Phantom Brigade Crew

Captain Haymar Karsten- In charge of the Brigade's crawler and all personal, an experienced commander from Vinland who volunteered to command the crawler and lead the mission. He has served on over a dozen peacekeeping missions and has considerable experience operating without supply, formerly a Captain in the Vinland 63rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, Vinland's own inhouse OPFOR. Captain Karsten has versed himself in Ruvi equipment, tactics, and put it to use in creative ways regularly defeating experimental units, guest forces, and others at their training ground. This has led to the the unofficial name of the regiment becoming "Giant's Hand". For their sudden and overwhelming attacks even when outnumbered, Captain Karsten family are from Gyrland two generations back thus making his an easy choice to head up the crawler.

Commander Walter Kaas, formerly a captain of the Royal Guard and the only member to be outside Gyrland when the nation came under attack. Known as the Black Hound for his dogged pursuit of foes and no mercy attitude when facing the foe. He has spent his time over the last ten years training pilots and helping develop the equipment for this mission. He see's the Phantom Brigade as his project and his duty to save Gyrland, he believes royal must still live somewhere and hopes to locate them on this mission. He was not thrilled about Vinland having final say over the roster of who would be on the mission.

Formerly of the Hollis Institute research team, Hugo life was nearly ended while escaping Gyrland when he stayed behind to detonate a damage prototype. Surviving the blast his mangled limbs had to be cut away, it would be nearly a year before he would walk again and ever longer before he could get back to his work. Pops is sour and sarcastic man with little patience for poor performance, however he is master at Frame engineering and tuning. No one better or more dedicated to the cause could be located, though be careful if he has yet to have his morning cup of coffee.

James Remington formerly of the Vinland 4th Marine's, the Magnificent Bastards. Assigned to be in charge of the crawlers security detail and compliment. James is lieutenant with a love of arts, history, and more originally joining the military after college to help pay off his debt, he found military life surprisingly pleasant. He joined the Phantom Brigade hoping to do more than train and practice as he believes no one would be foolish enough to attack Vinland and it's rather powerful standing military. He believes heavily freedom and Vinland's ideals, wanting to bring democracy and freedom to people who have never known it.

Another former member of the Hollis institute, Doctor Dunstan is an expert in surgery and cybernetic's having been responsible for some of the more impressive cybernetics found in Gyrland before the war. He signed on not only to free his country but with the promise of being able to treat the people of Gyrland and help those currently unable seek aid in Imperial held cities. Doctor Dunstan is also responsible for keeping pilots in good shape and monitoring their Frame's to ensure their do not endanger themselves to much. As well review the data and make notes on what could be done to make the equipment, designs, and weapons safer for future use.

Formerly of Vinland's 1st company marine recon regiment, where he was a staff sergeant. Duston is a capable scout and spotter able to survey and observe better than most. Making use of ATV's, jeeps, and he is in charge of the scouts the crawler sends out to look for enemies, supplies, friendlies, and more. While usually found tinkering with the vehicles onboard Duston is a dedicated soldier and scout with a career military service in mind. He views serving in Gyrland as just another tour of duty with less rules at least, he is similar to negative perceptions of how many around the world view Vinlanders as loud and brash gun nuts with heavy accents.

Grandson of Hugo and recently graduated with honors in Vinland, Freddy was merely twelve when his home country fell assimilating into life in Vinland under his grandfather's care he attended college. When his grandpa volunteered to oversee the Phantom Brigade Freddy refused to let him go without him. As such the talented young engineer has become a defacto second to the old man. His bright and chipper attitude a stark contrast to his more moody grandfather.

Amber is young researcher and engineer from Vinland's department of war, she is responsible for tuning and maintaining the weapons used on the Frames. Her current goal is the maintenance of the frames but secondary objective is to provide information for Vinland to use in rolling more cut down versions of the weapons and prototype gear for mass production. She is nervous about working in a warzone but eager to spend time among the crew and make friends. She brought with her, her pet cat "Mittens" who has tank up resident in any empty box he can find, much to the annoyance of her brother.

Upon his sister receiving her assignment, Jack up and left his job as a Frame repair specialist for Frame boxing company in the Union to join the Brigade. Not wanting his sister to be alone and out of country Jack also hopes to learn more about Frames and use the experience (and hopefully pay) to start his own business building and repairing Frames. While on the side he hopes to meet someone in Gyrland as his love life in the Union has not gone well.

Vinland born and bred mechanic who's family have been working on Frame's since Vinland invented them, while she prefers to tinker and experiment reactors over tightening bolts she is adept at both. However a short temper and little patience for shenanigans, she and Jack fight constantly and often with little needed to set them off against one another. As since they met he started calling her firecracker... And she tossed a hammer at his head they have proven capable pair if tense.

Henry, Colt, and Winchester Tailor, these three brothers head up the different squads that provide security for the crawler. Distinguished only by their dyed hair colors, they were formerly in the Vinland army, figuring it would be interesting and that they'd get to go to new places. They agreed to join the brigade as ground forces... Maybe a mistake but hey! They are here and have each other. It can't go that wrong, right?

A doctor hailing from a small nation within the Federation, Matthew is capable doctor and diagnostician with an expertise in battlefield medicine. While not the most capable surgeon he knows the best ways to quick and safely keep a person going in the worst situations, as such his main role is to perform medical check up and mental health checks on the crew.

Ada is a former member of the Gyrland's Homeguard joining as scout she hopes to use the name of the Phantom Brigade to bring back hope to little villages like her own. A dreamer with a big heart and bigger ambitions, when the war is over she hopes to become a singer, right now she plays music and tries find pirate radio stations to listen to anything other than propoganda.

Former Gyrlander Noble, her piloting abilities are lack luster and her aim is poor but she is dead set on helping and she has a good set of eyes... If she can learn to keep quiet. Mia eager to help though must carefully watched... Her eagerness to do a job can cause it to go wrong... Also don't let her cook, it may just poison the crew, again.

Lady Grey is goes by that name alone, holding no official position and no title on the crawler. She is seen to watch and observe goings on, regularly leaving and returning to the Crawler like a scout. Going through paper work from the entire crew, the rumor is she is from Vinland's Secret Intelligence service and is using the Crawler as a base to gather intelligence on Ruvi's and Avrupa as a whole. Though no one is certain, one thing for sure is she loves to watch people work around the crawler.

Captain Haymar Karsten- In charge of the Brigade's crawler and all personal, an experienced commander from Vinland who volunteered to command the crawler and lead the mission. He has served on over a dozen peacekeeping missions and has considerable experience operating without supply, formerly a Captain in the Vinland 63rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, Vinland's own inhouse OPFOR. Captain Karsten has versed himself in Ruvi equipment, tactics, and put it to use in creative ways regularly defeating experimental units, guest forces, and others at their training ground. This has led to the the unofficial name of the regiment becoming "Giant's Hand". For their sudden and overwhelming attacks even when outnumbered, Captain Karsten family are from Gyrland two generations back thus making his an easy choice to head up the crawler.

Commander Walter Kaas, formerly a captain of the Royal Guard and the only member to be outside Gyrland when the nation came under attack. Known as the Black Hound for his dogged pursuit of foes and no mercy attitude when facing the foe. He has spent his time over the last ten years training pilots and helping develop the equipment for this mission. He see's the Phantom Brigade as his project and his duty to save Gyrland, he believes royal must still live somewhere and hopes to locate them on this mission. He was not thrilled about Vinland having final say over the roster of who would be on the mission.

Formerly of the Hollis Institute research team, Hugo life was nearly ended while escaping Gyrland when he stayed behind to detonate a damage prototype. Surviving the blast his mangled limbs had to be cut away, it would be nearly a year before he would walk again and ever longer before he could get back to his work. Pops is sour and sarcastic man with little patience for poor performance, however he is master at Frame engineering and tuning. No one better or more dedicated to the cause could be located, though be careful if he has yet to have his morning cup of coffee.

James Remington formerly of the Vinland 4th Marine's, the Magnificent Bastards. Assigned to be in charge of the crawlers security detail and compliment. James is lieutenant with a love of arts, history, and more originally joining the military after college to help pay off his debt, he found military life surprisingly pleasant. He joined the Phantom Brigade hoping to do more than train and practice as he believes no one would be foolish enough to attack Vinland and it's rather powerful standing military. He believes heavily freedom and Vinland's ideals, wanting to bring democracy and freedom to people who have never known it.

Another former member of the Hollis institute, Doctor Dunstan is an expert in surgery and cybernetic's having been responsible for some of the more impressive cybernetics found in Gyrland before the war. He signed on not only to free his country but with the promise of being able to treat the people of Gyrland and help those currently unable seek aid in Imperial held cities. Doctor Dunstan is also responsible for keeping pilots in good shape and monitoring their Frame's to ensure their do not endanger themselves to much. As well review the data and make notes on what could be done to make the equipment, designs, and weapons safer for future use.

Formerly of Vinland's 1st company marine recon regiment, where he was a staff sergeant. Duston is a capable scout and spotter able to survey and observe better than most. Making use of ATV's, jeeps, and he is in charge of the scouts the crawler sends out to look for enemies, supplies, friendlies, and more. While usually found tinkering with the vehicles onboard Duston is a dedicated soldier and scout with a career military service in mind. He views serving in Gyrland as just another tour of duty with less rules at least, he is similar to negative perceptions of how many around the world view Vinlanders as loud and brash gun nuts with heavy accents.

Grandson of Hugo and recently graduated with honors in Vinland, Freddy was merely twelve when his home country fell assimilating into life in Vinland under his grandfather's care he attended college. When his grandpa volunteered to oversee the Phantom Brigade Freddy refused to let him go without him. As such the talented young engineer has become a defacto second to the old man. His bright and chipper attitude a stark contrast to his more moody grandfather.

Amber is young researcher and engineer from Vinland's department of war, she is responsible for tuning and maintaining the weapons used on the Frames. Her current goal is the maintenance of the frames but secondary objective is to provide information for Vinland to use in rolling more cut down versions of the weapons and prototype gear for mass production. She is nervous about working in a warzone but eager to spend time among the crew and make friends. She brought with her, her pet cat "Mittens" who has tank up resident in any empty box he can find, much to the annoyance of her brother.

Upon his sister receiving her assignment, Jack up and left his job as a Frame repair specialist for Frame boxing company in the Union to join the Brigade. Not wanting his sister to be alone and out of country Jack also hopes to learn more about Frames and use the experience (and hopefully pay) to start his own business building and repairing Frames. While on the side he hopes to meet someone in Gyrland as his love life in the Union has not gone well.

Vinland born and bred mechanic who's family have been working on Frame's since Vinland invented them, while she prefers to tinker and experiment reactors over tightening bolts she is adept at both. However a short temper and little patience for shenanigans, she and Jack fight constantly and often with little needed to set them off against one another. As since they met he started calling her firecracker... And she tossed a hammer at his head they have proven capable pair if tense.

Henry, Colt, and Winchester Tailor, these three brothers head up the different squads that provide security for the crawler. Distinguished only by their dyed hair colors, they were formerly in the Vinland army, figuring it would be interesting and that they'd get to go to new places. They agreed to join the brigade as ground forces... Maybe a mistake but hey! They are here and have each other. It can't go that wrong, right?

A doctor hailing from a small nation within the Federation, Matthew is capable doctor and diagnostician with an expertise in battlefield medicine. While not the most capable surgeon he knows the best ways to quick and safely keep a person going in the worst situations, as such his main role is to perform medical check up and mental health checks on the crew.

Ada is a former member of the Gyrland's Homeguard joining as scout she hopes to use the name of the Phantom Brigade to bring back hope to little villages like her own. A dreamer with a big heart and bigger ambitions, when the war is over she hopes to become a singer, right now she plays music and tries find pirate radio stations to listen to anything other than propoganda.

Former Gyrlander Noble, her piloting abilities are lack luster and her aim is poor but she is dead set on helping and she has a good set of eyes... If she can learn to keep quiet. Mia eager to help though must carefully watched... Her eagerness to do a job can cause it to go wrong... Also don't let her cook, it may just poison the crew, again.

Lady Grey is goes by that name alone, holding no official position and no title on the crawler. She is seen to watch and observe goings on, regularly leaving and returning to the Crawler like a scout. Going through paper work from the entire crew, the rumor is she is from Vinland's Secret Intelligence service and is using the Crawler as a base to gather intelligence on Ruvi's and Avrupa as a whole. Though no one is certain, one thing for sure is she loves to watch people work around the crawler.
Battle-Frame Appearance:

Description of Frame and capabilities: Firing a specialized revolving cylindered Frame hand cannon with multiple ammo types and making use of a super heated sword. The Cavalier while descended from the Frame's the royal guard used has lost all of it's decorative designs and embellishments to make it ready for war. Making use of an over taxed Therranite Reactor the massive shoulder fins radiate heat outwards to prevent the pilot from cooking alive. A medium Frame with the speed of a light thanks to it's simple arms and composite armor as well as enhanced performance. The Cavalier's biggest danger is that if it's fins were damaged it must cut back on power use or risk killing it's own pilot. Formerly a test machine not meant for full combat, the Black Hound himself choose this Frame for the mission believing being one of the few who can truly put this Frame to use without getting cooked in the cockpit.

Description of Frame and capabilities: Firing a specialized revolving cylindered Frame hand cannon with multiple ammo types and making use of a super heated sword. The Cavalier while descended from the Frame's the royal guard used has lost all of it's decorative designs and embellishments to make it ready for war. Making use of an over taxed Therranite Reactor the massive shoulder fins radiate heat outwards to prevent the pilot from cooking alive. A medium Frame with the speed of a light thanks to it's simple arms and composite armor as well as enhanced performance. The Cavalier's biggest danger is that if it's fins were damaged it must cut back on power use or risk killing it's own pilot. Formerly a test machine not meant for full combat, the Black Hound himself choose this Frame for the mission believing being one of the few who can truly put this Frame to use without getting cooked in the cockpit.
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