. You should be with the prince then, do not let him out of your arm's reach until we arrived at the capital. No offense, but you are injured, so sit there and relax. You could have the Samurai with you or Lady Veronica if you wish so. They are the most trustful if considering their ties with your king."

Moments passed, yet Matilda seemed to be still in deep thought. Frowns and wrinkles on his face were all too visible to the keenest eyes. There was a reason why Silas dared to be so open about his circumstances, and it doesn't matter if he paint that under the pretense of utmost urgency, someone like Matilda would take that as a blatant disrespect to her superior. The most ridiculous part was she could not do anything about it, and it would keep grating her until she earned his superior's approval.

"I have been to many countries and took part in their politics. I have seen something like this many times, and could recognize one immediately---" Jazdia tapped Matilda's pauldron lightly and offered her a weak smile. "I know what you are thinking, but it would be best for you to not dwell on it too much."

Because you will never see the meaning of integrity and loyalty in the same way again.

That last part was probably the most important, but Jazdia decided to not say it.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 7 mos ago

The prince's excitement was not reassuring. Who BETTER to send than somebody the boy trusted so deeply, if the goal was kidnapping him again... or killing him.

After all he had just been through, his mind was a relentless fountain of terrible thoughts too unspeakable to name let alone utter, and through all of them, a mental image of his home and nearby village on fire.

He shook his head crossly, trying to force the image and implication of this being a deception meant to lure them back into a trap from his head, but only half succeeding, then responded to the prince.

'List'n Alec, I just done an' did in at wrinkled ol' sumbitch inna multi-color'd pyjamas, I ain't tuh keen on gittin' fuck'd o'er by no damn rott'n fish 'rear admiral', gots it? Think 'bout it a minute: who be'er ta nab ya ag'in 'an sumbuddy yas trusts implicit like? 'Specially if dey da 'smooth talkin'' type, ya know? At black thingmabob were likely da work a dat white ol bedsheet, Doct'r Solom'n. He da one as found sum scary new way ta cajole da dead like 'at. Why he'd be want'n us ta head back be anuhbody's guess, but I dun wan' be caught wit no way out down 'ere, if'n we goes investigates what dey up ta. Le'ss fin' a way out on 'is end AFORES we go an see whats-what back atta way. Dey dun set us up a ambush? We gots a straight shot outta here, we plays it smart firs'! We JUS' got you outta em' murd'rin' asshole's slimy blood-stained hands, I don wanna jus' slip ya right back in em, chasin' lit'ral ghosts with muh britches down an' no plan, aright?"
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Chounan saddened as Kirsten goodbye and the invitation might be impossible. He recollected his thoughts and start to analysis Sila's team. Having an elite guards with them feels like something going to happen later on, they are no choice but to do what their clan master wanted to his party. He approached Jazdia and Matilda as the elf mentioned the word "Samurai."

"I heard the word Samurai and I'm here." Chounan replied on Jazdia.

"I feel that this will be the end for us when we join on their band, I admitted that like that woman in maid outfit.

Should I drag her away from Silas, opposite from our bear and prince heading? It's either his precious sister or the prince.

I just need a little distraction tho."
He ended it with a cross armed turned his head on the two.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 31 min ago

Not the end, and certainly not their band. Jazdia muttered under her breath and then walked closer to the fireplace. The samurai's words rang in her ears like some sick proposal. Liked her? Well, congratulation! But how it developed into a deranged plan of snatching away someone else's sister for whatever reason, she could never discern. Not even for the sake of giving the prince a chance to escape.

"I'd strongly suggest you not do that. There is no need to provoke the Delvings. What for? Keeping him away from the prince? Well, you can always use the tunnel and follow Cedar. Delving has no other backup stationed, you said it yourself."

She then turned to Matilda without taking any step away from the fireplace. "Either way, we should not tarry long in this place. You heard what Baker said. You might not trust him too, but for me, his reading is the most trustable source of information I have now. --what's the VIP's status?"

Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

After talking to the two. Chounan approached Yvonne and shake his head once slowly.

"Impossible for now. I need to do prove something first.

As you mentioned about the Mercenary. Where should I apply?"
He said to Yvonne as he crossed both of his arms.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by A5G
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A5G Insane Hobo

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[GM Post]

"Please do not insult Admiral Silas. But... Well, I suppose it's prudent." Alec reluctantly agreed, after mulling over it for almost a full minute. It's pretty obvious that he didn't find the idea appealing at all. He eyed the people hard at work at the distance, their details obscured by the darkness, the grunt and clangs of their effort audible even this far out. "How are we clearing that blockade? Those people seems to have been working on it for quite some time."

Some distance away, Yvonne's very much resisting the urge to get even more sloshed even as she's trying her best not to pick her scab. She's shaving the corner off the table instead, it didn't really help the itch but it kept her good hand busy. Just as well, the foreigner came back with... a rather weird question.

"What?" She paused, repeating the question in her mind before continuing shaving the wood off. "Someone of your skill can just walk up to any free company and join in without much difficulty. Unless you ask for too much pay, I suppose. What's with the question?"
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

[GM Post]"What?" She paused, repeating the question in her mind before continuing shaving the wood off. "Someone of your skill can just walk up to any free company and join in without much difficulty. Unless you ask for too much pay, I suppose. What's with the question?"

"Just in case, I need to lay-off from the Kindereance after this mission.

You would introduce me on your boss so that I can make an application?"
Chounan replied to Yvonne. Truly, he need to lay-off from the kingdom after what he done back then on the slave room. He haven't forgot how the inner-self wanted lured him and killed the innocent slaves with his own hand, even it was considered an accident and not intended.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 31 min ago

Jazdia waited. For whatever reason, the inquiry stayed unanswered until the time ran out. And how surprising! Matilda also shared the same concern.

"They're not listening to the scouts?" The orc could be heard grumbling something in a low voice, before stepping briskly to the stairway. "I'll get them. Keep an eye on the admiral."

Jazdia followed her from behind and nonchalantly walked past her before she opened the trapdoor leading to the cellar with a punchable smile. "After you, ma'am."

The knight captain suppressed a grimace, hopped in, and started walking.

"I thought I said keep an eye on the admiral," said Matilda when the two reached the cellar below. Jazdia activated her eyes, scanning the tunnel before giving her her reasoning.

"You did say that, but I think that should be the least of your concern. The Delvings are on the outer part of the town. Busy with helping distressed villagers, it seemed. Last time I saw anyway...' Jazdia pointed at the heavy wooden door at their west. "Would be a lot while for them to return to the fort. Anyway, the prince and our bear friend walked through that; it was a straight tunnel with no intersection. Hang on! They are still there. It seemed the exit was blocked."

Matilda immediately strode toward the door, ready to open it. Jazdia wanted to tell her that the door was sealed shut but was too occupied pondering what kind of escape tunnel that could be barred from the outside.

The orc seemed ready to hack the door open or beat it up herself. Considering the door was held shut by a mere sizable iron latch, it could work... if she didn't mind adding more bruises onto her already mushy internals, that was.

The elf followed beside Matilda. Her blade gleamed with a hot, purplish glow as she slid the edge into the door gap and cut down the pesky iron out of the way.

"Before we go, a suggestion if you will," the elf said as she sheathed her blade and enchanted her arrow to light up the gloomy path ahead.
"They are not alone, there were civilians with them, twenty or so, best not address your princeling as respectfully as you usually do."

Thankfully Matilda's armor was not government-issued. Civilians, Jazdia thought. Easy to rile up, especially at the most desperate times. Trap them with you in a dark and crampy corner, and you should expect a surprise. Sadly not many of them were good ones.

Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 31 min ago

To maintain a healthy level of mana reserve, Jazdia deactivated her eyes. They had her torches, anyway.

It was exactly how she imagined it to be; a long, tunnel that makes Jazdia wonder what its purpose actually for. The latch, as she imagined, was an iffy, redundant safety measure that could backfire horribly in case... well that was actually happening now. When the other side was blocked and the invader managed to overrun the fort, all it took would be a single nudge at the lock to trap those people alive. Not really a pleasant aftermath to think about.

"Hey, Mattie. Do you mind holding the torch and taking the lead? The prince recognizes you better. Thank you!"

Saying nothing but a grunt, the Orc Captain took the glowing arrow and walked in front. That was some sense of relief, actually. Besides the tactical advantage, at least Jazdia would not worry about Matilda twisting her neck from behind. They were not really at the friendliest term anyway.

After some quiet walks, the duo finally arrived at the end. The room was even more miserable seeing it up close; dark and cramped, full of people with only two candles lit to serve as the beacons so they won't bump at each other. Taking the most significant space was Cedar the Bear who now walked in four with the Prince beside him.

The young royal, now disguised with peasant garb could be seen offering help to break the door, which barely suffered any damage from the hard labor earlier.

It was Matilda who immediately addressed the boy. "Mil- Kid, we have to go now."

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Cedar was both elated and unnerved to see two more of the rescue team down here with him.

His mind reeled with scenarios that could spawn this eventuality:

Were they fleeing?

Did they come down to get him? (Was it because he didn't come back right away like a called dog? Don't they realize this is some serious shit we're in?)

Something else entirely?

Over the top of all of those thoughts, (why NOW, when I can't afford to answer or act like I recognize them? If I break my cover, the villagers will panic for sure!) He thought anxiously to himself.

He gave the prince a big eyed Puppy faced look, desperate for him to play the act he desperately needed him to do...
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Randomness
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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

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Solomon Sparrow

Location: Fanghorn, Kindeance

The shadow tried different methods of communicating. The prince seemed to understand, but Cedar was annoyingly cautious. To be fair, there were a lot of unknowns that suddenly appeared, and many of them were more capable than the party. Once the soft glow of the enchanted arrow approached the shadow’s form, it slowly faded as it ducked down into the shade cast by the prince’s figure. No longer seen, whatever happened next depended on how Matilda and Jazdia was to react to Cedar’s pet plan.

Upstairs, Solomon had not much else to say. Jazdia was not as willing to forgive and forget as she had led the group to believe. Still through, Solomon hoped his words would still carry some weight on the mind of Silas. If war was to break out between Meche and Kindeance, or even just enough of a dispute to dethrone the king, there would be consequences. Whatever Silas’ father had planned for his lordship, his rule, for the country, he may enjoy the initial victory, but the long term may lead the family distraught. Hopefully, Silas would now consider his plans more carefully.

“Well now, Petra. You can return to the earth or adventure with us a bit more. I’ll allow you this choice. Just know, that I expect your further cooperation should the need arise.” said Solomon. Jazdia and Matilda had entered the cellar, Silas’ company had left to help the townsfolk, and Chounan was conversing with Yvonne. This gave Solomon an opportunity to organize. He already had finished with his possessions, so a roll call was now in order. He knew for sure that Bartholomew, August, Violet, and his various skeletons and shadows had been destroyed. Their souls, the means in which they could rise again were at rest, perfectly persevered, bound between the pages of the large death tome strapped safely with Solomon. What remained was Petra, and several shadows.

“I do not like you.” said Petra coldly. She turned her head to face Solomon, but otherwise did not move from her spot by the stairwell. Likewise, her arms remained cross and her face was still frowning.

“And yet you trusted me with your being.” replied Solomon, interrupting the half spectral and bodied mage. She rolled her eyes.

“That isn’t important anymore. I…” she gave a pause, finally letting her arms fall to her sides. “I want to remain out here. I might not be able to feel the warmth of the sun, but I still wish to bask in the light even if it should burn me.”

“Very well.” Solomon looked about the room again. He expected the other’s to have come back from the cellar by now. He was curious as to what was holding them. He then turned back to Petra.

“Speaking of light.” Solomon spoke softly to himself. With a few imperceptible words from his mouth, he called for the other four shadows still at Pesti. Since they had some time for the moment, they should arrive before the party’s next departure. At full speed, the shadows could easily cover the distance between to two towns in the matter of minutes. Solomon expected a brief update on the state of Pesti, the mercenary group that was there, and any other potential call to action the town might have made. Since none of them had come to give warning, he didn’t expect anything worrying, but an update may shed some light on Silas’ motivation.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 31 min ago

"Matilda!' the boy cheered, and immediately handed the shovel to nearby townsfolk as he strode forward to the orc captain. "What happened there? I heard someone familiar and I thought..."

The orc only stood there. "All is well. It's time to go."

Her voice came muffled under her helmet as if she was unsure what to say. But it seemed the prince was as tactful as she hoped to be.
As he walked there, however, Cedar nudged his muzzle at the young boy and looked at him like a lost puppy. The boy nodded and seemed to acknowledge the request.

"I heard there was someone else up there." said the boy as he went closer to the orc. Half whispering, he asked, "Was it Admiral Silas?"

There was a sharp stare being sent to the elf behind her, but the non-human in question only shrugged with an indifferent expression. "I suggest we talk about it on our way back. This place is risky."

The word risky didn't seem to faze Matilda at all, or anyone within earshot. As the orc observed the room, she remembered there were two Von Kruber's servants amongst the crowd, but none said anything dared to make a move, yet.


"Fools!" said someone suddenly. An old, desperate village who have been hunkering not far from them. "Go back there? To your deaths? Hahaha? Go! Go! fewer people to waste the air anyway!"

Matilda paid him no head, nor when the prince expressed his concern about these people. The orc simply snorted as she guided the prince back to the tunnel. "These people can use the same path we took."


When the boy finally returned to Matilda, Jazdia was glad everything went smoothly. Just a few troubled glances as the prince was being escorted away, but surely The orc captain fared better with words than her in this situation.
Standing beside Cedar, Jazdia decided to not ask, but surely she had a lot of things to note regarding their furry squadmate. That would be a headache for another day, it seemed.

"It's been a long day, huh?"

It was at that moment she heard a faint female voice calling out from above, followed by heavy footsteps and whirling noises of iron being swung with great strength. The floor above was solid concrete, but it felt like something heavy was falling above them. The civilians hunkered and covered their heads, some screeched in panic. Yet nobody dared to venture back to the tunnel.

"Sorry! Would you please stay away from the door? The handle is broken!"

A triangle metal thing suddenly jutted out from the gap, followed by a sound of wood being pulled apart. The afternoon sunlight fell down to the room from that broken trapdoor, followed by a makeshift ladder, and a certain blonde maid.

"Yes! More like...Twenty people here! Hello! No need to panic, please evacuate in an orderly manner. Women and children first."

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 31 min ago

Matilda did not stay there long. When the trapdoor successfully wrecked open, the knight captain already escorted the prince through the tunnel. She, of course, had a glimpse of the reckless entry that Delving woman performed. Was it a coincidence? Was there a nefarious plan behind all of that? Maybe, but she was too tired to find out.

"I am sorry but we have to climb again, Your Majesty."

It felt relieving to be able to call the prince by his rightful title again.


For Jazdia, it seemed Matilda had already delegated the effort to see if there was any nefarious and dishonest intention behind this daring rescue for her to solve. Not that she minded it anyway, the bear was so focused on his roleplay as a pet he barely moved or talk, and both Matilda and the boy had already left with nary a word.

Knowing that their abrupt encounter had created an awkward atmosphere between them, Jazdia tried to not be a bother by moving aside and waiting. A simple gesture that barely eased the tension in the maid's face, no matter how well she hid it with her bubbly chuckle. The attentiveness she showed when helping the first survivor down to the twenty was genuine, to say the least.

There was no other survivor left, and no words were spoken between the two blondies until Jazdia walked closer and reached out her hand asking to be pulled out.

"Would you be so kind as to help this old lady? She missed the first queue..."

She only nodded and clasped her hand tightly.

And at that moment, Jazdia knew this maidservant with a frilly white dress was no joke.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Chounan will just nod on Yvonne replied. Putting it as an additional option when the time he is done with the mission.

Chounan used one of mana potion to replenish his ki into full. He with the legs crossed and both of his arms on the knees. He closed his eyes to concentrate. The ki releasing from his body and evaporated on air. The regeneration of his went faster than normal human have. His bruises both of his arms faded away same thing on his stabbed marked. He woke up panting. Felt thirsty.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 7 mos ago

After moving up the passageway sufficiently to be past earshot and visibility of the villagers that had been trapped in the cellar, Cedar padded closer to Matilda and Alec, addressing the former, while standing near the latter.

"So, wat da plan? E'res just too damn many people as shoul'n' be in taown... Cain't be coicidence! Izzat why ya wann'd meh ta go back up? What goin on?"

So many questions, and short on time-- It sounded like he was an excitable child-- though to most humans learning his actual age, they seemed convinced of that fact regardless.

"Whe're we gunna secu're da prince at?"
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 31 min ago

The maid tentatively escorted everyone including Jazdia out of the crumbling building. As the crowd dispersed, however, the elf remained; it was the first time for Jazdia to see directly the devastation the city has suffered. If she had words to describe it, it looked like both war and disaster had ravaged this place on the same time.

"Is there something else I can help you?" she maid asked. There was still a substantial distance between them, but Jazdia could hear her clearly.

The urgency to complete this mission clicked and shifted aside the empathy. What was done is done, now she should be focus on the task ahead. To that call, elf smiled as she walked closer. "How lovely of you!" and paused her words in a chortle. "There was one actually, would you mind taking me to your admiral?

"Well...I am sure you can find it yourself. If there is nothing else I gotta--"

"No, please! As you can see I am a stranger in this land and going alone would attract problems. There are always riff-raffs at the most difficult times, and nobody wants that. It is important, you see... regarding the plan we have discussed earlier."

Despite her calm disposition, Jazdia was trained enough to see a slight change in her expression before the maid could quickly force a smile. It seemed that the request was both unexpected and to be expected at the same time. Jazdia did not discounted the chance of Delvings planning some nefarious plan to abduct the prince, thus explaining their unexpected encounter. But recalling the event, she sure Matidal had left with the prince before this maid could gain an entry. A pure coincidence? Maybe not, but even so, the opportunity had passed away.

One thing for sure, the word admiral and plan convinced the maid. She played along, both women did not detach their mask cordiality and decided to prolong their charades.

"Of course, be happy to help."

"Splendid! You lead the way, yes?"

Despite saying that, the elf walked passed her and took the lead, resulting in the other woman following in sheer confusion, trying to keep up the pace.

The maid now walked beside her. A young woman in her early twenties she was, wearing a white dress that seemed too fancy for a mere servant uniform. Her weapon was a full-sized, two-handed sword she was currently carrying by having it rested on her shoulder, making the showy placement betray her usually cheerful demeanor as if her blade was ready for sinister employment should she decide to slash the sketchy elf beside her.

"Who was he to you anyway?" Jazdia asked, it was not out of curiosity, just to break the ice, and nothing more. And in exchange, the maid gave her an inquisitive look.


"Admiral Silas. He is a capable man, surely he doesn't need a bodyguard."

It took her some time to reply, and when she did, both her voice and expression were almost unreadable, save a small hint of displeasure.

"I am his servant."

No more words changed as they walked through the muddy road of Fanghorn. The tension has unintentionally remained so since their unplanned encounter at the bunker, and it seemed her last question only exacerbated it. Did she push a hidden button just now? Perhaps.

The Admiral was not far, just a block away from that collapsed building, seemingly busy with coordinating the evacuation effort with the two of his men. When they glanced at the approaching blondies, the effort halted, his men alerted, while some civilian males sounded a lecherous whistle.

Silas maintained a dignified posture as he greeted her. "Is there anything I can help you, ma'am?"

"We talked about your plan," said Jazdia without a preamble, and only continuing after brazenly pushing the man a few steps away from any possible prying ears. "You will ride ahead of us, keep your presence minimal to the rest of my team, but don't get too far. For that plan, I will need your horses, three of them."

The Admiral answered with a few nods.

"Understood. My men will stay to assist the commoners. Is there anything else?"

"Yeah, ask one of them to find a carriage. Our late Baron had one stored in the storage room inside the inner wall. Once you find it, park it and the horses near the city gate, and begin your outriding. Don't worry I will know it when the preparation is completed on your end."

Jazdia shook her head and swept her forehead, excusing herself to vent the accumulated frustration under her breath. At least Silas seemed to share the sense of urgency she felt right now. How reliable the man playing his role in this plan was still remained to be seen however.

"Sorry. This will be my last request. I will need your coat, take it off."

Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The samurai started to feel burden on his eyes. Tired and felt dehydrated. Chounan who had been a night watch for the party went unconscious after the meditation. He was still with the crossed leg but his upper body was leaned forward and an arms were gave up. Eyes bags can be seen if it got notice for too long.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 31 min ago

When Cedar asked about the plan, the image of desperate civilians they just encountered played in her mind. It more or less represented the damage they had done on the surface, such damage would hard to miss. As much as she hated it, Jazdia and that damn Delving whelp were right. It was not the time to rest yet, and her option was limited.

"Where was that elf? Is she behind us?"


The orc shook her head and slowed her pace. And it was not because the elf went on the opposite way. No, that particular long-ear always had her own way of dealing with things, indeed seemed sketchy and suspicious sometimes, and she wondered if she had gotten used to it. The only logic that prevented Matilda from twisting her neck at any opportunity was because her king trusted her on a level she could never grasp.

He was all for a quick departure, but noticing that the prince was struggling to keep up the pace, she relented, and that was the reason.

"We get the heck outta here fast," she answered Cedar without looking back. The irony of such a straightforward answer was that she herself had no plan of how to do it. "There was an opinion concluding that we have been compromised, and suspected that enemy agents are inbound. That was why I ordered Solomon to send you the signal."

The boy peered back at the talking bear as if saying "I told you so"

"Err, about Admiral Silas. Did you meet him? Was it really him I heard earlier?" The young prince fidgeted after several attempts to remind Matilda of his unanswered question. Even in the dark tunnel, the enthusiastic glitter in his eyes was apparent.

At that question, Matilda sighed. "Yes."

"Is he going with us?"

"No, we sent him away." she answered and bothered a moment to curse Jazdia under her breath before turning to the boy again. "Doesn't mean he wouldn't try. Young Majesty, the information about your circumstances is very sensitive, please refrain from interacting with anyone save those who I have introduced as your rescuer. Please understand that it is for your own safety."

They finally reached the door leading to the cellar, and Matilda immediately stomped her way back up.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 7 mos ago

The bearman snuffed, raised an eyebrow and made an amused expression at Matilda's rebuttal of the prince's hero-worship for that slimy, rancid fish-- this "Admiral Delving," returning the "I told you so" expression tit for tat.

"We shud git goin'-- We stays in one place-- and dey's af'er us-- it gunna be bad. Kid, I's stickin' ta ya like pinetar & cockleburs. Sumbudy wants ta 'nap ya a'gin, gunna have a right angry bear up e're arses firs."

and with that-- he followed the pair through the cellar and back upstairs.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Chounan shook his head. Recollected from his action and the burden inside of him. He stood up and went to an empty room, far from the rest of the recovering fellow party members. He sat on the floor and stripped his kimono into topless. Unsheathed his wakizahi and aim directly on his abdomen. A stabbed right to the his flesh, bleeding it out. He endured the pain and open his bowel. His faced landed on the ground. A samurai always be a samurai. Chounan found dead bathing his own blood on the cold and lonely empty room.
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